To make the children feel good - or to make the guilty feel bad?  The daughter of Svetlana Del spoke about the fate of one of the girls removed from the family. Svetlana Del is a mother of many children on Instagram.

To make the children feel good - or to make the guilty feel bad? The daughter of Svetlana Del spoke about the fate of one of the girls removed from the family. Svetlana Del is a mother of many children on Instagram.

I have always been amazed by this ability of our media, which somewhere will swell violently, raise a howl, and rush ashore empty...

That is, first they jump after the scandal, and then they keep their mouth shut, no one is interested in what happens to the people who were moved by this scandal.

And life goes on.

Photos: Svetlana Del’s Instagram

Instagram of Maria Ermel, Svetlana’s friend

Not a single media outlet wrote that the parents, members of the “Let’s Protect Our Families” group, presented the authorities with a petition that collected 13,500 signatures and submitted applications to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee and the Presidential Reception.

The initiative group of parents “Let's Protect Our Families” demands that officials and law enforcement officers who committed serious violations of the law when taking away ten children from foster family Svetlana and Mikhail Del in Zelenograd.

“Regardless of whether the Del spouses were guilty of anything, in this situation, when taking away the children and in the subsequent actions of officials, serious violations of the current legislation were committed Russian Federation, some of which contain elements of criminal offenses,” say the authors of the appeal.

“Such actions by officials in power should not go unpunished - otherwise every Russian family will feel in danger, fearing arbitrariness and not trusting government officials.”

How the children were taken away.

MOSCOW, January 18 - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. In Zelenograd, Svetlana Del continues to fight for the return of her ten children. A mother of many children filed a lawsuit against the police and guardianship authorities after the seizure.

The resonant story was overgrown with all sorts of rumors and once again attracted public attention to the problems of foster families. RIA Novosti tried to understand the situation, relying on Del’s online diary, sources in the Moscow guardianship authorities and the Zelenograd police department, as well as the opinion of experts.

Without warning or order

On January 11, the Zelenograd police, without any notice or order, took away Svetlana’s ten children. Within an hour, according to family friends, they were taken from two different kindergartens, a school, a ballet studio and a Christmas tree. Two ended up in a shelter - Svetlana was allowed to join them. Eight are in the infectious diseases department of the hospital in different wards. There is a quarantine there and you can’t visit them. Three remain at home: the older children managed to pick up the youngest Nikita from kindergarten. Guardianship shows no interest in them.

Svetlana's lawyer was not provided with any documents. The guardianship explained that the boss took the papers to Moscow. At the same time, according to family friends, the guardianship said that they had no complaints - only the police.

However, a RIA Novosti source in the Zelenograd police department reported that Svetlana Del never attracted the attention of the authorities. The signal to remove the children came from guardianship.

Children's Rights Commissioner Anna Kuznetsova said that there were no complaints against Svetlana Del: the children can be returned to their family. The Investigative Committee was also interested in the incident - the Moscow Main Directorate is conducting a pre-investigation check on the legality of the actions of the guardianship authorities.

"We'll take it and don't argue"

Svetlana Del and her husband Mikhail moved to Zelenograd in 2014. Before that, they lived in St. Petersburg and were known as active foster parents. The family was atypical: before the birth of their own child, they took in seven adopted children, and after that, six more. In addition, under their care was the son of a missing friend and two teenagers who were soon to leave the orphanage.

In 2009, when Svetlana began keeping an online diary, they were raising three adopted children and Mikhail’s daughter from her first marriage, Masha, in a large country house in the village of Lisiy Nos on the shores of the Gulf of Finland.

Svetlana's husband - CEO"Europe TV", a company producing television programs and films, three times awarded TEFI, is rarely mentioned in the diary. Svetlana herself, a physician by training, worked in the press service of the Mariinsky Hospital and worked part-time at a real estate agency. IN free time The woman participated in the work of the April charity fund for children from orphanages.

