What to do when a child pees in his sleep.  Bedwetting in children

What to do when a child pees in his sleep. Bedwetting in children

Baby peeing at night
What to do?

All parents raising a baby dream of “dry” nights finally arriving. Who doesn’t get tired of the picture of constantly changing clothes, linen, washing, drying the mattress?

Mom waits a month, two, three, is nervous, and the baby perceives the night’s incidents as his own shortcoming. Nothing helps - neither explanations, nor scolding, nor ignoring this fact. Are you familiar with this situation?

Enuresis or urinary incontinence is much more common in the world than many people realize. Just think about the statistics: approximately 500,000 children who have not yet turned 16 years old wet their beds at night.

Why does a child pee at night? Is it possible to somehow combat this phenomenon? If yes, then how?

So, why does a baby pee at night?

The main cause of nocturnal enuresis is age. Yes, exactly age. Babies cannot control urination as much as adults. In an adult, everything happens as follows: when the bladder is filled to a certain level, it sends a signal to the brain and the person wakes up. In children, this signal is very weak, so they do not always wake up.

The dependence is this: the younger the toddler, the less often he correctly responds to the signal about the filling of the bladder. This process is poorly regulated up to 5 years. Therefore, if your baby pees at night before the age of five, you just need to survive this period and outgrow it.

The second reason for nocturnal enuresis is that the child’s urinary system develops slowly and a full bladder cannot withstand long without emptying. The child must also outgrow this feature over time.

The third reason is the child’s psychological distress. If a child is constantly overloaded, he is under pressure from adults, he becomes tense and quickly gets tired mentally. Being in the state of a hunted animal during the day, the child relaxes greatly at night and does not feel the urge to urinate.

The fourth cause of enuresis is various diseases such as diabetes, urinary infection, kidney disease. In this case, involuntary urination occurs not only at night, but also during the day.

If your baby wets the bed periodically, this may be caused by some kind of stress. For example, problems in kindergarten, school, family, jealousy youngest child etc.

What to do if the child does not control urination at night?

It is very important not to blame the toddler for anything. You can’t yell at him, scold him or blame him for the current situation. It's not the baby's fault that he woke up in a wet bed, he just can't control himself in his sleep.

Try to pay more attention to the baby, monitor his emotional state, avoid everyday conflicts at home, especially in the presence of the baby. If you have another child, don’t forget about the older one. He must understand that he is still important to you and loved by you.

Do not let your little one drink a lot before going to bed. Try to ensure that the bulk of fluid enters the body in the morning and afternoon.

Make sure your child goes to the toilet before going to bed.

Avoid any drinks that contain.

Come up with a simple but effective reward system if your baby has a dry night. Then he will have an incentive to overcome this weakness.

Take care of protecting your baby's crib so that his nocturnal enuresis does not cause you much trouble.

You can create a special urinary incontinence calendar. Let the baby draw the sun in it after each “dry” night. This way he will develop a feeling of joy for success.

If you go to bed later than your child, ask him to go to the toilet. This should only be done when the child is fully awake. You cannot sit a half-asleep baby on the potty or toilet.

Train your bladder. If the child wants to write, ask him to be patient. You can do this while walking, on the road, or in the store. Also, teach your baby to stop urinating for a short time so that he understands that he can control this process.

Do I need to put a diaper on my baby at night if he wets the bed?

Experts believe that this will only delay the process. In the diaper, the baby will feel dry, he will not experience any discomfort, so there will be no need to control urination.

Should you wake your baby up at night to ask him to pee?

The interesting thing is that many experts do not recommend doing this. Because at night children grow and gain strength. And by interrupting such important processes, parents only make things worse.

Of course, if you notice that the baby has woken up and is tossing and turning from side to side, be sure to offer him to pee. But if he is fast asleep, it’s not worth it.

Finally, I would like to note that if the problem drags on for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.

One of the physiological abilities of infants is the inability to control the process of urination. This is quite normal for small children and newborns. According to statistics, the whole process is established by the age of 4-5 years. As it turns out, this doesn’t happen to everyone. A child over 5 years old waking up in a wet bed is already a pathology. Parents realize this and ask a logical question: “How to stop a child from peeing at night?”

