What massage to use for burns and scars.  Treatment of scars after burns: effective ointments, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

What massage to use for burns and scars. Treatment of scars after burns: effective ointments, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

Providing first aid for burns and their further treatment are two very important points. People all over the planet face this problem every day. Some people are luckier and get away with minor redness, while others get damage of degrees II-IV. In such cases, post-therapeutic rehabilitation is necessary. In this case, massage for burns is very effective, which will not only relieve discomfort, but also help to avoid scars, scars, and deformation of the skin. It is worth immediately noting that the main massage technique for burns is almost always different and depends solely on the nature of the injury.

Description of the procedure

Such techniques are used only for initial grade II-IV injuries, that is, if your symptoms include, at a minimum, the appearance of blisters (which indicates level II-III damage). With a weak wound, when all the signs are only redness, you don’t need to use massage; it doesn’t help heal the tissue. However, why is it needed then?

  • Restores the upper layers of the epidermis, since the process removes dead horny scales;
  • Prevents scar formation;
  • Locally stabilizes blood circulation;
  • Relieves post-traumatic pain syndrome;
  • Increases elasticity;
  • Helps normalize lymph flow;
  • Supplies tissues with oxygen and increases their glycogen content.

As you can see, massage for burns, as in any other situations, has a rather strong, positive effect on the human body. However, you need to remember that only a specialist is allowed to conduct sessions. Sloppy movements of an inexperienced person can only cause harm.


Despite the fact that it would seem that this is a safe therapy, massage for burns has a large list of situations when such a course is prohibited:

  • Malignant tumors;
  • Open wounds;
  • Active tuberculosis;
  • Angiitis;
  • Scurvy;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Causal syndrome;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Acute inflammation;
  • Purulent processes;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Area-wide allergic reaction;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Vomit;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • Kidney or heart failure;
  • Fungal, viral and other pathological rashes;
  • Varicose veins

A trained specialist knows all the features of massage for burns, and will be able to tell you in which cases it can be performed and in which it cannot.


Such courses can be prescribed both for burns due to high temperature, and vice versa - for frostbite, this injury also applies to thermal damage. The peculiarities of massage for burns are that initially it is performed more often (several times a day, and then less often, as the working area approaches the wounded person).

Massage for burns

The first session begins after mechanical healing of the damaged area. That is, the main pain should have already passed, the blisters have been removed, the area has been cleaned and “tightened.” If some tissues are affected by necrosis, they also need to be removed and wait a little while for the wounds at the border with living skin to heal.

Massage for burns is carried out in various forms depending on the location of the injury:

Lower limbs

Massage the lumbar region, lower thoracic spinal segments, gluteal muscles, iliac bones, as well as in the area of ​​the sacrum and hip joints.

Upper limbs

The following areas are massaged:

  • Upper thoracic and cervical spinal segments;
  • Deltoid, serratus anterior and dorsal muscles;
  • Intercostal spaces;
  • Sternum;
  • Arches of ribs.

The necessary areas are rubbed, stroked, hatched, kneaded longitudinally, moved, gently patted. Also in massage for burns, methods of stable vibration, sawing, and squeezing are used.


All procedures are carried out in the upper and lower extremities, without unnecessarily affecting the damaged areas. Acupressure for pain after a burn should be performed very carefully so as not to provoke an increase in symptoms.


This includes any parts of the body that tend to bend. The central areas are massaged (in order to improve blood and lymph circulation), as well as the muscles on the mirror side relative to the burned area (the so-called antagonists).

Home therapy

It is not always possible to visit a massage therapist. Treatment is divided into two stages:

  • From the moment of initial healing until complete scar formation. Sessions are held 2 times a day for 10-20 minutes. For the first couple of days, the area just above the injury is massaged, and then around it.

Important! Massage for burns is performed with fingertips.

  • Start with stroking (8-9 repetitions);
  • Next comes the “squeezing” technique (working with the nearest lymph nodes) 3-5 times;
  • Then knead the area several times (3-4).
  • Repeat everything 2-5 times.

Important! The main massage technique for burns involves gentle pressure and stretching of the damaged areas.

  • After scar formation. The order and scheme of the course does not change, but sessions are held less frequently - once a day or every other day for 7-15 minutes.

Very often, massage for burns is combined with various applications(wax or oil). In all cases, such therapy is strictly individual in nature. Therefore, your attending physician should participate in its prescription and control, and the sessions themselves should be conducted by a professional massage therapist.

