Homemade fruit peeling for face.  Fruit facial peeling: features, how to do it at home, video tips

Homemade fruit peeling for face. Fruit facial peeling: features, how to do it at home, video tips

Fruit peeling for face (at home)– a procedure during which alpha hydroxy acids orA.H.A.-acids act on the epidermis. They seem to burn out dead cells. As a result, regeneration processes are launched, the skin is renewed and looks much better.

Refers to chemical peels. Women love this procedure for its simplicity, effectiveness and safety.

Another plus is accessibility and versatility. This peeling is suitable for women of all ages with different income levels.

Here are the results you can achieve after a course of procedures:

  1. The face looks healthier, fresher, age spots are less noticeable;
  2. Acne is reduced, pores are narrowed and cleaned;
  3. Unpleasant spots left after acne disappear;
  4. The first facial wrinkles are removed;
  5. Skin oiliness decreases.

Fruit peeling is a pleasant and useful procedure, thanks to which you can significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin. However, to eliminate serious problems or noticeable age-related changes, more pronounced measures are needed.

Fruit acids or AHAs are obtained synthetically from berries, fruits and natural products.

Cosmetologists are happy to offer fruit peeling as a preventive measure or as part of a set of procedures that provide gentle care, because AHA acids gently and naturally act on the upper layers of the skin.

Namely, these acids:

  1. Only dead cells are removed without damaging living and functional ones;
  2. Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, free their ducts, thereby reducing the oiliness of the skin;
  3. Prevents the appearance of blackheads, pimples, smoothes out post-acne marks;
  4. Positively affects the main cells of connective tissue, resulting in increased collagen production;
  5. They have an antioxidant effect on the epidermis, neutralizing free radicals;
  6. They even out the surface of the skin, clean it thoroughly, and therefore the lower layers breathe much better.

Do-it-yourself fruit peeling for the face at home, as well as products purchased in stores, are usually less concentrated than professional formulations used in salons.

That's why homemade formulations are softer and more gentle, but for a pronounced result several procedures are needed. In the case of peelings in the salon, the result may appear after 1-2 procedures, but the risk of side effects is high.

Note! For the first procedures, it is better to use products with a small concentration of acids, gradually increasing it so that the skin gets used to it. If the composition is made independently, then for the first procedures it is better to put less fruit than indicated in the recipe.

Acids have different properties and act on the skin in a certain way.

The composition of fruit peeling for the face at home is selected taking into account the imperfections of the skin that they want to smooth out as a result of this simple procedure.

Peels usually contain several fruit acids.

What acids are suitable for fruit peeling?

When choosing acids for peeling, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of each of them, taking into account all the side effects.

Apple acid

Favorite alpha hydroxy acid of cosmetologists. Cleanses the skin at the cellular level, removes dead cells.

After use, blood supply improves and recovery processes begin. Does not injure even delicate, sensitive skin.

It is extracted from apples, strawberries, tomatoes and pears.

Lactic acid

This acid is good for skin whitening. It carefully cleanses, maintains moisture, and also gives a slight rejuvenating effect. Helps with peeling, irritation and redness.

With constant use, it improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, refreshes the skin and provides it with a blooming appearance.

Sources of lactic acid are kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, as well as green grapes, tomatoes, blueberries and apples.

Glycolic acid

Penetrates well into skin cells and has an exfoliating effect., perfectly lightens age spots and reduces the number of fine wrinkles. After its exposure, the skin looks young and fresh.

Glycolic acid is extracted from sugar cane and unripe green grapes.

Wine acid

This component of fruit peels is used to remove dead cells, improve oxygen supply, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, and gives a slight lightening effect.

After peeling with this acid, the skin tightens, pigment spots lighten, imperfections become less noticeable.

Tartaric acid is obtained from wine, oranges and grapes.

Lemon acid

Most often used for skin whitening, shows good results in a duet with wine. Moisturizes, cleanses, fights inflammation.

Helps cope with blackheads and whiteheads, improves the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Sources of citric acid include pineapples, lemons, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, grapefruits and limes.

Fruit peeling cosmetics that you can buy

To carry out the procedure at home, use ready-made products purchased in cosmetic stores, or mix fruit compositions yourself.

Cream mask “Bark”

Lightens skin imperfections, smoothes scars and acne scars. Fights the first symptoms aging. Absorbs moisture, suitable for mature and dehydrated skin. As a result, the skin is elastic, radiant, glowing and looks younger.

Thanks to its mild formula, it is safe for fruit peeling for the face at home.

Can also be used before cosmetic care products to enhance their effectiveness. Suitable as a preparatory product for deeper peels. 613 rubles, volume – 100 ml.

Peeling gel “REVEAL PEEL” from “HOLY LAND”

The product brightens the skin and effectively removes dead cells from its surface.
The face looks fresh, moisturized and toned.

Peeling gel fights comedones, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, smoothes out age spots, and promotes collagen production. As a result, the skin looks fresh, young and beautiful. 2300 rubles, 75 ml.

Peeling with “AHA 8%” from “PREMIUM”

It has an exfoliating effect, cleanses and renews the top layer of skin, evens it out, making freckles and age spots invisible.

Women note elasticity, radiance and freshness of the skin. 700 rubles, volume – 100 ml.

Recipes for fruit peeling compositions

You can prepare the composition for fruit peeling without much hassle not only in the salon. Here are some simple recipes that have already shown their effectiveness.

Lemon-banana peeling


  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar cane;
  • Half a banana;
  • A glass of fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Then beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply to face and keep for 5 minutes.

Peeling brightens, renews the skin, fills it with moisture and enriches it with useful microelements.

Composition with apricot


  • 3 apricots;
  • 1 tablespoon coffee grounds;
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

Mix apricot and coffee grounds, add honey. Grind the resulting mixture. Apply to skin and leave for 5-7 minutes.

A mask based on tartaric and citric acid improves complexion, removes comedones, and makes age spots less noticeable.

Strawberry Delight


  • 3 tablespoons fresh strawberries;
  • 1 tablespoon coffee;
  • 1 egg.

Mix all ingredients and apply to face for 10 minutes.

Perfectly moisturizes without damaging dry skin. Contains malic acid, which cleanses, improves cell metabolism and promotes skin regeneration.

Milk peeling


  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt.

Combine sour cream and salt, then apply to face for 5 minutes.

This mixture moisturizes the skin, improves its tone, has a beneficial effect on the complexion, fights acne.

Fruit peeling with kiwi


  • ½ kiwi;
  • 1.5 teaspoons semolina;
  • 2 mugs of banana;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin A.

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix quickly. Apply thickly to face. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If necessary, increase the amount of semolina.

This composition has a beneficial effect on the skin, gently cleansing and refreshing it, nourishing it with vitamins.

Rules for carrying out a fruit peeling procedure for the face at home

What tool is used - purchased or homemade, is not so important, but There are some rules you must know before performing the procedure:

  1. The bowl in which the composition is placed must be made of glass or enameled, otherwise the product may react with the surface of the dish;
  2. The composition of fruit peeling for the face at home should be mixed immediately before the procedure and used immediately. Do not store it or use it several times. This does not apply to ready-made products;
  3. Before applying the product, you need to check whether it will cause an allergic reaction. It is necessary to anoint the area of ​​skin behind the ear with the composition and wait. If everything is in order, you can carry out the procedure;
  4. Rinse off the product with cold water to completely remove it;
  5. In formulations for home use, the acid concentration should not exceed 25%;
  6. The best time to perform the procedure is in the evening, before bed.

The optimal period for carrying out a course of procedures is autumn or late winter. In summer, fruit peelings are not done.

Step-by-step instructions for using peeling at home

If you decide to clean your face yourself, be sure to remember not only the quality of the acids used, but also the procedure.


Small improvements can be seen after just a few treatments., but for a pronounced effect it is necessary to conduct a course of 15–20 sessions.

If the skin is prone to oiliness, peeling can be done 2 times a week, for other skin types, 1 time is enough.

How to care for your skin after peeling

Facial skin care after fruit peeling at home includes the following areas:

Note! Fruit peeling for the face at home is contraindicated if there are wounds or abrasions on the face, during infectious diseases, during pregnancy, in the presence of allergic skin lesions or intolerance to the components of the product.

Fruit peeling is an effective and uncomplicated procedure that is easy to do at home., if you follow the advice from this article. You can achieve beautiful, clean and glowing skin on your own. It is important that care is consistent and regular.

From this video you will learn about fruit peeling for the face at home, the ways and methods of its implementation.

This video will acquaint you with the nuances of the fruit peeling procedure at home and in salon conditions.

After 30 years, women's skin needs special care. It is very important to provide her with proper hydration and nutrition. In addition, do not forget about facial peeling. This is a very necessary procedure that allows you to deeply cleanse the pores of cosmetic residues, and most importantly, quickly and effectively help get rid of dead cells. If you do not take care of the skin of the face at this particular age, then wrinkles appear very quickly, and the skin loses its elasticity.

In order not to expose your skin to rapid aging, professional cosmetologists recommend doing facial peeling using fruit acids. This is a more gentle way to cleanse your face of dirt and dead cells. Unlike mechanical peeling, where fine abrasive particles are used, the chemical method allows you to easily and quickly clean the pores and allows the epidermis to breathe and be saturated with oxygen.

In the salon, this procedure is called exfoliation. The product contains acids in the required proportions. But if there is no opportunity or time to go to the beautician, you should not be upset. After all, peeling can be prepared at home yourself.

What fruit acids can be used for peeling at home?

Fruit acids in scientific terminology are referred to as AHA acids, which are extracted from citrus, berry crops and fruits. For peeling you can use:

  • malic acid (apples, tomatoes) - it removes dead cells well and helps to quickly restore the skin;
  • citric acid (citrus fruits, pineapple) - has a whitening and disinfecting effect, helps the production of collagen;
  • tartaric acid (old wine, grapes) - moisturizes the skin well and removes free radicals from the skin;
  • lactic acid (sour milk, pickled vegetables, blueberries) - improves skin tone and gives it elasticity and smoothness;
  • glycolic acid (sugarcane) - gives the skin elasticity and firmness.

Fruit acids act only on dead skin cells, while healthy ones are not at risk. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth and soft. As a rule, no allergic reactions should occur. But this procedure must be taken seriously and the amount of acids must be taken only in strict proportions.

Peeling with fruit acids is most suitable for oily and porous skin, as well as for skin prone to the formation of pimples and blackheads. Active substances will help rid pores of excess oil, disinfect the skin and restore it very quickly.

If you have aging and dull skin, then fruit acids will help tone the skin and promote rapid collagen production.

For dry skin, it is better to choose less aggressive acids with a moisturizing effect.

If you have a normal skin type, then the use of fruit acids will only have a beneficial effect on the skin. With the help of such components, you can easily rejuvenate your face and get rid of facial wrinkles.

But there are still situations in which acid peeling cannot be used. Cosmetologists do not recommend performing the procedure at home if:

  • there is an allergy to some component of the product;
  • there are damages on the face (small cracks, scratches, wounds);
  • capillaries are dilated;
  • there are skin diseases (dermatitis, herpes, eczema, etc.).

Do not forget that before starting the procedure, examine all areas of the skin on your face yourself to eliminate side effects. If there is even a small scratch, it is better to postpone acid peeling until the skin in the damaged area is completely restored.

Fruit peeling at home can be done easily and quickly without outside help. The main thing is to follow all the instructions and your skin will look fresh and healthy.

