What to cook with your girlfriend at home.  A beautiful romantic dinner for your loved one by candlelight - original ideas and delicious easy recipes for a romantic dinner at home

What to cook with your girlfriend at home. A beautiful romantic dinner for your loved one by candlelight - original ideas and delicious easy recipes for a romantic dinner at home

Men are incorrigible romantics who constantly need affection from their women! Women really need to periodically arrange something incredibly sensual for their heroes, and then the spark in the relationship will not fade away!

For example, on Valentine's Day, every woman has a chance to create a romantic dinner for her loved one, capable of igniting a burning flame of passion!

All the details of this event must be thought out in advance so that you can take your mind off the everyday hustle and bustle, work and other troubles. And on Valentine’s Day, the strong half of humanity should not forget about their chosen ones, who are expecting pleasant surprises and gifts.

How to prepare a romantic dinner for your husband

It is worth noting one important point: first of all, complete privacy should be achieved. On February 14, children should be sent to their grandmothers, animals should be sent to neighbors, colleagues and friends should stay away.

We also focus your creative energy on the fact that you can pleasantly please a man (woman) only if, when planning an evening for two, you take into account his (her) tastes and preferences. They should dominate the menu of the proposed dinner, the music, the environment as a whole, the outfit, and other elements.

For example, if your lover is a football fan, be sure to prepare a surprise related to this exciting sport. Lay out a warm green blanket in front of the TV, reminiscent of a lawn, scatter souvenir soccer balls on it, and put chips (preferably homemade) in a spacious glass bowl.

You can also make pizza. As for low-alcohol drinks, the best option is ice-cold beer. Put on the T-shirt of the club he “supports” yourself.

If such an original option does not interest you, we suggest further considering a more classic version, so that a romantic dinner for your loved one at home will be remembered for a long time.

Dinner of two romantics

First of all, you need to take care of the perfect order and do thorough cleaning. You just need to do it in advance so that you look great and radiate energy on the festive evening. Women, do not forget that a charming smile is our main weapon!

To create an intimate and mysterious atmosphere, you should buy thick candles of different heights - after all, they are considered the main symbol of romance. It is also necessary to stock up on incense (lavender or ylang-ylang, although bergamot is also suitable), as well as rose petals. And the reigning twilight will do its job!

It is advisable to pay due attention (the best option is red or snow-white linen) and cutlery.

In the case when a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved at home, he also needs to take care of fresh flowers and place them wherever possible. A table lamp should be placed behind tightly curtained windows. Such unusual lighting will become an unusual imitation of a summer sunset, and this will add its own zest to the prevailing romantic atmosphere.

Musical accompaniment for dinner

A relaxed atmosphere on Valentine's Day is created by quiet instrumental music that does not drown out the speech of coquettishly cooing lovebirds. It should not contain sad motives and consist of measured and calm melodies.

These could be sounds of nature or a saxophone, for example. If you have the opportunity to make a selection of your favorite compositions that evoke pleasant memories of some moments of your relationship, do not be lazy to prepare it.

You can also record two playlists: for dinner and for its continuation. Take advantage of the tonic and stimulating music of the Enigma project and the result of the evening will exceed all your expectations! By the way, it is also possible to watch a movie about love together.

Romantic dinner menu

Now the turn has come to the main component of Valentine's Day - creating a menu for a romantic dinner, which should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Festive dishes are rightfully considered the central element of the surprise. Dishes prepared with love will surely delight your loved one.

That is why you should opt for original salads, which must include aphrodisiac products.

Refreshing salad cocktail with shrimp


  • Avocado – 150 g + -
  • — 50 g + -
  • — 150 g + -
  • - a quarter of the fruit + -
  • - for refueling + -
  • Lettuce leaves - for decoration + -
  • as your loved one likes it + -
  • Red caviar - optional, for decoration + -


  1. Cut the avocado, cherry tomatoes and shrimp into neat pieces.
  2. We combine the listed components, mix evenly, after seasoning with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice. Don't forget about salt.
  3. Serve in glasses with green salad leaves, garnished with red caviar.

