Hormones affecting weight loss.  Hormones and excess weight

Hormones affecting weight loss. Hormones and excess weight

Often, all the efforts of women to lose weight end in nothing. Sometimes it seems that everything is being done correctly, but the hated kilograms do not go away. For some women, the first few kilograms are the hardest for them. For others, it is the last 3 kg that cannot be moved. And, despite all previous efforts, this is often enough to make you want to throw the scale out of the window and never measure your waist size with a measuring tape again. But what if the problem is that your weight loss efforts are being misdirected? Instead of worrying too much about the number of divisions by which the scale needle has deviated, it is better to turn your attention to the amount of hormones in your body, but first you need to find out how hormones affect a woman’s weight.

You won't believe how much hormones affect excess weight and ultimately the size of your panties. For many women, an excess or deficiency of certain hormones actually blocks any weight loss efforts. Now for the good news - you can make a few small changes to your lifestyle and your hormones will work for you rather than against you.

Now it's time to find out which hormones are responsible for weight loss, plus recommendations on what you can do to balance the hormones that regulate fat metabolism.

1) Hormone Adiponectin

Adiponectin is a hormone that regulates glucose levels, breaks down fatty acids, increases the muscle's ability to use carbohydrates as an energy source, enhances metabolism, and increases the rate at which the body breaks down fat. All these factors are extremely important for those who want to lose excess weight or maintain it at a normal level.

Numerous studies show that a lack of Adiponectin leads to excess weight gain and obesity. The bad news is that research has found that the more fat a person has, the less Adiponectin they have. On the other hand, a less obese person with a lower percentage of body fat releases more Adiponectin from fat cells.

It is important to increase low Adiponectin, since this hormone affects not only weight. So, recent studies have found that people with low levels of Adiponectin and those who are obese have an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Here's what you need to do if you have low Adiponectin: To help your body produce more Adiponectin, you first need to be more careful about your diet. Magnesium-rich foods should appear on your daily menu: spinach, pumpkin seeds, almonds, avocados and figs. You should also increase the proportion of monounsaturated fats and reduce the proportion of carbohydrates. In addition, regular exercise is of great importance in the production of the hormone Adiponectin. physical exercise, especially for overweight people.

2) Hunger hormone Ghrelin

Have you ever had an overwhelming urge to eat something soon after eating? Have you ever gotten up at night just to eat a sweet cupcake or some greasy chips? If your answer is yes, then most likely your Ghrelin levels were elevated at that time. Ghrelin is often called the hunger hormone. Simply put, the higher your Ghrelin levels, the more hungry you feel. Studies have shown that people given Ghrelin ate significantly more than their usual food intake. This specific hormone is mainly produced in the stomach. Its function is to send signals to the brain, letting the body know that it wants to eat. It also stimulates the brain's pleasure centers, allowing you to remember how delicious the first bite was. This is why it is difficult to stop after eating the first cookie. Researchers call this process the stomach-brain connection.

If you are someone who thinks you can get rid of food cravings by fasting, think again. Cutting calories in an attempt to lose weight actually increases ghrelin levels. Researchers found elevated levels of this hormone in people even after they spent 12 months on a low-calorie diet. That is, in other words, your body will never get used to eating less and will continue to send signals to your brain about feeling hungry.

What should be done in such cases? To keep you feeling full, you need to fill your body with healthy fats and proteins. New research has shown that, in addition to diet, sleep is a major factor influencing ghrelin levels. The more you sleep, the lower your Ghrelin levels. Chronic sleep deprivation increases ghrelin levels, causing you to feel gratuitously hungry between meals. General recommendations They say that a person should sleep 7-9 hours a day. Although it is difficult to single out free time Since there is simply not enough time to complete all daily tasks, it is important to allocate enough time for proper rest. If you often can't fall asleep or have trouble sleeping, you need to develop the habit of performing a daily relaxing ritual before bed.