Having become a volunteer, Svetlana soon realized: the only way she could really help was to take the child from a government institution to a family.

It all started in 2006 with Dasha, Svetlana’s first daughter, she wrote in her diary:

“I remember with the orphanage where my girl was, we went to some kind of concert, and then went to lunch. And my daughter had a “chef” (curator - approx. RIA News). The three of us walk: the little one is in the middle, and we hold her hands on both sides. And I mentally understand that I need to let go of my hand and take the other child, that this is stupid, but I can’t... In general, I took her.”

Three months later, Svetlana was taken from orphanage Dasha's brother - Philip. The boy was given away reluctantly: with neurological diseases he was called “unpromising,” but after just a couple of months Svetlana had the feeling that they were “connected by the same umbilical cord.”

A year later, Dasha’s second brother, Misha, was also taken away: “My husband himself said: it’s impossible like this - he’ll be the only little one left there. Let’s take it and don’t argue... I didn’t argue.”

"You do not have kids!"

Eight-month-old Polina - “Polishka, Polyunya, Hamster” - with a serious medical diagnosis, Svetlana adopted in May 2011: “Polya is a miracle. It’s true. It’s some kind of gift from Heaven. I’m not a sentimental person, but Polya captivated the whole family. I think , I feel her every move, every smile."

Having four adopted children, Svetlana continued to volunteer: she visited orphanages and even took over the patronage of teenagers Sasha and Vanya. They were soon to leave the orphanage. The mother of many children took her children to museums, water parks and aquariums, to various clubs, took them with her to the Black Sea in Taganrog to visit her parents, as well as to Bulgaria, Italy, Finland and Switzerland. From these trips there were photographs with smiling faces. She described their successes and talked about every small victory. Baptized.

But every time, when interacting with the leadership of the orphanage, schools and guardianship authorities, she was reminded that she did not have her own children.

"My favorite question is: 'Do you have children? These are orphanages, what about yours? If you suddenly give birth to one of your own, where will these be?" Yesterday I just saw how the director of the vocational school, in all seriousness, persuaded Sasha that it would be better for her to be an orphan and not live in a family."

One guardian - the state

In December 2012, Svetlana went to Yekaterinburg, where an AIDS epidemic had now been declared, to pick up ten-month-old Mila. At the same time, she began working to obtain guardianship over little Zhenya with a central nervous system disorder. As she wrote, the children in the orphanage hardly walk and cannot speak, but with “diligence and individual attention,” several could be helped.

The director of the orphanage, however, said that Svetlana’s initiative looks strange:

“Zhenya doesn’t need a guardian. He already has a guardian - this is the state. And in general, you have too many children. So many - it’s suspicious.”

Svetlana was never embarrassed by such claims, but she did not win the battle for Zhenya - he had to stay in the orphanage. In winter, the mother of five adopted children found out that she was pregnant.

In May 2013, the Del family was replenished with two more daughters - Vika and Rita - again from Yekaterinburg. Svetlana told forum members that she was invited by local guardianship authorities. And the girls, according to Del, began to change before their eyes when communicating with her. For the better.

Every three months, all children with a serious diagnosis visited the hospital, where doctors measured their viral load (in recent years it was zero), and were given medications for three months in advance.

In July, their only natural son, little Nikita, appeared. And already in November, Svetlana and her husband received custody of three-year-old Sergei and one-year-old Lera, whom her friend could not pick up.

For the New Year 2015, the mother of eleven children brought three kids at once: Artem, Katya and Petya. The latter was a welcome child in his birth family, but he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. The boy's parents abandoned him. Katya also ended up in an orphanage with living parents, who decided to arrange their fate without her.

“But the not-so-pretty ones, and those with Down syndrome, also need a family, so what can we do? Don’t disappear because of one unfortunate extra chromosome,” the new addition briefly commented mother of many children-volunteer.

Family or orphanage

To questions about how she copes with so many children, Svetlana answered: with the help of a nanny, husband, grandmothers and older children, with whom they were “very lucky.” Someone called her a "level 80 mom."

