How to iron crease trousers with an iron.  How to iron trousers with creases correctly?  — Step-by-step video

How to iron crease trousers with an iron. How to iron trousers with creases correctly? — Step-by-step video

The process of ironing trousers requires a certain skill and experience. The main snag lies in wait for housewives in an attempt to perfectly iron the wings - after all, the result of their labors is always visible, which means that even the slightest asymmetry will hopelessly ruin the business image.

How to iron pants, trousers, jeans correctly and quickly?

To successfully adopt this skill, ironing technology should be methodically “broken down.” The final result of the work will depend not only on accuracy and skill, but also on proper preparation. Our review will begin with its consideration!

Stage 1: Study the instructions

As you know, the release of each textile product is accompanied by a special tag - on it the manufacturer places information on the operation of the item: the optimal method of washing and drying, the appropriate ironing temperature. In the event that you carelessly got rid of the tag, it is quite possible to assess the type of fabric visually, but it is still better to start ironing the trousers in a limited area - where possible flaws will definitely not be visible.

Considering the functions of modern iron models, setting the correct temperature mode is not difficult: just set the regulator to the appropriate position (for example, “silk” or “wool”) and adjust the heating power (it is indicated by dots).

Ironing Features various types fabrics:

  • Viscose iron in the “silk” mode - in this case the temperature is raised to 120 degrees. Ironing and steaming possible.
  • Clean cotton“tolerates” an increase to 170 degrees and exposure to wet steam.
  • Dense denim trousers made of coarse fabric require increased heating to 180 or even 200 degrees. They are ironed slightly damp from the inside out, without gauze.
  • In a relationship corduroy Vertical steaming is applicable, in which case the product is also turned inside out. When finished, the trousers should be carefully brushed from the front side with a soft brush to smooth out the pile.
  • Satin And twill Wet processing is strictly contraindicated - watery stains and scorch marks cannot be avoided. Both types of fabric are ironed from the wrong side.
  • Capricious linen It is recognized as a rather “sensitive” material and wrinkles very quickly - it is smoothed out slightly damp at 200 degrees. To ensure that such trousers retain their presentable appearance longer, add salt to the water while rinsing and dry them out of reach of sunlight.
  • Thin chiffon It is also very delicate to care for. The temperature limit is 70-80 degrees, steam treatment is strictly prohibited.
  • Silk trousers are ironed only with inside, and through a completely dry cloth - otherwise water stains will “spread” over the entire surface.
  • Woolen And half-woolen The fabric is ironed at 100-120 degrees, it is advisable to use vertical steaming.
  • Iron velours not recommended, but dousing the fabric with steam is quite permissible: with this approach, the product instantly restores its presentation.
  • For knitted trousers set to minimum or medium heat, if desired, steam in a suspended position. It is very important not to overdo it with pressure, so as not to crush the finest fibers.

Stage 2: Organize the workplace

The table or ironing board must be spotlessly clean and well lit (the table is first covered with a blanket in several layers). The soleplate of the iron must be inspected no less carefully, since adhering particles of dirt can ruin the fabric.

Note to the owner: The usual method will help to descale the iron toothpaste. Distribute a small amount on the sole and wipe thoroughly with a damp cloth. Finally, rinse and dry the surface with a piece of wool cloth.

To iron trousers, you will definitely need a presser - a piece of loose textile like gauze or chintz. Its purpose is to become a kind of layer between the hot surface of the iron and clothing, thereby preventing sticking. The undershirt should have a neutral white color (in this case you can be sure that the steamed paint will not stick to the trousers), the approximate dimensions are 30 by 50 centimeters. As ironing progresses, the thin fabric is periodically wetted, so you will also need a spray bottle.

Before subjecting the item to heat treatment, do not forget to check (and, if necessary, empty) all pockets.

Step 3: Follow the directions

Significant differences in ironing women's and male models trousers are usually not observed, and it is worth noting that in reality the procedure is not at all as ingenious as it initially looks.

