For everyone and about everything.  How to make a stand for papers, magazines and newspapers from cardboard with your own hands Paper tray with your own hands templates

For everyone and about everything. How to make a stand for papers, magazines and newspapers from cardboard with your own hands Paper tray with your own hands templates

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it seems like your house will never be in order.

But you can get as close as possible to the desired order using regular paper trays.

These items can be used for various other purposes besides storing paper and, surprisingly, they will help you organize many different things in your home and office.

Horizontal paper tray

1. If you put paper trays in the refrigerator, they can act as shelves for frozen fruits, meats and other products.

Vertical paper tray

2. Attach double-sided tape to the tray (preferably one that can withstand a couple of kilograms). After this, attach the paper tray to the cabinet door. In such a tray you can put various kitchen appliances that you often use.

3. You can also use paper trays to store fruits and vegetables.

This way you will know exactly where and what products are located, and also save a lot of free space. You can sign them if you wish.

4. Various canned goods can be stored in such trays.

5. By attaching a paper tray to the cabinet door, you can store foil, baking paper and disposable bags, for example.

6. Bottles, thermoses and thermal mugs.

Toilet paper organizer

1. Use a plastic paper tray for storage toilet paper. You can make a special toilet paper tray with your own hands.

2. If you attach the paper tray to the cabinet door (with inside), then you can carefully and safely store a hair dryer in the bathroom, for example.

Useful tips

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it seems like your house will never be in order.

But you can get as close as possible to the desired order using regular paper trays.

These items can be used for various other purposes besides storing paper and, surprisingly, they will help you organize many different things in your home and office.

Cleaning up your home: kitchen

Horizontal paper tray

1. If you put paper trays in the refrigerator, they can act as shelves for frozen fruits, meats and other products.

Vertical paper tray

2. Attach double-sided tape to the tray (preferably one that can withstand a couple of kilograms). After this, attach the paper tray to the cabinet door. In such a tray you can put various kitchen appliances that you often use.

3. You can also use paper trays to store fruits and vegetables.

This way you will know exactly where and what products are located, and also save a lot of free space. You can sign them if you wish.

Read also:

4. Various canned goods can be stored in such trays.

5. By attaching a paper tray to the cabinet door, you can store foil, baking paper and disposable bags, for example.

6. Bottles, thermoses and thermal mugs.

Organization of order in the house: bathroom and toilet

Toilet paper organizer

1. Use a plastic paper tray to store toilet paper. You can make a special toilet paper tray with your own hands.

2. If you attach a paper tray to the cabinet door (from the inside), then you can neatly and safely store a hairdryer, for example, in the bathroom.

How to clean up your home: bedroom

1. Using double-sided tape, attach the paper tray to the edge of the table (you don’t have to attach it, but just put it on the table, but in this case it will take up little space on the table).

This will give you space to store your hair dryer, curling iron and other tools. In addition, the wires of the devices can hang through the tray, which means you don’t have to untangle them.

Wooden paper tray

2. Turn a wooden filing tray into a shelf by screwing it sideways into a corner. This way you can store magazines, remote controls and other small items.

Hello everyone! Today I will show you and tell you how to make a tray from a simple box. I already have a similar master class, you can watch it. In my opinion, such a DIY paper stand is very convenient for those who work with documents or simply who like to read newspaper magazines.

Unlike the horizontal holder, the vertical one saves a lot of space and is quite compact. Often this kind of organizer can be seen in offices, on desktops. Trays are mainly made of plastic and wood. In some store I even saw wicker ones made from wicker, but they are more suitable for home use for magazines and books.

By the way, they will be very convenient for schoolchildren to store colored paper, sketchbooks, notebooks and much more.

The good thing about my version of a document stand is that it is very easy to make. So, let's begin….

DIY paper stand

We will need:

  • A cardboard box from breakfast cereals or porridge. The denser it is, the better. I don’t recommend taking one that is too thin and soft. In this case, it will need to be strengthened on the sides with additional sheets of cardboard for density.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Self-adhesive film. Wrapping paper will also work, but in addition to it you will need glue or double-sided tape.

