docx - moving folder

docx - mobile folder "family and book". Folder moving family and book.docx - moving folder "family and book" Folder moving strong family happy children

Irina Dementieva
Presentation “Folder folder “Rules of communication in the family”

How to organize work with family, effectively solve such problems How:

neutralize possible negative impact families per child.

compensate for the problems of family education;

support and develop educational potential families.

increase the level of pedagogical and psychological culture of parents.

to develop in parents practical skills in raising, teaching and developing children at home.

New forms and methods of work in this a lot of direction. But I would like not to forget about the old ones. I believe, that folders-movements for parents remain one of the effective methods for increasing the competence of parents in raising their children.

Life is more difficult for a child than for an adult. He is constantly being assessed so that he does not did: good - good child; bad - bad child. Even within one day we have to make decisions about punishment, forgiveness, and encouragement of the child. How to avoid mistakes and find the measure?

A. Makarenko wrote: “Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. The true essence of educational work lies not in your conversations with the child, not in direct influence on the child, but in the organization of your families, your personal and public life and in organizing the life of a child. Educational work is, first of all, the work of an organizer. In this case, therefore, there are no trifles.”

My folder- transportation for parents " RULES OF COMMUNICATION IN THE FAMILY or 54 WAYS TO PRAISE A CHILD.”

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Culture of communication in the family” Culture of communication in the family. Teach children to be attentive to their own and other people’s speech, to understand all shades of words well, and to be fluent.

Consultation for parents “The influence of communication in the family on the formation of a child’s speech” Consultation for parents: “The influence of communication in the family on the formation of a child’s speech” The family for a child is his first school. Communication with.

Purpose: to convey to parents various information on issues of raising children, various events, events in the group, information on.

Presentation “Mobile folder “Altai Territory” I bring to your attention an example of a horizontal sliding folder on the theme “Altai Territory”. Everyone knows that people are traveling to the Altai Territory.

MBDOU - d/s "Topolek" village. Keys of the Lysogorsky district of the Saratov region Children are supposed to know the road rules Our motto: We must know well.

Let the sky be blue, Let no smoke billow in the sky, Let the menacing guns be silent And the machine guns not fire, So that people and cities can live. World.

Rules for communicating with a child RULES FOR COMMUNICATION WITH A CHILD 1) Before you instruct your child to do anything, carefully consider whether he can cope with it. Don't expect.

Rules for positive communication with a child The more freedom a child has, the less need for punishment. The more rewards, the less punishment! (J. Korczak.) Rules.

No title

Older age

Educational goal: To expand children's awareness of themselves, their bodies, and their health. To contribute to the formation of ideas about the growth and development of man - a part of nature, a thinking being.
Topic: Forms of working with children; Objectives; Benefits;

Structure of the human body Conversation “What am I made of?”


In the pulp of the fruit of a watermelon or orange, see and distinguish individual cells. To help us realize that our entire body, all its parts, consist of countless tiny living cells. They breathe, feed, divide, constantly renew themselves, grow, and decay. Cell division diagrams.
Conversation “The skeleton is a reliable support for the human body” Prove by feeling your body that we consist of many large and small bones firmly attached to each other (skull, spine, rib cage). All together they make up the skeleton.. Model of the human skeleton
Excursion to the construction of a new house. Prove that the skeleton is a reliable support for the human body by comparing it with a strong house (before starting construction, people build a frame - a huge cage - a “skeleton”, and then strengthen the slabs of walls, ceilings, floors) Attributes for the s/r game “Builders”

Consideration of the structure of tubular bone (chicken, ram, pig) and comparison with flat bone (rib, shoulder blade)