Causes of night incontinence

Uncontrolled urination is becoming more common in children. This can happen both during the day and at night. But nocturnal enuresis is more common in children. Children are different, and the causes of enuresis are also purely individual for everyone. The main causes of bedwetting are the following:

  • Heredity. It turns out that such a feature of the body as an imperfect urination system can be inherited. If the child’s parents suffered from this disease in childhood, then the problem will disappear as they grow older. It's a question of time;
  • Kidney diseases and other infections;
  • Stress. Moreover, parents sometimes do not even suspect its presence in the life of their child. With incontinence for this reason, “wet” nights do not happen all the time; there may be periodic cases without a wet bed. Sometimes even the beginning of attending kindergarten affects the child’s psyche in a completely unpredictable way. Here you can add the birth of another child in your family. The child may worry about this or feel abandoned;
  • Use of disposable diapers. The child gets used to the fact that the bottom is dry in any case and is in a hurry to exert self-control;
  • Low room temperature. Children rarely wake up at night, and the cold increases the need to urinate. These two factors together give us nocturnal enuresis.

Whatever the situation, measures need to be taken. But first you just need to find out the reason for your “wet” nights. A neurologist will help you find the causes and advise you on how to proceed. We will also give some tips on how to stop your child from peeing at night.

Watch the video about why does my baby pee? 3 tests that parents should know about:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

What to do with nocturnal enuresis

  • To begin with, give yourself the mindset not to scold your child. He is absolutely not to blame and does not write according to his “want”. This is also discomfort for the child. The older your child gets, the more inconvenience and anxiety his “wet” nights bring him;
  • Try to minimize the use of disposable diapers. Let the child get used to the fact that the bottom periodically becomes wet. So he will learn to control the urges of his body. (Therefore it is important);
  • Before the age of 5, children are not yet able to endure the entire night. Therefore, the child needs to be woken up at least 2 times a night and put on the potty. This must be done even if the baby claims that he does not want to go to the toilet. Gradually the process will become a habit. It is important that the child wakes up completely, otherwise he will not be aware of what is happening. Follow a daily routine and put your child to bed at the same time. Overwork dulls many reactions in the body and can only do harm;
  • In the evening, you must strictly observe the drinking regime. Rinsing the mouth often helps eliminate dryness and the child will no longer want to drink. Also try not to give your child highly seasoned or salty foods. You yourself know very well that this increases your craving for water. And pay attention to foods that have a diuretic effect. In the evening, be sure to exclude them from the child’s diet;
  • Involve your child in cleaning up wet beds. So the subconscious will “record” that he is correcting his mistakes. Psychologically, this will work to your advantage. Don’t forget about banal praise or even encouragement. This is important for the child, he will understand that his problems are not indifferent to you and will try harder than before;
  • In many cases, enuresis is associated with the child's emotional experiences. Create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family. Do not use offensive or insulting expressions in communication, speak calmly;

Stopping a child from peeing at night is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. If all your attempts have not brought a positive result, do not despair. Show your child to a neurologist and psychologist.

A child pees in the garden, what should I do? On parenting forums, one of the most popular requests is the question from mothers: “A child who is potty trained at home is peeing in the kindergarten. What to do?". There is a lot of private advice on the Internet, we will do it differently, we will turn to the advice of a pediatrician, a doctor of the highest category, the host of the television program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School,” Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, his simple and easy-to-understand advice is very popular on the Internet, due to its high effectiveness.

— First, some statistics. Who suffers more from urinary incontinence: boys or girls?

D.K.: - This question is the easiest to answer. Of all children with enuresis, about 60% are boys and 40% are girls. And this state of affairs persists at almost all ages. Here is my main advice: out of thousands of children with enuresis, there are real problems either with health or with nervous systems oh one. In the overwhelming majority, doctors do not observe any reason for the disease.

Most often, these are signs of still maturing genitourinary and nervous systems. We just very often compare our child with others. Another question is, when you put “here you are again” on your child’s mind, “what happened?”, then this could lead to mental problems in the future. Because in order for an adult to achieve something in life, he must be sure from childhood that he is smart, capable, and beautiful.

Then the desire arises to become even better, and not to hear about “your pants are wet again.”

