Photos of Twiggy while working as a model.  Cost of a Twiggy photo shoot

Photos of Twiggy while working as a model. Cost of a Twiggy photo shoot

Lesley Hornby (Twiggy) - supermodel of the 60s. The girl captivated everyone with her unique appearance and extraordinary image. It was Twiggy who started the fashion for “transparent” models, who still parade on catwalks around the world today. She was so popular that a photograph of her in a capsule was sent into space. Her glamorous face graced the covers of Tatler, Vogue and other popular magazines.

Twiggy's image

To create her unique image, Twiggy mixed several styles: hippie, rock and roll, and punk culture. Clothes in the Twiggy style have always had a simple and laconic cut, without complex finishing or layering. The famous fashion model was a fan of the hippie movement in the 70s, so her clothes often featured fringe and Indian motifs. In the cold winter, Leslie loved to wrap herself in furs, which gave her image chic and charm. The Twiggy style has become street fashion in the 60s, he was imitated by millions of fans around the world. Twiggy complemented her look fashion accessories– a bag from patent leather, large sunglasses, large bright bracelets.

Twiggy Dresses

The girl simply adored short doll-style dresses. All Twiggy's outfits are necessarily bright colors: red, orange, crimson, yellow. Sometimes on her slender legs there were socks with an unusual pattern, or colored tights. If we talk about shoes, she preferred shoes with small heels and a round toe. Twiggy often wore trapezoidal dresses with geometric patterns. Please note that this style will be relevant in the next season.

Twiggy style hairstyle

Twiggy's hairstyle is made in a unisex style. Smoothly combed short hair with an even side parting gives the girl a daring look. This boyish hairstyle was invented by the famous hairdresser Vidal Sasson. This haircut focuses attention on the model’s huge eyes. But this option will not suit girls with a round or square face shape.

They say that Twiggy is the first global supermodel. Many girls dream of such a sophisticated appearance. Have you ever wondered what is the key to Twiggy's success? And the secret is that she skillfully turned her shortcomings into advantages, and the public accepted it. So leave your complexes aside and love yourself for who you are!

In the era of the 60s, when they were in fashion curvaceous, the fragile girl Leslie Hornby (Twiggy) made a real revolution in the minds of progressive youth. According to some fashion critics, it was she who stood at the origins of the unisex style. And, thanks to her, a fashion for thinness appeared on the catwalk, which continues to this day.

Twiggy became one of the world's first supermodels. With a height of 165 cm, her weight was only 45 kg. And her teenage thinness and angular facial features delighted many designers and editors of glossy magazines.

The integral attributes of her image were: a short haircut with smooth bangs, fluffy eyelashes (false eyelashes in several rows were often used for filming), smoky makeup, baby-dollar dresses, clothes of a simple cut, practically devoid of external decoration, simple accessories or their complete absence. In general, her clothing style combined something from rock and roll, punk culture, and hippies.

If you want to dress like Twiggy, you should adhere to her wardrobe principle: “the main thing is not the cost of clothes, but self-confidence.” It will be necessary to put in the back drawer: thongs, culottes, low-waisted jeans, miniskirts, nylon tights, uncomfortable shoes. You will need to purchase: short dresses straight cut with sleeves, high-waisted jeans, pencil skirt, blouse with a V-neck.

Makeup like Twiggy

To look like a touching “reed” with a sad, childish face, you will first need to even out your skin tone. If you have freckles on your face, use only translucent powder, because Twiggy had them too.

You can apply a little blush on your cheekbones, but it should be barely noticeable. It is recommended to avoid bronzers and shimmer. Lips can be painted with transparent gloss or lip balm with a shimmering effect. Eyebrows can be emphasized with a pencil. Their bend and color should look as natural as possible.

Particular attention will need to be paid to eye makeup. Apply light basalt shadows to the upper eyelid, and highlight the crease of the eyelid with coffee-colored shadows and lightly shade them to make the transition smoother. Next, you need to draw an arrow along the upper eyelid with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, without going beyond the edges. To make your look more expressive, use false eyelashes. You can draw eyelashes on the lower eyelid yourself with a thin brush.

Do you want to do a Twiggy-style photo shoot in a professional photo studio? Here you will find the best professional photographers in Moscow who photograph Twiggy for men and women!

What is Twiggy style?

Twiggy is the pseudonym of one of the world's first models, her real name is Leslie Hornby. In the 60s of the last century, curvy figures of Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren were in fashion, however, thanks to her thinness and original style, Leslie became a style icon of the decade and the face of fashion in London. Young girls loved Twiggy so much for her appearance that they began to lose weight to become like her. This syndrome was called "Twiggy Syndrome". Short hair, big eyes and makeup that emphasized them helped her long years maintain its image and remain one of the most recognizable and famous people of our planet. Lesley Hornby became the founder of Twiggy's style: false eyelashes, pink lipstick, childish features and mini skirts. Her difference from others, her lack of femininity, her thinness became a new breath in the fashion industry of that time. Nowadays, Twiggy produces clothes and perfumes for women over 50, demonstrating that you can look young and sexy at any age. Leslie used to say, “Fashion should serve us, not us serving it!”