Excursion to the local history museum. Bring the children to the conclusion: due to the special structure of the bones, the human skeleton does not weigh that much. Focus children's attention on the fact that people who engage in sports and exercise develop better bones. They become stronger and thicker, since a strong person needs strong support. Album for consideration: “Can bones tell the story of long ago?”
S/r game “Traum Center” Tell that there are cases when people break an arm or leg. Then doctors connect the broken bones and apply plaster. At the fracture site, new bone cells begin to grow and the bone heals. Attributes for the s/r game “Traumpunkt”
Conversation “How a person moves”


Measuring the thickness of the arm muscle in the shoulder (biceps) at rest and under tension. Familiarize children with what helps us make movements. The muscles contract, shorten, dragging the bones with them - this is how a person moves. Photos of people doing different sports.
Game “Muscle Training” To prove that our body has one amazing property - work is useful for it. The body always sends more blood to those cells that are working. They eat and grow better - that's why athletes train, i.e. perform exercises. Introduce children to some exercises. Album for consideration “How to become Hercules?”
Conversation: “Correct posture is the key to health.”

Experiment: teach children to determine correct posture by leaning against a wall (if the body is in the correct position, it should touch the wall with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels). Prove how bad posture is for your health. Incorrect posture not only disfigures the human body, but also greatly impedes the functioning of internal organs. The heart is in an abnormally compressed state, and its work is difficult. The lungs poorly supply the body with oxygen, the digestive organs are compressed. Incorrect posture can be corrected with special exercises, self-training, self-control, and exercise therapy. Game "Swallow"

Imagine yourself as a bird, standing on your right leg, bend your body to a horizontal position, take your left leg back, bend your back, arms to the sides, close your eyes. This exercise develops posture, plasticity, grace, and trains balance.
Sense organs. Leather. Experiment: examining skin through a magnifying glass on different parts of the body: on the tips of the fingers, on the palm, on the forehead. Conclusion: the skin on different parts of the body has different patterns.


With your eyes closed, try to determine the method of exposure to the skin:



Draw a line with any object;

Apply ice or a hot object;

Drop water;

Swipe with a feather, etc. Talk about the importance of skin for a person:

Does not allow water to pass through;

Reliably protects internal organs from damage, taking shocks and blows, scratches and burns;

Protects us from heat and cold;

Helps us breathe - fresh air enters through its pores;

It produces droplets of sweat, which remove many harmful wastes from our body. The skin is very sensitive: it constantly tells us what is happening to our body - are we hot or cold, is something scratching us, is the wind blowing on us, is a mosquito landing on us? Diagram "What does our skin feel?"
Conversation in the “Generous Heat” sauna Convince children of the health benefits of a sauna and swimming pool: cleansing the skin, hardening the body, gymnastics for blood vessels. Feel the surge of strength and energy after the bath. Sauna accessories.
Plot-didactic game “How to treat a wound on the skin” Referring to the personal experience of children, prove the need to treat cuts on the skin in order to avoid suppuration. Teach children to treat small wounds on the skin, help overcome their fear of iodine. Pieces of foam rubber with cuts in the form of a “wound”, matches without sulfur heads, cotton wool that children wrap around a match, vials of iodine or brilliant green.
Nose. Experimentation:

“How the nose smells” Determine what is in the box without looking and holding your nose, then inhaling through your nose.

Conclusion: When inhaling through the mouth, the smell is not felt; a person feels the smell only when he inhales through the nose. Find out what the nose is needed for (for breathing, for detecting odors). Noses help animals live:
The woodpecker uses its nose and beak to dig into trees, catching insects;
the swordfish pierces the fish with its terrible nose;
the wild boar digs the ground with its nose, pulling out edible roots;
The mosquito sucks blood with its needle nose;
clinging to its nose-beak, the parrot climbs trees;
Ostriches use their beaks to measure the temperature of the sand. "Kindersurprise" containers containing odorous substances.
Observing the habits of animals in nature. Talk about the sense of animals. The sense of smell serves animals to select and search for food and track prey. For animals, the most important thing is to smell the thing. When a horse is afraid of something, it snorts - it clears its nose to smell better. Dogs recognize each other and give each other signs by smell. Insects have the most subtle sense (a bee flies to a flower, a worm crawls to a leaf, a mosquito smells a person) Board game “Who feels what”
Organ of taste. Experimentation:

Practice identifying the sensations of taste, proving the need for saliva for the sensation of taste. Conclusion: the tongue is an organ of taste.


