What to do with rings after divorce.  What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce?  Advice from psychic Mehdi

What to do with rings after divorce. What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce? Advice from psychic Mehdi

Do you know that the tradition of exchanging wedding rings at the time of marriage appeared in Ancient Egypt before the birth of Christ? And if there was no meaning in it, then it is unlikely that it would have existed not for hundreds, but for thousands of years! Therefore, it is completely understandable that people treat such decoration with special respect. And when a marriage does fall apart, the question naturally arises of what to do with the engagement ring after a divorce.

Energy component

No one doubts that each person has his own energy. The world has changed and a purely materialistic approach has convincingly proven its failure. More and more scientists are exploring the energy component of the universe and discovering amazing facts.

It turns out that inanimate objects are capable of accumulating the energy of the people with whom they come into contact. And the things with which rituals were performed can actually work as amulets or cause harm. An engagement ring definitely fits this definition. This item, used in a powerful ritual of uniting two people, was constantly on the owner’s body for a long time.

It is not without reason that there are many associated with him folk signs, the main one of which is a categorical ban on transfer to other people. Losing a wedding ring is considered a very bad sign. They say that this will definitely be followed by a serious quarrel or even divorce. So why leave it after you've finally broken up with your partner?

Different opinions

The question of whether it is possible to keep an engagement ring after a divorce is one of the most controversial. IN folk traditions, which really have deep roots, nothing is said about this. This is not surprising - the Slavs have always respected the institution of family, and divorce was such a rare exception that there were simply no clear regulations on this matter.

Most modern psychics believe that it is possible to store a wedding ring in the house. But you definitely shouldn’t put it on, much less constantly wear it, after a divorce. It's not easy jewelry. This is a ritual object that carries an absolutely clear meaning - to unite your fate with the fate of another person. And you can remove this burden either with the help of another ritual, or by refusing to wear a ring.

By the way, for those who sincerely regret the breakup and still want to get their husband back, experienced fortune tellers advise continuing to wear the engagement ring. But now not on the right, but on the left hand. This will prevent the system established over the period from completely collapsing life together energy connection, and your ex-husband will reappear in your life from time to time. And then it’s a matter of technology.

So the answer to the question of which finger to wear a ring during a divorce is unequivocal - none, if you want to close this page of your biography and build a new happy relationship with someone. For many, a wedding ring on your hand (no matter which one) is a sign that your past feelings have not cooled down, and your ex-spouse occupies a significant place in your heart.

What to do?

So where to put the engagement ring when it has already lost its relevance and its owner does not plan to restore the old relationship? There are many options, but only a few are the most common:

  • throw away and forget;
  • return to ex;
  • to give to someone;
  • melt down into something else;
  • hide away.

Let's try to figure out what's good and what's bad about each of these options.

Throw away

If the divorce proceeds violently, then such a reaction occurs quite often. I would like to cross out the former partner who destroyed our hopes and expectations from life and remove absolutely everything that somehow reminds me of him. Moreover, the matter is not limited to one wedding ring.

After the engagement card is thrown into the trash or fire, joint photographs are sent. Then usually follow:

  • break with mutual acquaintances;
  • refusal to visit places that they previously visited together;
  • change of place of work, if it is shared;
  • renovation of the apartment so that even the furniture does not resemble it;
  • perhaps moving - after all, the walls also remember...

This approach helps some people. But more often, in a fit of total destruction, a person simply destroys his own life, which has been debugged for more than one year. And it’s also good if there are no children together. What if there is? You can’t throw them away like an engagement ring! And they will also remind you daily, hourly of what didn’t work out.

So this option has much more disadvantages than advantages. Moreover, in most cases, an engagement ring is an expensive piece of jewelry, which is simply stupid to throw away. Even in a strong emotional outburst, try to restrain yourself and consider other options.

To give back

There are cases when giving back an engagement ring is absolutely right. First of all, this is a situation when it was not purchased in a store, but is a family heirloom and, according to tradition, is passed on to a new family member during a wedding celebration. Most often, such decoration is not an ordinary ring, but a beautiful ring, antique or handmade.

Keeping it as a trophy is simply unethical. According to psychics, in this way you can turn the power of the entire clan of your ex-spouse against yourself. And this is fraught with illness, misfortune and other troubles. There is no direct evidence of this, but there are more than enough individual cases confirming this assumption. And it’s better not to test it on yourself. No decoration is worth this.

It is possible that you will have to give away the engagement ring even if, during the division of property, the ex-spouse proves that it was purchased at his expense and will lay claim to it. It is extremely rare, but this happens when one of the partners, out of revenge, tries to “rip off” the other party.