  • First, turn the trousers inside out and straighten them on the board.
  • Then moisten the panty liner with a spray bottle.
  • Place a cotton cloth or gauze on one of the legs at the waistband.
  • Now start walking the iron lightly, without pressure (try not to press down the protruding parts of the product). First of all, the belt, zipper, pockets and the upper part of the fabric are processed.
  • Smoothly move down the leg, making sure that the fabric does not wrinkle. Once the back is thoroughly ironed, turn the item right side out and make the appropriate adjustments. In this case, the pockets need to be turned inside out - otherwise the lining will print where it is completely unnecessary.
  • The “arrows” should be tackled last. As you know, they are divided into stitched and ironed, and if you are “lucky” to deal with the second type, you will have to make some efforts: The contours of the “arrows” must be indicated as expressively as possible, but at the same time carefully, avoiding the appearance of gloss.
  • Fold the trouser legs so that they are side seams completely consistent with each other. Then, in the same way, sideways, place the trousers on the work surface.
  • Roll up the top leg and iron the bottom leg properly. Having finished with it, turn the item over and smooth out the “arrows” on the other leg. Ideally, their line should end exactly 7 centimeters from the belt - this is the “gold standard”.
  • To correct minor flaws, run the iron again along the outside of the trouser legs.

Note to the owner: try using an ordinary comb: moisten it with water and insert the cloth between the teeth strictly along the line of the future “arrows”. Pull the comb through the entire length of the trousers, and then thoroughly iron the item.

To ensure that the “arrows” keep their shape for as long as possible, you can do the following:

  • Before ironing, rub them with dry or slightly moistened soap from the inside of the trousers ( Alternative option- moisten with starch);
  • Blot the nappy not with clean water, but with a vinegar solution (approximate calculation - 1 tablespoon per 200 milliliters of water). By the way, thanks to vinegar you will solve several minor problems at once: protect the fabric from the appearance of shiny areas and clean the soleplate of the iron.

Note to the owner: You can iron your trousers quite well without any use of an iron. To do this, they are placed under the mattress, having first straightened the “arrows” (you can also additionally press them with boards). Of course, this method is very unconventional, but after waking up you will be pleasantly surprised at the exemplary appearance your favorite clothes will take!

Of course, not all types of trousers require the creation of creases. For example, with jeans much easier to handle:

  • Turn inside out;
  • straighten along the seams;
  • start ironing slowly, starting from the seams;
  • move to the back pockets, then return to the front of the legs;
  • Finally, iron the back of the trousers.

Note to the owner: To save time and effort on ironing your jeans, make it a rule to dry them in the fresh air from the wrong side - either in a horizontal position or hanging from your belt. If you don’t resort to intensive spinning, you probably won’t have to use the iron at all!

Housewives who have steamer, you are incredibly lucky when it comes to ironing: this useful device will help you get your clothes in perfect order in a matter of minutes. The undeniable advantage of steam treatment is maximum delicacy in care, because if the iron is in direct contact with the material, the steamer is kept “at a respectful distance,” preventing the appearance of stains and scorches.

If the symbol of a crossed out iron with steam is indicated on the tag of your trousers, the manufacturer is warning you that using a steamer is under no circumstances permissible.

The trousers should be ironed in a vertical position, hanging with the waist down (you can leave them directly on the hanger). You will immediately notice that the steam smooths out your pockets easily and naturally - in the case of traditional ironing, this is something you can only dream of! Especially for the formation of arrows, steamers provide a special clamp attached to the iron.

Remember that after ironing, clothes should be allowed to cool down - at least ten minutes. If you put the “hot” trousers in the closet or put them on right away, your ironing efforts will most likely go down the drain.

Stage 4: Correcting defects

How to remove creases on trousers? In certain cases, you have to urgently get rid of ironed creases on your trousers. The reasons for such a step may be different - for example, you “deviated from the course” and made the hall completely wrong where it should be. Eliminating unwanted marks will not be difficult:

  • Prepare a solution of 9 percent vinegar;
  • Soak a piece of calico or calico in it;
  • Begin to steam your pants thoroughly. Progress will depend on the specific type of fabric - for example, wool yields much faster than synthetics.

How to remove iron marks on trousers? Scorches on an ironed product are another pressing problem that cannot be tolerated. When eliminating gloss, it is important to focus on the color palette of the trousers:

  • White fabric will be saved by a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, taken in equal proportions. Wet the affected areas and leave the product on for twenty minutes. Later wash, dry and iron again;
  • small scorches are perfectly eliminated by laundry soap: rub the shiny area, soak the trousers in water, and then wash and dry in the open sun. This method is also designed for white clothes. ;
  • For colored products, use lemon juice: blot the sponge and carefully treat the scorch marks. After this, all that remains is to dry the fabric;
  • on dark trousers, you can safely use grated onion gruel. It is left for 2 hours, after which the “scented” item, of course, will have to be washed thoroughly.