Turkey fillet baked in a sleeve


  • Juice of one pomegranate+ -
  • Turkey fillet - 300 g + -
  • - in moderation + -
  • Red wine – 100 ml + -
  • Spices - (thyme, cardamom, cloves) - to taste + -


You can rekindle the flame of love by preparing your next culinary masterpiece.

  1. Place the meat in a spacious bowl, salt it evenly, add spices, and then pour in pomegranate juice and red wine.
  2. After the turkey has stood in the marinade for at least 2 hours, put it in a baking sleeve, pour in the existing liquid and put it in the oven. Cook at 180°C for 50 minutes.
  3. When serving, place the fillet on a flat serving plate (necessarily white), then pour the resulting sauce on top.

For dessert, you can serve pieces of fruit on skewers or chocolate ice cream. If your other half doesn’t like chocolate, then whipped cream with strawberries or other aromatic berries will help out. Don't forget about the main attributes of a romantic dinner. Yes, you read that right, we are talking about strong drinks - champagne or wine.

How to make a romantic dinner memorable

The whole evening should be accompanied by games and erotic flirtations. The ideal version of the game is “French kiss”. To do this, you need to write the parts of the body on pieces of paper and pull them out one by one, and then kiss each other in the places you come across (tummy, lips, cheeks, eyes).

Prepare an assortment of fruits, berries, nuts and various chocolates, cut them into pieces. Blindfold your partner and give him a taste of the “sweets” so that he guesses them. To complicate the exciting entertainment, you should put food on your beloved, and the chosen one will now determine where and what he eats. You need to understand that on this evening any games are welcome and even erotic ones are not forbidden.

You can also diversify them with a light, mesmerizing striptease, belly dancing and similar entertainment. These are such interesting ideas , without a doubt, they will ignite the fire of love in any couple: both with a history of years lived together, and in a union that has recently been formed.

So, the doorbell rings... It's on the doorstep... You look your best: in a sexy transparent dress with a deep neckline and bare back, with beautiful evening makeup, a new hairstyle and a light aroma of delicate perfume.

Having met your loved one, send him straight away for a bath in a fragrant bath, then pamper him with a massage using eucalyptus oil, and then take him to the table.

Don’t be shy to completely liberate yourself this night and then you will know what bliss is! Know that a romantic dinner for your loved one at home is better than even the most luxurious restaurant!

The relationship between two lovers is always full of romance. And where, if not during a romantic evening, is it better to express your feelings, confess your love, and even, perhaps, propose marriage!

Today I will share with you tips on how to make a romantic evening unique and unforgettable. First of all, they are intended for men who are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl.

Do you need a reason?

Imagine that you really want to surprise and please your beloved or chosen one and even know how to do it, but you can’t think of a reason. This happens often!

In fact, lovers do not have to wait for any date or reason - a romantic evening is already a holiday in itself!

Romantic Friday

First, decide what you would like to have: a romantic evening or a night dinner? Or maybe lunch or breakfast time is exactly what you need?

Traditionally, lovers choose dinner, because the evening atmosphere is conducive to relaxation, regularity and romance.

Think how nice Friday or Saturday evenings are - you don’t have to rush anywhere tomorrow and you can sleep peacefully later!

Suite, rooftop and granny's attic

Where can you have a romantic evening and how to make it unforgettable?

  • You might think about dinner at a nice restaurant.
    But it’s better to go there for reconnaissance in advance to avoid confusion with the menu, pricing policy of the establishment and music.
  • I also suggest considering the option of a date at the dacha, where nature itself will be your ally.
  • A luxury hotel room can also add a new touch to the evening.
    After all, everything is familiar at home: from the decor to the smells!
  • Extreme sports enthusiasts may be happy to meet on the roof of a city high-rise building or in the attic of a grandmother’s country house.
  • And nature lovers will long remember a forest clearing with a self-assembled tablecloth.

But if you are a fan of a traditional romantic evening for two at home, then there are options for a romantic retreat:

  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Bath

The main thing here is that the place for a romantic meeting is cozy and conducive to love and tenderness.