Hold your tongue between your teeth and try to say something. Conclusion: the tongue is an organ of speech. Determine the taste zones of the tongue. Sweet and salty are determined by the tip of the tongue, sour by the sides, and bitter by the root. Focus on how best to place a bitter pill on the tongue. Schematic representation of the taste zones of the tongue.

Illustrations showing the role of language for animals:
hunter tongue (chameleon, frog, anteater);
tongue-spoon (animals lap);
tongue-fan (dogs, foxes, wolves cool their body).
Organ of vision. Experimentation:

Looking at your eyes in the mirror. Determine the meaning of parts of the eye (eyelids, eyelashes) - protection from sweat, dust, wind.

To encourage children to understand that vision is a priceless gift of nature that must be protected. The eye distinguishes the finest shades of colors, the smallest sizes, sees well during the day and quite well at dusk. If you close your eyes, you will find yourself in the dark. Tell that some animals (owls, dogs, mice) see everything around them not in color, but in black and white. Turtle - only in green. A frog's eyes see only what moves. A kite from a great height can see a small chicken on the ground. Game "Who can name the most colors and shades of color."

Rules in pictures:

Watch TV from a distance of at least 3m;

Wash your face with soap every day;

Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.
Role-playing game "Vision Test" Tell children why and why some people wear glasses. Talk about the problems of blind people. Try to guess some objects and letters by touch. Attributes for the s/r game "Ophthalmologist's Office"

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"
Exercises for the eyes “Scary Stories” (move to the side, blink, rotate to make it scary, close).

“Bee” (focus your gaze on an imaginary moving bee and perform circular movements with your eyes) Promote the habit of regularly doing exercises to relax your eyes. Exercise schemes for resting the eyes
Organs of hearing. Conversation "Why do I hear"


“Let’s check your hearing” Determine approximately at what distance a person can hear. Show how a person hears sound. To acquaint children with the peculiarities of human hearing development and with the various causes of its impairment. Develop auditory attention. Didactic game “What is good for the ears” (pictures with useful and harmful situations for the ears)

Game "Find out by ear"
Productive activities:

Making a volume scale. Prove that loud sounds cause strong vibrations of the eardrum, which can lead to hearing loss. Suggest constructing a sound strength and volume meter. Illustration album “Who Hears How” (An owl catches its prey by ear at night, the owl’s ears are under its feathers. The moth hears with its mustache. The locust hears with its belly. The grasshopper’s auditory fossae are on the leg. The fish’s hearing organ is the swim bladder. The fox hears mice under the snow. The sea jellyfish hears the approaching storm 15 hours before).
In a healthy body healthy mind! Conversation “Why hardening is needed” To promote the understanding that strength and endurance are not born with a person, but are developed by him. Even a naturally weak person can become strong and resilient. (story about the Russian commander A. Suvorov) Rules and secrets of hardening in pictures:

Dress for the weather, do not bundle up;

Do exercises;

Wipe off with a damp towel;

Take a shower daily;

Move more, play outdoor games, run.
Gymnastics “Health Points” To promote the development of the habit of performing massage daily in the morning and evening. To consolidate knowledge about certain vital centers on the human body. Exposure to them through acupressure helps protect against colds and other diseases. Schematic representation of health points on the human body.
Exhibition "Green Pharmacy" Introduce children to the most common medicinal plants - sources of life and health. Give children the concept of “herbal medicine” Didactic games “Listen and remember” (medicinal properties of birch, lingonberry, St. John’s wort, calendula, nettle, linden, lemon, onion, coltsfoot, dandelion, plantain, chamomile, etc.)