First of all, cut off the top of the box so that nothing sticks out. On one edge, from the bottom, measure 11-12 centimeters. Connect this point and the top one on the opposite edge with a line. You should get a bevel like in the picture.

Roll out the roll of self-adhesive and place the blank on top. The figure shows that you need to measure the height of the box and add centimeters at the bottom equal to the width of the bottom + 2 or 3 cm. Bend 4 centimeters of paper and place the blank straight. Carefully glue it around the circle.

Fold the bottom first from the ends and then from the wide part. Cut off the upper protruding part of the film using scissors or a stationery knife. Press all edges well so that it sticks tightly to the tray.

That's basically it. If desired, the product can be decorated with various decors, for example, ribbons, wooden figures or thick colored paper.

If you liked the master class, be sure to share it with your friends on social media. networks, and also subscribe to new blog articles.

I wish everyone creative inspiration and good luck! Kiss! Bye!

February 17th, 2016

To organize all your things and keep your home clean, you need special boxes, bags and organizers. Some of these things can be found in stores and markets, while others can be made with your own hands. Here are a few interesting ideas, how and where you can store various things so that they do not take up much space and can be easily found:

1. How to store small items: mat-bag.

With the help of this mat-bag, which you can buy or make yourself from tarpaulin, rope and thread with a needle, you can easily put away small toys (construction sets, for example) after the children have finished playing.

2. How to make a jewelry organizer

If you stretch a fishing line or strong thread onto a regular frame, you can hang jewelry on it - it’s not only convenient, but also looks beautiful.

3. Containers for storing things.

You can also store different things in one or more magazine holders.

These coasters can be purchased at the store or you can make your own from boxes, such as cereal boxes.

Here's how it's done:

4. Storage of personal small items.

A fruit bowl can also be used to store small items such as earrings, lipstick, keys, keychains and others.

5. Storage systems.

If you find a simple and functional shelf like this, you can save a lot of space in your bathroom.

6. Convenient storage box.

For a bathroom or toilet, you can also order such a narrow chest of drawers, which takes up very little space, but at the same time you can store many necessary things in it. If you really want to, you can make such a chest of drawers yourself.

7. Organizers for storing small items.

If you have such a basket or a box of similar sizes, then you can use it as an organizer for various small things. You can add small notes that will indicate what is in each compartment of the organizer.

8. DIY stationery organizers.

9. Convenient organizer for storing toilet paper.

10. DIY kitchen organizer

By placing several empty cans (preferably the same size) in one basket, you can store various kitchen utensils in it.

11. DIY organizer made from empty cans for storing things.

To connect all the cans, use cardboard and wide tape. Glue strips of cardboard to the bottom of each jar. If desired, you can cover all the cans with tape around the perimeter.

12. DIY organizer for storing papers from boxes.

* Cut a small part of the box diagonally.

*Cut a larger piece from the next box to make a ladder when you connect it to the larger box. It is advisable to compare the size of the next box with the size of the previous one.

* Cut an even larger piece from the third box.

* Connect all the boxes together using tape - wrapping it around all the boxes - or double-sided tape - gluing the boxes together.

*If you wish, you can wrap the entire structure with wrapping or colored paper to make it look more aesthetically pleasing. You can also decorate it to your liking.

Another similar organizer:

13. Office organizer.

From a box and cardboard tubes of toilet paper rolls you can make a convenient organizer for stationery, in particular for pencils, markers and pens.

14. Free portable juice box organizer.

You will need:

Empty juice box

Stationery knife


Hole puncher

Various stationery.

1. Rinse and dry the juice box thoroughly.

2. Using a utility knife, cut off part of the box from the side (see image).

3. Using a hole punch, make several holes along the center of the box. The number of holes depends on the number of pencils and pens you plan to use.

4. Make a hole in the notched part and thread a piece of twine through it. Tie it in a knot to create a handle - with its help you can easily open and close the organizer.

