Blood pressure is normal at 16 years old.  Normal blood pressure in young children and adolescents

Blood pressure is normal at 16 years old. Normal blood pressure in young children and adolescents

High blood pressure at 17 years of age may be caused by for various reasons. Most often among them there are malfunctions of the heart and circulatory system, kidney pathologies, and psycho-emotional stress. High blood pressure levels during this age period are an alarming bell, as they can provoke severe complications of the body at an older age. To prevent such problems, it is important to know what pressure is considered normal in adolescence, and what to do if the diagnosis of hypertension is confirmed.

Blood pressure indicators are influenced by the state of the circulatory system. The values ​​of systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure directly depend on heart contractions and the resistance of the walls of blood vessels as blood passes through them. These indicators also determine the speed of blood flow, which allows the vital organs of the body to receive oxygen and nutrients.

Any disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system lead to serious pathologies and disruption of metabolic processes. The optimal pressure in a teenager at 14, 15, 17 years old is close to the values ​​typical for an adult, and therefore is 120/80 mmHg. In this case, minor deviations up or down are quite acceptable.

A 15-year-old child's blood pressure reading 110/70 or 130/90 should not be cause for concern. In medical practice, a special formula is used to measure blood pressure. To determine the upper pressure, the patient’s age must be multiplied by 1.7 and the number 83 added to the resulting value.

The calculation looks like this:

  • systolic – blood pressure = 1.7*age+83;
  • diastolic – 1.6*age+42.

This calculation helps determine normal blood pressure in a child aged 14 to 17 years. But these results cannot be called accurate, since they do not take into account the sex of the child and his height, which are fundamental during puberty. If the obtained values ​​exceed the permissible norm, it is necessary to find out what caused such deviations.

Pressure rise characteristic

Such problems in adolescence are most often discovered completely by accident. Parents usually attribute any ailment in a child to the period of growing up, without attaching much importance to it. But it is worth understanding that deterioration in well-being does not occur without a reason.

Headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, dark circles before the eyes - these symptoms should alert the parent and force him to seek medical help. The doctor will measure your blood pressure, after which he needs to make sure that the increase in values ​​​​is not associated with anxiety or fatigue.

Parents should measure their child's blood pressure for at least 3 days in a row. different times days. If it has increased more than 3 times, then a comprehensive diagnosis is required.


To determine the reasons why blood pressure increases, the patient must undergo laboratory tests of blood, urine, ultrasound, and electrocardiogram. Based on the tests, the doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

High blood pressure in teenagers is usually associated with the following factors:

  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Gender - boys aged 7-17 years old have lower blood pressure than girls of the same age.
  • Excess body weight – in 90% of cases it is manifested by high blood pressure. Availability excess weight in a child can lead to serious diseases of the cardiovascular system in adulthood.
  • Bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs.

Pressure changes in adolescence can be caused by psycho-emotional tension, stress, overwork, which is especially important during school and exams.

If a child is professionally involved in sports, it is incredibly difficult for him to combine school studies with high physical activity. Therefore, parents need to be attentive to the condition of such children, monitor nutrition and proper rest.

During puberty, many teenagers want to appear older, so they can drink coffee, energy drinks, and low-alcohol drinks, which greatly excite the nervous system and increase blood pressure and heart rate.

At this age, they react very painfully to criticism and remarks, which often leads to complexes, lack of self-confidence and their strengths. Such a reaction can cause inexplicable aggression, irritability, and anxiety, which, in turn, provoke high blood pressure.


Hypertension in adolescents is treated in the same way as in adults. If the disease is detected in time and is at the initial stage of development, preventive measures are recommended:

  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • proper nutrition;
  • quality rest;

  • body weight control;
  • fight against bad habits.

If prevention has not brought visible results, and the disease progresses, then in this case the patient is prescribed treatment. The following groups of drugs can be used as drug therapy:

  • ACE inhibitors. Among them, the most popular are Captopril, Lozap and Enalapril.
  • Beta blockers. Nebivolol is usually used to treat children.
  • Calcium antagonists. The most effective include Amlodipine and Isradipine.
  • Diuretics. This drug group is represented by the drugs Furosemide, Indapamide and Hypothiazide.