But you definitely shouldn't give an engagement ring to your ex with the idea that he will give it to someone else. Quite seriously, the witches claim that in this way you can easily give this new one your feminine happiness. After all, you put a ring on your finger in moments of the highest spiritual elation (if the marriage was concluded for love, and not for commercial reasons). And this energy was also preserved in him.


Giving someone else your engagement ring is not an option at all. This is allowed only between very close relatives and only in the case of a long, happy marriage.

For example, when a grandmother gives her wedding ring to her granddaughter, with the wish that she and her husband live for many decades. In this case, it acquires the power of a family heirloom. But you cannot give it to one of your relatives or friends if your marriage ended in divorce. Especially if the gift is made with the intention of using it for its intended purpose - for another wedding.

Only a powerful psychic can cleanse a wedding ring from the energy of the previous owner using special rituals. And with old connections, it can harm both you and the new owner.

Melt down

Remelting into something else jewel- a much more reasonable and rational way to get rid of an engagement ring that has become unnecessary. But here it all depends on the mood with which you decide to take this step.

Don't forget that as soon as you start wearing a new piece of jewelry, it will absorb the energy generated by your thoughts.

If you wear the resulting product after melting as a symbol of the beginning of a new stage in life, it’s simply wonderful. Perhaps over time it will even become your personal talisman. But if, looking at it, you constantly remember what it is made of and associate it with the past, it is better to abandon this idea right away. Gradually, the new decoration will begin to evoke in you only negative emotions and sad memories.


Most still agree that it is better to hide the engagement ring away after a divorce. Without being seen, it will not tug at your emotional wounds and bring your thoughts back to your ex-partner. At the same time, it is a part of your life and a memory of those moments when you were truly happy. And, it is quite possible that when the passions subside, you will want to return to them again. And the ring will serve as an excellent guide to memories.

This decision also has a completely earthly mercantile component. It is our tradition to buy wedding rings from precious metals(usually gold or platinum), the value of which only grows every year. So the engagement ring left over after a divorce is a kind of investment. And who knows, maybe it will help solve a vital problem at a difficult moment. Or the jewelry will simply be inherited by your children.

wedding ring

And separately I would like to say a few words about the ring, not just an engagement ring, but a wedding ring. A wedding in a church is not just a beautiful ritual. It has a very powerful energy component, especially if it takes place in a temple. There, the energy is greatly enhanced not only by everyone present, but also by the “praying” of the church. The older she is, the more people visits her, the greater the unifying power of the ritual.

And it is not without reason that the ring is first put on the finger of the bride and groom by the priest. And vice versa: for a woman - masculine, and for a man - feminine. And then, after reading certain prayers, he personally swaps the rings, and only then can the newlyweds put them on each other. In this way, that invisible strong connection is established, which should seal the union on long years.

Under no circumstances should you throw away this ring, nor should you give it to someone else. The ritual connection will not go away, and in the wrong hands such a ring can greatly harm its former owner. In this case, you should go to the priest again, and he should explain in detail how to get a church divorce. And he can consecrate the ring again by reading ritual prayers over it. But even after that it’s better to just put it aside.

Rings worn during marriage are considered to be a symbol of love. But what to do with your engagement ring after a divorce? There are many opinions among people about what to do with ritual jewelry in later life. Over the centuries, a norm of behavior has been developed, called “sign”.

Despite the modern era of development, most people try to adhere to social principles and be guided not only by their personal motives.

It happens that a woman and a man who decide to get a divorce do not know what to do with the engagement ring after the divorce occurs. Wearing jewelry on the finger of the right hand becomes impractical. Experts in the field of psychology and ethics name a number of cases, the occurrence of which obliges one to stop wearing an engagement attribute on the ring finger:

  1. Intent to divorce. Thoughts about stopping official marriage predisposes to removing the engagement ring.
  2. Registration of dissolution of family relations.
  3. The end of life together.

On the other hand, the opinion of psychologists is subjective. A person can put jewelry on even his little finger until he realizes what happened.

The spouse, who opposed the divorce process, wears the ring to the last with the hope of returning the relationship.

On which finger to wear a wedding band after a divorce?

Religion and history will help you decide on which finger to wear the ring during a divorce.

It so happened that when registering a family, the Orthodox put the symbol of love and fidelity on the ring finger of the right hand, and Catholics put it on the left. There is no legal basis for this phenomenon. Sometimes, the choice is interpreted by closeness to the heart.

Russian women usually do not wear an engagement ring after a divorce. They don't see any particular need for this. The desire to keep the jewelry in sight transfers the ring to the fingers of the left hand. Ex-husbands maintain the tradition.

