How to distinguish a vanilla girl from a normal girl?  Vanilla youth subculture: distinctive features Vanilla hobbies: what they do besides throwing.

How to distinguish a vanilla girl from a normal girl? Vanilla youth subculture: distinctive features Vanilla hobbies: what they do besides throwing.

On her head is her hair, gathered into an untidy bun that seems to have happened spontaneously, and on her chest is the inscription “I love New York.”

In hand - paper cup coffee, eyes hidden behind transparent glasses with thick black temples (the same “Ray Ban”). Vanilla is walking down the street, thoughtful and dreamy. Who is she?

Vanillas: fashion or subculture?

Not so long ago (literally 5 years ago) another fashionable youth trend appeared, which today can safely be called a subculture.

Vanilla natures are girls whose caramel dreams boil down to the romance of big cities, the beauty of emotions, love experiences and a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

A fragile and innocent, vulnerable and sometimes sad princess girl - this is how typical vanilla girls appear to others.

They express themselves through photographs and handmade goods, read books on cozy windowsills, watch sentimental films and are extremely deep in their own love languor.

If you think about the hierarchy and family ties of subcultures, it is not difficult to determine the closeness of vanillas to hipsters.

These are ardent fans of Western culture (London, New York), Starbucks coffee and vanilla cigarettes.

Who are Vanillas and how do they dress?

Her sensual legs are packed in tight leggings/jeans/tights and hidden in soft UGG boots. An old film camera or a brand new DSLR with a large lens hangs around his neck, and a fabric eco-bag hangs from his shoulder.

There are hoop earrings in the ears, glasses on the nose. This look seems very feminine and, most importantly, romantic to vanilla people.

There is always a highly artistic mess going on on their heads from the series “I just woke up, tied my hair, how did it happen.”

The same “roosters” that my mother carefully combed in childhood are now iconic in creating a vanilla look. The “bun” can be replaced by loose curls and long bangs that fall gothically over the eyes.

Vintage items (vintage neck scarves, leg warmers, chunky knitted armbands, worn leather bags) are indispensable attributes of style. A stretched tunic or sweatshirt can be replaced by an innocent floral dress, and ballet flats will be put on your feet.

Vanilek is distinguished by a sensual, but practical and as natural look as possible: if there are shoes, then comfortable ones, if the hairstyle, then natural, disheveled, if if there is a T-shirt, then with a self-identifying print.

This Casual style for the streets of a big city.

Where can I find vanilla?

Real vanillas live in cozy coffee shops, filled with the aroma of ground beans, or on the wide windowsills of their apartments. However, they are represented in the world only bodily.

Some of them live in the virtuality of social networks (public pages and sites where you can exchange photos are in favor), the other half turns inward, into an imaginary universe.

Anyone who knows who vanillas are cannot remain indifferent to their mental torment.

He will either react negatively, furiously, irritably, or with understanding.

Not every online resident likes it sad quotes and tear-jerking statuses, tender photographs of oneself beloved and other, sometimes strange manifestations of vanilla individuality.

Therefore, emotional people are often criticized and attacked.

Photos for them are a way of self-expression. Sentimental quotes and statuses are just an addition to the visualized outburst of feelings.

The cards convey the girl’s mood, her hopes and sadness and longing for her lover (real or potential).

She can take a photo of herself or a half-eaten cake in a trendy cafe. Or maybe just a wonderful rainy landscape outside the window.

Yes, rain, a window, a book, coffee and a blanket are ideal company for the marshmallow maiden.

She subtly feels the beauty of emotions (even sad ones), and willingly plunges into this whirlpool.

The love for the coffee-cigarette duo is more aesthetic than gourmet. Vanilla does not distinguish Arabica from Robusta.

What is important here is the beauty of design and use, the cozy and sentimental surroundings, the harmony of aroma, smoke and one’s own experiences.

