How to rip jeans at home.  How to properly rip jeans at home: a few simple rules

How to rip jeans at home. How to properly rip jeans at home: a few simple rules

Ripped jeans continue their victorious march around the world, conquering everyone on their way: women and men, businesswomen and DIY lovers, show business stars and schoolgirls...

Everything is torn: flared jeans, skinny jeans, old-school banana jeans, boyfriends - fashion trend knows no limits!

Today grated- ripped jeans presented in the clothing lines of the most famous and most popular brands, and on the Internet they even offer to rip jeans to order (I, for example, found a whole group of ripped jeans fans on social networks), but we invite you to arrange your own fashion reprisal for jeans!

How to tear jeans so that they look beautiful and don’t fall apart? What holes in jeans visually spoil your figure? How to make scuffs on jeans? If jeans are torn or frayed during wear, how can you stylishly revive them? What else can you do to upgrade ripped jeans? We have collected for you the most interesting ideas and, of course, many, many photos.

How to rip jeans at home

It happens that the desire to tear and throw (creatively, of course!) causes you to have specific jeans: they are too bland, the model is outdated, or the jeans were torn without your consent and now they need to be saved. But if you haven’t decided which jeans to remake, or maybe you’re just going to look for the perfect pair at the nearest second-hand store (by the way, I advise you to take the “first pancake” from this storehouse of clothes for DIY alterations), take a few simple tips:

  • It is better to take jeans that are not too loose and not too tight;
  • the most aesthetically pleasing (contrast of threads) tear is classic blue or blue denim;
  • The currently popular elastic jeggings are unlikely to be torn beautifully if they have an elastane base (just look at the reverse side).

How to cut jeans: photos, instructions

In addition to the jeans themselves, we will need simple tools: a utility knife, a bottle or a piece of wood (put it inside so as not to inadvertently cut through the entire pant leg), nail scissors, a needle or pin. If you want to give the cuts a slight fraying and disheveled look (we will describe in detail how to beautifully rub jeans below), a pumice stone, a nail file, a stiff brush or a piece of sandpaper will also come in handy.

Measure seven times... Estimate by eye, or better yet, mark the boundaries of future cuts with chalk or a piece of soap. In order not to miss, put the jeans on yourself - this way you will be sure that the holes will be in the right places.

Remember that holes in jeans will attract the attention of others. If you are the owner of an appetizing shape, you should not make cuts on the “soft places”; limit yourself to neat cuts just above and below the knee. Elongated narrow holes along the central axis of the legs visually lengthen and slim the knives. Wide, torn holes just below the pockets will visually enlarge the hips.

...cut once. How to cut jeans so that you don’t regret it later? If you cut it hastily, you risk getting jeans that look untidy and even vulgar. Therefore, stock up on time and patience. It is better to start with a small incision, enlarging it if necessary.

If you decide to rip your jeans for the first time, it's a good idea to master the technique of separating the fibers from a piece of old denim.

So how do you rip jeans?

1. After we have marked where we will make the holes, we spread the jeans on a flat surface. We place a board under the cut site or insert a bottle into the pant leg (so as not to cut through the back) and use a utility knife (you can use a blade, but be careful) to make a neat cut. We cut strictly horizontally (take a closer look at the structure of the denim and move the knife along the transverse threads). A cut at an angle will damage the light threads, which as a result should cover our hole.

2. If you need a small hole-slit, carefully use tweezers so as not to tear it, release the light threads (this is where a needle comes in handy), tousle the blue ones with an old toothbrush; if they are too long, cut them.

3. If you want to make a bigger hole in your jeans, make a horizontal cut of the required length and parallel to it (a couple of centimeters higher or lower) another one. Place your fingers under the resulting loop and use tweezers to pull out the blue threads. This way you can make holes in jeans different sizes, gradually increasing it, but do not overdo it.