  1. As before any other procedure, the skin of the face must first be thoroughly cleansed of makeup using a makeup remover. Then rinse the skin with clean warm water. This must be done so that there are no foreign substances left on the face with which acids can react and cause allergies.

  2. Prepare fruit peeling strictly according to the recipe. Acids should be selected based on the desired effect (moisturizing, whitening, toning, etc.).
  3. Using a special brush for applying masks, carefully distribute the prepared product over the skin. Peeling is not used in the eye and lip area.
  4. During the procedure, the product may cause a slight tingling sensation. If the discomfort intensifies, it is better to remove the product from the skin with water.
  5. The procedure time depends on the type of skin: for oily and problem skin – 20-30 minutes, for dry and sensitive – 10-15 minutes, but no more.
  6. After time has passed, rinse off the product with water at room temperature and apply a light soothing cream to the skin.

The number of procedures per month is 4-8, depending on the type of skin. For oily skin, fruit peels can be used 2 times a week, for dry skin - once every 7-10 days.

Homemade fruit peeling recipes for the face

You can prepare acid peeling yourself at home from berries and fruits. Here are some of the best recipes for the product.

Pineapple peeling

Combine 200 g of ripe pineapple with 100 g of papaya and blend them in a blender until mushy. Then add 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Distribute the resulting mass over the entire skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. Keep the product for no longer than 10 minutes.

Citrus peeling

Blend 100 g banana, 100 g kiwi and 100 g pineapple in a blender. Apply to facial skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with clean warm water.

Lemon peeling

Squeeze 1 tbsp from lemon. l. juice and combine it with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix everything and apply it to your face using a brush. Keep on the skin for 10 minutes.

With regular use of fruit peelings, your skin will become elastic and soft. In addition, in this way you can prevent the early appearance of wrinkles on the face. The main thing is not to overdo it and follow the instructions strictly. Within a month, the skin will acquire a healthy appearance and become elastic and toned.


What it is?

In sources, fruit acids are most often designated by the abbreviation AHA (stands for “alpha hydroxy acids” - alpha hydroxy acids). They belong to the class of organic, i.e. those contained in natural plant extracts (usually fruits and berries). In the modern beauty industry, they are considered one of the best anti-aging and peeling products for the face. In cosmetology they are also called beauty elixirs.

The most common are:

  • benzoin (natural source - dew incense, as well as lingonberries, cranberries);
  • wine, tartar, pyruvic (grapes, green apples, cherries, tangerines, oranges);
  • glycolic (sugar cane, grapes);
  • lemon (citrus);
  • almond (almond);
  • dairy (dairy products, blueberries, tomatoes);
  • formic (nettle, pine needles);
  • salicylic acid (the main source is willow tree bark, but it is also found in prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries);
  • vinegar (grapes);
  • ferulic (apples, natural coffee beans);
  • oxalic (rhubarb, spinach);
  • apple (apples, tomatoes).

Each of the fruit acids has its own specific effect on the skin, but they also have common properties, which allows you to prepare real beauty elixirs - cocktails - from them. They are the basis of salon peeling and rejuvenation procedures, as well as most branded cosmetics.


Why are fruit acids so beneficial for facial skin? They have a milder effect on the epidermis and do not accumulate in tissues, which means that the risk of intoxication is minimal.

All of them have the following cosmetic properties:

  • make the skin smooth, smooth and silky;
  • rejuvenate;
  • resolve scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • promote the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • stimulate the synthesis of elastin fibers, hyaluronic acid and collagen;
  • tone;
  • moisturize;
  • refreshes complexion;
  • effectively exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epithelium, which allows their use in all types of peeling;

In addition, each fruit acid has a particular property that is most pronounced. This allows you to use one or another of them to solve a specific cosmetological problem:

  • benzoin, lemon, oxalic - whitening from pigmentation;
  • wine, tartar - moisturizing;
  • glycolic - deep cleansing;
  • almond - exfoliation;
  • dairy - rejuvenation;
  • formic, salicylic - anti-inflammatory effect, getting rid of acne and rashes;
  • pyruvic acid - soft peeling, sebum-regulating properties;
  • acetic - tissue regeneration;
  • ferulic - rejuvenation;
  • apple - gentle peeling.

The higher the concentration of alpha hydroxy acids in the cocktail, the brighter the effect will be. But at the same time, the risk of allergic reactions, irritation and even thermal burns also increases. Do not forget that at their core these are acids with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, experts strongly recommend carrying out any cosmetic procedures with them exclusively in salons.

At home, you can only safely use cosmetics with them, but peelings and masks can be harmful if used in the wrong dosage.

Salon treatments

If you want to test on your own skin how effective fruit acids are for the face, go to a cosmetologist. After examining and identifying problems, the salon will offer you a whole range of services to solve them.


The most popular and effective salon procedure is peeling with fruit acids. Moreover, this can be both superficial and deep cleaning:

  • weakly concentrated solutions (up to 30%) renew only the upper layer of the epidermis, exfoliate horny particles, accelerate cell regeneration, moisturize, rejuvenate, improve the texture and complexion - such cleansing can be done at least every week;
  • medium-concentrated solutions (up to 50%) act more deeply, toning, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating age spots, starting regeneration processes at the cellular level - with their help peeling can be done only 3-4 times a year;
  • highly concentrated solutions (up to 70%) are so powerful in their effect that they are used to eliminate keloid scars, scars, stretch marks - they are usually used once, to solve a specific cosmetic problem.

Professionals rarely use solutions with a concentration below 20%, since this indicator determines their effectiveness. For home use, you can try weak ten percent emulsions so as not to harm the skin. If peeling products contain less than 5% fruit acids, it is unlikely that they will achieve a good cleansing effect.


Another salon procedure that involves fruit acids is the subcutaneous administration of meso-cocktails. As a rule, the main active ingredient in them is the famous hyaluronic acid. It has pronounced rejuvenating properties. But AHA acids (most often glycolic and pyruvic) are often used as auxiliary components. Acting from the inside, they significantly increase the effectiveness of mesotherapy. Skin elasticity and slowdown of aging processes at the cellular level are guaranteed.

Salons most often use the following branded lines of meso-cocktails with fruit acids, such as:

  • Sakura (Japan) - for different age groups, starting from 35 years;
  • Dermaheal SR, Dark Circle Solution, M. Booster Face (South Korea) - for solving a variety of cosmetic problems;
  • Mesoderm (Spain) - this brand is available in almost every salon;
  • Skinasil (Russia) is a budget option for mesotherapy.

Despite the high effectiveness of peelings and mesotherapy, you need to be careful with them; these are very powerful procedures. They are carried out exclusively by specialists and are not allowed for everyone. They have quite a lot of contraindications:

  • allergy to acids;
  • pregnancy;
  • hemophilia;
  • stones;
  • neoplasms on the face;
  • exacerbation of any inflammatory processes and chronic diseases;
  • taking powerful medications (especially antibiotics and anticoagulants);
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • severe tan, burns on the face;
  • weak immunity.

Due to the increased risk of side effects (in case of non-compliance with contraindications or incorrect concentration), it is better to start your acquaintance with acids with professional masks that contain them. Their range in salons is always quite wide - anti-aging, whitening, peeling, etc. They act more gently and rarely cause rejection.

Rating of branded cosmetics

Another option for safe introduction to fruit acids is regular cosmetics containing them, which can be purchased at any store. Surely your favorite brand has a line of products based specifically on their peeling or anti-aging effects.

  1. Fruit Peel Cream Mask - cleansing cream mask. Janssen Cosmetics (Germany). $71.2.
  2. Regenerative + AHA Face Cream - regenerating cream. Argan Treasures (Greece). $29.
  3. AHA Facial Cleansing Emulsion is a cleansing cream-emulsion. Tapuach (Israel). $27.6.
  4. Tone Up Milk Peel - milk with a peeling effect. Tony Moly (South Korea). $25.2.
  5. Face Lotion Alpha Complex - lotion. Holy Land (Israel). $24.4.
  6. AHA Cream Gel is a cream-gel from the Alodem series (especially for sensitive and couperose skin). Anna Lotan (Israel). $22.9.
  7. Aha Wash Cleansing - foam scrub. BCL (Japan). $21.9.
  8. Aqua Peeling AHA Toner - peeling tonic. A'Pieu (South Korea). $14.8.
  9. Aha Fruit Gel is a cleansing gel. Arabia Professional (Russia). $12.
  10. Cleansing mask for all skin types with papaya extract. Eva Esthetic (Russia). $3.8.

As can be seen from the rating, fruit acids are actively used in cosmetics in both the mass and luxury segments. Moreover, the choice of products is also very wide: from makeup remover milk to cream masks for regular care. Most of the products presented can be purchased at pharmacies.

Application features

If you want to include fruit acids in your regular skin care, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for their use. Careful handling of them will avoid unpleasant consequences and achieve maximum effect.

  1. Consult with a cosmetologist: is it really necessary for you to use such powerful active substances at home and what means are best for this.
  2. It is better to purchase them at a pharmacy rather than ordering them from intermediaries or online.
  3. The best option is to use a 10% solution.
  4. The acid is chosen depending on the problem (for whitening freckles - citric acid, for soft peeling - almond, etc.).
  5. After purchasing the product, it is necessary to conduct a test control for the presence of allergies. A small amount of liquid is applied to the wrist and washed off after 15 minutes. It is better to track the results throughout the day.
  6. Before applying to the face, do not use scrubs and any other cleansers. You just need to wash your face and remove any remaining makeup.
  7. Metal utensils should not be used to prepare the composition.
  8. Duration of action - start with 3 minutes, then (in the absence of unpleasant sensations), each time extend by the same amount. Maximum - 15 min.
  9. In case of severe itching or burning, immediately remove the composition from the face. Rinse off only with cool water.
  10. After this, be sure to apply a soothing or nourishing cream.
  11. Time: an hour before bedtime, in the cold season. In summer, when the sun is active, such procedures are contraindicated.
  12. Frequency - once every 2 weeks.


If it’s scary to start with powerful pharmacy concentrates, you can always do a mild, but also quite effective acid peeling with the help of fruit cleansing masks.

  • Wine

Without peeling, cut the ripe orange into large pieces and grind in a blender directly with the zest. Add a little oatmeal or wheat flour for thickness.

  • Glycolic

Grind green grapes with seeds in a blender, mix with dry milk to the desired consistency.

  • Lemon

Grind lemon (1 pc.) together with zest in a blender, add egg white, 50 grams of chopped walnuts. Bring to the desired consistency with oatmeal.

  • Almond

Mix crushed almonds (50 g) with low-fat sour cream / cream, beat until thick.

  • Dairy

Mix blueberry puree with oatmeal in equal proportions.

  • Sorrel

Mix rhubarb puree (2 tablespoons) with sour cream (50 ml), add egg white and a little lemon juice (10 ml).

  • Apple

Tomato and apple puree are mixed in equal quantities. At the same time, both products are not peeled or seeded.

Fruit acids are the present and future of the modern beauty industry. Their naturalness and effectiveness are clear advantages over similar chemical developments. With their help, you can solve a variety of cosmetic problems, and for very little money (when compared with plastic surgery). So if you have any serious defects on your face, you should take a closer look at these active substances.


What fruit acids are used for peeling?

Fruit acids are chemical compounds found in naturally occurring foods. The common name is alpha hydroxyl or AHA acids. Today they are also produced synthetically.