When preparing for a date, you need to think through to the smallest detail the decor, lighting, musical accompaniment and, in fact, the dinner itself.

What helps create a romantic mood?

Light, color and flowers

Let the lighting be calm and slightly dim. After all, soft twilight always creates the right mood.

Only don't say that candles are trivial! A lot of candles - this is definitely in bad taste.

But there is another way to play with light and shadows - choose red and blue light bulbs. I'm sure it will turn out well!

Choose dishes and tablecloths in a calm, solid color.

Avoid bright, flashy colors, even if you really like them. Later you will find a worthy use and reason for them.

Of course, every young man or man in love will think about flowers.

Only do not give a huge bouquet this evening - it will be disharmonious with the tenderness of the atmosphere. It’s better to choose a small but original composition.

Such flowers will definitely delight and be remembered!

You can include a fresh bouquet in the table decoration.


Music is perhaps the main element of a romantic date.

Light, quiet compositions will not distract from a pleasant conversation, but will create the right atmosphere for the evening.

I advise you to prepare two different playlists:

  • Some melodies will accompany your couple during the meal. And such music should be exclusively background.
  • Others will bring the couple together by dancing. Here you can rely on your taste.

But when choosing, be sure to take into account the tastes and preferences of your loved one. Imagine how excitedly a girl will react when she hears familiar melodies!

If you don’t have enough time to prepare a personal playlist, take advantage of the Internet: it’s not difficult to find a station that broadcasts romantic music online.

Romantic table


Think carefully about your table decor.

If the romantic party is themed, then the tablecloth and dishes should also correspond to the moment.

But don’t forget the rule: during the meal nothing on the table should prevent you from seeing each other and communicate freely.

Treat or feed?

My next advice applies, rather, to the fair half. Many people love and know how to cook delicious food. And this is good!

But when preparing for a romantic dinner, try to maintain the golden mean: calculate your strengths and capabilities so as not to look tired and exhausted by the evening.

Now let's move on to the dishes.

We remember that food for a romantic meeting should be:

  • light,
  • low-fat,
  • and contain less flour.

Because after an overly rich meal you won’t want to have intimate conversations, much less dance. You will most likely be drawn to the sofa to watch the TV and just sleep.

Our task is different - only to treat, and not to feed the guest to the fullest. Well, if you are organizing an evening for your wife or husband to refresh your relationship, then it would be all the more unreasonable to reduce everything to a banal meal.

Menu ideas for a romantic evening

  • Prepare simple but original salads with squid, shrimp, meat, and herbs.
    Let them be in edible tartlets - convenient, beautiful and tasty.
  • Meat and more meat!
    A man is a man to enjoy stuffed chicken or fried pork like a child. But, Don't forget that we are only planning a light evening snack.

So let there be meat! Only in the form of julienne, gravy or thinly sliced ​​plates for sandwiches with greens.

Although you can get out of this situation in another way: I suggest baking a good piece of pork or beef in the oven, and then do what you want with it: pieces, rolls with the same convenient skewers, etc.

The most convenient food for a romantic table - canapés on skewers or mini sandwiches. Decorate them in the shape of hearts or boats - that's romance for you.

There are a great variety of canapés: with meat, cheese, herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

  • Sweet table for sweet relationships - fruits, chocolate, sweets and champagne.
  • A light dessert - fruit jelly and strawberries with whipped cream - ideal for a romantic evening.
  • If you plan for the meeting to last as long as possible, then aphrodisiacs will help with this: coconut, dates, avocado, vanilla, bananas, strawberries, shrimp, etc.


Choose light drinks: champagne, delicate liqueur or weak wine, low-alcohol cocktails.

Strong drinks are so strong that they can spoil the charm of a romantic meeting.

Don’t forget to find out in advance your partner’s preferences in both food and drinks.

A few additional tips for a man who has decided to have a romantic evening:

  • If you don’t know how to cook, order light snacks at a restaurant.
  • A bouquet is perhaps the most obligatory attribute of the evening.
  • Do you want to surprise? Flower petals on the table and in the room will touch a woman’s soul.