3) Hormone Leptin

Leptin is another hormone that has a strong effect on appetite and weight loss. It is released from your body's fat cells and then signals your brain (the hypothalamus, to be precise) to reduce your appetite and burn more calories. Leptin primarily signals to the brain that the body is full and has stored enough fat. In contrast to Ghrelin, Leptin is often called the satiety hormone. The more fat a person has, the more Leptin the fat cells release. Obese people have very high levels of Leptin. It may seem that a lot of fat is good, but at the same time it also develops intolerance to Leptin.

Leptin insensitivity is a condition when an important signal from the hormone about satiety does not reach the brain. With such immunity, the body thinks that it is starving, although it is not. It is important to note that the body's immunity to Leptin goes away with weight loss. When you lose weight, Leptin becomes more effective.

What to do in such cases: Just like in the case of reducing Ghrelin, to increase Leptin levels you need to clean up your diet and make sure you have enough time for sleep. When it comes to food, you need to make sure you have enough healthy fats, proteins, and soluble fiber. You also need to avoid highly processed foods and reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood (reduce sweets, reduce refined carbohydrates, eliminate alcohol, eat foods with Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as plant foods with fiber, reduce the amount of very sweet fruits, start exercising ).

Additionally, when the researchers looked at the effect of lack of sleep on Ghrelin, they also found that lack of good sleep negatively affected Leptin.

Finally, research shows that physical activity may help reverse leptin resistance.

4) Insulin imbalance

Insulin is an important hormone produced by the pancreas that affects the entire body. It allows glucose obtained from food to enter the body's cells for further breakdown and production of energy, which is necessary for normal cell functioning. Insulin also plays an important role in the body's recovery after intense physical activity and maintaining normal level blood sugar. If you are overweight, you most likely have unbalanced insulin levels. This negatively affects the breakdown of fat in deposits.

Let's take a step back and talk about how insulin becomes imbalanced. Insulin and carbohydrates are closely related. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more insulin is released in the body. An excess of insulin allows glucose (read sugar) to run rampant in the body. Instead of using excess sugar to fuel muscles after exercise or generate energy for cells, the body stores most of the carbohydrates from food in fat folds. People who have insulin resistance feel like they will never be able to lose excess fat. However, there are a few recommendations that you should follow.

These are the recommendations. First, you need to reduce your consumption of high-carbohydrate baked goods. It is better to get the carbohydrates you need from fresh fruits and vegetables. But you need to be careful with the amount of fruit you eat. After all, sugar is sugar.

Additionally, recent studies have shown that consuming two tablespoons apple cider vinegar before a high carbohydrate meal helps lower blood glucose levels in people with insulin resistance. The effect is so noticeable that researchers say vinegar may be as effective as prescription medications for regulating blood sugar.

5) Estrogen dominance

The hormone Estrogen is extremely important for reproductive sexual development, especially in women. It is involved in the formation of breasts, pubis, and hips. With its participation, the menstrual cycle in women is also regulated. And these are only minor functions that are assigned to Estrogen in the body (it has many other useful functions). In women, Estrogen is primarily produced in the ovaries. This hormone is also produced by fat cells and the adrenal glands. Throughout a woman's life, estrogen levels are constantly changing. During these changes, it is important to monitor what is called "Estrogen Dominance." This is a condition where a woman may have deficient, normal, or excess levels of Estrogen, but little or no other hormone: Progesterone, which balances the effects of Estrogen on the body. Simply put, Estrogen levels dominate Progesterone levels. One of the symptoms of Estrogen dominance is weight gain due to fat deposition.

What you can do to minimize this effect: You need to focus on your diet. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fiber-rich foods. Since Estrogen is eliminated from the body through the intestines, it is very important to have regular bowel movements when Estrogen is dominant. With irregular bowel movements, estrogen is reabsorbed through the intestines. You can also try cleansing the liver, as it works as a natural filter for the body.