Stretched knees on trousers is unlikely to add elegance to the image. If this incident happened to your favorite thing, the situation is not at all hopeless: the “bubbles” just need to be smoothed out properly.

Lay out the pant legs so that the protruding areas are on top. Then place a damp iron on them and carefully move the hot iron from the edges to the very center.

Stage 5: Adopting folk experience

To learn how to iron trousers efficiently, you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”: listen to folk wisdom, and offensive mistakes will be avoided!

  • Clean and fresh clothes, free of stains and foreign odors, should always be placed on the ironing board.
  • During the drying process, try to carefully smooth the damp fabric with your hands - this will make it easier to iron.
  • When smoothing out the creases, secure the trouser fabric with safety pins to prevent it from slipping.
  • Never replace the napper with newspaper, otherwise paint will inevitably print onto your clothes. In case of emergency, it is permissible to use thin, loose paper.
  • In the case when you are trying to remove the “arrows”, the heating temperature of the iron should not be lower than that used to form them.
  • It is recommended to roll up the trousers before putting them in the suitcase: they will safely survive the trip, maintaining a neat appearance.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the trousers while wearing them. If you don’t allow them to wrinkle, you won’t have to work hard to smooth out the “arrows” for a very long time!

Don't be upset if your first attempt at ironing your trousers isn't particularly successful. After just a couple of procedures, you will hone your actions to the point of automatism and will be able to do it no worse than a dry cleaning master!

In every home, a man or woman has at least one trousers with creases. As a rule, these are clothes for going out, for business and important meetings. Therefore, such trousers should always look perfect - smoothed, without creases or bevels. Dry cleaning is the best way to handle this task, but you can also learn how to iron it yourself so as not to spoil the fabric or leave marks. Let's figure out how to iron trousers with creases and note a number of ways that will help make them more durable.

First, let's prepare an ironing board and iron. If there is no board, then you can use another surface for ironing, for example a table. Check your iron; its working surface should be clean and free of carbon deposits.

Look at the product label. It should indicate at what temperature the product can be ironed. Each type of fabric can withstand its own temperature regime: if the iron is very hot, the fabric can be damaged; at a lower temperature, the product will not be ironed.

  • The highest ironing temperature is used for linen products (about 200°).
  • A slightly less hot temperature is required for cotton (about 170°).
  • If the fabric is made of cotton with added wool, then it is better to iron at 120°-150°.
  • For products made of silk and polyester, the adjustment must be set to a minimum - no more than 110°.

When all preparations are completed, you can begin the ironing process itself.

Classic ironing method

Gently straighten the trousers on the ironing board. Start ironing from the top of the trousers. It is the most complex because of the many seams, darts, pockets, and belt loops. It is better to place a flat pad on the inside or, if there is none, pull the trousers onto the narrowed part of the board. Place moistened gauze or any cotton cloth on top white(iron). When ironing, do not press too hard with the iron so that seams and other irregularities do not appear on the front side. Particular care should be taken to iron the area around the clasp.

Once the top is ironed, fold the pants so that the inseams are at the sides of the leg. Iron. It is advisable to iron the wrong side first. You can use gauze or ironing cloth to protect the fabric from lacing and iron stains.

Now let's move on to straightening the arrows. At the top of the pants, find the front darts. This is where the arrows start. Next, straighten the trouser legs so that the inner and outer seams match. The inside of the trousers should face up. The resulting folds need to be ironed well, pressing the iron firmly against the fabric. Make sure that the seams remain in place and the arrows do not unravel. Then turn the trousers over and iron the creases again. Don't forget to use an ironing iron.

Iron the second leg. When the creases are completely ironed, let the trousers lie on the board and cool. Then the arrows will fix their shape.

Ironing lined trousers

Often, all business trousers are lined. Therefore, first you need to iron them from the wrong side. Iron thoroughly lining fabric, pockets, clasp, and the inside of the belt.

Pay special attention to the internal seams. They are usually covered with silk threads. Therefore, so that the threads from high temperatures not melted, use gauze or ironing iron.

Once you have carefully ironed the back of the garment, turn the pants right side out and repeat the process described in the previous section. Do not forget to carefully straighten the lining fabric so that when ironing the creases, “lining folds” do not appear on the front side.

How to make arrows “durable”

Many suiting fabrics do not hold the arrows well. There are several tricks to “fix” arrows.