What does Vanilla girl mean? You need to understand that every teenager considers himself the navel of the universe. Therefore, he wants to stand out from the crowd, especially when girls 13-15 years old. Some girls naturally have an attractive appearance, and they don’t have to make any effort to drive the guys they know crazy. Others are left to spend hours in front of the mirror, choosing their style in order to become more noticeable and vibrant. Today, fortunately, many fashionable subcultures are open to girls, which will allow them to become not like everyone else. Many people today are interested in What does Vanilla girl mean?? However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you a couple more interesting publications on the topic of fashion slang. For example, what does Anti-Style mean, how to understand the word Sadboy, what Outfit is, what Duckface means, etc.

Relatively recently, namely in 2010, our teenagers copied and pasted another subculture called " Vanilla", the word can be translated as "vanilla", and at the same time this concept has a couple more meanings - this is " boring", "depressed".

Vanilla girl- this is a new generation of teachers, they pretend to be a girl with a fine organization, their hair is tied up in a bun, T-shirts with the British flag or “I Love NY” are obligatory, they carry large professional cameras with them everywhere to take selfies, they wear glasses with huge glasses. Constantly change statuses, for example, “I’m listening to music, sitting on the windowsill and thinking about you”

Vanilla- this is a girl pretending to be an intellectual with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other, considers herself a talented writer and photographer

Usually girls vanilla They watch their diet, they look very attractive, although some of them resemble anorexics. A vanilla baby will always choose clothes with great taste for herself, while wearing many different accessories, for example, ornate jewelry, all kinds of headbands, bows, long chains, massive pendants, etc. Vanillas also adore elegant handbags with long straps, which become their indispensable attribute.

Hairstyles vanilla girls are surprised by their diversity. However, do not think that they are stupid dummies. In fact, each of them has a hobby for the soul that allows them to express themselves. Usually, if you meet a thin girl, wearing huge dark glasses, a bright hairstyle, an "I Love London" T-shirt, and a three-kilogram camera, then calling this individual Vanilla, you can't go wrong.

These young ladies are trying very hard to lead extravagant way of life, they visit nightclubs, hang out at appointments, and visit fashionable restaurants. After such adventures, the next day a detailed photo report is posted without fail, which, by and large, is of no interest to anyone except her and a few friends.

Moreover, the girl vanilla love reading, although her love is of a specific nature. She reads books, not for pleasure, but to fish out smart thoughts, which her admirers can then see in the status of this young lady, as a signature under a photo, done very creatively, using Photoshop.

Feeling that she has seen a lot in her lifetime, such a 15-year-old individual begins to express her thoughts on paper, creating small Essays, short stories or short stories. For such a creative impulse, she needs confidence in her rightness, a feeling of need and involvement in the subculture vanilla with whom she communicates on the Internet.

Most gadgets that use Vanillas, emphasize its elitism. After all, not everyone can purchase the company's products. Apple, and this young lady has the full set.

The strongest impetus for creating your own works is the negative side of life. Especially when the romantic relationship she so carefully nurtured turns to dust. Unhappy love turns her life upside down and puts everything in a well-known position. After which, she suddenly awakens the gift of expressing her thoughts on paper. After all, for vanilla, the most important and important object for reverence and love is her man. If everything is fine with her, then she tells the whole world about it, posting happy selfies and romantic comments. Reports about her relationship with her beloved are constantly updated, photo albums are full of thousands of similar photographs depicting a happy SHE and her boyfriend. After the breakup, there is a series of dark days when she wants to be alone, and at the same time she experiences perverted pleasure from this whole situation.

After reading this short article, you learned what it means Vanilla, and what it is eaten with.

Summer... Evening... Vanilla sky... The sun sets behind the horizon, playing with bright spills of light. She walks through a field strewn with yellow dandelions. In a vanilla dress Pink colour... Her loose hair is gently ruffled by the wind. She walks barefoot, feeling the soft grass crush under her feet. A dreamy look... An inner smile appears slightly on her lips... What is she thinking about? About beauty... About a fairy tale... About a dream... A pink dream that must come true...

“Vanilla Flight of the Soul”: ...she walks through a field strewn with yellow dandelions...

Vanilla thoughts in contact

“And only a vanilla dream about him can take you into sweet dreams, away from everyday life.”

“The vanilla smell of her hair, hot coffee and eyes... what eyes...”