Slavic traditions suggest that widows do not remove their engagement ring, but by changing the hand, the memory of the spouse is thus preserved.

Men, in the event of the death of their wife, try not to put her ring anywhere, but to wear it on a chain as a talisman.

To the question “Is it possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce?”, we will answer that this is a personal matter for everyone.

If a married couple is superstitious, simply forgetting about jewelry will not work. Over a long period of time, a type of behavior was formed about what to do: store it or put it somewhere.

  1. Wedding decoration has long been considered a symbol of new life. It turns out that with the onset of actual divorce, it loses its semantic meaning. There is a popular belief that the loss of a ring becomes a reason for married couples to divorce.
  2. Wearing jewelry after a breakup attracts negative energy. The need for the ring as such is refuted. No amount of finger picking will help with this. Transfer into the wrong hands is not encouraged. It is absolutely not suitable for entering into a new marriage.
  3. The desire for a life without a past advises “throwing the ring away in the chest.”

Therefore, it is worth thinking about how best to get rid of the ring in order to find happiness again in the future.

Preserving a wedding amulet as an option for what to do with a wedding ring after a divorce for a woman does not bode well.


A wedding ring is not a simple golden trinket. The item holds the power of marriage bonds. Before doing anything, you should carefully weigh all the circumstances. The best options where to put the engagement ring after a divorce is considered:

  1. Return to the former spouse. The most correctly planned course of action. Characterized as a “fat” point in a relationship. Positively affects internal psychological condition person.
  2. Remelting It is believed that at the moment the metal melts, all negative energy disappears. The alloy begins to breathe new life. It can be sold or worn independently.
  3. “Lose” among your things. We are talking about putting the jewelry in a secluded place and forgetting about its existence.

What to do with the ring is up to its owner to decide. You should not make any wishes or spells on this ring; reusing it will not bring happiness.

There is a sign that giving rings before the wedding means discord in the relationship. The most popular are gold jewelry. According to the rule, it should be smooth, without any kind of decoration, partitions, or engraving. Indicates a smooth and calm family life.

An engagement ring and a wedding ring are different attributes. According to tradition, the wife should have a silver ring, the husband a gold one. The rule is enshrined in the church charter.

There are many signs related to the order of wearing rings intended for weddings:

  • give it on - the fate will be unhappy;
  • on the wedding day, only wedding jewelry is welcome on the hand;
  • same type of metal alloy for the wedding ring, lack of engraving patterns;
  • prohibition of wearing a ring over a glove;
  • symbols of love and faith must be in their original form, not melted down from jewelry of close relatives;
  • You should not use the widow's ring;
  • the widow announces her marriage with a symbol on her left hand;
  • when re-registering a marriage, the decoration should be removed, it should not be passed on to the younger generation, there is a possibility of a repetition of the life tragedy;
  • both attributes are bought by the male side.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to keep an engagement ring after a divorce if it was used when the couple decided to get married.

The essence of the answer is as follows. It is no longer worth wearing rings, even symbolically as decoration.

Attributes should not participate in new rituals. A harmless option is to donate precious metal to the church in order to create the necessary utensils.

Rings that have passed through a wedding contain incredible power.

Therefore, you should not do the following:

  1. Throw away the decoration. Quite a rash, emotional act.
  2. Delivery to a pawn shop. Accompanying a negative impact on future married life due to the unknown wandering around the world of what was once a symbol of love and fidelity.

The best option is to make a donation, so your soul will feel calm, and none of the signs will come true.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

If a woman, after a divorce, does not want to get married again, then, of course, this ring can be worn simply as a memory. And if a woman wants to create after a divorce new family, then it is better not to give the ring to anyone, not to re-gift it, but simply put it away somewhere so that the new chosen one does not see it and does not worry. We must remember that this ring carries certain information related to past pages of your life. This requires respect and understanding. If a woman wants to return her ex-husband, then the ring should be worn on the ring finger of her left hand. It happens that a woman is upset by a man’s wrong choice and regrets that she didn’t make it a strong family and gives away his wedding ring or sells it, but the man gave it as a sign of love...

Is it possible to keep a ring after a divorce?

Everyone knows that a gift cannot be re-gifted. Therefore, as a sign of respect for him or as a sign of respect for yourself, leave this ring. Put it in a safe, in a chest, anywhere. You probably remember how happy you were to wear this ring for the first time. Some women think the ring should be returned ex-husband and they think to themselves: let someone else give it to you. I want to ask these women: did you feel good when you received this ring? were you happy? did you give it to someone? No. And now after the divorce you say: take your ring... You are simply giving away part of your happiness along with this ring, part of your youth. And of course, I don’t understand those men who take the ring to give it again, but to another woman. Women, well, in this case, where is your solidarity, if this ring did not bring you happiness, did not seal your union, if your ex-husband is so bad, then for sure, and new woman such a fate awaits. Wish each other happiness, and keep what belongs to you. Don't do bad things, even if they did the same to you.