But you don’t have to buy armfuls of roses or tulips for this. Many flower shops sell petals from roses that are starting to fade. It costs very little, but it will definitely have an effect!

And once again about flowers.

What's the best way to invite a girl on a romantic date? You can just call...

But I advise you to do this: buy a small but very original bouquet or bouquet-basket, and then send the flowers by messenger to your beloved.

Don't forget to include an invitation note!

I’ve heard that some young people, inviting them to a romantic evening, meet their chosen one at the entrance, then blindfold her and only in the apartment surprise her with an unusual surroundings.

Option? I think yes. But not everyone is able to appreciate such extreme sports!

So experiment very carefully.

If the couple is already several years old

Even if you have been together for a long time, romantic evenings should not remain in the past.

After all, they are the ones who will give here the spark of love and romance that absolutely everyone needs.

You can remember some memorable day of your relationship and organize a small themed holiday for yourself: the day you met, the day of your first kiss...

Mutual joy is at the forefront!

Each couple will choose the most suitable option for a romantic evening idea.

Some days a light dinner and watching an exciting movie will be enough; others will enjoy a bath for two with relaxing music.

There will be those who will come up with something new: remember about grandma’s attic and roof?

It doesn’t matter where or what you come up with for a romantic evening. The main thing is that the evening turns out to be festive, and that you have the most pleasant feelings from it.

Here's an hour of romantic music, enough for the whole dinner.

In order to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved “half,” you don’t have to wait until February 14 or March 8. And you shouldn’t even wait for the weekend - you can organize a pleasant evening in the middle of the work week, the main thing is not to oversleep before work the next day. “Surprise” and “mystery” - these words should become the motto of the upcoming evening. And so that this very evening does not become a bolt from the blue for your beloved, start artillery preparation in the morning. Write a note on a long strip of paper with words of love and a promise of a wonderful evening at the end of a hard day, and also warn of surprises. Tear the paper tape into several pieces and place them in different places. One, for example, in the bathroom, another in the kitchen, next to the coffee maker, put the third in your cosmetic bag or purse. Arrange the pieces of the “puzzle” so that your beloved girl can compose a message from them during the morning preparations.

When your intrigued partner leaves for work, prepare a surprise for your loved one for a romantic dinner called "Rain of Petals" To do this, buy a bag of petals at the flower shop and stock up on strong threads. At home, take a regular garbage bag (preferably green or blue, so that there are no bad associations) and make several cuts 5-7 cm long at the bottom, connected by short jumpers. Tie threads to the jumpers. Fill the bag with petals and attach it above the door, and secure the threads to the door. The scheme of this surprise is as follows: the girl opens the door to the apartment, the door swings open, the threads are stretched, the jumpers at the bottom of the bag break, and the petals rain down in colorful rain right on the head of your amazed lady. It is advisable to capture this moment on video. And for a guaranteed result, practice in advance to be completely sure that instead of a surprise there will be no embarrassment.

Another pleasant surprise for a romantic dinner for your loved one can be “flying flowers”. To prepare this surprise, buy balloons filled with helium and tie one flower to each balloon using fishing line. Flowers floating in the air are unusual and unusual.

Place small candles on the floor of the apartment and place a note under each one. Let the hint notes lead your beloved to the bathroom, where she can relax after a working day in fragrant foam with a glass of champagne, and then to the table. By the way, the table does not necessarily have to stand in the center of the living room and be an example of restaurant chic: a romantic dinner means comfort and warmth of communication, so the table can be set in the kitchen. Dim or turn off the lights and light candles. You need to choose candles that are tall and as thick as possible, this way you will protect yourself from drops of melted wax. Place them in different places: on the floor, shelves, windowsill, just remember about safety! Cover the table with a white tablecloth, laying it so that the ends of the tablecloth hang down at the corners of the table, and place a brightly colored tablecloth on top of it (for example, red, dark green or rich orange). This tablecloth should be slightly smaller in size and should be laid by shifting the corners by 45° relative to the lower tablecloth. In the center of the table, place a wide dish filled with water, in which flower buds, petals and small candles float.