“You say you love vanilla when you only love the smell... You say you love me when you only love my image...”

“She could float in vanilla clouds, even if they were reflected in the puddle she was sitting in.”

“I just want to drink cocoa on the windowsill, eat vanilla buns and love Friday, like when I was a child!”

“Vanilla princes on a white horse remained in the land of unfulfilled hopes, waiting for their chocolate princesses.”

“The smell of vanilla in her hair would baffle even the most astute psychologist.”

“You don’t need to be heavenly music, sweet air, vanilla sleep for me, be simpler, just love...”

“Vanilla skies only exist in movies; in real life they are gray, and drops of rain fall from them disgustingly.”

“I’m in a chocolate-vanilla mood in my head, and before my eyes is your face...”

“It seemed to her that his vanilla-caramel kisses could solve all problems...”

“Vanilla melodies and strawberry thoughts... I'm happy!”

“Love is like vanilla - first you smell the sweet smell of pleasure, and then you feel the bitterness of disappointment.”

The vanilla movement has begun!

Not so long ago, at the beginning of 2010, a new youth subculture appeared, the main elements of which are demonstrative daydreaming and romance, along with an ostentatious bit of sadness...

They are called " vanilla" (or "vanilla")

Youth and beauty, special sensitivity, a certain head in the clouds, eternal love for something or someone... - this is what unites them.

Vanillas seem to live “with rose-colored glasses”, in wonderful dreams... They are distinguished by spontaneity and ostentatious childish naivety... They love fairy tales and Alice in Wonderland. They love to sit beautifully on the windowsill and look dreamily somewhere into the distance, contemplating the world spread out outside the window with some hope and even sadness...

With a romantic book in hand... on the windowsill... occasionally looking outside the window... in vanilla dreams...

Vanillas often position themselves as young, suffering, tender and eternally in love. They claim uniqueness, artistic taste and high intelligence.

They defiantly choose “real” literature like popular philosophical books by Palahniuk or Paulo Coelho, reading them in a cafe or subway. However, they have candy-vanilla love books about princes hidden at home.

They listen to slow, melodic music that tells about unrequited love and the eternal expectation of happiness. In the status you can see mentions of vanilla, rain, coffee, Him. He often maintains a blog, where he writes about his dreams and posts photographs, often in black and white or sepia.

They have their own special style in hair, shoes, clothes, music and more. The most striking vanilla signs are T-shirts with the inscriptions: “I love NY”, “I love London”, “I Love COFFEE”, cameras of retro models, disheveled hair.

When asked why they love New York so much, they answer that they rather love the way they imagine the city. Most of the vanilla ones weren't there.

Vanilek can be recognized in a crowd by T-shirts with their inscriptions or the English flag, tight skinny jeans or leggings, multi-colored sneakers, UGG boots or ankle boots. The image of “gentle naivety” is complemented with vintage items, such as a grandmother’s jacket, a brooch or a stylish worn leather shoulder bag. IN winter time prefer to wear chunky knit sweaters with long sleeves. They can also dress in stylish things, such as Gussi and Prada.

Vanilla hairstyles are worn in a bun, from where hair can fall out carelessly. The slight sloppiness of the hair gives it a certain romantic look. Or long bangs, falling over one eye... And huge glasses, behind which hide girlish dreams reflected in the eyes. Often dark glasses or regular ones, but with simple lenses - to create a “smart” look.

They are either brightly made up or natural in their makeup, but red lips are a must! They can paint every nail different colors or surprise with another bright invention.

Many people believe that a real vanilla girl does not always look like this. Her wardrobe can consist of pure tenderness and romance: light dresses, flowers and lace, cute handbags, light shades, feminine trinkets.

They not only demonstrate their beauty, but they themselves look for it everywhere!

Vanilla girls often appear with cameras with large lenses, constantly clicking frame after frame of moments of beauty seen. They share their photos, in which they try to convey their emotions from the captured frames.

They are very emotional and need to share their experiences, hopes, fears and love. They fly in dreams and create romantic pictures. Their shots can be different: from lush clouds in the form of figures in the sky to captured tenderness in the eyes of lovers hugging on a bench...