"Guess a riddle",

"Getting to know medicinal plants"

Poem by P. Sinyavsky "Green Pharmacy"
Conversation “Vitamins and healthy foods” Explain to children that vitamins are necessary for normal human growth and development. They increase the body's resistance to colds. Vitamins can only come from food; the body itself does not produce them. "10 little secrets of healthy eating" (in pictures)
Game “What vitamin is in these products” Tell children the story of the discovery of vitamins by the Polish scientist Funk. Introduce the designation of the names of vitamins in Latin letters A, B, C, etc. An album with images of products containing certain vitamins.
Competition “My Favorite Dish” To promote understanding that the healthiest food is the one that a person eats with appetite. Food should be varied and tasty and consist of products of plant and animal origin. Illustration magazine "From food - food", "Amazing tastes of different peoples"

From the animal world:

The earthworm eats the earth;

Mol - clothes;

A predatory plant, the sundew absorbs insects.
Conversation "Sport! Sports! Sports!" To promote in children the formation of healthy lifestyle values: playing sports is very beneficial for human health. Illustration magazine "Choose to taste" (sports)
Productive activity: Construction from waste material “Items necessary for various sports” Develop the ability to see the possibilities of transforming objects, participate in collective transformation, realize your creative potential. Didactic game "Who needs what?"

(items necessary for practicing one or another sport)
"Olympic" games Organize the educational space of the group so that each child can choose a sport that he likes and suits his body, age, character. Material about the winners of the Olympic Games in different sports

Khamidullina Farzana Khismatullovna, teacher at MADOU d/s No. 3, city. Tyumen
Description of material: I offer you a summary of the project “My Family is My Joy” for children, teachers and parents of senior preschool age. The work is valuable because non-traditional forms of work with families are used, since the issue of finding and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today.
Project “My family is my joy”

Objective of the project: cooperation between preschool teachers and families in matters of preserving the physical and mental health of preschool children, promoting the revival of the traditions of family education.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

- diagnosing parental qualities and parenting styles in the family; identifying the family’s readiness for active interaction with the preschool educational institution;
-improving the pedagogical culture of parents by educating them;
- changing the consumer view of parents on the educational process in preschool educational institutions (“they brought you a child, they paid you, and go ahead”)
-establishing trust and partnership with the family of each child;

Project participants: Children of senior preschool age, parents and educators.

Estimated results of the project:
- increasing the level of socio-psychological culture of participants in the educational space;
- revival of family education traditions;
- parents’ use of pedagogical knowledge about raising children in the family;
- development of partnerships in the family;

Project structure:
Analytical block.
- survey;
- diagnostics;
- testing;
- interview;
Information (educational) block:
- selection of visual information;
- holding exhibitions, presentations,
- design of stands, photo showcases, mobile folders;
- drawing up instructions for parents;
- publication of newspapers;
Practical block:
Traditional forms and methods of work.
- parent meetings;
- round tables;
- evenings of questions and answers;
- consultations with specialists;
- open days;
- design of family photo newspapers;
- "Welcome" mailbox

Non-traditional forms and methods of work:
-use of art therapeutic techniques (thematic drawing, collage);
- homework for parents on a specific topic (compiling an album “This is Me”, an essay “One day of my child in kindergarten”);
- organization of the parent club “Know-It-All”;
- organization of Self-Government Day (parent as educator);
Leisure block:
- evening entertainment;
-creative competitions and exhibitions;
-family sports and intellectual competitions;
- matinees;
- visiting the theater by families;
-family trips to nature;
- slideshow “My family is my joy”
- slideshow “Five Happy Years”

Educational work with children based on the implementation of the personality-oriented model of communication “Teacher - Child - Parent”
Project implementation methods:

1. Rainbow traditions:
- morning of joyful meetings (Monday)
- summary of the day (daily)
- birthday
- leisure time (once a month)
2. Holidays and entertainment:
- “Day of Knowledge”
- “Oseninka”
- "Family day"
- “New Year”, etc.
Children's leisure time together
- Sports festival for Mother's Day
- Family Day event.
3. Plot - role-playing, creative games.
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the family, consolidate the ability to distribute roles, build storylines, deepen interest and a positive attitude towards it.
4. Joint activities of the teacher with children:
- conversations about family, looking at albums;
- compiling and reviewing the album “This is Me”;
- memorizing poetry, reading stories, etc.
5. Exhibition of children's drawings “My Family”, “My Dear Mommy”
6. Exhibition of family works on the topic “Family Traditions”, “Family Hobbies”
The final stage:

Control and evaluation block:
- surveys;
- review books;
- evaluation sheets;
- express diagnostics;
- self-analysis of teachers on the topic “Working with parents”;
-interviews with children
- accounting of parents’ activity

Events held as part of the long-term project “My Family is My Joy”.

1. Questionnaire to identify the level of teaching capabilities of parents
Dear parents!
We ask you to fill out an anonymous questionnaire.
1.Where do you get your pedagogical knowledge:
A. Use your own life experience, advice from friends;
b. Reading pedagogical literature;

B. Use the advice of your teachers;
d. Listen to radio broadcasts and watch television broadcasts;
2. Which parenting methods do you consider the most effective:
A. belief;
b. coercion;
d. encouragement;
d. punishment;
e. training and personal example;
3. What types of incentives do you use most often:
A. verbal;;
4.What types of punishment, in your opinion, are most effective in education;
A. intimidation;
b.showing disapproval (verbally, through facial expressions or gestures)
V. physical punishment;
d. deprivation of entertainment or promised gifts;
d. verbal threat;

5.Are your family members unanimous in their requirements for the child:
A. always unanimous;
b.sometimes they disagree;
V. there is never unanimity;
Thank you!

2. Questionnaire “What kind of parent are you?”
Instructions: mark the phrases that you often use in communication with children (the number of points is indicated in brackets).
1. How many times do I have to repeat it? (2)
2. Please advise me... (1)
3. I don’t know what I would do without you? (1)
4. And who are you like?! (2)
5. What wonderful friends you have! (1)
6. Well, who do you look like? (2)
7. I’m your age!.. (2)
8. You are my support and helper! (1)
9. What kind of friends do you have? (2)
10. What are you thinking about? (2)
11. How (oh) you are so smart! (1)
12. What do you think, son (daughter)? (1)
13. Everyone’s children are like children, and you... (2)
14. How smart you are! (1_
Evaluation of results:
5 – 7 points: You live in perfect harmony with your child. He sincerely loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.
8 – 10 points: You have difficulties in your relationship with your child, lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for shortcomings in his development onto himself.
11 points and above: You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

3. Folder – moving “The Art of Being a Parent”
1. Your baby is not guilty of anything to you. Not that it created additional difficulties for you. Not that it did not give the expected happiness. Neither did it live up to your expectations. And you have no right to demand that he solve these problems for you.

2. Your child is not your property, but an independent person. And you do not have the right to decide his fate to the end, much less ruin his life at your own discretion. You can only help him choose a path in life by studying his abilities and interests and creating conditions for their implementation.

3. Your child will not always be obedient and sweet. His stubbornness and whims are as inevitable as the very fact of his presence.

4. You yourself are to blame for many of the baby’s whims and pranks, because you did not understand him in time, not wanting to accept him as he is.