Try on your jeans regularly to make sure everything goes according to plan. You can add shabbyness and grunge using a brush (walk along the contour of the cut) and bleach (apply along the contour and leave for half an hour), if everything suits you, put the jeans in the washing machine, it will give your ripped jeans a finished look.

If you decide to make a figured hole on your jeans, do not forget to secure the edges with non-woven fabric (from the inside) or sew along the contour, otherwise the figure will spread out during the first wash.

How to tear the knees of jeans

Noodle jeans (jeans with many parallel slits) have already become boring to me personally (excuse me, “noodle” fans!), but jeans with even slits at the knees are now at the peak of popularity.

If you want a large hole at the knees with white cross threads, use the method described above.

For example, I’m not ready to focus attention on my knees (and in the case of jeans that are severely torn at the knees, this will be the case), so I was more attracted to straight holes and slits.

Making them couldn’t be easier: put on jeans, draw a straight line on your knees with soap, take off the jeans and make a cut.

Here you can no longer monitor the smooth movements of the knife and, on the contrary, cut in jerks. Personally, I especially like black jeans with ripped knees, what about you?

By the way, the other day I met a guy on the street whose jeans had holes... on the inside of his knees! Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take a photo... ;)

How to make distressed jeans

Jeans are probably the only thing in a modern girl’s wardrobe that is deliberately given a “killed” look. Scuffs and slight fraying on the jeans will be a great addition to the holes that we have already made earlier. By the way, the idea of ​​artificially aging jeans is not new; back in the 80s, our parents experimented with their jeans: they rubbed them with a grater, sand and bricks, hit them with stones, washed them in salt water and tea (for a rusty tint). I recommend using pumice or sandpaper.

How to make scuffs on jeans yourself

Yes, yes, pumice and sandpaper! And judging by the price tags for distressed jeans in stores, you can’t say that everything is so simple, right?

So, we proceed according to the already familiar scheme: we mark the areas where we will make abrasions, only we take not a knife, but a pumice stone, and begin to rub. If you want to make minor scuffs, you can even use a rough nail file.

To further lighten worn areas on jeans, use bleach (wet the desired areas and leave for 20 minutes).

If you want full grunge – both holes and scuffs, then it’s better to rub your jeans first and then tear them.

Do not overdo it: if the fabric under the pumice becomes too thin and tears, beautiful hole It won’t work anymore, you’ll have to make a patch... We’ll talk about how to creatively patch jeans below.

Jeans are frayed: we save them beautifully

If the jeans are frayed when worn (along the crotch seam, on inside hips, for example, my jeans always rub on the folds under the knee), you can try to return them to your wardrobe!

There are several options for how to revive worn jeans: make a patch, appliqué, stitch thickly, or, if the place is suitable, make the wear stylish, a la “as intended.”

It is better to work with slightly damp jeans: textile dust will spread much less.

How to alter jeans

Ripping jeans and making scuffs are the simplest options for upgrading tired jeans. I’m sure that as soon as you see how your jeans will be transformed by these simple alterations, your hands will be itching to add something else.

Be careful, you may end up with a real designer piece using the following ideas! ;)

How to repurpose old jeans

If you are still ready to serve, but are already bored with your jeans, alteration is inevitable!

I suggest playing with different variations of patches and linings: denim in a contrasting color, coarse cotton with an interesting print, leather, lace.

All the techniques are ideal for remaking jeans with defects: you can “hide” both a stain and a hole!

I would especially like to note the “hole+colored patch+elements of simple embroidery” technique. By the way, you can save holey jeans! This alteration of old jeans will take you no more than half an hour.

Today, denim clothes with wear and cuts are very popular among young people. But such a wardrobe attribute is very expensive. Therefore, not everyone can afford to purchase this.

But if you don’t have the financial ability to buy ripped denim pants, then don’t be upset, because you can make them yourself, although not everyone knows how to make ripped jeans at home.

It’s worth noting from the outset that it’s very easy to make fashionable denim pants with slits yourself. But first you need to decide on their style.