Only a doctor can select a medicine to stabilize blood pressure, and he also determines the required dosage. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious complications in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Hypertension in adolescence

The diagnosis of “hypertension” is made to children in case of repeated visits to the doctor, when the measured upper pressure is increased to 140 mmHg, and the lower one is fixed at 90.

Medical studies have revealed that increased blood pressure in 17-year-old adolescents is associated with pathologies of peripheral vessels and impaired contractions of the heart muscle. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of hypertension is confirmed in 25% of children. If not properly treated, the disease can cause childhood disability and even death.

Hypertension in adolescence can be a consequence of the following diseases:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia. Adolescents are susceptible to vegetative pathologies nervous system which cause increased intracranial pressure. This condition is accompanied by nausea, severe headache, weakness, low performance, profuse sweating, rapid pulse, etc. VSD has a serious effect on the nervous system, contributing to the feeling of nervousness and stress in patients.
  2. Endocrine diseases.
  3. Kidney failure.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Heredity.

Most often, high school students suffer from hypertension. This is due to high psychological stress, heavy academic loads, and worries about entering universities. Often the disease is provoked by stressful situations caused by internal complexes and self-doubt. Unfavorable reasons that may affect the development of hypertension include:

  • unhealthy diet, frequent consumption of fast food;
  • low social standard of living of the family where the child is growing up;
  • serious physical activity, after which there is no proper rest;
  • use medical supplies, doping for muscle growth;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity, alcohol and drug use.

At the early stage of the disease, the pressure is fixed within 140/90 mmHg. Such indicators may be a consequence of renal failure. In order to exclude kidney pathology, the patient is sent for further examination, which includes an ultrasound, urine and stool tests. Additionally, the patient must undergo an ECG, ECG, heart rate and VNS study, stress tests, and blood pressure monitoring.

Also, a teenager must visit a neurologist. To identify pathologies of the heart muscle, the patient is prescribed tetrapolar inpedanceography. Using this study, you can determine the type of blood circulation in the arteries, as well as the state of the autonomic nervous system.

Hypertension in adolescent children today, unfortunately, is not uncommon. But young patients should not despair, because in most cases, confirmed pathology can be successfully treated even without the help of serious medication. It is important to remember that the disease should be treated by a specialist who will determine the causes of hypertension and eliminate its symptoms.

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The blood pressure norm for a teenager is somewhat different from the norm for an adult; moreover, the norm is set by a range, and within the range it is different for each person. It is necessary to know the norm of your own pressure for two reasons - firstly, you should measure your pressure from time to time, without having any signs of pathology, in order to know the individual norm. Secondly, blood pressure (BP) can increase without any significant symptoms; to identify hypertension, it is measured and compared with a previously established norm.

The individual norm depends on many indicators, including the state of the body, gender and age.

What does a teenager's blood pressure depend on?

A child's body functions in the same way as an adult, but with a number of differences. Metabolic processes go faster, cells also divide much faster and require more blood and nutrients. This requires more intense circulation - a child’s heart beats faster than an adult’s, which is reflected in the pulse, which is higher in children than in adults.

There are two pressure indicators - systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower), and each of them reflects certain parameters.

If a child has low blood pressure, this is not a reason to worry; such indicators are normal for children of a certain age. Conversely, you can miss hypertension in a child if you measure it in terms of adults.

The upper, systolic pressure, depends on the contractions of the heart. The stronger the heart muscle contracts, the more blood is released into the aorta and the stronger the pulse wave. The pressure increases. Since there are not as many muscle elements in the heart of a child as in the heart of an adult, and also due to the immaturity of the conduction system of the heart in early age and the absence of compensatory hypertrophy obtained during life, this indicator in children is usually lower than in adults. This is important for understanding that if a child has low blood pressure, this is not a reason for concern; such indicators are normal for children of a certain age. Conversely, you can miss hypertension in a child if you measure it in terms of adults.

