How childhood influences adult life.  How does having children affect your life? Secrets of successful parenting

How childhood influences adult life. How does having children affect your life? Secrets of successful parenting

Throughout his entire adult life, a person is under the influence of upbringing. First he is raised by his parents, then by educators kindergarten and teachers at school. As he grows up, he transforms from a nurturer into a teacher, using various methods and techniques to develop the best natural qualities of his own children.

What role does education play in the development of personality? What are its specifics, how to use it correctly? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What is education?

There are many definitions of this concept. However, the essence of each of them comes down to the fact that education is a certain, necessarily purposeful and systematic influence on the individual. With its help, society influences a person using the entire arsenal of means available to him: literature, works of art, the media, educational institutions and public organizations.

Education should provide the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary in life, approved by society and help to interact with other people.

The main goal of education is to help the best natural inclinations of a person to form and develop, to demonstrate individuality and independence of judgment, to instill the labor skills necessary for full-fledged life.

Of course, the influence of the social environment on the educational process is great. The social environment in which a person finds himself significantly influences his worldview and development.

The influence of heredity on the development of personality cannot be denied. Education can develop only those qualities that are inherent in nature. Can't change genetic predisposition, you can only try to correct it.

So, education should take into account the characteristics of the social environment and hereditary factors, eliminating or weakening their negative influence if possible.

An important feature of education is that it is carried out by people who have special professional training in this area (educators, teachers) or are authorized by society (family).

The influence of upbringing on personality

The role of education in the formation of personality is perceived ambiguously by modern society. Many deny the impact of education, prescribing development personal qualities exclusively to society and natural inclinations. However, we cannot agree with this statement.

As pedagogical practice has shown, with the help educational methods Even temperamental characteristics can be corrected. Of course, this can only be done if the person himself wants it and is engaged in self-development and self-improvement.

Peculiarities nervous system Individuals are decisive when choosing methods and means of educational influence. After all, the speed of mental processes affects human behavior and his abilities.

Speaking about the impact of upbringing on personality, one cannot fail to note the influence of family on human development.

Family upbringing lays the foundations for behavior, perception and worldview. The educational influence will determine the future fate of the child, because parents, based on their understanding of the correctness of certain concepts, instill them in the child.

The development of personal qualities will be possible only if a person is involved in a certain field of activity. So, for example, if the family is fond of music, then classes in this direction will be able to develop an ear for music and vocal cords.

Striving for healthy image life will bring all family members closer to regular exercise. They, in turn, will promote muscle development and overall joint mobility, strengthening the body's defenses.

The attitude of adults towards raising children should be based on their own development, the desire to develop their best qualities in order to demonstrate to the younger generation the correctness of life attitudes using a clear example.

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of reading, but if parents last time picked up a book before the birth of the child, it is unlikely that the offspring will understand why he needs such a boring pastime.

The passion of adults for any type of activity will certainly be passed on to children. It is important that children feel their parents are interested in what they are teaching them.

Collective Impact

A family in which grows and develops small child, is the first team that influences the development of the child’s personality. Moreover, by constantly interacting with each other, members of the “family clan” complement and deepen the educational processes. Therefore, we can say with confidence that a well-organized educational process always has a two-way orientation: parents raise children, and children raise parents.

As the child grows up, the influence of the educational influence of other groups increases: friends on the playground, a group in kindergarten, a class at school.

The role of the team in the education of the individual is difficult to overestimate, since social environment dictates the laws that are accepted in society. And their observance is a prerequisite for full human life.

However, the decisive point is the impact the team has on the formation of the individual. We must not forget that it can also be negative. In this case, targeted education will be designed to correct or eliminate this negative influence. True, this is not so easy to do.

A small child does not yet have the correct guidelines in life, so everything that surrounds him becomes an object of imitation.

A teenager, trying to assert himself and prove his right to make independent decisions, often finds himself under the strong influence of “bad companies.” He falls under the influence of a collective, from which it will not be so easy for him to leave later.

Adults lead a familiar lifestyle in an established group. Even if they are not satisfied with something, it is difficult for them to find the mental strength to get out of the influence of public opinion.

Consequently, the collective impact on the development of the individual, both the child and the parents, is very great. Therefore, both the child and the adult need to cultivate a desire to improve themselves, to set themselves certain educational goals, so that, if necessary, they have the desire and ability to counteract the negative influence of public opinion.

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Parenting mistakes: how childhood affects adulthood

How are our patterns formed and what role do parents play in this process? Find out which adult problems are the result of childhood abuse and neglect. How does childhood upbringing affect adult life from a psychological point of view.

