How to quickly remove hickeys at home.  Waiting and patience

How to quickly remove hickeys at home. Waiting and patience

A hickey is a trace of dark purple, brown or burgundy color. It appears as a result of a passionate kiss with the lips. The stain remains due to strong pressure, which damages blood vessels and capillaries. To remove a hematoma in a visible place, you should use various cosmetic and folk remedies. Some of them will help disguise the hickey, while others will help quickly relieve swelling.

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Folk remedies

Popular folk remedies are used to eliminate hematoma. Their main and main advantage is that all procedures are easy to carry out at home.

Methods to remove a hickey vary depending on its location on the body:

Location A remedy that helps remove hickey marks
FaceIf you need to remove a hickey from your face (cheekbones, cheeks, chin or temple), then you should make a compress from a cabbage leaf. Finely chop the vegetable so that the leaves release juice. Afterwards they need to be placed in the freezer, cooled and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. For convenience, you can use a gauze bandage.
NeckTo remove a hickey mark on the neck, you need to treat the skin with the juice of raw potatoes. You can grate the vegetable and make a compress or apply it in the cut. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times within 8-12 hours. The folk remedy will not remove marks completely, but will help reduce their intensity, promoting rapid healing.
ShouldersSince the skin on the shoulders is quite thick, you can simply apply ice or any other cold object to it. Should be mixed later baking soda with cool water and spread the resulting paste onto the problem area of ​​the skin. The product will promote rapid healing of the hematoma
BreastIf the hematoma is located on female breast, then a well-known folk remedy - a gruel of grated onion and garlic - can help. It should be distributed over the problem area using a cotton pad. The mammary glands are too sensitive to temperature changes, so you should not apply ice to the hickey. Phytoncides in products can reduce the contrast of the trace
LipsA hickey on the lip looks like a mark from a bruise, blow, or herpes. To make it go away quickly, you should immediately apply something cold to the damaged area of ​​skin. At night before going to bed, treat the swelling with toothpaste or gel with menthol or mint. Thanks to these components, you can reduce bruising, which is why the mark will not look as bright.

Potato juice can be replaced with fresh cucumber juice or aloe leaves. The procedure must be repeated several times. A one-time application of the product will not give the desired results. The hickey is unlikely to go away in 1 day.

All of the above methods will not help get rid of the mark completely. They are effective only in cases where the hickey is very small and not too bright.

Medicinal ointments

To remove a dark hematoma, you need to use medications - pharmaceutical gels and ointments. Only they can help heal damaged blood vessels and capillaries.

Any medicinal ointment intended for the treatment of abrasions, bruises and contusions can help remove a hickey.

The most effective and efficient means include:

  1. 1. Heparin ointment. The composition contains sodium heparin, which helps relieve swelling, and benzocaine, which relieves painful sensations. You need to apply the product to the skin 3-4 times a day until complete healing. It is advisable that the gel is completely absorbed; the residue should not be blotted.
  2. 2. Ointment "Bodyaga Forte". Quickly relieves swelling, promoting healing skin. You need to smear it on a regular basis - several times a day. After just 3 days, the hickey mark will either fade greatly or disappear completely.
  3. 3. Troxevasin-gel. In addition to heparin, the composition also contains dexpanthenol, which promotes tissue regeneration. The product will help remove the hematoma within 2-3 days. You need to apply it at least 2 times a day.

Some medicinal ointments and gels have contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions for the drug.

Cosmetic products

To finally get rid of a hickey, cosmetic products designed to hide skin damage will help.

The following products are commonly used:

  1. 1. Foundation. Suitable for application to the face, neck, lips and other parts of the body. Helps cover up small marks. To mask bright hematomas, it is necessary to apply large number product.
  2. 2. Concealer. You can use it to cover up a small mark without applying makeup completely. The concealer adheres tightly to the skin, lasts a long time, and can only be removed with the help of special products. It is applied to the neck, face, and other parts of the body. There are products that do not wash off even when in contact with clothing.
  3. 3. Powder. It should be used after foundation and concealer. You can also use powder if there are small pink marks on your neck and face. But you need to take into account that it will be erased upon contact with tissues.