The following acids are most often used for peelings:

  • Glycolic – extracted from sugar cane or produced synthetically;
  • lemon – found in citrus fruits;
  • wine – the main source is grapes;
  • apple – apples and pears are rich in it;
  • dairy – found in fermented milk products;
  • almond – obtained from almond oil;
  • coffee - found in coffee beans.

Acids vary in depth of action and effect. Each one performs its task. Glycolic acid, due to its low molecular weight, penetrates the deep layers of the epidermis best of all and promotes cleansing and exfoliation, lactic and citric acid are excellent at brightening, tartaric acid moisturizes, malic acid saturates the skin with essential microelements and antioxidants. The main feature of fruit acids is the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin , weaken the connection between dead particles and promote their exfoliation. Acids activate the regeneration of new cells, making the skin smooth, moisturized, and pigmentation disappears. AHA acids perfectly cleanse pores of sweat and fat secretions, which helps reduce skin greasiness and reduce the risk of acne formation.

A fruit-based mask with the addition of fermented milk products will be an excellent peeling product at home. It is better to use special preparations for acid peels. The peculiarity of the preparations is that they consist of a complex of fruit acids.

Modern peelings, for example, “Bark” peeling, are gentle means of esfoliation. Therefore, the peeling mask with fruit acids “Bark” is approved for use from 18 years of age. It is also recommended for those with sensitive skin, as it has a very gentle effect.

Who is fruit peeling suitable for?

Main indications for peeling with fruit acids:

  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • acne, increased oily skin;
  • acne scars, scars;
  • pigmentation;
  • age-related changes;
  • dry dehydrated skin.


Despite the fact that the procedure is soft and gentle, it also has contraindications:

  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • skin diseases;
  • dilated capillaries;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • acute pustular or inflammatory processes;
  • predisposition to post-traumatic pigmentation;
  • sunburn, tanning in a solarium;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy, lactation

Fruit peeling at home. Features and stages of the procedure

Light fruit peeling can be done independently. At home, it is permissible to carry out procedures with products in which the acid concentration does not exceed 25%. The choice of esfoliation product should also be taken seriously. It would be a good idea to study information about the product and look for reviews about it on the Internet.

The “Bark” cream mask is suitable for home peeling. This is an effective product with a safe concentration of fruit acids for peeling at home.

“Cora” is a peeling mask that is convenient, easy to use, and does not injure the skin. The mask is made on the basis of the following acids: glycolic, lactic, citric, tartaric. Due to the content of grape seed oil and D-panthenol, the effect is very mild. “Cora” is suitable even for those with sensitive skin.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The face must be cleansed, but it is not recommended to use alcohol-based products. Do not apply cream or toner.
  2. Apply fruit peeling to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave the composition on the skin for 5–7 minutes. There may be slight tingling and tingling, as well as redness of the skin. These are normal phenomena. If an intense reaction is observed, you should wash off the product after 2-3 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with plain warm water without using gel or soap.
  4. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a week for oily and normal skin, and once for sensitive skin. The best effect is achieved with a full course of 15–20 procedures.

The “Bark” peeling mask can be used both as a stand-alone product to improve skin condition, and as a preparatory step for more stringent salon procedures.

Fruit peeling improves skin conductivity, so after esfoliation you can apply cream or serum, the cosmetic effect will increase several times.

Possible side effects

Fruit peeling is gentle, but still damages the surface layers of the skin. There are a number of possible complications that you should be aware of.

Redness, darkening of the skin, peeling, swelling are normal reactions. They are usually temporary and go away quickly.

If the procedure technique is not followed, low-quality products are used, as well as skin hypersensitivity, complications may occur, such as:

  • burn;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • marble mask;
  • and etc.

The correct choice of composition, adherence to application and preparation technology minimize the occurrence of unforeseen reactions.

The desire to look young and beautiful is inherent in a woman by nature. The cosmetics industry is constantly evolving and offers beauties more and more miraculous products.

But you should be careful when choosing care products; you need to study information and reviews in detail. It is best to consult a specialist. This is especially true for products that act on the deep layers of the skin and involve its injury. This is the only way to preserve youth and beauty, as well as avoid unwanted consequences.


What it is

Fruit peels are a type of chemical skin cleansing that uses only AHA acids (alpha hydroxide or fruit acids). The procedure is safe for the client, and for the skin it will be a real cocktail of strength and health.

Peeling based on fruit acids involves a predominantly superficial type of cleansing, affecting only the upper layers of the epidermis. But in some cases, a cosmetologist can use highly concentrated solutions of acids to enhance the depth of penetration and the strength of their effect on the problem. It is prohibited to carry out medium and deep fruit peeling on your own at home.

Peeling with fruit acids is not a discovery of modern cosmetology. Acids were used thousands of years ago in the corners of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and Rus', only concentrated lemon juice, apple or sour milk acted as an exfoliant. Modern scientists have summarized the beneficial properties of fruit acids and created excellent cosmetic products based on them, convenient for salon and home use.

Fruit peels are a very popular cosmetic procedure. Its peculiarity lies in its safety and softness of action. Some acids (lactic, glycolic and others) are well known to the cells of the epidermis, therefore they are easily perceived without causing complications.

A course of chemical peelings based on fruit acids guarantees a rapid improvement in the condition of the skin, normalizes the functioning of cells and glands, accelerates the process of skin renewal and corrects visible imperfections on the face.

As a rule, fruit acids are used for superficial effects on the skin. They do not injure the surface of the face and allow you to make your skin smooth, soft and elastic in a matter of days.

Acids for fruit peeling

For peeling with fruit acids, cosmetic products containing several acids are used in the salon. This allows you to comprehensively influence the skin problem, speed up its recovery and simultaneously improve the condition in several directions.

A standard set of fruit acids for peeling consists of the following ingredients:

  • Glycolic acid - in addition to cleansing, the acidic product evens out the shade of the epidermis, helps get rid of age spots, correct skin texture and increase its tone. In nature, glycolic acid is found in large quantities in sugar cane and unripe grapes.
  • Citric acid whitens the skin and is also harmful to bacteria and infections. It is found in abundance in all citrus fruits, especially kiwi, lime and lemon.
  • Milk is a moisturizer and skin refresher. The acid helps smooth out wrinkles, increases the tone and elasticity of the fibers, and gives the skin a healthy glow. The component can be found in fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir), as well as in sauerkraut, apples and tomatoes.
  • Apple - this component accelerates metabolic processes in epidermal cells and stimulates the renewal of integument. Scientists note a high content of malic acid molecules in apples and tomatoes.
  • Wine - has strong exfoliating, moisturizing and whitening properties. You can find it in oranges, grapes and, of course, wine.

The multi-component composition helps to cope with many skin problems and will be useful for any type of epidermis.

Fruit peeling in the salon will make your skin soft and elastic, and your face refreshed and youthful. It is useful to carry out such procedures for owners of problematic skin types and, in some cases, for adolescents for therapeutic purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Fruit peeling at home and in the salon is popular. The following facts accompany this:

  • allows you to solve skin problems of various degrees: from small acne, comedones to pronounced wrinkles;
  • there is an extensive list of indications for implementation;
  • a course of facial peeling with fruit acids has a fairly deep effect on the skin, which allows you to delay the earlier aging of the skin and prevent the appearance of problematic pimples and acne in the future;
  • the procedure has a small list of contraindications;
  • This is a universal technique for eliminating skin imperfections; it is carried out for all skin types, regardless of the client’s age;
  • after superficial facial peeling with fruit acids, the rehabilitation period is only 2–3 days;
  • the acid composition used is in most cases well accepted by the skin and does not cause complications;
  • You can carry out fruit peeling for the face at home, using special cosmetic products or alternative masks based on natural ingredients.

The negative aspects of cleansing your face with fruit acids include:

  • It is preferable to plan peeling from November to February, so that solar activity in hot weather does not cause a surge in skin pigmentation;
  • the procedure is carried out in courses, the effect from a single session is insignificant;
  • During peeling, slight tingling or tingling is possible.

Superficial cleansing with fruit acids helps correct skin problems in the early stages, refresh the skin and significantly improve its elasticity, making it soft and velvety. And all this without long-term rehabilitation and health risks.


  • increased fat content and porosity of integument;
  • frequent rashes on the face, pimples and blackheads associated with increased oiliness of the epidermis;
  • blackheads and comedones that make the skin untidy;
  • dullness, grayness on the face or oily sheen;
  • mimic or age wrinkles, folds and grooves;
  • signs of aging of the skin;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • scars and scars in the face;
  • hyperkeratosis, unusual roughness of the skin;
  • decrease in the tone of the integument, flabbiness;
  • loss of facial contour definition.

Fruit procedures can be carried out as preventive measures against early aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, to ensure proper facial care. They will be especially relevant at the age of 25–35 years, when there are no serious age-related skin defects.


To ensure that the acid cleansing procedure leaves only pleasant memories and the expected result, it is recommended to follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Fruit exfoliation should not be performed on clients in the following cases:

  • there are ulcers on the face, boils and acne;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the peeling product;
  • skin is prone to scarring after cleansing;
  • there are wounds, abrasions and cuts;
  • with rosacea;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with general ailments, in a feverish state;
  • there are herpes rashes on the face, with ARVI;
  • there are tumors on the treated area;
  • for patients with hemophilia and other blood diseases;
  • with increased skin sensitivity;
  • after a recent visit to the solarium;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Before exfoliation, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences, irritation and rashes.

If you decide to perform peeling with fruit acids at home, first contact a cosmetologist for advice. He will carefully examine the condition of your skin and its problem, and will also recommend what points you should pay attention to when choosing a peeling product and how to do it without complications.

What affects the effectiveness of the procedure

The effectiveness of the cleansing is influenced by several main factors. These are the frequency of conduction, the concentration of the product used and the exposure time (exposure). Let's take a closer look at them.


As already mentioned, fruit peelings are carried out in courses. The frequency of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the age and condition of the skin, as well as the result after the first procedure.

The number of procedures in a full course usually varies between 7–15 peels with an interval of 10–14 days. If you have minor problems or peeling is performed for preventive purposes, then you can get by with fewer sessions:

  • for patients under 25 years of age with problematic skin types, comedones and blackheads on the face, 1–2 procedures per month are sufficient;
  • for patients 25–30 years old, to prevent early aging of the integument, it is recommended to perform 2–3 procedures per year;
  • for ages 30–45 years, you need to complete a full course of 4–6 procedures, and then preventive measures every 1–1.5 months;
  • for mature skin 45+, fruit cleansing is suitable only as a preparatory step for deep peelings or plastic surgery.

Concentration and exposure time

The concentration of the acidic product and its composition are selected by the cosmetologist after determining the skin type and the degree of the problem. The more complex the problem and the higher the age of the patient, the more intense the impact required.

It is also worth noting that a high concentration of acid lengthens the rehabilitation period and complicates its course, increasing the requirements for the patient’s health and the professionalism of the cosmetologist.

Use at home in concentrations above 15% may be dangerous. Improper use of an acid composition can result in chemical burns and complications.

The duration of exposure to the acid composition depends on the condition and type of skin and is selected individually. If you leave acid on your face, it can cause significant harm to the patient. That is why it is recommended to trust only professionals with extensive experience in cosmetic procedures of this kind.

Fruit cleansing in the salon

Superficial fruit peels do not require the client to undergo special preparation or take antiviral medications. To enhance the effectiveness of the acid effect, cosmetologists recommend adding a special product containing a small amount of fruit acid to your daily care 7-10 days before peeling. This is done in order to soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis and speed up the process of removing dead cells from it.