The lower pressure is called diastolic, and depends on:

  • kidneys and excretory system. The kidneys regulate the amount of urine output and the volume of circulating blood. If for some reason the functional insufficiency of this organ does not filter, the volume of blood in the bloodstream increases and the pressure increases. It has and reverse effect– massive diuresis leads to a drop in blood pressure (and is also fraught with an imbalance of electrolytes);
  • endocrine system. There are several hormonal systems that control blood pressure. These include the renin-angiotensin system, which has a decisive influence on peripheral vascular tone, the adrenal system, and the hormones vasopressin and aldosterone. Some act on vascular tone, some – on electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine);
  • nervous system. Constant and rapid regulation is carried out by the autonomic nervous system. It maintains peripheral vascular tone, ensuring the flow of venous blood to the heart. The walls of blood vessels contain many smooth muscle elements, which, when contracting, push the blood further and further. These stimuli are supplied by subcortical centers. The heart muscle also needs the same regulation.
A child's heart beats faster than an adult's, which is reflected in the pulse, which is higher in children than in adults.

Thus, from these two figures, the blood pressure indicator is formed, which is normally in the range of 110–120/70–80 mmHg. Art. (millimeters of mercury).

Normal blood pressure levels in children and adolescents

Normal blood pressure readings in a child may not resemble the books, so formulas have been developed to calculate the pressure that is considered optimal in childhood. They look like this:

  • up to one year of life – 76 + 2 x T (where T is the months of the child’s life) for systolic, while diastolic is from 1/2 to 2/3 of systolic;
  • over one year of life - 90 + 2 x T (where T is the child’s age in years) for the upper pressure, and the lower one will be 60 + T. For example, the normal pressure in children 10 years old will be 110 per 70 mm Hg. Art.

Up to 2 weeks of life – 60–96 at 40–50 mmHg. Art. This is not low blood pressure, as is commonly believed, the fact is that the heart muscle of children of this age is not yet mature enough, and the composition of the blood contains a lot of young hemoglobin, which is typical only for such young children and is practically absent in the body of an adult. The pulse in newborns is very frequent, but the cardiac output is not strong, so the pressure does not increase.

2–4 weeks of life – the strength of the heart muscle increases, but the child’s needs for oxygen and nutrition also increase, so the pressure increases to 80–112 by 50–74 mmHg. Art.

Up to a year, the child grows rapidly, and with it the heart - now the pressure is 90-115 at 60-75 mm Hg. Art.

3–6 years – the pressure is as much as is necessary to successfully support a growing organism. The numbers reach 110–115 at 65–75 mm Hg. Art. It becomes noticeable that the lower limit of the range is reduced; this is typical for the strengthening heart muscle.

Normal blood pressure readings in a child may not resemble the books, so formulas have been developed to calculate the pressure that is considered optimal in childhood.

6–12 years is an important time for the body; towards the end of this time period of life, a total restructuring of everything begins in connection with the puberty period, and these changes cannot but affect blood pressure. At this time, gender differences in blood pressure arise - the pressure in boys and girls will differ from this period. The normal blood pressure in an 11-year-old child is 115–120 per 70–80 mm Hg. Art., that is, reaches adult values.

From 13 years to 15 years - at this age hormonal changes continue, but blood pressure does not normally increase. High blood pressure during this period may be due to emotional stress, increased mental work, and an inactive lifestyle. The blood pressure norm for a 14-year-old teenager is the same as for an adult, its upper limit is 120 per 80 mm Hg. Art., and anything higher can be a manifestation of full-fledged hypertension with a full complex of symptoms.

At the age of 16 and 17 years, a lot of estrogen is synthesized in the girls’ bodies, a female sex hormone that has a vasodilating effect and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, some hypotension (persistent low blood pressure) is a common condition for girls, and boys at this age are more likely to experience symptoms of hypertension. This situation persists until the cessation of estrogen synthesis - menopause, when parity is established.

