What should a child be able to do at 2 9. Knowledge and skills of a child at two years eight months

What should a child be able to do at 2 9. Knowledge and skills of a child at two years eight months

  • Knows how to carry on a conversation with an adult.
  • Can balance on each leg.
  • Begins to understand cause and effect.
  • Receives punishment.

Your baby's height and weight

Over the past period (three months), the child should gain weight by approximately 350 - 400 grams and grow by 2 - 2.2 cm. At 2 years 9 months, the average weight of boys is 13.9 kg, girls - 13.4 kg. The average height for boys is 93.8 cm, for girls - 92.9 cm.

How is your baby developing?

Your conversations with your baby will become more meaningful and detailed as your little one approaches his third birthday. Not only does he have a larger vocabulary, but he also begins to understand cause and effect relationships.

The question "why?" is still the main thing, but now the child begins to comprehend the answers to his questions. The mood of other people affects the mood of your baby, and he asks questions: “Why is this girl laughing and that boy crying?”

Your baby begins to share with someone, he is kind and wants to please others, such actions indicate the development of emotional intelligence in the child.

If your child misbehaves, try not to threaten him with punishment, and if possible, avoid it altogether. It is better for your child to be rewarded for good behavior than to be threatened with punishment.

The child understands jokes perfectly. He has a great sense of humor. He knows that you don't put shoes on your head and you don't eat socks. If you joke with a child, he understands it and will soon begin to joke himself. Jokes are a great way to distract your child from their reluctance to do something.

Does your baby seem to have been replaced, is he constantly capricious and dissatisfied with something? His stubbornness knows no bounds, and his whims become more sophisticated every day? Perhaps the changes that have occurred in the child’s character are nothing more than an age-related crisis. A child of 2 years and 9 months tries to express his views on various situations with this behavior. This time of personality formation is quite difficult both for the capricious person and for those around him. After all, the baby himself does not understand the reasons for the frequent changes in his mood, and the task of parents is to show sensitivity and understanding to the child, especially now.

The baby has already matured, he is no longer small, as he often declares when he sees a child younger than himself. He is already quite an adult and tirelessly demonstrates his independence, expressing it in protests of various kinds. You can often hear from a child: “I don’t want to,” “I won’t.” Parents can only argue with their child as little as possible, be tactful and not despair, because this is a temporary storm, soon it will calm down and peace and tranquility will be restored again.

A child at 2 years and 9 months - his physiology.

This age period (2 – 3 years) can be characterized as the peak of the baby’s motor activity. The baby feels a great need to move; he simply cannot remain motionless for more than half an hour.

The child, as if wound up, jumps and runs, breaks, falls and gets bumps and bruises. And this condition is the norm for such babies. The full development of a child depends on physical activity. A child’s desire to learn something new sometimes leads to a lot of troubles, resulting in broken dishes, broken toys, scattered things, and bruises. And you shouldn’t be too upset about such manifestations of curiosity, because this indicates the normal development of your baby.

A child at 2 years and 9 months - his psychology.

A baby’s speech is the main indicator of the development of his psyche. Closer to three years of age, speech skills and abilities are being improved. It is impossible to stop the child, he constantly says something, his vocabulary increases at the “speed of sound,” the baby’s sentences take on a more meaningful form, and now the child can quite clearly express his own thoughts. As a rule, girls are ahead of boys their peers in speech development; they are more talkative. Boys, on the other hand, are not so verbose, but often take things with their emotions, although sometimes they still cannot verbally convey the meaning of their request; they do this with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Over time, silent boys can give odds to any talkative girl.

There are cases when, for some unknown reason, a baby who has recently been chatting incessantly suddenly becomes silent or limits his communication to a few words. This can happen due to illness, fear of the baby, a change in the usual environment, or other circumstances. And if your little one suddenly becomes silent, you should find out the reason for the silence and consult a psychologist. Then follow all the prescribed measures and wait for your child to become a talker again.

Children who are not alone in the family, but have older sisters and brothers, develop speech faster than those who grow up alone. Naturally, the younger child takes an example from the older one and tries to imitate him (by repeating words and phrases after the older one). It is also not unimportant for children to communicate within the family, because in the process of games and fun, younger children borrow a lot from their older brothers and sisters: they adopt the manner of behavior and the tone of pronunciation of sentences.

A child of 2 years and 9 months – his knowledge and skills.

