Aphorisms and quotes about enemies. Dream Interpretation Eyes

I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends. Abraham Lincoln

Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes. Antisthenes

The one who fights with us strengthens our nerves, sharpens our skills and abilities. Our enemy is our ally. Edmund Burke

Of all the enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend. Shota Rustaveli

Our enemies are much closer to the truth in their judgments about us than we are ourselves. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A person is often his own worst enemy. Marcus Tullius Cicero

The real way to take revenge on your enemy is to not be like him. Marcus Aurelius

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few. Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki

There is no surer way to encourage an enemy than to show that you are afraid of him. James Fenimore Cooper

There is no greater misfortune than despising your enemies. Lao Tzu

And you are allowed to learn from the enemy. Publius Ovid Naso

Forgiving your enemies is The best way piss them off. Oscar Wilde

Beware of the humbled enemy. Robert Burton

There are two to be feared: one is a strong enemy, and the other is a treacherous friend. Unsur Al-Maali

You need to serve your friends in order to strengthen their friendship, and your enemies in order to gain their friendship. Cleobulus

There will be no agreement between us until we find a common enemy. Isocrates

He who shows pity for the enemy is merciless towards himself. Francis Bacon

The enemy's corpse smells good. Vitellius Aulus

For the wounded, the cure for pain is the pain of the enemy. Publilius Syrus

He who does not look for friends is his own enemy. Shota Rustaveli

Don’t make fun of those who are ridiculed - you will make enemies in them. Cleobulus

Our real enemies are within ourselves. Jacques-Benigne Bossuet

A soldier should fear his superior more than his enemies. Clearchus

Envy is the enemy of the happy. Epictetus

He who is wise fears the enemy and the powerless. Publilius Syrus

The most dangerous enemy is the one you are unaware of. Fernando de Rojas

There are no small enemies. Benjamin Franklin

In misfortune a friend is known and an enemy is exposed. Epictetus

Carelessness is a worse enemy than the enemy's army. Pierre Corneille

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know. Arthur Schopenhauer


The greatest enemy is hiding where you least look for him.
Gaius Julius Caesar

The Bible teaches us to love our neighbors, it also teaches us to love our enemies; maybe because they are the same people.
G. Chesterton

If you have an enemy, do not repay him for evil with good: this will humiliate him. On the contrary, convince him that he did you good.
F. Nietzsche

How many slaves, so many enemies.

After all, one cannot be an enemy of fire just because it sometimes burns; one must remember that it always warms.
Maksim Gorky

The gifts of enemies are harmful.

He who knows about the danger, but is not aware, is the enemy.
I.V. Goethe

After the intoxication of victory, there is always a feeling of great loss: our enemy, our enemy is dead! Even the loss of a friend is not as deeply regretted as the loss of an enemy.
F. Nietzsche

In misfortune the enemy is recognized and exposed.

Wash your hands, brother, from that friend who hangs around with your enemies.

Long tongues sow enmity between neighbors and between peoples.
W. Scott

An enemy who is wise and knows a lot may be more valuable than a friend. Wisdom should be respected by enemies and friends.
Muhammad ibn Ali As – Samarkandi

More dangerous than a friend is a loved one who turns out to be an enemy.
Sh. Rustaveli

You can fight the enemy in two ways: firstly, by laws, and secondly by force. The first method is inherent in man, the second - in beasts.
N. Machiavelli

Man is your worst enemy.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends.
A. Lincoln

A friend is dear to me, but an enemy can also be useful: a friend will show me what I am capable of, but an enemy will teach me what to do.
F. Schiller

Only mediocrity has no enemies.
J. Le Rond Alembert

Reconciliation with enemies only speaks of fatigue from the struggle, fear of defeat and the desire to take a more advantageous position.
K. Chapek

A treacherous friend is the most dangerous enemy.
G. Fielding

Enmity between loved ones can be especially irreconcilable.

Do not think at all or think less often about enemies.
And Chekhov

Evil done to you is just as easy to forgive as if it is done to others. It is much more difficult to forgive people for the evil that we ourselves have caused to them; this is what it really requires great strength spirit.
S. Maugham

The enemy is not the one who causes offense, but the one who does it deliberately.

