And he lived happily ever after. Jokes about friends

They lived happily ever after...
And so they lived, not knowing anything else, in solitude, realizing that there was nothing more beautiful than life together... they understood each other, from half a word, from half a glance. Others said about them that they were a couple, and they do not, and will not have others. This is what happened in destinies a long time ago. She went to the movies with him, he gave her flowers, they drank expensive the table, in an expensive restaurant.
She loved to look into her eyes, he simply enjoyed it, delving into the oceans of her eyes, he thought, right now, I love you more than life itself.
And there was no end, and there was no beginning for a long time, there is only them, and at the word “We,” holding hands tightly, they go somewhere forward. And one day the classic aptly remarked, “They are destined to live long and happily.”
And there is no fear of losing each other, just as, however, everyone wants to hug the other... and never let go. They were echoed by a cheerful bird, boldly speaking out the window, “never, never, never...
They won't be left alone. And as long as their hearts burn, the world around will not be cruel. And if someone wants to destroy them, then, you know, you scoundrel, his elderly father said, I will tear you apart, but I will not let you destroy their family. I allowed my heart to love, and from love a wonderful son was born, and from love his wife was born. I won’t let anyone stop them... from being happy and living happily.
And so fate turned out, they lived, as someone writes in a dream, soul to soul, looking ingratiatingly into the eyes, and saying, “never... we will leave each other.”
And their father has been gone for a long time, but no one will say a crooked word, everyone is so afraid of the wrath of the old man, who was ready to give his life if only they were happy to the end. And so that they can enjoy life without a trace, looking at the world through the prism, mirror reflection their souls. But their souls were and are so pure that there was envy all around, but they just didn’t care about this envy. They live, look into each other's eyes, not forgetting the words of their father, who invisibly preserves their comfort, and no one knows what strength is given to them to live so happily.
They lived happily ever after, hand in hand through life, forgetting about the hardships of the days, looking at the world as if not seeing people in it except each other. And they lived happily ever after, she gave him children, he gave him support in the moments of gray days, in general, they created happiness. And to this day no one knows how fate turned out that they met cold winter, but even then only spring was born around, and suddenly, even from somewhere, a bird began to sing. Spring was born in their faces, and in the summer the words of the love they shared with each other burned, and the shelves had long since become dusty, but they all live for each other.
They lived happily ever after...

There was once a prince who
once asked the beautiful
princess: “You
will you marry me?”
And she answered: “...NO!!!”
And the prince lived happily ever after, went hunting and fishing, everyone
met with friends, drank a lot
beer, and got drunk, and played
golf, and threw his socks over
palace, and did not lower the toilet lid, and fucked maids, neighbors,
and girlfriends, and sang in the shower, and farted
whenever he pleases, and loudly
belched and scratched his balls.

The German prince says to his father:
- The Russian Tsar has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. I want to marry her.
If I take the treasure sword with me, I will kill all the Russians and conquer it.
If I take the running boots, then I will steal it and run away from them.
Father: - Son, it’s better to take a self-assembled tablecloth. When you feed them and
If you give it a drink, you can also become a king.

Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen, and they had a daughter. And they threw a ball and invited everyone there except the most harmful fairy, because they knew that she would come anyway. The most harmful fairy came and said: “Are you happy? Well, well. But when the princess turns 18, she will become a drug addict and inject himself with such a dose that he passes out and doesn’t come to.” When the princess turned 18, she became a drug addict, injected herself and never recovered. And the king and queen, the courtiers and servants, out of grief, swallowed a sedative and also passed out. And gradually all the roads to the castle were overgrown with dense forest. A hundred years later, a handsome prince rode past and asked what kind of reserve this was. They told him good people the whole story and added that only then will the princess come out of her blackout when the handsome prince kisses her. The prince rode boldly through the dense forest, entered the castle, took the key to the treasury from the king’s neck, loaded all the gold and diamonds on his horse and rode back. But he didn’t kiss the princess, no. Really, why does he need a drug addict?