Urinary control problems are divided into:

  • *Primary. The offspring was written from infancy, nothing has changed with age;
  • *Secondary. When everything seems to have worked out and they haven’t peed for some time, and then some kind of stress, some kind of trauma and the person starts to pee again (a common problem in kindergartens).

At the same time, parental tactics for primary and secondary are almost the same. I would not consider the issue of incontinence before the age of 7. Although most doctors have the following policy: “The child must learn to control the situation during the day until the age of 4 and at night until the age of 6. Otherwise, this is a reason to see a doctor.”

— On the forums they write that up to 4 years of age, rare uncontrolled urination is normal, but after 4 years, this is already a signal. Is it true?

D.K.: You know, I would postpone the norm until seven. We must understand the following: the fact that this happened is not important, what is important is the dynamics of the state. If at 4 years old you have 20 dry nights per month, and at 5 years old 22 dry nights, then this is good. If it’s the other way around, then something needs to be done about it.

Let's add from ourselves. Having looked through numerous forums on this topic, we have identified several problems associated with the appearance of this difficulty in kindergarteners.

If the child pees when he is not sleeping.

The baby is afraid to approach a stranger (a teacher can easily be included in this category) and ask to go to the toilet. This may be due to distrust of others “outside the home.” In this case, mothers who have passed this stage are advised to talk with their child at home. “If you want to pee-pee, contact the nanny, she will help. Then your pants will be dry, and in the evening I’ll buy you something for it.” It is important to talk with the teacher about this, ask them, ask the child himself if he wants to go to the toilet, show special attention to him, make sure he goes before bed. If the specialists in the institution are normal, they themselves know it.

There are no less frequent cases when preschool employees scold their wards if the latter “wet themselves”, forbid them to go to the toilet during quiet time, etc. Here, most likely, the employee himself will not admit to such things. If we feel that “something is wrong,” we ask other parents, maybe they have similar troubles. We talk with the manager. If the response is inadequate, we call an inspection. The little one has not yet adapted to the new conditions. We have already written about preliminary adaptation. If it is too late to anticipate the problem, then, if possible, experienced parents advise taking an additional day off from the institution in the middle of the week, on Wednesday, for example.

I don't like going to the toilet in public place. It might smell bad in there. The baby may be embarrassed to walk “in front of everyone” and so on. Again, we draw the teacher’s attention to this.
If a child pees in kindergarten in his sleep.
D.K.: Let us note that parents rarely go to doctors with such a problem, although the situation is very common. The main thing is to understand that when this happens, your child is not to blame for anything! This idea may be completely understandable to you. At the same time, world statistics show that from a quarter to a third of parents punish their children for “this.” What can we say about teachers then? What a child does in a dream has nothing to do with his character, central nervous system and psyche. Our task is to analyze, take some measures or not take. But it is impossible to correct “sleepy” enuresis through pedagogical efforts.

- And with nightmares in a dream it can be somehow connected?

D.K.: Definitely. But it’s not his fault that they came to him. Of course, nightmares and nervous sleep are imposed by the previous time of wakefulness. They often say that “if you’re peeing, it means you’re fast asleep.” The strength of sleep is not a reason for someone not to wake up to use the toilet.

— Could this be related to cold exposure? For example, it’s winter, the room is cool, the child, after playing, goes to bed, opens up and catches a cold, which makes him wet the bed?

D.K.: This is a very common problem for parents: “children open up in their sleep.” This topic does not directly relate to “sailors”, but I want to focus on it. Note that children open up in their sleep because they are hot or the air is dry. However, the standard reaction to cold is for a person to reduce the volume of circulating blood. How does this happen? Vascular spasm occurs, causing the urge to urinate in any person. At the same time, some children ask to use the potty, while others pee in their pants without waking up. Therefore, yes, the fact that the child is cold can lead to the fact that he will want to do something extra for little reason. But we are now looking at the problem of enuresis, that is, when there is a urge to urinate, but for some reason the brain cannot wake up. That is, when urine presses on the walls of the bladder, a nerve impulse occurs, even at night a person wakes up. Now we come to the most comforting part: the urinary tract, conducting nerve cells, etc. They all improve with age. Therefore, no matter what we do, no matter how we treat, the time factor itself works for recovery. Therefore, we often hear about children peeing, but few people say “my husband or my wife is peeing.” In most cases, age closes this topic automatically.