However, the opinions of forum members about the well-being of this large family divided. Some, having visited, wrote that the children gave the impression of being well-groomed and loved. Others asked how Svetlana’s family differs from the orphanage. For example, a negative opinion was expressed by user marilandi, who decided to leave her child at Del’s house for the day:

“My child never saw a single adult for the entire day and was left in the care of Philip. When asked why the child said that she was not fed, Sveta could not clearly answer. Just like when asked why the child came all in fuel oil."

Nancy Thomas Methods

According to preliminary data, the reason for the seizure was the teacher’s message that there were bruises on the body of six-year-old Serezha Del: the boy allegedly said that his dad hit him.

Svetlana wrote about Seryozha that he suffers from “attachment disorder” according to Nancy Thomas: “He lies constantly. Without meaning. Often without benefit for himself. You ask, for example, what was in the kindergarten for breakfast? He will say - sausages. But in reality - porridge. What's the point of lying? What difference does it make to me?

However, the symptom of “attachment disorder” proposed by Nancy Thomas is considered by psychiatrists and psychotherapists to be unproven by science. And her teaching is completely dangerous. The fact is that the woman herself was a dog handler and had no psychological education. Her theory was based on experience in dog training: the dog trainer suggested that parents ignore children's basic needs (for example, for food) in order to teach them to obey. Among the victims of such upbringing, the organization Advocates for children in therapy names Vanya Skorobogatov, adopted American family in 2003 and died in 2009 - from cruel treatment.

Bullying of adoptive families

Despite all of the above, Maria Ermel, the mother of four adopted children with special needs and a friend of the Del family, is sure that it is difficult to find more adequate parents than Svetlana and Mikhail. She calls the incident with the removal of ten children at once bullying of foster families. The guardianship authorities committed a crime by disclosing information about children, she is sure:

“They chose a beautiful, bright family and decided to destroy it. They have already destroyed it: they trampled and humiliated it. Even if the children are returned: how will they now, with their diagnoses disclosed, go to school?”

According to her, this situation is beneficial to the management of orphanages: “About 100 thousand rubles are allocated for each child per month, and up to a million for a child with a disability. At best, he receives seven thousand rubles. This money, in contrast to allocated to parents is easy to steal."

Astakhov: the number of deprived parental rights decreased by a third in 5 yearsThe number of parents deprived of parental rights has decreased by a third over 5 years, according to the annual report of the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Astakhov.

However, the head of the group for developing a professional standard for specialists in guardianship and trusteeship authorities, a member of the government commission on juvenile affairs, Galina Semya, considers this version untenable: “Money for a child in an orphanage is allocated in the municipal budget, it does not come from the federal budget. It is more profitable for local authorities to pay foster parents 20 thousand rubles than to allocate a million for a child.”

In 2015, Svetlana took her last daughter, Irina, with a lesion of the central nervous system. At the same time, Mikhail formalized guardianship of all adopted children.

Professional parents

A third of the children in the adoption database are with disabilities. For adoptive parents Those who decide to take custody of them are entitled to monthly remuneration. In Moscow, they are the highest in Russia - 25 thousand rubles for each parent and about 20 thousand for child benefits, says Galina Semya.

"They receive at least 50 thousand rubles a month for a disabled child if there are both parents in the family. There are often cases when they abuse payments: sensing the smell of big money, they begin to take out loans. Then they come to the guardianship and ask for another disabled person - there is not enough money for mortgage."

A source in the Moscow guardianship authorities told the agency that a family with 15 children with disabilities recently arrived in Moscow. Parents are not heroes, but enterprising people, she believes:

“Now they have a dacha-palace, horses, and the children practically don’t live at home - all the time in sanatoriums or somewhere else... But for some reason, when a child with behavioral disorders is sent from an orphanage to a mental hospital, then this is punitive psychiatry, and when he is sent there foster mother- this is caring for his health. The boy’s mother called him a thief only for taking sausages from the refrigerator without asking.”

