Gymnastics with an 8 month old baby.  Eighth month of life - exercise

Gymnastics with an 8 month old baby. Eighth month of life - exercise

We continue our Friday theme for our beloved mothers “ Games from birth to one yearLast time we talked about . And today we’ll talk about what physical exercise must be offered to a child who has turned eight months.

To begin with, according to tradition, let’s briefly go over all the acquired skills and abilities inherent in children of this age.

So, eight month old baby Maybe:

  • Actively crawl; turn in a circle while lying down; sit down yourself and hold your back; simultaneously engage with a toy and sit steadily; grab a stationary support, stand on one, then the other knee, pulling yourself up - stand on one, then on the other leg.
  • Stand on straight legs for about a minute. Learns to maintain balance both in a sitting and standing position. If he falls, he tries to get up. If an eight-month-old child is holding on to a support, he tries to step sideways with his legs, gradually - during this period, mom or dad needs to support him with his hands, but not lead him by the hands, otherwise the center of balance will shift and it will be difficult for the child to regain the desired balance .
  • Take objects in both hands, manipulate two toys at the same time, begin to follow the fallen object (this he is fascinated by the process and may even throw it away on purpose), tries to grab it with a pinch, i.e. using 3-4 fingers for this. Over time, fine motor skills improve, so it is useful to give your baby objects of various shapes so that his hands develop well.
  • In terms of eating, the baby learns to hold vegetables and fruits in his hand, chew and swallow pieces, regardless of whether he has teeth. He chokes on apple pieces and happily gnaws on carrots.
  • In terms of communication, he is emotionally in touch with loved ones, enjoys their communication, laughs, actively babbles, uses a variety of sounds, gestures and facial expressions. Understands the question: “where?” and with his gaze finds the object in its permanent place. Plays “okay”, “magpie-white-sided” - claps his hands and runs his finger along the handle.

Loves order and routine, because they create a feeling of stability, calm and confidence; they are wary of anything new. He understands that whims can achieve something from a worried mother and is already trying new options for influencing parents. During this period, you need to be especially attentive and calm, not to get worked up during whims and not to indulge them. Do not allow your child to achieve something only with the help of hysterics - if this behavior takes hold, it will be very difficult to negotiate with the baby in the future.

Eight month old baby starts to get interested dining table, during feeding, he tries to snatch the spoon from his mother’s hands and try to eat himself. This very important step - don't miss it ! Give him freedom of action, let him try to eat even with his hands if he threw the spoon. Stock up on 3-4 clean spoons, give one to your baby, and feed him the second. If the baby drops his spoon and reaches for yours, give it, and take another clean one. You can put food in a spoon in advance and give it to him in his hand so that he can simply put it in his mouth.

In any case, do not be afraid of stained wallpaper, soiled floors and the child’s clothes, and even if his head is in porridge. This is all nothing compared to what the child will subsequently eat on his own. And how many exhausted mothers who still spoon-feed a grown child up to 3-4 years old only because at one time they regretted the kitchen interior and the extra laundry... and during this time the child learned only to demand to be fed.

But we digress, let's continue our topic and move on to physical exercise.

I sit and wave my hands

Your child is in a sitting position facing you, legs straightened forward. Grab his arms, lift them above his head and make circular movements to the rhythm of a funny rhyme. If the baby does not hold his back firmly, it is better to postpone this exercise for a couple of weeks.

Baby box

It can be performed with children who have learned to sit on their own. The child sits, legs straight and apart, back straight. You sit in the same position, facing him. Take his palms in your hands and take turns bending one of his hands, then the other, while reading or singing any rhythmic poem, slowing down or speeding up the pace. Children usually perceive this exercise with delight and laughter, it helps develop the muscles of the back, torso and shoulder girdle, teaches confidential communication with adults.

“My cheerful ringing ball...”

We do this exercise if your baby sits unsteadily and often falls over in different directions. Place the baby with his back to you on the floor close to the wall, you also sit with him in the same position, legs wide apart. Take the ball, grab it with your baby's hands and show how you can roll it against the wall so that it comes back. Let the baby try, and you slightly maintain his balance. And encourage him kindly, praise him!