— What methods of “treatment” still exist?

D.K.: The main treatment is encouragement, so-called “motivational” therapy. The child should know that after a dry night, there will be not just praise, but a reward. Well, for every dry day, give him a toy or some kind of ticket. So he collected 5 bright tickets, went and bought him a bicycle. The child must know that he has only one flaw, and so, not really a flaw, and know that the “flaw” can be corrected by himself. Believe in him. Properly organized motivational therapy gives an 80% positive result. Therefore, it is realistic to begin treatment for enuresis at the age of 5, when the toddler can be interested. At the same time, the basis of pedagogy speaks of unity decisions made. If mom and dad say, “You’re good, everything’s fine,” and grandma, “There’s something wrong with you,” you need to resolve the issue with grandma at the same time. It is believed that, yes, reducing the amount of fluid you drink before bed reduces the likelihood of urinating during sleep, but this does not solve the key problem. They say that the volume of liquid per day should be divided as follows: 40% before 12 o'clock, 40% before 17-00, 20% after 17-00, while after 17-00 the liquid should not contain caffeine.

— There is an opinion that if you give it before bedtime anything salty, then he won’t write “sailor”.

D.K.: Yeah, in half an hour he will wake up to drink. In another half hour there will be a puddle. No amount of food can solve the problem of incontinence. Only motivation and moderate restriction.

D.K.: There is a technique called “bladder training.” Did you want to write? We wait one more minute, be patient, and then go. Trains the urethra. For me, this technique helps, but very moderately.

There is also a special “Urine Alarm Clock” device with a sensor that reacts to moisture, which is attached to the underwear. When the first drop of liquid gets into your panties, this alarm clock starts to ring or vibrate. The toddler wakes up, stops urinating on his own, turns off the alarm clock and goes to the toilet. It is believed that the use of such a remedy for several months leads to a cure in 99% of cases. The only condition is that the offspring must want it himself and learn how to use this alarm clock himself. As a rule, this method works closer to school age.


Question « what should I do if my child pees in kindergarten?” very frequent. In most cases, the reason for children's “swimming” is the underdevelopment of the urinary and nervous systems. In 99.95%, this problem goes away on its own with age. Secondary enuresis is possible for many reasons: stress, distraction by a new environment and “forgetting to go to the toilet,” poor contact with the teacher. Perhaps individually or collectively. The main thing is to remember that the “fisherman” is not to blame for anything, and to motivate “dry days” with rewards.

Bedwetting in children from one year to 5 years or more is a common occurrence in our age of diapers. This unpleasant phenomenon (medically called enuresis) ruins the lives of both children and parents. Sad statistics indicate that recently the number of cases of this disease in children has increased. The reasons may be different. Below we will look at the main ones, and also try to answer the question: what to do if a child pees at night.

Causes of bedwetting in children

It often happens that parents begin to sound the alarm early and try to discern something unnatural in the child’s behavior. Even if a 3-4 year old baby wets himself at night, there is nothing to worry about. Childhood- this is the main reason for bedwetting in children. Before the age of five, children are often unable to control their urination at night. This is due to too deep sleep. It’s worse if “unexpected things” happen to the child during the daytime. In this case, it would be useful to consult a doctor, although most likely no abnormalities will be found.

Psychological reasons

In some cases, bedwetting in a child is a consequence of psychological trauma or other types of psychological problems. These include:

  • uncomfortable atmosphere at home;
  • frequent quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • a lot of pressure on the baby from the parents;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • too busy days;
  • constant stress;
  • jealousy of younger or older brothers and sisters.

All these problems force the child to live in constant stress all day long (constipation often occurs as a result of this, and it is difficult for the child to go to the toilet for minor needs during the day). Only at night can the body relax and do “its own business.”

Physiological problems

These include deviations in the development and health of the child:

  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • taking certain medications (enuresis is a side effect).

Most often, children of the second or third year of life and older pee at night.

If there is any of the above deviations, enuresis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary.

When does a baby stop peeing at night?

If bedwetting every night is caused not by illness or a psychological problem, but by age and imperfection of the urinary system, then at a certain age this “disease” should disappear by itself.

Different doctors call different data. According to some, 90% of children outgrow childhood (primary) enuresis by the age of 8-9 years.