At this time stage of development, the child is already more interested in everyday activities performed by his parents than in playing with familiar toys. Boys become active assistants to their fathers, and young ladies try to become the same housewives as their mother, while grabbing a broom and a rag, making dumplings with their mother, wiping off the dust, laying out spoons and arranging plates, etc.

Right now, kids are learning about previously unknown subjects and developing new skills.

Master the ability to use scissors for their intended purpose. Children love this activity; they like to cut sheets of paper, fabric, and anything that can be cut. During such activities for your child, remove papers that are of great importance to you, worry about the safety of your child, it is better if he carries out such manipulations with safe scissors (purchase special children’s scissors for creative activities).

They comprehend the science of dressing, “fight” with the development of “button and lace literacy.” They willingly engage in modeling and drawing, and with the help of creativity they try to give vent to their fantasies.

A child of 2 years and 9 months needs the attention of adults more than ever, and more time needs to be spent on activities with the baby to help develop good qualities in his character.

Physical development
Your baby is about to turn three years old. Early childhood ends, toddler age gives way to preschool age. During the third year of life, the child’s body length increases by 7-9 cm, and the weight gain is about 2.5 kg.

The muscles are already more clearly expressed, small muscles of the hands and fingers have developed, due to which the accuracy of movements is improved, facial expressions have become richer and more expressive. The child begins to use objects for their intended purpose: eat porridge with a spoon, dig sand with a scoop, and draw with a pencil. Can rise on tiptoes, jump on two legs, and step over a small obstacle on the floor.
Qualitative changes occur in the baby’s body. The functioning of all organs and systems is improved, which makes the child much more resilient. First of all, the performance of the nervous system increases. The child is already able to stay awake for 6-7 hours without fatigue.

By 2 years 9 months, a set of baby teeth for biting and chewing food is almost formed. By the age of three, all 20 baby teeth should have erupted. They need to be carefully looked after. Baby teeth have very thin enamel that is easily damaged, leading to caries and tooth decay. Without treatment, your baby's teeth can become a source of chronic infection. Therefore, as the third birthday approaches, it is worth visiting the dentist, even if the child has not complained of toothache.

Your baby already knows how to dress and undress almost without the help of adults. He likes to be independent and is familiar with basic hygiene skills: washing his face, washing his hands before eating, brushing his teeth in the presence of adults. It is important that in the third year of life the child is instilled with a love of order; at this age, children like to put away their toys and fold their clothes - it is important for them that the world around them is orderly and understandable.

Psychological development

By the age of three, it is customary to take stock and judge the child’s inherent level of development. His adaptation to new conditions depends on what a child has learned in the first years of life. After all, it is at this age that children are usually sent to kindergarten.

By 2 years 9 months, the child knows the names of the main colors and some parts of the body. Has a good memory. Can learn short poems by heart. In the repetition of actions and events, he quickly sees a system into which he is able to “fit” his behavior. Can participate in small theatrical scenes. Willingly takes on the role of a mouse, bunny, bear, etc. Begins to be interested in forms of polite behavior.

Vocabulary increases quickly. The pronunciation is becoming clearer, but the baby still shortens or simplifies complex words. The number of questions a child asks is constantly growing. He just wants to learn as much as possible about the world around him, and not to tease his parents. The child now communicates not only with relatives, but also with strangers, for example on the street, in a store or clinic. His attention is still unstable, so the child is often distracted by something and does not listen to the end.

It's worth arming yourself with good children's books. While reading, observe how attentive the baby is. Be sure to answer the questions that will certainly arise as you read. You can ask questions yourself to find out how well your child understands what he reads. Children love to discuss the illustration and act out little scenes, which should definitely be encouraged.

Questions from mothers about the development of children from 2 years 9 months to 3 years

Child from one to three years old

Does anyone have a child going to an English kindergarten?

0 0

I know that many mothers send their children to such kindergartens? What time did you drop off your child? How is he doing there? Are there any achievements in learning the language?
And don’t children confuse Russian and English?
In general, what is your opinion about this kindergarten?

Tue, 2015-08-25 12:35

Child from one to three years old

Treatment of miliaria

9 0

Hello. Tell me, do you think it is possible for a child to develop heat rash at an older age? My child is now 2 years and 8 months old. And then, just recently, when I was bathing my child in the evening, I noticed a rash (like prickly heat) on his shoulder. My son had it very, very rarely at a younger age. I read today on the Internet on various forums that you can lubricate children’s sweat patches with alcohol-based chlorophyllipt, but I haven’t used this method yet, I don’t know if it will help. For now, I brew a bay leaf and wipe my sweat patches with this tincture from the leaf.