Vanillas try to capture every beautiful moment of the world around them...

And they also came up with the idea of ​​drinking coffee :). Starbucks coffee shops are their favorite place. Most of them are against smoking, but if they do smoke, they always smoke vanilla cigarettes, which, in their opinion, go well with coffee.

Vanillas communicate with each other on the Internet. Addiction to social networks is one of their main characteristics. At the moment there are already thousands of them, they are creating their own forums and websites.

What do they say about vanilla?

Opinions, as usual, were divided into 2 camps:

Those who support this subculture often express their fatigue with fashion in glamorous pussies, clubs, cars, and wallets. They want to see a higher level of culture in the minds of young people, a more aesthetic and noble style:

« I would like a woman not to be a collection of beautiful details from her body and clothes, but also to create, dream, and be passionate about something. A woman needs creative exploration. Need to express yourself».

Everyone is tired of debauchery and night club life. Cheap glamor becomes disgusting. There is no creation. One consumption. As a result, dreamer girls appeared, showing off not their curves and cars, but searching for themselves. And that's great!

« These are, in general, cute girls who believe that the world is hostile and cruel, and they are the only bearers of a bright and romantic principle in it. And since the world, in their opinion, is also stupid, so is intelligence

Opponents, on the contrary, call girls “sugar women”, and boys are eliminated from the list of males, because “ Russian boy can’t say “thank you” through every word and smell like chocolate».

They don't like that girls have become " to be overwhelmed by some incomprehensible bullshit, they became like each other like two peas in a pod».

“This is something between emo crybabies and those girls who are disparagingly called “glamor pussy” on blogs. “Vanilla girls” love to cry and wring their hands, although they try to demonstrate “restrained tragedy” to the public, and they are not at all alien to glamor.”

What do they think about themselves?? But they don't think, they feel. Here are excerpts from their contact pages:

Big glasses... Dreamy look... Vanilla smell... Pink dreams...

« She loved black and white photos, sweet scents and fluffy clouds. Her dilated pupils always reflected emotions. She wanted a little more happiness, a little more joy. She was a pessimist, but at the same time she believed in the best every second. She always wanted to go to the roof - closer to the sky. Closer to the clouds. She believed. She probably deserved more..."

« Loves snow, naive children's laughter, yours old sweater, children's champagne and cool wind... Makes faces when you are silent in response. You just don’t know that she’s not like everyone else! Simple, funny and naive... maybe stupid, but so..."

Are there any vanilla boys?

And how!

Compared to other men, vanilla guys are the most sensitive and romantic creatures! And these are no longer just metrosexuals, distinguished mainly by an increased interest in their own appearance, well-groomed, with flirty eyes. These are already guys with a sensual and rich inner world... soul... dreams... and even a certain childish naivety.

Vanilla boys are distinguished by their sensitive souls and subtle perception of the world.

They dress mainly in tight black jeans, moccasins, bright T-shirts with raised collars, high top sneakers. They can wear coats and long hats in cold weather. They often have slightly long, well-groomed hair.

They believe that the days are long gone when masculinity was considered to be boys who “swear” and can use force, who wear sweatpants and have a vulgar and disrespectful attitude towards women. Male vanillas are never rude and will not offend any girl, no matter what direction she is. They say about them: “Young knights of our time!”

They are well-groomed and neat and stand out for their special style in behavior and outlook on life. They also hang out on social networks, set different statuses and like to communicate with different people.

Unlike the thoughtful, mysterious, always dreaming vanilla girls, vanilla guys are almost always cheerful, in a good mood, with humor and do not have such a strong passion for photographing something strange and mysterious. They also love to have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. IN free time are engaged modern types sports and fashionable dancing. What kind of gentleman is this who cannot give a lady a decent dance!?

If you look at a pair of vanilla ones, they are perfect for each other. "Knight and Princess of the Twenty-First Century." However, they often find their soul mate not among their own. Someone wrote that “why this is so is unknown, fate is a complex and unpredictable thing, so the answer to the question remains unanswered...” But we have an answer! 😉

Where did the “vanilla” subculture come from?

