Eyebrow shapes for different face types.  Eyebrow shape according to face type: diagram, mistakes (photo) Ideal eyebrows according to face shape

Eyebrow shapes for different face types. Eyebrow shape according to face type: diagram, mistakes (photo) Ideal eyebrows according to face shape

The shape of the eyebrows helps give the face the desired expression. When a face is drawn, the anger, joy, and sadness experienced by a person are conveyed using the shape of the eyebrows and the position of the corners of the lips.

Not a single girl dreams of looking gloomy and gloomy, and besides, she is sociable and cheerful. How to determine and choose the ideal eyebrow shape to make your face memorable, your eyes expressive, your image seductive and charming?

Artists who create masterpieces use the laws of harmony. When applying makeup, the face is also drawn, and when working with cosmetics, it is important to adhere to ideal proportions.

Eyebrow length: beginning, end, curve

Before looking for the correct eyebrow shape, let's decide on their length. This is done with the help of a pencil or a developed imagination.

When choosing eyebrows, their correct shape and length, according to the type of face, you need to take into account the individuality of the person. Correctly chosen straight or curved eyebrows, with soft or acute angle, rounded ones can enhance the attractiveness of the face. In the makeup artist’s arsenal there is also the width of the eyebrows and the height of the arch.

  • For a round face

Chubby girls will benefit from curved eyebrows, which will visually elongate the face vertically. Correct form can be done with a soft or sharp angle, depending on created image and individual facial features. Those with a round face should avoid rounded eyebrows - they will emphasize the round shape of the face.

  • If your face is oval shaped

Women with oval faces are lucky; any eyebrow shape suits their proportional face. If the oval is elongated, the eyebrow disproportion will be smoothed out with a soft angle. A face that is too narrow will be widened by straight horizontal eyebrows, but they should not be too wide (this can create a gloomy, gloomy image) or too thin. The desired roundness of the face will be created by eyebrows of moderate width and thickness.

With a large chin and proportional cheekbones, an elongated eyebrow shape looks beautiful on an oval face.

  • For square, triangular faces

A triangle-shaped face will be decorated with moderately large eyebrows with a smooth curve. If you make the arch high, you can give your face an inappropriate expression of constant surprise. Round ones will make the image feminine and soft. When drawing the correct eyebrow, you should make the arch higher, the more elongated the face is.

Selecting the most suitable form For square face, they try to equalize the proportions and visually expand the upper part of the face, this effect is achieved long eyebrows. They can start with a smooth curve that softens the facial expression. The rounded shape will add feminine softness to the look. You can create a strict look by raising the top point of the arch in a sharp curve (it is desirable that the eyebrows are thin). Girls with a square face should be careful about the straight shape of the eyebrows, which visually widens the upper part and makes the face shorter.

  • When your face is like a heart

Rounded or softly curved eyebrows will help harmonize the proportions of a wide face narrowed towards the chin. They will give the face roundness and soften its expression. When drawing an eyebrow, you need to make sure that its beginning and end are on the same line. Otherwise, the facial triangle will expand and the disharmony in the proportions of its upper and lower parts will increase.

  • If your face is a diamond

The diamond-shaped face is quite rare, as are diamonds. The shape itself makes the face unusual, with charm and zest. Curved eyebrows will help to emphasize the beauty of the image; they will visually make the widest parts of the face narrower.

Reminder for those who do makeup

Just as a photograph can be shaded with a frame, so thanks to the shape of the eyebrows, knowing which one best suits the type of face, you can make the image more attractive and express the individuality of a person. When drawing a face, you need to remember that eyebrows:

  • in the shape of an arc they create the image of a soft, flexible, open person;
  • with a sharp bend they speak of a tough character and a penchant for adventurism;
  • wide and straight, in the shape of a horizontal line, indicate the potential of a leader, enormous willpower;
  • raised high can give the face an expression of surprise;
  • low-hanging ones, and even wide ones, give the face a gloomy expression and add years.

When doing makeup, you need shadows, pencils, and gels for your eyebrows. You can draw their appropriate shape with shadows; experts advise using only matte shadows. To emphasize the line of the eyebrows, their contour above and below can be shaded with light powder. After applying the color, the hairs need to be combed and styled using a fixative gel.

