How to make bride and groom figures for a cake with your own hands.  Figurines for a wedding cake - an original and individual cake decoration for the newlyweds Modeling the bride and groom from mastic

How to make bride and groom figures for a cake with your own hands. Figurines for a wedding cake - an original and individual cake decoration for the newlyweds Modeling the bride and groom from mastic

Today we will teach you how to make DIY wedding cake figurines. A wedding for every couple is the first important step in their life together. Newlyweds want to be the one and only on their holiday. Attention should be focused exclusively on the newlyweds.

The second most beautiful thing is the cake. Most often it is decorated with figures of the bride and groom, swans, and rings. These figurines representing the bride and groom should look like newlyweds. There are situations when it is impossible to choose. This could be a discrepancy in height, hair color, or a mismatch in the color of a dress or suit.

In this case, you can make wedding figurines of the bride and groom yourself or have them made to order, because not everyone has design skills. This can be done by confectionery factories, individuals with abilities in this area, working in private bakeries or at home.

You can often see inedible decorations - plastic figurines that can be bought at wedding salons and shops. Sometimes you still have to make figurines of the bride and groom yourself, when you don’t like them for some reason and, in your opinion, require improvement, or you want to add your own vision for such figurines.

Changing plastic figures

If you prefer plastic figures and need to change something, it's a little easier to do it. Choose the most similar figures of the bride and groom, do not pay attention to the color of the clothes, they can be replaced.

The bride's dress can be selected and purchased separately at children's store and just take off the “old” and put on the “new”. The groom's suit can be painted or made from fabric. If the costume is removable, you can also purchase it in a store and change it; if not, you can repaint it with acrylic paints.

DIY figurine of the bride and groom made from mastic

You can make figures of the bride and groom with your own hands from mastic or puff pastry. Working with this material requires skill, but the figures turn out very beautiful. The color palette allows you to choose the tone that suits you. This is another reason to show your abilities and treat yourself to exclusive things.

Try making figurines of the bride and groom yourself from several materials, then choose which ones turn out best. You can create not only the standard bride and groom standing next to each other, but show a little humor and make comic scenes, the main characters of which are still the newlyweds. Rest assured, your guests will appreciate your efforts.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Master Class:

Making figurines from mastic:

If you want to make a swan for the cake:

How to prepare mastic for figurines:

According to the good old tradition, the wedding table is decorated with a cake, which is usually more like a culinary masterpiece. To make the cake look appropriate for the occasion, various figurines symbolizing love are often placed on its top. These festive desserts are ordered from the bakery where the pastries are made, and they are made at the request of the newlyweds in any genre and color. Wedding cake figurines date back to pagan times; they are also considered amulets for newlyweds.

Which figurine for a wedding cake is better to choose?

The figurines on the dessert, which is dedicated to the wedding ceremony, can be edible or inedible. For their production they are used different materials. Here is a list of those that are used most often:

  • polymer clay;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics;
  • plastic;
  • candy mass;
  • chocolate;
  • caramel;
  • mastic;
  • marzipan;
  • dough.

If newlyweds want to keep symbolic wedding figurines for a long time, then it is worth buying inedible products. If you want to please your guests by traditionally eating the best piece of cake with figures of the heroes of the occasion, then this ritual is reserved for the end of the wedding celebration. Any figure on a wedding cake must correspond to the thematic focus of the wedding and the entire holiday.

Figurine of the bride and groom

A classic of the genre – figurines of the bride and groom at a wedding dessert. They hold hands, dance, kiss, ride in a car, motorcade or tractor. The figurines in their appearance resemble the lifestyle or character of newlyweds. Often the figures on a wedding cake are visually similar to their prototypes or are comic images of the bride and groom. For example, when a bride catches her future husband with a fishing rod or the groom drags her by force to the registry office. Many couples choose very unusual figurines, which are located along the top edge, hanging their marzipan legs from the cake.

