What to do if your child confuses or does not remember the letters of the material (preparatory group) on the topic.  What to do if a child cannot remember letters - “The ABC of Little Poets” continued Why a child remembers letters poorly at 7 years old

What to do if your child confuses or does not remember the letters of the material (preparatory group) on the topic. What to do if a child cannot remember letters - “The ABC of Little Poets” continued Why a child remembers letters poorly at 7 years old

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Before entering school and during the first period of education, children often develop difficulties that parents did not pay much attention to before. After all, for successful learning school curriculum It is not enough to be a “good obedient boy” or a “sweet, cheerful girl.” In addition to these wonderful qualities, one must also have special educational skills.

In the practice of child psychologists, a lot of requests are related precisely to the fact that a child, who previously completely satisfied his parents, turns out to be insufficiently prepared for school. This article provides some advice that is given to moms and dads in such cases. They will be useful to many parents who do not have the opportunity to receive individual consultation with a psychologist.

What to do if a child has difficulty learning poetry, if the kindergarten teacher or teacher complains that he does not remember the material she gives in class? Is it possible to develop children's memory?

IN in this case You can achieve a lot by using special techniques for memorization. The most important of them is figurative representation what you need to remember, attracting a wide variety of associations. One of the techniques that helps to learn this is based on teaching the child to create drawings that reflect the material being learned. It is carried out like this.

The child is asked to “play an interesting game”:

I'll tell you short stories, and you will remember them. In order not to forget anything, you will draw a simple picture for each such story.

Then several simple, unrelated phrases are given to memorize, for example: “The wolf ran out of the forest. The girl was given a doll. Kolya and Masha were playing in the yard. Yesterday it rained, and today the sun is shining.” After each phrase (“story”) there is a long pause so that the child has time to draw a picture to remember it. It is necessary to explain to him that the drawings should be as simple as possible, that there is no need to try to make them beautiful and detailed: this is not a drawing exercise, but a memory game. The main thing is to make the drawing quickly. If the child gets too carried away by the drawing process itself (and at first this is almost inevitable), then you should stop him by saying: “In my opinion, what you drew is already enough to remember. Now listen to the next story."

When creating your first drawings, you will need the help of an adult. Most likely, he will have to suggest their content and encourage the child to limit himself to an extremely schematic image.

How will we remember that it rained yesterday? Let's draw it and cross it out: after all, today it is no longer coming. But we won’t cross out the sun: it’s shining today.

The result will be something like this:

You should not give more than three or four phrases in one lesson. You can remember them on the same day after a few hours or the next day. The child is given his drawings, and he “reads” the “stories” told to him from them. This may also require the help of an adult. For example, if he says: “The rain has stopped and the sun has come out,” then you need to ask him a leading question: “What did we say - when did it rain? That’s right, “it rained yesterday”... What next?” Regardless of how much help the child needed to correctly reproduce the phrases, you need to praise him: “See how well you remembered everything! This means that you have recorded all the stories well with drawings.”

It is advisable to conduct such classes daily or every other day, but no more than one lesson per day. After some time, drawings will no longer be necessary; it will be enough to discuss “what could be drawn to remember the story.” Thanks to such a discussion, the child learns to visualize the memorized material, which will greatly help him in the future at school.

If memory is poor, parents should be especially careful in selecting the material offered to the child for memorization. We must try to minimize its volume, achieving not verbatim memorization, but general understanding. In cases where verbatim memorization is still required, it must be done in small portions, ensuring that each portion is completely memorized before moving on to the next. For example, when memorizing a poem, it is convenient to learn it one quatrain (without trying to repeat the entire poem). However, before starting to learn, you need to discuss the development of the plot in detail with the child, so that later the quatrains do not change places.

How to help a disorganized, disorganized child? What to do if he doesn’t finish anything, starts and quits, doesn’t know how to concentrate, is inattentive?

With the complaints described, it is necessary to teach the child to plan his actions. It should become a mandatory but short stage preceding each action. “Tell me how you will do it” - with such sentences an adult can encourage the child to plan. It can relate to building with blocks (what to build, what building material will be needed for this), putting away toys (what to put where, in what order), drawing, making paper crafts, etc. scrap materials, - in general, to any children's activity.

By highlighting a separate stage of planning as preparation for action, an adult must ensure that plans are implemented so that action is not replaced by its planning. The work must be completed. To increase the value of the results obtained, it is useful to attract the attention of others to them. Show other family members a structure built from cubes, hang an applique made by the child or his drawing on the wall, and attract the attention of friends who come to visit.

All organizational aspects of children's activities should be brought to automaticity. Such individual automatisms make it possible to identify islands of order in the general chaos of the behavior of a disorganized child. Where to start, which area of ​​children's disorganization to streamline and automate first - preparing lessons, the morning ritual of getting ready for school or kindergarten, evening cleaning of toys - parents will decide for themselves. Just don’t grab everything at once and expect immediate results. Each individual automatism must be carefully practiced. A child who does not have self-organization skills needs first maximum, and then gradually decreasing help from adults. If it is always difficult for him to fulfill organizational requirements, then, consequently, they are too high: parents are in a hurry and show inappropriate impatience.