Sichen (09:56:56 11/12/2009)
The shortest and most beautiful fairy tale
There was once a prince who once asked a beautiful princess: “Will you marry me?”
And she answered: "...NO!!!"
And the prince lived happily ever after, went hunting and fishing, met with friends every day, drank a lot of beer, and got drunk, and played golf, and threw socks around the palace, and did not lower the toilet lid, and fucked maids and neighbors , and girlfriends, and sang in the shower, and farted whenever he wanted, and burped loudly, and scratched his balls.

amber_salem (10:18:16 11/12/2009)
damn, life's fairy tale. although there are some disadvantages

Sichen (10:18:37 11/12/2009)

amber_salem (10:21:43 11/12/2009)
.... and when he got sick, no one even brought him a mug of water, and he died of thirst in terrible convulsions. and at this time his friends slept with their wives soundly. and during the day they raised their children. end. but no. not the end. The prince died and after 2 days everyone forgot about him and there was not even a memory left of him. He wasn’t even buried, and even if he was buried, no one came to his grave. that's it now

amber_salem (10:22:19 11/12/2009)
although he bitch lived for his own pleasure

Prince (14:07:09 1/12/2009)
Fuck, I've already fucked up work for two days
SK (14:07:17 1/12/2009)
In terms of?
Prince (14:07:31 1/12/2009)
played truant
Prince (14:07:39 1/12/2009)
From Friday to today
SK (14:07:43 1/12/2009)
wow you
Prince (14:07:59 1/12/2009)
He asked me to mark Saturday and Monday
SK (14:08:26 1/12/2009)
Why didn’t you mention it?))
Prince (14:08:31 1/12/2009)
SK (14:08:47 1/12/2009)
Well, that means I didn’t fuck it up)
Prince (14:08:57 1/12/2009)
SK (14:08:59 1/12/2009)
just out on business
Prince (14:09:07 1/12/2009)
Aren't you angry?
SK (14:09:11 1/12/2009)
SK (14:09:35 1/12/2009)
Igor Yuryevich, Andrey again missed two days!!!
SK (14:09:37 1/12/2009)
oh sorry
SK (14:09:39 1/12/2009)
wrong way

Once upon a time there was a prince who once asked a beautiful princess: “Will you marry me?”

And she answered: "...NO!!!"

And the prince lived happily ever after, went hunting and fishing, met with friends every day, drank a lot of beer, and got drunk, and played golf, and threw socks around the palace, and did not lower the toilet lid, and fucked maids and neighbors and girlfriends, and sang in the shower, and farted whenever he wanted, and burped loudly, and scratched his balls!

although when you tell this short and wonderful fairy tale to someone, they immediately say that in general the first phrase would have been quite enough - “and the prince lived happily ever after”

The most short story in the "Wrong number" section. I'm just typing
number of one company (called at work). Beeps, then withdraws
tube. Me: "Hello!" At the other end: “You got into the wrong place!” End of conversation...

Prince Charming came to me
And he extended his hand with his heart.
My pulse beat rapidly -
Beelzebub confused me.

I'm marrying the prince
I'm trembling with impatience.

Family life is not a pound of raisins,
It's bitter like moonshine.
However, what is there to think about for a long time -
Load the dowry into the carriage!

I'm marrying the prince
I will give him an heir.

Here in a white wedding dress
I'm standing on the carpet in a veil.
With Prince Charming the first one you meet
I'll meet you at the right height.

I'm marrying the prince
And I drink vodka for courage.

Roars washing machine,
From the nursery - crying, from the kitchen - screaming,
And the Prince is only a man once a quarter,
And on other days - a man.

And I live and do not buzz:
But the last name is d'Anjou!

Women's dreams as they grow older:
16 years old - a prince on a white horse.
20 years old - a prince on a gray mare.
25 years old - prince on a donkey.
30 years old - prince on foot.
35 years old - sober groom of the prince.
40 years old - any groom.
50 years is a young horse, and let him spoil the furrow...

Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter - a beautiful princess. Everyone
the princess was good - and smart, and modest, and pretty, but she suffered
a strange illness, namely: whatever she touched, everything immediately melted.
Time passed, the princess grew and became prettier, and soon turned into a girl
marriageable, but no one wooed her - everyone was afraid to melt from one
her touch. The king was in despair and called all the court healers,
doctors and magicians, but no one knew how to help the princess, except one
a decrepit old wizard. This old man appeared before the king and said:
"I know how to save the princess from a terrible illness. If she ever
touches an object that will not melt from her touch, then there will be
she is healed forever." Then the king issued a decree that he would hand over the princess
marry the one who brings such an item. The next day they came
three princes to his palace. The first one brought an iron horseshoe, not believing
that a simple touch can melt this metal. But, alas, only
the princess touched the horseshoe, it melted. The second prince brought
huge diamond, reasoning that the hardest stone in the world will melt
There's no way he can. But the diamond also spread like a puddle on the tray, only his
touched the princess. The third prince said: “I have something hidden in
pocket. Touch it, dear princess, maybe this object will
will not melt." The princess blushed with embarrassment, but obeyed. She
went up to the prince, put her hand in his pocket and felt something there
solid. She touched it again and again, but it did not melt. King
rejoiced and arranged a magnificent wedding and feast for the whole world. And then they lived
prince and princess happily ever after. This is where the fairy tale should end,
but you’re wondering WHAT the princess groped?