Professional peeling is performed with high quality products. Their composition is selected by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. The concentration of acids in such cosmetics is higher than in products for home treatments, so it is impossible to do without professional skills and knowledge.

Acid peeling for the face in the salon is carried out according to the usual algorithm for chemical cleansing:

  1. Makeup removal and preliminary cleansing of the skin with mild cosmetic products. At the same time, it is prohibited to use scrubs or aggressive compounds so as not to scratch or damage the integrity of the integument.
  2. Degreasing the surface of the face with a special lotion or tonic.
  3. Apply the acid composition and leave it for 2–10 minutes, depending on the brand, concentration of the product and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  4. Neutralization of the action of acids. After applying the neutralizer, the beautician removes the particles of the product with water.
  5. Applying a nourishing and soothing mask, selected depending on the client’s skin type, as well as a cream with a moisturizing effect.

The whole procedure takes 30-50 minutes. After a superficial fruit peeling, slight redness is possible, which will go away on its own within a few hours.

Fruit peels are a very convenient cosmetic procedure. On the one hand, you noticeably refresh your face and improve the condition of your skin, and on the other hand, you do not feel any discomfort or restrictions in your everyday lifestyle.

How to behave after cleaning

The process of cleansing the skin with fruit acids does not require any special post-peeling care. The exfoliation of dead cells and their replacement with new ones occurs gradually, almost imperceptibly. You can use your usual cosmetics and apply makeup.

Be sure to use sunscreen cosmetics after peeling, regardless of whether there is sun or not. Choose creams and lotions with an SPF of at least 30 to avoid post-peeling skin pigmentation.

If acids of high concentration (more than 15%) are used for cleansing, then there is a high risk of severe chemical burns with the appearance of blisters, pain and burning. If the procedure technology is violated, scars and discoloration, persistent erythema remain, and sensitive skin is characterized by the appearance of swelling.

How to peel at home

Home peeling is somewhat different from salon peeling. Firstly, less concentrated formulations are used, which reduce the risk of complications. Secondly, ready-made peeling products can be replaced with natural masks made from products rich in fruit acids (lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, fruits and others).

Facial peeling at home using a ready-made acid product is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Study the instructions and rules for using the drug proposed by the manufacturer.
  2. Perform an allergy test. To do this, apply a little product on your wrist or on the inner bend of your elbow. After 15 minutes, monitor the reaction. In case of severe burning, pain and irritation, the composition should not be used.
  3. Wet your face with water and apply a little cleanser. Massage the skin until foam forms, then wash with warm water.
  4. Wipe your face with fruit lotion to remove oil particles. Rinse off the product.
  5. Proceed to apply the acid composition. Using a soft, special brush, distribute the exfoliant in this order: on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, and, if necessary, on the neck and décolleté. Avoid the eye and lip area. The product is applied in parallel strips evenly.
  6. After 2-3 minutes, neutralize the activity of the acidic product with a neutralizer. Afterwards, wash with plenty of water. In the future, you can gradually increase the exposure time to 15–20 minutes.
  7. To soothe the skin, moisturize the skin with cream. Be careful, fragrances and chemical components of the cream can be harmful; choose only high-quality and hypoallergenic cosmetics after peeling.

Popular home peeling products

Peeling products at home and in the salon differ in composition and quality. Let's take a closer look at well-known cosmetic products for home cleansing:

  • Cream mask with AHA acids from “Kora” (Russia) - this product can significantly improve the condition of the skin, lighten and smooth out imperfections on the face, narrow pores and eliminate oily shine. According to user reviews, the drug does not cause allergies and has a gentle effect on the epidermis. Please note that the product should not be used by owners of very sensitive skin.
  • Janssen Inspira MFA (Germany) - a preparation from the professional line of the well-known Janssen Cosmeceutical brand, can be used at home and in salons. A biocomplex of fruit acids will provide softness and tenderness to the skin, smooth the relief of the face, give freshness and a healthy glow.
  • Skinlite (South Korea) - peeling agent guarantees a delicate effect and is suitable even for sensitive epidermis. After cleansing, the skin is velvety and soft, without irritation or complications. This is an ideal option for home use.
  • Meishoku Detclear bright & peel aha & bha fruits peeling jelly (Japan) is a great option for peeling with fruit acids at home. It is recommended to use a Japanese remedy for owners of dry and sensitive skin. Decent results at an affordable price.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions, and it is better to seek the advice of a professional. He will indicate the frequency of the cleansing and pay attention to the nuances of the procedure.

Alternative home peels

If you are not ready for the effect of the finished acid product on the skin, you can turn to folk cosmetology. Recipes for masks based on lemon juice, kefir, citrus juice or strawberry rubs will be just right. We offer several popular natural peeling masks for the face.

Lemon juice will help refresh your face, tighten and cleanse pores, and improve tone. To prepare the cleanser you will need:

  • half a lemon;
  • natural base oil (olive, almond or linseed) according to skin type.
  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Mix juice and oil in a 2:1 ratio.
  3. Cleanse your face with milk or cleansing gel.
  4. Apply the prepared lemon mixture to your face. Distribute the composition evenly and quickly.
  5. After 3-4 minutes, wash with plenty of water. With each procedure, increase the exposure time.

Carry out such procedures regularly, 1–2 times every 7 days, depending on the type of skin. In a month, perfectly soft and velvety skin awaits you.

The base oil can be replaced with natural liquid honey. You need to mix it with the same amount of lemon juice. Please note that honey is an allergenic product.

Don't limit yourself to just these recipes, experiment. Rubbing with fresh fruits will compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the cells of the epidermis, activate intracellular processes and blood microcirculation, activate the synthesis of your own collagen, and the acids they contain will help remove dead cells and cleanse the pores of sebaceous plugs.

Be attentive to yourself and your skin, express this in high-quality care for it. And professional peelings will help you with this!


What is peeling?

Every representative of the fair half of humanity strives to remain desirable and attractive for as long as possible. But prolonging and preserving youth and beauty is not an easy task. You need to constantly take care of your skin so that it remains clean and healthy for many years to come. Modern cosmetology salons offer a large selection of products and methods for caring for female beauty. You can lighten, cleanse or rejuvenate your facial skin.

An innovative way to care for your skin is fruit facial peeling.

Depending on the depth of penetration, the following types of peeling can be distinguished:

  • deep– affects the deep layer of skin. Used to correct wrinkles, scars, and skin pigmentation;
  • middle– the living layer of the epidermis is processed. The procedure is recommended for women 40-50 years old. This type of peeling is seasonal and is best done in autumn and spring;
  • surface– the procedure is aimed at the stratum corneum of the skin. Peeling is common for the prevention and treatment of acne. The procedure allows you to even out the skin microrelief, improve the structure of the epidermis without injuring it.

Depending on the type of substance used, peeling can be:

  • glycolic– helps get rid of increased fat secretion and clogged pores;
  • salicylic- makes it possible to even out the surface of the epidermis, reduce skin pigmentation;
  • almond- has a good bactericidal effect, produces elastin and collagen, which increases the tone of the muscles of the skin.

You can choose for yourself which type of peeling to use to cleanse the skin, but it is better to seek help from a specialist. The cosmetologist will be able to choose the type of exfoliation that is right for you, taking into account the age, condition, type and type of facial skin.

Fruit facial peeling: features

This type of facial cleansing is one of the types of chemical peeling, which is carried out using fruit acids. Exfoliation is designed to reduce skin oiliness and rejuvenate it.

An important feature is that fruit peeling for the face is completely harmless to the skin and very gentle, because. it affects only the superficial layers. The effect of fruit acids is directed only at dead cells, they do not affect healthy cells.

Fruit peeling is performed using a set of acids:

  • dairy- will provide an opportunity to moisturize and refresh the skin, correct mimic wrinkles, correct unhealthy skin color and slightly whiten it, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face. Contained in yogurt, kefir, apples, tomatoes;
  • glycolic– cleanses the skin of age spots, smoothes out facial wrinkles. Contained in unripe grapes, sugar cane;
  • wine– whitens, moisturizes and slightly exfoliates the skin. Contained in grapes, wine, oranges;
  • apple– makes it possible to restore facial skin at the cellular level. Contained in tomatoes, apples;
  • lemon– has whitening properties, disinfects the skin. Contained in all citrus fruits.

To achieve the best effect from peeling with fruit acids, several components are mixed into one solution.

Rules for the procedure

The strength of the exfoliation depends on the concentration of acids in the solution, the higher it is, the more noticeable the result of the procedure.

Peeling of lips and face with fruit acids is first performed with a minimum concentration of ingredients, and it is gradually increased to enhance the effect. The types of acids to perform the procedure are selected by the cosmetologist, depending on the problem that the client wants to eliminate.

Main stages:

  1. Facial makeup removal.
  2. Application of peeling composition.
  3. Remains of the composition are removed with water or tonic.
  4. A soothing facial mask is applied, which is selected depending on the client’s skin type.
  5. Apply a protective cream (from UV rays or anti-stress).

Peeling with fruit acids is painless. There may be a slight tingling or burning sensation, which depends on the sensitivity of the facial skin and the presence of allergies to the components.

The time of the procedure is selected individually, depending on the thickness of the stratum corneum of the facial skin, its type, and sensitivity to acids. The effect of exfoliation lasts for about six months, then the procedure can be performed again.

In order to see a good result, the procedure must be performed 8-10 times, with a break of a week between sessions.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

This type of peeling is used:

  • to get rid of acne marks,
  • for skin problems associated with hormonal imbalances in the body,
  • to improve the smoothness and elasticity of facial skin,
  • for facial wrinkles,
  • for cleansing problematic, porous, oily skin.

Fruit peeling is contraindicated for:

  • rashes on the facial skin (boils, acne),
  • tendency of facial skin to form scars,
  • allergic reactions to fruit acids,
  • increased skin sensitivity,
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

The result of peeling with fruit acids

AHA acids have a double effect, both from acids and from alcohols, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of facial skin. The use of these components weakens the connection between dead particles of facial skin and helps them exfoliate. The result of the procedure is beautiful and clean skin.

Peeling with fruit acids is suitable for dry skin. Exfoliation activates the formation of new skin cells, increases the flow of moisture to the skin, which makes facial skin elastic and well-hydrated.

Acids cleanse the pores of the sebaceous glands from dirt and sweat, which reduces the formation of blackheads and prevents the formation of acne. With regular procedures, facial creams and serums penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Fruit peeling at home: recipes

Exfoliation at home should only be superficial (not deep or medium) and include products containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids.

In order for peeling using AHA acids at home not to cause harm, you need to follow some recommendations for its implementation:

  • prepare a towel, cotton swabs,
  • cleanse your face with a scrub, toner or high-quality peeling cream,
  • test the drug on the forearm or just below the ear to check for allergies. Leave the applied composition on for a minute. After a day, check the place of application, if there is an allergy, reduce the concentration of the acid or change the composition;
  • apply prepared fruit peel (only freshly prepared), avoiding the eye area,
    rinse with cool water, pat your face dry,
  • Apply a nourishing cream selected according to your facial skin type.

To enhance the effect of peeling, you can choose several fruits so that several types of acids participate in the cleansing. For example, you can take 100 g of banana, 2 tablespoons of honey, 150 g of pineapple. Peel the fruits, cut into small cubes, chop and mix with honey. Apply to face for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

There is no need to get carried away with peeling with fruit acids, because... The skin in the facial area is delicate and thin. It is better to clean it 1-2 times a week. Take care of your skin and be beautiful!