Others believe that already at the age of 5 the child’s body can cope with the functions assigned to it and the child will stop peeing at night.

One way or another, if after 5 years you often find your baby’s crib damp, then it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Do you need a diaper?

Many doctors tend to think that the main reason for the frequent cases of childhood enuresis lies in the popularity of disposable diapers. They allow the child to always remain dry and suppress natural instincts that need to be developed.

So, already at six months the baby can quite consciously restrain the urge to urinate so as not to lie in wet diapers. A baby dressed in diapers does not know what a wet diaper is, so he pees whenever he wants.

In this case, parents can be advised to take the following measures:

  1. potty train your child early;
  2. switch to reusable diapers;
  3. often leave the baby naked (without diaper);
  4. after 1.5 years (potty training time), stop wearing diapers at night.

Treatment of childhood enuresis

The first thing parents should do to rid their child of the habit of wetting the bed is to create a comfortable and friendly environment in the house. Don’t take it out on your baby, don’t reproach him, and especially don’t shame him for the described sheets.

Yes, washing a bunch of things every day is a dubious joy, but the psychological health and comfort of the baby should be above all.

  1. First of all, do not scold your child or focus too much attention on the problem. The baby is just as worried as you are (if not more so).
  2. Place oilcloth under the sheet.
  3. Surround your baby with care, warmth and affection. Show him your love so that he does not feel psychological discomfort.
  4. Go on visits, trips, picnics. You should not limit your child’s simple joys and communication because of his problem.
  5. Follow a daily routine: it’s better to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  6. Don't let your baby drink a lot at night. It is better to drink the main amount of liquid before 4-5 hours. BUT! Remember that such a restriction should not be torment for the baby. If he is thirsty in the evening, let him quench his thirst.
  7. In the evening, do not give your child kefir, milk and fruits, as they have diuretic properties. It is also undesirable to give your child liquid cereals, soups, salty and spicy foods in the evening.
  8. In the evening, avoid noisy, energetic games.
  9. Buy your child a hard mattress.
  10. Make sure your baby pees before going to bed.

These measures can significantly reduce the number of sheets described, but still they are not a solution to the problem.

There are four ways to deal with childhood enuresis:

  • psychotherapeutic;
  • medicinal;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk

Drug treatment for childhood enuresis

It is easy to guess that he means the use of special means: tablets, mixtures, suppositories, etc. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics, antidepressants, drugs that increase bladder tone, and others.

You should not delve into this topic, since only an experienced doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. But it is important to note that it is preferable to treat childhood enuresis with alternative methods, such as physiotherapy or psychotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic method for treating childhood enuresis

This area of ​​treatment includes:

  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • laser therapy.

It is better to contact a competent specialist so that he can prescribe a course of a particular procedure. Homeopathy works well against childhood urinary incontinence.

Psychotherapeutic method for treating childhood enuresis

This method is used when incontinence occurs due to psychological problems in the child. In this case, consultation experienced psychologist simply necessary. Psychotherapeutic methods such as:

  • self-hypnosis;
  • auto-trainings;
  • drawing;
  • hypnosis;
  • dolphin therapy.

The last two methods, unfortunately, are not available to everyone, but the others work just as well.

You can implement several independent psychotherapeutic methods at home.

  • Let's wake up the child!

It sounds barbaric, but try waking your baby every hour throughout the night for a week. This is necessary so that the child does not have time to describe the bed and can go to the potty when needed. On next week increase the period between awakenings.

If you notice that your child begins to toss and turn in his sleep and sleep restlessly, carefully wake him up and put him on the potty. There is a high probability that it is precisely during the period when the baby’s sleep becomes restless that he wants to go to the toilet.

  • Autotraining

With older children (6-7 years old), you can practice a kind of auto-training. Let the baby repeat after you the attitude: “When I want to go to the toilet, I will wake up and pee in the potty” (the words can be changed, the main thing is the meaning). Keep a notebook in which you will note “dry” nights and “wet” nights. Reward your baby for 5 or 10 “dry” nights.

  • Psychological games

Presented on the Internet and in specialized literature a large number of psychological games to correct children's behavior. You can consult a psychotherapist, and he will also tell you what games are best to play with your child in order to wean him from the habit of peeing in the bed.