One of the most modern therapeutic areas used in adults to solve psychological problems associated with childhood is the well-known therapy according to Jeffrey Jung’s scheme. He suggests that in the first years of our lives, the schemas or basic elements of the psyche are created. They determine our typical behavior and the nature of our relationships with others.

Schemes are divided into two types:

Adaptive - provide a sense of unity, facilitate flexibility in action, and generally promote mental health;

Maladaptive - are a source of mental disorders.

If the child's basic needs are satisfied, he develops adaptive patterns: a positive image of himself, other people and the world. If a child's needs are not met, he or she develops maladaptive patterns that are beneficial in childhood but seriously impair functioning in adulthood.

Approximate needs of the child:

Security - a stable caregiver who can be relied upon and provides good conditions for development;

Connection with others - freedom to express needs and feelings, interest from caregivers;

Autonomy is a space for understanding the world, making decisions in accordance with one’s needs;

Self-esteem - attention and love from parents.

The influence of childhood on adult life is enormous. For example, a child who experiences psychological or physical abuse may develop patterns of mistrust, violence, vulnerability, weakness, and shame. In turn, if a child is allowed to go beyond the norms of behavior and little attention is paid to his upbringing, this can lead to the formation of a pattern of dependence, ignorance or uniqueness and delusions of grandeur. These examples of behavior patterns are not suitable for healthy functioning in adulthood and cause a variety of mental health problems.

There are no perfect families. There are no parents who would know how to fully meet the needs of their child and not overdo it with excessive care. As a result, most of us experienced minor or major negligence on the part of our parents in childhood. The problem can become serious if the child's needs are neglected.

Hurting words

There are typical types of words used by parents to reprimand their child. Mostly they come from the lips of caregivers as a reaction to certain behavior of the child.

We do this for you. You should be grateful! If a child often hears that his parents do everything for him, he develops the belief that if he didn’t exist, his parents wouldn’t have any problems. In this regard, in adulthood he will feel guilty.

There is no time to rest. Don't be stupid! Parents who are concerned that their child is working too much and too little may create the child's belief that he or she does not deserve time off. IN mature age such a person will still feel that he needs to work harder in order to feel that he deserves rest. Childhood is not a time for work, but for maturation.

Don't think you're so smart! A child whose statements are suppressed and criticized may develop into a person who is afraid to express their opinions. He will be accompanied by the fear that he will say something bad. These people also have trust issues.

You're making a clown of yourself! A child whose actions are criticized and ridiculed will experience great fear of failure in adulthood. He will not undertake ambitious tasks for fear of ridicule and the opinions of others.

Stop crying and whining! When parents suppress a child's emotions, the child grows up believing that he must keep his emotions under control. In other words - suppress and hide. This leads to psychological problems in the future.

Guardians' quarrels

Considering the influence of childhood on adulthood, we cannot forget about the quarrel between parents. Conflicts and misunderstandings are normal. The question is how parents deal with them. Children essentially model the relationships of their caregivers and create similar ones in adulthood. In addition, they may use the same tools that parents used to resolve conflicts, such as yelling and violence.

Frequently arguing in front of a child can cause psychological harm for the rest of his life, slow his development, and cause problems with expression and aggression. Arguments can become a norm and standard for a child to use when communicating with others. This, in turn, will lead to greater problems with building relationships.

Memo for parents! When you start to quarrel, interrupt the conflict at the moment of emotional peak, and return to discussing the problem after the emotions subside.

Lack of warm touch

In the first years of life, touch is especially important. Children need to be carried, hugged, stroked, etc. Children who frequently experience warm physical contact are more balanced, attentive and sensitive in the future. Children who are rarely hugged by their parents will experience constant feelings of stress in the future. As you can see, the influence of childhood on adulthood begins from the first days.

Prohibitions for a child

Let's look at how childhood affects adulthood when the following situations occur, which, unfortunately, can often be observed:

When a child protests and hears, “shut up”;

When he cries and hears “don’t cry and don’t whine”;

When his achievements, fears or worries are ignored;

He learns that his actions or opinions are ignored and not approved.

The child is not beaten, no one is bullying him. His parents take care of his material existence. Despite all this, he feels depressed. He cannot tell his parents about the problems he is experiencing at school because he knows very well that he will hear: “don’t make things up/stop whining.”

Children need attention. If a child does not receive attention, he stops looking for it or, on the contrary, tries to prove that he deserves it. Perhaps he is trying to show this in some way, which sometimes causes trouble for both him and his parents. These children can have great success in school and later in adult life. Self-esteem is confused with success, and they are forced to work harder just to feel that they deserve the attention of others.

Adults who did not receive enough attention in childhood, even in trivial situations, experience severe emotional reaction when they feel offended. They still have to prove their point. Such a life is full of tension and fears of rejection, disapproval, failure.