Someone will say: but this ring symbolizes the love of the ex-husband, so let him take it and deceive the other one or be happy with her. But I will say again that every thing carries information. If you've worn this ring for a long time, it contains your love. I have lived in Russia for over 20 years and have noticed the directness and toughness. Girls seem to be gentle, kind, but at one moment they can become like a man in a truck who is ready to run over you and roll you into asphalt. Then the question is: how are you, dear girls, at such moments different from those very bad men of yours who leave you? Girls, women are a symbol of beauty, tenderness, kindness, and maternal feelings. And if she swears, spits on the street, behaves unworthily, how can this be tolerated? And remember forever: the reason for divorce is always on the conscience of both. If a man feels in his wife a friend, support, trust, muse, he will never leave her. I feel sorry for those men who believe that a woman should be a prostitute in bed (I have heard this more than once). You must understand that in order for a woman to be one in bed, she must gain appropriate experience and become this very prostitute in order to show her honed skills in your bed. Men, do not make prostitutes out of your women, wives, girls, daughters, sisters. Dear women, such men do not need a wife, in this case they need a wife - a housewife, and they will look on the side for that same prostitute.

So, let's conclude about the ring: what belongs to you, respect and keep it, even if ex-man not worthy of respect.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

One in eight families out of ten experience difficulties in their marriage and end up getting divorced. Divorce is stressful for both spouses. During this period of crisis, it is difficult to think about good things. The marriage is destroyed, you need to learn to live again. However, the jointly acquired property remains and the main attribute of an unsuccessful family is the ring. The question arises: what to do with an engagement ring after a divorce?

What to do after a divorce with an engagement ring?

What to do with the ring after divorce? Every person who has faced divorce proceedings has asked this question. Where to put such an important symbol of an unsuccessful marriage and other remaining wedding attributes. If some immediately after a divorce throw away their engagement ring and get rid of other items that connect their past together, others continue to wear the ring.

Some people are afraid of change. Taking a step into a bright future means saying goodbye to the past, throwing a former loved one and events out of your memory. Affected here psychological aspect. So, still, you still have an engagement ring after a divorce, what to do with it?

  • Repurpose it for another decoration. If an attribute reminds you of sad events, there is no need to store it. It is better to remake it into a beautiful piece of jewelry. Another option is to exchange the engagement ring for another gold item.
  • Leave it in a pawn shop or sell it in order to purchase in return a nice thing that you have long dreamed of.
  • Return ex-spouse, thereby putting an end to the marriage.
  • Put it away in the chest of drawers until better times. After some time, some ex-spouses realize that they need each other and resume their relationship.
  • The question should not arise of how to get rid of the betrothal element or what to do with it if the divorce occurred with the consent of both spouses in a peaceful atmosphere. Each spouse has the right to decide what to do with the ring.

    If the ex-husband and wife remain on friendly terms, then in this case it is possible to arrange a joint farewell “ritual” evening. Spouses can break wedding glasses, reminisce about the past, and thank each other for the good times. You can part with wedding symbols by selling them. It is advisable to donate the proceeds to charity. Of course, in most cases these are just fairy-tale fantasies, but such fairy tales are possible.

    Should you wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

    Although there is another opinion: when one of the partners continues to wear a wedding jewelry, it is a sign of fidelity and devotion to their spouse. Especially if the ex-husband and wife were married, but for some reason could not stay together and save the marriage.

    Getting married is serious step. Some people can't help but realize that marriage was made in heaven. Therefore, during separation, one of the spouses or both continue to wear jewelry, but do not know how to wear it correctly. In this case you can:

    • continue to wear on right hand;
    • wear a wedding ring on your left hand;
    • wear in some cases based on the circumstances.
    • It doesn’t matter which finger the ex-spouses wear the ring on. When a person decides to leave an attribute, it is only his personal choice.

      Many people put on a ring just to let others know that he is not free. This option is possible if there is no desire to start a free life, and you want to protect yourself from new acquaintances and flirting. Whether the “attribute” is worth wearing is up to its owner to decide.

      Should I store my engagement ring?

      Is it possible to keep an engagement ring after a divorce? They say that wearing jewelry after a breakup is a bad omen. It contains negative energy, reminiscent of a breakup. However, in this case, you can do different things:

    • trust superstition and get rid of the ring;
    • act rationally and take your time, since gold has never been a cheap metal and will still come in handy.

