Class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.  “Hurry up to do good deeds” class hour (6th grade) on the topic

Class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. “Hurry up to do good deeds” class hour (6th grade) on the topic

Old age must be respected. Summary of the conversation for the Day of the Elderly for children 5-7 years old.

Shishova Svetlana Gennadievna, music director, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 197", Barnaul
Purpose of the material: I bring to your attention a summary of the conversation and presentation with children of senior preschool age “Old age must be respected” for holding an elderly person’s day with children of senior preschool age. This material may be useful for educators and additional education teachers.
Target: to form preschoolers’ ideas about the day of an elderly person.
- cultivate a respectful attitude towards older people;
- instill a desire to take care of them, provide assistance in business, and be able to bring them joy through your actions;
- to form moral qualities of the individual: humanity, mercy, compassion, nobility, the ability to come to the rescue.

Progress of the conversation

slides 1-9
The conversation begins with listening to a play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "October" from the cycle "Seasons". Against the background of music, the presenter reads a poem:
Nature changes color
The weather is changing
And the golden sun,
The rains are coming,
And behind the warmth there is bad weather,
Behind grief there will be happiness,
And youth for old age,
A person changes.
So life goes in circles,
The years are rushing towards each other,
But with joy, hope
The year and century are filled.
Slide 9 on screen.
Autumn! The leaves rustle quietly outside the windows, nature comes into a state of peace and tranquility. In October, our country celebrates the Day of the Elderly. Elderly people are those who have come a long way in life - these are our grandparents. It is probably no coincidence that this day fell at such a time - the peak of golden autumn. The age of mature, wise people is often called the autumn of life.
Today I invite you to dedicate our meeting to this wonderful holiday. Let's listen to the poems that the children learned for this holiday.
Reb 1: Grandfather's beard grows like this
That I'm always surprised by her
“With him,” my mother said, you won’t be in trouble:
Grandpa has a lot of brains in his beard.”
And it’s true: relatives will ask for advice,
He strokes his beard and says in response.
I envy my grandfather sometimes
I wish my beard would grow sooner.
Reb 2: There are many friends around
But I think
That my most faithful friend is
My grandmother.
On Sunday and Saturday
She doesn't need to go to work.
Come for me
Two special days.
Reb 3: Grandfather walks with a light gait,
Everyone eats lunch faster
There is no mustache or beard on his face...
Well, what is my grandfather like?!
Like wrinkles intertwined in a network,
There is white chalk in the gray hair.
And I'm ready to give everything in the world,
So that my grandfather does not get sick!
Game "Sunny - kind words."
Of course, the love of the older generation warms us like the sun. Let us also create a sun, the rays of which are kind words about our grandparents. (children, in turn, choose words (kind, gentle, good, affectionate, beloved, beautiful, strong, loved, hardworking, etc.) and attach rays to the sun)
This is the kind of sun we got!
Do you always live amicably with your grandparents, do you always say pleasant, polite words to them? Children's answers.
Listen to the poem here:
Grandma took out a baking sheet,
Spread out the pie
She said kindly to her grandson:
“Here, try it, my friend!”
Grandfather remarked displeasedly:
“How impolite!
What should I say?”
The grandson replied: “Give me another.”
What should the grandson do? Children's answers.
Yes, such simple words “thank you” and “please” can warm the soul of an elderly person.
You must always be attentive and caring towards your loved ones.
We, the younger generation, express our love and respect to our older generation, including in songs. And now I invite you to listen to a song called “Grandfather”.
Listening to the song “To Grandfather.”
Elderly Day is a special holiday. Since childhood, we have been absorbing folk traditions and wisdom, the foundations of culture and native speech from people of the older generation. From grandmother's fairy tales, from grandfather's stories, our first love for our native land and its inhabitants is born. We must never forget what was done by the hands of the older generation. They built factories and factories, fought on the fronts, worked conscientiously in peacetime, raised us, their children and grandchildren.
Time does not stand still. The rhythm of our lives is becoming faster and faster, and as the years go by, there is more and more worry and urgent matters... But caring for our elderly and elderly people is something that we must not forget about even for a minute. To support, improve everyday life, and provide real assistance is one of the most important tasks of today. But this is only a small part of our unpaid debt to the older generation.
How can you guys help your grandparents?
Looking at the slides and talking about them.
Slides 10-15.
Slide 16 on screen.