In conclusion

We are complex beings, and it is not surprising that the period of our development is also complex. However, life becomes much easier when we remember the core values ​​of love and respect.
The influence of childhood on adulthood is powerful. This is why it is so important to properly prepare parents and understand the key role they play. Intense anxiety, hatred, aggression are extreme emotions that people often experience because they were hurt in childhood. IN next time When you get angry at someone's behavior, remember what you learned today. So many conflicts can be avoided if you try to understand the other person.

Modern psychology attaches great importance to the process of growing up and education. After all, it is during the period of infancy that a person develops many programs that will guide him in the future in life.


The assimilation of the principles of the adult world begins from birth. A child, not yet able to walk and talk, understands perfectly well what is being said. He absorbs not words, but his parents’ reactions to certain things. For example, the relationship between mom and dad becomes the standard for later life. Their behavior will change later, but it is worth looking at them when the baby is not yet walking and seeing what kind of family the baby will build in the future.

In childhood, many psychological traumas occur, for example, fear, deep-seated resentment, which affect a person’s entire life. Having experienced this once, he will no longer be able to think as before. For example, the divorce of parents, the death of one of the relatives can become such a moment. Because of this, a huge guilt is formed in the soul, a feeling of abandonment that will manifest itself in various aspects of life.

At a very young age, attitudes towards money are formed. Even before a person receives his first ruble, he will see and understand what his mother thinks and feels about this. If she has a fear of money, she considers it evil and a threat to security, then her descendant will definitely receive the same attitude. It may not be obvious, but remain in the subconscious, but if such an attitude exists, then there will still not be much money in the life of a mature person. Happening


generic energy that prevents you from realizing yourself. You can find out about its availability at psychological trainings or at an appointment with a specialist.

The attitude towards work is formed in childhood. If the baby is constantly busy and has responsibilities around the house, then he will grow up to be a hard worker. He develops an understanding of the need to do something in order to be successful. If a child is pampered and protected from work, then after a few years he himself will avoid it most in different ways. There are many examples when a family tried not to burden their child, and then had to feed him until old age, because he did not want to do anything himself.

Certain activities also create responsibility. If a child takes care of animals and helps raise younger children, he begins to understand that this creature depends on him. In the future, this will help build relationships in the family, with your own kids. At the same time, the girl learns to show maternal qualities, while the man begins to realize his strength and takes upon himself the protection of the weak. The absence of such experience deprives a person of the opportunity to realize that others need care and are helpless.

A child usually perceives much better not what adults tell him, but what he sees for himself. He takes an example from those people who live nearby. All images received in childhood shape our worldview. And it will have an attitude towards a variety of things, and even those that the parents never mentioned.

How does childhood influence a person’s future life?

Throughout his entire adult life, a person is under the influence of upbringing. First, he is raised by his parents, then by kindergarten teachers and school teachers. As he grows up, he transforms from a nurturer into a teacher, using various methods and techniques to develop the best natural qualities of his own children.

What role does education play in the development of personality? What are its specifics, how to use it correctly? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in this article.

There are many definitions of this concept. However, the essence of each of them comes down to the fact that education is a certain, necessarily purposeful and systematic influence on the individual. With its help, society influences a person using the entire arsenal of means available to him: literature, works of art, the media, educational institutions and public organizations.

Education should provide the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary in life, approved by society and help to interact with other people.

The main goal of education is to help the best natural inclinations of a person to form and develop, to demonstrate individuality and independence of judgment, to instill the labor skills necessary for full-fledged life.

Of course, the influence of the social environment on the educational process is great. The social environment in which a person finds himself significantly influences his worldview and development.

The influence of heredity on the development of personality cannot be denied. Education can develop only those qualities that are inherent in nature. It is impossible to change genetic predisposition, you can only try to correct it.

So, education should take into account the characteristics of the social environment and hereditary factors, eliminating or weakening their negative influence if possible.

An important feature of education is that it is carried out by people who have special professional training in this area (educators, teachers) or are authorized by society (family).

The role of education in the formation of personality is perceived ambiguously by modern society. Many deny the impact of education, prescribing the development of personal qualities exclusively to society and natural inclinations. However, we cannot agree with this statement.

As pedagogical practice has shown, with the help of educational methods it is possible to correct even the characteristics of temperament. Of course, this can only be done if the person himself wants it and is engaged in self-development and self-improvement.

The characteristics of the individual’s nervous system are decisive when choosing methods and means of educational influence. After all, the speed of mental processes affects human behavior and his abilities.

Speaking about the impact of upbringing on personality, one cannot fail to note the influence of family on human development.

Family upbringing lays the foundations for behavior, perception and worldview. The educational influence will determine the future fate of the child, because parents, based on their understanding of the correctness of certain concepts, instill them in the child.