The modern world has come to the point that people began to choose this subculture in different parts of the world. Our culture needs a revival of romance, we need relationships that are not in the style of consumer sex on the first date. People wanted not only to be beautiful, but also to feel beautiful! And vanilla is trying to occupy this niche. These are only the first attempts in this direction. The right vanilla is a self-educating girl, with constant creative search. It is especially welcome if she does not use stereotypes (dressing in “I love coffee” T-shirts), but creates her own style, makes them not to lust after her, but to admire the subtlety of her soul, when she begins to create short stories about beautiful love, take photographs of beautiful places...

Vanilla people personify love for all manifestations of our world: landscapes, plants, flowers, animals, people...

Vanillas themselves do not consider themselves any subculture:

« We are not moving anywhere, we are sitting quietly and have not declared ourselves a subculture. There suddenly became a lot of us, and the people around us came up with this name for us. “Vanillas” are more of a way of life: relaxed, romantic and a little lethargic. Lace collars, the film “Vanilla Sky”, melancholy, plaids”,— says a sweet girl, 24-year-old Alexandra, who is the general representative of vanilla beans in the Moscow region.

« I'm tired of the dirt, rudeness, lies, struggle, protest. I want to be cute and fluffy, I want warmth, tenderness, I’m tired of “steaming”, I need to live for myself, see the beautiful and enjoy“says seventeen-year-old Igor, dressed in a cream sweater and wearing a bracelet with a tiny teddy bear on his wrist.

« This is an aesthetic community, we love everything beautiful, but not glamor. In order to follow this subculture, you don’t need a lot of money; on the contrary, vanilla ones reject any kind of “show-off”: fashionable gadgets, expensive rags. The only valuable accessory is a professional camera. Real vanillas look so that when you look at them you want to smile, cozy, cute, funny“, continues Igor.

What do psychologists say?

While browsing the Internet, I found information that the vanilla subculture has not yet been studied by psychologists and psychiatrists due to the fact that it appeared quite recently. But here's what they think:

“The vanilla subculture is built on escapism - escape from reality into romantic films, fantasies, virtual communication, dreams of beautiful and distant cities. They are amorphous and apathetic, trying to immerse themselves together in a fictitious cozy world where it is quiet, warm and beautiful. This results in mass internal migration of teenagers.”

Alena August believes that the reason for the emergence of such a subculture is that children sensitively feel that they are not able to change anything in the socio-political structure of society, and their voice will change little, so they go into internal migration, within themselves.

« They feel bad here, they feel uncomfortable. Hence the addiction to warm drinks, blankets, warm colors in clothes. Careless appearance, the lack of fashionable gadgets is a reluctance to achieve a high social status, they seem to be saying: “we don’t need everything you offer here.” They speak softly, intelligently, but clearly“, reflects psychologist Maria Egorova.

Svetlana Levikova, an expert on youth subcultures, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, believes: “ A very large part of adults want to escape from here, but children have nowhere to run, so they create virtual reality for themselves. They defend themselves as best they can».

So, we found out that psychologists see the problem with fashion for creating their own airy and romantic world in the fact that it is bad for them to live in our society, hence the T-shirts with the inscription “I love New York”. But is it? Let's see what else they say...

Psychologists also warn: “ The very fact that a child belongs to a certain subculture is already an alarm bell for the parent’s consciousness. External well-being is not always accompanied by internal, psychological well-being»

In addition, psychologists attribute to vanilla:

Internet addiction, which occurs as a result of spending many hours on social networks.

The cult of depression and inclusion in such a subculture, despite the outwardly innocent appearance of its representatives, may well lead to an identity crisis and neuroses.

- Harm to health from cigarettes and coffee...

Well, the harm from coffee is insignificant compared to the real problems in our world. Even psychologists drink coffee. 😉 But vanilla smoking is more of a demonstrative nature; in fact, most of them are adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Vanillas exposed: who are they really???

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the essence of this new subculture.