And now the actual romantic dinner for your beloved. It is advisable to set the table so that you do not have to periodically jump up and run for the next dish or cutlery. In the end, you are not preparing a feast, but a cozy evening together, so a salad, a main course with a side dish and light snacks will be enough. If you intend to hold out until dessert, then after dinner you can move closer to the TV and have a tea party while watching your favorite movie. But that’s later, but now let’s get to the dishes. Since this is still a dinner, albeit a romantic one, the food should be not only light, but also satisfying. After all, the working day is over. Therefore, you cannot do without meat or seafood. Pay special attention to seafood, because they contain substances that increase libido. In addition to seafood, ginger and other warming spices have stimulating properties. “Culinary Eden” offers you a choice of several types of dishes from which you can create the menu for your romantic dinner.

800 g boiled chicken fillet,
200 g black or red grapes,
1 avocado,
2 tangerines,
50 g of any nuts,
3 tbsp. orange juice,
1 tbsp. dry red wine,
3 tbsp. cream,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
½ tsp. salt,
lettuce leaves.

Cut skinless chicken fillet into pieces. Cut the avocado into thin slices. Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds. Divide the tangerines into slices. Combine chicken, avocado, grapes and tangerines, mix gently. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, place the resulting mixture on them and pour the sauce over them. For the sauce, combine mayonnaise with wine, orange juice and cream, and add salt to taste. Sprinkle the salad with chopped nuts.

4 small cucumbers,
½ lemon
1 large red onion,
50 g cashew nuts,
¼ cup chopped cilantro,
1 tsp spicy curry,
1 tsp ground turmeric,
1 tsp honey,
½ tsp. sea ​​salt,
1 tbsp. olive oil.

Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, cut the onion into cubes, crush the nuts with the flat side of a knife and chop them, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

150 g couscous,
4 salmon steaks,
1 young zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 tomato
1 lemon,
2 tsp seasonings for fish,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
½ tsp. ground black pepper,
½ tsp. salt.

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cook couscous according to package instructions. Cut the zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and lemon into thin slices. Prepare 4 large sheets of parchment or foil. Place couscous in the center of each sheet, place 1 piece of salmon fillet on it, place pieces of vegetables and lemon on top of the fish. Sprinkle the top with a mixture of spices, salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and wrap the sheets into bags. Place the bags on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve directly in the bags, placing them on serving plates and carefully unwrapping them.

½ cup long grain brown rice,
500 g peeled shrimp,
¼ cup soy sauce,
¼ cup lemon juice,
2 tbsp. rice vinegar,
2 tsp brown sugar,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
250 g green peas,
30 g ginger root,
1 avocado,
1 stack water,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add rice, cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer for 40-45 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes without opening the lid. For the sauce, combine soy sauce, lemon juice, vinegar and sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Heat vegetable oil in a large frying pan, add shrimp, thinly sliced ​​ginger and peas, add salt and pepper and fry until tender for 3-4 minutes. Peel and cut the avocado into cubes and mix with the shrimp. Place rice on plates, top with shrimp and serve with sauce.

2 pcs. sole fillet,
6 strips of bacon,
150 g cheese,
2 cloves of garlic,
50 g butter,
salt, pepper - to taste,
lemon juice,

Cut the thawed fillet lengthwise into three parts, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prepare the filling: combine grated cheese, chopped garlic and herbs, mix well. After this, place a strip of bacon on each strip of fish, place the cheese mixture on it, and roll into a tight roll. Secure with toothpicks. Place the finished rolls on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place a piece of butter on each and place in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15 minutes.

Almost no woman can resist sweets, and if they are also prepared by the hands of a loved one, then such a dessert is simply impossible to refuse!

200 g flour,
150 g butter,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. orange juice,
75 g sugar or powdered sugar,
strawberries or cherries,
red jelly for decoration.
Marzipan mass:
1 stack almonds,
1 stack Sahara,
¼ cup water,
2-3 drops almond essence (if available)
food coloring.