Note! Ripped jeans should look beautiful and fashionable, but not vulgar. Therefore, you should not make cuts or holes in the buttocks or in the upper part of clothing. The incision should not highlight the intimate parts.

It is best to make incisions on the knees, shins, or above the knees. This way the clothes will look elegant, but clearly emphasize everyone’s favorite western country style.

Table: techniques for making ripped denim items.

If a person does not like clothes with large holes or slits, then he should simply create the effect of a “worn out” item. It looks more natural, but not provocative.

Necessary materials

To create a unique thing with slots with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Denim pants or shorts.
  • Scissors designed for fabric or blade.
  • Sandpaper.
  • A bar of soap or a pen for drawing outlines.
  • Tweezers.

Important! Many tools can be replaced. Instead of a blade, you can use a stationery knife, and a regular kitchen grater or disposable razor can perfectly replace sandpaper.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to make a unique, beautiful and glamorous wardrobe attribute from simple and ordinary things at home, you will need a little patience and the desire to create a masterpiece from an old item.

Initially, before cutting out holes yourself, you should try the thing on yourself. During fitting, it is worth marking the locations of future incisions. They will need to be outlined with a pen or soap.

It is worth considering that if the intended hole is located on the knee, then it should be cut a little higher than this part of the body due to the characteristics of the denim material.

If you cut exactly under the bend of the leg or at the knee, the cut may tear further.

After this, you should place the clothes on a flat surface with the front side out. You will need to place a hard object under the pant leg. This will help maintain the integrity of the back leg.

Instructions for step-by-step implementation in grunge style:

  • Make horizontal cuts on the pant leg using a knife or scissors. They are made at a distance of 1–2 cm from each other.
  • Slowly begin to pull out the vertical threads with tweezers.
  • Lightly rub the sandpaper over the fabric.

When implementing a minimalist style, transverse cuts are made that do not involve the lobe threads. The cuts in the minimalist style are made closer to the side seams.

If you want to make a solid hole in the trouser leg, then you should cut it out with scissors, removing the transverse and longitudinal threads. But keep in mind that the hole on the inside of the fabric should be stitched, otherwise it will tear further.

Other options

Not only jeans with large holes are popular, but also those with slight abrasions or a faded effect.

Pay attention! The linings under the holes look very nice. They can be made using various multi-colored fabrics, openwork material or denim of a similar color.

Table: execution technique various options fabric processing.

Fabric treatment option Execution technique
Strong abrasion effect This type of clothing is achieved by using a grater. Take your jeans, place them on a flat surface and cut them horizontally.

The length of the incision depends on the desire of the person. But you shouldn’t make it more than 2–3 cm.

Run a kitchen grater along the cut several times until the effect of the item being worn appears.

Weak abrasion effect To give the item a slight worn effect, you should go over the fabric with sandpaper.
Fabric burnout effect Chlorine is used to achieve the fabric burning effect. Burnout looks very impressive with holes not big size.

After cutting and pulling out the threads, you should take a cotton pad and soak it in chlorine. Run the disc along the contour of the hole. Then the item will need to be washed.

Marking The dotted effect looks very original. To create it you will need chlorine. The product is diluted with water and applied pointwise to jeans using a pipette.

After this, the pants are left for 1–2 hours. After this period of time, they need to be washed in powder.

It is worth remembering that bleach quickly interacts with fabric.

Therefore, in order to avoid the transfer of white spots to the back of the leg, it is worth placing a piece of gauze or cotton wool between them, which will absorb chlorine.

In order to properly sew the lining, you need to turn the pant leg inside out, cut out the patch of the required size and sew it on with large stitches.

To make the process of remaking things enjoyable for you and the result to meet your expectations, you should use the following tips:

  • To give an item a worn-out look, wash it in a chlorine-free bleach.
  • Do not make cuts near the seams of clothing. They will come apart quickly and your jeans will look overly ripped.
  • If you don’t have eyebrow tweezers at home, you can replace them with a sewing needle. The sharp end is used to pry the thread into the notch and pull it out.
  • Minor abrasions are made using a scissor blade. The blade is worth attaching reverse side and run it over the fabric, creating a corrugated effect.