    If the spouse put on the ring at the wedding, then it is better to consult with a church minister in this case. They say that the wedding ring has an influence on both spouses and it is advisable to give the attribute to charity or to the needs of the temple.

    According to popular belief, it is not recommended to keep the engagement ring. Although there are ways to remove negative energy from the ring. To do this, you need to rinse it under running or salted water and place it in the sun or moonlight for several hours.

    Of course, it is better to learn to take care and respect each other in marriage and live in harmony and love. But if it happens that the marriage breaks up, you should not dwell on past failures and withdraw into yourself. It’s easier to let go of the past, along with everything that connected you. You should draw conclusions from the mistakes you made and try not to repeat them in your new life. To do this, it is not recommended to tie yourself to a wedding ring or any other things. Engagement jewelry should not become an obstacle to a happy future. Take care of yourself and be happy!

    The family broke up. This is a difficult time for both spouses, in which there are pleasant and negative aspects. But, besides the memories, wedding accessories and various paraphernalia remain. Many spouses are concerned about the question of what to do with their engagement ring after a divorce? Let's consider several options for resolving the issue.

    Continue to wear

    Some couples in the process of breaking up simply throw away wedding paraphernalia and all things associated with their former partners. This is how they try to completely get rid of memories of their marriage partner. Perhaps the decision is explained at the subconscious level. In this way, ex-spouses try to erase the negativity and start a new relationship.

    Some former couples have a question: is it possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce? Opinions are divided. Why wear it if the relationship is destroyed, it is clear that the person is free. Many women believe in various omens, so they are afraid to keep everything related to the wedding and ex-relationships. On the other hand, of course it is possible, but you need to decide on which hand the ring is worn during a divorce. Basically, at wedding celebrations and in future life together, it is customary to wear the attribute on the right hand. Therefore, after a divorce, you can wear a wedding ring on your left hand as a sign of the end of your family relationship.

    Wedding attributes mean love and devotion to your partner. Therefore, during separation, former partners do not want to wear them. Or they continue to use it, but don’t know which finger they wear the ring on after the divorce. Everything here is simple and depends on what you want to show others with the help of this wedding attribute. The following options are available:

  • continue to use as before;
  • put on the opposite hand;
  • use when necessary.
  • Many ex-spouses still settle on disposing of the ring differently after a divorce, finding other uses.

    Which option is better?

    The family union has broken up and the question of where to put the ring after a divorce remains unresolved. Try the following solutions to the question of what to do with your engagement ring after a divorce:

    1. remake into another piece of jewelry. Ex-spouses wonder whether it is possible to melt down an engagement ring after a divorce. It is necessary if you think that this attribute brings negative memories. In many jewelry stores you can exchange a product for another. But, even if you leave it in its melted form, you will still remember your former relationship;
    2. give the engagement ring to a pawnshop after a divorce, and use the funds received to buy some neutral item;
    3. put it in a distant drawer, just forget about the thing for a while. Perhaps later there will be a use for the little thing;
    4. return to your ex-spouse if he personally purchased the gift.

    When you don’t know what to do with a ring after a divorce, check out the signs that influence building a new relationship. It is better to remove objects that remind you of the past and start planning for your future life. Believe me, after separation there will be problems that will have to be solved first.

    Some signs say that after a divorce, an engagement ring cannot be kept with the rest. It is filled with bad energy. This comes true when you trust ancient beliefs and customs. Throw negative thoughts out of your head, stop thinking about the past.

    Try to take a simpler approach to deciding whether you can keep an engagement ring after a divorce. You can throw away an item at any time. There is no need to rush; in any case, money was spent on purchasing gold. An item is never superfluous, and you can always get money for it.

    If the marriage was concluded not only according to civil laws, but there was a wedding in a church, you should carefully consider the problem of what to do with the wedding ring after a divorce. It is advisable to consult with a church minister, because during a wedding, and during further separation, the product really has an effect on the spouses. Give the attribute to the needs of the temple, relieve yourself of some of the guilt due to separation from your partner.

    Signs about an engagement ring after a divorce and its further use sometimes interfere with starting a new relationship. If it is difficult to get rid of prejudices and obsessive thoughts, find out how to clean an engagement ring after a divorce to eliminate negative energy. Try rinsing it with running or salt water (leave it in a glass for several hours), then dry it well. To completely dry the item, it is left in the sun or laid out under the glow of the moon. Take it to church, ask for advice. This way, negativity and annoying thoughts will go away. Where to put the engagement ring after a divorce is decided in each case individually, and depends on the person’s attitude to the situation.