Hidden enmity is more dangerous than overt one.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

A true enemy will never leave you.
S.E. Lec

It would be easier for me to reconcile all of Europe than a few women.
Louis XIV

Better an obvious enemy than a vile flatterer and hypocrite.
Peter I

Enemies are people just like ourselves; that's why they can't be trusted.
R. Pil

The more dangerous enemy is the one who pretends to be your friend.
G. Skovoroda

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.
T. Mann

To think that a powerless enemy cannot harm is to think that a spark cannot create a fire.

12 Feb 2019 admin

As usual, the girl's lover's best friend arouses hostility. And I was extraordinarily lucky - he caused a wave of desire and passion in me. Goodbye, Slavik! And thank you so much for meeting Sasha!

An envious person is like a player in the virtual world, dying again and again at the sight of his opponent's success.

When envy cannot be avoided, you need to turn it into good, tripling your efforts and not putting a spoke in the wheels of others.

I don't consider being stabbed in the back mean. You just should never relax and turn your back on the enemy.

Best status:
Only former friends capable of becoming your worst enemies, because only they know everything about you...

There are no friends here. Only enemies. Fake smiles. Looks full of envy and false delight. Some are reptiles and meanly attacking from behind.

Only the enemy is capable of saying to the enemy’s face what he really thinks. Friends and lovers cannot do this; mutual obligations force them to lie to each other constantly.

An envious person is his own very first enemy, without realizing it, with his envy he causes irreparable harm to his mental health.

The world is ruled by three nasty people. And their names are: Envy, Jealousy, Malice.

Present your dream as a gift to your enemies, let them die out like mammoths trying to realize it!

I love enemies - they are very good on a skewer

Vodka is our enemy... But who said that we are afraid of enemies?!

When you can’t lift your shoulders, And every inhalation and exhalation is an enemy. I know for sure that time heals. Corny, yes! But it is so!

Keep your friend close and your enemy closer...

if you want to prevent your enemy from hacking your password, enter his name...

Since I know from my own experience how painful it can be when you are abandoned without explanation, I decided not to explain anything to you. Just for now!

I don’t understand what love is. Is this happiness, or is love the enemy...?!

I walk among the people and keep my eyes open: people do not forgive me for the fact that I do not envy their virtues.

Enemies are sometimes much more loyal than friends. Friends will always step aside if you don't need them. Faithful enemies will NEVER leave you!

No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people.

All enemies on the horns, I'm cool)) xD)

Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.

And the oyster has enemies!

Sometimes it seems that the people most loyal to you are your enemies, they are always there in difficult times

I'm not offended, I'm drawing conclusions. I have no enemies, they have me. I have my own opinion, which I will not give up. I have principles that I adhere to. (c)

Thank you, life - you make me wiser! Thank you, enemy - you make me stronger! Thank you muses for not leaving me... Music, thank you for playing again...

I send my enemies a ray of love and forgiveness... Let it burn you to the ground... FREAKS!

If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but...

Envy is the sister of competition.

The best way for a man to make an enemy is to ask a girl to remain friends!!

judge your enemies - one will become a friend, do not judge your friends - one will become an enemy (p.)

You need to feed your enemies candy, they are a dirty trick on you, you give them candy. And so on until all their teeth fall out!

The easiest enemy is the one who comes at you with fists, the most dangerous is the one who swears allegiance.

After some time, a letter arrives from a friend from the army: “They teach us here to remove snow and cook potatoes. So if the enemy attacks, we will clear the way for him and prepare food for him.”

He is not an enemy or a beloved friend, but the sound of his voice is her favorite sound. (c)

She considers the city insipid and gray, the remnants of her faith are tied to her feelings, and he is no longer an enemy, but a hated friend, but the sound of his voice is her favorite sound...

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends. Lion Feuchtwanger

All the unpleasant things that your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends talk about you behind your back. / Alfred de Musset /

1Gossiping about me is a new sport... compete suckers.

I'll marry a German and avenge my grandfather.

My tongue is my enemy... especially in ICQ...

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies. (c)

Forgive your enemies, but write down their names just in case

Do not consider Charka's friends as friends, for they are your Charka's friends, not your friends.

Never complain about fate. For what? You will upset your friends, you will please your enemies, but you will not help yourself...

Never make excuses - Your enemies won’t believe you anyway, but your friends don’t need it.

From best friend Your sworn enemy is just one handsome guy away.

hey bitch, solve the problem - how big will your bruise be if you text my husband again!?

There is only one way to fight envy: to make the lives of the envious happier and fuller.