Important! You should not make large holes initially. It should be taken into account that during wear they will become even larger.
The process of making denim shorts

If you have unwanted jeans, you can turn them into very attractive and fashionable shorts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Lay your pants out on a flat surface.
  • Mark the estimated length of future shorts with a pen or a piece of soap.
  • Cut along the marked line. If you want to achieve a torn effect, then make a horizontal cut and tear off the fabric with your hands to the seam.
  • If desired, marks, abrasions, and holes are made.
  • Turn-ups are made in shorts: the lower base of the item is turned up once.

Useful video

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  1. Old jeans. Blue, black or light blue - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they fit you well. Classics and boyfriends are perfect, but you need to be careful with styles like skinny. If the pant leg is too tight on the thigh, there is a risk that the tight skin will fall out through the slits.
  2. Chalk, soap or felt-tip pen. Will be needed to mark future holes.
  3. Sharp scissors or utility knife. It is more convenient to make large cuts with tailor's scissors, and small ones with manicure scissors. So prepare both. You can also make holes with a stationery knife - whatever is more convenient for you.
  4. Tweezers and knitting needle or darning needle. You will need tweezers to pull out unnecessary threads from the fabric, and a knitting needle or needle to make fringe along the edges.
  5. Pumice, sandpaper and bleach. They can be used to give jeans a more distressed look.
  6. Wooden cutting board or thick cardboard. With them it will be more convenient to cut and rub holes, because you won’t be afraid of damaging the lower part of the trouser leg.

Customizing requires creativity, patience and time. It may take you a few hours to alter your jeans the first time, but the results are worth it.

Step 2. Make the markings

Random perforation can result in the item ending up in the trash. For example, you should not make holes too close to the belt. Such slits are only acceptable if the peeking pockets are part of the creative design.

Before you take out the scissors, put on your jeans and draw where the holes and scuffs will be located.

To be sure, find photos of ripped jeans in your style. Choose the most successful location, in your opinion, and proceed by analogy.

Step 3: Make holes

To get a long transverse hole on the knee, make one cut with a utility knife, after placing a board under the fabric.

If the marked holes are larger, you will have to not only cut, but also pull out the threads. Denim looks like a mesh: white horizontal threads alternate with blue vertical ones. Your task is to get rid of the latter and not damage the former.

Using scissors or a utility knife, make several horizontal cuts in each marked area so that the distance between them is 1-2 cm.

The process may be slow at first, but after a while the blue threads will become more pliable and you will end up with only white threads.

To age holes, loosen the edges slightly with a knitting needle or simply rub them with a pumice stone.

Step 4: Distress and embellish your jeans even more

Wash and dry your jeans as usual. If the model is not shabby enough and you want a more vintage look, treat the desired areas with a cotton pad soaked in liquid bleach.

Then stick a piece of wood or cardboard into your pant leg and rub the fabric with sandpaper. The thinner the denim, the smaller the grain of the paper should be.

You can also decorate jeans. For example, you can sew lace onto one of the holes, attach appliques to the free spaces, or cover the edges of the holes with rhinestones.

About ten years ago, ripped jeans first came to the Russian market. The older generation was simply perplexed by “worn” jeans. And young people happily wore the new product. However, since that time, ripped jeans have stood apart from world fashion; one might say, they have been a little forgotten.

In 2012, designers decided to return the old hit to our wardrobes. Ripped jeans have once again gained wild popularity among fashionistas.

In this article, we will look step by step at how to make ripped jeans yourself. To do this, three simple lessons will be presented to your attention.

We rip jeans at home

Not all fashion is considered practical, but in the case of ripped jeans, it really gives old jeans a new lease of life. new life. Surely every girl has jeans that she no longer wears, but it’s a shame to throw them away. Thanks to fashion trends In the summer season, you can make an ultra-fashionable new thing from an old thing with your own hands. But there are limitations: you should use only jeans made of medium-weight fabric as a basis; denim that is too thin or dense will not work.