Peeling with the use of fruit acids is one of the sparing cosmetic products, but it is far from inferior in effectiveness. Thanks to him, you can carry out deep cleansing of the upper layers of the dermis without much discomfort.

Its main advantage is that only the keratinized layers of the skin are exposed to it, and living cells remain untouched. You can do all the steps yourself at home, using both store-bought products and your own homemade product.

Fruit peeling at home for the face is carried out using alpha hydroxy acids (AHA acids). To obtain such acids, it is not necessary to take fruit. Today, you can choose a synthetic method for their extraction.

  1. The most commonly used is glycolic acid, which is obtained by processing sugar cane. Its effect on the keratinized surface is most effective in contrast to other acids.
  2. Citric acid promotes collagen production.
  3. Milk – moisturizing and whitening.
  4. Apple – elasticity and restoration.
  5. Tartaric acid saturates cells with moisture and exfoliates perfectly.

Homemade fruit peeling can contain all of these AHA acids (this is best), or it can consist of only those that are urgently needed, depending on the type and condition of the skin. In addition, based on the selected composition and concentration, a certain effect will follow.

The difference between peeling at home and in a beauty salon lies in the concentration of the leading elements. There are these types of procedures:

  • surface;
  • average;
  • deep.

The last two are carried out only in beauty salons by specialists, since special control over the process and skin reaction is required. With them, the active components of the product penetrate deeply into the middle layers of the skin, passing through the epidermis. They are done under local anesthesia or full anesthesia, for example, to eliminate deep wrinkles, scars or scars.

Superficial peeling consists of acting exclusively on the upper layers of the epidermis. Thus, dead cells, fine wrinkles, acne, weak pigmentation are removed and the complexion is evened out. This peeling with fruit acids at home can be done once a week, and in general the course lasts up to 6 weeks.

Contraindications to the procedure

In some cases, such effects on the skin may be limited or strictly contraindicated.

Summer is not the most favorable time for such events. So, you cannot carry out the procedure immediately after tanning in the sun or in a solarium. In this case, it is recommended to wait a few days to allow your skin to recover.

At home, do not forget to test the selected peeling for the presence of an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients. It is also necessary to avoid contact of the composition with acids on small wounds or irritated surfaces.

Cleansing should be carried out more than once every one to two weeks.

If you don’t have much confidence in ready-made store-bought products, you can make them yourself using fresh natural ingredients. Most peeling masks are quick and easy to make, and their effectiveness is far from inferior to that of industrial cosmetics.

  1. You should do fruit acid peeling yourself by first deciding on the ingredients. To prepare a product that is ideal for you, you need to clarify what type of skin, what the nuances are and what the result should be.
  2. Any natural composition for cleansing the epidermis is prepared immediately before use for one time. The remains should be thrown away and under no circumstances stored until next time.
  3. The composition is applied exclusively to a previously cleaned surface. To do this, it is recommended to wash off makeup, wash with gel or wipe your face with lotion.
  4. After removing the peeling composition, you can wipe the skin with an ice cube from a decoction of chamomile or sage, and also apply a cream that does not clog the pores.

If you want to cleanse, moisturize, and tighten the skin in one session, you need to do a peeling containing glycolic, lactic and citric acid. In the case when the bet is placed on a specific task, then the component responsible for solving it should be in greater quantity than the rest.

When preparing the product, you can take risks and experiment, or you can take a ready-made peeling recipe with fruit acids. Depending on your skin and its condition, you can prepare a mask from exotic fruits.

Recipe No. 1

You need to take 1 ripe banana, 1 kiwi pulp and 200 g of pineapple (fresh), a few drops of mango cosmetic oil. All this is crushed in a blender and mixed thoroughly until smooth.

Then the resulting mixture should be applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, you need to wash it off with water at room temperature.

Recipe No. 2

Another interesting peeling option consists of olive oil, rose hips and lemon juice. The first two ingredients are taken in equal amounts, and a few drops of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) are added to them.

After mixing thoroughly, heat the mixture until warm. Then it is applied to the face and stays on for no more than 7 minutes. After this, you need to rinse with room water.

Recipe No. 3

In the summer, you can prepare yourself a peeling based on ripe strawberries. 4 tbsp Mix strawberry pulp with 1 raw egg and 2 tsp. fresh coffee grounds. A homogeneous mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes. Then it is washed off with cool water.

Recipe No. 4

Your skin will definitely appreciate the aromatic composition based on fruits and honey. Grind thoroughly 100 g. pulp of ripe mango and pineapple with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey. The composition is applied for 3-5 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature.

For those who do not want to bother with cooking the product, but want to take the risk of using store products, you should choose proven brands. In addition, the selected product should not be for professionals, since this level is only used in salons.

To do peeling with fruit acids at home, popular manufacturers produce gentle or even preparatory products to minimize the risk of harm to the skin. Today you can find many brands in stores and before purchasing, you should study them a little.


The cosmetic brand Kora produces special cream masks in soft 100 ml tubes that contain fruit acids. The product contains tartaric, glycolic, lactic and citric acids in different proportions, which are supplemented with several other components.

The balance of active ingredients in the product guarantees a comprehensive effect on the skin, regardless of which problem is more pronounced. Peeling Bark with fruit acids eliminates oily shine, dryness and fatigue, giving the skin elasticity and youth.


Peeling with fruit acids from Arabia is intended for the whole body. It belongs more to the category of a professional product. The product allows you to perfectly get rid of the stratum corneum, while rejuvenating and refreshing.

The instructions warn of the appearance of slight redness and burning, but if the intensity increases, you should immediately wash off the mask and use a cream with a soothing effect.

The product is produced in a 150 ml bottle. When using it, you should wear disposable gloves and keep the product on your face for no more than 10 minutes. After the procedure, the skin tone is evened out, it becomes much cleaner and fresher.

Secrets of Lan

Fruit peeling Secrets of Lan contains 4 fruit acids: citric, glycolic, aminoacetic and malic. Due to this, the product has a complex effect, allowing you to renew skin cells.

After using the product, the skin becomes softer and more elastic. The face is rejuvenated, small wrinkles disappear. In addition, the skin becomes cleaner, and the results last a long time. Available in a tube of 100g.


Fruit acids for peeling from Gemene are popular. It is an acid complex in the form of a gel in a 20 ml bottle. with dispenser. It promotes maximum cleansing, regeneration and getting rid of dead cells.

The tool is very effective, but it is absolutely safe. It allows you to eliminate wrinkles, even out your complexion and restore skin tone. The product helps to get rid of the effect of photoaging and eliminate pigmentation.

Holy Land

HolyLand fruit peeling is a comprehensive remedy that allows you to get rid of several problems at once. Superficial peels are produced for home treatments and deep peels for beauty salons.

Using the product allows you to get rid of post-acne, facial wrinkles, acne, and also make the skin soft and elastic. He gently affects her, without causing severe discomfort.


Rejuvenating peeling from Cosmetolog with fruit acids in 50 ml bottles is aimed at renewing skin cells. It contains citric, glycolic, malic and lactic acids, which provides the maximum complex effect.

The product is safe, but at the same time allows you to achieve the desired result. The active substances of the product easily penetrate the layers of the skin, helping to remove dead cells and making the skin elastic. Peeling evens out the relief of the skin, adding tone to it.


Another effective option is Skinlite peeling with fruit acids, which helps exfoliate the stratum corneum of the dermis. It also allows you to accelerate the restoration of the skin and its regeneration. At the same time, it becomes soft, smooth and elastic.

Under its influence, the skin is not injured, and the process itself does not cause severe discomfort. The product is available in tubes of 100 ml. It eliminates oily sheen and gives a healthy complexion. Peeling does not tighten or dry the skin, and does not cause irritation.


AHA acids guard beauty

Normally, an epidermal cell from the moment of its formation to the moment when it becomes keratinized lives about 28 days. But under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive factors, skin renewal processes slow down, or even stop altogether. The skin becomes grey, dry and lifeless. It was to speed up tissue metabolism and restoration that peeling began to be used. This procedure is also an excellent remedy for inflammation, enlarged pores, comedones and acne.

Peels are different, depending on the aggressiveness of the active composition. Chemical peeling with fruit acids is considered one of the most gentle. Another name for them is alpha hydroxide or AHA acids. This is a superficial peeling, it does not affect the deep layers of the epidermis, it is suitable for people from 30 years old (at this age it is recommended to start doing peeling) and indefinitely and for any skin type. Fruit acids are of natural origin, which explains their non-aggressive effect on the skin.

There are several types of acids used by beauty salons for peeling. Most often peeling is carried out with glycolic acid. It is obtained from sugar cane, honey, unripe grapes.

Glycolic acid molecules are the smallest in size, which explains their excellent cleansing effect. Also suitable for chemical peeling of the face are types of acids such as lactic, tartaric, malic and citric. To obtain lactic acid, blueberries and sour milk are used.

Tartaric acid is produced from ripe grapes or wine, malic acid is obtained from apples and sugar maples, and citric acid is obtained from citrus fruits and pineapples. Citric and malic acids are strong antioxidants; their use will free the skin from free radicals that accumulate under environmental influences. In addition, they have an antibacterial effect.

Acid peeling procedure

Peeling in a beauty salon begins with thorough cleansing of the facial skin using special products. Enzymatic exfoliation can then be carried out, for example with papain or bromelain. Afterwards, pre-peeling preparation of the skin begins, and then an acid or a mixture of acids is applied for a short period of time, followed by removal with neutralizing agents.

The final step is to apply a moisturizer or soothing product to protect the skin from environmental triggers. In combination with peeling, pores are often cleaned and a massage can be performed. After the procedure, it is important to use a face cream with a good sun protection factor. During the first 24 hours after peeling, there may be a feeling of tightness or swelling. Moisturizers and a cooling compress will help. The skin will then darken and the peeling process will begin. If crusts form, under no circumstances should you remove them yourself. For redness and swelling that does not go away for several days, the use of antihistamine creams is recommended.

Each acid has its own spectrum of action. The cosmetologist should select the type of acid, concentration and time depending on the condition and type of skin.

It is known that glycolic acid cleanses and exfoliates the skin better than others, lactic acid moisturizes, tartaric and citric acids will help get rid of age spots, and malic acid will accelerate cell regeneration and improve nutrition.

Mixtures of several types of fruit acids will effectively help solve complex problems. Vitamins, such as retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E), are often added to such preparations. It is also possible to add hyaluronic acid for deeper hydration and lifting effect. Arbutin also contributes to hydration, complementing the action of lactic acid. Peeling with lactic acid in combination with arbutin also evens out the skin, for example, after acne.

Fruit peeling is done in a course of 5-7 procedures. The interval between sessions is from one week to 10 days. From procedure to procedure, the cosmetologist increases the concentration of acids used and reduces the time of exposure to the skin.

In their reviews of peeling with fruit acids, clients note a burning sensation during the procedure, some even say it is painful. After peeling, redness of the skin may occur for a period of several hours to several days. Next, the processes of rejection of dead cells begin. The skin peels off for several days until all the keratinized layers come off.

Contraindications for peeling

Despite all the advantages and benefits of peeling for the skin, it is necessary to remember that this is, in fact, a controlled chemical burn, and when carrying out, take into account the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Absolute contraindications are wounds, scratches, keloid scars and other violations of the integrity of the skin. It is forbidden to do peeling for psoriasis and eczema. The procedure will have to be postponed if there is an exacerbation of herpes or acne, an allergic rash on the face or dermatitis. During the peeling course and for another month after its completion, you should not be in the sun or in the solarium. A disease such as rosacea and numerous moles on the face requires consultation with a cosmetologist and an individual approach. The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy.