    By secret.

    Probably every girl faces the problem of being overweight? After all, sometimes it’s not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, or trim your sides or belly. Diets don’t help, you don’t have the strength or desire to go to the gym, or it doesn’t bring tangible results.

    Is it possible to melt down an engagement ring after a divorce into a new one?

    A wedding ring is a symbol of fidelity, harmony, infinity happy relationship. But sometimes it happens that family life collapses. What to do with the attribute of family life when the family itself no longer exists? Many people keep wedding rings as souvenirs and make new items out of them. Is it correct? Is it possible to melt down an engagement ring after a divorce?

    Most people take engagement rings very seriously. This is not only a decoration, but also a symbol of marriage. By exchanging rings during a wedding, the bride and groom bind themselves to each other. Many signs and superstitions are associated with this wedding attribute:

    1. The newlyweds must buy rings at the same time, but the groom must buy them. In this case, family life will be happy and carefree.

    2. To make love strong, the ring is worn all the way to the base of the finger.

    3. Divorce threatens those who have lost their wedding ring.

    4. You should not let someone try on your wedding ring - this will lead to an unhappy fate.

    5. Taking your parents’ rings to your wedding means repeating their family life.

    6. Separation threatens those who drop their wedding rings during registration.

    What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce. It is absolutely forbidden to wear it, especially for those who believe in omens. After all, this decoration has accumulated all the energy about your married life. And during the period of divorce it is more negative than positive. According to legends, the ring cannot even be stored with other jewelry. It will always interfere with new happiness.

    There are several options for what you can do with the attribute of an unsettled family life:

    1. Give it back to your ex-husband. If he bought them, then this would be the most correct thing.

    2. Treat yourself, do little present. Give the ring to a workshop and have them make you a bracelet or chain.

    3. You can try to simply sell the product or take it to a pawnshop. But if you are a superstitious person, then you know that a wedding ring is an energy store, and you should not transfer this energy to other people.

    4. Sometimes wedding rings become family heirlooms and are passed down from generation to generation. In this case, you need to return the ring back to the family nest. Many people wonder if a sign works if you melt down a wedding ring. In this regard, there is an opinion that when high temperatures melting, all information stored in the ring is erased. Therefore, you can safely make a new piece of jewelry out of it.

    There are many opinions on this issue:

    Counts: new life– new rings. Although, on the other hand, wearing the wedding rings of parents, grandmothers or great-grandmothers who have lived a happy family life is considered a good omen.

    If, during remelting, all negative information from the product is eliminated, it means that after remelting we will get new rings! But, if you really believe in omens, think about it constantly.

    Make a chain out of your ring, and start your new marriage with a new ring. After all, we ourselves attract to ourselves what we fear most. Let the new family life be a clean slate.

    Engagement ring after divorce - what to do with it?

    The engagement ring inevitably becomes a sad reminder of a failed family life. Among many peoples of the world, a wedding ring was considered a strong family amulet, protecting the couple from adversity. It was not removed from the hand, it was passed on by inheritance. Previously, divorces were considered unacceptable, but with the advent of modern divorce proceedings, people began to wonder: what to do with the engagement ring after a divorce?

    The engagement ring inevitably becomes a sad reminder of a failed family life. Among many peoples of the world, a wedding ring was considered a strong family amulet, protecting the couple from adversity. It was not removed from the hand, it was passed on by inheritance. Previously, divorces were considered unacceptable, but with the advent of modern divorce proceedings, people began to wonder: what to do with the engagement ring after a divorce?

    The most common signs about an engagement ring after a divorce

    • You can't wear your old wedding ring. It will create psychological discomfort and bring back memories of a broken marriage.
    • You should not transfer or sell wedding attributes to a future married couple. A wedding ring can preserve unhappy information about a previous unsuccessful marriage, and this will be reflected in the fate of future newlyweds.
    • Don't melt down your old wedding ring. Even in new form the ring can remind you of past relationships, thereby putting an extra psychological block on the creation and development of a new family.

    What should a woman do with an engagement ring after a divorce?

    After filing a divorce, people wonder: where to put the expensive jewelry? Usually women return it to their ex-husband: out of hand, out of mind. This is the easiest way to part with a ring. The same method is suitable if, given on the day of engagement, the ring was an heirloom in the family of your chosen one. Thus, you simply return the engagement ring to that family after the divorce, thereby saying that you no longer belong to their family.

    Wedding decorations purchased with shared money may not be returned. Sell ​​it to a jewelry pawn shop and buy a new item.

    If you believe in God, then take your wedding ring to the temple for donation. Be sure to check with the priest to see if the church will accept a wedding ring.