The princess found M&Ms in the prince's pocket! After all, they are the ones who melt
in your mouth, not in your hands! What did you think? ;)

The prince and princess returned to the kingdom, had a wedding and
lived happily ever after. This is where the fairy tale ends. That's it, go to sleep.
- No, I still want...
- Go to sleep, I say. Otherwise we won’t bury it until morning.

Once upon a time there lived a king. And he had a beautiful daughter. But there was one

problem. Everything the princess touched melted. Absolutely everything
substances -
metal, wood, plastic... - melted as soon as she touched them.

Because of this, men avoided her. No one could dare to marry
The king fell into despair. What could he do to help his daughter?
He decided
ask advice from your sorcerers and sages. And one of them said
to the king:
"As soon as your daughter touches something that won't melt in her hands,

she will be cured." The king was very happy and the very next day
competition. Anyone who finds and brings an object that will not melt,
marry a princess and inherit royal wealth. Three young
decided to try their luck.
The first prince brought a very heavy titanium alloy. But, alas, only
I touched him and he melted. And the prince sadly left.
The second prince brought a huge diamond, thinking that diamond is the most durable
in the world and will not melt. But, alas, as soon as the princess touched him,
he melted. And this prince left disappointed.
It was the turn of the third prince. He said to the princess: "Put down your
into my pocket and feel what is there." The princess did as he did
although she had to blush. She felt something hard. She held
it's in your hand.
And it didn't melt. The king rejoiced. Everyone in the kingdom was happy. Third
married the princess and they lived happily ever after.
Question: what was in the prince’s trousers?
Of course, it was M&M's! Chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in
(What did you think?)

(Translation from English)

You can wander around old Baku for hours, making more and more discoveries for yourself. For example, in Icheri Sheher, not far from the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, there is a monument-bust made of bronze to the Azerbaijani poet and thinker Aliaga Vahid. Our friends walked towards him with a leisurely gait, carrying on a leisurely conversation.

Yes, an amazing architectural structure, the Palace of the Shirvanshahs - Ivanovich noted admiringly - in our time we have forgotten how to build like that. We are all in a hurry and fussing about somewhere. About our generation, descendants will probably say: “They lived happily ever after until they learned that others lived longer and happier.”

Okay, we,” Ivanovich remarked sadly, “look at your grandchildren.” They sit with gadgets for hours and cannot be pulled out into the street. It can be said that in modern world Childhood is the happiest years of life, but not for children.

Don’t be mopey,” Konstantinovich warned, “remember: if everything goes well in life, enjoy it, it won’t last forever.” Well, if everything is bad, don’t be sour, it won’t last forever either.

Life is like that, it teaches you something all the time,” Ivanovich said thoughtfully, “and when studying the alphabet of life, do not forget about the letter of the law.”

Why are you talking about the law now,” Vladimirovich looked suspiciously, “do you want to hint that the good of your neighbor is the main goal in life?” Don't bother yourself. My goodness will disappoint you. I assure you.

How could you think such a thing about a friend? – Konstantinovich was indignant, “I expected everything from you, but this... Know that if in life not everything is in our power..., something still... depends on us...

Mind you, I didn’t start it,” Ivanovich’s eyes flashed menacingly, “but for such words you can get in trouble.” Have you at least found out in advance what tariffs are paid for under-eye lights?

Calm down. Honestly, I didn’t want to offend anyone,” Vladimirovich put his hand on his heart, “Sorry, I blurted out without thinking.” Well, forgive the old man. My jokes are like this. Didn't you really understand? But in life anything can happen. For example, everyone knows what the word road means. It turns out that it has another meaning. I was surprised when I learned that the road is the life of a husband and wife before the first betrayal. On your way, you know?

Yeah, gotcha,” Konstantinovich laughed, “we played a prank on you.” I give food for thought. If things get tough in life, look at your friend’s face! - He pointed his finger towards Ivanovich, who was literally choking, trying to hold back his laughter.