Sat, 2014-06-07 15:36


Pregnancy with leiomyoma

2 0

The girls took a test the other day, and it was positive. Pregnancy is not planned, but desired. The only thing that confuses me is my leiomyoma. I was diagnosed with it a year and a half ago, measuring 2.5 by 1.5 cm. I haven’t been to the doctor yet, and I can’t possibly muster the courage to go there. Has anyone had a pregnancy with leiomyoma? How did it go?

In this article:

Your baby will soon go to kindergarten, so you need to check: is he ready? At 2 years and 8 months, the baby can easily perform simple actions on his own. He has already learned to eat, wash and dress on his own. His mental development proceeds quickly: he learns by copying everything from adults. Of course, this is still not enough to leave him alone in kindergarten for the whole day.. Talk to your baby more: it develops speech well.

The baby now needs your care and attention. He has grown a lot, but in reality he is still very dependent on his mother. Proper nutrition will help him develop faster. Now you need to eat well - include fish and lean beef in your diet. After an active day, a good rest is necessary. It is best for a child to sleep at least 10 hours at night, and take a short break of 1-2.5 hours during the day. He will soon be 3 years old - it will be time to go to kindergarten. Prepare your baby for this important moment to make the adaptation period easier.

Proper care

In order for a child to develop properly, it is necessary to properly care for the baby. Of course, this is no longer a baby who needs help every minute. But he also needs proper hygiene, normal sleep and nutrition..


The child is active, spends a lot of time running, playing on the floor, and goes outside. There is nothing complicated here: the hygiene of a child of 2 years and 8 months is no longer different from the hygiene of an adult.

It is best if you only help the child, and he does all the procedures himself. Show him how things are done, tell him and control. Now it is important that the baby learns to do everything independently and without reminders.. He'll be going to kindergarten soon, which means he'll have to do his own toileting.

Wash children's clothes, especially underwear, with soap or baby washing powder. Wash on high temperature. Previously, there was an opinion that everything had to be ironed, but after a good machine wash the effect is the same, and it takes much less time.


After 2 years, a child’s diet is much more varied than before. He eats porridge, boiled meat, fish and chicken. Children definitely need dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. They are rich:

The child also needs fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to have a hearty breakfast and a lighter lunch and dinner. Before bed, you can give a piece of fruit (but not citrus) or a glass of kefir. This gives a feeling of fullness, but not heaviness. This makes it easier to fall asleep and your baby won’t have a stomach ache.. It is best to introduce any new foods gradually so that your body gets used to them.


At this age, babies need enough rest. Active physical development is underway, children run and play a lot. Mental development is also underway: the child learns and remembers. This is all great, but you also need to think about rest.

Baby should
sleep at least 10 hours at night, and also need daytime sleep - 2-2.5 hours. Usually, after playing, the child falls asleep during the day on his own. Sleeping for 2 hours is great, waking up rested after 1.5 hours is also great. His body itself balances the load and the necessary rest..

Children at 2 years and 8 months still have difficulty falling asleep in the evening, they are capricious. What parents can do:

  • do not scold the baby for this;
  • sit with him for 10-15 minutes, sing a song or tell him a story;
  • gently stroke his head or back - this will help him fall asleep faster;
  • leave a night light for him so he won't be scared;
  • the baby’s room or the place where he sleeps should be cozy;
  • the room should be quiet and dark (only a small night light is allowed, preferably with a dim, matte light).

So much for the little one
it's easier to fall asleep
. At this age, children still wake up at night. Again, you cannot scold for this, even if the child woke you up. Spend a little time with your baby, you can even lie down with him. But not for long, and don't encourage this behavior. If the baby is scared, then be sure to discuss what exactly was scary. Dark? Monsters? Scary sounds from the street? Everything can be explained.

Physical development

Children are developing quickly these days. And they grow quickly too, so new clothes will be needed regularly.

Height and weight standards

At 2 years and 8 months, girls and boys already differ in weight and height:

This difference will remain until 7-8 years. After this, girls gain weight faster than boys. This is due to the fact that girls begin puberty earlier.

Parents need to remember: these are averages.. The baby may be slightly heavier or taller than normal for gender and age. There is nothing to worry about if the difference is minimal. He can gain the missing couple of centimeters very fast, in just a couple of months.