6) Hormone Cortisol

When your body is stressed, it goes into a state known as “fight or flight,” which means your body mobilizes to eliminate the threat. In this state, the body produces the stress hormone Cortisol. And if in certain situations this is a useful function for the body, then prolonged stress leads to an increase in the level of Cortisol in the body to a level with negative consequences. Excess Cortisol negatively affects body weight in the following ways:

  1. An irresistible desire to eat stress appears. Many people overeat or eat unhealthy fast food as a result of stress. This occurs in part because Cortisol increases food cravings, especially sugary and high-carbohydrate foods.
  2. Fat is deposited. Oh, the hated fold of fat hanging over the belt of my trousers. High level Cortisol causes a greater percentage of fat to be stored in the abdominal area.
  3. Muscle tissue degrades. Muscle helps burn fat and speed up metabolism. Unfortunately, lack of exercise is not the only cause of muscle dystrophy. As Cortisol levels rise in the body, muscle tissue begins to be processed for energy. This affects metabolism and can lead to fat tissue growth.

What should be done to avoid this negative factor. People are stressed to the max when they juggle between work, family and daily routine. Sometimes it is easier said than done, but in order to reduce the level of Cortisol in the blood, you need to find enough time to rest. Here are some ways you can relieve stress naturally:

  • Leave the house for a walk;
  • Do physical exercise;
  • Practice yoga;
  • Perform meditations;
  • Flip through the magazine;
  • Drink soothing tea;
  • Eat anti-stress foods;
  • Take a cleansing bath;
  • Sleep.

7) Hormone Cholecystokinin

Cholecystokinin is known as a gut hormone because it is released in the intestines after you eat certain foods. Once released, Cholecystokinin interacts with the central nervous system and controls the slow digestion of fat and protein. The slower the digestion process, the longer you feel full. Have you ever noticed that after eating foods that are high in protein or rich in healthy fats, your feeling of hunger immediately goes away. This is the result of the action of Cholecystokinin.

In one study, subjects were administered a mixture of Cholecystokinin and Leptin. Researchers found that one daily injection of this hormone mixture significantly increased weight loss in subjects.

8) Hormone Irisin

Irisin is often referred to as the exercise hormone because it is more common in physically active people. This hormone was first isolated in 2012 by researchers from Harvard Medical School. Although opinions are divided as some scientists question the existence of this fat hormone, new research shows that this hormone is real and can reprogram the body's fat cells so that they burn more energy instead of channeling the excess into fat deposits. Researchers have found that when someone does regular aerobic exercise, their irisin levels increase. It then converts white fat into brown fat, which is very important for weight loss. This is because brown fat continues to burn calories even after the workout is over.

In addition to normalizing weight, researchers have found that Irisin improves brain health and slows down the aging process.

What should you do? It is important to note that Irisin levels do not increase from occasional training every now and then. Regular aerobic exercise is needed here. Don't worry if you feel like you don't have time to go to the gym. There are many exercises you can do at home without spending more than 10 minutes on it!

Hormones control our mood, physical energy levels, appetite, and also directly affect body composition. Some literally help you lose weight or build muscle mass, while others prevent this in every possible way. Let's look at what hormones are important in this matter and how we can increase or decrease their levels to lose weight quickly and safely.

Leptin and ghrelin are antagonist hormones. When your stomach produces ghrelin, you feel hungry. Leptin is synthesized in fat cells and causes a feeling of fullness. Leptin is the first to react to too much - its level decreases. A strong drop in hormone levels leads to a chain reaction. It will help to normalize it proper nutrition on a maintenance calorie diet. And giving up unhealthy foods and sweets will help keep ghrelin under control and better control your appetite, which will help.

Here we will list several hormones that are produced by different glands of our body, but affect our nervous system and psychological well-being. These are cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, growth hormone, melatonin, endorphins.