Game “Granny’s Beads Scattered”(Children collect beads on a rope. Who has the longest beads).
Game “Mushroom picking with grandfather”(Three children are playing. They are collecting mushrooms scattered on the carpet. The essence of the game is to collect more mushrooms).
There is music in the background, a slide show and a reading of a poem.
Slides 17-23.
Old people, young at heart,
How many paths and roads have you seen?
They loved dearly and raised children,
And they lived in hope: there would be less worry!
Elderly people, Mother Russia
You were not spoiled by an easy fate.
May God give you peace so that over the river
The sun illuminated the blue dome.
Elderly people, you are like that in everything.
Give your soul, experience and love
Dear home, young world
And everything that the heart remembers again.
There are no miracles in the world,
And youth cannot be brought back,
And the years, like pieces of ice, are melting,
But is it worth sighing about them!
Over the years a person becomes wiser,
And there is another beauty in it.
And let the song of labor be sung,
And his head is covered with gray hair.
You've done a lot of this
To leave a mark on the earth.
We wish them again today
Health, happiness, long life.
You can talk about grandparents for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate them, be kind, sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions. They deserve respect and gratitude.

Presentation on the topic: Day of the Elderly

MKOU "Dzhavankent Secondary School"

Plan - outline

open class hour in 6th grade

on the topic of:

"Old Person's Day"

v. Dzhavankent



    To instill in students feelings of respect, attention, compassion, responsiveness, and sensitivity to older people.

    instill a desire to take care of them, provide assistance in business, and be able to bring them joy through your actions;

    To ensure that these feelings pass through the thoughts of students, are accepted by the heart and turn into kind, beautiful actions.



Class progress


Stage I. From the history of Older People's Day.

Since 1992, October 1 is celebrated as the Day of Older People in Russia. This holiday is a tribute to the centuries-old tradition of respect and veneration for people of the older generation. On this day, each of us has the opportunity not only to congratulate the older generation and express our gratitude to them, but also to make them feel our care and attention.

When celebrating Older People's Day at school, we, first of all, remember our grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers. They begin to introduce children to family history.

Close contact between a child and older family members emotionally enriches family ties, strengthens family traditions, and establishes continuity between generations.

1st presenter: On October 1, most countries around the world celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. This holiday was established by decree of the UN General Assembly in 1990.

At first, Old People's Day was celebrated only in Europe, but a little later the tradition of celebrating this day was transferred to America. And only, starting from the 90th year of the last century, the tradition of paying tribute to older people became worldwide.

International Day of Older Persons is celebrated on a special scale in Scandinavian countries. Concerts and many television and radio programs are being prepared for it in advance. On this day, television and radio broadcasting adapt to the tastes of older people and broadcast programs taking into account their preferences.
But besides this, numerous festivals are held, organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people. Special types of congresses and conferences are also organized, the main purpose of which is to protect the rights and interests of older people in society and educate in this area. There are many charity events dedicated to the Day of Older Persons.

2nd presenter: On this day, heads of government often turn to local self-organizations with the goal of focusing the attention of citizens of the country and the whole planet on creating a “society for all ages,” providing better living conditions for older people and doing everything to extend their life span.

Stage II. The tradition of honoring elders.

Teacher: Did you know that the tradition of honoring elders has its roots in the distant past?

Even in the Koran it is said that it is necessary to honor your elders, and then you can live a long, happy life.
Russian peasants, instilling in their children a love for their homeland, raising them on the heroic deeds of their ancestors, also tried to show them that love for their homeland begins with love for their parents and with showing respect for older people. The Slavs considered reverence for father and mother to be the main human virtue.