The development of personal qualities will be possible only if a person is involved in a certain field of activity. So, for example, if the family is fond of music, then classes in this direction will be able to develop an ear for music and vocal cords.

The desire for a healthy lifestyle will bring all family members closer to regular exercise. They, in turn, will promote muscle development and overall joint mobility, strengthening the body's defenses.

The attitude of adults towards raising children should be based on their own development, the desire to develop their best qualities in order to demonstrate to the younger generation the correctness of life attitudes using a clear example.

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of reading, but if the last time parents picked up a book was before the birth of the child, then the offspring is unlikely to understand why he needs such a boring pastime.

The passion of adults for any type of activity will certainly be passed on to children. It is important that children feel their parents are interested in what they are teaching them.

The family in which a small child grows and develops is the first group that influences the development of the child’s personality. Moreover, by constantly interacting with each other, members of the “family clan” complement and deepen the educational processes. Therefore, we can say with confidence that a well-organized educational process always has a two-way orientation: parents raise children, and children raise parents.

As the child grows up, the influence of the educational influence of other groups increases: friends on the playground, a group in kindergarten, a class at school.

The role of the collective in the education of the individual is difficult to overestimate, since the social environment dictates the laws that are adopted in society. And their observance is a prerequisite for full human life.

However, the decisive point is the impact the team has on the formation of the individual. We must not forget that it can also be negative. In this case, targeted education will be designed to correct or eliminate this negative influence. True, this is not so easy to do.

A small child does not yet have the correct guidelines in life, so everything that surrounds him becomes an object of imitation.

A teenager, trying to assert himself and prove his right to make independent decisions, often finds himself under the strong influence of “bad companies.” He falls under the influence of a collective, from which it will not be so easy for him to leave later.

Adults lead a familiar lifestyle in an established group. Even if they are not satisfied with something, it is difficult for them to find the mental strength to get out of the influence of public opinion.

Consequently, the collective impact on the development of the individual, both the child and the parents, is very great. Therefore, both the child and the adult need to cultivate a desire to improve themselves, to set themselves certain educational goals, so that, if necessary, they have the desire and ability to counteract the negative influence of public opinion.

Each person has his own fears, complexes and prejudices, which can either help or hinder our lives. But few people think about where they came from. Psychologists say that they all come from childhood.

From early childhood, a child develops ideas about what to expect from life, how to act in a given life situation, as well as about what his own capabilities are.

All these beliefs subsequently greatly influence our lives, so adults must understand the reasons why they arise.

If a child finds himself in a disadvantageous position, and nothing depends on his own actions, then he may draw the wrong conclusions.

Let's move on to a description of factors that may have a strong impact on a person's life in the future due to their incorrect perception in childhood:

In the future it will affect the place occupied by a person in society. And most of all, the attitude to life of the first-born changes after the birth of the second child.

He loses some of his parents' attention due to the birth of a brother or sister and tries with all his might and methods to get more of it. Very often this is expressed in the grievances of the younger child by the older one, bad behavior, but behind this there is only a feeling of deprivation, because for the child the attention of the parents is the most important thing, and it does not matter at all in what way it is won, bad or good.

Solution: It is very important to show that you love your children equally. To prevent your child from feeling abandoned, try to involve him in the process of caring for and raising your child.

Here it is important to make sure that the child does not perceive his brother or sister as a rival for the parents’ attention, but clearly understands that the baby is given more attention precisely because he now needs it, including the attention and care of the older child.

Very often in families where there is an age difference between children of 4 years, older children help in raising and looking after younger children.

The eldest wants to prove to his parents that he can be relied on. At the same time, the younger one risks becoming lazy, having become accustomed to the constant help of the older one.

Solution: From childhood, develop independence in children, do not make concessions due to age, if you see that the youngest is quite capable of coping with the situation.

The traditional approach is very wrong, in which a boy is taught to be strong and restrained, and a girl is taught to take advantage of her weakness. So, if children of different sexes are involved in a conflict, the boy is scolded, and the girl is consoled.

The pain of every child must be acknowledged, regardless of gender. Parents should stop using expressions like "boys don't cry" in these situations.

Such a child is already placed at a disadvantage in front of others. And his choice: either feel sorry for himself and attract attention to himself through his illness, or develop other abilities and thus compensate for his shortcomings.

Solution: Parents in in this case should help the child make a choice in favor of developing abilities, and for this you just need to be attentive to the child’s feelings.

The modern world is changing rapidly, and children have to decide on their own moral problems. This is especially noticeable in adolescence when a child begins to actively defend his equality.