All people included in this movement are owners visual vector . They are characterized by responsiveness, understanding, sensitivity, empathy, amorousness, fantasy, demonstrativeness, a sense of beauty, suggestibility, and good imagination. They have a very high potential for developing intelligence, because we receive 90% of information about the physical world through vision.

The concept of “BEAUTIFUL” for the visual vector is key. At the most basic level, this is the beauty of the external picture: nature, plants, landscapes, and, finally, yourself. These are also those beautiful models who want to personify beauty. At the next levels, spectators create culture and art. At higher levels of development, they express their “BEAUTIFUL” not in painting or art, but in Love for Man. The highest degree of such love is humanism, and in it he plays the main role of the Sensual, Compassionate and Humane-loving Creator.

Just recently, skin-visual girls of the glamorous type were in fashion. In other words, we can say that the values ​​of society contained only the external expression of the visual vector, and no particular attention was paid to the internal content (mental).

The emerging vanilla movement began to try to outwardly express inner beauty mental. And let it not always be an internal impulse, but only following what has become fashion trends when women only repeat the image of others. However, we see that gradually internal content is becoming more and more a priority in society. And soon the values ​​of vanilla will begin to grow more and more among people.

The inner content of people, their beauty of soul are the main values ​​of the newfangled vanilla movement...

Let's return to the fact that psychologists saw the reason for the birth of vanilla beans in the fact that they migrate to the beautiful inner world they have invented in order to escape from the realities of our society. In fact, this is not a fictional world, it has always been with them, they just began to take it outside.

They always find something beautiful in simple things... They smile when they see a colorful butterfly or a charming flower... They cry, empathizing with all their hearts, when they see moments of sensuality and love among people... They are romantic and tend to color and embellish the world with the goal of making it beautiful... With their photographs they want to convey to us the beauty of this World, the idea that it needs to be loved and taken care of... They want to show us the power of Love, which, in their opinion, can save the world!

It must be said that a realized visual person is in love with people and the whole world, and he sees everything around him as beautiful! The task of these people is to create culture and morality, to bring cultural values ​​to the masses by their example.

Recently, mutual tension and hostility have been growing in society. Intolerance and aggression towards each other are increasing, constantly resulting in claims, resentments, misunderstandings, and unhealthy envy. And only the power of the visual vector can resist this, cultivating in people empathy, compassion, goodwill, complicity...

Now let's return to the analysis of the diagnoses of classical psychologists against vanilla. System-vector psychology clearly shows the essence and roots of this phenomenon.

Internet addiction- too loud a statement for this movement. You can say this about almost all of us. The Internet is becoming more and more part of our lives; it is primarily a space for audio and visual people. We work in it, look for information, communicate with friends and relatives even at a distance.

Viewers with high imaginative intelligence absorb information about the world from there, and who, if not they, are professionals in building emotional connections with people, building them directly on social networks, without leaving the monitor. How else can they tell the whole world what beauty they photographed or how much they love their chosen one? And even despite all the advantages of the Internet, there is no fear that the viewer will go headlong into virtual reality. This is a bright extrovert and he needs not only communication, but also the opportunity to see a person, have eye contact with him and direct feedback that arises in the exchange of emotions.

Visual people have the greatest emotional amplitude. And they occur not only in feelings of falling in love and love, but also in sadness (this is a positive feeling!). Or even in melancholy - this is a negative long-term state. But this is not depression. As soon as the viewer finds what he is suffering without - a loved one, a kitten or something else, from the loss of whom his emotional connection was severed, he will again take off on the wings of happiness. Vanillas' ostentatious sadness is an expression of regret that the world often offends their gentle soul, that their beauty cannot be expressed fully enough, that they want to see people peace-loving and responsive, but in reality, unfortunately, this is not always the case. They dream with sadness about Beautiful love, but this is not depression, it is only a desire to realize their inner aspirations, which have not yet found a way or object for this.

In fact, any state is cyclical and has its peaks and valleys. And in order to make the state of euphoria last longer, you need to share it with others, “infect” it with happiness. This is exactly what many vanillas do: they express their emotions to the world, write beautiful lines, statuses in contact, call for love - they share their beauty with you. And they express their sadness, romanticized and inspired by the hope of Happiness...