First, cook the marzipan mass. To do this, place unpeeled almonds in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander. When the almonds have cooled slightly, remove the skins from the nuts; this is not difficult to do. After this, fry the nuts in a dry frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the nuts do not burn. Grind the nuts in a blender until pureed. Pour the sugar with water and boil the syrup until such a state that the drop can be rolled into an elastic ball. Pour the chopped almonds into the syrup and heat for another 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Add almond essence and food coloring. Sprinkle a cutting board (ideally a stone one) with powdered sugar, place the almond mass on it and roll out to the desired thickness. The marzipan mass dries out quickly, so store it in cling film. Meanwhile, knead the dough from flour, butter and sugar, roll into a ball and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then roll it out into a thin layer on baking paper, cut out a large heart and carefully place it on a baking sheet. Mix orange juice with 200 g of marzipan mass and 1 yolk. Make sides from half, spread the other half on the heart. Beat the egg whites with 75 g of powdered sugar into a stiff foam and apply along the inside of the sides. Place the center of the heart with berries and place in an oven preheated to 175°C for 25 minutes. Prepare the jelly and cool slightly. Cool the finished heart and glaze the jelly by applying it with a brush.

175g self-raising flour
75 g powdered sugar,
75 g butter,
2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp hot water,
1 egg.
For the glaze:
50 g butter,
100 g powdered sugar,
3 tsp cocoa powder.

Combine the flour, sugar, and butter in the bowl of a food processor and mix on low speed until the mixture turns into crumbs. In a small cup, mix coffee with hot water, add an egg and whisk. Add to the butter crumbs in the food processor bowl and process until smooth. Dust the board with powdered sugar, place the dough on it and roll out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut out cookies using a heart-shaped notch. Place it on baking sheets and place in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes. Bake the cookies until golden brown. Remove the cookies from the baking sheet while they are still hot and cool on a wire rack. Make the chocolate frosting: Combine the butter, powdered sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl, stirring with a wooden spoon. Connect the cookies in pairs, gluing them together with icing.

Prepare a signature drink. True, you need to prepare it in advance. Call it, for example, “Wine of Love.” The recipe for the drink is simple: add the juice of one orange to 500 ml of dry white wine, 2-3 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp. ground ginger, ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg and ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon. Refrigerate for 2 weeks.

125 ml chocolate liqueur,
90 ml vodka,
25 g dark chocolate.

Fill 2 martini glasses with ice, pour the ice into a shaker, pour in the liqueur and vodka and shake vigorously. Strain into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If you are against alcohol, then try making a ginger drink: add 3 tbsp to 1.2 liters of boiling water. finely grated ginger. Stir, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a pinch of ground black pepper. Remove from heat, strain and squeeze out the pulp. Add 5 tbsp. honey, stir. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the drink to taste. If it turns out too sour, add more honey. Pour tea into cups and garnish with mint leaves.

Love and romance to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In addition to romantic “Valentines”, flowers and all kinds of hearts, you want to give your loved one an unforgettable romantic dinner. What to cook so that the passion does not fade away during the meal, and the often manifested heaviness from dinner does not fetter or spoil the romantic evening. The choice is simple - choose aphrodisiacs, on this day they are most appropriate!

Romantic dinner, or Menu for two

Aphrodisiacs- this is not a scientific and medical discovery of the 20th century; they have been known since ancient times and are mentioned in Greek, Chinese and Indian treatises. The word “aphrodisiac” came to us from ancient Greece and translated means “ love pleasures." It's no secret that some foods are natural aphrodisiacs and fuel the fire of passion. Aphrodisiacs simultaneously perform four important functions: they activate desire, rejuvenate the body, maintain love functions at the proper level and enhance the pleasure associated with them. Perhaps, without these “four” a romantic dinner may fail! All that remains is to figure out which products contain this love elixir. Doctors believe that the best “love” foods are those that contain zinc and selenium, which are necessary for the production of testosterone, as well as vitamins responsible for hormones and relieving fatigue - A, B1, C and E. In addition, these are easily digestible proteins and fatty acids, which serve as a source of energy.

It is believed that to maintain a healthy and harmonious love relationship, it is enough to consume one of the following foods just once a day. The only condition is not to subject the products to unnecessary heat treatment, which kills the “love meaning”.