How to measure a child's blood pressure

If a child complains of feeling unwell, dizziness, weakness, insomnia, has a deterioration in concentration, memory, if he experiences mood swings, is aggressive or hot-tempered, talks about headaches, his blood pressure should be measured so as not to miss a serious pathology.

Noticing any pressure deviation from age norm, in no case should you adjust it yourself; “adult” antihypertensive drugs are especially dangerous for children.

There are several rules that must be followed:

  1. The tonometer cuff should fit tightly to your arm and not sag. In addition, it should not cover the arm several times; the circumference of the arm should be equal to 80-100% of the length of the cuff, otherwise the readings will not be accurate. Therefore, you should use a special children's cuff, which is often supplied with the tonometer.
  2. Measurements should be carried out correctly three times on each hand with an interval of 3-5 minutes. After the measurement, the average value is determined, which indicates the correct pressure level.
  3. The optimal time to regularly measure blood pressure is in the morning after waking up, and also in the evening before bed.
  4. The child should be calm; there is no need to measure blood pressure after a hearty meal, during or after a walk, running, active games, or crying. This is not the right time; the resulting indicator will not be objective. We need to reassure the child, explain that it is not painful and useful, and interest him. The measurement should be preceded by half an hour of quiet sitting or some leisurely entertainment.
  5. There is no need to put the cuff on clothes, even thin ones - this will confuse the device’s readings and interfere with the measurement.
  6. The measurement is carried out in a sitting position (for infants it is also allowed in a supine position), while the cuff should be located at the same level as the heart, and the cuff tube should be parallel to the radial artery.
  7. If the tonometer is not mechanical, do not hold the bulb in your hands while deflating air and counting numbers on the device screen - the pulsation of the arteries in your hand may disturb the device and the result will be incorrect.

By following these rules you can get an accurate result. Often there is no need to carry it out yourself - a doctor can do this, acting according to the protocol and with maximum accuracy.

6–12 years is an important time for the body; closer to the end of this time period of life, a total restructuring of everything begins in connection with the puberty period. At this time, gender differences in blood pressure appear.

Causes of pathological pressure in children

So, we found out what pressure children should have at 12 years old, 13 years old, 14 years old, and so on. Now let's talk about what could be the cause of blood pressure deviation from the norm.

High blood pressure in children can be caused by:

  • emotional overstrain (most common reason hypertension in children, especially emotionally labile ones);
  • intense physical activity (active games, running) and some time after it;
  • painful sensations (falls, injuries);
  • as well as diseases of the kidneys, endocrine glands, and cardiovascular system (secondary hypertension).

Primary hypertension in children has a mild form, that is, it rarely has severe symptoms.

Low blood pressure in a child occurs with severe fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of regular physical activity (later this condition can lead to hypertension if it lasts for a long time), infectious diseases (especially in chronic form), allergies, taking certain medications, helminthic infestations, disruption of sleep and wakefulness.

If you notice any deviation in blood pressure from the age norm, you should under no circumstances adjust it yourself; “adult” antihypertensive drugs are especially dangerous for children. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination, find out the exact cause of the pathology and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.


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Blood pressure is the main indicator of health. What is the normal blood pressure for a teenager? Why might it increase or decrease? Details in this article.

Normal blood pressure in teenagers 14 years old

What should be the blood pressure of a 14-year-old teenager? Normally, this indicator should not be lower than 110/70 millimeters of mercury and should not exceed the upper limit of 136/86 millimeters of mercury.

Pressure changes

It is worth noting that such an indicator as blood pressure in adolescents is often very unstable. It can go up or down. For example, if the norm of blood pressure in adolescents is exceeded, then this may indicate such a completely normal phenomenon as hormonal changes. In addition, pressure can also increase due to stressful situations. But it may also be that high blood pressure caused by serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and even lungs. IN in this case Increased blood pressure is an alarming symptom.

If the pressure is low, then this may indicate anemia, as well as the fact that there is a lack of body weight and insufficient nutrition. In addition, blood pressure may decrease in girls during menstruation (if they have already begun). Both high blood pressure, the causes of which vary, and low blood pressure are very dangerous.