Cortisol is the main stress hormone. Its level increases with severe nervous tension, during strict diets and prolonged exhausting training. Normal cortisol levels help us lose weight when we put a little stress on the body in the form of exercise and calorie restriction. However, high levels lead to swelling, muscle breakdown and fat accumulation around the waist. To regulate cortisol, it is recommended not to get carried away with stimulants, including coffee, to refrain from long hours of training, to rest, and also to master meditation techniques.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced by the body in response to danger. When they are synthesized under any stress, which leads to neuroses and problems with the cardiovascular system. To regulate these hormones, you need to exercise regularly. The best helpers will be high-intensity cardio training - either 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes, or every day for 5-10 minutes. This will allow adrenaline and norepinephrine to be produced safely for the body. And training will increase, which will help you lose weight.


Growth hormone is responsible for the growth of bones and muscles, promotes fat burning, prevents fat storage, and also resists depression and helps cope with stress. To normalize growth hormone, it is necessary to maintain a sleep schedule of 7-9 hours a day, train with weights 2-3 times a week, and give up sweets and junk foods.

Melatonin - . It regulates circadian rhythms and improves performance. Normal levels of melatonin help to cope with stress more easily and ensure vigor and productivity during the day. Although the hormone is produced exclusively at night. To regulate melatonin, you need to go to bed at the same time and fall asleep in complete darkness. Normalization of sleep and wakefulness is the only problem medicinal method regulate its level.

Endorphins - which not only help us experience pleasure in life and easily cope with difficulties and stress, but also improve immunity. Aerobic exercise will help increase endorphin levels. In foreign clinics for the treatment of depression and neuroses, running in the fresh air is part of the therapy. Aerobics will raise your endorphin levels, increase your activity level and help you cope with your diet more easily.

The main sex hormones include testosterone in men, estrogen and progesterone in women.

Testosterone promotes muscle growth, physical strength, performance and fat burning. Strength training, in particular, doing exercises, will help increase testosterone synthesis. A significant contribution to the regulation of its level will be made by giving up smoking and alcohol, as well as the presence in the diet of saturated fats from meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Estrogen and progesterone - the ratio of these hormones changes in women throughout the menstrual cycle. A lack of sex hormones leads to menstrual irregularities, infertility, and metabolic problems that make weight loss impossible. To regulate estrogen and progesterone, eat right, strive for, control stress levels.

Here, the main regulators of weight are insulin and thyroid hormones.

Insulin - released after eating to lower sugar levels and send energy into cells. Which cells the energy goes into depends on your lifestyle and nutrition. If you overindulge in simple carbohydrates and fats, insulin will help you store fat. If you eat right and exercise, it will provide your body with nutrients and help you use carbohydrates efficiently. To regulate insulin, eat right, eat small portions of food, avoid junk food and exercise regularly.

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, help build muscles, and provide high energy levels. Low levels of T3, TSH, T4 lead to decreased metabolism, constant fatigue and apathy, which negates all attempts to lose weight. To regulate, do not reduce below 25 kcal per kilogram of dry weight, eat iodine-rich fish and seafood, replace regular salt with iodized salt.

We looked at the main hormones that affect our condition, the ability to lose weight and the rate of weight loss. Now you know how important it is to treat your body wisely, eat right and provide yourself with adequate physical activity.

A person who decides to put away extra pounds once and for all has to fight his own laziness, lifestyle, culinary preferences and bad habits.

The most common reason preventing you from losing weight is a violation hormonal levels. You constantly step on the throat of your own song, show miracles of endurance and self-control, but the needle of the scale does not move one iota.

IN in this case you are practically powerless, you are controlled by hormones. They are responsible for the extra pounds deposited on your thighs, stomach and buttocks. But this is not a reason to give up and resign yourself to the hated size 52, but just a reason to think about how you can overcome this barrier and normalize the activity of the endocrine system.

Female sex hormones

The fact that female figure has many pleasant roundnesses, we owe it to the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. And this is no coincidence, because the woman’s body requires them in large quantities, and subcutaneous fatty tissue participates in their synthesis along with the ovaries and adrenal glands.