5. You should always believe in the best in your baby. Be confident that sooner or later this best will certainly manifest itself

4. Folder - moving “When punishing, think: why?”
1. Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.
2. If there is any doubt whether to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No punishment for “prevention” purposes.
3. One at a time. Do not deprive your child of well-deserved praise and rewards.
4. Statute of limitations. It is better not to punish than to punish late.
5. Punished - forgiven.
6. Punishment without humiliation.
7. A child should not be afraid of punishment

5. Non-traditional form of work (homework)
Album "This is Me"

1. This is Me (Photos and/or drawing);
2. My name is... (Name, application with the name, meaning of the name);
3. My parents (Name, photographs and or/drawings);
4. My relatives (analogy)
5. Come up with a family coat of arms (drawing and story)
6. I live...;
7. My portrait in the sun or who am I? (the child’s palm has a small photograph in the core, each finger has a good feature (characteristic));
8. I love...;
9. I am beautiful (photos and story);
10. I am strong and agile (photos and story);
11. I am smart (drawing and story);
12. I am smart (drawing and story);
13. I want... (drawing and story);
14. I learned (drawing and story);
15. I go to kindergarten... (drawing and story);
16. I'm interested in... (drawing and story);
– acceptance, assimilation by a preschooler of an unconditional positive attitude towards himself from significant people.

– one’s own perception and assessment of deeply essential, very personal aspects of oneself. (photo 1, photo 2)

Assignment for parents.
In a suitable situation (when the child is ready to communicate with you), you need to tell him why he was called that and how it happened. It is important to convey to the child the positive emotional atmosphere of this event, its significance, and the positive experiences of all family members.
Together with your child, make an applique with his name.

The psychological meaning of this task:
1.As research shows, in modern social conditions, many children feel insufficient integration into their own family. Parents work a lot and have little contact with their children. The moment of the birth of a child and the choice of a name for him is perhaps the time when parents most keenly feel his significance and value. Remembering this helps to bring the family closer together, increase the sense of value and significance for the child, a sense of inclusion in the family, and, more importantly, the formation of his own self-acceptance, the development of self-esteem

2. When a child talks about this in a group, feeling self-worth, joy that he was named that way, he himself will strengthen in love and self-confidence, and others will become infected with these feelings and accept, appreciate, and respect this child more. That is why the main thing in a parent’s story is to convey to the child emotions of positive experiences, significance, love

6. “Come on, moms!”
sports festival dedicated to Mother's Day.
- Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from joint celebration of the event.
- Learn to expressively perform poems, process them in a variety of intonation ways depending on the content, use natural intonations, logical pauses, stress, and convey your attitude to the content.
- Encourage children and parents to actively participate in the sports life of the kindergarten.
- To instill in children respect and love for their mother.
Preliminary work
- Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the Mother’s Day holiday.
- Selection of literary material, drawing up a script for a sports festival, making invitation cards, posters and team emblems, preparing certificates for awarding teams.
-Meeting with parents for the purpose of cooperation on entertainment.
Celebration progress:
Children enter the hall to the music.
Leading. Every last Sunday of November in Russia Mother's Day is celebrated.
Mom, mom, what a word!
Affectionate, dear!
Mothers can do everything, and our sports festival is dedicated specifically to mothers. Let's welcome them!
(mothers in sportswear come in to the music and sit on the benches)
Presenter: On this wonderful day, we congratulate our mothers and give them a song.
Song "Lullaby for Mom"
Leading. So, today our mothers are taking part in the sports festival “Come on, moms!”
Children. We wish mothers good luck
And new sports victories!
Fight, fight, dare!
We send sports HELLO to moms!
Leading. Let's start with a warm-up. (Duckling dance)
2 teams take part in the competition:
Team "Cuties"
Team "Cuties"
I present the jury: the chairman is the head of the MADOU, and the jury members are children and parents. We recommend that fans support the teams with thunderous applause! And now the competitions!
"Draw the sun!" Assignment for children and mothers: using red and yellow ribbons, build “rays” of the sun around the hoop.
"Give me a flower." Task for children and mothers: Run with a flower to the “give a flower” stand to a participant from the other team, run around the stand and pass the baton.
“Harvesting.”Task for mothers and children: you need to transport vegetables and fruits “from the garden” to a basket in a cart.
“Cleaning the apartment.”Task for children and mothers: you need to collect small balls in a basket.
Leading. And while the jury is summing up the results, we invite everyone to the “Find a Friend” dance.
Leading. Our competition is coming to an end, the jury gives the floor.
The overall result of the competition is announced. The winners take a lap of honor.
Children: We will tell you without embellishment,
Our mothers are simply awesome!
Tall, slim, smart!
We need our mothers!
Presenter: Let everyone remember our starts!
May all adversity pass by!
May all your wishes come true,
And physical education will become native!
(photo 3, photo 4)

