Christmas decorations.  Christmas toys How to make a spider costume for girls

Christmas decorations. Christmas toys How to make a spider costume for girls

With the end of October just around the corner, it's time to get dressed for the upcoming holiday, Halloween! I suggest making a spider web! I'll show you step by step how to make a web, with absolutely no sewing!

By the way, I want to note that the net that we will make with our own hands is universal, since it can be used either for a spider costume, placing, for example, on the back or shoulder of a huge plastic spider, or for a witch costume, as in our case.

All we need to create a network:

1) two meters of fleece fabric for an adult, one and a half for a child (we use fleece because it is a fairly warm and durable fabric);

2) cutting chalk or regular chalk for drawing on asphalt will also work;

3) one meter of tape;

4) sharp scissors;

5) ruler or tape measure;

6) hot glue;

7) lighter.

As you can see, nothing special, almost everything can be found in your closet!

First, I want to explain why using regular chalk for drawing is much better and more convenient than using special chalk for cutting. Cutting chalk is very hard and can be quite difficult to draw on fabric, especially something like fleece. But ordinary chalk, for drawing, is much softer in structure, it can get wet and dry repeatedly, but still remain soft, so I still recommend using it for working with fleece, if you have it.

So let's get to work!

1 . First you need to decide on the length of the cape and fold the fleece in four.

2 . Mark a quarter circle using chalk.

3 . Cut out the circle. Don't worry if it doesn't come out perfectly straight, as we'll still be trimming the fabric at the bottom anyway.

Tip 1: To make sure you have enough fabric for your cape, you need to consider how long you want your cape to be before heading to the fabric store. To do this, place the measuring tape on the back of your neck and lower it down your back. Basically, the width of fleece is about 55-60 centimeters wide. If you want to do without sewing, then keep in mind: the width and length of your cape should not exceed the width of the fleece, that is, 60 centimeters!

Tip 2: A tape measure can serve as a large protractor (you don't usually have one like this at home) when you mark your quarter circle. Just make sure the tip of the tape stays in the corner so you can clearly trace the arc for the cape!

4 . Fold the circle in quarters again and draw a circle for the cutout. You can use a T-shirt as a sample. We unfold our circle, now it is not folded in four, but in half. Draw the remaining semicircle. If you want a smooth cut, you need to cut the fabric folded in half.

5 . We draw an inclined line from one side of the semicircle towards the bottom, the width of this part should be ¼ of the width of the entire cape. Then we draw a spider's net with chalk by hand, imitating scallops curved upward along the edge of the fabric along the entire width and height.

6 . Now, using sharp scissors, we cut out our network.

Tip3: As a rule, the neck circumference of a small child is about 20 centimeters, and an adult’s is about 30.

7 . Now that we have a symmetrical cape, we use hot glue to attach the ribbon along the edge of the neckline. The edges of the tape should either be covered with a small amount of glue, or scorched with a lighter.

Our network is completely ready!

Tip 4: If you are worried about reverse side Traces from the chalk markings will be visible, don’t worry! The chalk falls off the fabric quite quickly. Well, if there are a few stains left, they can be easily removed with a damp towel or sponge.

That's all, strictly speaking! Halloween costume is ready! Have fun!

What does almost every boy dream of? Of course, become a real superhero. Making a child's dream come true is quite simple. You can buy a costume of your favorite hero in a store or make it at home with your own hands. A beginner can create an image; it will take a little time and effort, as well as a great desire to make the baby’s dream come true.

Preparing the necessary tools and materials

How to make a Spider-Man costume with your own hands? Before you start creating a Spider-Man suit, you need to decide what materials will be needed for the work and prepare all the tools necessary for the work.

To work, the needlewoman needs to choose a fabric. Knitwear is ideal, but for a festive costume you can use supplex. It will look original and unusual thanks to its shine. If the suit will be used as home clothes or pajamas, then you should give preference to more natural materials, namely:

  • Footer.
  • Cooler.
  • Interlock.

You will also need:

  • A spool of thread to match the material.
  • Acrylic paint and brush for decoration.
  • Black marker.
  • Sewing machine.
  • White corrector or paint.

It is advisable that clothing be made of thin materials and not have rough seams. This way it will be more convenient to transfer it to the prepared red and of blue color. And the product will look neater.

Superhero image details

In order to create a recognizable image, you need to pay attention color scheme and costume details. The Spider-Man costume is made in blue and red tones. Patterns that are applied with black paint by hand.

The colors of the outfit must be distributed correctly, the overall appearance of the product depends on this. The bottom of the product to the knee should be made in blue, but the trouser leg from the knee to the heels should be made of red fabric. The top of the product (jacket) must have a hood, which will subsequently be put on the child’s head and create a mask. The holes for the eyes should be thought out and cut out in the mask.