The first hormonal explosion occurs at puberty. During this period, any excess food turns into fat reserves. The brain quickly learns information about what to do with the surplus—save it for future use. The body will continue to act according to the fixed program, and the body will gradually become overgrown with unnecessary ballast. Avoiding such unpleasant consequences at such a young age is quite simple - basic nutritional control and physical activity will help.

The most a large number of problems await the woman Balzac age, many meet their fortieth birthday with significant weight gain in the waist and hips. It is during this period that hormonal changes begin, preparing a woman for the onset of menopause. The amount of hormones produced by the ovaries falls very slowly and gradually, and the body’s fat accumulations also inexorably increase. It is practically useless to prevent this; the body will still take its toll. Of course, you can torment yourself with diets and physical activity, but as a result you will get a whole bunch of symptoms associated with menopause: sweating, shortness of breath, pressure surges, deterioration appearance skin.

It is much easier for a woman to endure menopause in her body. But that doesn't mean you should let your body fall apart by leaps and bounds. You simply need reasonable restrictions on food and feasible physical activity.

There are also a number of exercises that came to us from yoga techniques that can activate the activity of the thyroid gland. First of all, these are any movements associated with tilting the neck forward and backward, during which the neck muscles experience some tension. Usually they are included in complex asanas, but even without twisted yoga poses, simple bends can bring a lot of benefits.

I would like to pay special attention to the intake of thyroid hormones, which are included in almost all diet pills. You should not do this unless absolutely necessary. Hormone therapy is recommended only for people with chronic thyroid dysfunction.

If you still dare to do this serious step, first of all, consult a doctor and in the future try to avoid regular use of these drugs. The body very quickly gets used to the supply of the hormones it needs from the outside and, at the end of therapy, refuses to synthesize them on its own.

The longer you take artificial hormones, the faster you become accustomed to them. Therefore, it is better to take such things once and intermittently (for example, take three days in a row, then take a five-day break, take another two days, then take a week off, etc.). This will additionally stimulate weight loss and protect against unpleasant consequences.

Growth hormones

Have you ever wondered why teenagers eat for three and don’t gain weight? Ordinary people say “he’s growing,” and they are not far from the truth. Growth hormones (somatropins), synthesized by the pituitary gland, rage in the body of teenagers. These hormones don't just burn fat, they help us stay in great shape and be more energetic. But with age, more precisely, starting from the age of 30, the synthesis of somatropin decreases, and by the age of 50 its production completely stops. All this will happen to you if you do not take care in advance to maintain your hormonal status at the proper level.

First of all, you must provide yourself with enough sleep, because it is during the period of night rest that the synthesis of growth hormones increases several times. Peak secretion occurs 90 minutes after falling asleep, so the first two hours of sleep are the most fruitful. You can also stimulate the synthesis of growth hormones by taking certain amino acids, as well as vitamins and microelements. Some of the most popular amino acid supplements are ornithine and arginine, and vitamins B and C in combination with potassium, magnesium and calcium can greatly enhance their effectiveness.

People who are partial to heavy physical activity can be recommended to spend a couple of hours a week in the gym. Load your muscles to the fullest, and at night a double dose of growth hormone will work on your body. But injections of growth hormone to healthy people solely for the purpose of losing weight and improving their figure are not only not desirable, but also contraindicated. This was confirmed by 30,000 Americans who, despite the strict prohibitions of official health care, took growth hormones for a year. As a result, minus 2-3 kg, no more, and a lot of additional troubles in the form of diabetes and malignant degeneration.

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6 Hormones That Are Stopping You from Losing Weight. Here's What to Do About Them. Detailed Instructions. If you're gaining weight despite everything you've done, check your hormonal levels. Could this be the problem?! This problem can slow down your overall metabolism. Also check if you have an imbalance in your estrogen and testosterone levels. This can cause the body to store glucose as fat. Additionally, high levels of cortisol or leptin can lead to overeating.

Avoid refined foods and exercise to better utilize glucose.Are you concerned about what you eat but still can't lose weight? Your battle with fat endless story? If you're active enough and don't overeat, a hormonal imbalance could be to blame.