Grief associated with the loss of a parent can cause a child to feel insecure, irreplaceable, and, as a result, feel self-pity.

Solution: In this case, parents should pay attention to their own reaction to the tragedy, try to change it first, and then help the child survive the grief in a dignified manner.

Rivalry arises when children in a family are divided into “bad” and “good”. A lot of complexes arise here.

Solution: It is important for parents to remember that there are no good or bad children, not to label them, and to focus on the relationships between children.

Remember that parents' reaction to their children's behavior is very important for controlling their future behavior. Many people underestimate her.

Solution: It is our attitude to the child’s problem that is very important, how sensitively or, conversely, how harshly we treat it.

And here it is necessary to show sensitivity and firmness at the same time, teach the child to take care of himself, and always turn to his parents for help.

Essay on the topic “The problem of education and training.” 4.50 /5 (90.00%) 6 votes

The problem of education and training is an important problem of all times and peoples. After all, education is the foundation in the life of every person. It is on how a person is raised, what atmosphere will reign in his family, that his future, his character and his life goals will depend. Education is also undoubtedly important in the life of every person, because without education a person will not be able to improve himself or achieve any goals. Education helps a person to achieve fulfillment in life and self-realization.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy discussed the topic of upbringing and education very well in his works “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”. The autobiographical trilogy tells us about the life of the writer himself, about his childhood and growing up. Main character works by Nikolenka Irtenev. We see how he comprehends the world, learns everything that surrounds him: the world of adults and the world of the surrounding nature. The boy analyzes his own and others’ actions, draws conclusions, and sets goals.
In the work of V.P. and “The Horse with a Pink Mane” also touches on the problem of upbringing and education. After reading the work, we are once again convinced that a person’s entire future life depends on upbringing. And using the example of the main character, who is influenced by his grandparents, it becomes clear how personality is formed.
Fazil Iskander in his work “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules,” like previous authors, touches on the problem of upbringing and education. Using the example of the main character, an intelligent and competent teacher, we see how one person can influence another. Smart teacher using the right pedagogical methods, helps children learn, find themselves, and explore the world.
Alexander Sergeevich in his novel “Woe from Wit” tells us that education and training are the main components human life. We hear a lot of reasoning on behalf of Chatsky; his monologues carry deep meaning. He criticizes the nobles who recruited “regiment teachers” for their children, but this was of no use. Chatsky himself was educated, strived for knowledge, but in a society with opposing interests he turned out to be unnecessary, since the nobles were brought up differently.
It is very important to raise children correctly, because how a child is raised will determine his entire subsequent life, the life of his children, parents and loved ones.

Psychologists say that all the problems are from childhood...

Events that occur in childhood can have a huge impact on the child and his future fate. They participate in shaping the character of a growing person. Joyful childhood experiences give strength and inspiration. The benevolent attitude of parents is remembered in the subconscious and helps the creative development of personality. Negative memories can develop insecurity and complexes, aggression and secrecy. The main thing is to know exactly what events cause failures in adult life. Psychologists have described 12 main childhood factors that influence a person’s entire future life.

  1. If parents do not recognize the child as an independent person, do not take into account his desires and aspirations and make all decisions themselves, this can lead to him growing up helpless. Such children suffer from their own lack of will and are dependent on the opinions of others. It is important for parents to learn to trust the actions of their children. It is wrong to consider a baby helpless and in need of help. permanent advice.
  2. If a boy is raised by a loving and caring father, with whom the son has a close emotional connection, then such a child will grow up to be a real man, capable of building healthy and fulfilling relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. Dads who have spiritual contact with their sons can teach the manifestation of warm feelings for a woman, sensitivity, compassion, attention and kindness. This can be the key to happiness family life boy in the future ( we read: assistance to a father in raising his son).
  3. Constant parental control during childhood can cause children to grow up stubborn. For them, stubbornness is a defense mechanism with which they try to resist the decisions of their parents. Growing up, they do not lose this trait.
  4. If a child watches too much TV, it may inhibit his or her communication skills in the future. Psychologists recommend watching TV no more than two hours a day. It is advisable to spend the rest of the time on communication, reading, drawing or playing games together.
  5. If a child in childhood is allowed to watch programs that contain scenes of violence, this can lead to the development of aggressive character traits and various mental disorders in the future, because children unwittingly copy the behavior of the heroes and remember this model as normal.
  6. If children imitate their parents, copying their behavior and actions, they grow up open to communication. They have sociability and easily share their opinions with others without experiencing difficulties in dialogue.
  7. If a child is punished often, he may grow up to be secretive. Such children, in order to avoid getting caught, will try to outwit or hide the results of their bad behavior, which can lead to the development of such negative character traits as stubbornness and vindictiveness. We also read: Should I punish or not a child for random misdeeds? -
  8. If parents suffer from alcohol addiction or use drugs, their children are more likely to grow up serious and responsible. They are often deprived of childhood and become parents themselves to their unlucky father or mother.
  9. Psychological trauma in childhood can lead to obesity in the future.
  10. Abuse of a child can lead to depression and depression later in life. These conditions are observed in such children twice as often. We also read: Why you shouldn't spank your child - 6 reasons
  11. If a child grows up in poverty, then in the future he may have problems with short-term memory. This memory plays a huge role in daily activities and in the formation of long-term memories, as it is associated with the ability to remember several events simultaneously.
  12. If parents separate when their children are between 3 and 5 years old, then the future life of such children is characterized by tense relationships with their parents, especially with their father.