The colors must be distributed in this order: the hood, shoulders, sleeves and stripes on the back and chest should be red, but part of the sleeves and sides of the product should be sewn from blue fabric. The chest should be decorated with the image of a web with a spider. This decoration is applied with ordinary black acrylic paint and a thin brush. A similar web pattern is also applied to all parts of the costume, which are made in red.

Cutting the product

They made it for the costume and it was impossible to cut it by eye. For this you need to have a suit pattern. Since the entire suit consists of a T-shirt and sweatpants, then the pattern will help us make the child’s things. So, take the baby’s pants and T-shirt and turn them inside out. We lay out the parts on a pre-prepared paper sheet and outline them. All available seams must be indicated on the product and allowances must be measured. In order for the template of the lower part of the product to be made correctly, you need to turn the pants inside out, insert one leg into the other, and then trace the back and front of the product.

The resulting costume parts will need to be cut into elements that differ in color.

Assembling the finished suit and processing individual parts of the product

At the beginning of work you need to collect the parts. The product must be assembled in the following order:

An elastic band must be inserted into the upper part of the legs. To do this, you need to make a turn and stitch it.

Decorating a suit with a pattern

In order to create a high-quality spider costume at home, you need to give preference to a special acrylic paint for textiles. It is securely fixed, impregnating the fibers of the fabric.

The paint should not be liquid, otherwise it will be applied in wide stripes and spread along the fibers of the fabric. The paint should be carefully diluted with water. A thin brush will help you do the job carefully.

Work on creating a web pattern should begin by creating the rays for the web, after which you can draw curved bridges between the rays. This course of work will allow you to apply the drawing symmetrically. To prevent the paint from bleeding onto adjacent parts of the product, you need to place a sheet of cardboard under the canvas.

When creating a Spiderman costume for a small child, you should give preference, first of all, to the baby’s comfort. For the matinee in kindergarten you can use a simplified version of the costume. In this case, the child’s main clothes will be jeans and a blue T-shirt. Over the T-shirt, you can wear a cape or vest, which is sewn at home. The cape should be made in red and blue colors. You can complement the look with red sleeves or new gloves purchased at the store.

The design on the cape can be done using a black marker, and the spider patch can be purchased in advance. If there is no black marker in the house, then the web can be embroidered with ordinary threads. True, in this case you will need to spend more time and a little more effort. But the finished product will amaze with its realism.

In addition to the image of Spider-Man, shoes should also be selected. It can also be decorated in the appropriate color scheme, or you can simply take ready-made sneakers or sneakers in red.

Don't forget about the mask, which will add mystery to the image. The mask can be made of fabric or colored cardboard. It should be attached with an elastic band. But what format of mask to use for the image is up to the little hero to decide. As a rule, the mask covers:

  • The whole face.
  • Only eyes.

To make a Spider-Man mask from fabric, you need to take a child’s hat from a thin material, attach it to the prepared red material, trace and cut it out. Sew the details along the side seams and trim the bottom of the product with tape. Then you will need to sew on special ties that will help secure the product to the child’s head, and cut holes for the eyes. The area around the eyes should be overlocked and outlined with a black marker and white corrector for greater realism.

Attention, TODAY only!

An event for which you need to come up with your own image and make a costume will be especially memorable and bright. It could be any holiday ( New Year, Halloween, birthday) or just a costume party. Even adults often indulge in the pleasure of trying on their favorite roles and dressing up in beautiful costumes, if possible.

One of the universal images is the image of the hero of the most popular films, cartoons and comics - Spiderman or Spider-Man.

What does the Spider-Man suit consist of?

Many boys dream of becoming a superhero like Spider-Man. The costume of this character itself is very bright and original. And although it is not entirely easy to make, it is quite possible to make it yourself.

In the original, Spiderman's suit is full-body and tight-fitting. Of course, it will be very difficult to make one at home yourself, and besides, it may be inconvenient for a child to put on and wear this version of the costume. Therefore, it is often made from several parts:

  • blue pants or leggings (possibly with red inserts at the bottom);
  • shoes (blue and red boots, ankle boots);
  • blue turtleneck with red accents;
  • red gloves;
  • hats or face masks.

Don’t forget that all the red parts of the costume should be decorated “like a spider’s web,” plus images of spiders can be present in the form of embroidery, patches or stickers.

How to sew a Spiderman costume

If your child is very small, then you should use a simplified version of the costume, putting the comfort of the clothing for the baby first.