Required Tools

To beautifully rip jeans at home you will need:

  • actual jeans,
  • stationery knife,
  • pumice (can be replaced with sandpaper if desired),
  • chlorine bleach,
  • plastic plate (for placing inside),
  • nail scissors.
  • Any ripped jeans look great if they have a distressed effect. Therefore, before you put holes in your jeans, you need to age them.

To do this, spread the jeans evenly on a surface convenient for work and insert a plate of plastic or any other material into the legs. The plate is needed to prevent you from cutting right through the jeans. Take a pumice stone and start rubbing it on your pant legs. However, you should avoid the knee area; friction makes the density of the jeans thinner, so unplanned holes may form over time.

you can do it yourself

If you haven’t yet decided what kind of ripped jeans you want to end up with, although you really want to have a fashionable item in your wardrobe, take advantage of the experience of the stars. Hollywood fashionistas have always loved ripped jeans; they are especially suitable for walking. However, even at a fashion party you can meet a couple of celebrities in torn jeans. This fashion has no boundaries, and ripped jeans make you look stylish and fashionable every time.

will always be relevant, especially in the summer season

Step-by-step instruction

As noted earlier, you can make ripped jeans yourself. different ways. We offer you three simple options, which will not be difficult to perform at home.

Lesson #1

lesson 1

step #1

step #2

step #3

step #4

step #5

step #6

Lesson #2

Lesson #2

step #1

step #2

Today we will tell you (and at the same time clearly show you)how to make ripped jeans at home.

You'll see, it's very easy to follow this trend - in just an evening, boring or not very relevant jeans will turn into an ultra-fashionable thing!

Method No. 1

  • An outdated model or a boring design is not a reason to say goodbye to jeans. On the contrary, this is an opportunity to show your imagination and add audacity and style to them with the help of torn holes. The first method suggests doing this with sandpaper.

The first step is to prepare everything you need, namely chalk or a piece of soap, thick cardboard and a piece of sandpaper. Please note that the thinner the denim, the lower the sandpaper grit value should be.

  • Interesting! If you can't find sandpaper, no problem. It can be successfully replaced by a grater or pumice stone.
  • Put on your pants and figure out where the stylish rips will go. Mark these places with chalk.

  • Then you need to put the jeans on a flat surface, and place a piece of cardboard inside the leg. Don't ignore this step - it will protect the back of the jeans from damage.
  • Make slits at the marked locations.

  • This item is optional, but it can protect abrasions from further destruction of the fabric. For this purpose you need to make small hand stitches along the resulting hole.

Method No. 2

This method is more delicate and is good for creating small and neat holes in jeans.

  • In addition to the denim itself, you will need a bar of soap, a stationery knife (it can be replaced with a scalpel or blade) and cardboard. The actual creation of holes will be the responsibility of tweezers, a crochet hook or a game.
  • The first step is to outline the location of future abrasions.
  • Then you need to insert cardboard into your pants.
  • Make horizontal cuts along the marked lines.
  • Use a crochet hook (needle or tweezers) to pull the dark threads out of the fabric.

  • In this way, pull out individual threads until the abrasion reaches the desired size and design.

Method No. 3

This method will tell you how to make ripped jeans on the knees step by step at home.

  • Put on your pants and mark a dot with chalk in the center of your knee.
  • Take off your jeans and draw an eye-shaped area there.
  • Cut a hole along the outlined contour.
  • The edges of the slot should be treated with a nail file or pumice.

  • To ensure that this abrasion retains its created shape for as long as possible, it is recommended to glue it with non-woven material.

Method No. 4

Can you make ripped jeans with romantic lace in a matter of minutes? Don't believe me? Check it out!

  • First you need to put on your pants and mark the areas of the slits.
  • Finish the edges with a needle, sandpaper, hook or grater for fluffiness.