Be sure to start the peeling procedure with a test to check how your skin reacts to the peeling agent. To do this, use a peeling preparation in a minimum concentration. It is applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​skin for some time, approximately 10-15 minutes, and wait to see if an allergy appears. If there is redness, swelling or excessive burning in the tested area of ​​skin, peeling is not recommended.

Peeling with fruit acids at home

Of course, it is impossible to perform peeling at home with concentrated preparations. For home use, formulations with an acid content of not more than 25% have been developed. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure, but makes it safer. Peelings of our own production from natural ingredients also proved to be excellent. It can be orange or lemon slices, grated apple, blueberry or grape gruel, sour milk. Masks with these products are completely safe, they can be used by people even with very sensitive skin.

Cosmetics with fruit acids for home use are recommended from October to March - during this period the sun is the least active in our band. Before use, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics and impurities, apply the peeling agent in accordance with the instructions, and after removing the product, be sure to moisturize the skin.

To get the effect comparable to the salon, the procedure of home peeling should be carried out regularly 1-2 times a week for several months. Such care will help narrow pores, get rid of acne and blackheads, improve complexion, make the skin more elastic, smooth and healthy.

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Fruit peeling: in a beauty salon and at home

One type of effective skin cleansing with acids is called fruit peeling. Thanks to the components that make up the products used, the effect on the skin is very mild, but at the same time effective. Fruit peeling of the face quickly brings the sebaceous glands into a state of normal performance, relieves the face of both oily sheen and fading. Due to the normalization of metabolic processes, it reduces the number and frequency of pimples and acne. In addition, this procedure is not only a salon procedure, it can also be done at home.

What is fruit peeling

Fruit peels are chemical cleansing of the skin using only AHA acids (alpha hydroxide, or fruit). These components are safe for humans, and such a cocktail can give strength and health to the skin.

Fruit peeling involves superficial cleansing of the skin, affecting only its upper layers. However, cosmetologists can use highly concentrated solutions of acids to enhance the depth of penetration and the strength of their influence on the problem from the inside. But to carry out medium and deep cleansing, you need to contact a professional salon - you cannot perform this procedure yourself.

Fruit peeling cannot be called a discovery of modern cosmetology. Acids were used thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and Rus', only concentrated lemon or apple juices or sour milk were used as an exfoliant. Having understood the beneficial properties of these substances, modern scientists have been able to create excellent cosmetic products based on them that can be used both at home and in a beauty salon.

Fruit peeling is a popular procedure. It is characterized by safety and mildness of impact. A number of acids (lactic, glycolic and others) are well known to skin cells, and therefore are easily and without complications perceived by them.

Thanks to a course of chemical peelings with fruit acids, the condition of the dermis quickly improves, the functioning of cells and glands is normalized, regeneration processes are accelerated, and noticeable facial problems are corrected.

Basically, these procedures cleanse the surface layer of the epidermis. Without causing any traumatic effects on the skin, they allow you to very quickly achieve smoothness, softness and elasticity of the skin.

What age is fruit peeling intended for?

Fruit peeling can be used by people with any type of skin, regardless of age (both teenagers and the elderly). But it should be taken into account that young people need evidence to carry it out, and it is not always necessary to carry it out on an ongoing basis. For people over 35 years old, it is a kind of preparatory stage before starting more serious manipulations.

Most often, the procedure of fruit peels is resorted to by representatives of the age category of 25–35 years. Since the range is quite wide (as well as the needs and problems of the skin differ), the compositions used by cosmetologists also differ. Peeling can include one or several acids at once, in addition, their proportions change. At home, it is more difficult to choose the right composition, so you should still contact the salon.

Fruit peeling: what acids are it based on?

Cosmetologists in beauty studios mainly use the following fruit acids for peeling and skin regeneration:

    Dairy. Blueberries, grapes, apples and tomatoes are rich in this acid. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, evens out facial tone, promotes skin whitening and cell exfoliation.

    Almond. It is contained in bitter almond extract. Penetrating into the stratum corneum of the epidermis, mandelic acid cleanses it. Ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

    Glycolic acid Sugar cane, beets and grapes are rich in acid. It can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, where it triggers rejuvenation processes. Helps cope with acne and post-acne, hyperpigmentation and decreased tone.

    Lemon. Contained in citrus fruits - lemons and oranges. Helps with whitening and returning the skin to a healthy color, helps narrow pores, and fights inflammation.

    Apple. Its sources are apples and tomatoes. The high content of pectin promotes healing and also helps in the fight against inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is used to treat acne, acne, and various rashes.

    Wine Grapes, apples, limes, avocados, and oranges are rich in acid. It is used for whitening, exfoliating and moisturizing.

In addition to the difference in composition, the procedure may have different depths of exposure to fruit acids.

Main types of fruit peeling


Superficial fruit peeling is an easy and safe cosmetic procedure. However, due to the effect of acids exclusively on the top layer of the skin, its effectiveness is somewhat lower than with other types of dermal cleansing.

For the procedure, glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric, and citric acids are used. A good effect can be achieved by using a combination that includes salicylic and glycolic, retinoic (up to 10%), phytic, and mandelic acids. Superficial peeling is mainly used for the face. However, it can be performed for areas such as the neck, décolleté, abdomen, and hands.

Superficial peeling based on fruit acids is used for:

    skin aging;

    manifestation of comedonal and papulopustular forms of acne;



    follicular hyperkeratosis.

It also has contraindications, for example, skin damage, allergies to the drugs included in the composition, and inflammatory processes.

By looking at the reviews, you can learn about the effect of fruit peeling. Thus, skin color noticeably improves, various irregularities are smoothed out, and cell regeneration processes are enhanced. However, superficial peeling will not help with deep wrinkles, scars, enlarged pores. In this case, other procedures are needed.


This type of fruit peeling affects the entire depth of the epidermis. It is carried out using a 25% solution of TCA (trichloroacetic acid), retinoids, salicylic acid, phenol. The effect of the procedure will be more pronounced. It helps to increase skin turgor, reduce oiliness, eliminate age spots, helps fight age-related changes, narrows pores.

The procedure is not performed if there are herpes, hypertension, epilepsy, increased hyperpigmentation. Infrequently, but you can meet individual intolerance to the components of preparations for fruit peeling.

As for the behavior of the skin after manipulation, the initial redness disappears within a few days, the residual effects will disappear after about a week. Median fruit peeling is used not only for the face, but also for the body, including the neck, décolleté, arms, and thighs.


It is a dermatosurgical procedure, since the reagents, penetrating deep into the skin, affect the papillary layer. The application area is also limited. For a deep fruit peeling of the face, you should contact a professional salon. Experts talk about a pronounced effect of lifting the entire contour of the face after the procedure.

Peeling is used for:

    presence of wrinkles;


    pronounced scars;

  • age spots.

It is forbidden to carry out deep peeling for pregnant women, as well as for herpetic manifestations. Among the contraindications can also be noted diabetes mellitus, diseases of the skin and internal organs. For these reasons, to perform the manipulation, it is necessary to contact specialized salons.

It is important to use the services of a good cosmetologist. It should also be remembered that the rehabilitation process after the procedure may take several months.

In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with other indications and contraindications for fruit peeling.

Fruit peeling: general indications and contraindications

According to experts, testimony The following skin problems may require fruit peeling:

    a large number of blackheads on the nose;

    oily and porous skin;

    the presence of facial or age-related wrinkles, folds and grooves;

    frequently appearing rashes on the skin of the face, pimples and blackheads that arise due to the oiliness of the dermis;

    blackheads and comedones, giving the face an unkempt appearance;

    skin aging;

    the presence of age spots, freckles;

    dull, gray complexion or skin shiny with oil;

    presence of scars;

    hyperkeratosis, unusual roughness of the skin;

    unclear facial contour;

    decreased tone and flabbiness.

Fruit peeling can be used as a prevention of early aging, the appearance of wrinkles. With its help, proper facial care is ensured. These procedures will bring the greatest effect at the age of 25-35 in the absence of significant age-related changes in the skin.

After the session, you must follow all the recommendations of specialists. In this case, you will have pleasant memories of the procedure.

Contraindications for fruit peeling are:

    the presence of ulcers, boils and acne on the face;

    allergy to the components included in the peeling;

    the skin is prone to scarring after cleansing;

    the presence of wounds, abrasions and cuts;

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    general malaise, feverish conditions;

    herpetic rashes on the face, viral infections;

    neoplasms on the skin;

    hemophilia and other diseases of the hematopoietic organs;

    increased skin sensitivity;

    visiting a solarium before the procedure;

    pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Peeling with fruit acids should not be done during menstruation or during hormonal imbalances. Changed hormonal levels can cause an unexpected reaction to the components included in the drug.

To avoid negative consequences, irritation and rashes, an allergy test must be performed before the procedure.

The best products for fruit peeling at home

Before doing peeling with fruit acids at home, you should consult a specialist cosmetologist. Having studied the condition of your skin, as well as problem areas, he will give recommendations on the selection of peeling products and how to carry out the procedure with maximum efficiency and without complications. Below we will talk about several drugs that are suitable for use at home:

Cream mask “Bark”. Volume: 100 ml. Approximate cost: 620 rubles

Fruit peeling “Bark” will help lighten skin tone, hide imperfections, smooth out scars and scars resulting from acne. Eliminates the first signs of aging, fills the dermis with moisture. A good option for people with mature and dehydrated skin. According to reviews, as a result of using the mask, the dermis becomes elastic, radiant and more youthful.

Using peeling before other cosmetic care products will increase their effectiveness. A mask with fruit acids can be used as a preparatory preparation for deeper peels.

Peeling gel “REVEAL PEEL” from “HOLY LAND”. Volume: 75 ml. Approximate cost: 2300 rubles

It can be used to lighten the skin and remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. As a result, the face becomes fresher, hydrated and toned.

Peeling gel with fruit acids helps in the fight against comedones, helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, smooth out age spots, and produce collagen. Your skin will look fresher, younger and more beautiful after using it.

Peeling with “AHA 8%” from “PREMIUM”. Volume: 100 ml. Approximate cost: 700 rubles

Thanks to the exfoliating effect, fruit peeling “PREMIUM” helps to cleanse and renew the upper layer of the epidermis, even out the skin, and make freckles and age spots less noticeable. As a result, the dermis acquires elasticity, radiance and freshness.

Recipes for peeling with fruit acids at home

Homemade peelings with fruit acids are conventionally divided into three groups:

    Compositions prescribed by a specialist as a preparatory stage before a course of peelings.

    Mixtures for the preparation of which natural ingredients are used.

    Professional products that are suitable for use at home (they are an alternative to salon products).

By listening to reviews, you can find out that simple preparations consisting of a minimum set of ingredients help restore and rejuvenate the skin.

Below we will tell you about several proven recipes for homemade fruit peelings for the face:

  1. Peeling with ascorbic acid at home (aspirin).

To obtain this remedy, you will need to mix crushed aspirin (three tablets, ground into powder) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (a similar volume). The resulting slurry is applied to the skin of the face (it must first be degreased with alcohol) and left for 10 minutes. The composition is washed off with a neutralizer consisting of 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water. Then all that remains is to moisturize the skin.