For example, only the upper part of the suit will convey the image, and the child may be dressed in ordinary jeans and a blue T-shirt. On top of it you can make a blue-red vest and red arm ruffles. In the chest area, sew an image of a black spider, and stitch the elements of the web on red fabric with black thread or draw with a black marker (a silver marker is also often used). You can make a regular mask just for the eyes from red fabric (with an elastic band or string) and stitch it in the shape of a web. For shoes, choose red sneakers, which can also be decorated thematically.

For older children, there is a reason to strive for maximum resemblance to the original. Here you will need to work a little longer.

  1. Decide whether you will make a full mask on the face and head and the child, or leave the face open. Keep in mind that the fabric should be such that you can breathe normally, plus - only natural fabric will not allow your child to evaporate, who will run, jump and run for several hours in this suit. Remember both hygiene and safety (the child must be able to take off clothes independently, so one-piece suits with a hidden zipper somewhere on the back are undesirable).
  2. If you decide to leave your child's face exposed, you can crochet a red cap with an extended back or sew a hood to the top of the costume that will fit snugly. Then all that remains is to make a mask-glasses for the eyes or apply the appropriate makeup. Half of the face (up to the nose and lips) may be covered.
  3. A full-fledged mask can be made from either fabric or papier-mâché (attached with an elastic band or rope). The first option is much simpler. You will simply need to cut out two pieces of red fabric in the shape of a helmet (the shape of the child's head). If you want, you can leave the eyes open. In this case, you will need to make slits and trim them with black thread. A more interesting option would be closed eyes with an imitation of real Spiderman super glasses. To do this, you will need to prepare two parts in the shape of eyes, made of mesh (take white or light gray, maybe metallic, with very small cells). These blanks will need to be sewn onto the places where the eyes will be. Sew all the parts of the helmet together and paint the mask to look like a cobweb.
  4. Now you can start working on the costume itself. For the bottom, you need to make blue pants (you can take any child’s pants and, applying them to the material, circle them, using them instead of a pattern). In order not to think about boots, make better red inserts at the bottom of the legs. That is, sew pants made of blue material a little shorter than the child’s legs. Then cut out two rectangular pieces of red fabric and sew them to the legs, finishing all the edges. You will also need to insert elastic into the waistband of your pants and possibly at the bottom of the legs if you want them to gather around the leg rather than fall loosely.
  5. If you chose blue pants, then you will need to make red shoes. These can be seamless boots or felt boots made of fabric (usually they are worn over regular shoes and do not have soles). Just sew on good elastic bands to prevent the fabric boots from slipping. You can also make only red tops (that is, imitation boots) and wear them with soft red slippers or sneakers.
  6. The blouse is also sewn differently. The first option is that you take a regular blue turtleneck and put a red cape with themed decor on it (plus, you sew red gloves). It is better to draw a web on fabric rather than on a finished product, then it turns out more naturalistic. The cape will be worn over a turtleneck and secured with buttons or fasteners. Gloves, like boots, can be sewn long, or you can use the same imitation: make long fabric cuffs for red short gloves. To make the top of a suit without removable parts, use any child’s sweater for a pattern. Make the back of the sweater with a yoke (it will be made of red fabric), and the rest will be made of blue. You need to do the same for the front of the blouse. We already have a drawn web, so add only the image of a spider in the center on the chest (you can embroider it, sew on a finished figurine, stick it on, etc.). Make the sleeves also two-color (red on top, blue on bottom). Sew all the details.

Spiderman mask

The image of Spider-Man is liked not only by boys, but also by girls. For them you can use the same carnival mask for the eyes, and any red T-shirt will do as a costume (add only a spider or cobweb on the chest) and a blue or light blue skirt (it looks very nice and a tutu from tulle is easy to make). So the real girlfriend for Spiderman is ready.

Do you want to choose the most unusual costume for your child? Then we suggest choosing a well-known character - a spider. A little scary, and sometimes even terrifying to the inhabitants of the house, a spider costume will be an excellent choice for a boy who loves to play pranks, and besides, such an outfit is easy to make with your own hands.

If you choose this look for a costume party, it should be to your liking and match the character of the future spider. Then he will truly impress all the party guests. So, let's get started creating your own spider costume!


Before you start, find a photo of a spider on the Internet, and also look at ready-made spider costumes, perhaps one of them will suit your child. A great idea would be to dress up as Spider-Man, everyone's favorite superhero. You can buy this outfit or make it yourself.

Evaluate the characteristics of your character: what are his characteristic features? When creating an outfit, you need to emphasize them, then the image will look bright and harmonious. The spider's body is round in shape, has long curved legs and huge eyes. Therefore, you need to decorate the top of the child’s head with a pair of big eyes, make a rounded belly using fillers (for example, padding polyester) and attach paws on the sides.