  • Now you need to pick up a piece of beautiful lace. Maybe you have a stale blouse that has been waiting to be used for a long time?

  • Baste the lace to the opening. In this case, it is recommended to slightly gather up the shred.
  • Sew lace onto jeans.

Method No. 5

Neat holes can be made step by step according to these instructions.

  • Create horizontal cuts of the same length. For this purpose the best way A sharp utility knife will do.
  • Armed with nail scissors or a darning needle, pull out the white threads so that they become visible.

  • Dark threads that are perpendicular to light ones can be easily pulled out with tweezers.

Method No. 6

  • Decide on the location and shape of the abrasions and transfer the idea to the jeans.
  • To avoid cutting through the fabric of the back of the leg, insert thick cardboard or a small board into it.

  • From edge to edge of the outline, draw a horizontal line with a utility knife or blade. Make several lines at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  • Gradually remove the vertical lines between the slits. This will give you torn holes with horizontal white threads. If desired, they can also be deleted.
  • To make the holes even steeper, we recommend walking along the edges with pumice. After this manipulation, no one will guess that such jeans are hand made, rather than buying from a brand store.

Method No. 7

  • Put on your jeans and draw a straight line down the center of your knee.

  • Do the same with the second pant leg.

  • Cut the jeans along these lines.

  • Fluff the edges with a float or stiff brush.

  • Try on brand new jeans!

Method No. 8

If radical fraying doesn’t appeal to you, we suggest making fashionable slits at the bottom of the legs with fluffy edges.

  • Cut triangular slits at the bottom of the jeans on the front. It is not at all necessary to try to maintain symmetry. On the contrary, triangles of different shapes and sizes will look more interesting.
  • Unravel the edges by pulling out individual threads.

Whitening denim

The latest fashion is jeans with streaks of color and bleached in various parts. To lighten the usual shade of the material, it must first be boiled with a small amount of bleach.

You can also lighten only some areas, for example, the abrasions themselves. To do this, dilute the bleach with a small amount of water and apply it to the denim using a cotton sponge or sponge for 10-15 minutes. After this, this composition must be washed off under running water, and the jeans are washed once again.

Caring for Ripped Jeans

Ripped jeans made at home require special care. You don’t want the result of your efforts to leave you after the first wash?

  • The ideal wash is hand washing. This will prevent frayed threads from becoming damaged and the cuts from becoming sloppy.

  • If you still decide to take a risk with washing machine, select the delicate wash cycle. Before doing this, you need to turn them inside out, fasten the zipper and put them in a special bag.

  • Don't forget to add conditioner when washing.
  • It is recommended to dry ripped jeans on a horizontal surface to prevent stretching.

  • If a specific area is dirty, it is not necessary to put all the jeans in the washing machine. It is better to treat the dirt with a brush and then with a damp cloth.

How to decorate a finished masterpiece

Did everything work out for you and your jeans already have stylish scuff marks? Now is the time to decorate them and get an even more original and fashionable result. We have some ideas for this!

  • You can go further and shape the holes into a circle, heart or triangle.
  • You can get trendy jeans in boho style if you decorate them with embroidery or stitches from floss threads.

  • Ribbons, beads or sequins can also be used.
  • The latest trend is jeans with rhinestones or beads. This method of decoration is suitable even for beginners. This decor can be placed around the wear circle, on pockets, hips, or even across the entire surface of the material. This decor looks especially impressive on light denim.

  • An elementary design feat to perform is decorating jeans with special patches or thermal stickers.

  • The most creative approach is to dye threads on worn areas. If the temporary effect is enough for you, you can implement this idea using a colored marker. The main thing is to wash your jeans by hand after such an experiment.

  • Or you can actually turn jeans into shorts!

A creative approach, a little free time with photo instructions from this article will tell you how to make ripped jeans at home and help you bring your idea to life! Try it yourself - it's incredibly easy!

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