Various events from distant childhood can influence a person’s fate, and parents should remember this from the first minutes of their child’s life.

When a baby is just born, he is open to the world, ready to learn and strives to interact with everything that is nearby. It is quite natural that any inadequate reaction of the external environment will have an impact on his emotional state and character. This is the reason why it is so important to pay as much attention and care as possible to your child, because at such a young age he does not yet understand anything, and his parents are kind of guides for him through an incomprehensible world.

How childhood traumas are expressed in adult behavior When a child does not receive enough parental attention and love, it is not surprising that such a mature personality will have large number complexes born of a feeling of uselessness. The child, not understanding the complexities of relationships between adults and the reason for the parents’ behavior, will find it within himself.

Adults who grew up in such conditions are not able to love themselves because they never received this love from their parents. The child's disharmony in relationships with loved ones leads to disharmony in the adult's perception of the world.

In addition to internal aggression, childhood trauma can manifest itself in external aggression, which is directed at people or even at the whole world.

What can affect the child? Negative events

Rude attitude from adults

Hurting words

Unexpressed/repressed emotions

Lack of attention and/or love

Everything that happens to people in childhood remains in the subconscious, is stored and has a direct impact on the emotional balance, perception of the world, and a person’s character. Therefore, whatever influences a child in childhood will unconsciously influence all his decisions throughout his life.

How to get rid of the influence of childhood traumas? It is best to consult a psychologist, however, unfortunately, many people are afraid to seek help, considering it something shameful or shameful. Only those who are really ready to change, get rid of the burden of the past, face the truth and accept it ask for help.

A good specialist will help you understand yourself without judgment, look at yourself or a problem from the outside, and help you make yourself and make important decisions.

You can try to cope with childhood traumas on your own, but this requires constant control of your thoughts and actions. If something in life goes wrong and the efforts made do not produce any results, then you need to change what is as familiar as possible. We need to learn to accept the hard truth, very often what we are accustomed to and attached to in adulthood is not really what we need. You should definitely ask yourself: “is this really what I need?”

Children are not toys, and before having a child, you need to make sure that you have all the moral and material capabilities to raise him as a healthy, full-fledged person. And remember, you should never transfer your unrealized dreams onto a child - this is another person, with his own thoughts and interests, he needs the opportunity to live his full life.

Personality formation begins in early childhood. It is at this time that the basic moral principles are laid, the norms of communication and cultural characteristics are learned, which will guide the adult for the rest of his life. The way a person's character is formed in childhood is greatly influenced by his environment. Children form ideas about ways of communicating with other people and attitudes towards their own “I”, focusing on their loved ones and copying parental behavior patterns.

Where happy adults grow up

Happy adults grow up to be happy families. That is why it is so important that the child feels the joy of childhood and receives enough love and attention from his relatives. The feeling of security, one’s own need, the constant care of dad and mom influence cognitive abilities baby, helping his personality develop harmoniously. The problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life and arguments in favor of the special influence of this period on success in adult life can be found in the works of famous psychologists: Carl Gustav Jung, Sigmund Freud, Lev Vygotsky.

Emotional development in early childhood is reflected in the ability to withstand stress and negative influences in the future, and helps to learn to adequately evaluate different people and be able to communicate with them. Based on his own and parental experience, the baby receives the concept of good and bad, forms an idea of family values. Growing up, happy children turn into successful and happy with life people who are able to take responsibility for their actions.

Problems of adults with difficult childhoods

What happens to children who had a difficult childhood? If a mother and father are not involved in the upbringing and development of their child, do not pay due attention to each other and constantly quarrel, an adult who grows up in such an environment develops distorted ideas about family values. They consider their behavior to be the only and natural norm. Due to the psychological phenomenon of “contagious emotions,” if parents are torn between family and work, and are in a constant depressed and gloomy mood at home, children “adopt” their state and begin to feel the same.