Exercise helps strengthens the back muscles, improves the baby’s coordination and balance.

Let's ride a bike!

We continue this exercise started earlier. Baby on the back. Take his legs with both hands, bend them at the knees and do rhythmic cycling movements, then let him try to continue without your active participation, and you can slightly help him do it yourself.

Exercise Well develops the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen and legs of the child.

Scissors - chick-chick!

We also continue this exercise. Baby on the back. His legs are straightened as much as possible. Grab his knees and take turns raising and lowering his legs.

Here also The baby’s pelvic, abdominal and leg muscles develop well.

Shall we rub shoulders?

Your eight month old baby sits on a flat, hard surface without support. He can maintain his position in this position, but it is often difficult for him to maintain his balance if he has to lean to one side. That's why we teach it in the game.

Place pillows around him and start jokingly and lightly pushing him on the right side (and on the left, your left hand should be prepared in advance for support and support). Try to create a fun “fuss” so that the baby does not get offended and perceives it as just another game. So we “push” in different directions, carefully making sure that he doesn’t get scared and hit himself.

Exercise very important and even more priority than the ability to walk . It teaches the baby to group himself and protect himself when falling, sticking out his arms and maintaining balance. The vestibular apparatus actively develops, the muscles of the back, abdomen and arms are strengthened.

Let's walk on our knees?

Children at eight months can try to lean on a movable support and move on their knees. Show your baby how to “walk on your knees” by example, and offer him a clean potty that can be moved across the floor. You walk backwards on your knees and affectionately call your son or daughter to “follow” you. Your baby will try to push some kind of support in front of him (potty, chair, basket, box, etc.) and step his knees behind you.

Exercise good prepares for independent walking, strengthens the muscles of the torso, legs and arms.

Come on, catch up with me!

Encourage your baby to crawl by all means, place various obstacles, lure him with an interesting object, captivate him with a bright toy - as long as he crawls! Organize a fun “competition” - get down on your knees and crawl with him. Get him going: “Sonechka (Vanechka), let’s go get mom! Catch me!" or “Crawl quickly, I’ll catch up with you!” and catch up with the child with laughter and hugs.

This exercise is very important for the development of the muscles of the back and abdomen, strengthens the shoulder and pelvic girdle, prepares for the start of walking.

That's all we have for today, next week we will continue and talk about . Engage with your children, encourage and praise them more often, take pictures of every moment - after all, we are given to see them only once! Therefore, we value our time and will try to give our baby everything he needs for full development. And you will have healthy, strong and cheerful babies!

Massage is an important procedure that allows you to gradually strengthen the baby’s muscles and helps the child learn to perform simple actions. Massage techniques and certain exercises must be selected taking into account the age of the child. Massage for a child at 8 months helps to master and consolidate those new movement skills that will be useful to the baby in the future. Regular massage for an 8-month-old child will help get rid of excess tension due to severe muscle hypertonicity.

Massage for an 8 month old baby. Hygienic requirements

The child should be massaged in a ventilated, bright room (at an air temperature of about 22 degrees). In summer, you can massage your baby naked. And in autumn, early spring and winter, only the massaged area can be left open.

Massage for an 8-month-old baby should be done gently and gently. The child’s reaction to this procedure must be positive. You cannot perform a massage if the baby is capricious for some reason. It is best to start the session with those techniques that give the child the most pleasure. Movements during massaging must be directed along the flow of blood vessels. You cannot massage the liver area and the genital area of ​​the child, and when massaging the back, you cannot use tapping and patting in the kidney area.

If the baby has any rashes on the skin, it is better to refrain from the procedure for a while. Massage for a child 8 months old is contraindicated for heart pathologies, hernias (inguinal, umbilical, femoral), as well as for infectious diseases and rickets in the acute period.

Massage technique for an 8-month-old baby

Massage for an 8-month-old baby may consist of stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Stroking is always performed at the beginning of the procedure, since this technique is considered the most gentle. Stroking helps relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain.