Such courses help people not only avoid discomfort after injury, but also prevent some complications (problems with blood circulation, lymph flow, the formation of scars). However, the main massage technique for burns, as well as the entire course, should be selected by a specialist. If therapy does not produce any results, consult your doctor again for possible course adjustments.

Often, after serious burns, a scar appears at the wound site, which can grow and thicken over several weeks. Many people want to get rid of such “decoration”, because... The scar often has a bright red or bluish color; in addition, pain, itching and burning may be felt in this area.

Classification of scars after burns

Doctors distinguish 4 types of post-burn scars:

  1. Normotrophic. It is formed during normal healing of the burn site and is almost not released on the surface of the skin. Over time, it may become completely invisible.
  2. Atrophic. After the burn heals, a hole forms in this place, collagen begins to be poorly produced here and the skin becomes flabby and unsightly.
  3. Hypertrophic. It occurs under unfavorable healing conditions: inflammation or stretching, which leads to the appearance of pathologically active cells in this area that produce collagen in increased quantities. The scar protrudes above the surface of the skin and is bright red in color.
  4. Keloid. It is one of the most severe forms of scars and appears due to the active formation of connective tissue. Its behavior resembles a tumor and often grows beyond the wound. The scar protrudes above the skin, hurts and is bright red.

Scars usually appear two months after the burn has healed, and in people mature age they appear more often than in older people and children. You should pay attention to the condition of the skin at the burn site; if pain occurs when pressing, itching and pulsation, or changes in the color of the scar, it is better to consult a doctor. It should be taken into account that the less time has passed since the scar appeared, the easier and faster it can be treated.


Medicines are effective only at the moment the scar appears; after a few months they are unlikely to help.

  1. Contratubeks. This gel relieves pain, speeds up the healing process and thereby prevents the appearance of a scar. When applied 2-3 times a day, the scar can be completely cured in 3 weeks.
  2. Kelofibrase. This cream softens and moisturizes the skin well, has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. You should rub it into the skin 4-5 times a day.
  3. Dermatix. Available in the form of cream and gel. The siloxane polymers included in the product saturate the skin with oxygen, moisturize and relieve itching. Applied to the skin 2 times a day, after 1-2 months it can completely remove the scar.
  4. Heparin ointment. It can help in resolving old scars, because... heparin in its composition prevents the formation of blood clots and has an anticoagulant effect.

Ointments should be used immediately after the burn site has completely healed; crusts on the wound should not be removed. To speed up healing, you should lubricate the sore spot with Panthenol or Dexpanthenol.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods for treating scars are often as effective as medicines, you just need to understand that treatment may take several months.

You can prepare and use the following compositions:

  1. Bodyagi ointment. Dilute bodyaga powder with vegetable oil to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. Then rinse well with warm water. Repeat once a week or a little more often.
  2. Pumpkin seed ointment eggshells. Equal parts of the components are thoroughly crushed and diluted with vegetable oil to obtain a paste. This product is used to lubricate scars for several months.
  3. ointment from olive oil and beeswax. Mix 50 g of wax with a glass of oil and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting ointment is applied to the scar 2 times a day.

Removal of burn scars

There is no need to hope that ointments alone can cure a scar; more often they are used in combination with more radical methods, especially in the case of old or too large scars.

If a doctor suggests surgical removal of a scar, then you need to listen to him, most often this is best way getting rid of a big ugly scar. After the operation, in its place there will be only a small scar, which after treatment with ointments will become almost invisible.

You can also get rid of scars using hardware cosmetology methods, which, when used correctly, give the desired result. These include laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, cryotherapy.

Laser resurfacing of burn scars

Laser resurfacing is essentially a deep peeling; during the procedure, the surface layer of skin and part of the dermis are removed. Depending on the size of the scar, the procedure is repeated several times, most often it is performed under local anesthesia. After resurfacing, slight redness and swelling of the skin may occur, which quickly resolves. The cosmetologist will prescribe products to treat the scar in between procedures. Small scars after this procedure disappear without a trace, but old and large ones can only decrease in size.


Chemical peeling is carried out using phenol, glycolic or retinolic acids. Under their influence, the upper scar tissues peel off and are removed. To completely get rid of a scar, several procedures are necessary.