7. Organization of the work of the parent club “Know-It-All”
The main activities of the club:
- providing pedagogical assistance to parents;
- promotion of positive family education;
- increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents;
- popularization of the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Parents' club round table.
Subject:"Toughening up a child is the secret to success"
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
- Attracting family attention to issues of children’s health at home;
1.Results of the survey;
2. Our “Strong Kids”;
3.Exchange of experiences of families on issues of children’s health at home;
4. Game “Quick question - quick answer.”
5. Plants for treatment!

Click on the pictures, they will open in a new window in good quality and you can print all the pages of the sliding folder from them (A4 format, portrait orientation).

Printable sheets:

Folder text:

It is impossible to imagine preschool childhood without games and toys. All aspects of the child’s personality are formed here. This explains the educational possibilities of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler. Play is an important means of mental education for a child. In it, the mental activity of children is always associated with the work of the imagination, which manifests itself and develops in the search for means to accomplish its plans. Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make children's lives complete, and satisfy their need for active activity.

Even in good conditions, with adequate nutrition, the child will develop poorly and become lethargic if he is deprived of exciting games.

An indispensable companion to the game is a toy. What kind of modern toy is it? And what should it be?

A mass-produced toy, which, unfortunately, a modern child deals with, is essentially an anti-toy: it contains the idea of ​​possession, rather than joyful comprehension of the world; it creates a tendency to crowd out educational play and genuine creativity. The external attractiveness of a toy becomes more important than its playful use, hence new forms and materials that are unusual for a traditional toy.

A serial toy is opposed to a developmental toy, one that contributes to the development of the child’s creative potential and his personal, moral and spiritual growth, constructive, multifunctional (ball, hoop, stick, balls, ribbons on sticks, musical instruments).

A toy for a child should be a source of joy, a motive for play. It must create conditions for development, leaving the opportunity for independent creativity. Modern toys leave no room for conjecture in the plot.

A useful toy sets itself a noble educational task - to teach goodness and beauty, wisdom and compassion.

Therefore, it is better not to buy a Barbie doll in preschool age. After all, Barbie is a model of a woman. You can dress her, undress her, and buy new things for her. Barbie conveys a consumer lifestyle - endless outfits, entertainment. In relation to this doll, the girl will feel more like a maid, a servant, and not a mother or nanny.

This is not a small creature that you want to nurse, feed, put to bed, treat, i.e. to feel at least a step higher, more mature. A doll at this age should focus the child’s attention not on “beauty,” but primarily on feelings of care.

But it is not all that bad. We have good, wise toys. In stores you can find the characters from your favorite television program “Good Night, Kids”: Filya, Khryusha, Stepashka and Karkusha. They teach goodness and justice. They teach not to deceive, not to betray, and much more. And all this is told in a form understandable for children. These characters radiate kindness and love to each of the viewers, and they also respond with love.

For older children, you can buy kits for building ships, planes, and boats. For girls they sell beautiful kits for embroidery and sewing dresses for their favorite dolls, and for boys - carpentry and plumbing tools.

They teach children independence, hard work, and caring for others. There are also toys that you don’t need to buy. It’s enough to take a walk in the park and pick up sticks, cones, pebbles, check your mother’s supplies of pieces of fabric, ribbons and make a toy from all this scrap material. There is a huge field for imagination and play here.