This massage technique is performed with the back of the hand or palm in the direction of movement of the lymph towards the lymph nodes. On the arms, movements are performed from the hand, and on the legs, from the foot to the genitals. The movements are performed slowly, with light and smooth movements. In the abdominal area, circular strokes are performed clockwise. Then the oblique abdominal muscles are stroked. Massaging movements are directed towards the navel and spine. Stroking the chest is performed in a circular motion, and stroking the back along the spine (the spine should not be touched).

After stroking, kneading is usually used. In kneading, two techniques are alternately used - felting and tong kneading. The long muscles of the neck, legs and buttocks are massaged using forceps-like kneading. With this massage technique, the baby's skin is moved with the thumb, index and middle fingers. In this case, the middle and index fingers should be located opposite the thumb.

Felting is used to massage the feet. With this massage technique, one palm touches the outer surface of the lower leg, and the other touches its inner surface. And then at the same time, with both palms, clockwise, massage the leg of the foot to the thigh and in the opposite direction. Movements should be energetic, but at the same time gentle and soft.

The vibration technique includes several types - shaking, tapping and shaking. All vibration movements during a massage for an 8-month-old child are performed softly, rhythmically and quickly. Shaking is used when massaging the breasts. At the same time, they place their palms on the lower region of the child’s chest and, as it were, clasp it, making rhythmic light pressure.

The shaking technique is used when massaging the limbs. Rubbing during a massage for an 8-month-old baby improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, soothes nervous system. This technique has a positive effect not only on subcutaneous tissues and skin, but also on tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Rubbing is done with the fingertips in a spiral and straight line. When massaging the shins and arms, a circular rubbing is performed. All movements are done quickly, with light pressure. In this case, the fingers should not slide over the surface of the skin, but move it.

A massage for an 8-month-old child should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, legs, and abdomen to prepare them for walking, as well as warming up the feet and palms, developing fine motor skills. In order for the baby to develop properly, in addition to massage, it is necessary to include gymnastic exercises in the daily routine.

So , children's massage and gymnastics according to the methods of Irina Krasikova for healthy child at the age of 6-9 months.

Before this, it will be useful for you to read, “”, and also, the author periodically refers to them.

IV set of baby massage and gymnastics exercises for a child aged 6-9 months
Lesson plan

1. Crossing your arms over your chest 6-8 times.

2. Leg exercises:

Simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs, 4-6 times;

Flexion and extension of the legs, alternately 4-6 times with each leg.

3. Turn from back to stomach (one way).

4. Massage of the back and buttock area:

Stroking 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Rubbing: over the entire surface 2-3 times;

Stroking - each stroke 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Kneading: over the entire surface of the back 2-3 times;

Stimulating techniques: effleurage, pinching the gluteal muscles.

5. Crawling on all fours.

6. Abdominal massage:

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times;

Rubbing: with fingertips, 2-3 times;

Sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles, 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times.

7. Sit down with bending of the spine, 2 times.

8. Circular movements with your arms, 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage.

10. Raising straight legs, 6-8 times.

11. Lifting from a prone position, 1-2 times.

12. Breast massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down with bent arms, 1-2 times.

14. “Boxing”, 5-6 times with each hand.

15. "Car".

Practice of baby massage and gymnastics for a healthy child aged 6-9 months by Irina Krasikova
1. Crossing your arms over your chest

Complicate this exercise that you know well (see. III complex No. 2), placing rings or other toys that are easy to grip into the child’s hands. Gradually speed up and slow down the pace of movements, repeat the exercise 6-8 times to a rhythmic count.

2. Leg exercises

Simultaneous flexion and extension perform the child’s legs 4-6 times (see. III complex No. 5). Bending and extending the legs is done alternately as follows: clasp the child’s legs in the shin area. Then alternately bend and straighten your legs at different paces, simulating walking and running (Fig. 66). This exercise is passive; all the muscles of the legs and feet work if you provide support for them with your little fingers.

3. Turn from back to stomach

After 6 months, the turn is performed without hand support at the request: “Turn on your stomach.” Can you help? child's lungs turning the pelvis and showing the toy from the side where he should turn.