Hematomas from hickeys disappear within short periods of time - usually 4-5 days are enough.

To get rid of the mark as soon as possible, you need to try to remove it with folk remedies, treat it with ointments and mask it with cosmetic products. The complex effect will give quick results.

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I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

Strong feelings and passion can so captivate a person that in these impulses he loses control over his actions. If at such a moment you get carried away by a kiss, then unwanted marks – hickeys – may appear on the body.

Marks on the body in the form of hickeys do not look very beautiful, to put it mildly. Being a hematoma (bruise) resulting from the rupture of blood vessels under the skin, a hickey stands out on the body as a bright burgundy or dark purple spot. It happens that more than one mark remains on the skin, but a rather large area is occupied by a red rash.

A partner can accidentally leave such a “trace of love” with a very strong kiss with skin sucking or biting. But more often, such situations happen deliberately, with the intention of “marking” your lover, so that it becomes clear to others that this person already has a partner. This behavior of the other half is disrespectful towards their partner, because the latter has to experience a feeling of shame and awkwardness in society because of their appearance.

If you don’t take urgent measures and don’t worry about how to quickly get rid of a hickey, the problem will resolve itself within one to two weeks. Over such a period of time, any bruise disappears without any outside intervention.

Urgent relief from a hickey

Unpleasant consequences of violent passion can appear in any, even the most unexpected places. The most distressing marks are those located on exposed parts of the body, because they are not easy to hide under clothing. Most often, hickeys remain in the neck area. Few people can afford to sit at home for two weeks until the stain becomes invisible. Therefore, you need to immediately begin eliminating the hematoma, from the very moment of its appearance.

There are several people's councils about how to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck.

All the proposed methods can be used not only to get rid of a hickey on the neck, but also on other parts of the body. All these methods are folk, used since ancient times.

Medicinal methods of dealing with hickeys

For people who are skeptical about traditional medicine, there are more modern effective preparations: ointments, creams, solutions. At the pharmacy you can buy products that have anti-inflammatory drugs with a resolving effect: “Rescuer”, “Troxevasin”, “Lioton”, “Ambulance”, “Bruise OFF”. Perhaps the pharmacist will recommend some other medications for bruises. All ointments must be used strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect the hickey to disappear instantly. But when correct use medicine The treatment period can be reduced to 3-5 days, depending on the degree of damage.

Iodine or badyaga will help supplement the main treatment. They are also sold in pharmacies.

Iodine helps resolve the resulting damage. To do this, you need to draw an iodine grid on the hematoma itself and around it. It is recommended to repeat the procedure periodically, but not to be too zealous to avoid burns. It is better to start using iodine a day after the formation of a hickey.

Badyagu should be used in the form of a gruel. To do this, the powder is mixed with water or baby cream and applied to the bruise. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with water.

Masking a hickey

As has already become clear, the resulting mark will not disappear in one day, even if the most modern means are used to treat it. In parallel with the procedures being carried out to get rid of a hickey, there is a need to appear in society, go to work, to the store. You'll have to use tricks to disguise the bright spot.

You can hide the hematoma under the high collar of a sweater or turtleneck. A scarf tied around the neck is ideal. Long hair will also help hide your injured neck from prying eyes.

There are special products that disguise bruises. They are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Foundations and skin pencils can also help make the stain less noticeable.

To avoid the problem of getting rid of a hickey in the future, you should talk to your partner. It is important to explain how unpleasant it is to find yourself in such a situation and how problematic it is to resolve the issue of spoiled appearance. loving person He will definitely understand and will not repeat his mistakes.


If your partner got too carried away and left a hickey in a visible place, then it will take some effort to get rid of it. And although many do not know what to do to make the hickey go away faster, there are many ways to cope with this task. But first you should find out what a hickey is and how to do it.