When dinner smoothly turns into breakfast. The most delicious sweet pancakes according to the recipe of a famous pastry chef. Watch the video!..

1. Spices– aromatic seasonings contain a whole group of vitamins, such as vitamins C and E, B vitamins. Spices invigorate and improve blood circulation. Prepare dinner by seasoning your dishes with a pinch of cardamom or curry. Don't forget about nutmeg, red pepper, ginger, cinnamon. Nutmeg, for example, contains a substance similar to sex hormones responsible for increasing sensitivity. And cinnamon is considered an exclusively feminine spice; it awakens the most tender feelings. Finish your dinner with a cup of coffee with ground cinnamon!

Fragrant spices

2. Seafood They owe their stimulating effect to the high content of protein and amino acids involved in the production of the love hormone - testosterone. Isn’t it true that seafood always makes for a romantic evening, and at the same time they are tasty and dietary. Shrimp, mussels, and scallops will make you feel light and energized. Seafood products are rich in protein and zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of the male hormone testosterone. The iodine they contain relieves tension and relieves depression, because it is so important not to think about problems during a romantic dinner.


The ideal solution for dinner is a light shrimp salad with arugula and cherry tomatoes, dressed with pesto sauce and olive oil.

3. Avocado– an excellent stimulant of male activity. Scientists managed to unravel the secret of the magical effect of avocados on the reproductive system at the beginning of the last century. As it turns out, this highly nutritious exotic fruit is rich in protein, potassium and vitamin A, which improves prostate function.


4. Strawberry For many people, drinking champagne is a symbol of a romantic dinner. Simply contemplating strawberries already evokes a feeling of happiness. This scarlet berry is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. In addition, strawberries promote the production of endorphin, the famous “hormone of joy.” This hormone is also present in chocolate and bananas.

Strawberries with whipped cream - a sure hit for a romantic dinner.

Strawberries and cream

5. Cheese– an excellent source of calcium, the lack of which can result in decreased desire. Scientists have proven that calcium increases the chances of conception and is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. Cheese is also an excellent appetizer that will be appropriate on any table.

If this evening instead of champagne you chose dry red wine, we recommend that you serve hard cheese with it.

Cheese slices

6. Agree that onion and garlic- not the best products for a romantic dinner. A strong smell can ruin a romantic mood, but these products are powerful aphrodisiacs. Onions, for example, contain a lot of zinc and selenium, which are necessary for the production of sex hormones. Garlic is rich in microelements such as sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, which increase libido and enhance pleasure. A simple trick will help get rid of the pungent smell of garlic: immediately after eating garlic, eat a few leaves of fresh parsley. Peppermint, coriander, green mint, tarragon, eucalyptus and rosemary are also effective in getting rid of unpleasant odors.

After eating a dish with garlic, just chew mint leaves for a few minutes.

Onion rings

7. Chocolate- a favorite delicacy of lovers. Sweet bars relieve fatigue, awaken sexuality and promote the formation of serotonin and endorphins. Chocolate, candles, some fruit and a glass of liqueur will put you in a romantic mood.

The ideal solution for a dinner for two is chocolate fondue (translated as “molten”). The main thing is to stock up in advance on a special fondue set, which is sold with particular success on the eve of Valentine's Day.

Belgian chocolate

8. Almonds – contain potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and proteins that are easily absorbed by the body. These nuts will quickly saturate the body, but will not burden the stomach. People believe that these nuts prolong the night of love. Scientists confirm popular speculation: the reason is the high content of riboflavin, which saturates the body with energy.


9. Honey sometimes called the food of the gods, and this is no coincidence: it is a sweet elixir that bees produce from flower nectar. Honey is the best energy restorer and is included in all recipes for stimulating dishes along with nuts, fruits, eggs, and meat. Honey can only be eaten natural, without processing or heating.

To maintain love, interest and passion in a relationship, it is very important to fill your life together with pleasant little things, common hobbies and, of course, soulful romantic evenings. Romance is not only Paris, dinner in a luxurious restaurant or walks along the azure coast of a seaside resort... Sometimes for a soulful evening, your own cozy home or apartment is enough, where you can also enjoy the romantic atmosphere and give all your attention to your other half.