  • Turn the trousers inside out and rub the creases with laundry soap. Then just stroke the arrows from the front side. The soap will melt and then harden, securing the shape.
  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Moisten gauze or ironing iron in this water, and then iron the arrows through it. This way, the arrows will last much longer.
  • To preserve the arrows, you can use Burov's fluid. The active ingredient is alum or aluminum salts. Dilution: 1 tablespoon of liquid per 1 glass of water. Moisten the gauze with the resulting solution and stroke the arrows.

How to remove gloss

It happens that after ironing, an unsightly shine or gloss may remain on the trousers. To deal with it, wipe the shiny areas with water and vinegar diluted in it (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 glass of water). As a rule, the shine disappears.

Trousers have long become a universal item of clothing not only for men, but also for women. Casual, sports, dress, home, summer cotton or linen, silk, with or without lining - there are many types of trousers. Housewives often have a lot of trouble putting things in order so that the fabric does not become shiny and the arrows are where they need to be. Let's figure out how to iron trousers correctly.

What you need to iron your pants correctly

  • ironing board or table blanket;
  • small pillow;
  • iron, preferably with a steam function;
  • ironing iron - gauze or thin cotton fabric;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • vinegar;
  • soap, a soap remnant will do.


Before you begin ironing, inspect your pants. They must be absolutely clean; even a small stain will be imprinted into the fabric during ironing. It will not only spoil appearance, but will also create problems when removing this stain.

Check and clean pockets and hard-to-reach seams. It happens that after washing, matted fabric fibers are found in them, or you accidentally did not remove some piece of paper from your pocket before washing.

Turn the product inside out.

If your linen or corduroy trousers are dry, pre-treat them with a steam generator or spray the fabric with a spray bottle, fold and leave for 10-20 minutes. For better effect You can put it in a plastic bag to prevent moisture from evaporating. It is better to wrap the silk in a damp towel; the spray bottle will leave stains on it. Dry items made from these fabrics are difficult to iron.

Let's start ironing

First you need to set the correct mode on the iron depending on the fabric. This information is always indicated on a label sewn to the back of the product. But if the tag is lost, use this table.

Table of ironing modes for different fabrics

Textile Temperature Steam Iron pressure Peculiarities
Cotton140-170 0 Cwet
Cotton with polyester110 0 CA little
normalmoisturizing, iron carefully
Polyester"minimum" or
no steamweakiron carefully, using minimal
Viscose120 0 CA little
ordinaryfrom the inside out through a damp cloth
Cotton with linen180 0 Cstrong steamstrongpre-moistening,
iron inside out with steam
Linen180-200 0 Cstrong steamstronghumidification, strong steam, high
temperature, from the inside out
Silk60-80 0 Cno steamnormaldry iron without steam through a damp iron
fabric along the lobar
Chiffon60-80 0 Cno steamweakdo not moisturize, through wet gauze
Nylon60-80 0 Cvertical
weakvery carefully, it melts
It's better not to iron
Half-wool and wool100-120 0 Csteam is better
weakthrough a damp cloth
Denimsoft 150 0 C
rough 180-200 0 C
steamstrongfrom the inside out, after moistening
from the face through a damp cloth
or average
very weakfrom the inside out in the direction of the loops

We start ironing from the top. If necessary, wet the iron, wring it out and iron the waistband, lining, and pockets through it. Do not press the iron too hard so that the seams do not print on the front side of the product. We iron things made of cotton and linen without an iron; this will not damage the fabric.

Iron the entire length of the trouser legs, front and back, bending the seams, iron them at the end with light pressure. Use the steam function.

Turn the trousers right side out. Iron as from the inside out, top first. We stretch the trouser legs onto the ironing board or place a pad. We move the iron from place to place, as when steaming, and do not move it without stopping. Iron the trouser legs by turning them on the ironing board around their axis, or turning them over on the table.

After ironing, allow the trousers to “rest” a little so that the moisture evaporates and they cool down. If you put it on right away, the trousers will quickly wrinkle.

Advice! Iron synthetic trousers with a warm iron and, if possible, rarely. Only individual creases or bruises need to be moistened with wet wipes, but not all the fabric. Leather pants hold it over the steam and they will straighten out. You can iron them only from the inside out through a damp iron or paper.

Pants with arrows

After you have ironed the pants from the inside out, turned them inside out and pressed the top, fold the legs so that the outer and inner seams match.

To do this, grab the pants by the bottom of the legs and line up all four seams. Then line up the seams at the top and place the garment on the ironing surface. Having folded the belt, align all the seams on top, straighten the product.