When creating a spider costume with your own hands, photo patterns will come to your aid. You can use the templates to sew other similar suits and adapt them to suit your look.

The spider's body is covered with fur. To create one, you can use artificial pile, or paint the cotton wool in the color you want. For sewing, you can even use old unnecessary materials and improvised means that can be found in almost every home.

Choose a sewing material that matches the color and finish. You need to make a jumpsuit out of it, or find a jacket and pants that can replace it. It is advisable that things be dark in color.

Now let's start sewing the legs, there will be eight of them, four on each side. The arms and legs can serve as paws, and the rest can be attached to the sides. Prepare long strips of dark material. Fold the cuts in half on the smaller side and stitch along two sides - the larger and the smaller. Turn it inside out to hide the seams, and place a bulky filler inside, such as padding polyester. It is advisable to stretch the wire along the entire length of the legs so that they are shaped and protruding, like those of spiders. Attach matching gloves to the tips of the paws; the same ones should be prepared for the hands.

Tie a voluminous bow on the chest and put a bowler hat on the child’s head in the color of the suit. How to make a spider costume if matching hat not found? Make it yourself from thick paper. Cut a circle and a rectangle along the circumference and form them into a cylinder. Attach margins to the bottom edge.

Attach to hat big eyes spider, which can also be made from paper. The spider costume will become fun if you make a small bang with your own hands and attach it to the headdress. This can be done using feathers, cardboard or fabric. In the belly area, sew a circle of light material or large decorative buttons.

Now your spider can go to the party and enjoy the fun!

Fortunately, cliches affecting the form of clothing, including festive costumes, have disappeared, unable to withstand the pressure of style and the onslaught of fantasy. Now, in addition to bunnie boys and children, you can try on many outfits from holiday uniforms. If you are puzzled by the selection of clothes for a matinee, then look how interesting it looks baby suit spider. A variety of masquerade accessories can decorate themed holidays - for example, for Halloween, spider and vampire costumes will come in handy.

Spider Showman

A blinding light rushes onto the stage. Intriguing fluctuations in the musical accompaniment tickle your nerves. From the opposite side, opening the curtain, a charming boy in a children's spider costume jumps out.

He greets the audience cordially, clapping three pairs of hands. Mittens made of satin fabric are put on the palms. They are made according to the principle of oven mitts. The spider legs, located on one side, are tied using thick twisted rope without unnecessary tension. It becomes possible to observe the amazing synchronicity of limb movements.

The basis of a children's spider costume consists of black trousers and a sweater (shirt). Starting from the middle of the sweater, a blank bag made of black plush material is sewn on. To give the spider's belly volume, cotton wool or pieces of foam rubber are stuffed inside the bag. A vest is attached to the front of the sweater. The material of the vest should be bright with a cobweb pattern applied. Can be sewn to a vest big button, made of cardboard and covered with soft material.

A bow tie is tied to the collar. It's easy to make. It is enough to attach two rectangular pieces of colorful fabric to each other and stitch around the perimeter. Using the same method, a jumper is made that pulls the tie in the center.

The only complication of the children's spider costume is the top hat. This accessory can be purchased at a shop selling carnival paraphernalia. And to preserve the overall style, tie a ribbon on the hat from the same fabric from which the vest is made.

The spider can be executed differently. Such a suit may lack a colorful vest and snow-white mittens. But the hat must have crazy eyes (made in the same way as buttons) with funny eyelashes (for example, made from tinsel).

Little spider

Guys younger age Children's spider costume turns into cute and funny toys. Black tights or panties are worn underneath, and warm ones on top. black blouse. A plump cape with a stitched cobweb pattern is pulled on. Several pairs of legs filled with synthetic padding are sewn on the back side, and wire frames are inserted for flexibility.

You can place a soft toy spider on the web. A cap with perky antennae-antennas with suction cups is placed on the baby's head. You can depict a mischievous face with eyes and a smiling mouth on the hat.

Second wind

Mothers of small children represent a whole team producing crafts, drawings, even clothes. While the child is in kindergarten, his mother discovers her artistic talents. With the passion of a fashion designer, she cuts out fragments of the costume at night so that her child will be the best, the most unusual at the children's party.

If you have the desire and free time, you can amaze others with masterpiece delights. But will the labor costs and night vigils pay off? That’s why mother costume designers rarely “conjure” clothes for months.

The financial side of the matter plays an important role. Understanding that the child will appear in this outfit only once forces you to save on materials. It’s gratifying that a children’s spider costume can be constructed from clothes available in the baby’s wardrobe. Casual wear, turning into a part of a festive costume, finds a second wind. Parents can rejoice in the money and time they save.

Yulia Denisova especially for the site I am a young mother

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