What should I do to make the hickey go away faster?

How can you learn to make hickeys?

Guys don’t wonder whether it’s possible to make hickeys, but want to learn how to do it, because they believe that this is a kind of mark that makes it clear to strangers that this girl is already taken.

In order to install it, you need to follow these simple rules:

  1. You need to completely relax yourself and make your partner relax, and a few glasses of light wine can help with this.
  2. Then you need to choose a suitable place on the body and you can begin to act.
  3. You need to carefully pull the designated area of ​​skin into your mouth, hold it for about 30 seconds, and then release it. As a result, a red or bluish mark will remain on the skin, which is a hickey. To put it another way, a hickey is a bruise or hematoma formed as a result of tissue damage.

It’s not at all difficult to create such a bruise, so you shouldn’t think about how to learn how to make a hickey; the desire to get rid of it raises many more questions.

What needs to be done at home to make the hickey go away faster?

Despite the fact that the hickey will only be on the human body for a short time, many people have a desire to get rid of it. There are the following methods for this:

  1. You can take onions or garlic, cut them into two halves, and then apply them to the affected area. You can also apply one half to the skin, and after 15 minutes, remove and wipe the affected area with a clean napkin.
  2. A girl can hide a hickey on her neck under a light, elegant scarf. Clothes with a high collar will also come to the rescue.
  3. A man can cover it with a band-aid, telling those interested that it is a normal skin cut during shaving.
  4. You can apply a piece of ice or at least a cold spoon to a fresh hickey, which should first be kept in the freezer.

Quick and effective ways to remove hickeys from skin

These easy tips will help you get rid of a hickey faster.

  • Foundation will also disguise the bruise, but its shade must be a little lighter than usual.
  • Heparin ointment, which is easy to buy at any pharmacy, helps a lot.
  • Raw potatoes, finely grated, can be used as a compress.
  • A leaf of fresh cabbage, slightly mashed with a rolling pin to release the juice, can also be used as a compress by applying it to a bruise.
  • You need to dissolve baking soda in a small amount of water to obtain a paste, apply it to the hickey site and wait 1-2 hours until the mixture begins to act.
  • You can massage the affected area with a body sponge, onto which you need to apply toothpaste.
  • For a fresh hematoma, an iodine mesh applied on top will be effective.
  • You can apply any gel, cream or ointment that helps prevent bruises.

The methods described above cannot instantly remove a hickey from the surface of the skin, however, they speed up the process of its regeneration and help reduce its size and brightness of color.

Love, of course, is a good thing. Only the consequences of a stormy evening or night are not always delightful. For example, women often have to decide how to remove a hickey mark? This is especially difficult to do if the mark is located in the neck area.

In fact, a hickey is nothing more than a small hematoma caused by the rupture of small capillary blood vessels. But it’s unlikely that any of your colleagues at work or classmates at the institute will believe stories about accidentally hitting your neck on the front door. This means that, having received significant evidence of passion, you need to urgently get rid of it, so as not to become an object of ridicule for the next few days.

Of course, you can wear a thick sweater that completely covers your neck and thereby get rid of the problem. However, this solution is not acceptable in the summer, when the thermometer exceeds 30 degrees. Can be used cosmetics, artificially making up a bruise, for example, foundation. However, there is no guarantee that the makeup will last the required time. It is best to use modern pharmacological ointments that can eliminate a small hematoma in a short time. Among such ointments one can note Lyoton, Transovesin and other drugs created on a hepparin basis. These products are specially designed for rapid resorption of hematomas. Although, if you have a little free time, you can combine a useful procedure with a pleasant one and visit the solarium. After solarium, the skin will acquire a uniform golden hue, which will hide a small hematoma. If the hematoma appears slightly, you can always attribute the “defect” to an unsuccessful tan.

A lot of advice on how to remove marks from hickeys can be gleaned from traditional medicine. So, if you apply snow or ice to the area of ​​the hickey in the evening, by the morning there will be no trace of it left. This method is well known to athletes who often get injured during training.