This type of clothing is most often sewn with darts in the front. They are where the arrows end when cut correctly. In other cases, the front loop will be the reference point. Fold the fabric along these marks and align the right and left legs. At the back, the arrows taper off to the top of the middle seam.

According to experts, the arrow in front should end 7 centimeters before the waist.

It is better to start ironing the arrows from the knee area. Place a damp iron on the fabric, place the iron and wait until the fabric is completely dry. Then move the iron further. Moisten the ironing fabric periodically; it should not be dry.

Fold back the top leg and iron the inside of the bottom leg first. To prevent the fabric from moving, lightly moisten it with a spray bottle first. To prevent the seams from “floating away,” you can fasten them together in several places with tailor’s pins.

To finish the crease at the top, fold the top half of the trousers over the center seam and press.

When you're done with one pant leg, iron the other one.

After this, iron the outside of the legs, folding them evenly together.

After ironing, hang the pants on a hanger. Do not put on until cool.

Important! First, iron the inner surface of the legs, then the outer surface.

To make the arrows last longer, before ironing, spray the inside of the fabric with water and starch or vinegar. After the arrows have been ironed, rub them inside with soap and go through the iron again. You can also add vinegar to the water to moisten the gauze at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water. This will strengthen the arrows and prevent the fabric from becoming shiny.

Detailed instructions on video

Little tricks

  • If it happens that after ironing the fabric of the trousers becomes shiny, soak the gauze in water with vinegar and steam the pants, they will disappear. Another option: treat the lass with aviation gasoline or refined gasoline for lighters and sprinkle with salt. When the stain is dry, shake off the salt and iron the item through a damp cloth;
  • If trousers cannot be ironed, they can be steamed using an iron with a vertical steam function or a steam generator. Using a regular iron in a horizontal position, process in steam mode, holding the iron at a distance of 1-3 centimeters from the surface. Do not touch the fabric with the iron;
  • After lengthening, the remaining crease on the trousers can be smoothed out through damp gauze. It is better to iron from the inside out so that the fabric does not become shiny. Set the maximum temperature for this type of fabric, place the iron on the gauze and hold until it dries. Repeat several times if necessary until the crease disappears. It is important to know that if there are abrasions at the crease site, they will not disappear.

It’s not for nothing that folk wisdom says that people are greeted by their clothes. Properly ironed trousers can add a plus to your karma in the eyes of others, but incorrectly ironed ones can ruin their impression of you. Knowledge and practice will help you keep your clothes in perfect order.

If you haven't ironed trousers with creases yet, it's time to learn how. After all, there are a lot of models that look good and expensive only with jewellery-ironed folds. We’ll tell you one by one how to iron trousers with creases so that they don’t become shiny.


To ensure perfect ironing, you need to stock up on everything you need. You will need:

  • wide work surface (ironing board);
  • a piece of thick fabric;
  • pad;
  • gauze or thin cotton fabric - its presence is especially important if you are preparing to iron creases on trousers made of cotton or wool;
  • iron (preferably with a steam function);
  • spray;
  • remnant;
  • pins.

Now let’s learn more about how to properly iron trousers with creases.

  1. Start by laying out some extra heavy fabric on your ironing board or table. Gauze on top won't hurt either.
  2. Preheat the iron to the temperature recommended on the label on the pants.
  3. Activate the steamer - without it it is impossible to smooth out the creases on your trousers.
  4. Fill a spray bottle with clean water and place it next to you.
  5. Before ironing the creases on your trousers, make sure they are clean. Dirty stains can cause streaks on the fabric. Turn the product inside out and place it on the work surface so that the front and inner side seams match.
  6. Cover the item with gauze.

Important! If, before ironing your trousers with creases, you find that the fabric is dry, moisten it. Treat the product with steam or spray with water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wrap the silk fabric in a damp towel, because splashes from the spray bottle will leave stains. Iron linen, wool and cotton at maximum temperatures, and synthetics at medium and low temperatures.

Step-by-step ironing instructions

Important! The “correct” arrow ends 7 centimeters from the belt.

If you strictly follow the instructions, ironing trousers with creases correctly is not such a difficult task. Listen to useful advice.