To develop organization and attention, you can offer special tasks aimed at learning sample analysis , correlating it with the result obtained, finding and correcting errors . Here, for example, is the task “Where Pinocchio went wrong”:

Malvina wanted to teach Pinocchio to draw beautiful patterns. She drew a pattern and told him: “Draw exactly the same.” But Pinocchio was distracted all the time, and he got it right and then wrong. Well, find where Pinocchio’s mistakes are and help him correct them.

Patterns might look something like this:

Similar tasks can be given on other materials. For example, another time Malvina may instruct Pinocchio to make a building out of cubes, or assemble a model from a “constructor”, or arrange pictures in a certain order (for this you need to have two identical sets of pictures), or make an applique. The habit of checking and correcting other people's mistakes will subsequently lead to the ability to check yourself, and this is the basis for paying attention to your actions.

January 2012

What to do if your child confuses or does not remember letters

  1. Does your child differentiate between “left” and “right”? The child must be able to

Perform tasks correctly: show your left ear, right leg, etc., show what you see to your left, what’s on your right, what’s in front. If a child writes letters in the wrong direction, this is most often a consequence of unformed concepts of “left” and “right.”

2. Can your child put together six-pack pictures? If he finds it difficult, then this is a consequence of underdevelopment of visual-spatial perception, analysis and synthesis (in this case, start with a set of 4 cubes). Very useful for development spatial representations and visual perception of a game-activity with various “designers” and “builders”.

To make it easier for your child to remember letters, the following techniques are recommended:

An adult writes a “difficult” letter big size(5-6 cm), the child colors it.

Modeling letters from plasticine.

Cutting out letters along the contour.

“Writing” with broad gestures all the letters being studied in the air.

Laying out letters from threads.

Bending letters from wire.

Letters from everything.

Fingers and eyes can become familiar with letters and words at home, in the yard, in the forest.

At home: let the child try to make familiar letters from mosaics, counting sticks, scraps of paper and material, Kinder surprise boxes, peas, and buttons.

In the yard: draw letters with a stick in the sand and snow; Together with your child, come up with riddles about letters (small, round, likes to “ooh”), let the child draw riddles in the sand; lay out letters from dry twigs and leaves, etc.

In the forest: look for letters among the trees, bushes and leaves: a needle is [L], and if you connect it like this, it turns out [O].

Surely, each of you has your own “family games” that you play with your children at home, on vacation, or on the way to kindergarten. Share them with each other.

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anonymous, Female, 37 years old

Hello, Doctor. My son is 4 years and 3 months old. Lives in a bilingual environment (Russian and Bulgarian), speaks two languages ​​normally. Started speaking very early. There have never been any problems with this. We hardly go to the garden (my son has asthma). After repeated repetition of the same information, he does not remember. Even counting to five causes difficulties. For example, he counts correctly once, and then several times (one, two, four, six, eight). I'm trying to teach him how to recognize numbers. She showed the numbers from 1 to 5 many times. The child remembered the number four. The rest, no matter how much they repeated, he could not remember. We learned the alphabet with difficulty; it took several weeks. Now he can easily recognize almost all the letters. He doesn’t want to teach, he has to manipulate and show a lot of patience. I can’t understand how, after 30 or even 50 repetitions of a number, for example, 2, he still doesn’t remember this number. We have a problem or the child is just distracted. How to determine this? What to do? Thank you in advance.