A type of peeling is microdermabrasion. In this case, grinding is carried out with aluminum oxide powder.


This method is very effective in treating young scars that are treated with liquid nitrogen. The disadvantage of this method is that it is a rather painful procedure.

You need to know that keloid scars are prone to relapse, which can be triggered by exposure to the sun, solarium or sauna. Therefore, it is better to avoid such procedures for at least a year after treatment.

Burns are one of the most common household and industrial injuries. Even a small area of ​​skin damage leaves a mark. Scars after burns cause physical and aesthetic discomfort and sometimes limit joint mobility. We’ll look at how to get rid of them in our article.

Types of burns and their consequences

The appearance of post-burn scars depends on the root cause of their occurrence.

Main types of burns:

Thermal. Occurs as a result of exposure of the skin to high temperatures. It can be caused by sunlight, fire, hot liquid or steam, or hot objects.

The likelihood of scarring depends on the severity of the burn. A first degree burn leaves no traces, since only the epidermis is affected. Second degree burns may leave red spots and small scars on the skin. With third- and fourth-degree burns, the skin, muscle and nerve tissues, and the fatty layer are injured, from the cells of which a dense scab is formed.

Chemical. The cause of chemical damage to the skin is caustic alkalis and concentrated acids. Traces from such burns have clear contours, the color of which depends on the chemical substance (black or brown scars form from sulfuric acid, yellowish from hydrochloric acid, yellow-green or yellow-brown from nitrogen, white from hydrogen peroxide).

In some cases, a keloid (a dense tumor-like growth of fibrous connective tissue of the skin) may form at the site of the scar. The impetus for its development can be an injury or scratching of a scar. During growth in the area of ​​the scar, itching, burning, painful sensations when pressed.

Electric. In places where electric shock or lightning strikes, “marks” (bubbles with serous fluid) remain, in place of which ugly scars form.

Radical treatment of scars

To treat keloids, old scars, as well as scars that occupy a large area, radical treatment methods are used:

Medicinal methods of elimination

Maximum effect of use pharmaceuticals can be obtained at the stage of scar maturation. The course of treatment is usually about 6 months. The most popular drugs are:

  • . The ointment contains onion extract, which prevents the formation of scar tissue and has a bactericidal effect on the wound. The heparin it contains softens tissues and promotes the regeneration of new cells, and allantoin alleviates discomfort during the healing process. The ointment should be rubbed into the burn site several times a day.
  • Kelofibrase. The cream is made on the basis of urea and sodium heparin, which increase blood circulation, make scar tissue more elastic, promote skin regeneration and scar resorption. The cream is applied to the post-burn scar 4 times a day with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. For old scars, compresses with cream should be applied at night.
  • Zeraderm Ultra. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating effects. Effective for keloid and hypertrophic scars after burns. Apply after complete healing of the wound 2 times a day.

Under no circumstances should you remove the crust that has formed on the wound after a burn. In this way, the situation can be aggravated by increasing the depth of the scar.

  • . A new generation anti-scar preparation, intended for the correction of scars and the prevention of their development. Available in the form of a transparent gel, which must be applied to the affected area twice a day 3 weeks after the burn, or as an electrophoresis kit. Using an electrophoresis procedure, the medicine is injected under the skin and acts on the scar from the inside.
  • Silicone plate "Spenko". A transparent silicone plate measuring 10x10 cm is intended for removing scar formations of various origins, incl. post-burn. It is attached to the scar with a bandage or adhesive plaster and is removed only a few times a day for hygiene procedures.

Remedies for burns in the photo

Traditional methods

Good results in the fight against the consequences of burns can be achieved using traditional methods:

  • Cosmetic clay mask. Helps make scars less noticeable. Mix clay powder with water to a paste-like consistency and apply to the damaged area twice a week for 15 minutes. Rinse off any residue with cool water.
  • Bodyaga. A natural remedy to combat scars and seals on the skin. To eliminate scars, apply a bodyagi mask 2-3 times a week. The product should not be used on the area around the eyes if there is rosacea or open wounds on the skin.

You can make post-burn scars less noticeable using compresses of finely grated fresh potatoes, aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil, and parsley decoction.