If you draw with a pencil, the shape of the eyebrows should already be selected. Using a thin pencil tip, clear lines of shape are applied to the skin and then shaded with a brush. The use of a greasy pencil is not advisable - under the influence of body temperature and due to sweat and fat secretions from the skin, the applied texture may smear and run.

You can often find girls with problematic differences in the color of their eyebrows and hair on their heads. When naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, such a difference looks sloppy.

To correctly determine and choose the color of a pencil, you need to adhere to the rule - its color should be a tone lighter than the eyelashes and a tone darker than the hair. When preening throughout the day, you need to be careful and touch up your makeup carefully.

In fashion, the emphasis is on natural, natural beauty, and the shape of the eyebrows is given the most natural look. And yet there are trendy shapes - eyebrows with a kink, making the look somewhat predatory, feline and rounded, giving the look expressiveness.

Depending on your skin type and hair color, choose eyebrow pencils from light brown to black. Bushy eyebrows are thinned out, long hairs are trimmed.

Not everyone is as lucky with their eyebrows as Cara Delevingne. Even her sister Poppy cannot boast of such an expressive beauty attribute in recent years. For many of us, in order to achieve the ideal eyebrow shape, we first have to part with our current one. If your eyebrows are in excellent shape, you can skip the first stage. Would you like to master the best technology eyebrow tinting - go straight to the final. Go!

Stage one: grow it

Be patient

To paraphrase Matroskin the cat, in order to pluck something unnecessary, you must first grow something unnecessary. To properly correct your eyebrows, you will have to start from scratch. Please be patient: the process will take up to two months. A serum for eyebrow and/or eyelash growth will help speed things up a little. Apply it every day before bed to strategically important areas.

Do not be afraid

In the process of creating perfect eyebrows, it can be difficult to resist the urge to pluck the “stubs” as they grow. However, light fuzz can grow into actual hairs over time, and removing it prematurely will affect the shape and future growth. Moreover, like other apparent flaws (even a pimple, even a wrinkle), this one is noticeable only to you. If the hairs do not grow beyond the border of the eyebrows, feel free to fill them in with a pencil. Mask the rest with concealer or simply ignore them. This is exactly what others do.

Stage two: determine the shape

Define the width

How to make perfect eyebrows, and what exactly should they be? It’s trite, but what suits some will not necessarily suit others. Decide if you want eyebrows a la Cara. To make it easier to decide, remember that the optimal width of the arch at the base should be from 6 mm to 1.3 cm and depend on the following factors:

Lip size. The width of the eyebrows should be equal to the width of the upper lip.

Eye size. Wide eyebrows can balance big eyes, but small eyes will make it even smaller.

Distance between eyebrows and eyes. If you have high-set eyebrows, wide ones will help balance the proportions of your face. If the distance to the eyes is small, do not follow the example of Lily Collins, otherwise come up with an answer to your friends’ question why you look so gloomy.

Determine length and shape

The beginning of the eyebrow should be located exactly above the inner corner of the eye. To determine the highest point - the peak - take a pencil or brush and apply it to the wing of the nose and place it on the outside of the iris. Above it there will be a breaking point. The tip is located on the continuation of the line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. A ponytail that is too up will give you a surprised look; a ponytail that is lowered will give you a sad, Nicholas Cage-like expression.

Stage Three: Prepare

Choose a mirror

Do not make corrections in front of a magnifying mirror. There is a chance that you will remove more than necessary because you will not have the full picture in front of your eyes.

Start with an outline

Finally we get to how to create the perfect eyebrow shape. Take a white kajal pencil and cross out all the extra hairs. This way you will only remove what you need.

Don't stand the pain

If you do not tolerate hair removal well, do not do it during menstruation, when the pain threshold decreases. It is better to do the correction after a shower, when the pores are enlarged and hairs fall out more easily. If this does not help, apply an anesthetic ointment 15 minutes before the session (Emla or children's gum gel will do).