Well, old man,” Ivanovich hugged his comrade, “relax.” Anything can happen. After all, they look at life soberly, and not with honest eyes. Understand?

What is there,” Vladimirovich pulled his cap over his eyes, “I’ll tell you frankly, I’ve long ago come to the conclusion that friendship is not five hundred and thirty-eight friends on the site, but a couple of friends in life, whom you won’t let go of, because with them you will have to go there so as not to worry about how they will get out of there!

Well done,” Konstantinovich admired, “the main thing is not to lose composure in any situation.” And if something doesn’t stick in life, throw away the glue. Take nails and hammer on everything!

Maybe you’re right,” Ivanovich scratched the back of his head in puzzlement, “but you need to take into account the interests of loved ones in your actions.” I always thought that the phrase: “I like to live the way I live” sounds like a cry for help.

Not everyone will decide not to shout, but simply ask for help,” Vladimirovich shook his head, “it all depends on the level of spirituality inherent in a person. So it turns out that spirituality is when in life you are interested not only in weight, volume and quantity.

“Perhaps you’re right,” agreed Konstantinovich, “and if you are already over sixty, and you have achieved absolutely nothing in this life, it means that you are an honest and decent person.

“What happiness,” Ivanovich admired, “no matter where I look, all around me there are honest and decent people.” Surely our descendants will say about us: “They lived happily ever after until they found out that others lived longer and happier.”

Friends approached the monument.

The poet, brilliant, but at the same time not fully understood,” Ivanovich began looking at the monument, “passed away in 1965.” He brilliantly created timeless ghazals (an eastern genre similar to sonnets), drawing inspiration from the depths of historical traditions.

From the age of nineteen, Vahid began to write poetry and publish, continued Vladimirovich, “without secondary education, he had an innate ability to immediately compose poetry. Therefore, in the first years of his work he often participated in meykhana. Later, under the influence of the works of Fuzuli and Seyid Azim, he began to write ghazals. The poems were so popular among the people that the poet was nicknamed gazelkhan. Vahid was also involved in translating the works of Nizami, Khagani, Feleki and other classics of Azerbaijani literature from Persian into Azerbaijani.

Vahid was also friends with the poet Sergei Yesenin, Konstantinovich picked up, who lived in Baku in 1924-1925. Please note that if you look closely at the monument, you will notice that Vahid’s body and hair consist of the heroes of his works.
Friends peered carefully at the monument, admiring its exquisite beauty.

January 2017 1110-1124(15)

Chase Riordan walked up onto the porch of the ranch that had belonged to his family for over two hundred years. Before entering the house, he stopped, as always, to clean off the mud that had stuck to his shoes. Slamming the door behind him, he took off his worn hat and took a few steps to hang it on the old coat rack that had stood by the back door for centuries. For thirty-two years now, Chase had thrown his hat onto the rack every evening with his habitual gesture, ever since he could reach it. He had never missed before. Until tonight.

Who removed the hanger? - he roared, picking up his hat from the floor.

Chase froze. The warm voice was the embodiment of passion. He slowly straightened up, opening his mouth and carefully looking around his familiar surroundings in search of who had committed this intrusion. The girl wore faded jeans that emphasized her slender hips and thin waist.

Mr Riordan?

His gaze darted to her face and came across eyes, softer and more tender than which he had never seen. The brown velvet rays were fraught with danger, which Chase immediately sensed. His whole body suddenly began to ache, his heart began to beat wildly, his breathing became ragged, his thoughts became confused. The upper half of his body seemed to be paralyzed, but the lower half was pulsating so much that Chase felt like a teenager who had only recently understood the meaning of the word “hormones.”

In the dim light of the sunset, Chase studied the heart-shaped face, trying to find any flaws in it. She had remarkably regular facial features, perhaps a little too sharp to be called beautiful in the classical sense of the word. But she seemed to glow somehow inner beauty and confidence.

She was wearing almost no makeup, but the natural matte light blush perfectly set off her face. A straight, slightly curved nose, full, inviting lips, a heavy head of soft golden hair that flowed freely down her back. It might have looked sloppy on someone else, but the effect was amazing. The curls curled around her neck and cheeks, and this gave the girl a slightly disheveled look, as if she had just gotten out of bed. The thought nearly drove Chase crazy.

She extended her hand to him, to which Chase glanced sheepishly, but did not move.