The door is locked, and melancholy is lead. Pain in the soul, as if death is near. Just one step can make all the difference. Now you are the enemy, I don’t know how to live...

I throw flowers at my enemies... into a GRAB

You didn’t understand me when you were my friend... maybe you will understand when you become my enemy!

If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but just like that... enroll him in the class of bitches... (C).

Envy is the enemy of the happy.

Never make excuses. Your friends don't need it anyway, and your enemies still won't believe it

Don't look for enemies. That's what you have friends for.

If the enemy does not surrender, then you need to find another enemy

Sometimes, in order to make friends with a person, you need to make a common enemy with him.

Live in such a way that your friends remain and your enemies become friends.

To defeat an enemy, you must first make it.

Moonshine is our enemy! Drive him away! Drive him away!

An enemy is a person who hates your virtues. A friend is a person who doesn't look at your shortcomings.

If you have no enemies, then happiness has turned away from you.

Girls, do you remember the old computer game The Sims 2? Who else created their enemies as terrible creatures, and then mocked them?:D

I know that you are neither friend nor enemy, with pain, with pain, every step...

Don't have a hundred friends, but HAVE all your enemies!

Gossiping about me is a new sport... compete suckers

All the bad things your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends say behind your back.

He who envies others in everything is tormented with unbearable torment. All his life, breathing melancholy and anger, his soul is tied in a knot.

To inflict torment on your envious people is to be in a good mood.

There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others.

There are no real friends... There are real enemies...

You can't love anyone other than your enemies. They are so funny! They always try to trip me up and swear all the time when I jump over it! =).

Never make excuses! Your friends don’t need this, and your enemies still won’t believe you...

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them more.

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.

Honey, I bought myself a dog! Now I finally have someone I can talk to.

Enemies and envious people must be forgiven, but after they are hanged.

If you hate me and lie in my life all the time, then know that this means only one thing: MY LIFE IS MORE INTERESTING THAN YOURS!

You're the sixteenth man I'm leaving, but the first (and perhaps only) I definitely won't miss.

You know, I don’t want to be your girlfriend, although I love you... It’s just that sooner or later we will part and perhaps become enemies. I won’t be able to see you and I’ll die... I’d rather be the most best friend for you... Better...

While you are happy, you have many friends, when times get dark, you are left alone.

she's bright...dresses fashionably...causes the envy of many...boys want her and her enemies hate her...she's the only one...and she's yours...even though you don't know it..

The destructive poison that poisons our souls is envy.

You need to forgive your enemies so that they cry!

Friends can be fake, but enemies are always real

Hey, bitch, solve the problem - how big will your bruise be if you text my husband again!?

What to do? Where to go: To a friend or an enemy? Where will the decision come from? How can I please you, I can no longer understand!

Envy is nothing other than hatred itself, since someone else's misfortune causes pleasure and, conversely, someone else's happiness causes displeasure.

I send my enemies a ray of love and forgiveness... Let it burn you to the ground... FREAKS!

I suggest to all my ill-wishers to suck off the toad that is strangling you!!! You won’t have any more love for me, but shut up for a while!!!

The most important of all destructive passions is envy - the mother of other passions and iniquities.

In this life, everyone has made a mistake at least once.. everyone has loved unrequitedly at least once.. everyone has their own enemies.. because ideal people do not exist.

Friends make life happy, enemies make life interesting.

I prefer that my enemies envy me than I envy my enemies.

The most terrible enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gotten, but didn’t even try!

Love is neither your friend nor your enemy, but only the path... take care of it!

By flattering yourself with what belongs to others, you lose what is yours.

best friend, best enemy, he is the best, you are the best, what the hell does it matter, you are all the fucking best! only when it's bad - none of you best come, damn it

Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun.

I love my enemies because I have few of them.

If you want to defeat the enemy, become him. © SiluyaNova

Stop crying for those who didn’t get us, stop dying for those who didn’t want us.

The most dangerous enemies are the best friends, because only they know all our weaknesses

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.

A bad friend is your best enemy. Monto I.M.

An envious person is his own enemy, because he is tormented by torment voluntarily chosen by him.

It's better to be an honest enemy than a false friend...

Those who, out of whim and vanity, want to succeed in everything at once, are invariably envious. They will always have someone to envy, for it is impossible for many not to be superior to them in at least some way.

Very tasty food can sometimes be your enemy.

The most terrible enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gotten, but didn’t even try!

Is it possible to give the enemy morning exercises instead of dinner?