1. Each toy is designed for a certain age. If a 2-3 year old child is completely satisfied with a machine with parts drawn on it, then a 6-7 year old child will not be interested in playing with such a machine.

2. The younger the child, the larger the material for construction games should be. At the age of 6-7 years, large building materials must be supplemented with small ones.

3. The child does not play with all the toys at once, so remove some of them from time to time. When these toys appear again, he will be happy with them as if they were new.

4. Before buying a toy, think about what benefits it can bring. An active child, of course, should have sports balls, jump ropes, etc., but he also needs toys that foster perseverance and concentration (mosaics, puzzles, construction sets, all kinds of manual labor sets).

5. When purchasing toys, take into account the inclinations of children, but do not always be guided only by their interests. By offering a child different toys, we awaken his various interests.

6. It is necessary to teach the child to “use” toys. The best toys are those that can be combined in a new way every time. These are dolls and various sets of clothes for them, furniture, dishes, 2 - 3 cars for various purposes, animal toys, building materials, construction sets, sets for themed games: “Hairdresser”, “Doctor”, “Little Housewife”, “Learn to Sew” ", "Do it yourself" and many others.

7. Take a close look at how your child plays. If he's just moving toys from place to place, help him organize the play.


Memo for parents

The family forms the basis of a person’s worldview, his
lifestyle and values.
The family is a special social institution that introduces
child into the world of culture, including reading.
The first meeting of a person with a book occurs in the family.
Family reading initially introduces the child to the world
book culture, is the most ancient,
a proven way to educate a person, including
and as a reader who begins to form long ago
before learning the alphabet.
Family reading prepares a person for a relationship with
book, awakens and deepens attention, forms
need for reading. No need to read
adults - a consequence of its lack of formation from an early age
Family reading promotes early and correct
mastering native speech. Types and methods of training
humans are largely determined by their environment,
depend on communication and its main means - degree
mastering speech.
Regular reading aloud from early childhood introduces
child with the reading process itself and promotes
mastering independent reading, determines
quality and preferences of future readers.
Family reading forms emotional and aesthetic
in accepting the book. While listening, a person experiences a strong
the influence of a sounding word that allows you to convey
triumph, joy, sadness, sadness, joke, ridicule.

Family reading develops abilities that are
basis for the perception of artistic images. This
perception is impossible without imagination, visual
ability to experience the joys and sorrows of heroes
artistic works.
Reading aloud is important not only for babies, but also for
older children, as well as for older people. IN
family process: children learn reading carefully
listen, assimilate and retell what you read, and
older people experience less loneliness and
I convey in a natural form, without moralizing or notation:
younger ones their life experience. In addition, adults
have the opportunity to observe spiritual development
child and manage it.
Family reading is an effective way of socialization
the younger generation. Such communication creates the ground
for the exchange of opinions, it is also necessary for adults,
who are enriched by interacting with children
Family reading can serve as a preventive measure
aging because, according to some experts,
aging is the result of living without a book, without reading,
which stimulates active mental activities

Do you want your child to read?
Take these good tips into account and your wishes will come true.
Instill in children an interest in reading from early childhood.
When buying books, choose bright ones in design and
interesting in content. Buy whenever possible
books by your child’s favorite authors, create a personal
your son or daughter's library.
Systematically read for yourself, this develops in the child
the habit of always seeing a book in the house.
Discuss the book you read with your family, even if
you didn't like the piece. This contributes
the development of your and your child's speech.
Recommend a book from your childhood to your child, share
your childhood impressions of reading this or that
books, compare your and his impressions.
Reading aloud helps expand children's vocabulary,
and also develop their ability to listen and concentrate
attention. Reading aloud brings parents and children closer together.
Instill the skills of cultural and careful handling
with a book.
Shared reading is the easiest way to develop
reading skills in children. Review, discussion and
Reading books is the most important step by which
Parents can instill in their children an interest in reading.
Drawings based on favorite books are for the child
one of the ways to express your impressions of