He was suddenly afraid that one touch of those thin fingers would deprive him of his last chance to control himself. He tried to convince himself that such a reaction was only a consequence of abstinence that had lasted quite a long time, but it did not help.

You probably want to know who I am. - Her deep, chesty voice was full of languor.

Stop it! - Chase exhaled, angry at himself for the trembling that shook his body, and at her for the fact that it gave her visible pleasure. - I already know, or at least guess, what you are.

The mischievous, teasing twinkle in her eyes disappeared along with her smile. She lowered her hand and raised her head proudly:


The stupid feeling of remorse that washed over him when she stopped smiling made Chase even angrier.

You are not the first woman to try to catch a man in her net. Heck, you're not even the first person to try this to me. I want to save both time and nerves and say that I am not going to get married. Never. Even if you haven't thought about marriage and are looking for another fling, forget about it. Any man will appreciate your body, but I prefer that the initiative comes from me.

You are either terribly old-fashioned, or unhappy love has made you such a psycho.

Chase laughed hoarsely.

Women invented love and use this weapon perfectly in the fight against men.

I didn't ask you for love or anything like that.

Darling, it is enough to hear your intermittent breathing - it can be unmistakably taken as an invitation.

She laughed, and Chase learned what real torture was. He wanted to press his lips to that smiling mouth, taste her laughter, breathe in the lungs full of her breath. He wanted to feel her burn with the same fire that burned him.

“I’m glad you’re not angry anymore, Mr. Riordan,” she purred, her eyes shining with pleasure.

Why did you decide this? - he growled.

Of course you're teasing me. I am not at all one of the women for whom men are ready to throw themselves into the abyss.

Chase's gaze slid down her body, stopping at her breasts, poorly hidden even under a loose sweater. Is she asking for a compliment? - he thought in surprise. Trying to find out what impression she made? Did she notice the desire in his eyes? Well, no, he won’t give her that kind of pleasure.

Before Chase could think of a harsher way to respond to her, his proud old cat Charlie appeared in the kitchen and jumped into her arms.

What did you do to my cat? - he asked, frightened by someone else's hoarse voice in which he said this.

“Nothing,” she replied.

Charlie hates people. Damn it, he only puts up with me because I feed him.

She smiled back, which made Chase even angrier.

When I entered the house, he hissed at me like crazy,” she said. - But you know what curious animals they are. I simply didn’t pay attention to him until his pride exploded and he himself came up to me. I should have scratched him behind the ear for us to become friends.

She looked at Chase from under the fluffy golden eyelashes that framed her beautiful eyes, and ran her fingers through the soft cat's fur.

They say that owners are very similar to their pets. Tell me, Mr. Riordan, will you stop hissing at me if I scratch behind your ear?

Charlie was purring like a well-oiled engine, and Chase fully understood why. He himself was ready to purr, although she had not yet touched him with a finger.

It seemed that he had long ago mastered what is called the desire of a woman, but with this girl it was beyond his strength to control himself.

Of course, her body could make a monk burn with hellfire, but Chase always prided himself on his ability to follow the laws of reason.

Even in the dim light of the kitchen, he could see that she was wearing brand-name jeans, and around her neck glittered a gold chain that cost more than a month to run his ranch. The smell of expensive perfume hung in the air, and her hands were white and sleek.

Everything about her said that she was born and raised in the city. She wouldn't be of much use on the ranch. If he fails to get rid of her as soon as possible, his body will rush into her arms, despite the protest of his mind.

Why don't we start over, Mr. Riordan? - She broke the silence that hung in the meantime.

Her composure against the background of his irritability infuriated him even more.

Okay,” he snapped. - The hat rack was in this place for two hundred years until you showed up. Why did you get the idea to move it?

She stopped me from cleaning the floor.

When he saw that the floor under his feet was cleaned to a shine, with the exception of the island where he had trampled in his dirty shoes, his anger burst like balloon. He smelled the pine air freshener and beeswax polish his mother had used.

In the spring there is no one to do the cleaning. All energy goes into livestock. “There’s only enough time to sleep,” he thought.


She walked around the kitchen and every muscle in his body tensed. All he could do now was look at her, admiring her natural grace and the sway of her breasts and hips. He barely restrained himself from touching her when she walked very close, picking up a hanger from the floor and setting it in place. Before he could be glad that he had escaped her touch, she turned and extended her hand to turn on the light. The switch was behind him, and she had to lean on his arm to reach the button. They both closed their eyes against the bright light pouring from the ceiling.