    What should a man do with a wedding ring after a divorce?

    If ex-wife returned your wedding jewelry, it would be better to part with it completely: sell both wedding rings to a pawnshop. Don't hold on to the past, the most important things are happening at this very moment.

    You should not give your new lady an old engagement ring. It is better to visit a jewelry store and choose two rings “without history”, starting a clean page in your family life.

    If a family heirloom ring has returned to you, then save it. It’s no longer worth giving as an engagement ring to a new bride, but as a simple piece of jewelry with a beautiful family history, it’s okay.

    Question to the expert

    Maria, 33 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:"Hello! I recently separated from my husband and now I don’t know where to put my gold wedding ring. I don’t particularly want to keep it, and it’s even more unpleasant to wear. Maybe we should just throw it out on the street and let someone who needs it find it there? Tell me, what happens if you throw away your wedding ring?”

    Expert answer:"Hello Maria! Under no circumstances should you throw your engagement ring out onto the street. It is unknown who can find him. Even though you and your husband are divorced, the engagement ring holds your energy. If it falls into the hands of people associated with magic, it could lead to trouble. It's better to sell the ring and buy new jewelry. Or give the money to charity."

    Every married couple has wedding rings that are special and unique in their own way. After a divorce, questions arise about where to put this binding decoration. Some decide to put the ring away in a safe, while others plan to pass it on to their children as a symbol of the marriage in which they were born. But what can you actually do with the decoration - sell it, throw it away or give it to someone? In this article we will tell you where to put your engagement ring after a divorce.

    Why sell wedding jewelry?

    Many people ask the question: “Where should I put my engagement ring after a divorce?” Signs that have existed for several centuries frighten many of us. After all, if you follow superstitions, then you can’t give the jewelry to someone, just as you can’t throw it away or melt it down. But what to do with it?

    Let's move away from popular superstitions and figure out why this or that person cannot part with a wedding ring.

    It's all about psychology. Many people associate this decoration with something more than marriage. There are memories, stories, children, relationships, friendship, and shared secrets. Parting with an item that has connected two people for many years will not be easy.

    Some people believe that after getting rid of a wedding ring, a person’s karma deteriorates. Others are convinced that the absence of old jewelry can lead to failures in their personal lives with new people. Therefore, it is almost impossible for believers who respect signs and superstitions to part with the ring.

    But if the breakup was painful and difficult for you, then along with the decoration you will let go of all resentments and disappointments, because many objects can accumulate energy, both positive and negative. So where should you put your engagement ring after a divorce? It is best to give it to a jeweler for melting down or sell it to make yourself a nice gift as a good ending to a negative story.

    Where can I sell

    So, you have repeatedly wondered where to put your engagement ring after a divorce, and then decided to take it to a pawnshop or jewelry workshop. Before getting rid of your jewelry, it is important to make sure that it is made of precious metals and stones.

    Helpful advice. Don't go to the workshop without prior preparation. First, weigh your ring and also contact several jewelers for an estimate. Secondly, study the market for precious resources so that you can navigate the cost of jewelry.

    Don't expect to get huge amounts of money for your engagement ring, as there is a significant difference between the retail and resale value of jewelry. But you can use this money to invest in travel or buy yourself some useful thing. Direct these funds into a righteous direction so that in the future you will not be bothered by the feeling of waste.

    If you have a ring with precious stone, then you can post it on online auction sites that make it very easy to sell your wedding jewelry for a fair price without leaving your home.

    Let go of old things, make room for new ones

    Most people don't know if they can wear a wedding ring after a divorce. Answer: of course you can. There are no prohibitions or laws that would reproach people for keeping the ring and not removing it. But think about whether you really want this.

    Let's give an example. The man had been married for 30 years, after which he and his wife decided to divorce. There could be many reasons: a lack of common interests, disagreements, and exhausting work. The man understood that nothing would bring his wife back, so after the divorce he could not come to terms with the separation, but decided to wear a wedding ring as a sign of fidelity to his love. Such a gesture was very important for him, because every time he reminded himself of the wonderful moments in marriage, of the mistakes he had made and that he did not need anyone but his wife.

    Some people find it much more difficult to come to terms with divorce, especially if it was provoked by betrayal, tyranny, pain, humiliation and insults. Those things that are associated with some difficult moments in life can bring a lot of suffering, so why keep them? Constant negativity makes you vulnerable and a closed person, and the presence of a wedding ring turns you into someone who is in no way trying to give himself a second chance at personal happiness.

