How to congratulate your boss on his birthday.  Best wishes for the boss on her birthday

How to congratulate your boss on his birthday. Best wishes for the boss on her birthday


If you know for sure that when getting ready for work early in the morning, or maybe at your workplace, your boss will turn on the radio, use the service of congratulations and a musical gift in morning shows. Your boss will be pleased that he was congratulated throughout the country and ordered his favorite song.

Organize a small buffet, draw a congratulatory wall newspaper with the whole team, think over its composition. Let it be a little humorous: for example, process a photo in Photoshop and come up with a funny poem or story. Just don't overdo it. Remember that you are congratulating your boss, not your friend.

Order a portrait of your boss from a professional artist, choose a suitable photograph for this and tell the master about your boss, perhaps he will add a bit of his imagination, for example, make a light cartoon. Place the portrait in a good decorative frame. Or contact special sculptor workshops and let them make a small figurine depicting your boss or his favorite movie, literary or artist character.

You shouldn’t spend money on small souvenirs and trinkets, but you shouldn’t give something expensive and significant either. You may not make the right choice, since managers are business people, they have their own image and style. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Give your boss a vintage wine or branded cognac. Many managers have their own minibar in the office; such a gift would be quite appropriate.

Bosses are people too, and they need to rest. Give it to your boss gift Certificate to visit an entertainment center or a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist or sports game. Just take into account the tastes and status of your manager. The choice of such a gift should be well thought out.

Find out as much as possible about your boss, his hobbies, and ways of spending his leisure time. Perhaps he is interested in golf or tennis. Then an original gift for him could be a set of sports equipment. If he smokes, you can give him a set of expensive cigars or a decorative carved pipe.


  • how to congratulate a manager
  • How to Congratulate the Boss on the New Year 2013?

On the nose New Year, Christmas, your boss's birthday? Then you and your colleagues are probably once again faced with the question: how to congratulate your boss, and in such a way that the congratulation looks original and original?

It is from this that you must proceed when deciding whether to give a gift yourself or on behalf of the entire team. In the first case, you will be able to attract attention with a successful gift, but your financial capabilities will be significantly limited. In addition, you risk giving an inappropriate and tactless gift, which will only arouse the wrath of the new one. By putting funds into a common basket, your personal merit in preparing congratulations may be blurred, but several minds can always come up with original gift, and there will be more funds for this.

If you decide to congratulate the new director yourself, first search the Internet. There are many gift shops here, where there is a special section for “Director” or “Boss”. Not very original, but always an appropriate gift would be a good ballpoint or fountain pen, a high-quality organizer, or a wall clock. This option is better to choose if you are unfamiliar with the new management.

If you are confident in your boss’s sense of humor, you can also look at the “ Cool gifts for the Chef”, where you will find sets of vodka glasses disguised as thick books, interesting paintings and many other funny things.

After choosing the gift itself, you need to select and beautiful congratulations. If the new position will be celebrated at the corporate table, you can prepare a spectacular toast. Otherwise, congratulations can be said in person or written in a postcard.

It will look original if you find interesting Soviet-era posters and make thematic collages with the image of your boss instead of the poster characters. The finished work can be printed on photographic paper and hung either in the office of the newly appointed director, or in the hall where the celebration will take place.

Video on the topic


Delegate authority. All stages of preparation should be divided into several parts and one or two people should be assigned responsibility for each of them. One initiative group is responsible for finding a gift, the second team collects money, the third negotiates with the flower delivery service and takes care of alcohol, etc. By distributing responsibilities, you will have the opportunity to plan and prepare everything well.

There are several requirements for a gift for the boss that must be met:

It must be solid and of high quality;
- no intimate things like decorative cosmetics, underwear or care products;
- the gift must be intended specifically for the woman;
- take into account the interests and hobbies of the boss.

You can congratulate in poetic form - just don’t use hackneyed texts that are repeated from year to year. Show your imagination and compose a congratulation yourself - there will probably be one or two people in the team who can do this well. Write these lines on a beautiful, elegant card and give it along with a bouquet of flowers.