  • If the fabric becomes dry during ironing, use water and diluted vinegar. Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the cloth. Vinegar is suitable for dark fabrics, and hydrogen peroxide is suitable for light ones.
  • After ironing, we noticed that the fabric was shiny. We correct the situation by wiping the fabric with a vinegar solution and using a steamer.
  • Before washing pants made from natural fabrics, sew up the creases with a fine stitch. This will make the ironing process easier.
  • If the fabric on your knees is stretched, iron these areas using tangential movements.
  • When the trousers are already ironed, do not rush to put them on. Let cool, otherwise they will wrinkle quickly.

As you can see, you can get well-ironed trousers with creases in just five minutes.

For a business person, trousers are almost the most important element of their wardrobe. A neat appearance and impeccably ironed hands will tell about its owner even more than he can tell about himself. For this reason, it is so important to learn how to iron trousers correctly in order to feel confident, and your colleagues will have only a pleasant impression of you.

How to iron trousers: the necessary technique and algorithm of work

In order to properly iron your trousers, you will need good iron and a properly organized ironing area. Without all this, you won’t be able to get rid of folds and bruises, or make beautiful, even arrows. Ideally, the iron is equipped with a temperature switch and a steam supply system. If you have an old Soviet iron, it’s also not a problem. In this case, always use damp gauze, folded several times. If you are the happy owner of a vertical steamer, then with its help you will be able to smooth out even the most difficult bruises right on the spot.
Using a special attachment you can make straight arrows without distortions

It is better to iron trousers on an ironing board, but it can be quite successfully replaced with a kitchen table covered with a thick blanket. Auxiliary items will also come in handy:

  • ironer;
  • tailor's pins or stationery clips (binders);
  • spray bottle with water;
  • terry towel;
  • sheets of cardboard or thick paper.

Trousers, like other types of clothing, are recommended to be ironed from the inside out or through an iron. This will protect the fabric from the formation of lasses, shine and scorching. Pins and clips are useful when ironing creases, as they are used to secure the instep and side seams. A spray bottle is used to additionally moisten the fabric so that folds can be ironed out better, and a terry towel makes ironing some hard-to-reach places easier. A sheet of cardboard is placed under the burlap pockets or seams so that they do not print on the outside of the trousers after ironing.
To iron trousers you will need an iron, ironing board, ironing iron and clips

Temperature conditions for ironing trousers made of different fabrics

Before you start ironing, you need to read the information on the label. The fabric composition and care recommendations should be indicated there. Depending on the material, you need to select the optimal temperature regime.
The label shows pictograms indicating ironing parameters and product care

Knowing the composition of the fabric, it will be easier to select the correct temperature setting on the thermostat:

  • wool, mixed fabric - wool mode, number 2 or two dots;
  • polyester - silk, nylon mode, number 1 or one dot;
  • cotton, linen - mode cotton, linen, number 3 or three dots;
  • cotton + synthetic - iron like wool, but with pressure.

The wool is not ironed with pressure, but steamed, barely touching the fabric with the sole of the iron. Cotton and linen are ironed with pressure using a damp iron. Synthetic fabrics are ironed at a minimum temperature only through gauze. If it was not possible to determine the composition of the fabric, then ironing begins from the inside out at the hem of the trousers.

The type of fabric is also taken into account. If there is lint, the product should be ironed, if possible, only on the reverse side. If this is not enough, then the iron is moved in the direction of the pile, that is, from top to bottom, barely touching the surface of the fabric.

Material Steam quantity Steam quality Temperature, °C Features of the iron
CottonAverageWet180–220 Need pressure
LinenA lot ofWet215–230 Need pressure
Cotton + linenA lot ofWet180–220 Need pressure
WoolA lot ofWet160–170 With steaming
PolyesterVery littleVery dry160–200 Without water
Cotton + syntheticAverageDry160–170 Ironer
Wool + syntheticAverageLittle moisture160–180 Ironer
Cotton corduroyAverageLess humid180–190 Hem movement

Ironing algorithm for classic trousers with arrows

Trousers are ironed in the following sequence:

  1. Turn it inside out.
  2. First they iron the upper part: the burlap of the pockets, underneath them.
    Burlap trousers are ironed from the inside out
  3. To ensure that the trousers fit well on the figure and do not wrinkle at the seams, press the side and crotch seams. The side seam is ironed from the waist down, the step seam is ironed from the bottom of the trousers upward.
  4. The trousers are turned on the face.
  5. Unfasten the zipper, open its different sides and iron the middle seam. Stroked in the buttocks area.
    To iron the middle seam of the trousers, you need to open the zipper
  6. Iron the belt first on the front half, and then on the back.
    The trouser waistband is ironed from the outside
  7. If there are folds that turn into arrows, then we also pay attention to them.
  8. Iron side and back pockets.
    Side pockets are ironed from the front side, pulling the trousers onto the ironing board
  9. Place a folded towel inside the trousers or put it on the edge of the board.
  10. Iron the codpiece and the front of the trousers.
    The codpiece is ironed with the tip of the iron
  11. Fold the trousers in half and begin to form the creases.
  12. After finishing work, the trousers are allowed to cool for 15 minutes, or preferably several hours.