    Repurpose Jewelry

    Should you keep your engagement rings after a divorce? Unless their presence causes you inconvenience and suffering. Believe me, some people find it much easier if any items associated with a bad marriage are eliminated or modified.

    Let's find out where to put a woman's engagement ring after a divorce. Take the jewelry and take it to the jeweler. Have the precious metal melted and then molded into a new ring that you can put on your little finger. This will show potential suitors that you are available. Instead of turning your engagement ring into a typical necklace or pendant, consider other options such as an anklet, pin or brooch.

    Save it for the kids

    Here's another tip for those who don't know where to put their engagement ring after a divorce. All parents hope to leave something valuable for their children. Many people put jewelry in a safe or box to preserve it as a keepsake for their daughters or sons.

    Give it back

    Now let's talk about noble manners when questions arise about what a woman should do with an engagement ring after a divorce. If you want to close the marriage book, then offer to return the ring to your ex-spouse. It so happens that a man buys jewelry for an engagement and wedding, so it would be fair if you give him the jewelry as a sign of respect and honor.

    This gesture looks especially generous when the guy gave the ring as a family heirloom, rather than buying it from a jewelry store.

    With peace and quiet

    If you go through life with positivity and fun, then you will definitely like this method. What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce? Perform a funeral ceremony.

    Order a small coffin for your ring, wear bright clothes, take your best friends and then take it anywhere and bury it. After the ceremony, be sure to go out and have fun. This is a harmless way to take control of the situation and begin to move forward. But it will be extremely difficult for you to do this if you don’t want to simply throw away the precious jewelry.

    Ceremonial farewell No. 2

    If the idea of ​​burying a ring doesn't appeal to you, then how do you like the idea of ​​sending the jewelry floating down the river? Make a small raft or buy a toy boat, cover the jewel with flower petals and light candles on the shore. Send your engagement ring on a long voyage, imagining that you have said goodbye forever to the pain, suffering and heavy feeling of divorce.

    Throw it away

    This advice is for those who are hoping to wash away all the memories of their past marriage. It’s hard to imagine a more dramatic approach to saying goodbye to jewelry.

    Some people throw jewelry in the trash, flush the toilet, or even throw it out the window as they drive down the road. Some people come to this idea for years, while others wear wedding rings after divorce and experience a terrible feeling of bitterness, disappointment and resentment.

    Donate it to a worthy cause.

    So, you have considered many options, found out whether you can wear a wedding ring after a divorce or not, tried to send it on a voyage, but nothing worked out. Now think about how you could contribute to a good cause. For example, a woman might sell her jewelry at an event to raise money for a breast cancer foundation.

    You can also give it to a friend or family member who is delaying an engagement or marriage due to the high cost of precious metals. Allow strangers to use your decoration as they please, but remember that with such a gesture you have done something useful and pleasant.

    Create a work of art

    Collect other old jewelry or buy some costume jewelry from a thrift store and then dismantle it. Remove the stones and rhinestones from the rings and use hot glue and canvas to create a beautiful mosaic look made entirely from jewelry.

    You can melt the metal and turn it into a tiny sculpture. Of course, creating a work of art takes time. But it is during this period, when you engage in creativity, that you can let go of all fears, resentments, pain and disappointment.

    Signs and superstitions

    It is believed that wearing a wedding ring after a divorce or death of a partner is a bad omen. But is this really so? It's all about the state of mind of the divorced person. Imagine how bad he feels morally when he sees this decoration.

    • It is believed that if a ring brings suffering, then it should never be kept near you. The best way to get rid of it is to sell it, give it away, melt it down. This also applies to other wedding attributes.
    • Traditionally, the wedding ring is wrapped in a scarf and placed in the farthest corner. According to legend, this is necessary so that the jewelry does not fall into the wrong hands. Many believe that objects store the energy of the owner, so some people can use them to cause damage.
    • Selling is not recommended, because it is believed that you cannot purchase and wear used jewelry. Many people believe that if they take a used ring and put it on, the life of the previous owners will be passed on to them. And since the jewelry was sold, it means their marriage did not work out. Nobody wants to repeat the fate of their former owners, so such people prefer to buy new rings, even if they cost them a pretty penny.
    • Another sign is that jewelry passed down from parents can be worn. But if you decide to melt down or give your ring to a friend or acquaintance, then it can make their life miserable.

    How true this is is up to you to decide. In most cases, all signs are associated only with undermined emotional and mental state people after divorce. Some people don’t believe in omens, but prefer to keep the ring because it is often quite expensive and made of precious alloys and stones. When a difficult period in life comes, a person can sell it or take it to a pawnshop at any time. But if you are in unbearable pain, then get rid of the jewelry without even thinking about it.