Stylish classic figures

The figures of the newlyweds at the wedding dessert do not necessarily have to look in classic outfits: a white dress, a black suit. If you approach this idea with creativity and imagination, then the long-standing tradition will sparkle with new colors. The figures on the wedding cake can look like Adam and Eve, angels, two doves or a pair of swans. A classic wedding attribute to top off a culinary composition is a pair of items: doves, hearts or wedding rings.

Funny as cartoon characters

Cartoon characters are also frequent “guests” at the newlyweds’ table. Those who are tired of the classics choose bear cubs, elephants, cats, giraffes, firebirds, as well as heroes of famous American cartoons: Melman and Gloria, Beauty and the Beast, Prince and Cinderella or Rapunzel and Eugene. These characters bring enthusiastic smiles to everyone, without exception, creating a fabulous wedding atmosphere.

What are edible figurines made from?

Edible wedding cake figurines are made in different ways. For example, marzipan will help to decorate figurines beautifully, and simple white or black chocolate figures will decorate a stylish wedding dessert. Cream and sugar will also create a delicious wedding highlight. If the newlyweds want to see two white swans on top of the cake, then, as a rule, crispy snow-white meringue is used to make them. The most popular materials for wedding cake figurines among newlyweds are mastic and marzipan.

From mastic

Often, mastic is used to create figurines for wedding cakes. This product not only covers the cake and makes figures from it, but also creates all kinds of inscriptions and more complex compositions. Mastic is a homogeneous edible adhesive mass with an adhesive consistency. It is also made on confectionery factories, and at home. Properly prepared mastic has a consistency similar to plasticine. There are several types of such material for making sweet figurines:

  1. Dairy. Condensed milk is used to make it.
  2. Honey. It is not difficult to guess that honey is added to it and, unlike simple sugar, this mastic does not crumble or crumble.
  3. Gelatinous. It is used to create complex compositions.
  4. Floral. This type of mastic is intended for making flowers and petals.
  5. Industrial. It is created exclusively in production workshops, and tastes like simple sugar mastic prepared at home.

From marzipan

Marzipan decorations for a family celebration cake are very easy to make at home. Modeling figures is much easier, because marzipan has much higher adhesive properties than mastic or other sweet material. Marzipan is not like peanut butter sprinkled on buns. The composition of this plastic material includes almonds, crushed with sugar and filled with syrup. You either prepare the mixture yourself or buy it ready-made in stores. Color marzipan figurines with food coloring.

Video: how to make an original figurine with your own hands

Inedible figurines for the newlyweds cake, figurines of animals or birds expressing fidelity, love and prosperity are also often ordered, because they are stored long years. Watch a master class on making clay figurines for a wedding cake from designer E. Lushnikova:

Photo selection of cool polymer clay figurines

In sculpture, it is easy to recreate the image of any person, with exact facial features, if you use polymer clay. Such figurines are made of any size and stored without any time limit, without losing their original appearance. Clay figures on the wedding cake are sculpted by masters from photographs, but such a service is not cheap. Colored polymer clay itself is inexpensive, so newlyweds will be able to fashion any figurine for their holiday on their own, with a little effort. The photo selection below will help you see what types of wedding figurines there are.

The culmination of every wedding celebration is the cutting of the cake, which is why special attention should be paid to the design of the sweet dessert. The cake can be baked in different styles, but works of confectionery art with figures always look relevant and impressive.


Traditionally, people try to turn a wedding cake into a real culinary masterpiece. The main trend in recent years has been multi-tiered treats, the top of which is decorated with figures representing the newlyweds or symbolizing the strength of feelings and mutual love between the newlyweds. The figurines are edible and inedible:

  • edible ones are made from caramel, mastic, dough, chocolate, marzipan or candy mass;
  • inedible ones are most often made from porcelain, plastic, polymer clay or ceramics.

Jewelry options

Traditional figurines

The version with figures depicting the bride and groom is considered classic. “Young people” can hug, hold hands, kiss, ride in a wedding car or dance. As a rule, they reflect the lifestyle of the newlyweds and their character.