What kind of monster is lurking in this cave?! - Mikael cried, turning to the green blanket lying in a shapeless heap on the bed.
Someone was fidgeting under the blanket and a child's giggle was heard.
- And where is the Beautiful Virgin, whom I swore to free?! - Mikael continued, walking around the room, picking up toys from the floor and putting them in their places.
The edge of the blanket lifted a little and a sly eye flashed in the depths of the crack.
- Oh no! Insatiable dragon! You swallowed it! - Mikael accused the blanket and pounced on it, rolling it up into a sack.
Kul desperately kicked, puffed and giggled, as if tickled. Mikael picked him up and shook him:
- O Beautiful Virgin! Can you hear me?! Do you hear your savior?!
The bundle fell silent for a second, thought, and then squeaked in a thin childish voice:
- I'm here! I'm here! Help!
- Damn monster! I swear by the relics of Saint Lucretius, I will force you to return the Beautiful Virgin!
Mikael turned the sack over the bed and began to carefully shake it out. First, a cute little child’s head appeared from the folds, with a lovely flushed face and disheveled curls, and then the whole five-year-old girl plopped onto the mattress.
- Hooray! I defeated the dragon! - Mikael announced, throwing aside the lifeless blanket, giving him a couple of blows for good measure.
The "Beautiful Maiden" joined in the beating, then turned to the door and shouted:
- Mom, mom! Dad saved me from the dragon! We defeated him!
Mikael turned around - Inga was standing there, laughing silently and shaking her head with slight reproach:
- It's time to sleep, and you've been playing around! Tacy, come on, wash up!
- No, I want a fairy tale! I want another fairy tale! - the “Beautiful Maiden” screamed.
- Okay, first wash your face, then there will be a fairy tale! - Mikael promised.
- Hooray! Hooray! Another fairy tale! - and Tayce rushed to the bathroom, sparkling with her pink heels.