4. Back massage

The massage of the back and buttocks is preserved and carried out according to the previous plan (see. III complex No. 7):

Stroking all over the back and buttocks, 2-3 times;

Rubbing with fingertips, sawing over the entire surface of the back and buttocks, rubbing with the back surface of bent fingers;

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Kneading the back muscles;

Kneading the buttocks with the right and left hands alternately (5-6 movements each); —

Stroking 2-3 times;

Tapping or pinching the buttock area.

5. Crawling on all fours

The child rests well on straightened arms and may already be trying to stand or crawl on all fours. If not, help him by putting the baby on all fours and, getting him interested in the toy, encourage him to crawl.

Crawling is a passive-active exercise; it is an excellent workout for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulder girdle. After the child learns to crawl on his own, this exercise can be completely excluded from the lesson, but given the opportunity to crawl on the floor.

6. Abdominal massage

Perform according to the familiar plan (III complex No. 9):

Stroking: circular, counter and along the oblique abdominal muscles 2-3 times each time;

Rubbing: with fingertips, sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times each.

7. Sit down with spine arched

This exercise is already familiar to you (see III complex No. 10).

After 8 months, you can sit the baby down, supporting him by one hand (Fig. 68).

Use your left hand to support your child's knees. With your right hand, take the child by the right arm and, with the words: “sit down, sit down,” etc., encourage the child to sit down, leaning on his elbow.

While the child is sitting, run your fingers along the spine from bottom to top until the back is straightened. Then slowly place the baby on his back, more precisely, on his left side. This exercise is an active workout for the abdominal muscles.

Performed 2 times, and the second time you need to hold your knees right hand, and with the left hand support the child left hand and lay him on his right side.

8. Circular movements with your arms

Complicate this familiar exercise (see III complex No. 15) by placing rings or easy-to-grip toys in your child’s hands. Perform hand movements slowly, with a rhythmic count, as this is a difficult exercise to coordinate. Repeat 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage(see II complex No. 11)
10. Raising straight legs

AND . p.: the child lies on his back.

With your thumbs and forefingers, palms facing the child, clasp his lower legs; Place the remaining fingers on the kneecaps. Raise your straightened legs to a vertical position and slowly lower them (Fig. 69). Then raise your legs alternately (Fig. 70). Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

11. Lifting from a prone position with support from straight arms

I.p.: the child lies on his stomach.

Let your child wrap his thumbs around yours while supporting his hands with your other fingers. Move the child's straightened arms to the sides (to avoid bending, rest your palms on your elbows), then raise your straight arms to the head at ear level. The baby raises his head back and up and rests his feet on your stomach (Fig. 71). Continue raising it to a kneeling position (Fig. 72, 73).

After 8 months, this exercise is performed with rings, and the child can rise to a standing position. Raising the body is an active movement; the muscles of the arms, back and legs work intensively. The exercise is done 1-2 times; remember that the child’s hands should be held at ear level, this will prevent damage to the shoulder joints.

12. Breast massage

It is carried out according to the following plan (see II complex No. 14):

Stroking the upper chest, 2-3 times;

Stroking along the intercostal spaces, 2-3 times;

Vibration massage, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down with bent arms

I.p.: the child lies on his back.

Let your child grab yours index fingers so that the child's palms are facing him. Spread your arms just shoulder-width apart, then ask: “sit down,” and lightly pull the arms to encourage the child to sit down (Fig. 74). And so 1-2 times.

If the baby is capable of such tension, then he raises his head and torso and pulls himself up, bending his arms. If the child’s arms remain straight, then the exercise should be considered premature. In the future, you can put rings in the child’s hands.

14. "Boxing" This is an exercise you are very familiar with (see. III complex) after 8 months can be done in a sitting position.

15. “Wheelbarrow” (walking on hands)

IN At the end of the lesson, lift the child horizontally above the table so that he rests on straightened arms, it is more convenient to grab his legs with a “fork”, and with the other hand you can support him under his stomach. In this position, the child raises his head and walks forward on his hands (Fig. 75).

We looked at a set of exercises baby massage and gymnastics at 6-9 monthevaccording to the method of Irina Krasikova.