Often children who have experienced ill-treatment on the part of relatives, growing up, they begin to “educate” their own children in the same way, not knowing any other attitude. Some psychologists believe that this behavior is caused by an unconscious desire to put oneself in the place of the aggressor, so as to no longer be a defenseless victim.

How childhood difficulties affect character

People whose childhood was not happy often have many psychological problems that prevent them from living life to the fullest. These problems force them to commit inappropriate actions that are harmful to themselves and others. If parents did not take care of the child and did not instill moral guidelines, an adult will not have a clear system of values. He will not feel remorse when committing a “bad deed” and will not receive satisfaction from a good deed.

Of course, a “difficult childhood” is not a death sentence. A child deprived of the love and attention of his parents does not necessarily grow up to be a criminal. But it is much more difficult for such people to understand their desires and motives; they often underestimate themselves and constantly feel unhappy, unworthy of a good relationship.

A book to help a child during a difficult period

Disbelief in one's own attractiveness forms such unpleasant character traits as deceit, greed, and hypocrisy. Children who grew up without any guardianship or with only one parent may envy the “happy children” from two-parent families. They do not know how to communicate and have difficulty making friends.

On the other hand, the ability to overcome difficulties can have a positive impact on future life child. Those who are used to coping with difficulties, defend their point of view and learn to build relationships on their own often become successful in adulthood. Help children overcome difficult periods, understand difficult moral issues and the actions of other people are capable of literary works.

Discussion of the role of childhood in literature lessons

The behavior of book characters, the experiences associated with them, make it possible to feel in the place of another, to understand the motives of the actions of different people. Trying on all sorts of roles, the baby gets acquainted with a variety of moral systems, forms his own values ​​and personality. By talking through the experiences and feelings associated with a particular character, the parent contributes to emotional development your child, teaching him to be kind, caring, and attentive to the needs of other people.

Children can discuss the problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life, arguments in favor of the influence of early years on the development of personality at school during literature lessons. This question is raised in many classical works. The topic for the essay “The role of childhood in human life” appears on the Unified State Examination. To receive a high grade, students need to formulate their own point of view on the problem and justify it using their knowledge, personal experience and arguments from several literary works.

The role of childhood in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

To explore the topic of education as a way of personality formation, it is worth paying attention to A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” The main character is a nobleman, he has been surrounded by the culture and life of the capital since childhood. Onegin’s personality is extraordinary, which is why he does not experience satisfaction from social life, although he was raised among the noble intelligentsia. This contradictory state manifests itself in the episode of the duel with Lensky, which leads the main character to the loss of the meaning of life.

Tatyana Larina, the heroine of the novel by A. S. Pushkin, received a completely different upbringing. Her personality was influenced by Russian culture and Western novels. Folk traditions she absorbed it through her environment, thanks to the fairy tales and legends that the nanny told little Tanya. The heroine spent her childhood among the beauties of Russian nature and folk rituals. The influence of the West reflects Pushkin's ideal of education: the combination of European education with the national traditions of Russia. That is why Tatyana stands out for her strong moral principles and strong character, which distinguishes her from the other heroes of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

The question of the influence of education on character in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

It is recommended that schoolchildren take one of the works of L.N. Tolstoy as an example for an essay. In the novel War and Peace, Peter Rostov, who inherited kindness and openness from his parents, shows his best qualities in his first and only battle, right before his death. Other heroes of the epic, Helen and Anatole Kuragin, who did not know the love of their parents and were raised in a family where money was valued above all else, grow up to be selfish and immoral people.

Goncharov: the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments. "Oblomov"

Writer I. A. Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” focuses on the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The main character of the work, Ilya Oblomov, does not know how to take care of himself at all, since he grew up in “greenhouse conditions.” He does not follow through with any of his decisions and does not even try to start doing something, but only mentally imagines how good it will be in the end. His friend, the energetic and active Stolz, was taught by his parents to be independent from childhood. This hero is disciplined, hardworking and knows what he wants.

Childhood impressions in V. Soloukhin’s work “The Third Hunt”

In a literature lesson, a teacher may suggest analyzing an excerpt from the collection of the Soviet writer V. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt” in order to help students understand the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The arguments in Soloukhin’s text concern not only the formation of personality, but also the influence of childhood impressions on the fate of an adult, his connection with the Motherland. He colorfully illustrates his thoughts with detailed metaphors related to nature and sketches from the lives of Russian poets. The author argues that the foundation of personality is laid in childhood, and the memories and impressions of youth are always reflected in the future.

Education of the nobility in “Nedorosl” by D. I. Fonvizin

The famous comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “The Minor” is also devoted to the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The author's arguments and reflections show the strong influence his family has on a child's personality. The main character, Mitrofanushka, whose name has become a household name, adopts greed, cruelty and other vices of his mother. He received slavish tendencies from his serf nanny and tyrant qualities from his own parents, which is reflected in his behavior and treatment of people. The image of Mitrofan indicates the decline of noble society caused by improper upbringing.