According to peasant ethics, the requirements of which teenagers had to learn, not only parents, but also all older people in general were worthy of respect. At the same time, teenagers did not have to decide for themselves whether this or that old man was worthy or not worthy of their care, respect and respect. According to the Slavs, elders demand respect for themselves simply because they lived a long, difficult life and did a lot for people. Fairy tales and stories of a religious and instructive nature played a major role in instilling this feeling in children. And you are well aware of fairy tales where the hero, who is rude to an old woman or an old man, suffers failures, and after he apologizes, he receives useful advice from them. (“Morozko”, “Ivan, the peasant’s son”, etc.) In the evenings in warm huts, grandparents told their grandchildren real stories about the respect shown to an old man. Bring good luck to the child.

1st presenter: A sense of respect for elders was also ingrained in the flesh and blood of children thanks to examples from the life of their own family and the entire village community. At the family feast, older people were given a place of honor; adult family members were attentive to the old grandfather, who had served his time, and asked him for advice. During a family division, when a married son intended to live in his own home and household, the old father had the final say. At a village meeting - a meeting of adult men in the village - the opinion of the elderly on a particular issue was often decisive.

Stage III. An elderly person in our society.

2nd presenter:
What is the attitude towards older people in our society?
This incident occurred in Dneprodzerzhinsk on April 22, 2009. Teenagers played Gestapo: a war veteran was burned with a hot iron and cut with glass shards. Of course, such an act is blatant cruelty and immorality; fortunately, it is isolated. But isn’t it possible to hurt just as painfully with words and inattention? Can't almost each of us remember an incident in which he was a participant or witness, when older people were treated with disrespect, an offensive word was said, or they were simply forgotten about? Unfortunately it is so. Why is this possible in a civilized society and how to overcome disrespect for others?
(Conversation with students on the proposed problem).

Stage IV. The military background of our elders.

Teacher: Let us remember that modern old people are war veterans, home front workers, children of war, who bought our freedom in a difficult war with their blood and suffering, and gave us the opportunity to be born and live in peace. They were called the generation of Victors, they suffered unheard of tragedies and thunderous victories of the Great Patriotic War - our veterans. Their share was the most terrible war that the earth had never known. For the rest of their lives, they dream of bombings, hand-to-hand combat, and their homes on fire. Veterans kept our Motherland independent for us, defended the cities, recreated its wealth and beauty at the cost of incredible effort and dedication. They hoped that their children and grandchildren would live better and would not know their suffering.

Did they have an easy time during the war? We know a lot about the heroes of the war, their exploits. But this is the youth of today's old people. But it wasn’t any easier for the people in the rear. In the plants and factories that provided the front with everything necessary, women, old people and teenagers, 15-16-year-old boys and girls, like us now, worked. And these are also today's old people. Let's remember their military youth.

2nd presenter: The work shift of 15-16-year-old workers lasted 12-13 hours, and they often spent the night right at the factories, so as not to waste time traveling home and not be late for work. For being 20 minutes late for work, according to wartime laws, a person was severely punished; there were no discounts for age. Younger guys worked in auxiliary workshops for 6 hours, and then went to school. Our peers had to carry boxes with products weighing 50-60 kg, since often there were no lifting mechanisms left at the factories. There were no weekends, holidays or vacations for workers. Sick leave, as a rule, was given only when the temperature was very high, and in many work areas it was very cold: there was not enough fuel and firewood. And how the young workers rejoiced at the fact that they sometimes received food at the factories. What was it like?

A worker at the Ulyanovsk Cartridge Plant recalls: “For the first course they gave us soup, if it could be called soup: 5-6 peas, 2-3 pieces of potatoes and water - that’s all that could be found in the plate. For the second course there was porridge, but the grains were not cleared, so there were small pebbles and sand. Sometimes they gave beets or nettles for the second course. On the third day, workers received tea and very rarely compote. The cost of lunch in the canteen was deducted from the salary.” But these people were happy, because in many cities there was nothing like this.
Aren’t our old people worthy of respect simply because they survived this terrible war and persevered?