Mikael dimmed the light, leaving the night light on, adjusted the blanket for his daughter, sat down on the floor next to the bed and began to tell:
- In one kingdom there lived a princess. Of course, she was beautiful, smart, kind and sympathetic, as befits a good fairy-tale princess. And even as a child, she did not forget to brush her teeth and neatly put away all her toys and things. And that’s why everyone loved her, reposted her messages and liked her photos on social networks.
And when she grew up, as befits a real princess, she met a prince. This happened, of course, at the ball. They danced all evening, and talked all night, and realized that they did not want to part. They spent everything together free time, we got to know each other more and more until we realized that we had truly fallen in love. The prince was a wonderful young man - not only handsome and honest, but strong and courageous - after all, he worked as a fireman. Therefore, he was a match for the princess, and they were a beautiful and happy couple in love. In the evenings, returning from work, they sat on the terrace of the castle: had dinner, told each other about how the day had gone; sometimes the prince played songs of his own composition on the guitar, and the princess listened and laughed loudly if the song was funny. In a word, their life flowed day after day, bringing them only good things.
Until one day trouble happened - in a big fire, while saving people, the prince died. The princess suffered bitterly without her beloved. It seemed as if the world had lost all its colors and sounds for her. She locked herself in her castle and plunged into endless sadness. Day after day, she sorted through his things, looked at their photographs, re-read his notes and postcards with poems, and listened to recordings of his songs...
And one day she found out that in their kingdom there is a sorcerer who can make a copy of the soul of any person, even the dead; and enclose it in a magic mirror - and you can communicate with it as if it were alive.
It was an evil, bad witchcraft, but the princess was so lonely without her beloved prince that she decided to do it.
The sorcerer came at her call, digitized all the prince’s belongings, scanned photographs, copied all his messages on social networks, and demanded a huge fee for his services - such that the princess had to give half of her castle to the sorcerer.
Three days later, the sorcerer brought the princess a magic mirror. The prince was visible in him, just like a living one: he talked, answered questions, joked, and even sang songs, exactly the same as before.
At first, the princess was happy, they became inseparable again, and spent even more time together than before. Of course, the princess saw her lover only as a picture in a magic mirror, she could not take his hand or hug him, but they talked, watched films, admired the sunset and the stars...
And yet, something saddened the princess, as if she was missing something... And the further she went, the more it depressed her.
Probably the sorcerer also knew this, because one day he appeared before the princess again and offered to make a new body for the prince’s soul. He promised to make it exactly like the real one, just as young and beautiful, and even promised to make it non-flammable so that the prince would no longer be afraid of any fires.
The princess immediately agreed and gave the other half of the castle to the sorcerer, and she herself moved to a modest small house, far from the city. She did not regret it at all, because she loved the prince more than anything in the world.
The sorcerer did not deceive this time either: three days later he brought the prince’s body and transferred the soul from the magic mirror to his new body.
The prince's body was almost real: young and strong, and even warm and pleasant to the touch; her hair curled in the same curly strands as before; and the eyes seemed deep and attentive.
The princess rushed into his arms and the prince hugged her, tenderly and tightly - and happiness again illuminated her soul.
Now they walked, talked and laughed, and spent their evenings almost as before.
“Almost” - because a doll will never replace a living person.
The princess soon realized that when she hugs the prince and speaks kind and tender words- Although the prince answers her, he doesn’t really feel anything. When he tells her about love, he simply repeats the words already spoken by the real prince - and cannot come up with new ones, because in fact the doll cannot feel.
And then the princess realized something else - although the real prince was no longer in the world, her beloved had always been and would be with the princess - in her heart. And no magic mirror, no talking and walking doll can replace it.
Some people said that when she understood all this, she asked the sorcerer to turn her into a bird, and flew far, far across the sea. But in fact, the princess simply left - to another city, or another kingdom, to start living again, and try again to find happiness in life.
And the doll prince waited for her for a long time. All day long he wandered aimlessly through empty rooms - after all, he had no one to pretend to love. And one day the sorcerer appeared on the doorstep of the house again. The cunning sorcerer knew that the princess would soon understand that there had never been a real soul in either the mirror or the doll.
And upon learning that the princess had disappeared, the sorcerer offered to make a princess doll for the prince doll, in exchange for all the princess’s jewelry, including her wonderful little crown. The doll prince agreed, because he didn’t need any jewelry or money. And soon the sorcerer brought him a princess doll. It also contained a copy of the princess’s soul, and she spoke almost exactly like the real one, and laughed with the same wonderful ringing laugh.
The dolls began to live in their small house. They did not need food; they wore their clothes very carefully and carefully. Therefore, they never left the house, and no one came to visit them. Soon the path to the house was overgrown with grass, and a few years later the thorny thorns around grew so large that the thick bushes hid the house from prying eyes.
The dolls have been living there for many, many years. They walk around the house, pretending to have dinner or sleep. On clear days they admire the sunset and sunrise - pretend, like all dolls; review old films and photographs; sometimes the doll prince composes little poems and reads them to the doll princess, and she says “oh, how wonderful!” or “how nice!”, and gently ruffles his almost real curls... And every morning and every evening, they say that they love each other...

Mikael quietly turned off the light and tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind him. He quickly washed his face and slid under the blanket, to Inga’s warm side. She was still awake and asked:
- So that means they were still alive?
“Fully functioning,” Mikael corrected, clinging to her and hugging her.
- Well, how do you like the princess doll?
“It’s a beauty, almost like a real one,” he praised, then realized: “But the original, of course, is better...
- Oh, suck-up...
- Is it true! If you want, I’ll show you photos from the report tomorrow.
- Okay, okay, I believe it. - Inga said condescendingly, was silent for a while, and barely audible, as if she exhaled with relief. - Did he really write poetry to her?
“Yeah,” Mikael readily accepted. - Do you want to read it?
And, without waiting for consent, he recited in a low voice:
- Oh, on this wonderful evening
You light candles
And the scent of roses
All dreams are saturated...
My crazy love
You excite my blood...
Mikael couldn’t help but laugh quietly, covering his mouth with the edge of the blanket. Inga pushed him in the side:
- Hush, you’ll wake Tacy... What, good poems, very cute...
- Darling?! A simple generator of rhythmic consonances based on a user dictionary.
- You yourself are a “generator”. You don't understand women at all.
- Okay, since you like them, I’ll print them out tomorrow. There's a whole collection there. I will read them to you. And sing! - Mikael threatened jokingly.
Inga kicked him:
- Wow, what a one! - and accusingly threw: - And you still turned them off!
Mikael leaned back, put his hands under his head, and looking at the ceiling said:
- Well, if it consoles you, they really lived like in a fairy tale.
Inga turned to him, and he explained:
- “Happily ever after; and they died on the same day.”