Most often, young people are depicted in traditional wedding dresses black and white color scheme, but some newlyweds do not look for easy ways and strive to stand out, so their desserts are crowned by a man and a woman in the form of swans, in the costumes of Adam and Eve, small Cupids or some other alternative options. In second place in popularity are figurines of doves, swans and images of wedding rings with hearts.

Cartoon characters

Wedding cakes are often decorated with figures of famous cartoon characters. This option is optimal for those who are tired of the standard canons of a wedding celebration and for those who want to make their holiday truly fun and playful. Young people with a good sense of humor will certainly appreciate Minions, Prince and Cinderella, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, as well as Shrek with Fiona and Rapunzel with Eugene.

Such figures will not only set the tone for the holiday, but will also turn it into a little fairy tale with a happy ending.


The funniest jokes are based on self-irony and self-criticism, so using humorous decor can cheer up not only young people, but all guests. It is not necessary for funny figures to have a great external resemblance to young people; moreover, they are often made into caricatures. For example, brides are very popular. who caught the groom on a bait, or girls who drag a reluctant young man to the registry office.

There are several other popular ideas for such figures:

  • a bride carrying her beloved husband in her arms;
  • tipsy bridegrooms;
  • the groom stepping on his young wife's long veil;
  • a man who helps his companion climb to the top tier of the cake.

Of course, if you are planning to present such a cake to the newlyweds as a gift, you must be 100% sure that they will not be offended and will not perceive such decor as an insult.


In recent years, jewelry that represents the intertwined names of newlyweds or their monograms has become quite popular. Thus, the decor emphasizes the uniqueness of the celebration and the targeted nature of the confectionery masterpiece. Depending on the concept of the sweet dessert, these can be full names, a common surname, or capital letters. In this case, they can be located side by side, intertwined or closed into one ring. Short congratulatory texts and wedding wishes look very impressive.

When decorating a cake in this way, preference should be given to silver, gold and pearlescent shades, and, of course, the font should be easy to read.

What are they made of?

Edible figures for wedding cakes are made using several popular technologies. Figurines made of white and dark chocolate, as well as neat decorative elements from marzipan. A stylish composition can be obtained by mixing cream and sugar, and swans made from meringue are considered the pinnacle of confectionery art.

However, mastic is the most popular for making figurines. It is used not only to create figures, but also to make all kinds of inscriptions and cake decorations. The material is a homogeneous plastic mass with a viscous texture. You can buy it ready-made, or you can make it yourself. There are several recipes for making mastic.

  • Honey– it is created on the basis of liquid honey. A special feature of the product is that this mastic does not crumble or crumble.
  • Dairy– condensed milk is used as a basis.
  • Gelatinous– this product is used to create bulky and complex compositions.

How to do it yourself?

  • To prepare the figures for the wedding cake, you first need to build a wire frame. First, the wire is twisted in the shape of a circle, and its diameter will correspond to the diameter of the future “bride’s” dress. The rest of the part should be bent so that a right angle is formed and one of its ends remains in the center of the circle.
  • After this, you need to wrap it in white mastic so that it looks like a young woman’s dress.
  • One of the wires should be wrapped not along, but across the frame; it will become the basis for the bride’s hands - they are wrapped with beige mastic, which is more similar to a natural flesh color.

  • The head is made separately, also in beige, and then attached to the shoulders. Don’t forget that even a sweet and edible bride should remain a woman - give her shape all the necessary roundness. To do this, roll two balls, attach them in front, and cover them with a thin white layer on top.
  • The bride should definitely make her hair and a weightless veil; to make the latter, she should roll out the mastic as thin as possible, almost to the point of a cobweb, and very carefully fix it on the “young” hairstyle.
  • Particular care is required when drawing the bride's face - for this they use food coloring and a thin brush.