The problem of the role of childhood in human life: arguments from the literature of foreign writers

The works of Charles Dickens, where the main characters are often people with difficult childhoods, are perfect for illustrating the problem of the influence of young years on the formation of personality. In the novel “David Copperfield,” which is largely autobiographical, the writer portrays a man who remained good despite the constant humiliation, difficulties and injustice of life. Ordinary people constantly come to the aid of little David, which allows him to maintain faith in their sincerity. The boy himself learns to distinguish good from evil and to adequately evaluate himself. He has the ability to see the positive traits in every person.

Margaret Drabble's novel One Summer Season shows that childhood is not just a period limited to a certain age, it is also associated with psychological maturity. An adult is responsible for his decisions and actions, he understands the importance of mutual assistance and has worldly wisdom.

The role of childhood: arguments from journalism

Journalism also often addresses the problem of the role of childhood in a person’s life. Arguments for an essay on this topic can be taken from the article by A. Zamostyanov “Childhood and youth in the fate of Suvorov.” In his work, the author says that the commander’s personality was strongly influenced by his mother’s stories about the famous military leaders of the past: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. The parent accompanied her story with the comment that a person’s strength is in the head, not in the hands. It was after stories like this that this sickly boy began to develop and strengthen himself, because he wanted to become a military man.

The period of childhood is very important for the full and harmonious development personality. It is the basis for an adequate perception of oneself and one’s strengths, the world around and further happy life person.

With the birth of the baby, the wife's focus will shift from the man to the child. The first months of a baby’s life, his mother is literally absorbed in caring for him. There is no time or energy left for my husband. Dad will have to put up with this.

At first, he may feel an acute lack of attention from the mother of his child. There will also be a lot less sex. My husband will have to be patient. Over time, the baby will take less and less energy from his mother, and there will be time for communication and sex. Although this will still be less than it was before the baby was born.

Another difficulty for dads is severe lack of sleep. It happens that the husband goes to sleep in another room so as not to wake up from the nightly crying of the baby. The main thing is that this is a temporary measure, and dad is not left sleeping separately for many years.

Another difficulty for dads is their increased financial responsibility. With the birth of a child, the family lives mainly on the income of the husband. It is simply impossible to remain without a livelihood: a nursing mother needs to eat well, and the baby needs to constantly buy, for example, diapers.

Difficulties for a young mother

Unlike her husband, the young mother is physiologically attuned to her child. She wakes up immediately at any time of the day, as soon as the baby starts crying or even moving. At first it is not very difficult. But over time, the accumulation of fatigue plays a role: getting up at night becomes more and more difficult. It is much more difficult for a mother to leave for rest than for a father: she is attached to the baby by the need for feeding. Therefore, her rest is possible only during the breaks between them.

A woman will have to get used to a new role - the role of a mother. This role comes with a lot of responsibility. The mother is responsible for the life, health and development of the child. It can be difficult to realize this. It takes time.

Difficulties for both parents

Both parents will have to adapt to the fact that the center of their family is the baby. Mom went to the store or even to take a shower, dad took care of the child and vice versa. The whole life of a family revolves around the baby.

Young parents do not have to completely abandon their usual lifestyle. It will just need to be adjusted to the baby's needs. For example, if parents like to go hiking, they can take their child with them. At first these will be one-day trips, when the journey there and back will have to be timed to fit the child’s daily routine. Of course, young parents will not be able to afford to sit by the fire until late at night. At least one of them will have to sacrifice this for the sake of the child.

Joy for dad

The very fact of the appearance of a third member in the family, at the same time similar to the parents, is a pleasure. However, fathers begin to experience the joys of communicating with their children much later than mothers. Men are designed in such a way that they begin to realize their paternity when the baby grows up and begins to communicate and play. But what an indescribable joy it gives dads to teach their child something and see how he then applies the acquired skill. At this moment, dad says with pride: “this is my son!” or “this is my daughter!” - and by this we mean “I taught the child this.”

Joy for mom

A woman begins to recognize herself as a mother quite quickly. A feeling of endless love appears in her life. At the same time, if she needs to look for her beloved man, then she herself created the object of her love, and sometimes adoration.

The joys of both parents

An incomparable joy for both parents is the feeling of love from a child. Words cannot express the feelings that parents experience when the baby begins to show his love for them. And over time, there will be more and more of this childish sincere and selfless love - the child will begin not only to hug, but also to say: “Mom and Dad, I love you!” The main thing is not to spoil the relationship with him as the child grows up.