Romantic dinner - a classic of the genre

The most obvious option for an evening for two is a romantic dinner. To make the time spent together memorable for a long time, organize it in a special way - creative imagination and a touch of creativity will be very helpful. Dim lighting, pleasant soulful music, beautiful table setting will certainly create the appropriate atmosphere. But besides this, try to surprise your soul mate: prepare an original symbolic gift (perhaps made with your own hands), which will then remind you of your best moments every time, and if you have culinary talents, prepare something special, think about an unusual presentation of dishes. But if haute cuisine is not your thing, it doesn’t matter, because you can always order food in a restaurant.

And of course, decor plays an important role here. Of course, candles and rose petals are what we usually expect from a romantic time.

However, you can always add some personality to your familiar surroundings. A great idea is to have an evening with a hint of Japanese style. So, instead of a regular table, you can organize everything on the floor: trays, a special mini-table (which is usually used for breakfast in bed), soft pillows and blankets - just what will add more warmth, allow you to relax as much as possible and feel at ease.

Evening in the yard

If you live in a private house with a terrace and a beautiful courtyard, then an evening in nature is an excellent opportunity to realize your plans in the fresh air without leaving home. There are a lot of ideas for locations, so choose according to the situation, as well as based on your own preferences:

  • a picnic on the lawn is a great option for warmer weather;
  • if you want a more thorough serving, have dinner at a table near the grill;
  • Cool weather is not a reason to give up the atmosphere of wildlife around. Spread a blanket on the floor, place pots of flowers around, a picnic basket, light herbal-scented candles to make the idea as realistic as possible.

If possible, have an evening on the rooftop with amazing views of the city. Such an environment will certainly heighten emotions and feelings and, undoubtedly, will be in the “treasury” of your best memories.

Cinema for two

Instead of a banal trip to the cinema, you can spend a much more interesting evening watching an exciting film in your cozy room, especially if you have a home theater at home. After all, we create romance ourselves: with desire and great anticipation of beauty, we can organize a spiritual atmosphere even in the most ordinary place at first glance.

It’s better to give up melancholy melodramas or films with intricate plots in favor of adventures and romantic comedies, so that it can be fun and interesting together.

Hot bath

Perhaps, one of the most romantic moments is an evening spent in lush, aromatic foam. Despite its apparent simplicity, the benefits of such joint relaxation are obvious: nothing will bring you closer together than a luxurious bath for two.

The implementation of the idea does not require large expenses and a lot of time for preparation, because champagne along with fruit for the menu in this case will be more than enough. You also don't have to buy an expensive bouquet of roses. A few petals for the bath, candles and your romantic mood are what you need for a better rest. By the way, flower shops sell ready-made petals for such cases.

Fill your space with a wonderful scent by adding your favorite essential oil to the aroma lamp. And don’t forget about relaxing, calm music, which will be the best complement to a sensual evening.

  • Plan a romantic dinner together for a day unencumbered by important matters and worries the day before. It is best to spend the evening together before the weekend, which will allow you not to think about work and upcoming plans;
  • Avoid too strong alcohol. To make your evening magnificent, sensual and tender, choose good wine or champagne. If you wish, you can prepare original cocktails yourself, beautifully decorating them with fruit;

  • An important aspect is the design of the table. It is advisable to follow the dinner style by choosing the right menu. Do not overdo it with filling and decor - everything should be in moderation;

  • Along with other decorative elements, lighting plays an important role. Subdued light light is ideal for creating a romantic atmosphere. Lighted candles, garlands, flames from an aroma lamp - all this will allow you to completely relax and immerse yourself in the trembling atmosphere of a romantic holiday;

  • The musical accompaniment deserves special attention. Stylish jazz, instrumental tracks or unobtrusive lounge - all these are win-win and time-tested options for sharing a dinner with your significant other.

Treasure each other, trying to bring more pleasant moments and romantic evenings into your relationship. This is the only way you can better express your feelings, be frank and strengthen the union for a long time.