I don't have enemies, they do.

If a person has no enemies, then that person is worthless.

New acquaintance - new friend- new disappointment - new quarrel - new enemy... Conclusion: we need to eat...

if someone decides to attack Russia, then we will win anyway, because when they see our roads, the enemies themselves will surrender

Yes, I have enemies, but they are just empty-headed losers who envy me.

Friends tell a pleasant truth to a person; Enemies tell unpleasant truths about a person.

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

Enemies are a great stimulant

Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the Bible says, "Love your enemies."

P.S. Better not try to see me again - my Rottweiler is very jealous and very big!

It's better to have a real enemy than a fake friend.

Enemies must be forgiven, but after they are hanged.

If you had to see someone else’s eyes in a dream, then be prepared to confront your enemies, because their machinations will turn out to be a serious obstacle to the fulfillment of your plans. For lovers, the dream book promises the appearance of an insidious and flattering rival.

Had a dream Brown eyes? You will encounter cunning and real treachery. Why do you dream about blue eyes? Your own timidity and uncertainty will be the cause of major failure. Seeing gray eyes can mean deception and communication with an unpleasant person.

If in a dream your own eyes were inflamed or you were unlucky enough to lose one of your visual organs, then the dream book promises disturbing events. The worst thing is if you dreamed of a one-eyed character. This is a sign of great misfortune.

According to the numerological dream book

Why do you dream of eyes glowing in the dark? You have a serious opponent, but you don’t know it yet. Have you seen eyes slowly approaching? In real life, you will fall into a cunning trap. If they leave, then expose the enemy and deprive him of the slightest chance of winning.

Had a dream human face with huge eyes? Constant squabbles and showdowns will begin in the house. If one eye on the face is normal and the other is defective, then you will have to choose. But your choice will most likely be wrong and you will fail. See it on your own or someone else's face more eyes than it should be, means that difficulties related to money are approaching.

According to the dream book of spouses Winter

Why do you dream about the gaze of other people's eyes? A stranger is interested in you, perhaps you have a secret competitor or admirer. Did you dream of sidelong glances? You have a presentiment that you are suspected of something. Seeing a glass eye or a visual organ with a eyesore means that your actions will be misinterpreted.

Have you seen inflamed, slanted or sore eyes? A secret ill-wisher will cause a lot of trouble. Your own sore eyes and deteriorating vision in a dream signal: you do not adequately perceive the current situation and risk making a fatal mistake. Excellent vision at night marks success and the implementation of plans.

According to the modern universal dream book

Why do you dream of blind and sick eyes? Expect failure in business and at work. It is also a symbol of illness, resentment and deception. Healthy eyes in a dream have a completely opposite interpretation and promise joy, success, and luck.

Have you ever seen evil eyes in the night? Enemies are making insidious plans to complicate your existence. For lovers, the dream book prophesies the appearance of a rival. Why do you dream about blue eyes? In a dream, they are associated with powerlessness and timidity. Gray eyes hint at flattery, and brown eyes hint at deception and treachery.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Why do you dream about the Fortune Teller? Seeing a fortune teller in a dream

Did you dream that you only had one eye left? Expect trouble. A man with one eye who appears in a dream warns of such great misfortunes, in comparison with which current failures will seem trivial.

If a woman dreamed that she was blindfolded, then she needs to be more careful, otherwise she will get involved in a bad story. In addition, you risk running into serious reproach from loved ones.

Why do you dream if you are blindfolded and about to be shot? The dream book associates vision with mystery. Perhaps you do not want to notice something or, on the contrary, someone is trying to hide the truth from you. Sometimes blindfolds are part of the rules of the game. In this version, the interpretation of the dream is extremely clear: very unusual and interesting events are approaching.

Did you dream about blindfolding another character? The dream book suggests that you are forced to hide something from those closest to you. If the blindfold covering your eyes is hard and rubs, then this means that you have lost your sanity and freedom of choice. Soft bandage hints at a love interest or romantic date.

According to the ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Why do you dream about an eye that you had to hold in your hand? In reality, you will be incredibly happy to suddenly receive a tidy sum. If the poor dreamer turns out to be blind in a dream, then in reality he will be able to improve his bad situation.

Did you dream that you were blind? Give up any previously planned trips and trips for a while. If you do not follow the advice of the dream book, you will not return home.