Health to you and your children

What should a child be able to do at 8 months of development?

  • An eight-month-old baby can sit up and stand on his knees and feet independently, holding on to objects (crib railings).

In a sitting position, children at this age are more comfortable manipulating toys and looking at everything that interests them.

  • At 8 months of life, the child begins to walk sideways, holding onto objects independently with both hands.

During this period of development, he shows the greatest interest in the adults raising him.

  • Change your position to better see your mother or nanny. He also listens to their voice and makes sounds himself to attract attention.

At the age of eight months, the baby begins to distinguish some properties of toys and plays with them in different ways. These actions are suggested by the objects themselves. At first, this happens accidentally during the independent activity of an eight-month-old child. For example, children press a toy and it makes a sound. Then they perform the action again in order to play the sound.

At the 8th month of development, different attitudes towards people become more and more apparent. When a loved one appears, he violently shows his joy - he squeals, tries to get closer to him, rises, groans, wanting the loved one to take him in his arms. If his desire is not satisfied, the baby begins to cry. But if a stranger flirts with him, he looks intensely, turns away, and sometimes tries to quickly move away. This age feature Children from eight months old are explained by the child's crying when, at the request of the parents, a restorative massage is performed not by the mother, but by an unfamiliar masseuse.

To prevent crying during the massage procedure from the presence of a stranger, it is necessary to get to know the baby before the massage and become your own. But this is different knowledge and experience.

Massage for a baby at 8 months of age

Dr. Nikolai Borisovich Nikonov will tell you about the features of the massage. In the video, a specialist explains in detail how to do a restorative massage. healthy children who do not have muscle problems.

With a child of eight months, exercises must be done, adding verbal instructions. This is necessary so that by 10 months the baby understands the names of all actions and objects related to gymnastics. Do not ignore these recommendations!

Teething is an indicator of proper development

This process begins with formations on the gums located on the lower jaw. Externally, they appear as dense swellings, which in size correspond to the size of the crowns of baby teeth. First of all, in children at the age of 8 months, central incisors appear on the lower jaw, then on the upper jaw.

This is our so-called exercise, which we do every morning. The complex itself is taken from a book that was given to us by our masseuse, a wonderful professional with almost 50 years of experience working with children.

It’s impossible to find this book anywhere, so I photographed the pages, but for convenience I’ll write it down here, and besides, maybe it will be useful to someone else.

This kit is suitable for babies 7-8 months old (but of course the book has exercises for all ages up to one year and beyond)

1.Circular movements of the feet

Raise the child’s legs, grab the lower leg with one hand and the forefoot with the other; carefully make circular movements of the foot in the ankle joint. Do this 2-3 times in each direction with both legs.

2. Alternating leg raises

Grabbing the child’s legs by the shins so that the thumbs wrap around the calf muscle, alternately raise and lower the straightened legs. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg, lifting them until a right angle is formed with the body.

3. Back arching (“bridge”)

Grasping the child’s legs with your right hand by the ankle joints, slightly raise the pelvis and legs, holding the back with your right hand and encouraging the child to arch his back, leaning on his feet and head. Do this 2-3 times.

4. Abdominal massage

5. Turn onto your back

Grasp the baby's shins with both hands while he is lying on his stomach and encourage him to roll over onto his back and back. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Back massage

7. Sitting down with straight arms

Supporting the child by the straightened arms, we encourage him to sit down and carefully lower him back. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. Abduction of arms to the sides.

The child is sitting. Take your hands by the hands, spread them to the sides and bring them together in front. Repeat 6-8 times.

9. Raising your arms up.

Grab the hands of a sitting child by the hands, lift them up and down. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. Playing with a ball (coordination exercises)

The child is sitting. Holding a ball in front of the baby, encourage the child to reach for it and transfer the ball from one hand to the other. Repeat 4-6 times.

11. Retrieving the ball.

Encourage the child to reach up for the ball. Repeat 6-8 times.

12. Torso turns.

By giving the child the ball from different sides, encourage him to reach for it, turning his body in one direction and the other. Repeat 4-5 times.