The following educational games are suitable for ages 2 years 8 months:

  • teaching counting and letters;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • outdoor games.

Try to stimulate speech while playing. Ask questions, invite your child to speak for one of the characters.

After 2.5 years, children usually prefer to play on their own or with peers. Games with parents are no longer so interesting for them. In kindergarten, teachers give children the necessary tips and guide the game process in the right, developmental direction.

At home you can keep your child busy with simple games:

If a child has enough toys and likes them, then independent play is not a problem at this age. The baby can spend 1-1.5 hours in the room, engrossed in his play.

Mental development

The child is growing up before our eyes. In fact, he gains experience every day by watching his parents, brothers and sisters, other children, educators. It has a huge scope for learning even during your simple walk in the park.

For 2 years and 8 months, the active development of the child’s personality continues. He already feels that he can do a lot on his own and is not as dependent on his mother as before. Of course, for now we are talking about the simplest actions:

  • self-hygiene (washing your face, brushing your teeth);
  • The baby can dress and undress himself;
  • confidently uses a spoon, cup;
  • can open and close the box, bottle, cabinet doors;
  • can even use the TV remote control if he has been shown how to do it.

The so-called three-year crisis is just around the corner. It is worth preparing, because the baby is growing, his opinion about himself and his own capabilities is changing. Now it is impossible to suppress his cognitive interest. It's better to point him in the right direction. Parents should also take into account that they will soon have to send their baby to kindergarten. To do this, he must be able to do at least the above things.


The child’s memory develops, which means that the vocabulary increases. Now he can already remember a short poem or

The child perceives many words by ear - this can be seen when he recites a memorized phrase or poem. He pronounces the word as he hears it. At this moment, parents need to tactfully correct mistakes. By the age of 2 years and 8 months, your baby understands many more words than he can speak. He will easily find the object you name and bring it to you, but he will not always be able to immediately say what it is called.


A child’s vocabulary is replenished provided that parents read to him and talk to him. It is also important that the baby has someone to communicate with. Not going to kindergarten yet? Walk where other children are. Now it’s very easy for them to get to know each other and start playing together. During the game, new words and concepts will certainly appear. It's also a good workout.
dating skill. If your baby is shy, help him: act out scenes at home, in which you need to get to know each other.

Communication with peers gives much more than with relatives. Rather, he learns with his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and applies skills with other children. It is very important to watch your words here. A 2 year 8 month old baby doesn’t understand the meaning of many words, but he remembers them well. To avoid having to blush in front of other parents on the playground, just watch how you communicate at home.

Preparing for kindergarten

It's no secret that at 3 years old children are sent to kindergarten. Of course, some mothers are against this. After all, he’s still small, he doesn’t know how to do anything, he doesn’t speak well, and in general, he’s much better at home. This is not quite the right approach. At home with your mother you cannot get the necessary experience that is required for a child. His mental development will be better in kindergarten.

This is his first time here You can feel truly independent. There are other children, joint games, and a lot of decisions need to be made. This stimulates thinking, speech, imagination, reactions. Parents should start preparing their child for kindergarten in advance.

Again, it’s no secret that in the first months you will experience an adaptation process. This is how the child adapts to new conditions. To be honest, adaptation is difficult. Crying, requests, promises to behave well, “just don’t take them to kindergarten” - all this awaits parents every morning. The age of 2 years and 8 months is good to start preparing the baby.

How to help your baby in advance? This will greatly facilitate adaptation to kindergarten and help the child prepare mentally.

  • Let's be honest

The child has a measured, familiar life, his own habits, games, even small rituals. And then one day, without warning, you wake him up at 6-7 in the morning, dress him and take him to a new place. He is left there alone, with unfamiliar children, new rules and food that he doesn’t like.. Would you be scared if you were him? This situation is shocking for him. And so that the baby knows and is ready, talk to him about it in advance, try to explain everything.

You should not scare, but simply openly talk about the kindergarten - what is there and how. At 2 years and 8 months, the baby already understands a lot. Tell him that he will go there because it is necessary and there is no other way out (mom goes to work, grandma lives far away...). There is no need to describe the kindergarten as some incredibly beautiful place. Better tell everything honestly.

  • We answer questions

After your
After reading the story, the child will have a lot of questions. Answer them, even if they seem stupid. It is important for the baby to prepare - for this he asks about everything. For example what will they serve for breakfast, is it possible to take toys home, how to call mom, etc..