What to do?

If pressure changes are sudden and occur frequently, and also cause discomfort and are accompanied by other alarming symptoms, then you should definitely tell your doctor about this so that he can conduct an examination and prescribe treatment if necessary.

It remains to add that it is extremely important to regularly and systematically monitor such indicators as blood pressure in a teenager in order to protect him from health problems and serious diseases.

Hypertension does not only develop in old age. Teenagers can also be susceptible to this problem. The disease has serious complications. It is very important to detect it in time and begin treatment.

In teenagers, normal blood pressure is almost the same as in older people.

But there are cases when teenagers at 14, 15, 17 years old developed hypertension. Most doctors are of the opinion that abnormalities in the cardiovascular system arise from childhood, so it is important to monitor the child’s blood pressure.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine why the child's blood pressure is higher than normal.

Why might a child have high blood pressure?

There are many causes of hypertension. It can occur at any age under the influence of poor ecology, lifestyle and body condition.

But at the age of 14, 15, 17 years, high blood pressure may be a symptom of another disease.

These include:

  • constriction of blood vessels in the kidneys;
  • tumors;
  • renal failure;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In adolescents, hypertension may be a response to hormonal changes that occur at this age due to puberty.

Also, the disease at 14, 15, 17 years old can arise as a result of VSD, which develops under the influence of age-related changes.

Hypertension in a child can also occur due to a hereditary predisposition. In addition, the development of the disease from an early age is influenced by poor nutrition, obesity, and emotional overload. High blood pressure is common in teenagers who are experiencing family conflicts or problems at school.

Typically, at the age of 14-15 years, hypertension develops against the background of hormonal changes. And in an older child, it can occur due to overwork and anxiety associated with final exams or entering a university.

At the age of 15-17, children react sharply to all events. A teenager has a lot of doubts about his future, he can become aggressive and overly emotional. All this contributes to increased blood pressure.

Such problems can arise if the child has obstructive sleep apnea, that is, snoring. In this case, you need to contact a somnologist. It will solve this problem and help normalize breathing. This will help lower blood pressure.

Signs of the disease in adolescents

In adolescents, hypertension manifests itself with the same symptoms as in older people:

  1. The child is often worried headache, which worsens in the morning and evening.
  2. Dizziness may occur.
  3. The teenager gets tired quickly and becomes irritable due to constantly feeling unwell.
  4. The child's mood changes constantly and very quickly.

There are cases when hypertension that began at age 15 goes away on its own

This occurs if the disease is caused by hormonal imbalances associated with adolescence. When this period passes, the pressure returns to normal. But the child’s condition still needs to be monitored.
In adolescence, hypertension is most often diagnosed by chance. Parents associate most of the symptoms of pathology with the transition period. To know for sure that a child has high blood pressure, the doctor must measure it several times in a row. Only if violations were noticed more than three times, the specialist will carry out diagnostic measures.

When it becomes clear that this is hypertension, the doctor conducts an examination, collects information about complaints and characteristics of the body.

Blood and urine tests are also prescribed, ultrasound examination internal organs to exclude pathologies that can cause increased blood pressure. An electrocardiogram is also prescribed. In some cases, consultations with other specialists (cardiologist, endocrinologist) are necessary.

These diagnostic measures help to establish the cause of the deviations and make it possible to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Treatment of the disease in adolescents

No matter what age a child develops hypertension, nothing can be done. You definitely need to see a doctor.

The specialist will prescribe the following treatment:

  1. Medicines. If a teenager needs medications to lower blood pressure, doctors try to choose ones that will give the desired effect at the minimum dosage.
  2. Lifestyle changes. From an early age it is necessary to monitor the child’s nutrition and lifestyle. This will prevent the development of the disease. In the initial stages, to get rid of hypertension, it is enough to follow the rules healthy eating, control your weight, exercise, get enough rest.
  3. Folk remedies. Among such methods, acupuncture, massages, and relaxation therapy are popular.