5. Cut a hole in the top of the box for the glue stick. You can also insert pencils or pens there (instead of glue).

You can fill the organizer with different stationery items. Now you can take it with you.

15. DIY dream catcher - organizer for jewelry.

You will need:

Knitting thread.

1. Separate the hoop.

2. Tie one end of the thread to the top of the ring.

3. From the first knot, pull one end of the thread 6-7 cm and tie a knot next to it. Pull the other end in the other direction and also tie it to the ring. Repeat until you succeed geometric figure inside the circle.

5. Repeat step 4 until you have a web that completely covers the circle.

Now you can simply hang your earrings, beads and other jewelry on the craft. If you wish, you can make a small loop in the hoop so that the craft can be hung.

To make your dream catcher even more like an Indian symbol, you can attach feathers to it.

16. DIY organizer for storing brushes

You will need:

Bamboo mat (sushi mat)

Wide elastic band

Thread and needle.

1. Wrap the elastic around the first piece of the rug and secure with several stitches.

2. Start running the elastic through the pieces of the mat, leaving large, medium, and small pieces for the tassels.

3. At the end of the mat, also wrap an elastic band and secure with several stitches.

Now, by inserting the tassels into the elastic, you can roll up the mat and take it with you or put it somewhere where it will take up little space.

17. DIY underwear organizer

You will need:

Box (from shoes, for example)


Wrapping paper (if desired)

Useful tips

Cardboard is a universal material from which you can make not only boxes, but also various crafts, as well as quite useful things in everyday life.

This environmentally friendly material is not difficult to find and is also quite easy to work with.

Here we have collected the most interesting and useful things that you can make from cardboard at home or in the country.

How to make a cable/cord/wire organizer out of cardboard

You will need:

Cardboard toilet paper rolls

Cardboard box (ideal for shoes)

Tape or glue to hold the bushings together (optional)

*The number of bushings depends on the number of cables and space in the box.

*You can fill the box completely or halfway with grommets to leave room for larger items.

* To ensure that the bushings do not dangle in the box and fit snugly against each other, you can fasten them with tape or glue.

Cardboard crafts: laptop stand

You can make a convenient laptop stand out of an ordinary pizza box. This stand was created Russian designer Ilya Andreev. He cleverly used the folds on the cardboard to create a folding stand.

Another option for a cardboard laptop stand

You will need:

Stationery knife

Ruler (preferably metal)

A place where you can cut (a board or a special mat)

Glue (PVA or hot).

* Please select part sizes according to the size of your computer.

* Make cuts on the parts about 6 cm.

* This stand was designed for 13 and 15-inch laptops.

* Use glue to secure all parts, starting with the bottom ones.

*Allow the glue to dry before testing the stand.

Triangular shoe rack made from cardboard boxes

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Ruler and pencil

Wide tape.

*Each module in this shelf is a triangular tube. Its size depends on the shoe size.

First you should make one module.

1. First, cut the cardboard, divide it into 3 parts with a pencil and a ruler, bend it into a triangle and secure with wide tape.

2. Create some more modules in this way.

3. Each row of triangular modules need to be glued to a sheet of cardboard for stability.

4. You can put another cardboard on top.

Cardboard organizer (diagram). Option 1: for papers and documents.

You will need:

Cereal boxes


Colored tape or colored paper for decoration (optional)

PVA glue.

1. Glue the boxes together.

2. Wrap the boxes with colored cardboard or colored wide tape.

DIY cardboard organizer (diagram). Option 2: for papers and magazines

Cardboard organizer for stationery (photo)

You will need:

Cereal boxes


Colored tape or colored paper

PVA glue

Cardboard rolls for toilet paper or paper towels.

DIY cardboard shelves (photo)

1. Prepare cardboard. If you have boxes, straighten them.

2. Now you need to make a hexagon from a sheet of cardboard. To do this, you need to make additional folds, one on each of the two largest sides of the cardboard.

3. Place the box flat and make a couple of cuts (see image) so that the top parts of the shape can be folded towards the center.