If you don’t want to waste time preparing medicine from natural badyagi, you can find ready-made gels with this component in the pharmacy

  • Melon seed mixture. Grind 20 dried and peeled ripe melon seeds, the shells of 2 eggs and mix with 5 ml of olive oil. Apply a compress from the resulting mixture to the scar and secure. Change the compress daily for 20 days. If necessary, repeat the course after a 14-day break.
  • Beeswax mask. Melt 2 parts butter and 1 part natural beeswax in a water bath, cool, add 10 drops each of lemon juice and aloe juice. Apply the prepared mixture to the scars several times a day.

Burn scars: what not to do

  • Those with noticeable burn scars, especially on open areas of the body, try to disguise them with tattoos. This should not be done. A tattoo in itself is a traumatic procedure for the skin. And its application to an already damaged area of ​​skin can lead to serious consequences.
  • The scar formed after a burn must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays, otherwise it will become more noticeable. Therefore, sunbathing is not recommended for people with such skin defects.
  • You should not self-medicate. Be sure to consult your doctor before using any method. Comprehensive treatment may be needed to achieve a better result.

The sooner you start treating burn scars, the higher the chance of getting rid of them forever without resorting to radical methods.

Burn scars are new growths that appear on the site of damaged, dead skin due to exposure to low and high temperatures. Injuries and disorders of the epidermis from exposure to high temperatures or chemicals can be treated with medication, cosmetic and surgical methods.

A burn scar does not paint a person; it can cause unpleasant painful sensations, itching and burning. Almost everyone has experienced chemical, thermal, electrical or radiation damage to the skin. Getting sunburned on the beach after sunbathing, being in sea water, getting burned on an iron is familiar to everyone.

Children are the most vulnerable to injury. Due to age, curiosity and inexperience, a child gets into trouble more often than an adult. Feet scalded by boiling water, a blister on a finger, on a cheek, on a hand - frequent cases of calling the emergency room.

Plants are also dangerous. Touching hogweed causes 1-3 degree burns on the skin. After severe burning, blisters appear, and treatment takes 2 months. If the wounds become infected, the patient begins to shiver and the temperature rises. After an inflammatory process, scars on the body cannot be avoided.

Burn scars are injuries that can last a lifetime. If the skin has received minimal damage (redness, burning), it is not difficult to heal at home using ointments, sprays, balms or simple folk remedies. In cases where the burn has affected the epidermis, blood vessels, sweat glands, and internal tissues, self-medication will only do harm. Seeing a doctor is necessary.

The cause of the scar is also the patient’s ignorance. When a burn wound heals, a crust remains in place, under which a new layer of skin is regenerated. The patient tears off this crust in the hope of speeding up the healing process. The protective layer is removed, and the appearance of a scar is inevitable.

Methods for healing scars

According to the depth of the lesions, burns are divided into degrees

Degree Damage Treatment
1st degree Redness, swelling skin. Drug treatment Houses. Recovery in 5-7 days.
2nd degree Redness, burning, blistering. Drug treatment. Recovery in 15-20 days.
3rd degree Dead skin, swelling, hypermia around the wound, the appearance of blisters or scabs. Hospitalization: surgical treatment, drug correction, cosmetic procedures. Surgical intervention. Plastic surgery for skin grafting. Recovery from 2 months.
4th degree Necrosis, charring of the dermis and internal tissues Hospitalization to a burn center. Surgical treatment, drug correction, cosmetic procedures. Surgical intervention. Plastic surgery for skin grafting.

Scars on the human body appear from burns of 2, 3 and 4 degrees due to improper treatment of the wound or the patient’s negligent attitude towards his health. Scars occur when a damaged area of ​​skin (blisters) becomes infected. The inflammatory process and suppuration begin. The body reacts instantly: heat, weakness, chills. The doctor conducts necessary tests and prescribes treatment.

Burn scars bring a lot of discomfort. They contribute to a person’s low self-esteem and his complexes. Especially if they are on the face or neck.

Methods for healing burn scars help combat post-traumatic skin defects. These are procedures, effective medications and plastic surgery


Medicines are used at all stages of treatment of the burn itself. Ointments, balms, gels, sprays are used in cosmetic and surgical methods. These are healing, regenerating, antiseptic agents. Drug treatment of scars requires large quantity time, even several years, and the patient does not always achieve the desired result.

Medicines for burns:

  • Kelofibrase cream;
  • Rescuer;
  • Levomikol;
  • Povidone-iodine;
  • Panthenol;
  • No burns;
  • Apollo;
  • Contractubex;

With the help of folk remedies, ointments, masks, herbal infusions, it is difficult to remove a scar after a burn, but it is possible to lighten the scar, give the skin color, moisturize, and soften the dermis. Apple vinegar, Castor oil, essential oils, lemon juice, honey do a great job with this. because it causes burns.