  1. Saline.

Combine 1 tsp. salt with the same amount of soda and face cream. The composition is applied to previously cleansed and fat-free skin, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with mineral water without gas. At the end of the peeling, the face is moisturized.

  1. Fruity/berry.

To get a fruit peel for the face at home, berries (strawberries, black or red currants, grapes and / or lemon) are pounded to a mushy state. Add one tablespoon of honey and gelatin to the mixture, heat until the latter dissolves and cool. After applying to the face, you must wait 15 minutes. To rinse, use mineral water without gas. Then the face is moisturized with cream.

  1. Almond (for dry skin).

- 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;

- 2 tbsp. l. chopped almonds;

- 1 tsp. cream;

- 1 tsp. green tea;

- 1 drop of rose oil.

Mix all ingredients. After the composition has infused for 20 minutes, apply it to your face. After 15 minutes, rinse with still mineral water and moisturize your face.

  1. Almond-lemon.

Use the above ingredients, replacing the cream with milk and the rose oil with lemon juice.

  1. Kefir-coffee.

Sleeping coffee is mixed with kefir until a slurry is obtained, after which it is applied to the skin of the face with massage movements. When the mixture dries, rinse it with mineral water and moisturize the skin.

  1. Curd-rice-olive.

Use a blender to puree 1 tsp. rice, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 0.5 tsp. olive oil. Warm the resulting mixture slightly and then apply to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the composition with still mineral water and moisturize your face.

  1. Strawberry.

Combine 1 tbsp. l. strawberry puree with 0.5 tbsp. l. honey and a drop of almond oil. Massage the resulting mixture onto your face for two minutes, then rinse it off and moisturize your skin.

It is important not to forget that self-made peeling based on fruit acids, as well as store-bought products, in most cases are less concentrated compared to those compounds that are used to perform the procedure in professional salons.

If you want to perform a professional procedure yourself, you will need to follow the following sequence of actions:

    Clean and degrease the skin with an alcohol solution (70% alcohol).

    Apply a composition with acids to your face (for home use, its concentration should not exceed 25%). The application sequence should be as follows: first the forehead is treated with the product, then the temples, chin and lastly the central part of the face.

    Apply neutralizer.

    Wash off any remaining neutralizer and product using a sponge and still mineral water.

It doesn’t matter whether you use a self-prepared composition or buy a peeling with fruit acids, you must not forget about safety rules!

7 important rules for safe fruit peeling

Despite the availability of fruit peeling, it is important to remember that the procedure is traumatic and possible unexpected skin reactions.

To make it easier and safer, it is important to follow certain rules:

    Everything that is needed for the procedure must be prepared in advance, otherwise at the last moment you will have to look for the necessary ingredients or equipment.

    Metal utensils are not suitable for mixing fruit peeling products due to the possibility of oxidation and the effect on its composition.

    The mask is evenly applied to previously cleansed facial skin.

    Peeling is done only with a freshly prepared mixture. Under no circumstances should it be left for future use. The composition is not applied to the eyelids and area around the eyes. The acid can damage the thin and delicate skin in this area.

    The products are not washed off with hot water. You can use cool or lukewarm water.

    Peeling is not done often. If the skin is very oily, then you can carry out the procedure once or twice a week; for dry skin, a couple of times a month will be enough.

    If you cannot decide on your own skin type or choose a suitable recipe, you should seek the help of a cosmetologist. If you follow the recommendations given by a specialist, the procedure will not only be useful, but also pleasant and safe.

How to do fruit peeling in a salon

A couple of weeks before your visit to the cosmetologist, avoid visiting the solarium and tanning in the sun. In order for the result to be more pronounced, you should resort to special preparation approximately 10 days before the chemical fruit peeling. For this, it is recommended to use gels based on fruit acids that act on the surface layers of the skin, smoothing them and exfoliating dead cells.

Carrying out the acid peeling procedure in the salon, cosmetologists use special tools and equipment:

    slotted spoon;

    combined spoon;


  • slotted spoon;


    Vidal needle;

    magnifying lamp;

    Vapazon (for steaming the skin before cosmetic procedures).

Disposable napkins and sticks are used as aids.

The peeling procedure with fruit acids for the body and face includes several stages:

    Preparatory. First, the face is cleansed of makeup residues and impurities with foam and warm water.

    Basic. Apply a thin layer of the product to the skin of the face and leave for five minutes. In this case, a slight burning and tingling sensation is possible - this is a normal reaction to the action of acid.

    Final. A neutralizer is applied to the skin to stop the effect of the main product. Leave it on for three minutes and then wash off with warm water. Then a mask is applied to the face to soothe and stop the burning sensation.

Carrying out anti-aging peeling with fruit acids by a competent cosmetologist guarantees clients an excellent result. This is evidenced by the reviews of those who have already completed the course of procedures.

How to care for your skin after fruit peeling

Since fruit peeling is a rather traumatic procedure, after its implementation, the skin needs rehabilitation, which, depending on the depth of exposure to the product, can take from several days to two months.

After fruit peeling, you must follow certain recommendations:

  1. Hydration.

Since peeling with fruit acids robs the skin of a certain amount of moisture, it is important to use moisturizing creams after it, designed to eliminate the feeling of skin tightness and prevent moisture loss. Superficial peeling does not require the use of any special products.

However, skin care products containing hyaluronic acid, natural oils, vitamins, aloe, algae, centella, arnica, chamomile, calendula, panthenol and lipids will provide better skin hydration and restoration.

If irritation, redness or severe peeling occurs after fruit peeling, you can resort to soothing and deeply moisturizing products.

  1. UV protection.

Thinned skin after fruit peeling needs sun protection. Therefore, it is necessary to use sunscreens that block UVB and UVA rays (with a protection factor of 25 or higher). You should not spend a long time outside, sunbathing in a solarium or in the sun.

  1. Maintaining the effect with products with a low percentage of acids.

Cosmetics with a low content of fruit acids will help to consolidate the achieved result. You can use serum, tonic, cleanser, masks, etc. Such preparations will help maintain a healthy complexion and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Refusal of certain cosmetics and procedures.

During the course of fruit peelings, it is important to limit any aggressive effects on the skin, including mechanical scrubs and alcohol-containing products. You should not use medications with retinoids (otherwise you can thin your skin too much).

When conducting a course of fruit peelings, you should not resort to cosmetic procedures that can have a traumatic effect on the dermis.

The crusts that appear after the procedure must not be removed independently.

Do not plan important events during the peeling course. The resulting redness cannot always be hidden with the help of decorative cosmetics. In addition, it is better not to use it during the rehabilitation period.

Since acid peeling deprives the skin of its protective layer, any other procedures of a similar nature cannot be performed.

Thus, the main task in the period after fruit peeling is to reduce the feeling of discomfort, prevent side effects and complications, stimulate the process of cell regeneration, protect the skin, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy.

What affects the effectiveness of fruit peeling?

The effectiveness of a fruit peel depends on several factors, including the frequency of application, the concentration of the formulations used and the time of exposure. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

  • Frequency.

We have already noted that peelings with fruit acids are done in courses. The frequency of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist. It is influenced by the age and condition of the skin, as well as the result obtained after the first session.

A full course usually consists of 7–15 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10–14 days. For minor problems or preventive peeling with fruit acids, fewer sessions may be needed:

    For persons under 25 years of age, with problem skin, comedones and blackheads, one or two procedures per month are required;

    For persons 25–30 years old, if the purpose of peeling is to prevent early aging, manipulations are performed two to three times a year;

    For mature skin in people over 45 years of age, fruit peels are suitable as a preparatory step before deep cleansing or plastic surgery.

  • Concentration and exposure time.

The choice of concentration and composition of the fruit peeling product is selected by a specialist depending on the skin type and the depth of the problem. The intensity of the impact directly depends on the visibility of defects and the age of the client.

Note that the higher the concentration of the acid component of the product, the longer the subsequent rehabilitation period, the more difficult its course, the higher the requirements for the client’s health and the skill of the cosmetologist.

At home, you should not use drugs with an acid concentration exceeding 15%, since if used incorrectly, you can get chemical burns and complications.

  • Exposure duration Fruit peeling is selected individually by a cosmetologist and depends on the type and condition of the skin.

Too long exposure to acid can harm the client's health. For this reason, fruit peeling should be done by specialists who have extensive experience in performing such cosmetic procedures.

What result can be expected after fruit peeling

Often, cosmetologists offer fruit peeling as a preventive measure or as part of a set of procedures designed to provide gentle facial skin care, since AHA acids have a gentle and natural effect on the upper layers of the skin. Using these acids:

    dead cells are removed, and living cells remain intact;

    the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, their ducts are freed, which has a beneficial effect on the degree of oiliness of the skin;

    there is a positive effect on the main cells of connective tissue, which leads to increased collagen production;

    prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples, smoothes out the effects of post-acne;

    has an antioxidant effect on the skin, neutralizing free radicals;

    The surface of the dermis is leveled, it is thoroughly cleaned, which helps the lower layers to breathe better.

How much does fruit peeling cost in a beauty salon

Using the table below, you can find your way around the prices for fruit peeling in beauty salons in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In other cities, the price can be much lower.

Please note that the table shows the cost of one course procedure, consisting of 5–11 sessions, which are performed at intervals determined by a specialist for 1.5–3 months.

Basically, cosmetologists adhere to a scheme in which the concentration of the active substance increases with each procedure while simultaneously reducing the exposure time.

In addition, these days you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!

    You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 10 minutes


One of the varieties of chemical peels is peeling with fruit acids. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the skin, restore balance, and reduce oiliness. The key feature is deep penetration into the skin (up to the dermis). How to carry out this procedure at home, and what features distinguish this type of peeling?

Peeling with fruit acids. The essence of the procedure

The fruit acids themselves, called alphahydroxy acids, are obtained either from natural fruits or synthetically. Traditional set of acids for peeling:

  • Apple
  • Dairy (from blueberries, tomatoes, sour milk; synthetic)
  • Lemon (from citruses, pineapples)
  • Glycolic (synthetic; from sugar cane)
  • Wine (from grapes, wine)

Fruit acid peeling has been used in many countries for a very long time. Initially, the procedure was carried out exclusively for medicinal purposes. But its effectiveness and effect on the skin (lifting effect, wrinkle reduction, skin lightening, etc.) made it possible to use peeling for prevention.

Efficiency and results of peeling with fruit acids

The effect of fruit acids is equivalent to the effect of alcohols and acids. For the skin this is a panacea. This peel provides:

  • Painless lung exfoliation
  • Update healthy skin
  • Cell regeneration
  • Gain moisture influx to the top layer of skin
  • Cleansing the sebaceous glands
  • Reducing the risk of acne
  • Normalization of skin lipid balance
  • Elimination of excess pigmentation

Instructions for peeling with fruit acids

The very concept of peeling implies removal of dead skin layer , and peeling with fruit acids also means skin whitening with acids. Accordingly, the composition of the peeling mixture should imply the presence of an “abrasive”. That is, the mixture, in addition to fruit, must contain a powdery substance. For example, fine salt, candied honey, ground coffee or white clay. Having chosen one of these abrasives, we choose soft fruits - kiwi, banana, lemon, apple . As for gooseberries, apricots and strawberries, they already contain “abrasives” (hard fibers, tiny seeds). But for a mixture of orange, pineapple and kiwi white clay is added to soften the result - these fruits contain a large amount of acid.

How to peel with fruit acids?