Write an anniversary poster. If your boss is a lady without complexes, who does not hide her years and is not particularly upset about the annual aging, then she will appreciate your efforts in making an original congratulatory poster. Just don’t decorate a sheet of whatman paper with numbers - according to the number of previous years, make them large and bright. Focus on a good photograph of your boss, list her merits and advantages, and focus on how well her subordinates treat her. If you do everything, then it is possible that the present will move her to tears.

Choose a good moment (just not in the morning), get together as a team and go congratulate. You can, of course, postpone all congratulations until the evening, because a mini-banquet will probably be organized, but it is better to make this day memorable. And in the evening, prepare interesting congratulatory toasts.

The boss’s birthday is one of the holidays for which the entire team of the company or organization he heads prepares in advance: beautiful cards, solid gifts, congratulatory addresses. However, more and more often, company employees are not limited to presenting pre-prepared presents and are trying to organize interesting congratulations for your boss.


Many people make videos in which they read boring congratulatory poems from the Internet to their boss with a glass in hand. Go further - shoot a video for his favorite musical composition: let each of the workers “sing” some line from a congratulatory song, someone can dance or explode firecrackers in the background. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time by both you and your boss, who is unlikely to expect such creativity from you.

Give the boss his pedigree or just a description of where his last name comes from and what it means. If for some reason you do not have time to contact specialized companies that engage in such research, come up with it yourself, comparing the qualities of your boss with each letter of his last name and giving this a “scientific” explanation. All this can be beautifully framed and presented to your boss.

The boss's birthday is a special occasion. And you should prepare for it in advance. Usually, pre-holiday chores begin with collecting a certain amount from the team’s employees, and a general decision on what to buy with the collected money. On the scheduled day, a gift is presented, congratulations on duty are read out, and the chef is presented with a cake and champagne. In general, that’s it, and that’s it. On next year the same scenario, it’s good if something else was bought as a gift, and not last year’s option. But to congratulate you in such a way that this event will be remembered for a long time - that is our goal! In general, in this article we decided to find out how to congratulate your boss in an original way.

How to congratulate your boss in an original way

Offer to make the holiday bright and memorable, and, at fairly low cost, I think your colleagues won’t mind at all. Moreover, everyone will be happy, the boss will be pleased with the extraordinary attention, and the employees will be pleased with their participation in an unusual show, and even with the opportunity to prove themselves in informal setting. Maybe a satisfied boss will reward you with a quarterly bonus, or maybe even an increase in salary.

So, let's think about the gift. We dismiss the hackneyed options like alcohol, paintings, figurines out of hand; he probably already has a collection of these items at home. But a personalized gift will be a pleasant surprise! Let's look at some sample options:

The doll is the boss. This is a doll made by an artist from a photograph of your boss. Nowadays, many offers can be found on the Internet; all you need is a realistic photo of your boss. The materials can be very different.

Cartoon. For this you also need a photo, preferably one where the birthday boy is smiling. Offers can also be found on the Internet, or in recreational areas and walking areas of your city.

A reproduction of a famous painting, one of the main characters of which is precisely the boss; all that remains to be determined is the artistic preferences of the hero of the occasion.

A collage based on photographs of buildings in your city, recognizable places, in combination they give the name of your boss. Such a gift will delight the birthday boy with style and originality.

Women will appreciate printing on a scarf, shawl, scarf, because this item will already be individual and unique.

Sweets in the form of letters of the name, a portrait of the birthday person made of chocolate can also be a good and pleasant surprise for the holiday.

A conference room or meeting room would be an excellent venue for a congratulatory presentation.

Collect all the bright, pleasant, work moments that cannot be forgotten; well-chosen music will enhance the effect. Video congratulations from different employees, perhaps from neighboring departments, will also create a pleasant impression.

Instruct your colleagues to spell out the word “congratulations” in different ways, for example:

  • Write on the snow.
  • Lay out from coins.
  • Lay out leaves on the sidewalk.
  • Print on a printer.
  • Don't kiss him with lipstick on a piece of paper or on a mirror.
  • Write mayonnaise on a sandwich or cream on a cake.
  • You can draw lots to see who gets which option. Make a slide show out of all this.