Stage four: pluck correctly

Start from the end

Now lightly stretch the skin with your free hand and start plucking from stray hairs above the ponytail, moving towards the bridge of the nose. Always pull in the direction of growth.

Remove in rows

If you look closely at the eyebrows, it will become noticeable that the hairs do not grow haphazardly, but in transverse rows, albeit not always evenly. So remove in rows, stopping after each (one row consists of about 3-5 hairs), evaluate the work done and move on.

Trim long hairs

If some hairs are too long and negatively affect the shape of the eyebrows, do not remove them, but trim them. First, comb upwards, and where some are longer than others, trim with the tips of nail scissors.

Rid yourself of redness

Immediately after correction, lubricate the area around the eyebrows with cortisone cream. It will quickly relieve redness and minimize the risk of inflammation.

Step Five: Add Color

There are two theories on how to create perfect eyebrows using color. To understand which one is right for you, it is better to try both options.

Option #1: choose eyebrow products that are one shade lighter than your natural eyebrow color (not your scalp hair). This way you can layer while controlling the color. If your eyebrows are very light, your shade is ash blonde.

Option #2: eyebrows should be one or two shades lighter than hair.

Cold shade or warm - depends on the type of appearance. Gray is recommended for platinum blondes, beige is suitable for wheat blondes, reddish-brown is the choice for girls with chestnut and red curls, and taupe for cool brunettes.

Create a base

Before you start drawing, rub foundation into the skin of your eyebrows. This will make it easier to apply the shadows and help them lie flat, without bald spots.

Fill in the blanks

Using a pencil or thin angled brush and shadows, fill in the empty spaces, imitating short hairs with clear strokes. Gradually work your way from the base to the tip. Using the layering method, make the beginning of the brow the lightest part and the end the darkest. Now take your eyebrow brush and brush them. This will help soften the edges and adjust the color saturation along the entire length.

Record the result

Take clear or tinted gel and comb inner part up, and the middle and outer ones - towards the temples.

Ideal eyebrows - how to make them and what they should be? Nowadays everything natural is in fashion; there is no need to carefully “paint” the face.

How can you emphasize individuality? The eyes, and therefore the eyebrows, play a major role in the perception of the face. Their shape and color should match the oval of the face.

Shape for different face types

A round face, rounded eyebrows in the form of an arc are contraindicated for it. They will highlight facial imperfections. It is better to design them in the form of a slightly raised line, the beginning of which is wider than the end.

An oval face is the best field for experimentation. Any shape is suitable for this type.

A wide face needs to adjust its proportions. Eyebrows should be formed with a soft line (rounded shape), the main thing is that they are not thin. Otherwise, the massiveness of the face will be obvious.


Ideal eyebrows should have a length that suits the specific face. Their density and color should look harmonious. Properly designed ones will help correct facial imperfections.

The length is determined as follows: the starting point is parallel to the line of the beginning of the nose, the edge is located above the outer corner of the eye. By following these guidelines, it is easy to determine what length is ideal for the face.


Density is extremely individual. There are very thick, medium or sparse. There is no need to pluck them into a thin thread. The only thing is, if the growth line is too thick, it is necessary to remove excess hair from the bridge of the nose.

This technique will make your look more open and remove the feeling of heaviness from your face. Eyebrows that are too sparse can be made wider by dyeing them. This could be a cosmetic pencil or eyebrow dye. An important point is that you should not draw too thick a line, they should look natural.

There are eyebrows with an uneven growth line, have uneven appearance. To give the ideal shape, carefully paint over rare areas with a pencil. It is important that the color matches the natural color or differs by one tone.


The eyebrow color will be ideal if it meets the following parameters:

  • Light – the color of the pencil is darker (the difference is one tone).
  • Dark color – the pencil is lighter (within one tone).
  • How darker skin, the darker the pencil (increasing saturation from brown to black).
  • Light skin provides color scheme: light brown, brown, golden

Perfect eyebrows - correction

How to achieve perfect eyebrows? First of all, choose good quality tweezers; you shouldn’t skimp on them. The procedure is carried out in a well-lit place (artificial or natural light source).