Hello. I’m not a doctor, but let’s try to figure it out from a pedagogical point of view. Under similar circumstances as described by you, it is recommended to visit a neurologist. Before the visit, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the brain and do not prescribe treatment on your own. After all, the problem may lie in neurosis. With this disease they suffer nervous system and the child's brain. Not a very dangerous phenomenon, it is common among children and adults. But it’s not nervousness that affects memory in the best possible way. It is difficult for the child to understand what is happening, and some difficulties also arise with memorization. If the problem is neurosis, then the neurologist will definitely prescribe a set of exercises and may even prescribe pills to increase attentiveness and mental development. In the case of young children, only the first treatment method can usually be used. But for older kids drug treatment is often prescribed. In any case, you will first have to find the cause of the neurosis and cure the disease. Once it goes away, the memory will return to normal. But you still have to train her. The next reason, and a very common one, is not the best heredity. It's no secret that intellectual abilities are passed on from parents to children. And therefore, if mom or dad had memory problems in childhood or as an adult, then the baby may also experience them. Sometimes the cause of impaired memory development is simple lack of sleep. Rarely occurs in children, more relevant for children school age . The following reason is common among children of preschool and school age. Provided that the baby gets enough sleep, we can assume that he simply has hyperactivity syndrome. This, as already mentioned, is a common disease of the central nervous system. Diagnosed as good without any problems. If everything is in order in the field of neurology, with heredity and sleep patterns, too, then you need to pay attention to how often the baby’s mind is trained. This is extremely important. If the brain is not constantly trained, it loses its development. More precisely, it stops. As a result, memory and attention are impaired. And at any age. Correcting the situation is not so difficult. It is enough to regularly train your brain for attentiveness and intelligence. Exercises are developed depending on the age of the baby. As a rule, it is enough for children to attend a variety of development clubs. Sometimes it happens like this - parents think that the child has problems with mental development. But doctors say the opposite. And the baby remembers some specific, seemingly not the most interesting information. But what parents require is not. And if you try to impart knowledge into a child that is not typical for a particular age category, the data received will be entered into short-term memory. The brain simply does not require this or that information. And if there is a suspicion that the child has a poor memory, you must first make sure that the material being presented is appropriate for the child’s age. It has already been said many times that a child needs to constantly train his brain. The following exercises are good for children: often repeat phrases and words, write them with the child on a piece of paper; use copybooks to improve writing; Read a lot to the child, focusing on the key points of the story; you need to speak in short phrases; Look at the pictures more with your baby and judge them. You can also use the “Box” technique. It's a game. There is a box divided into several compartments. In front of the child's eyes, the toy is placed in one cell or another. Then the box is closed. The child is asked to find the placed object, remembering which compartment it is in. The game is relevant for children from 2 to 6 years old. Initially, it is recommended to start with a box divided into 2 parts, increasing the number of sections with age. By school, their number can reach 12 pieces. Memory training is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, so you shouldn’t expect too quick results.


We provide you with several recommendations that will help your child. remember the letters and easily move on to reading syllables. As well as games that you can play with your child at home.

Consultation for parents
“How to help your child remember letters”

At the initial stage of memorizing letters, it is better not to delve into the concepts of “ sound - letter" We need to talk about letters, pronouncing them with sounds: not “be”, but “b”, not “er”, but “r”. At the same time, pronounce them quickly and briefly. This way the child will quickly master the skill of merging sounds (letters) into syllables.

When learning letters, there is no need to use alphabets in which the letter is supported by only one picture, since when recognizing a letter, the child first remembers the picture, and then the name of the letter, and sometimes only the picture.

When coming up with words with a given sound with your child, name several words, not just one, so that he does not associate the letter with any specific object.

To practice isolating the first sound in a word, it is better to start with words where the vowels “a”, “o”, “u”, “e” are at the beginning and under stress (Stork, Donkey, Duck, Echo, etc.), after which you can try to isolate consonants not participating in the merging syllable (k-rot, t-ractor, etc.).

Games to help you remember letters

1. Game “Show the letter”

Draw the given letters using your fingers, palms and the whole body.

Lay out a letter from any material: laces, wire ribbons, counting sticks, mosaics, beads, buttons, matches, pebbles, pencils, noodles, sweets, dryers. You can also mold it from plasticine, salt dough, and draw with your finger and gouache on paper or on cereal, scattered on a tray in a thin layer.

2. Game “Find and name the letter”

Cut out letters from cardboard. Attach cardboard letters to various objects in the common room or the child’s room where you study with him. The principle of attachment is as follows: with which letter the name of the item begins, that letter is attached. For example: “cabinet” - “w”, “table” - “s”, “bedside table” - “t”, and so on. You can leave some letters of mom, dad, brother. For example: “Alla” - “A”, mom, “Kolya” - “K”, dad, draw portraits of relatives for these letters.

It is very useful to find objects in the environment that resemble letters, and also to complete the letters, “transforming” them. The letter “s” looks like a month, “o” looks like a hoop, and “p” looks like a gate.

You can find familiar letters in signs on the street, in books with large print.

3. Game "Architect"

Prepare cards from paper and draw the outline of a letter on each one with a pencil, and let the child color it. Cut each card into 2-4 parts and mix it, and ask the child to fold the letter and name it.

4. Game “Complete the letter”

An image is created for each letter. For example, for the letter “a” we add a pipe, doors, a window - we get “house”. Letters must be large.

5. Game “Find out the letter”

The child must recognize and circle the letters written in dots.

6. Game "What's Wrong"

The child finds letters in a row that are written incorrectly.

7. Game “Find and Underline”

Invite your child to find and underline (circle) a certain letter in the text. You can use unnecessary newspapers and advertising sheets for this game. The font should be large.

8. Alphabet darts game

Hang a poster on the wall - the alphabet. Throw a small ball at a certain letter and name it.

9. Game “Magnetic ABC”

You can attach it, for example, to the refrigerator and perform the following exercises: “Guess which letter”, “Which letter is missing?”, “Which letter is extra?”, “Which letter does the word begin with...”

10. Educational computer programs, cartoons, songs, poems about letters, bright alphabet books, coloring books also help remember letters .

I wish you success!

Olkhovskaya Olga Ivanovna,
teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 66″,
Kemerovo region, Prokopyevsk