If, while away from home, you saw a third eye in your dream, then be careful when moving in a foreign area - you may get lost or get lost. Why does the dreamer who is at home dream about this plot? There is a high chance that you will be robbed.

I dreamed of eyes in the sky, in the dark

Did you dream about other people's eyes? Expect good luck, joy, success. If in a dream a flock of birds tried to peck out your eyes, then creditors will defeat you. Why else do you dream of other people's eyes? Someone is watching you closely, and most likely, his plans are far from good.

Did you happen to see the eyes of an animal, a predator in a dream? In a similar way, the primitive, predatory side of the dreamer’s personality is reflected. The same image is associated with witchcraft and the influence of dark forces.

At the same time, strange, glowing, but obviously friendly eyes promise fantastic luck. Seeing many eyes can lead to happiness and prosperity; having a third one can lead to the awakening of intuition, spiritual knowledge and pregnancy (for women).

Why do you dream of eyes that look at you from the darkness or the crowd? Rest assured: you are being closely watched. Moreover, this can be either an ordinary person or the Higher Ones, including dark forces.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Dream interpretation of making dough

If blue eyes look out of the darkness, then get ready for failure and uncertainty. The evil gaze of eyes from the darkness marks the evil eye, damage, and the intervention of dark forces. This plot predicts the collapse of planned plans and deception. Perhaps quite close people had a hand in this.

Did you dream of kind eyes in the dark? In a dream, the subconscious mind works hard. Dull eyes in the sky or in daylight hint at inadequacy, trouble and even a split personality. If eyes appear in the sky against the backdrop of thunderclouds, then you cannot escape someone else’s anger. You will have to obey any orders unquestioningly.

Why do eyes reflect in a mirror in a dream?

Did you dream about your own eyes reflected in the mirror? If they are big and beautiful, then you will know happiness through children. If they are sick, scary, dull, then they will bring a lot of worries and troubles.

Why do you dream about your colorless eyes in the mirror? This is a sign of soullessness, selfishness, lack of mercy and pity. Did you dream of bulging eyes that literally crawled out of their sockets? The interpretation of the dream is similar and indicates excessive callousness and coldness in relations with the outside world.

Why do you dream if in the mirror you see your face without eyes? This is a sign of spiritual insight, clairvoyance, and sensitive intuition. Finding yourself or another person in a mirror with glowing eyes means that you are being influenced by dark, demonic forces.

Why in a dream the eyes are red, festering, inflamed

Why do you dream of inflamed, red eyes? This is a symbol of resentment, insidious deception, illness and trouble. If in a dream you find your eyes are not in their proper place, then in reality there is a risk of losing your sight or acquiring an eye disease.

Did you dream about festering eyes? You lie too much and don't believe what you say or think. Sometimes the image promises immediate prosperity. Are you unlucky enough to lose your eyes in a dream? The interpretation of the dream is twofold: either you will unexpectedly get rich, or you will get into big trouble.

What do eyes and lenses and glasses mean at night?

Did you dream that you had to wear glasses in a dream? You will live to a ripe old age. But seeing glasses in front of other characters means that you need to take care of your property, otherwise you will suffer serious losses. Why do you dream if you had to visit an ophthalmologist? To achieve your goal, you will resort to the most sophisticated methods.

Did you have a chance to put contact lenses in your eyes in a dream? Because of a stupid act, you will lose friends and luck. Why do you dream if you managed to drop a thin lens on the floor? Indecision will be a serious obstacle. Did you dream about colored contact lenses for your eyes? Relationships with your lover and others will change greatly.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Dream interpretation of losing your mother in a dream

Eyes in a dream - examples of interpretation

To obtain the most accurate decoding, it is necessary to install as many additional details as possible. For example, the color and condition of the eyes, as well as personal actions in a dream.