If blood pressure has increased due to pathologies of internal organs, then the first thing to do is to eliminate this pathology. Only then will treatment of hypertension produce results.

Treatment for hypertension in adolescents should only be selected by a doctor.

Only a specialist can (based on the characteristics of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body) prescribe treatment.

At the age of 15-17, global changes occur in the child’s body. He "comes out" of childhood and becomes an adult. This is accompanied by severe anxiety, which can lead to the development of hypertension. But in some cases, this problem may be a response to a serious pathology. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. Only a specialist can determine how serious this problem is.

From the article you will learn what is normal blood pressure in children. What should it be like at different periods of a child’s development, does it depend on gender. When changes in blood pressure (abbreviated as BP) in children are normal, and when you need to seek help. How to correctly measure a child's blood pressure.

Article publication date: 07/18/2017

Article updated date: 06/02/2019

Blood pressure is an indicator that depends on a person’s age. The lowest values ​​are recorded in newborns (in the first 4 weeks), when blood pressure is in the range of 60–80 at 40–50 mmHg. Art.

As the functioning of blood vessels and the heart changes, associated with the transition to the pulmonary type of breathing, blood pressure also increases - during the first year it can reach a value of 90 to 70 mm Hg. Art., but more often lies in lower boundaries.

Normal children's blood pressure from 1–2 to 8–9 years is about 100 per 70 mm Hg. Art. Then it gradually grows and by the age of 15 it enters the “adult” boundaries.

Children are also characterized by fairly large pressure fluctuations, often up to 20–25 mm Hg. Art., which is associated with increased activity of the child.

Problems with blood pressure under the age of 18 are dealt with by neonatologists, local pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists.

Normal blood pressure in children

Immediately after birth, the child's blood pressure is at its lowest level, which increases as quickly as possible (on average up to 2 units per day) during the first weeks. Subsequently, the growth rate slows down.

In pediatric practice, in contrast to the adult population, there is no uniformity - the indicators that are registered in 90–94% of children are accepted as boundaries.

Table by child’s age, including physiological fluctuations:

Age limits Level, mmHg Art.
Systolic Diastolic
First 2 weeks – neonatal period 60–96 40–50
From 2 to 4 weeks – neonatal period 80–112 40–74
From 1 to 12 months – infant stage 90–112 50–74
From 1 to 3 years - early childhood 100–112 60–74
From 3 to 6 years – preschool period 100–116 60–76
From 6 to 9 years - early school stage 100–122 60–78
From 9 to 12 – middle school age 110–126 70–82
From 12 to 15–17 – senior school period 110–136 70–86

Also normal blood pressure in children of different ages can be obtained using the calculation formulas:

The physiological limits of fluctuations using the formula calculation system are up to 30 units in the direction of increase.

Speaking about the norm, it should be noted that it is always individual, especially in relation to childhood. Many factors will influence your child's blood pressure levels:

  1. Place of residence (in mountainous or tropical climates there is a natural decrease in blood pressure).
  2. The amount of salt in food (for children during breastfeeding– maternal salt preferences).
  3. Time of birth (children born prematurely have lower blood pressure).
  4. Activity (the more active the child, the higher his blood pressure in the younger period, and with regular sports activities, older children develop a physiological decrease in blood pressure).
  5. Compliance with measurement techniques.
  6. Height (the taller the child, the higher the pressure).

In order to facilitate the use of tables with age and gender standards, there is a rule in pediatrics:

  • consider acceptable blood pressure for the first 10 years to be up to 110 per 70 mmHg. Art.;
  • after 10 years – up to 120 per 80 mmHg. Art.

When this norm of blood pressure in children is violated, this is a reason to use formulas and tables to make sure there is no pathology.

Sex differences

Not always present, but it must be taken into account that depending on the gender of the child there may be differences in blood pressure:

  • from birth to the end of the first year, the level of pressure in girls and boys is the same;
  • then in girls it gradually increases, reaching a maximum difference by 3–4 years;
  • at the age of five years the indicators are compared;
  • from five to ten years old, the blood pressure level of girls is again higher than that of boys;
  • After the age of 10, boys are in the lead; this championship remains until the age of 17.

