Thick and healthy hair: my refusal of shampoo in favor of natural cosmetics.  We make shampoo for ourselves, improving regular shampoo. Add shampoo

Thick and healthy hair: my refusal of shampoo in favor of natural cosmetics. We make shampoo for ourselves, improving regular shampoo. Add shampoo

Every woman dreams of men turning around after her. But when the hair is damaged, a woman no longer feels one hundred percent confident. To restore damaged dry hair to its former beauty, you need to prepare a mask and apply it to your hair.

This article talks about a restorative shampoo that you can prepare at home. In this article we have collected best recipes products for home hair restoration.

How to make your own restorative shampoo

Making shampoo at home is not difficult. What components are included in this shampoo will determine its effectiveness.

Castor oil contains carotenides, triterpenes, tocopherol, sterol. Due to these substances, the hair no longer splits and becomes elastic.

Restoring shampoos - we prepare at home

In front of you is the most effective recipes restorative shampoos that promote the regeneration of hair that has been damaged.

Regenerating shampoo with yolk

This shampoo nourishes hair well. To prepare it, take a few egg yolks and one hundred milliliters of black leaf tea. Beat the egg yolks and add cooled tea to them.

This shampoo can replace regular shampoo. It is applied to damp hair and massaged. Then the shampoo should be rinsed off with water.

Recipe with fermented baked milk for hair restoration

This recipe is suitable for those with oily hair. Due to the fact that the shampoo contains fermented baked milk, it helps to moisturize and nourish the hair. In addition, it prevents hair from being greasy.
Take a crumb of Borodinsky bread - 75 grams, one hundred milliliters of homemade fermented baked milk (best). You need to soak the bread, pour fermented baked milk into the container with the bread, and mix everything. The mixture is left for sixty minutes. Then mix again.
Use the prepared shampoo as follows: apply to wet hair, leave for ten minutes, rinse with water.

Milk + rye bread for hair restoration

This shampoo recipe helps nourish dry and very damaged hair. Regenerates hair and accelerates the growth of new follicles.

    We will need the following components:
  • rye bread - twenty grams
  • yolk of one egg
  • forty grams of milk
  • 1 small spoon of mustard
  • six drops of castor oil

What happens is distributed among wet hair, leave for ten minutes, rinse with water warm temperature. Shampoo is used twice a week.

Improving store-bought shampoo

Everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair, but for some reason they forget to take basic care of it. It’s good if you are naturally good hair and no matter what you do with it, no matter what experiments you perform, your hair still looks great. But what to do for those whose hair, for example, after repeated dyeing, began to fall out, lost its former shine, and the ends turned into “straw”?

How is it that by carefully taking care of yourself, regularly going to the salon and doing perm, coloring, we don’t think at all that after all these procedures the hair loses its vitality and beauty. Why is there no hair care routine in your daily routine? Or rather, all courtship ends with washing your hair, considering that this is quite enough.

But even simple hair washing can be turned into a pleasant procedure and a healing process at the same time. Hair, like skin, needs nutrition, moisturizing, masks, and exfoliation. Moreover, it is not necessary to do all these procedures in the salon; you can do all this at home. Even an ordinary shampoo bought in a store can be “improved” at home, without additional hassle. I suggest “conjuring” store-bought shampoos and making them less aggressive to your hair.

There are four ways to improve store-bought shampoo; choose any that suits you.

1. The milk method is suitable for those who have brittle, dry hair with split ends. Add yogurt, yogurt or kefir (1:1) to your regular shampoo. It has long been known that dairy products are able to create a thin protective film on the hair that protects the hair from damage by an alkaline solution and from external factors.

2. The sour method is suitable for any hair type. Keratin for hair is the main building material. And its destroyer is the hostile (aggressive) alkaline environment of any store-bought shampoo. You can neutralize lye by adding it to your shampoo. Apple vinegar or lemon juice. After washing with a kind of “sour” shampoo, the hair becomes shiny, due to the fact that the keratin scales gently hug each hair and fit tightly to each other.

3. The vitamin method allows you to independently enrich ordinary store-bought shampoo with vitamins. Dissolve 1 ampoule of liquid vitamins A and E, plus B vitamins (B1, B6, B12) in shampoo (250 ml). Total 5 ampoules. Vitamin E is sold in pharmacies under the name “Tocopherol acetate”, and vitamin A is called “Retinol acetate”. And when you buy these vitamins, emphasize that you need vitamins in oil specifically for external and not internal use.
This method will help you have silky, shiny hair and the ends of your hair will not remind you of straw. Hair growth is guaranteed.

4. The essential oil method involves adding essential oils to the finished shampoo and conditioner. By the way, Hollywood stylists were the first to think of this. A wonderful way, since the oil, enveloping the hair, does not allow it to become thin and dry, while protecting it from the too aggressive effects of shampoo. The oil also “presses” the keratin scales tightly to the hair, which gives the effect of softness and elasticity. And it additionally nourishes the scalp, since it contains unsaturated fatty acids in its structure.