V stage. An elderly person in the family.

1st presenter: Each of us has grandparents, elderly relatives and just neighbors. Nowadays, we allow ourselves to talk about their advantages and disadvantages, about the problems associated with living together, forgetting the wise precepts of the past. Who among us has never grumbled about a grandmother whose care seems excessive? You feel ashamed later, but you don’t always have the strength to admit a mistake. In youth, according to psychologists, the attitude towards old people is especially critical, sometimes even negative. Although it would seem that the energy of youth, experience and wisdom of old age should complement each other. What to do?
(Conversation with students on the proposed problem. You can conduct a role-playing game where you can imagine frequently occurring problematic situations in relationships with old people. Situations are proposed by the children themselves or the teacher, and then they are analyzed together).

An elderly person should feel that he is needed by his family, children, and grandchildren. Tell your loved ones more often how much you love them, how much you couldn’t do without them. Get advice on some issues.

For example. How to cook this or that dish. Or offer to cook something together for a family dinner. Place the oldest family member at the head of the table. Ask about the past - give the old people pleasure - because they really love to talk about it. Show maximum attention, love, respect and, most importantly, be more tolerant.

But small children and older people find a common language well. They enjoy spending time together: walking, playing. This is because babies perceive older people positively. Remember your childhood too.

^ Result:

Teacher: Guys, while we are young and strong, we will surround those who are weak and frail with warmth and care. After all, these are our grandparents. Older People's Day gives us the opportunity to stop, look around us and think about what old age awaits each of us. Time passes quickly. Soon you will become adults and strong, and your parents will become weak and old. Don't repeat the betrayal of your parents.

Let's be merciful to old age!

Target: develop a respectful attitude towards others.


  • introduce the holiday “Day of the Elderly”;
  • strengthen connections between generations;
  • draw attention to the problems of older people;
  • foster respect for older people;
  • cultivate a desire to please elders with your good deeds;
  • cultivate a desire to give joy;
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • open the mind;
  • introduce the technique of modular origami;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • Making a greeting card for the elderly.

Materials and equipment:

  • a picture depicting the holiday emblem;
  • petal and palm patterns;
  • printed examples of good and bad deeds and action words;
  • middle picture depicting elderly people;
  • multi-colored squares with a side of 6 cm;
  • printed samples of congratulation texts;
  • the text of a proverb cut into pieces;
  • whatman;
  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • markers.

Lesson plan:

  • Determining the topic of the lesson.
  • Acquaintance with the history of the holiday “Day of the Elderly”.
  • History of the holiday in Russia.
  • Logorhythmic exercise “Good afternoon.”
  • Didactic game “Collect a proverb.”
  • Introducing the holiday emblem.
  • Production of the collective work “Flower of Kindness and Respect”.
  • Long-livers of Russia.
  • Age is not a barrier!
  • Logorhythmic exercise “Good mood”.
  • Making greeting cards for the elderly.
  • Reflection.

Progress of the lesson

1. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Simple, quiet, gray-haired,
He is with a stick, she is with an umbrella, -
They have golden leaves
They look, walking until dark.
Their speech is already laconic,
Every look is clear without words,
But their souls are bright and even
They talk about a lot.

Educator: Guys, how many of you guessed who we’ll be talking about today? (Children answer) That's right, guys, today we'll talk about older people. What kind of person do you think is called elderly? (Children answer)

Educator: There are many holidays in our country. One of them is celebrated on October 1. This is the Day of Kindness and Respect, which is also called the Day of the Elderly.

It is celebrated in the fall because the autumn season is compared to the autumn of life. It is not for nothing that this day is celebrated under the motto: “Let the autumn of life be golden!”