Why does blood pressure decrease in children?

Low blood pressure may be a physiological norm. This is due to the peculiarities of the function of the nervous system, when its parasympathetic part is more active. In this option, against the background of a decrease in blood pressure, there are no disturbances in the child’s general well-being.

A pathological decrease in blood pressure has its negative manifestations:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Decreased activity.
  3. Problems with appetite.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Head pain of varying intensity.
  6. Tendency to collapse and fainting.
  7. Autonomic disorders.

The reason for this condition is a violation of the pressure regulation system, which increases under the influence of external factors:

  • pathology of pregnancy (somatic diseases in the mother, infections, exposure to harmful agents, etc.);
  • premature birth;
  • increased level of intracranial liquor pressure;
  • chronic infectious and inflammatory foci;
  • personal characteristics (emotional instability, hysteria);
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • unfavorable socio-economic conditions;
  • insufficient level of physical activity;
  • violation of the activity and rest regime;
  • period of high instability of hormone levels (11–14 years).

Increased level of intracranial pressure

Why does blood pressure rise?

Under certain conditions, increased pressure is a physiological norm. This is what happens:

  • in any stressful situation when the emotional background is heightened;
  • during and immediately after intense physical activity;
  • in cases of injury.

A feature of this condition is the temporary nature of the pressure change.

In case of pathological primary arterial hypertension in children, a moderate level of increased blood pressure (“mild hypertension”) is noted. High blood pressure numbers indicate a secondary genesis of the pathology.

There are often no symptoms of pressure changes. This was an incidental finding during a routine examination.

If high blood pressure numbers are detected, it is necessary to prescribe the child an additional examination to clarify the cause:

Group of reasons Specific diseases
Damage to kidney tissue Glomerulonephritis – inflammatory changes in the glomeruli of the kidneys

Glomerulosclerosis – transformation of kidney tissue into connective tissue

Nephropathies of any origin

Hydronephrosis – enlargement of the renal pyelocaliceal system with compression of the glomeruli and gradual “shutdown” of the organ

Underdevelopment of kidney tissue (hypoplasia)

Benign and malignant neoplasms

Alport syndrome – combined pathology of the kidneys, hearing and vision

Vascular changes Malformations - discharge of blood between the arterial and venous systems

Developmental disorders of the aorta (coarctation, stenosis or underdevelopment of the abdominal part, open duct between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk)

Vasculitis is an inflammatory process in the wall of blood vessels of an autoimmune nature

Narrowing of the renal arteries

Takayasu's disease - vasculitis involving the aorta and large arteries

Endocrine diseases Hyperthyroidism

Increased function of the adrenal cortex (hyperaldosteronism)

Damage to the nervous system Tumor processes

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Day-Riley disease is a pathology of the nervous system with autonomic manifestations

Medicinal action Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Synthetic hormones of the adrenal cortex

Drugs to reduce appetite

Tablet contraceptives

Steroid drugs



Other reasons Nicotine


Lead or mercury poisoning (heavy metals)

Features of the measurement technique

Measuring pressure in children has its own characteristics; if they are violated, there is a high risk of incorrect interpretation of the result.

Basic requirements:

  1. The width of the tonometer cuff is at least 40% of the arm circumference.
  2. The cuff should cover the arm 80–100%.
  3. Take measurements on both hands.
  4. Multiplicity – at least two times.
  5. Monitor blood pressure, if it changes, at home in the morning and evening for one week.
  6. Do not measure immediately after feeding, active play or crying of the baby.
  7. The examination should only be done in a lying or sitting position, after 20–30 minutes of rest.

Indications for daily measurements

In children, due to their increased activity and excitability, measurements are often taken during the day to establish a diagnosis of pathological changes in blood pressure in order to avoid errors in diagnosis.

Indications for monitoring blood pressure at home for 24 hours.