Aloe vera has healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Smearing the burn so that there is no scar left begins at the stage of wound healing in order to prevent the formation of a scar. If it appears at the site of injury, it will be insignificant.

Cosmetology procedures

In cosmetology there are a number effective methods, with the help of which patients get rid of small and medium-sized scars and old growths. Cosmetology clinics offer the following procedures to eliminate burn scars:

  1. Physiotherapeutic treatment of scars after a burn helps increase skin elasticity and improves recovery processes. These are paraffin treatment, diadynamic therapy, galvanization, cryotherapy, infrared irradiation, electrophoresis, darsonvalization. 5-15 sessions are prescribed.
  2. Hormone therapy is a series of injections of glucocorticoids into scar tissue. The procedure is aimed at reducing keloid scars. There is a risk of side effects when using this method.
  3. Laser resurfacing is safe and effective method fight against facial scars. The beam “removes” unnecessary layers of skin and stimulates collagen production. As a result, the scar becomes soft, smoothes out, changes color, and whitens.
  4. Microdermabrasion (diamond resurfacing) is a painless procedure for cleansing facial skin using an abrasive material of aluminum oxide crystals. Completely eliminates small scars from various burns.
  5. Chemical peeling is a method based on the effect of compounds on different layers of the dermis fruit acids(AHA acids). Effective for different types scars. When cleansing, roughness is removed, dead particles are exfoliated and whitened, and the surface of the damaged area is smoothed without toxic effects. Peeling is contraindicated for people allergic to the acids used.

Surgical methods

If a conservative approach is ineffective, scars can be treated surgically. This is a fairly expensive method, but the result exceeds expectations. People with old keloid and hypertrophic scars see the need for such intervention.

During the operation, scar tissue is excised, skin deformation is removed, and a cosmetic suture is applied.

Doctors rarely do skin grafts to remove scars, since there is a possibility that keloid scars will return over time.

Will there be a scar after a burn blister?

With proper treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree burns, the formation of scars can be avoided. The damaged area hurts, swollen blisters ooze. They cannot be burst, as they protect the wound from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and infections. After taking the painkiller, the damaged area is treated with an antiseptic solution, and ointment, gel or aerosol is applied to the blisters themselves. Medicines help restore tissue and get rid of possible burn marks.

If healing proceeds without complications: suppuration, fever, chills, there is a high probability that there will be no scar left after the burn blister. When the blister goes away, new skin remains in its place. Cream, gel, mask, ointment for various scars are recommended to be applied constantly, since young skin is sensitive and does not have protective properties against external influences. If it is damaged, an inflammatory process may begin. Complications during treatment of a burn are the cause of the appearance of a scar.

Care for post-burn scars and possible complications

Keloid and hypertrophic scars cause discomfort for a long period of time and can be itchy. A person feels such symptoms for 6–12 months. During this period, damaged areas of the dermis are vulnerable: slight tissue damage leads to a bacterial or infectious outbreak. A person gets sick, the immune system suffers, and the trail becomes larger. Self-medication for fever and severe pain is unacceptable. The real help for the patient is consultation with the attending physician.

After healing, post-burn scars require both medicinal and cosmetic care. Folk remedies With constant use they also give excellent results.

Burn cicatricial changes in the skin are most significant after a 3rd degree burn. They are a reaction of the body in the form of replacement of normal skin structures with connective (scar) tissue in response to deep damage and destruction of its structure. When deciding how to remove a burn scar, you have to take into account their huge variety. It is due to:

  • type of scar changes - normotrophic, hypertrophic scars;
  • expressiveness - color, as well as height or depth of location in relation to the level of the surface of healthy skin;
  • area and shape;
  • localization and influence on functional disorders;
  • duration of existence.

Treatment of scars after burns

Of the exposed parts of the body, the face is often damaged. Aesthetic and functional consequences after a facial burn are of great importance, since the process may involve the upper and/or lower lip, cheek areas, ears, chin, and submandibular area. In this regard, the choice of the most adequate and, if possible, the most effective way corrections to improve appearance is especially important.

How to treat post-burn scars, and what methods can you get rid of them?