On this day we honor those who gave all their knowledge, strength and health to their people, who made a great contribution to the development of the country, who raised and taught the younger generation, passing on their experience to them.

Most people begin to think about the older generation only when they themselves reach retirement age. Today we will correct this mistake and talk about such people and what we can do for them.

2. Acquaintance with the history of the holiday “Day of the Elderly”.

Educator: Now I will introduce you to the history of the Old People's Day holiday. It was the headman of a small Japanese village who proposed celebrating “Elderly Day” in 1947. The day chosen for the celebration was September 15 - the harvest was completed and the weather was favorable. They gathered a council of elders and adopted the holiday motto: “Let’s improve life in the village by learning wisdom from the old people, respecting them and adopting their experience.” Other villages and cities in Japan appreciated this idea and began to hold the holiday everywhere. Thus, the Day of Honoring the Elderly became a national Japanese holiday.

In the 1970s, the problem of the rapid aging of the planet's population gripped the whole world. In 1982, issues related to aging were discussed in Austria at the World Assembly. Ensuring a dignified old age has become a topic that concerns all countries of the world. Representatives offered various options and exchanged experiences. The United Nations did not ignore this initiative, and in 1990 an International Day dedicated to the problems of older people appeared.

3. History of the holiday in Russia.

Educator: The idea of ​​this holiday was supported with pleasure in Russia, and since 1992 this holiday has been not only a global holiday, but also our Russian one.

After all, few people, remembering their childhood, will not remember their grandmothers and grandfathers, their care and attention. Nowhere in the world is there such a thing as in Russia: for grandchildren to be the meaning of life for most grandparents, and for parents to selflessly entrust their children to them. It is not for nothing that good wizards in fairy tales are portrayed as old men and women.

4. Logorhythmic exercise “Good afternoon.”

Good afternoon, my dear friend! (children shake hands)
Look around you. (turn head left and right)
You are here. (put a hand on a friend's shoulder)
I am here. (point to themselves)
Let's be friends together! (clap hands)

5. Didactic game “Collect a proverb.”

Educator: Now I suggest you collect the scattered proverb. (Children receive a proverb cut into four parts)

Make the gray-haired man's path easier, help at least a little.

You yourself will someday understand what old age is.

6. Introducing the holiday emblem.

Educator: It’s not for nothing that I took this particular proverb. After all, the emblem of the Day of the Elderly is the palm. Why do you think? (Children answer)

Educator: The hand has always been a symbol of kindness, help, reconciliation. What helping hand can you and I give to older people? How can we help them? (Children answer)

Educator: I suggest you now extend our palms of help and grow a beautiful flower of kindness and respect for our older generation.

7. Making a collective work “Flower of Kindness and Respect.”

Educator: But first, let’s repeat the rules for safe work with scissors and glue:

Don't joke with scissors; don't twist them in your hands in vain.
And, holding the sharp edge, to their friend.
As soon as the work is finished, the scissors need care:
Don't forget to close them and put them back in place.

Don't joke with glue either:
Don't put your hands in your mouth.
Don't touch your eyes or nose,
Until you wipe the glue off your hands.

Educator: Your task is to cut out multi-colored flower petals using a template and glue them onto whatman paper. (Each child chooses his favorite color of paper. The flower is glued to the center of the Whatman paper)

Educator: Now glue the core and draw the stem. (A picture depicting elderly people is glued to the core, and the stem is drawn with a felt-tip pen)

Educator: In order for our flower to become a flower of kindness and respect, I suggest you choose from the proposed options actions that would be correct towards older people, and glue them to the petals. (Children are given printed blanks with good and bad deeds)

Help around the house
Brushing aside requests
Give place to
Be rude
Caring for the sick
Saying: “I’m so tired of you!”
Sitting when an elderly person is standing next to you
Take time
Skip forward
Ignore the patient
Bring the weight
Saying: “Don’t teach me, I know everything myself!”
Translate across the road
Drop all the housework
Go to the shop

Educator: Now think about what a flower cannot grow without? (Children answer)

Educator: Without the sun, of course! Therefore, I suggest you cut out and glue the sun with rays.