It is worth considering that using ice as a compress on the neck is not recommended. Therefore, you should resort to this method as rarely as possible and for a short time. It is best to use garlic and onions. Rubbing the hickey site with a chopped onion or a clove of garlic can have a positive effect. Of course, the site of the hickey will tingle and the skin will turn red in some places. But the hickey will quickly disappear, leaving behind an incredibly fragrant smell.

Very often, hickeys are removed with toothpaste. Rub it on the affected area. The substances included in the hygiene product help quickly eliminate the hematoma. Another common method is a soda compress. You need to prepare a thick mixture of baking soda and water and apply it to the hickey. You can perform an iodine network on this place overnight. It's good if aloe grows in the house. Having broken off a piece of the leaf and cut it in half, the plant is applied to the hematoma and secured with an adhesive plaster. Regular potatoes have a good effect. It is cut into thin strips and applied to the bruise. Tuber slices should be changed every half hour.

It’s great if the novel develops at the beginning of summer, when plantain grows abundantly on the lawns. The collected fresh leaves are washed and cut into large pieces, which are recommended to be applied to the hickey. First, the leaves should be slightly kneaded. The procedure must be repeated periodically.

Almost every home has a small supply of white cabbage. Its leaves are excellent for reducing bruises. Knead the leaf thoroughly before applying it to the neck. You can also make a vinegar compress by diluting table vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3.

If all your efforts have not yielded results and the hickey continues to appear on your neck, how to get rid of it is no longer important. It is worth holding your head up proudly and walking through the city with the arrogance of a queen. Envy! I love and am loved! How many of you can boast of such a feeling?

2014-05-04 , 5475

Hot kisses give a lot positive emotions and even prolong life! But sometimes, men do not calculate their strength and, in a fit of passion, leave noticeable bruises on the delicate skin of girls, which people simply call hickeys. These spots attract curious glances and spoil women’s lives for 1-2 weeks - that’s exactly how long it takes for the mark of a passionate kiss to completely disappear from the skin. To quickly return to full life, you can use proven methods that resolve subcutaneous hemorrhages - after all, a hickey, by its nature of origin, is no different from a bruise or a small hematoma.

Emergency measures

To prevent a bruise, fresh kiss marks should be massaged a little, and then wiped with a piece of ice or a cooled metal spoon or coin applied to the area. If you have vegetables on hand, then you need to press half of a cut potato or onion to the problem area as soon as possible. The pulp of fresh meat is even more effective; it should be cold, but not frozen. Some girls save themselves with crushed garlic, not paying attention to the specific aroma of this product.

A hickey is a capillary injury, so ointments for bruises and dilated veins, which improve blood circulation and reduce capillary fragility, work well with them. Girls who often experience the consequences of uncontrolled kissing are advised to always have Troxevasin or Heparin ointment on hand. When the first aid kit is not medicinal product, you can lubricate the damaged area with toothpaste.

How to speed up the resolution of a hickey

If emergency measures were not taken or redness did occur, to speed up the process of restoring the integrity of the capillaries, it is recommended to continue to lubricate the area with absorbable ointment or Rescuer cream. To lighten the stain, use lemon juice and a paste made from baking soda.

Bodyaga has a good absorbable effect - at the pharmacy you can buy an ointment based on it or powder and mix it with baby cream. The mixture is applied 3-5 times a day, lightly rubbing into the skin.

At night, you can apply an iodine mesh to the spot - it will help mini blood clots dissolve and remove the consequences. Several times a day, apply a compress of vinegar diluted with three parts water to the hickey. And when possible, use cabbage leaves, previously mashed so that a little juice comes out.

Traditional medicine in these cases advises lubricating bruises with aloe pulp or tincture, it is advisable to do this many times a day - then the effect will come faster. In the summer, you can use fresh plantain leaves - they need to be finely chopped and applied to the area that requires resuscitation.