As stated by the head of the capital’s social protection department, Vladimir Petrosyan, large family Del terminated the custody agreement for eight children: the city transferred over 630 thousand rubles to them monthly. According to him, there is evidence that "the children were deprived of a lot."

In addition to large payments, Moscow has another tempting offer: if parents are raising five adopted children, three of whom are disabled, and for ten years there are no claims against them from the guardianship authorities, then they have the right to receive an apartment. By coincidence Svetlana Del has been a foster mother for about ten years and recently moved to Moscow - a city with maximum payments for the care of children with disabilities. Then the problems immediately began.

“As I know, the police went to pick up children from different parts of the city, without warning or documents. What threatened them at the Christmas tree, in the ballet studio? I don’t see such urgency. This is worse than any juvenile country like Norway,” says Galina in turn Family.

According to her, the guardianship authorities showed unprofessionalism and even committed a crime by removing ten children at once and distributing them to different places. In Moscow, at the Department of Social Protection, there is a special council that considers selection issues within three days:

“There are specialists who can assess the situation by talking to the children and determine the origin of the bruise: as a result of being hit with a belt, being burned by a cigarette, or during play. I don’t understand why they weren’t involved.”

Last year, according to Galina Families, 61,621 children were deprived of their parents and sent to an orphanage. Of these, only five thousand were returned to their families. The main problem is that there are no legal mechanisms that allow children to be returned if the guardianship authorities make a mistake. Just as there is no term “seizure” - instead, lawyers still use the more politically correct “selection until the circumstances are clarified.”

A member of the government commission on juvenile affairs considers the situation with Svetlana Del not hopeless: thanks to the noise that was made on the Internet and in the media. But how many lesser-known parents are at risk of not bringing their children home is much harder to say.

Yulia Prokudina

How much money do you give to first-year students per month? I figured that 10 thousand is enough for travel and minor expenses, but my daughter says it’s not enough. It’s clear that everyone’s income is different, that someone lives in a hostel, I’m interested in the average amount, and what expenses it implies - maybe someone else’s experience will help me decide


Svetlana Dmitrieva

Yesterday there was such a situation. The mother of one of the second graders, let’s call him Vasya, wrote to the parent chat with a request to see if any of the children had grabbed their textbook. Well, we, like many, replied that we did not have a textbook. Then it turned out that the textbook was lost under strange circumstances: a group of children went to a performance and left their briefcases in the classroom where those children who did not go remained.

Vasya arrived and found his briefcase disheveled on the floor near the blackboard, although he himself was sitting on the last desk. My cub said that it was a girl, let Tanya throw Vasya’s backpack so that its contents spilled onto the floor. When I started asking him in more detail, he began to fuss, well, maybe not Tanya, I don’t know, she’s like that..... . Well, I told my friend that they had to stop this Tanya, because they couldn’t do that even in next time someone will throw you or Tanya’s backpack, and I don’t think you’ll like it. And in the evening Vasya’s mother wrote that the textbook had been found, but the details of the story were beyond the scope...

I was thinking yesterday, should Vasya’s mom have been told the details right away, or not interfere? Yes, and blaming someone else’s child without being 100% sure is somehow not very good... But this situation is definitely not the last, and what is the correct way to behave in such cases? Help seek justice or sit on your butt?


Just Marina

Recently a dog stole a quarter of a milk chocolate bar, and of course he killed it in half a second
this is the preamble
and now it’s an outpatient)
Lately I’ve read a lot of articles and heard in the media that chocolate is death for dogs and almost instantaneous... even a small piece...
I have 2 explanations for the fact that my dog ​​is safe and sound, and didn’t even wince:
1) either chocolate is not chocolate
2) or in the articles, to put it mildly, they exaggerate...
At the same time, dogs have stolen and eaten chocolates before without consequences..
what does the omniscient forum think???
The topic is chat!