There are surgical methods, products for external use (gels, creams, ointments), injection and hardware techniques.

With extensive 3rd degree burns, the main task is to restore lost functions while simultaneously eliminating (as far as possible) the negative aesthetic consequences of burns. Often, achieving the necessary results using conservative methods, especially with rough scars leading to functional impairment, is quite difficult or even impossible. In these cases, the help of dermatosurgeons, plastic surgeons and cosmetologists is necessary.

Plastic surgery and invasive cosmetic procedures

The main objective of surgical treatment is the removal of scars from burns that cannot be corrected or obviously cannot be corrected by conservative methods, as well as those that impair the functions of certain organs (eversion of the eyelids, narrowing of the entrance to the oral cavity, limitation of the range of movements of the limbs, etc.).

In such cases, the types of correction depend on the severity of the lesion. This can be a simple excision of the scar, its excision with mobilization of the surrounding healthy tissue, transplantation of skin flaps, as well as the use of various methods of modern plastic microsurgery.

After eliminating gross defects, aesthetic correction is carried out by dermatosurgeons and cosmetologists who are proficient in surgical methods for correcting skin relief:

  • microcrystalline (using special cutters) and;
  • cryodestruction;

Widespread use of plastic surgery methods is impossible, since they are limited by strict indications, contraindications and possible complications. In addition, many of them are quite expensive.

Laser ablation of burn scars

Laser resurfacing of a burn scar

Local medicines

Dosage forms for external use, such as ointment, cream, gel for burn scars and other types of damage, are very popular. They are readily available and sold in pharmacies without prescriptions. The active substance can also be administered to the required area through procedures and ultraphonophoresis carried out in physiotherapy rooms. For these purposes, you can also purchase relatively inexpensive compact devices for use at home.

The composition of preparations for external use is different and may contain enzymes and surfactants, hormonal components, vitamins and minerals, plant essential oils, etc.

They are applied to wounds already covered with an epithelial layer and are used mainly as prophylactics against the formation of scars after burns, as well as during the formation of the latter, sometimes with existing hypertrophic scars limited in area and size and in addition to surgical treatment . These drugs help improve blood circulation, synthesize normal collagen, eliminate itching, prevent redness and infection, soften still tender scar tissue and eliminate the feeling of “tightness” of the skin in the affected area.

“Heparin ointment” or “Kontratubeks” ointment

It is used to resolve scars after burns, which are mainly in the early stages of formation. The components of the latter are heparin, allantoin and Serae onion extract.

Heparin, in addition to anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, has the property of moderately suppressing the proliferation of connective tissue and promotes its saturation with water molecules, due to which scar changes soften.

Allantoin has a keratolytic effect, as a result of which the stratum corneum peels off faster, blood circulation improves, tissue permeability for the active components of the ointment and for water increases, and the ability of tissues to retain water improves. Onion extract, having anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic effects, inhibits the growth of fibroblasts, connective tissue cells involved in the formation of a hard scar.

Kelofibrase and Mederma

A similar effect is achieved by Kelofibrase cream, the active ingredients of which are urea, heparin and D-camphor, as well as Mederma gel, which includes the same components as Contratubeks, with the exception of heparin. The gel is intended primarily for the prevention and correction of “fresh” atrophic scars.

Gels and sprays based on liquid silicone

Gels and sprays are also produced, the main components of which are silicone dioxide and polysiloxane (organosilicon compound). After application to the scar surface, they polymerize, forming a kind of “breathing” film that presses and moves when the skin moves.

It helps maintain water balance, normalize collagen synthesis, prevent the growth of connective tissue in the application area, smooth out the scar and penetrate the medicinal components into it. In addition, these products reduce tissue irritation, itching and “tightness”.

Such drugs include:

  • gel and spray “Kelo-cat”;
  • liquid cream "ScarGuard" - additionally contains the glucorticosteroid hydrocortisone, which has anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties and reduces tissue swelling and itching, as well as vitamin “E”, which is a powerful antioxidant and a component that helps nourish, soften and lighten tissues; a cream is recommended to reduce the severity of old scars and prevent the formation of new scars;
  • Dermatix gel, consisting of polysiloxanes and silicon dioxide; recommended by the developer as effective remedy prevention and reduction of the severity of scars of varying age and complexity.

These remedies are quite effective in practice, but mainly for the prevention and treatment of “fresh” and “tender” scar tissue.