  • Even in the summer, take a walk near the kindergarten

If you manage to enter the territory, be sure to walk there with your baby. Take your child with you when you go to register for kindergarten. If he sees it and stays there a little, then “Day X” will no longer be so scary.

  • Road

Psychologists advise dads to take their baby to kindergarten. After all, the child is more emotionally attached to his mother, it is harder to say goodbye to her, but it will be easier for him to part with his father.

In a month or two all problems will go away. Of course, all children do not like to get up early in the morning and leave home. However, such a regime will prepare them for a more important stage - for school.

Soon your baby will turn 3 years old, the period of pre-preschool (nursery) age is gradually ending, which is being replaced by preschool. During this time, the child has grown significantly and learned a lot. He learns by watching you.

Your baby already knows how...


86.4-101.9 cm.
11.4-17.1 kg.
47.8-53.3 cm.
48.4-57.7 cm.
85.5-100.8 cm.
11.8-16.9 kg.
47.3-52.4 cm.
48.1-57.2 cm.

Physical development of a child at 2 years 9 months

The growth rate of a child at 2 years is not as intense as in the first year of life, but still during this year of life the baby gains about 2.5 kg and grows by 7-8 cm.

According to the centile tables of distribution of body mass and length in children, the following are considered average indicators:

Average body weight of a child at 2 years 9 months

  • Boys - 13.2 - 15.6 kg;
  • Girls - 12.9 - 14.9 kg.

Average body length of a child at 2 years 9 months

  • Boys - 90.0 - 97.4 cm;
  • Girls - 90.0 - 95.5 cm.

The small muscles of the hands and fingers and facial muscles continue to actively develop. The muscles of the limbs and back are well developed.

By this age, the baby has a full set of baby teeth (20 in total).

The work of many organs and systems of the body is being rebuilt to a new, more adult level.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 2 years 9 months

The child already has many skills, loves to show independence, is very active and inquisitive.

Motor skills of a child at 2 years 9 months

At 2 years 9 months, the child walks quickly, runs, and overcomes small obstacles. Able to go up and down stairs. Walks on a narrow board. Jumps on two legs, squats, stands up and walks on tiptoes. Can crawl under obstacles.

To improve motor skills, it is useful to do gymnastics and play outdoor games with your child.

Psychological development of a child at 2 years 9 months

By this age, your baby should know the names of body parts, primary colors and basic types of geometric shapes.

A child at this age has a very good memory. A child can learn a short rhyme or song.

The baby is able to play not only story games, but can also participate in small theatrical performances.

I like to play with construction sets, pyramids, and collapsible toys. Many kids love to draw with paints and pencils, and sculpt from plasticine.

At this age, children are very occupied with books and manuals with stickers.

The baby can play with other children both in outdoor games and in games that require communication skills.

Speech development of a child at 2 years 9 months

The baby's vocabulary is actively expanding. Pronunciation is becoming clearer, but the child still simplifies or shortens some complex words.

Every day the number of questions asked increases; the child wants to know about everything in the world. The age of “why” - parents should be patient, as the child may ask the same thing many times in a row until he learns the new information.

At this age, the child loves to take part in general conversations, and the baby begins to communicate not only with close people, but also with random people he meets in a store, in a clinic, or on the street.

The child, at his childish level, understands what is being said and inserts his own words and phrases into the conversation.

In conversation he uses simple sentences of 3-5 words.

Emotional development of a child at 2 years 9 months

At this age, a baby can be overwhelmed with all possible emotions and feelings, which can sometimes be very difficult for him to cope with. The task of parents is to be more attentive to the child, as flexible and patient as possible.

At this age, the baby has a well-developed sense of humor, he is able to understand jokes and make jokes.

The child is still strongly attached to loved ones, especially to his mother.

Household skills of a child at 2 years 9 months

At 2 years 9 months, babies already know how to dress and undress with virtually no help from adults.

Many children already have basic personal hygiene skills, so a child of 2 years 9 months can wash himself, wash his hands before eating and dry them with a towel, comb his hair, brush his teeth (in the presence of adults).

If over the course of this year you have taught your child to be tidy, then at 2 years 9 months he is quite capable of putting away his toys, putting his clothes in the closet, and making his bed.

What can a child of 2 years 9 months do?

  • Eats independently and drinks from a cup;
  • Puts on and takes off simple wardrobe items;
  • Can wear shoes with simple fasteners;
  • Washes himself, washes his hands, combs his hair, brushes his teeth;
  • Ask to go potty.