Coming up with a text

We decided to congratulate the male boss, then our advice would come in handy. There are many congratulations on the Internet, both in poetry and prose. But someone has already read this to someone, there is no individuality there. Get together with your work colleagues, brainstorm, there is probably a person in the team who writes poetry. Together, sketch out possible texts or points that you would like to reflect in your congratulations. If the birthday person has a hobby or goal, also mention this in your congratulations with the obligatory wish for success or achievement. Healthy humor in such congratulations is very welcome.

It’s good when several people participate in the discussion of the congratulation project, one head is good, but many are better, this is exactly the case. Everyone will then definitely remember all the individual traits of the boss, without missing anything.

For a conservative boss, for example, a chocolate fountain installed in a place where lunch tea parties usually take place will be a complete but pleasant surprise. And if you place sweets and cut fruits near him, then your subordinates will also be pleasantly surprised by such a surprise.

If the gift is supposed to be savory, then it makes sense to order a themed cake that reflects the direction of your activity in its decoration, or is simply designed in the shape of a dollar or a tie.

Sand shows are now at the peak of popularity. You can tell the master in advance about your boss, his life and leadership, so that by the appointed date he can reproduce all this in the original technique. Your boss will certainly be pleased!


If you don’t know how to congratulate a man on his boss’s birthday, then you should use the tips in this article. The next gift will be especially appreciated by female bosses. Who wouldn't be happy to have a professional photographer? To be a model on such a day, all attention will be focused on her alone, this is where the boss will get real pleasure. Moreover, on the occasion of the holiday she will probably be fully prepared - in elegant clothes, with hair and makeup.

And colleagues can use original homemade props, for example, paper-cut hats, mustaches, masks, in this form they will be an excellent addition to the photo shoot.

As an option for a photo shoot, there can be a cartoon show; the invited artist will be happy to participate in the celebration with his art, leaving unforgettable drawings as a souvenir of the event.

office painting

For it, a sheet of paper is placed in a frame, the artist makes a general sketch on it, but each member of the team will have to complete the drawing, who knows what, you just need to agree in advance on the plot of the picture, whether it will be the theme of the boss’s hobby, or a free humorous sketch.


In general, if you decide to congratulate your female boss, then these recommendations will also come in handy. The boss will appreciate the soul put into such preparations by his subordinates, and the painting can even take a prominent place in the office or director’s office.

The best birthday greetings to the boss

Chief, happy birthday
Today the team wishes you.
You were able to do a lot for us,
We made a breakthrough for our company.

You were able to achieve many successes
Believe me, this is not the limit.
We sincerely wish that our company
The whole world watched with great pride!

Happy Birthday to the boss

You steer our ship
So confidently forward!
You know all the currents,
The reefs are all over the place.
Happy Birthday!
We wish you for long years!
Inspiration to the captain
And live your whole life without troubles!

New Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Let your dreams come true,
Beginnings boldly continue,
New ideas find their way to you,
And let it take a moment to relax!
Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let every new day become a real miracle,
We wish you many more warm words,
Because we love, appreciate, respect you!

SMS Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

My colleagues and I are holding
Half my life.
We meet every day
We know everything about everyone.

I want to congratulate you
Wish you good health.
May you always be in everything
Success follows!

Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Among the words, both proud and weighty
There is one word, simply - “chef”,
Any people you are looking for at the bottom of the seas
Well, there’s nothing cooler, like in fauna – “lion”.
Who is concerned with the lion's share,
Perhaps he won’t understand right away,
That the boss is bloody to the blisters -
He lives for his employees.
Their aspirations and souls know them,
And he will talk heart to heart,
Without disturbing the spiritual infusion,
And he will soar above the conflict.
There is no better arbitrator
But, by the way, the boss is like a father to us,
Just like children, he attracts the worst ones,
And the best is an experienced sage.
Chief, chief, creation of fate,
Please accept our deepest bow,
After all, with a feeling of satisfaction
It was, as always, fulfilled.

Short birthday greetings to the boss

Chief, congratulations on your anniversary,
You are our dear mentor,
Even though sometimes we make you sad,
But we love with heart and soul!

Happy Birthday greetings to the boss in verse

What can the boss wish for?
Avralov will never know
Keep up with everything at work,
Never know despondency

So that the office attracts you,
And never let you down
Your strong creative drive.
To greet the world with a smile!