In the current cutaneous phase of development, we can see a surge in the growth of movements of cutaneous-visual women, but cutaneous-visual men are already catching up! Visual women have already come out highest level development, which consists in raising universal human values, first of all, life itself to the maximum. Now it’s up to skin-visual men, who must elevate humanism to the value of the mental person. And the “vanilla” subculture, as one of the trends, expressed first by the female half, pulls visual men into its direction, which helps their development and implementation in society. And even though the vanilla guys have not yet achieved perfection, often demonstrating only external beauty, there is a tendency towards internal growth, and this is a very important sign - the development process is underway, bringing us closer to the society of the future, the guidelines of which will be spiritual values.

Make way for visual culture!

The article was written based on the training materials on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan

Do you want to find out who vanillas are? Wikipedia is unlikely to answer this question. But we will try to give you accurate information about this new youth movement.

But all this is still not enough to understand who vanillas are. After all, the most important element is their style:

  • T-shirts or T-shirts with the inscriptions: “I Love London”, “I Love NY”, “I Love COFFEE”, etc. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they were in London or New York or not... They love them, and you have to deal with it.
  • Clothing and accessories with the American or British flag, be it shoes, hairpins, watches or pajamas. If they have a flag on them, Vanillas will definitely buy them.
  • Tight-fitting skinny jeans or leggings, the so-called "slippers".
  • As for shoes, Vanillas prefer the well-known Uggs, multi-colored sneakers and ankle boots.
  • Vintage items remain Vanilla's favorites: grandma's knitted hats, knitted arm ruffles, sweaters, old jackets or shabby leather bag over shoulder. If a thing smells of antiquity, you will definitely see it in vanilla.
  • Don't forget about the hairstyle, which is the main element of the entire vanilla style. Vanilla's favorite hairstyles: bun or so-called “bump”; long hair with bangs that always fall over one eye. The more messy your hair is, the better.
  • Another main accessory is large glasses, behind which you can hide your vanilla dreams and tears.
  • Vanillas prefer either natural, unnoticeable makeup, or bright and vulgar. But scarlet lipstick should be worn on the lips in most cases, especially when going out.
  • A bright multi-colored manicure makes the life of vanilla beans more positive and fun; it is advisable that each finger be painted with a separate color, because it is so cute and funny!
  • Vanilla's favorite musical style is Western rock. But not always.

We hope that we were able to answer your question about who Vanillas are. After all, in order to find out all the answers to this question, it is not necessary to search for them for a long time. It’s enough to go out and pay attention to girls who have the above-mentioned style elements.

More and more often on the Internet you can find a society of “vanilla” girls. This new direction is gaining great popularity among young girls from 12 to 16 years old. Let's try to figure out who vanilla girls are and what they are vanilla style

By the way, if among the readers there are those who adhere to this style or are at least somehow familiar with it, we are looking forward to hearing from you in the comments. It will be useful and very interesting to know the opinion of a true vanilla girl on this material.

Having studied many articles on the topic of vanilla on the Internet, this picture emerged:

The “vanilla” style first originated in South America and Western Europe, where young ladies were very tired of the lustful attitude towards them of people of the opposite sex. After thinking carefully, they came to the conclusion that changing the attitude towards oneself must begin with changing oneself: with clothes and behavior (a very wise decision;)). After all, ultra-short, low-cut T-shirts, swearing in conversation and a cigarette in hands do not at all evoke tender feelings in the opposite sex. So they decided to radically change their wardrobe, their vocabulary and their behavior.

Short shorts, too open dresses, skinny jeans were replaced by cute, girlish sundresses made of soft flowing materials in a floral print. The heels were replaced with comfortable pumps and ballet flats, with airy skirts in delicate colors, and make-up that was inappropriate for one’s age was removed completely or only the most delicate part of it was left: soft pink lipstick, a little blush and a little mascara on the eyelashes.

Having changed their appearance, the girls went even further: they began to read romantic books about love and listen to appropriate music. Dreams of princes returned to their young heads, and they began to look at their entire lives through “rose-colored glasses” (which is quite natural at this age).