Fortunately, figuring out what the problem is is not that difficult. Here are 6 hormones that are stopping you from losing weight! To lose excess weight faster, follow our tips.

Among the main problems we highlight the following:

  • Reduced insulin resistance.
  • Low cortisol levels.
  • Imbalance in estrogen levels.
  • Leptin and overeating.
  • Low testosterone levels.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

1. Reduced insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone you've probably heard of. When you are insulin resistant, your body does not respond to it as it should. So, glucose accumulates in your blood. To compensate, your body produces more and more insulin.

This eventually leads to diabetes or prediabetes. The body then fails to process glucose properly. Weight gain is a common outcome. There may also be other problems (including polycystic ovary syndrome) associated with insulin resistance.

How to reduce insulin resistance.

Follow a strict low-carb diet to maintain blood glucose levels. Include avocados, pomegranates, berries, protein, peppers and high-fiber grains in your diet.

Exercise regularly to eliminate underlying hormonal problems that contribute to weight gain. Walking for 30 minutes every day can reduce your risk of diabetes by 30%.

2. High cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is designed to regulate your response to difficult situations. Unfortunately, if you expose yourself to too much stress (not enough sleep, stressful job, problems in your personal life, junk food, too much caffeine), you may ultimately greatly increase cortisol levels.

When you're stressed, you're likely to reach for fatty and sugary foods to relieve your stress—a recipe for weight gain. Poor sleep will only increase your risk of obesity.

How to reduce cortisol levels.

Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Eat foods with tryptophan and melatonin - cottage cheese, turkey, kiwi and cherries - for better sleep. Stay away from caffeine and electronic devices for at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Exercise every day to help your body adapt to higher cortisol levels and release endorphins, mood-boosting hormones, to counteract cortisol. The best stress relievers are yoga or meditation.

3. Imbalance in estrogen levels.

Estrogen, better known as the female sex hormone, plays an important role in regulating your body weight. In the right amounts, it regulates insulin levels. This ensures that your body maintains the correct blood glucose levels, providing it with energy. However, estrogen imbalance is risky.

You may have increased estrogen levels due to excessive meat consumption. Or low due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or obesity. This, in turn, can compromise insulin resistance. Your body will then begin to store glucose as fat.

How to balance estrogen levels.

You need to eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains and fish. Reduce your caffeine intake.

4. Leptin and overeating.

Appetite is regulated by a pair of hormones, one of which is leptin. Sometimes your body can create resistance to leptin by ignoring the signals this hormone sends.

Result? You won't be able to tell when you're actually full and should stop eating. For faster weight loss, it is important to manage your leptin levels.

How to control leptin levels.

Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks. Avoid alcohol. Don't eat too much fruit, especially fruits rich in fructose, such as pineapples or cantaloupe.

5. Low testosterone levels.

The male sex hormone is an important part of metabolism in both men and women. Due to insufficient amounts of this hormone, you gain weight.

Additionally, testosterone deficiency is also associated with higher cholesterol levels, elevated triglyceride levels, and even decreased insulin sensitivity. All of this is associated with weight gain and fat accumulation.

How to increase testosterone levels.

Reduce your intake of foods with phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). Reduce your intake of bread, alcohol and sugary drinks, which reduce testosterone levels. Avoid drinking water from plastic bottles from bisphenol A (BPA).

6. Problems with the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are also involved in the regulation of body weight. These hormones determine the metabolic rate of all cells in your body.

Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, can cause your metabolism to become sluggish and lead to weight gain. You may also experience constant fatigue. Digestion may also be affected. Although it cannot be completely cured, hypothyroidism can be managed with these steps.

How to treat hypothyroidism.

Reduce your intake of soy, iodine, caffeine and refined carbohydrates. Eat more protein, but gluten-free vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale or cauliflower. Spend enough time outdoors and in the sun. Have you noticed these problems in yourself?

They have many physical, mental and physiological benefits.

One of which is the positive effect of physical activity on many of your body's hormones, thereby helping to increase metabolic efficiency, improve health and lose weight.