Touching birthday greetings to the boss

Work is in full swing every day,
But among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes,
A wonderful holiday - anniversary!
We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!
We wish you to bloom, grow,
Save money, improve your health,
It's for a long journey
The most important condition.
Let every day and every hour
He'll get you something new.
May your mind be good,
And the heart will be smart.
There are no golden rivers in life.
Can't hide from all the bad weather,
Let on your life's path
Just happiness will be your companion!

A short birthday greeting to the boss

Congratulations, boss,
And I wish you success,
So that the budget is without holes,
Nuts helped the brain

So that you can only live to your fullest,
So that the trump suit is
To have sex without interruption,
And love-fate is playful!

Happy Birthday greetings to your beloved boss

Let it happen again and again -
Music, song, wine and love.
After all, birthday is a holiday of miracles:
Was and disappeared.
Let's have a drink now, leaving work,
Let there be raindrops behind the glass.
The main thing is that we always know now:
We have you.
You are our boss, comrade and specialist,
Loving husband and an exemplary father.
We wish you rainbow days, and continue to do so
Rainbow years.
Let him visit you once every half hour
Happiness, love and warmth are miracles,
Let fortune roll
Let's streak!

Cool Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Let the chickens not peck for money,
The account in Sberbank will be solid!
Let the nightingales sing in your soul
Early in the morning - early!
Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And he just freezes with happiness!
Let the holiday feast come to you,
Gathers friends and family!

Comic Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Today we are waiting for a short day,
And cake for lunch
The boss's birthday
He is an authority for us!
We congratulate you together,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
Let competitors not be sarcastic,
Let them suffer from heartburn!
So that health is over the edge,
Let's drink to that, pour it in!

Funny birthday greetings to the boss

Although we neither sow nor plow,
We have a different scope of work,
Under your wise guidance
We are moving forward faithfully.
We walk the free road,
Which in general is no wonder:
With such a guiding star,
Like you, not moving is a sin.
With spiritual zeal and passion
We literally pray for you,
And that’s why it’s your birthday,
Your holiday is the best day for us.
So appreciate this zeal,
Excitement and creativity:
Please accept our congratulations -
Happy Birthday to you!

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

When the word “boss” is pronounced, a stern and stern person usually appears in the imagination. However, this is also a person with his own weaknesses, desires and dreams. On the only day of the year, even the most serious leader can allow himself to relax and become a little softer and kinder to his subordinates. Well, in order not to make a mistake and really melt the boss’s heart, you need to prepare well for the important date and prepare a worthy birthday gift. Such a step will prove to even a stern boss that his employees value and respect him.

Do you really want to please your boss on his birthday? Then the boring expensive drinks and Swiss chocolate are unlikely to be appropriate. To surprise and cheer up your boss, you need to come up with a truly unconventional and creative gift. If you have any difficulty in how to congratulate your boss on his birthday in an original way, you need to take a closer look at our instructions.


The popular service “congratulations from a star” can surprise your boss. To implement it, you need to order a paid mobile phone call from a special center, which will make a call to the desired phone and deliver a bright congratulatory speech in the voice of any popular personality.

To increase the boss’s self-esteem and elevate him in the eyes of others, it would be original to present him with a cake with an edible image of his main business rival. While eating a delicious cake, the boss will “swallow” his strongest opponent in front of everyone.

A good idea is to give a safe stash in the form of a book in which you can keep some papers and keys.

If the boss is fond of traveling, then you can turn the office into one of his favorite places on the planet, be it a beach, a forest or a metropolis, and hide a gift in the form of a trip among the decor.

A huge poster in a certain theme, rather with a humorous twist, would be a funny gift. Place photographs of all employees on it, headed by the image of the boss. Photos should be funny and memorable

Very interesting idea There will be a slideshow of photographs accumulated over a long period of joint cooperation. You need to come up with an order for displaying images and choose the boss’s favorite composition.

You can make an intricate map with all sorts of arrows directing the boss to his main gift. At the same time, he needs to go through funny obstacles.