  1. Mix the above ingredients to a mushy consistency.
  2. Clear facial skin.
  3. Rub a small amount of the mixture onto your face, leaving traces.
  4. Massaging the skin, gradually add the mixture to it until the mass covers the entire face except the eye area.
  5. It is preferable to carry out the procedure while lying on a diaper.
  6. Keep a mask on your face no more than twenty minutes .
  7. Remove the mask, massaging the skin in circular movements (if it is dry, you can slightly moisten it with water).
  8. Wash off the mask with warm water after the massage.
  9. Wipe the skin ice cube (you can use chamomile decoction).
  10. Wipe dry, apply cream.

Features of peeling with fruit acids

There is an opinion that. But each of the fruit acids has its own task:

  • In milk - skin hydration
  • Apple juice – activation of metabolic processes
  • Glycolic – exfoliation of dead skin
  • For lemon and wine - lightening

Thus, it becomes clear that fruit acids act most effectively in a complex manner. Among the features of peeling, the following should be noted:

  1. A peeling course with fruit acids is five procedures within one and a half months.
  2. For each subsequent peeling procedure acid concentration increases , the time allotted for the procedure, on the contrary, decreases.
  3. The effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the acid content. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The amount should be increased gradually so as not to cause skin irritation.
  4. Such peeling ideal for dry skin . It will provide it with hydration and elasticity.
  5. The effect of creams and serums will be more effective if you regularly carry out the fruit peeling procedure.

Contraindications for peeling with fruit acids

  • Fresh tan
  • Allergy to any of the components
  • Summer time
  • Various skin lesions
  1. Each skin feature must be taken into account when performing the procedure. A harsh procedure can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in a beauty salon.
  2. You can use a peeling product at home with a maximum acid concentration of 25 percent .
  3. Before the procedure, it is preferable to contact a cosmetologist and, with his help, determine the condition of your skin, features and its type.
  4. The time of year is one of the criteria by which the possibility of using the procedure is determined. Peeling has different effects in different seasons.
  5. Peeling start - allergy test using a minimum concentration of the product. Allergy appeared? This means the product is not suitable for you.
  6. Any allergies? Begin the pre-peel procedure. Gradually increase the concentration - from five percent to ten.
  7. For home use Fruit peeling product can be purchased at the pharmacy - it has a safe level of acid concentration.

Video: Fruit Acids In Peeling

The history of fruit acids began long before they were officially discovered and described by chemists. Even in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome, women applied lemon and grape juice to their faces, bathed in sour milk baths and washed themselves with sour wine, and their northern neighbors made masks from sour wild berries and dairy products. Modern medicine became interested in fruit acids (or AHA acids) more than a hundred years ago. They were actively used during the First World War for disinfection and healing of wounds, and along the way they noticed that in places where they were used, the skin looked younger and acquired good tone. It turned out that these acids have a very good effect on the general condition of the skin: they tighten it and reduce wrinkles, lighten age spots, and remove small scars.
In the 20th century, the Americans were the first to take up fruit acids and use them in anti-aging peels. In the late 80s, cosmetics with fruit acids began to appear,
but at that time the manufacturers did not think through the concentration and pH balance of their products very well, so they turned out to be too strong for home use. On the one hand, the products gave quick results, but on the other hand, they often led to negative skin reactions (irritation, peeling, redness).
The second boom in fruit acids occurred in the late 90s. Then pharmacy and professional lines appeared, which underwent thorough clinical trials and proved their safety. Modern technologies have made it possible to create well-balanced drugs with a milder effect, but at the same time the period of their use has increased to obtain the desired result.
“Fruit acids are understood as a special class of chemical compounds originally found in fruits (hence the name),” explains Tatyana Trotsenko, dermatocosmetologist at Astrea. “They are remarkable in that, unlike many other cosmetic ingredients, they can act not only superficially - they can penetrate deep into the dermis, to the cellular level. Products with fruit acids help eliminate signs of skin aging, even out skin texture, improve complexion, fight acne, fine wrinkles and age spots. Depending on the acid, they can moisturize, exfoliate, have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, brighten, tone, cleanse the skin, make it smoother and more youthful. It is not surprising that fruit acids are included in creams, masks, scrubs, peelings, lotions, tonics, washing gels and even shampoos. Initially, fruit acids were obtained from plants, fruits and animal products. For example:

glycolic acid found in sugar cane;
dairy- in sour milk, yogurt, blueberries, tomatoes, maple syrup;
malic acid can be found in many fruits, but it predominates in apples and tomatoes;
lemon acid obtained from citrus fruits;
tartaric and pyruvic acids- from grapes and oranges;
almond- from almonds;
ferulic- from kigelia, coffee, apple seeds;
salicylic- from the bark of a willow tree.
Nowadays, many acids are obtained by chemical synthesis. By the way, after chemists were able to isolate pure salicylic acid, the well-known aspirin appeared, which is a modification of this acid. Today, salicylic acid itself is classified as a fruit acid more for company, because in fact it belongs not to alpha, but to beta hydroxy acids. The difference is that alpha hydroxy acids are only water-soluble, while beta hydroxy acids are fat-soluble, meaning they can easily penetrate the pores of the skin that contain sebum (sebum). Each of the fruit acids has its own characteristic properties, but they are often combined to achieve maximum effect."

In the salon and at home

All fruit acids act as an exfoliant, that is, they help remove dead particles of the stratum corneum of the skin and thereby free up space for the growth of new cells. In addition, they stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, helping the skin rejuvenate and repair itself. On the one hand, AHA acids are potentially traumatic for the skin, on the other hand, it is their moderately damaging effect that triggers regeneration processes. Tests have shown that natural fruit acids at a 10% concentration cause an increase in cell turnover by 34% compared to the control, untreated skin surface.
“In products for home use, fruit acids are contained in low concentrations - as a rule, no more than 10-12%,” continues Tatyana Trotsenko. — At the same time, the acid-base indicator (pH) of a cosmetic product is of great importance. Depending on the acid, it can be from 3 to 6.5 pH (the lower the pH, the “more acidic” the acid and the faster it is absorbed by the skin). It is safer to start using products with a minimum concentration of acids (3-5%) to minimize the risk of skin irritation. After a month, you can gradually increase the percentage of acid content, switching to a stronger composition, especially if there are indications for this (pronounced wrinkles, thick porous skin, acne). If you regularly use preparations with fruit acids, it is better to switch from one acid to another every two to three months. During the entire course, it is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation daily, since almost all AHA acids (except mandelic and ferulic) cause increased skin sensitivity to the sun. In this case, sunscreens must have an SPF of at least 15.

Doctors and cosmetologists use fruit acids in higher concentrations: in professional creams their share can reach up to 25%, and, of course, high percentages of acids are found in peelings. Chemical peeling is similar in effect to microdermabrasion: it removes small wrinkles, minor defects and irregularities, giving the skin a smoother and more well-groomed appearance in a few sessions. It must be said that, unlike some other chemical peels, fruit acids do not have a toxic effect on the skin, do not cause burns or leave scars, their effect is quite mild (therefore, all fruit peels are classified as superficial, although they are capable of stimulating dermal cells). To achieve the desired result (rejuvenation, whitening, smoothing) a course of 5-7 procedures is required. At the first session, acid is applied in a low concentration (about 20%) so that the skin gets used to it and becomes comfortable. In subsequent sessions, the content of AHA acids first reaches 40-50%, and then up to 70-90% (depending on the acid and skin type). Peeling, for example, with 70% glycolic acid can cause quite a noticeable tingling and even a burning sensation, but you will not have to endure it for long - after a few minutes the solution will be washed off and a soothing and softening mask will be applied. After peeling, redness may persist for some time, and the next day there will be slight flaking and a feeling of tightness of the skin, so do not forget to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. But not all peels cause visible peeling of the skin. In the latest generation of nanopeels, active acids are enclosed in special “containers” - nanoliposomes. Due to their small size, they easily move between cells at a given depth and act on target structures (in our case, the dermis). Thus, they do not cause irritation and severe peeling of the epidermis, and their effectiveness increases several times. For comparison: the effect of the 5% almond nanopeel Mandelic Acid Nanopeel from LipoCeutical is equivalent to the effect of the classic 50% almond peel in gel form. Ten times lower concentration just as effectively smoothes wrinkles, improves skin structure, has a sebum-regulating and antimicrobial effect, but does not cause any
adverse reactions (redness, swelling, peeling).
In addition to monopilings (based on one acid), there are multi-compositions that can successfully solve a wider range of problems. These include Jessner peels, which contain various cocktails of lactic, salicylic, glycolic, citric and other acids."


Fruit acids have not only similar general properties, but also their own “specialization” (each of them solves specific skin problems).
Dry and dehydrated skin requires additional hydration, so these are most useful here: lactic and pyruvic acids.
Lactic acid has a mild exfoliating effect, enhances the activity of fibroblasts and stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, fibronectin, and significantly increases the level of skin hydration. In addition, lactic acid molecules are very small in size and easily penetrate deep into the skin.
Pyruvic acid protects the skin from moisture loss (improves its barrier functions), promotes the active synthesis of dermal matrix components, increases skin density and elasticity, and is suitable even for sensitive skin.
Ideal for oily skin prone to inflammation and hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum). glycolic and salicylic acids.
Glycolic acid- the most active and has the smallest molecular size that easily penetrates the skin and stimulates cellular renewal. Peels and cosmetics with glycolic acid help cleanse pores, soften sebum, remove comedones and reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum. A course of glycolic peels helps smooth out skin texture, reduce pore size, reduce skin oiliness and signs of inflammation.
For home use, it is recommended to use products with a 10-12% glycolic acid content - for example, Aglicolic Classic Moisturizing Cream-Gel from Sesderma, which soothes inflamed skin, evens out complexion, brightens and tones the skin.
Salicylic acid effective in the treatment of acne, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis, as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, exfoliates the skin well without causing irritation.
For aging skin, coffee peelings are indispensable. Caffeic acid is a derivative of phenol, but does not have its toxic effect. It intensively rejuvenates the skin, smooths out wrinkles, models the oval of the face, and ensures smoothness and inner glow of the skin. Among these peels is Nomelan Cafeico Forte from Mediderma, which has antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, whitening, rejuvenating and healing effects.
In addition, multi-fruit preparations with a wide range of effects are well suited for aging skin, for example, Rege-White Energizing Fluid from KEENWELL. Its composition thoughtfully combines glycolic, lactic, citric, malic and tartaric acids. The fluid activates natural exfoliation of the skin, accelerates cellular regeneration, maintains optimal hydration, restores the skin's lipid barrier, and stimulates collagen production.
Skin photoaging is successfully combated ferulic and mandelic acids. Ferulic acid
has pronounced antioxidant properties, restores sun-damaged skin and its disturbed water balance, protects cellular DNA from UVA/UVB radiation.
Ferulic acid products include liposomal serum Liposomal Ferulac Serum from LipoCeutical. It relieves oxidative stress of the skin, removes hyperpigmentation and dehydration, smoothes wrinkles, revitalizes the skin and stimulates the production of new collagen.
Mandelic acid famous for the fact that it can be used even in summer, since it
does not cause photosensitization of the skin. It perfectly evens out the complexion, reduces the sensitivity and reactivity of the skin, so it is often used before vacation (peeling is done two weeks before departure to hot countries) in order to then get a beautiful and even tan. The structure of mandelic acid is similar to the structure of antibiotics; it relieves inflammation well
(including folliculitis), has an antiseptic effect, moisturizes, tones and rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.