Steamed skin will respond better to the plucking process (steam baths). It is recommended to additionally moisturize the skin with cream and only then proceed with correction. You can use a spray that reduces skin sensitivity.

It is worth combing your hair from time to time to evaluate the result. Finally, you can fix the shape with wax.

Care products

There are special eyebrow care kits. They include: wax, shadows for coloring (a good replacement for a pencil), tweezers, and a brush.

Of course, all these items can be purchased separately, the main thing is to pay attention to their quality. Expensive care products have a long service life.

As you can see, perfect eyebrows can be created at home, you just need to know how to correct them.

  • How to determine the correct eyebrow proportions?
  • Eyebrow care
  • How to draw perfect eyebrows?

Eyebrow shapes for different face types


  • The dream of many girls with this face shape is chiseled cheekbones instead of rounded cheeks, no matter how cute and charming they look from the outside. Therefore, they abuse contouring, trying to at least visually make their cheeks more sunken. But you are much more likely to get sculpted facial features if you shape your eyebrows with a graceful bend. They should have a corner and a pointed tail. Since chubby people, as a rule, do not have sharp facial features, such eyebrows look especially expressive in their case, adding character to the image.

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  • If your face is oval, then when correcting the shape of your eyebrows, it is best to strive to “straighten” them. At the same time, they can be slightly rounded. But a sharp break is something that, on the contrary, should not happen. It will give extra severity to your facial expression. And arched eyebrows will make the face too elongated - you hardly want to achieve this effect either.

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  • The most characteristic thing about a square shape is a wide jaw. The goal is to visually soften the geometry that distinguishes this type of face, as well as “narrow” it a little. So, when deciding on the shape of your eyebrows, choose soft arches, rounded, without points or “corners”. Also, attention should be paid to the width of the eyebrows: for girls with a square face type, beauty gurus say, thin string eyebrows are contraindicated. A natural medium width will be ideal.

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  • When the face type is rectangular, the same rules apply as for a square face. The only difference is that the bend should not be made high. But at the same time, the eyebrows should be longer than with a square type, otherwise the face will appear narrow.

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  • With a triangular face type, the forehead is especially noticeable - it seems “heavy” due to the fact that the upper part of the face is larger than the lower. A properly chosen eyebrow shape should correct this. It shouldn’t be direct – that’s it. Two - try to either make them arched, or with the “tails” slightly raised up. If they “look” down, the face will take on a sad look.

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  • This face shape is also called “diamond”. It is characterized by angularity, so eyebrow correction experts recommend smoothing out this feature with a soft, rounded bend. Slight geometry at the highest point of eyebrow lift is acceptable, but there should be no sharp breaks. Again, no The best decision make eyebrows straight - arched shape It is considered the most suitable for girls with a diamond-shaped face.

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How to determine the correct eyebrow proportions? Step-by-step instruction

Eyebrow makeup and correction of their shape can be started with it only after determining the correct proportions. Let's find out how to do this.


  • First, determine the placement of the eyes. They are considered wide-set if the distance between them is greater than their width, and they can also be close-set or have a normal fit.
  • Secondly, mentally divide your eyebrows into three parts - the beginning, the arch (their highest point) and the tip.

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To correctly determine the proportions of your eyebrows, mentally draw three lines - to the beginning of the eyebrow, to the bend and to the tip. The line to the beginning of the eyebrow should run vertically upward from the “wing” of the nose. The line to the curve is drawn from the center of the chin through the pupil to the eyebrow. And the line to the tip is from the “wing” of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Irregular eyebrow shape can make the most beautiful face look ugly. But if chosen correctly, it will add zest and make the look more attractive. Correcting eyebrows is an art! To comprehend it, you need to go to the mirror and objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages and experiment with a pencil. The website will help with this!

Mistakes in makeup and choosing eyebrow shape

Before we get to the topic, let’s work on the mistakes: using the example of celebrities, let’s look at the mistakes.

In the first photo the arch is too curved and looks asymmetrical. Not the right color. In the second photo, the eyebrows fit harmoniously into the image.