  • When choosing images that will decorate the cake, first of all consider the style of the wedding ceremony. If you are holding events in a touching and romantic way, humorous images will be strictly inappropriate.
  • If you prefer sweet figurines, then keep in mind that the mastic requires special storage conditions - it is kept in a cool place, always in cling film in a hermetically sealed container. The figurine can be taken out of the refrigerator only a few hours before the holiday, and placed on the cake only before serving.
  • It is very important to secure the figures tightly on the last tier of the cake, otherwise you will not be able to avoid them falling to the floor and compromising the integrity of the entire composition.

Beautiful examples

The most common idea for decorating a wedding cake is delicate and romantic figurines depicting the bride and groom.

However, the figures can be caricatures; they emphasize the endless sense of humor of the young.

It has long been the case that the pinnacle of a festive wedding table is the wedding cake, which everyone tries to turn into a culinary masterpiece. To coincide with the event, wedding cake figurines are usually placed on the top tier. They personify the great power of love. Cakes are most often ordered from the culinary or confectionery departments, and depending on the wishes of the couple or the style of the wedding, figurines are also chosen.

How to choose a figure for a wedding cake?

Cool figures for a wedding cake can be made from both edible and inedible materials. Next, we will talk about the materials from which wedding cake figurines can be made.


  1. Caramel;
  2. Chocolate;
  3. Mastic;
  4. Dough;
  5. Marzipan;
  6. Candy mass;


  1. Porcelain;
  2. Ceramics;
  3. Plastic;
  4. Polymer clay;

Figurines of the Bride and Groom

A classic choice for decorating a wedding dessert is a figurine of the bride and groom. They can be depicted hugging, kissing, dancing, riding in a car or any other form of transport. Such figures reflect the interests, character or lifestyle of young people. Quite often, the figurines have a visual resemblance to the heroes of the occasion, and sometimes they are made in a caricature of the bride and groom. Sometimes they depict the bride catching the groom “by bait”, or when she drags the groom to the registry office by force. Particularly extravagant newlyweds choose unique figures with the bride and groom hanging from the top tier of the cake or helping one of the newlyweds climb to the top tier.

Stylized cake figures

Not every couple wants to decorate their cake with a couple in classic black and white suits. Many people want to stand out from the crowd and approach this with a certain amount of fantasy and imagination, making a long-standing tradition look new and interesting. So you can crown the cake with a figurine of the newlyweds in original costumes, in the main colors of the wedding, in the form of two swans, doves, Adam and Eve, little Cupids and many other options. Young people also want to decorate their cakes with classic hearts, wedding rings or cooing doves.

Funny cartoon figures for wedding cake

Representatives of animated or cartoon films also often decorate wedding cakes. Those who are already fed up with classic figurines choose animal figures: bears, birds, kittens, firebirds, dogs and cartoon characters: Gloria and Melman, Minions, Prince and Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Eugene and Rapunzel, Mickey Mouse and Minnie, Eric and the Little Mermaid, Shrek and Fiona. These unusual figures will not leave anyone indifferent, turning the wedding ceremony into a fairy tale.

Materials for edible figurines decorating a wedding cake

Depending on the material used, the figurines are also prepared using different methods. White or black chocolate can be a wonderful decoration for the newlyweds’ cake, as can neatly decorated marzipan figures. By mixing cream and sugar you can create a unique composition on the cake. Well, if the newlyweds chose a figurine of swans, then it is best to prepare them from snow-white meringue, which melts in your mouth.

Marzipan and mastic decorations are especially popular for decorating wedding desserts.

Wedding cake figurines made of mastic

Mastic is the most common material for making desserts. It is used not only to decorate wedding cakes, but also to make decorations, inscriptions, of course, figurines of newlyweds and more bulky compositions. Mastic is a homogeneous adhesive viscous texture that can not only be contemplated, but also eaten. You can prepare it yourself at home or buy it ready-made. If it was prepared using the correct technology, it will look like plasticine.