Ulyana Mick

And I reported to the prosecutor’s office, the FAS, the Central Bank, etc.
Now, in order.
When ordering tickets electronically, I entered my passport details as expected. I bought a ticket.
And I forgot about it.
Two weeks later, I received a strange letter asking me to pay the debt - 350 rubles in accrued interest. They wrote to me that I took out an instant loan from 1 thousand rubles at 365% per annum. I laughed and forgot again. But a couple of hours later I received an SMS with the same text on my phone.
I started to figure it out.
She asked me to send the agreement with stamps and signatures. They told me that the contract was supposedly signed electronically - via SMS confirmation.
At this stage, I collected all the letters sent to me and sent them to the authorities, notifying an office unknown to me about my actions.
The office does not answer the phone number specified in the details, it turned out that this is a certain MFO (microfinance organization), even in the Saratov region. I am in Moscow.
Then I began to analyze what could have happened. During the booking process, I agreed to receive a loyalty card, and it turned out that this was the whole point. It was suggested to purchase a card for further use when ordering tickets. Which is what I did, considering that it was safe - well, everyone has a discount card, this is normal. Here are just the bonuses that are on the card - this is the same credit.
But it’s wrong for them to do this to me. Journalistic practice + oncological experience made me a real Batman in the fight for injustice. The next step is going to court.
And you know, you can throw your slippers, but I’m really looking forward to these showdowns. I am tormented by the desire to punish the bastards.
Okay, I'll figure it out. But I imagine people who are less literate, and less, say, socially protected (thanks to the state, my 1st disability group will do a good job here, as will a transparent, clean credit history) unfortunate people, for whom this thousand not taken on credit will cost them serious problems. But some will also start paying out of fear.
Wish me good luck)
If you have any additional reasonable thoughts, thank you.


IN kindergarten They noticed that the child had bruises similar to traces of beatings: there were bruises on the buttocks, lower back and groin area (later, traumatologists will find another bruise on the neck, all of these are statements from social security). In the kindergarten they are told that children are always hungry and wear shabby clothes that are out of season. A delegation of officials and law enforcement officers went to Del’s home.- and this is for 15 people including “parents”!

The oldest girl who was under guardianship:
“You know, how insulting it was for me and my brother when all the money disappeared from our account, and then she (Svetlana - author) sent my brother back to the orphanage like an unnecessary thing, and kicked me out a little later. Because I told her, that I was tired of sitting with the children all day and constantly cleaning, to which I didn’t even hear a thank you, but I heard people yelling at me because I had put something in the wrong place (...)"

Former nanny:
“I worked there for a little over two years. After everything I saw, I no longer believe in interest without self-interest, pity and mercy.”

Don’t believe the letters on the Internet, here is a video of a tear-stained baby talking about the practice of beating by adult guardians.

Following this, a story was released on TVC, from which it became clear that the children were divided into those for the soul (blood and 4 adopted), and those for the purpose of receiving 674 thousand rubles. per month (8 for which guardianship was issued). Those less fortunate had to go to a separate toilet, they were allowed to wash once a week, they were deprived of food for the slightest offense and were regularly punished with a belt, there was video surveillance everywhere in the apartment. A remarkable case is that a child who was in a group with the children of the “Del family” was found to have bruises. It turns out that the kid was beaten because he took a piece of bread without permission, since in the Dahl family this was punished and called theft.

No, of course, those who are always wearing rose-colored glasses will now tell me: “Well, she has Instagram, there are such happy children there, they are such a family, the children are better there!” Of course, everything is fine with her there, but you want her to post videos and photos of beatings and remain without money? No, of course not, she wears glasses just like you, and Dior makes her feel quite great, or rather she felt it while she had children.