In the first photo, the eyebrows are too dark for Lindsay Lohan's color type. Looks heavy. You should choose a lighter warm shade.

You and I will not make any annoying mistakes and will look as if we just left the best salon.

Eyebrows according to face type. Schemes with photos


A round face is characterized by:

– approximately the same length from the center of the face to the extreme points;

– slightly highlighted chin and cheekbones, soft contours;

– low forehead.

They should visually lengthen it. The “tapering” effect is created thanks to the drawn soft bend. A round shape, which visually makes the face look fuller, is definitely not suitable.

2 shaping options:

  • Pluck the hairs under the break and above the descending tail. This will increase the bend if it is naturally small.
  • Shape your eyebrows so that their bases remain thicker than the tails, and make the bend more pronounced.

When plucking, do not remove the length: short eyebrows look vulgar. Correct only the ends that are sharply lowered down.


The oval face type is considered classic. Here you need to take into account the structure of the eyes, nose, and mouth. With ideal facial features, it is enough to give a classic shape, but if:

  • The oval of the face is too elongated - soften it with straight lines. The bend should not be too pronounced.
  • Massive chin – slightly lengthen the edge of the eyebrow.

The correct oval face is emphasized by horizontal eyebrows. With them, the look acquires charm, becoming more predatory, the oval of the face is slightly shortened. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to bring it too low, otherwise the look will become angry. Also make sure that the tail does not fall down. Pluck a few hairs from the inner corner of the eye and start painting, giving preference to neutral colors: gray, light brown.

There is a formula for choosing eyebrow color: it should be 2 shades darker than the hair color of blondes, and 2 shades lighter than the hair color of brunettes. Brown-haired women choose brown shades.

If you are not sure that you can draw the shape correctly, divide it into 3 parts: 2/3 from the bridge of the nose smoothly rises up, from the break 1/3 gently falls, going a little further than the point of the outer corner of the eye.


Triangular face features:

– wide cheekbones and forehead;

– narrow chin.

Our task is to visually narrow the cheekbones and “balance” the forehead and chin. Draw a uniform but pronounced arch of the eyebrows, leave the length classic and the width medium. Smooth lines will soften a sharp chin. Avoid straight, wide lines. They will weigh down the upper part of the face.

Square face

A square face type is characterized by:

– wide forehead and cheekbones;

– equal width of the upper and lower parts of the face;

– straight and strong lines.

Our task is to soften heavy facial features and make them more feminine. Eyebrow shapes that are undesirable on a round face are welcome on a square one. Draw rounded eyebrows with a rainbow-like arch. Their base should be wide, smoothly turning into a straight line above the middle of the eye, the tip should be somewhat pointed.

Sharp pointed features, thin and short lines are not welcome. If you overdo it with “roundness,” you risk giving your face a stupid expression.

Eyebrow shape taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of facial features

When changing your image, it is important to take into account not only the oval of the face, but also its features. Deep-set eyes with drooping horizontal eyebrows or chubby cheeks with “strings” look ridiculous. When making corrections, we will take into account the features of a person’s appearance and use the advice of stylists.

So if:

  1. Facial features are sharp, they will be softened by arched and smooth shapes.
  2. The eyes are deep set - medium thickness is appropriate. Wide ones will make the look even more closed, and “threads” are good only for fans of the 20s of the 20th century.
  3. The eyes are set close together - pluck the hairs at the bridge of the nose, but do not overdo it: perfect shape suggests beginning above the inner corner of the eye.
  4. Eyes are set wide - draw in eyebrows with a pencil towards the bridge of the nose.
  5. If the facial features are large, wide eyebrows are appropriate; if they are small, medium-width eyebrows are appropriate.

Pluck the hairs with sharp tweezers with slightly rounded tips. Paint quality paint, purchased in specialized stores and correct with gel.

Finally, we will demonstrate how the correct arch of the eyebrows changes the face. The girl has a square face shape, in order to “soften” the angles and elongate her face, the eyebrows were given a more arched and smooth shape with upward tips. Also, loose hair covers the cheekbones, which makes the face more elongated.


Have you already decided which shape is right for you? Share in the comments!