There are several options for preparing mastic:

  • Honey. Prepared with the addition of honey. Its distinctive feature is that... That it does not crumble or crumble;
  • Dairy. It is prepared on the basis of condensed milk;
  • Floral. Petals and flower arrangements are prepared using this method;
  • Gelatin mastic is used to prepare serious structures;
  • Industrial mastic can be produced only at specialized enterprises in workshops, while the taste is similar to regular sugar mastic, which you can prepare yourself at home.

Marzipan figures for wedding cake

Like mastic decorations, marzipan decorations can also be prepared at home. Unlike mastic, marzipan has more viscous properties, therefore, it sticks much better and is easier to mold. Marzipan consists of crushed almonds with added sugar, and then filled with syrup. If desired, you can make marzipan figurines at home yourself or purchase them in a store. You can use food coloring to give your wedding decorations the desired color.

Humorous figures for a wedding cake

Psychologists have repeatedly stated that the funniest jokes are those based on self-criticism and self-irony. Using ironic figures, you will show your guests that you have a great sense of humor and can joke not only with someone, but also with yourself. By placing cool replicas of the real bride and groom on the cake, you can cheer everyone up.

For example, a few ideas:

  1. The bride who carries the groom in her arms;
  2. Tipsy bride and groom;
  3. The bride who caught the groom on a hook;
  4. A fallen bride and a groom who stepped on a veil;
  5. The bride who pulls her groom down the aisle;
  6. Groom helping the bride climb onto the top tier of the cake.

How to make your own wedding figurines

  1. To prepare the fair half of the newlyweds, you need to prepare a wire frame.
    The first step is to twist the wire into a circle shape. The diameter of the circle will be the base of the dress, so you need to decide on the size of the figurine.
  2. The rest of the wire must be bent so that a right angle is formed and one end remains in the center of the circle. Wrap the cone with white fondant to create the effect of a dress. One of the wires should be wrapped across the frame. She will serve as the bride's hands. The “arms” and “shoulders” should be wrapped in beige to make it look like leather.
  3. The head is also made flesh-colored and secured to the shoulders. Don't forget to give the bride some nice roundness and stick two balls in the chest area and cover with a white layer on top.
  4. Depending on the bride's hair color, choose the appropriate color and place it on your head. Since every bride should wear a weightless veil, you need to roll out the mastic almost to the cobweb layer and carefully attach it to your “hair.” Thanks to food coloring, you can draw facial features, shadows, highlights and folds on the dress.
  5. The figurine of the groom is sculpted using the same principle.

Step-by-step preparation method:

  • Based on the video, we roll up the wire and form a prototype of a human figure;
  • We envelop the “torso” with white mastic.
  • For open areas of the “body” (face, hands, neck), use flesh-colored mastic.
  • We use food coloring to paint the groom’s facial features and every fold of the suit.
  • For a tie or bow tie, take a thin piece of fondant and place it accordingly.
  • Excess pieces of wire need to be cut off.
  • At the final stage, we complete the composition and place the groom in the arms of the bride.

Now the edible figurines of the bride and groom are completely ready to decorate the wedding cake and attract delight from the guests of the celebration.

  1. It is worth remembering that a wedding cake is not only a dessert, but also part of the wedding ceremony, so it must correspond to the concept of the event chosen color scheme and the style of the celebration.
  2. Inedible cake figures can delight you with memories of this wonderful day for a long time, but edible ones can pleasantly surprise you with their unique taste.
  3. Mastic requires special storage. It should be kept wrapped in cling film in a closed container. If you store it in a room, it should be used within 3-4 days, in the refrigerator the period increases to 12-14 days, and in the freezer it should be stored for about 2-3 months.
  4. The figurines should be taken out of the refrigerator several hours before the event and placed on the wedding cake right before serving.
  5. Make sure that the figurines are firmly attached to the cake to avoid breaking the entire structure and causing the figurines to fall to the floor.

Another interesting way make the newlyweds stand out from the crowd and show originality. Experienced confectioners will be able to make your fantasies come true, and those who are especially persistent can make figurines with their own hands at home.