Therefore, I once again ask all defenders of this “business” to reconsider their perception of this world, since the beautiful shell in the form of sweet family photos on Instagram absolutely does not reflect the harsh reality and the current state of affairs. They make you emotional and show you a rosy fairy tale in which you blindly believe, I regret that the bailiffs don’t have Instagram so that they can show the real state of affairs and that refrigerator with 150 grams of soup...

Personally, in this story, I am absolutely against such families and I sincerely feel sorry for those who do not understand that they are making a business on their gullibility, on the health of children with a difficult fate, and on our state... Disgusting...

P.S. I am ready for a constructive dialogue - you tell me explain with facts why I may be wrong and we are discussing this topic. For those who are inadequate - fools / fools, they will immediately be banned, I don’t even want to waste time on you. I don’t touch the first comment on purpose, let’s see if the person has anything relevant to say.

I kept calling them “Varlamovs,” trying to somehow maintain legislative politeness. But it is simply absurd to continue legal hide-and-seek: this surname has practically become a household name, the whole country knows it - Del. Svetlana and Mikhail Del from Zelenograd, Moscow, who in January became the heroes of a juvenile scandal that has not subsided to this day and the further, the more painfully it aggravates the problems of the entire system - the orphanage system, orphanages and their new “parents.”

Del, let me remind you, were just like that - “parents”. Over the course of several years, they took a total of 15 foster children from boarding schools. The majority have severe congenital diagnoses: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, HIV. But Svetlana and Mikhail seemed to have created the ideal model of a foster family. They moved to Moscow from St. Petersburg, rented a four-room apartment, and according to the papers, the husband owned a serious television company. And her Instagram - Svetlanin, “mother’s” Instagram - became a virtual presentation of a happy orphan future: children-candy-pink bunnies. Guardianship reports confirmed this: everything was extremely positive. But.

On January 10, the same guardianship came to Del’s spacious apartment along with the police: one of their foster children told the kindergarten that his dad was beating him. At the emergency room, a 5-year-old boy was given a certificate of bruises, bruises and abrasions. The other guys confirmed that dad beats us too. But my mother doesn’t cook, she’s always on the computer, we wanted to eat and stole bread - and for this we were hit with a belt like that, on the butt. And the girls showed on the doll HOW - like this.

10 of the 12 adopted children who then lived with the Dels were taken from them and resettled in shelters. Among other things, they were found to have lice and basic hygiene problems. In the same kindergarten, teachers said that in winter and summer the kids wore tight, worn clothes and, yes, they were always hungry.

The custody agreement with the Del family was terminated Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

The custody agreement with the Del family was terminated. But two kids - a boy and a girl - were eventually returned: they were adopted, you can’t just tear up pieces of paper. Against “father” - although, as psychologists who spoke with the children say, they stubbornly called him only “Uncle Misha” - so, the police opened two criminal cases against Mikhail Del at once: beatings and failure to fulfill duties in raising a minor. The first had to be stopped: the long-suffering law on the decriminalization of family violence was passed, but his father’s bruises did not cause serious harm to the health of the 5-year-old boy - that’s what the experts decided. As a result, “Uncle Misha” was still tried for beatings, but under an administrative charge, and on March 15 he was given 90 hours of compulsory labor.

The investigation into the case of poor upbringing continues, Mikhail Del faces up to three years in prison. And here comes the news again. Svetlana Del, who until now seemed to have nothing to do with this criminal case (#shemama), may now end up behind bars with her husband. On April 11, the police reported that she was detained under the same article, until she was interrogated as a suspect and released on her own recognizance.

And what is “failure to fulfill educational duties”, explained Alexander Knyazev, official representative of the capital’s Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

As a guardian, she did not take part in the lives of her wards, treated them with disdain, rudeness and insult, did not care about their health, mental, physical and moral condition, did not pay due attention to sanitary and hygienic appearance, and allowed offensive expressions in communication with children. And besides, she repeatedly treated them cruelly.

Del boarding school residents received almost 700 thousand rubles in benefits every month. Where this money was spent, if not on food and clothing for children, is now also being investigated by the police.