How to make creases on trousers

For an inexperienced housewife or a single man, ironing perfectly even arrows is quite difficult. If you don’t want to spend money on dry cleaning every time, you should learn all the intricacies of flawless ironing. There are two important points here: how to fold the trouser legs correctly and where, in fact, these arrows should be located.

How to fold trousers correctly and where the arrows should be

To form perfect creases without distortions, it is important to fold your trousers correctly. The product is folded in half along the middle seam. The trouser legs are aligned so that the crotch seams completely coincide with the side seams. Make sure that the lines of the side seams coincide in the upper part of the trousers (look at the edges of the belt). If the trousers are cut correctly, when the seams are aligned, the front crease will start exactly at the end of the front dart or pleat.
To correctly form the arrows, you need to fold your trousers correctly

The arrows seem to “cut” the front and back halves of the trousers into two equal parts. Depending on the type of trouser, the front part may start with a dart or a pleat. If the trousers have two folds, then the fold that is located closer to the codpiece becomes a crease. As for the back half, the arrow ends somewhere at the level of the end of the back dart or the inner edge of the pocket, but does not reach the waistband. The back half of the trousers is always ironed after the first. The arrow on it is formed quite easily, but only after you have properly ironed the front one.

Photo gallery: where the arrows are located on different models of men's and women's trousers

In such trousers, the front pleats turn into creases. The creases start at the ends of the front darts. The front creases start from the fold. Many models of women's trousers also have creases.

Is there a difference between ironing women's and men's crease trousers?

There is no significant difference in the ironing of women's and men's models. Ironing follows the same algorithm: first they iron from the inside, then the upper part from the “face” and finally begin to form the arrows. The only difference may be in the ironing technique. Women's trousers can be tapered or almost fitted. In this case, when ironing the internal seams, place a rolled up terry towel inside the trouser leg or pull the same trouser leg onto a board for ironing the sleeves. This is done in order not to break the fold line of the arrow and not to make a fold from the inside.

You also need to take into account the fact that not all models of women's trousers have arrows that reach the waist.
Arrows on women's trousers visually lengthen legs

How to iron arrows correctly

So, you have done half the work and all that remains is to iron the arrows. Do the following:

  1. Fold the trousers in half, aligning them along the inseam and side seams.
  2. Secure the trousers at the waist using a clip or pins (if the fabric is not too thin and the punctures will not be visible).
    It is better to fasten the trouser waistband using office clips
  3. Turn the top leg to the side.
    The arrows are ironed on each trouser leg separately
  4. Pin at the bottom, once again checking that the seam lines line up.
    Using office clips, you can fix the bottom of the trousers and then the seams will not fray during ironing
  5. If the trousers are lined, be sure to push it out as far as possible.
  6. Cover the bottom leg with an iron and moisten with water from a spray bottle.
    The ironing net greatly facilitates the process of forming creases on trousers
  7. “Mark” the line of the front arrow: apply the iron in turn, first in the knee area, then in the upper part and finally in the lower part.
  8. After this, boldly iron the creases from top to bottom, slightly pulling the trouser leg with your free hand.
    First, iron the crease on the front half of the trousers.
  9. Iron the crotch seam.
  10. Proceed to form the back arrow in the same way, only iron it in the opposite direction - from bottom to top.
    The crease on the back half of the trousers is ironed only after the crease has been made on the front.
  11. Turn the trouser leg over to the other side and iron it again.
  12. Let the trouser leg cool slightly (15 minutes).
  13. Turn the trousers over to the other side so that the unironed part is on the surface and the ironed part is to the side.
  14. Form the arrows in the same way.
  15. Fold the trousers in half so that both legs lie on top of each other, and iron again on both sides.
    To consolidate the result, both halves of the trousers are ironed together.
  16. Let the product cool for an hour.
  17. Hang your pants on a hanger or put them on.