Hormones in your body affect almost every aspect of healthy body function.

Below we will analyze a list of eight important hormones for weight loss, their functions, and how regular exercise affects them.

8 Important Hormones for Weight Loss

1. Growth hormone

Growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis (building muscle tissue/maintaining its tone), and also affects the strength of bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. During exercise, this beneficial weight loss hormone helps reduce the use of glucose and increases the fat component for fuel during exercise.

This helps reduce body fat and keep blood glucose levels at normal levels, allowing you to exercise for a longer period of time.

The release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland in the brain increases with increasing duration of aerobic exercise, especially high-intensity or interval training.

2. Endorphins

Endorphins are good at blocking pain, creating a feeling of euphoria, internal tension and anxiety.

The level of endorphins in the blood increases up to five times during long (more than 30 minutes) moderate or intense pace, as well as during interval training.

Additionally, after several months of regular exercise, the body develops increased sensitivity to endorphins, and they remain in the bloodstream for a longer period of time after the end of exercise. This means that, thanks to this important hormone for weight loss, you will be able to carry out long exercise sessions much easier, without feeling any pain.

3. Testosterone

The next useful hormone for weight loss in men and women is testosterone, which maintains muscle tone, speeds up basal metabolism, reduces body fat, and also gives a sense of self-confidence. The hormone is produced in the ovaries in women and testicles in men.

Testosterone levels in the blood increase due to exercise, starting approximately 20 minutes after the start of exercise, and remain elevated for another 1-3 hours after the end.

4. Estrogen

The most biologically active estrogen, 17-beta-estradiol, increases the breakdown of fats in the body, increases basal metabolism (metabolism), and improves mood and libido.

This important weight loss hormone is produced in women's ovaries, and its amount increases with physical activity. In the blood, the hormone 17-beta-estradiol remains elevated for 1-4 hours after exercise.

5. Thyroxine (T4)

A beneficial weight-loss hormone produced by the thyroid gland, thyroxine increases the metabolic rate of almost all cells in the body. This will make you feel more energetic and also makes you burn more calories, which means the hormone plays an important role in weight loss.

Blood thyroxine levels increase by approximately 30% during exercise and remain elevated for several hours afterwards. Regular doses also increase thyroxine levels at rest.

6. Adrenaline

The necessary hormone for weight loss, produced mainly in the adrenal medulla - adrenaline - increases the speed of blood flow. The hormone stimulates the breakdown of glycogen (storing carbohydrates) and fats in active muscles and liver for use as fuel.

The amount of adrenaline in a person’s blood is proportional to the intensity and duration of the workout.

7. Insulin

Insulin is an important hormone for weight loss and is responsible for regulating (reducing) glucose (sugar) in the blood. Insulin production in the pancreas increases in response to increased blood sugar, as often happens after a meal. High levels of the hormone insulin cause the body to use stored carbohydrates for energy rather than fat tissue.

Therefore, the more food you consume, the large quantity the simple sugars you consume, the more insulin is produced. This means it’s best to eat small but frequent meals and limit your sugar intake from processed bread, pasta and rice.

Blood insulin levels begin to decrease around the 10th minute of an aerobic exercise session and continue to decrease for another hour. Regular exercise also increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin at rest, thereby reducing its levels in the blood.

8. Glucagon

Another useful hormone for weight loss, which is also secreted by the pancreas, but performs the opposite function of insulin.

Glucagon's job is to increase blood glucose. When sugar levels become too low, glucagon is secreted and causes carbohydrates (glycogen) to accumulate in the liver to be released into the bloodstream, thereby raising blood sugar to normal levels. This also causes fats to be broken down so that they can be used as fuel at this time.

The hormone glucagon usually begins to be released after 30 minutes of exercise, when blood glucose levels begin to decrease.

As you can see, exercise has a powerful effect on all the important hormones for weight loss, which ultimately leads to weight loss, a sense of well-being and improved overall health.