Parsley decoction can help cope with enuresis

Traditional recipes for childhood enuresis

Traditional medicine has its own quite effective recipes for the treatment of childhood enuresis. However, before applying them in life, it is worth finding out why the child pees at night.

  1. Parsley . Brew 3-5 grams of parsley roots with a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. The day before, let your baby drink a glass of the resulting infusion.
  2. Dill . Brew 1 spoon of dill seeds with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. The child should drink the infusion in the afternoon.
  3. Birch . Pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds with half a liter of water. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain and let your child drink.
  4. Collection. Mix hawthorn fruits, peppermint and horsetail in a 2:1:1 ratio. Brew a spoonful of the mixture in a thermos in half a liter of water for 5-6 hours. Give the infusion to your child 20 minutes before meals, a quarter glass.
  5. Herbs. Herbs help very effectively against childhood enuresis: mint, birch, chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort.

But remember that before using this or that folk remedy, you must consult a doctor (therapist or naturopath). It is better not to give herbal infusions to children of the second year of life.


When a child pees at night at 2-3 years old, this is the norm, but after five years the baby should already control natural urges. In order to avoid/get rid of childhood enuresis in children over five years of age, adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't scold your child;
  • Provide a good environment at home;
  • Follow your sleep and nutrition schedule;
  • Consult a psychologist;
  • Do not deny your baby the usual joys and games.

Only the kind, patient attitude of parents will help the child get rid of his little nighttime problem.

Problems associated with children's urination occur in every fifth family. If your child pees frequently, you should contact your pediatrician. This phenomenon may be due to psychological and physiological factors. The sooner the problem is solved, the better for the baby’s health.

Why does a child pee during the day?

If before the age of 6 these indicators fluctuate within 7-8 times, then by adolescence the numbers decrease to 5-7 times. There may be several reasons why your baby often empties his bladder during the day.

If a child pees, don't scold him

These include inflammatory processes, serious pathologies, psychological problems - for example, pollakiuria - a condition when a child often goes to the toilet, the presence of diuretic products in the diet.

Of course, frequent urination cannot be ignored; it is better to seek medical advice.

But there is another problem: the baby does not want to get used to the potty and urinates in his pants. There may be several reasons for this:

  • The baby just doesn’t feel his body yet. Doctors believe that the child begins to control independent trips to the toilet when he stops walking up the stairs. A free gait indicates that the urinary sphincter muscles have finally formed.
  • It's all the diapers' fault. Diapers, of course, are a great blessing, but you shouldn’t use them for a long time. If a small household member is always dry and comfortable, then why should he get used to an incomprehensible potty? You need to wean your child gradually. It is better to wear diapers only at night and avoid them during the day.
  • Psychological problems. Children are very emotional. They are able to feel subtly and worry greatly, but they still cannot explain their fears, anxieties, and worries. Involuntary urination is most often a symptom that the child is experiencing stress. Perhaps you are filing it in kindergarten? Or another baby appeared in the family, and the first-born quickly gained the status of the eldest. Don’t leave the little man alone with his problems, give him enough time, talk to him about his worries and experiences.

There is also nocturnal enuresis. It is explained simply: children do not control themselves during sleep, and they cannot withstand 10-12 hours.

What to do if your child pees

First you need to reconsider your behavior. Of course, you need to express your dissatisfaction if the child wets himself again, but do it calmly, without screaming or hysterics. We need to help the child cope with the problem, and not shame him, lowering his self-esteem. Psychologists recommend several exercises:

  • Finger painting. It would seem that an activity that has nothing to do with frequent urination. But it helps the baby better understand himself, distinguish between his emotions and body sensations. You can do this painting before swimming. Let your child paint himself or a piece of paper, compare drawings, and share his impressions.
  • Exercise “Listen to silence.” Once a day, take time to sit with your baby in absolute silence. Turn off the TV and send your family to another room. First, listen to the sounds outside the window, then to the rustling sounds in the apartment, exchange your observations. Then let the child listen to his body: how loudly is he breathing? How does the heart beat? What happens in the tummy? This way he will learn to hear signals from the body, including the bladder.

A little patience, tact, care, and your baby will get used to going to the toilet.