Before you add essential oil to shampoo, you need to dissolve 15 drops in 1 teaspoon of honey, wine (cognac). For long hair you need at least 30 drops. If you don’t have alcohol in the house, then simply add up to ten drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo and enjoy.

You can enhance the effect of shampoo with an essential mask.

The easiest way is to add 10 to 15 drops essential oil into any hair mask. Ylang-ylang is added to a mask to restore dry damaged hair. Rosemary oil - for hair growth and thickness, lavender oil will help cope with dandruff, and tea tree will come to the rescue if you have oily hair, dandruff and hair loss.

So, you have at your disposal several original, but effective ways hair care. Which one is suitable and your hair will love it, you will determine by how it feels.

What was given to us by nature can be lost very quickly, especially in our time, when parabens, preservatives, sulfates, mercury, lead are present in ALL shampoos, conditioners, and hair dyes. And save natural beauty hair requires little effort. It just requires a little imagination, a little time and the desire to be irresistible.

Trichologists advise washing your hair as it gets dirty, and this measure is different for everyone. Some people have dry scalp, so cleansing once a week is suitable for them. Those with oily skin have to wash their hair every day, otherwise it suffers. appearance. At the same time, frequent cleansing is necessary for everyone who uses styling products on a daily basis and regularly plays sports.

The more foam, the cleaner the hair

The feeling of squeaky-washed hair comes not only from the abundant foam on the head. If we take, for example, a shampoo that does not contain alkali, you will see that it practically does not foam and, nevertheless, the hair remains clean after it. Ideally, the amount of foam should be such as to simply make washing your hair easier. For those who feel that the shampoo does not foam at all, cosmetics manufacturers have advice: before washing your hair, you should first apply a small amount of the product to your hand and rub it in a wet palm.

Instead of a whole beauty arsenal, you can use 2-in-1 shampoo

2-in-1 is an express treatment for vacation or business trips, and you shouldn’t overuse it. Let's explain why: we need conditioners to keep our hair smooth and neutralize the alkaline effects of shampoos. It turns out that shampoo, while cleansing, opens the hair cuticle, and conditioner, on the contrary, closes it. If you mix these two compounds, nothing good will come out.

The shampoo should be kept on the hair for as long as possible

Surfactants that create foam and remove dirt are quite harsh on our skin. As a result of such care, dryness, irritation, flaking and even dandruff may appear. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the shampoo on your head for no longer than 2 minutes.

When choosing a shampoo, you need to pay attention to beneficial ingredients

Very often, the label focuses on certain natural and beneficial ingredients designed to moisturize and restore hair. But remember that these ingredients in shampoo may be less than 1%. This composition has no chance of making your hair healthier. And in general, whatever one may say, shampoo is just a means for cleansing, and you shouldn’t expect miracles from it. It's better to bet on good mask for hair.

Shampoo needs to be changed constantly

If the shampoo suits you, there is no point in changing it. You should give up your favorite product only in cases where you have changed your hair color or have dandruff. To do this, look for instructions on the packaging that tell you which shampoo is suitable for weakened or colored hair, dry or oily.

Shampoo should be applied to the entire length of hair

In fact, washing your hair is literally washing your scalp, and you should select a shampoo based on its characteristics. Trichologists advise applying the cleanser to the hair roots and gently massaging with your fingertips. For the rest of your hair, a little soapy water will suffice, especially if you have dry ends. After washing, you can pay attention to your hair by applying a caring mask.

Dry shampoo leaves white marks on hair

This opinion actually arose for a reason. If you deviate from the instructions when using dry shampoo, the results may really not be pleasing. In addition, cheap mass-market products sometimes actually remain on the hair, creating the effect of dandruff. Therefore, it is better not to skimp and purchase a good dry shampoo from a reliable manufacturer - ideally, the product should be from a professional series.

The best hair shampoos

This month, a lot of material has appeared in the American press about the problem of hair loss. The fact is that in the United States, September is declared National Alopecia Awareness Month. And in some of these materials, a lot of attention was paid to the scientific basis for doubts about the benefits. Perhaps it’s time for us to learn as much as possible about the popular hobby.

What is No poo?

It's a movement where members have decided to ditch store-bought shampoo and conditioner in favor of health and a commitment to more natural products. There are several options for how movement participants adhere to the new principles:

Some people refuse shampoo altogether and wash their hair only with water;

There are those who only rinse their hair with herbs and conditioner;

There is an option when women agree to only rinse their hair with water;

Some advocate using only homemade shampoos and conditioners (made from oils, baking soda, vinegar, etc.).

Why are women giving up shampoo now? There are several explanations for this. Firstly, the presence in shampoos of such an ingredient as lead sulfate (as you know, sulfates are undesirable components for hair and skin). Secondly, there is an opinion that shampoos weigh down hair and even lead to excessive oiliness. The argument is that shampoos strip the scalp and hair of sebum too dramatically, which causes the skin to produce excess oils and sebum.

Why are dermatologists against it?

It’s good that recently there have been many opinions from authoritative experts regarding the craze of giving up shampoo. Because previously you had to trust mainly beauty bloggers. And here's what trichologists and dermatologists say:

Keeping your head clean is of utmost importance for healthy hair. Oils on the scalp provide a favorable environment for fungal growth, which can lead to scalp inflammation. And therefore, neglecting the cleanliness of the scalp can have serious consequences: yeast infections, inflammation, etc.