You don’t need to use an iron if you have a high-quality steam iron with a ceramic sole, and the fabric from which the trousers are made lends itself well to wet-heat treatment and is resistant to the appearance of shine.

How to keep creases on trousers before washing

Forming smooth, beautiful arrows without “doubling” and distortions is a painstaking task and requires skills. Therefore, it is quite natural to want to maintain this effect at least until the next wash. There are several tricks that will help fix the arrows for a long time:

  1. A piece of soap. Using soap, draw an arrow line from the inside. Then the product is turned inside out and ironed with steam.
  2. Vinegar solution. For a liter of water you will need a tablespoon of vinegar. The solution is sprayed onto the ironing iron or poured into a tank of water and ironed with “vinegar” steam. The bend of the hands is clear, even and resistant to deformation.
  3. Starch solution. Per liter cold water take a teaspoon of potato or corn starch. Boil over heat for 2 minutes and then allow to cool to room temperature. The ironing iron is moistened in the resulting solution. Use only for linen and cotton fabrics in light shades.

By the way, the vinegar solution prevents the appearance of shine and shine on the fabric. Thus, by using vinegar when forming creases, you also protect your trousers from the formation of unsightly shiny spots.

Video: how to iron creases on trousers and how to make them durable

Correcting ironing errors: marks, marks, double arrows

Unfortunately, we often forget to use the iron and unsightly shiny spots remain on the fabric. Fortunately, in most cases these problems can be fixed.

How to remove shine and shine

Laces are the shiny marks left by the soleplate of an iron. They are most noticeable on dark fabrics made from natural, mixed and synthetic fibers. The problem can be resolved in the following ways:

  1. If the fabric is made of cotton or linen, then lasses are almost always removed by steaming through a damp iron.
  2. If the fabric is mixed, you will need to prepare a solution of water, vinegar and a few drops liquid soap. Moisten gauze in the solution and iron the problem area through it until the stain completely disappears.
  3. Helps remove shine from woolen fabrics ammonia. A few drops of ammonia are diluted in a liter of water. Then proceed in the same way as in the first method.
  4. Lass on synthetic fabrics is removed with gasoline. A cotton pad is soaked in the product, and then the stain is treated with it. After this treatment, the product is washed and dried naturally.
  5. Shine from dark suit fabrics is also removed with unsweetened black tea: moisten a cotton swab and treat the stain.
  6. You can also re-wash your pants and add fabric softener when rinsing.

If you are unable to remove the lasses yourself, you should take your trousers to the dry cleaner. In the case of synthetic fabrics, it also happens that the shine from the iron remains. In this case, the trousers are ruined forever.

Video: how to remove shine from an iron from trousers

How to remove scorch marks from an iron

Scorches are yellow spots, which are most noticeable on white, light and colored fabrics. They are more difficult to eliminate than lasses. For these purposes, the following methods are used:

  1. Lemon and powdered sugar. Rub the stain with a slice of lemon and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Allow it to dry, and then partially wash the treated area or wash the product completely.
  2. Onion gruel. Apply onion pulp to the scorched area and leave until completely dry. Then wash and dry as usual. You can also use onion halves and rub them thoroughly onto the stains.
  3. Vinegar and salt. Make a solution of 9% vinegar and water in equal proportions. The scorched area is soaked in the solution and then sprinkled with salt. After the fabric has dried, the product is washed.
  4. 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use only on white fabrics. Peroxide is applied to a cotton swab and the area with the tan is treated. After the treated area has dried, rinse it in cold water.

If you are unsure of your abilities and are afraid of completely ruining your trousers, then immediately contact the dry cleaner.

It is not always possible to make correct single arrows the first time. If during ironing the trousers slid along the ironing surface, then it is likely that double creases will form, which will obviously not please the person who is going to wear these trousers. Fortunately, it is much easier to remove “homemade” arrows than stable industrial ones formed under a special press. Do the following:

  1. Turn your pants inside out.
  2. Lay out so that the arrows are in the middle of the trouser leg.
  3. Moisten the gauze thoroughly and place it on the problem area.
  4. Iron until the arrows disappear.

The disadvantage of this method is that, most likely, you will get rid of the “factory” arrow and will have to form it again. We advise you to first try to fold the trousers correctly so that the seams match, and then iron them well with steam. Perhaps the extra arrow will disappear. You can also wash your trousers and then try to iron them better.
You can try to eliminate the extra arrow by ironing it through a wet cloth.