Child care at 2 years 9 months

As the child approaches three years of age, caring for a baby becomes much easier, since the child can already do many things on his own. But he can’t do it without your participation yet.

To consolidate all hygiene skills in a child, it is necessary that he repeats them day after day. Your task is to monitor and promptly remind your baby to wash his hands before eating, wash his face after and before bedtime, rinse his mouth after eating, brush his teeth in the morning and evening, and so on.

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness and condition of your nails - they should be trimmed as they grow. As a rule, nails on the hands are cut once a week, and on the legs once every 2 weeks. It is most convenient to do this after bathing, when your legs are soft and you can easily cut them off.

Night sleep at this age becomes sound and long, but daytime sleep is still necessary. Daytime sleep should be about 1.5-2 hours.

Walking in the fresh air depends on the weather; on average, in winter it is recommended to walk about 1.5 hours a day, and in summer you can spend at least the whole day outside (if the weather permits), just not in the sun, but in the shade. When walking, dress your child according to the weather so that he does not freeze or overheat.

Nutrition of a child at 2 years 9 months

The diet of a child at 2 years 9 months is 4 times a day.

Try to stick to feeding times. For example: 7:00 - breakfast; 12:00 - lunch; 15:00 - afternoon snack; 18:00 - dinner.

The last meal should be 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.

Also pay attention to the duration of the meal: breakfast - about 15-20 minutes; lunch - 20-25 minutes; afternoon snack - 5-10 minutes; dinner - 15-20 minutes.

The daily amount of food for a child 2.5-3 years old is about 1500-1600 ml.

The amount of food consumed during the day differs at different meals. So for a child 2.5-3 years old at breakfast it is about 400 ml, for lunch - 500-600 ml; for an afternoon snack - 200 ml; dinner - 350 ml.

Due to the significant expenditure of energy against the background of the child’s mobile activity and enhanced metabolic processes in the body, the need for basic nutrients remains quite high. So a child needs: protein - 50 grams per day; fat - 50 grams, carbohydrates - 210 grams. The calorie content of food throughout the day is about 1500 kcal.

It should be noted that 70% of the incoming protein must be of animal origin (meat, liver, fish, chicken eggs, dairy products).

Fats of vegetable origin should make up about 10% of the total amount of fats, while butter and vegetable fats should not be subjected to heat treatment.

Milk and fermented milk products still occupy a leading position and amount to about 500-600 ml per day. Cottage cheese, cheese, kefir are necessary.

Bread should also be present in the child’s diet every day (about 60-90 grams per day).

To feed a 2.5-3 year old child, a variety of cereal porridges are used - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina.

The child’s diet also includes pasta.

Sugar is a necessary product, but in moderation. So the recommended amount of sugar per day is 50-60 grams.

Vegetables and fruits can amount to up to 350-4000 grams per day. By the age of three, the range of vegetables and fruits expands significantly.

It is necessary to properly distribute the type of food throughout the day. Thus, dishes rich in protein, fat, and extractive substances should be given in the first half of the day, as they can excite the nervous system and disrupt sleep. Proteins and fats are poorly digested at night. In the evening, it is better to give your child porridge, vegetable and dairy dishes.

Necessary examinations at 2 years 9 months

At 2 years 9 months it is necessary to visit a pediatrician. The doctor will measure the child’s height and weight and assess whether his physical parameters and skills correspond to his age. If necessary, he will give recommendations on nutrition, gymnastics, and conditioning of the baby.

No tests or preventive vaccinations are required for a healthy child at this age.

How to play with a child at 2 years 9 months?

At this age, it is recommended to play outdoor and active games with the baby. These can be games for different types of movement - walking, running, jumping, throwing, crawling, climbing and others. It is especially interesting for a child when games take place in the form of competitions. At the end of which, the winner receives a prize.

Also, the baby continues to be occupied with role-playing and story-based games (to the store, doctor, policeman, teacher, builder and others).

Joint household chores are useful for a child at this age. Kids love to help. Bake, cook together, load the washing machine, mop the floor, sweep, wash the dishes. At the same time, do not forget to praise the child for his help and effort.

Love and listen to your baby. A child is not at an easy age; he learns a lot of new things, learns to build relationships with the world and people around him, and his parents are his guides and support. Be patient and remember that you are setting an example for your baby, so let him see more goodness and love.