Another question: How safe are homemade solutions with baking soda and apple cider vinegar, as well as rinses with lemon juice? And there is no good news here either. Experts insist that baking soda and vinegar are more harmful than industrially produced shampoo. Homemade shampoo can damage your hair: Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are even more damaging to hair color than sulfates because they are acidic, which can change and destroy color. A baking soda Dries the scalp and hair, which can lead to brittleness, thinning hair, and destruction of the hair follicle. And, as a result, to hair loss.

But if you continue to have doubts about the safety of store-bought shampoo, it will be important for you to know that healthy products are available on the market. You just need to choose them correctly.

Perfect shampoo, perfect care

So what is a safe shampoo? What product to look for in the store?

If you are confused, buy a sulfate-free product. These are shampoos and conditioners labeled “sulfate-free”.

Avoid products with parabens.

Avoid containing alcohol (alcohol) in your shampoo and conditioner; they dry out and even dry out your hair.

But it’s not even the presence of a good product that is important, but correct procedure hair care. Attention to the scalp is the main condition for healthy and thick hair. You should take care of your scalp the same way you take care of your face and body. This means taking time to cleanse, massage, moisturize and heal.

Look for the same ingredients in hair products that you look for in skin products, which may include retinol, peptides, salicylic acid, collagen, hyaluronic acid, natural oils, biotin, vitamins. By the way, many of these ingredients have only an oil formula (that is, they dissolve only in oil), so when oily skin scalp and oily hair, you can find oil-free alternatives, for example, an oil-free alternative to salicylic acid is willow bark extract.

If your scalp is dry, look for shampoos with a creamy, opaque and thick consistency. If your skin and hair are oily, you can use transparent and gel textures.

The use of dry shampoo is approved by experts. Again, we are not talking about homemade formulas with cornmeal, which has granules that are too large and clog the pores of the scalp. Dry shampoos from famous brands have safe formulas, but when in doubt, look at the labels and look for ingredients that are good for your scalp. There are dry shampoos for dandruff, oiliness, and dryness - consider your hair type when purchasing.

And one more important advice: Monitor your quality of life; hair condition is affected by nutrition and hormonal balance. Protect your hair from the sun and aggressive influences environment, and then you won't have to follow the No poo movement.

The article uses the recommendations of American dermatologist Dr. Dennis Gross and trichologist Elizabeth Cunnane Phillips, published in the press as part of National Alopecia Awareness Month.

Shampoos in the modern sense of the word appeared not so long ago, only 50 years ago. But somehow the women washed their hair, and somehow their hair remained thick and shiny. Let us lift the veil over this mystery.


Washing your hair with soda

The most common way to completely replace natural products is soda instead of shampoo, vinegar instead of rinse aid. Standard use is 1 tbsp. soda per glass of water (and so how many glasses you need depending on the length of your hair). But if the hair becomes dry, the dose should be reduced. mixes with water in the same proportions: the oilier your head, the less you need to apply it. Instead of vinegar, lemon juice will also work; it will definitely not make your hair greasy quickly.

Washing hair with egg

If you want your hair to become baby soft, wash your hair with egg yolk. It foams well and washes away oiliness without drying out the scalp. Two yolks should be mixed with 0.5 liters of warm water, and you should wash your hair during the transition period, alternating with shampoo, for a month. Instead of a rinse, you can use mint (2 tablespoons) per liter of water - it prevents dandruff and stimulates hair growth. Carefully separate the yolk from the film, because it is very difficult to wash off!

Washing hair with beer

Even if the smell from it is not the best, but if you mix warm light beer with herbs (best of all with chamomile, calendula and oak bark), leave for half an hour and wash your hair, then after 3-4 uses your hair will become softer and silkier.

Washing hair with bread

Take a crumb of rye or black bread, put it in hot water, wait until the bread is soggy. Stir the mixture until smooth, strain through a sieve and apply to your head for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

Photo source: depositphotos

Washing hair with honey

First 1 tsp. chamomile, you need to pour 100 g of boiling water and let it brew, and then add a dessert spoon of honey to this infusion. After washing your hair, leave it on for half an hour, and only then rinse thoroughly. Honey shampoo, although very beneficial for hair, is not recommended for constant use. It is best to alternate it with the above formulations, and only when the hair adapts to them.

Washing hair with mustard

Mustard must be used very carefully. It should only be diluted with warm, not hot water. Washing your hair with mustard is useful because its “burning” property activates the flow of blood to the hair roots, which in turn stimulates their growth. It is recommended to rinse your hair after using mustard with water and lemon juice.

So, everyone who switched to folk remedies, which do not contain chemicals, warn that the first few weeks your hair will become much more oily than usual. This happens because our skin is accustomed to producing more oil (because traditional shampoos dry out the scalp), and continues to do so out of habit. But when your hair becomes different, you are unlikely to want to go back to shampoos. The main thing is to find your ideal remedy.