  • your blue eyes are good news
  • black - pleasant leisure, relaxation, fun
  • fiery, burning - you will find yourself at a banquet, dinner party, reception
  • multi-colored - names of the chosen one
  • beautiful, very large - happiness, joy, prosperity
  • narrow, ugly - exactly the opposite
  • sand in the eyes - bad conscience, unpleasant discoveries
  • thorn - deception, caring for children
  • speck - reproach, mistake
  • blood – eye disease, problems from blood relatives
  • tears - mercy, participation, repentance
  • empty eye sockets - suspicions, losses, bad luck, death of parents
  • one-eyed person - misfortune, separation from a loved one
  • child's eyes - tenderness, rebirth, good deeds
  • strangers blue eyes- failure, mistakes
  • brown - deception, meanness, cunning
  • green - inconstancy, deception, ardent passion
  • black - false friendship, separation
  • gray – excessive gullibility
  • multi-colored - meeting a two-faced person
  • colorless - decline, loss of position, job
  • with a drag - a charming enemy, rival
  • gouge out the eyes of another - you will turn others against you, you will suffer from jealousy
  • pecked by birds - victory over enemies
  • inflamed - anxiety, bad events
  • red - trouble with a familiar person
  • bulging - struggle, competition
  • omitted - you will soon fall in love, shame, pricks of conscience
  • closed - good news, pleasure
  • blinking - losses, losses due to one’s own fault
  • to lose anyone's eye - anxiety, accident
  • both - trouble with children, useless work, confusing situation
  • follows - betrayal, troubles, death of a loved one
  • tears - a catch, betrayal, setup
  • loss of the left eye – separation, death of a son, brother
  • on the right - the same for a friend
  • blindfolded - search, spiritual development, comprehension of magical science
  • tie to another - existing knowledge must be transferred
  • rubbing your eyes - the need to see more
  • cry - cleansing, spiritual awakening
  • spit - ridicule, accusation, reproach
  • stare - surprise, shock, discovery
  • look into the eyes - distrust, misunderstanding
  • to follow someone with your eyes - well-being, wealth, observation
  • poor vision - losses, deterioration of financial situation, poverty
  • someone else's eye on the table, in another place - fear of punishment, revelation of secrets, details of life
  • many eyes - valuable finds, profit, gaining knowledge

If in a dream you happened to cut an onion and constantly wipe your eyes with your hand from tears, then prepare for the fact that secret rivals or ill-wishers will take a step after which you will find yourself in a not the best position.

If your enemy is hungry, feed him with bread; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink: for in doing this you are heaping burning coals on his head.
Proverbs of Solomon. 25:21

Your Excellency has enemies, but not rivals.
Sardinian general Count Saint-André - to Suvorov

I have not made a single unwanted enemy.
Norman Tebbit

We are so similar to our enemies that we could be buried in a mass grave.
Arkady Davidovich

People in power, like Indians, inherit all the qualities of the enemies they killed.
Robert Peel

Enemies are people just like ourselves; that's why they can't be trusted.

CAT: My greatest enemy is the dog. DOG: Mine too.
Karel Capek

An enemy is a potential friend.
Ya. Krotov

An enemy occupies more space in our thoughts than a friend does in our heart.
A. Bujar

Everyone in the world has enemies,
But save us from our friends, God!
These are my friends, my friends!..
A. Pushkin

You must have enemies, otherwise they will become friends.
G. Malkin

It is easy to forgive enemies when you do not have enough intelligence to harm them; and it is easy for a man with a pimply nose to be chaste.
G. Heine

The person who makes the most enemies in the world is the person who is straightforward, proud, scrupulous and prefers to accept everyone for what they are, and not for what they have never been.
N. Chamfort

Respectable people make more enemies with their speeches than bad people with their deeds.
Jean Paul

If the praise lavished by friends sometimes gives reason to doubt their sincerity, then the envy of enemies deserves complete trust.
K. Immerman

If you do not want to make enemies for yourself, then try not to show your superiority over people.
A. Schopenhauer

If you have no enemies, you are in the same situation with your friends.
E. Hubbard

If you have no enemies, then happiness has turned away from you.
T. Fuller

If you want to rise, make enemies for yourself.
C. Talleyrand

Of all the enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend.
Sh. Rustaveli

Of our enemies, we should fear the smallest ones the most.
J. Lafontaine

When I have no enemies, then I will understand that I am no longer worth anything.
author unknown

It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because obviously after this one of your friends will become your enemy, and one of your enemies will become your friend.

The poor have few enemies, but the rich have even fewer friends.

Only an utter nonentity can have no enemies, so I don’t advise anyone to boast about it.
A. Bujar

Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.

Don't be stingy with your promises, but keep only a few of them, and you will triumph over your enemies.
A. Dante

Hating your enemies is easier and more fun than loving your friends.
B. Russell

The wise learn a lot from their enemies.

People suffer less harm from enemies than from friends, because, fearing enemies, they are wary of them, but in front of their friends they have their hearts wide open, and therefore they can easily deceive them and cause harm.