An overgrown child was the name given to the first model with childlike features. Mini dresses and mini skirts of bell cut are one of the most bright images Twiggy. All items are in baby dollar style. Socks, jackets without trimmings are quite simple in cut. Things should be more childish than sexy, without decorations and not multi-layered. The main thing is the color. Twiggy was not afraid to stand out and wore bright things. Choose from lime, green, gold, red, orange and yellow colors for the image. Low heels, ballet flats or ankle boots.


Twiggy practically did not wear accessories. There could be one in the image big size element: earrings, watch or necklace. Bright tights or knee socks.

Makeup and hairstyle

Twiggy wore her hair short and boyish, so to get closer to her look, you can comb your hair back or wear a light blonde wig.

Twiggy also gained popularity due to her makeup. She got up an hour and a half before going out to do it. The makeup consisted of two colors: white and black. Line the upper eyelid with a black pencil, then apply white eyeshadow and apply another line with a pencil on top of the moving eyelid. This makeup will visually enlarge your eyes. Twiggy glued two pairs of false eyelashes on top, and one on the bottom row. You can choose full lashes and get by with one pair on top and one on bottom. Apply light pink lipstick to your lips.

Poses for a photo shoot

The photographer who brought Twiggy into the world of fashion was delighted with her photogenicity. He was inspired by her penetrating gaze. Try to look at the camera without squinting your eyes. Open and relaxed. Model studio poses are perfect for such a photo shoot.

Images, examples of photos in Twiggy style

Cost of a Twiggy photo shoot



Rent a Photo Studio without our photographer

  • You can come with your photographer or take photos yourself
  • Minimum order 30 minutes/300 rub.


Photo session with our photographer in the studio

  • The price includes studio rental (floor-length background, interior, props, etc.)
  • Minimum order 30 minutes/1500 rub.
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)
  • Designed for shooting no more than 2 people

RUR 2,900/hour

Photo session with our photographer on location

  • Minimum order from 2 hours (only with prepayment!)
  • Shooting with professional Canon photographic equipment
  • Recording all footage to disk or your flash drive
  • Designed for any number of people
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT a detailed retouch)


Subject photography

  • The cost is indicated for one item (the cost may increase to 300 rubles for particularly complex tasks)
  • Minimum order of 20 items


Stylist/makeup artist services

  • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost may increase for particularly complex tasks). Hairstyle + 1000 RUR

RUB 2,900

Professional photo retouching

  • Teeth whitening
  • Skin rejuvenation/smoothing
  • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
  • Changing eye color
  • A tan
  • Removing glare from skin
  • Body shaping (weight loss/gain)


Photo slideshow

  • You can use any photos/videos/music
  • Video duration no more than 12 minutes

Lesley Hornby - the legendary Twiggy - was born on September 19, 1949 in a suburb of London. Back in school they called her “stick”. With a height of 169 cm, parameters 80-55-80, the model’s weight for many years was 40 kilograms. But it was she who became the world's first supermodel, breaking the stereotypical idea of female beauty exclusively as about curvaceous figures.

In a world tired of war and the worries of the post-war era, Twiggy became a symbol of a new era of youth and infantility, the embodiment of the dream of a woman-child, unadapted to life, created for pleasure and entertainment. And even the model’s fees did not fit into the usual standards: simply because they exceeded the earnings of the British Prime Minister himself. On Leslie Hornby's birthday, the site decided to recall the model's most striking experiments with her own style, which turned her into that same Twiggy.

False eyelashes

It all started with the talented producer Justin de Villeneuve, who convinced the girl to pursue a modeling career. And it was Justin who said that she was not a stick, but rather fragile twig(“twig”) The famous first photo shoot took place with Barry Lategan. Recalling those photo tests, Twiggy says that the glued-on eyelashes were so heavy that it was difficult for her to keep her eyes open. “I glued 2 pairs of eyelashes on the upper eyelid and one on the lower eyelid, and then added strokes at the bottom with eyeliner,” Twiggy says in numerous interviews. But those first photographs turned out so good that one of them was even placed on the cover of the Daily Express with the words “Face of the Year - 1966.”

Short haircut

In the mid-60s, girls all over Europe and America urgently went on a diet and cut their hair short, trying to copy Twiggy's appearance. A boyish haircut with smoothly styled bangs became the model’s trademark for many years. The author of this image was the young London hairdresser Leonardo. He searched for a long time for a model to try out his new short haircut in the style of the legendary hairdresser Vidal Sassoon. Leslie agreed. After a few hours of work as a hairdresser, she turned into that same Twiggy - a short-haired teenage boy with huge eyes. And only after leaving the catwalk, the model allowed her hair to grow back below her shoulders.

Pink lipstick

A little pale, like a lollipop. At a time when the whole world preferred red lipstick, Twiggy was again one step ahead and began to paint her lips pink. “When I started modeling, I had to get up an hour and a half earlier to put on makeup. It was even funny,” recalls Twiggy. Nowadays, such makeup for every day seems too extravagant, but celebrities and stylists often copy it for photo shoots and red carpets. For example, actress Emma Watson tried on this look for magazine shoots, and her colleague Jennifer Goodwin appeared with Twiggy-style makeup at the American Music Awards several years ago.

Mini skirt

It was Twiggy who was destined to become the main marketing ploy of the “mother” of the miniskirt, Mary Quant. The length of the bell-cut skirt allowed one to see her slender long legs. She fit perfectly on the asthenic Twiggy. As do trapezoidal dresses with geometric patterns. But also necessarily opening knees. And, of course, high heels!