Ekaterina Lidovskaya

In this article, without further ado, we will provide several ways to congratulate a male boss. Let us only mention that you need to approach this matter with understanding, caution, based on the status and personal qualities of the person you are going to congratulate. The main thing is not to overdo it with humor and creativity, because some bosses may perceive harmless ridicule as an insult or disrespect for their personality.

Classic congratulations

Any congratulations to the boss should be pronounced clearly, saying the name and patronymic of the birthday person in full, without cutting off the ending. For a classic congratulation, traditional decoration, balloons and a poster are organized, and in the evening a corporate party, buffet or other celebration is held.

Examples of congratulations.

  1. « Dear and respected Ivan Ivanovich! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You are the most fair, responsible and wise leader. We never cease to be amazed at your extraordinary hard work, professionalism, and punctuality. We wish you success in your work, patience, good luck, professional growth and self-improvement. Let every day be filled with understanding from loved ones and colleagues, and let everyday life be interesting, varied, without placing a heavy burden on your shoulders. I wish you happiness, harmony with the world and good health for many, many years!”
  2. « Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On this wonderful day I would like to wish you all the best! Let your health be strong, your strength not dry up, but only increase, and spiritual harmony always accompany you. Remain the same fair, wise, understanding person who does your hard work well. It is impossible to appreciate the enormous contribution that you make every day for the benefit of the organization. We wish you to always be happy, successful, successful and loved. We value you very much and are proud of you. Thank you very much for your work and everything you do for us!”

Creative, original congratulations

Congratulations to your boss in prose can be very original. This option is suitable for those managers who have a good sense of humor. Creative congratulations Happy birthday to the boss are appropriate in a friendly team, a small organization, when the leader is not fenced off from his subordinates with a wall of arrogance and status.

Here is one example of an original congratulation to the boss. Before starting work, we lay out pillows on the tables, decorate the room (office, study) with carnations and balls, and place a chair in the center with the inscription “Leader of the Proletariat.”

"Ivan Ivanovich! And we are waiting for you in the evening! They made the cake themselves, they brought flowers and balloons! We're not going to work today! Today greatest holiday, boss's birthday! Sit down, our dear, we will congratulate you."

“Oh, great and all-powerful leader! We bow our heads before you for your dedication, hard work, dedication, fanaticism in doing your work. May your head not turn gray because of our careless misdeeds. May the sun shine brighter over your leadership chair. May good luck come to you , success, health and happiness. May there be peace, joy, fun and laughter. Only this way, and not otherwise. Happy birthday! (note: applause, fireworks or firecrackers) You can dress up as pioneers or Soviet workers, and speak into a homemade megaphone.


Pranks are becoming increasingly popular as birthday greetings to your boss. Most often, clowns or artists are invited for these purposes. But here is a congratulation that you can organize yourself.

For this you need to rent a military suit or police uniform. You come to your workplace and start working as usual. You dryly greet the manager, say a phrase like “Good afternoon, well, happy birthday to you,” continuing your work.

And after that, a disguised man, a colleague or friend, comes and flies into the office without knocking. And there are several monologues to choose from.

  1. “Everyone stay put, you have a dangerous criminal hiding,” - trying to take away a girl in handcuffs. The boss argues, tries to justify the employee, etc. And then everyone takes out firecrackers from under the tables and shouts “Happy Birthday” in unison.
  2. He flies straight into the boss’s office: “You have a bomb planted, urgently evacuate everyone!” And behind the doors an employee with balloons is already ready, and everyone running out suddenly shouts “Happy Birthday.”
  3. “You are under arrest for bribery. Step aside, we’ll search the office.” During the search, flowers and balloons fly out of the cabinets, and there is a cake on the table. This is how the office was decorated before our eyes. Everyone comes in and says “Happy Birthday!”

Poetic congratulations

The poem can also act as a congratulation to the boss. When giving a speech, it is better to choose one speaker.

Today, on this birthday,

We hasten to wish you happiness.

Good luck, good luck and luck.

Always fulfill your wishes.

For us - an example to follow -

All your exploits and works.

You are wise, like a storehouse of knowledge.

And like Archimedes, they are smart.

We wish you to always be beautiful,

Shine with beauty and courage.

And be an impassive boss,

But justice should shine.

Let the congratulation be bright and memorable, so that the boss can appreciate it.