You can experience more joy and goodness from irreconcilable enemies than from like-minded people who are such only in mind, only in words.
G. Hesse

Sympathy for enemies in trouble is most often caused not so much by kindness as by pride: we sympathize with them so that they understand our superiority over them.
F. La Rochefoucauld

The opinions of our enemies are much closer to the truth about us than our own opinions.
F. La Rochefoucauld

They rarely have enemies through no fault of their own.
P. Buast

A strong man is not afraid of enemies, but he is afraid of friends. Having defeated the enemy with one blow, he does not feel any grief, but he is involuntarily afraid of injuring his friend, like a woman. The weak are not afraid of friends, but they are afraid of enemies. And therefore he sees everyone as an enemy.
A. Ryunosuke

He who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends.
W. Gaslitt

Honest enemies always have more than dishonest ones.
F. Dostoevsky

Man carries within himself the most terrible of his enemies.
J. Lametrie

A man who has no enemies is truly poor.
G. Shaw

I love my enemies, although not in a Christian way. They amuse me, they stir my blood. To be always on guard, to catch every glance, the meaning of every word, to guess the intention, to destroy conspiracies, to pretend to be deceived and suddenly with one push to overturn the entire huge and laborious edifice of their cunning and plans - this is what I call life.
M. Lermontov

All people are in a state of constant combat.

An enemy who is wise and knows a lot,
A friend may be more valuable.
Wisdom must be respected
From enemies and from friends.

An enemy close at hand is better than a friend at a distance.
author unknown

Every “I” is an enemy and would like to be the tyrant of all others.
B. Pascal

The most dangerous enemy is an incompetent official in the highest government position.
V. Zubkov

The powerless is everyone's enemy.
Abkhazian proverb

And the truest enemy lurks in the most faithful friend.
V. Georgiev

A friend is dear to me, but an enemy can be useful: a friend respects what I am capable of, but an enemy will teach me what to do.
F. Schiller

If you have an enemy whom you hate, then wish him fullness of pleasure, the splendor of greatness, many young and beautiful mistresses, colossal wealth, unlimited power - wish him, and you will see how he will perish under the burden of disasters.
J. Robinet

The enemy who pretends to be your friend is much more dangerous.
G. Skovoroda

The most dangerous enemy is the one you are unaware of.
F. Rojas

Buying peace from the enemy means supplying him with the means for a new war.
J. J. Rousseau

Scratch a lover and you will find an enemy.
T. Parker

With every extraordinary act we make an enemy for ourselves. To gain popularity, you have to be mediocre.
O. Wilde

He who shows pity for the enemy is merciless towards himself.
F. Bacon

He who lives by fighting the enemy is interested in the enemy saving his life.
F. Nietzsche

It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.
W. Blake

The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make him a friend.
Henry IV

There is no enemy more cruel than an old friend. To justify a bad deed in his own eyes, he gladly denigrates the one he betrays.
A. Maurois

Among the hated qualities of the enemy, his virtues occupy not the least place.
J. Rostand

The one who does not finish off the enemy is doubly victorious.

A person who is unable to pity an enemy will not pity a friend.
A. Underwater

How to take revenge on your enemy? Try to do him as much good as possible.

Whoever wants to become a leader of people must, for a good period of time, be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.
F. Nietzsche

Enemies are a great stimulant.
author unknown

The enemies are the bath attendants. With their anger against you they wash away your dirt, not theirs.
V. Klyuchevsky

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

The enemies of our enemies are, after all, our friends.
E. Renan

The worst enemies are former friends: they strike at your weaknesses, which they know only, at your most vulnerable place.
B. Gracian

For many, their fame was created by their enemies.
B. Gracian

Our enemies can be more useful to us than our friends, for friends often forgive us our weaknesses, while enemies usually note them... Do not neglect the judgments of your enemies.
L. Tolstoy

Our real enemies are within ourselves.
J. Bossuet

Our years, our debts, our enemies are always in greater number than we believe.
P. Buast

People are inconsolable when they are deceived by their enemies or betrayed by their friends, but they often experience pleasure when they deceive or betray themselves.
F. La Rochefoucauld

    Envy and anger are more terrible than any enemy.

    Respectable people make more enemies with their speeches than bad people with their deeds. Absolutely right. Sometimes you just walk around and get in the way, it’s not clear why and for what reasons, but this is not an enemy, but even worse than any enemy.

    Most of these sayings on this topic have neither logic nor common sense, although written by famous people.