Educator: What do you guys think, who is this sunshine for older people? (Children answer)

Educator: That's right, guys, children and grandchildren should, of course, take care of the elderly.

Educator: Trace the palms according to the template, glue them onto whatman paper and sign them. (Palms are glued to the bottom of the Whatman paper and signed with a felt-tip pen: children, grandchildren)

Educator: Think, guys, how we should warm our grandparents, choose the right words and stick them on the rays.


Educator: Remember, guys, if you show all these qualities towards the older generation, love, respect and protect older people, then the autumn of their lives will definitely become golden, and they will live many happy years.

8. Long-livers of Russia

Educator: In every country there are long-lived people who are already over a hundred years old. Russia also has its own long-livers: Ksenia Tripolitova (Russian ballerina, 102 years old), Tatyana Karpova (Russian actress, 101 years old), Vasily Pavlov, Semyon Grigorenko (Russian pilots, 101 years old), Vasily Michurin (Red Army colonel, 101 years old) , Yuri Pushcharovsky (Russian geologist-100 years old). There are cases in history when people lived to be 150 or even 186 years old.

9. Age is not a barrier!

Educator: But age is not a hindrance for older people. Many of them start doing new things in old age and achieve great success.

Colonel Sanders decided to open his own KFC chain after crossing the 60-year mark.

Writer John Tolkien became famous after the film adaptation of his book The Lord of the Rings. At that time he was 62 years old.

Japanese man Minoru Saito circumnavigated the world alone at the age of 77. His advanced age did not deter him from the trip, which lasted almost three years.

American resident Gladys Burrill ran a marathon at the age of 92.

Educator: But in order to live to old age and be an example for others, you must lead a healthy lifestyle.

Educator: Guys, what is it like to lead a healthy lifestyle? (Children answer: play sports, eat the right food, walk a lot in the fresh air).

Educator: But do not forget that an equally important reason for longevity and good health is a good mood. It is very important to always smile and be in a good mood, because everyone knows that laughter prolongs life.

10. Logorhythmic exercise “Good mood”.

The mood dropped (Children put their hands down)
Things are getting out of hand (As you inhale, raise your shoulders, as you exhale, lower them, shake your hands)
But sorrows are not important to us (Shakes head)
If you have a good friend ( Turn to each other and extend their hands)
Let's handle things together (Shake hands)
Let's breathe a sigh of relief (Inhale-exhale)
We lift the mood (Bend over and straighten up)
And we hug each other (Hug)

11. Making greeting cards for the elderly.

Educator: Guys, what do you think can lift your spirits and add fun on holiday? (Children answer: gifts)

Educator: Do you like receiving gifts? (Children answer)

Educator: Elderly people are no exception. Therefore, we will now make our own postcards with congratulations for grandparents using the technique of flat modular origami.

Educator: And let's not forget about safety precautions when working with scissors and glue.

12. Working on a postcard.

1. Selecting colored cardboard for the base of the card.

2. Choosing colored paper for petals and leaves.

3. Select your favorite folding technique.

4. Folding petals and leaves using modular origami technique.

5. Gluing the petals, stem and leaves to the base.

6. Selecting and executing the inscription - congratulations with wishes.

13. Congratulations.

On this day honor and glory
We announce to the elderly,
Congratulations on this holiday
We want you today!
And it doesn’t matter that all the years
The young ones have already left,
May you always be healthy
And, as before, cheerful!

On Elderly Day, please accept congratulations.
We wish you peace, goodness,
Love from family, health, mood.
May life be generous during the holidays!
Let the grandchildren please, and the children help,
Let life be cozy and clean,
After all, age is not a hindrance, we know for sure.
Let there be eternal spring in your soul!

With love, affection, respect
We send our bow to you to the ground!
We congratulate all the elderly
Happy autumn bright day!
We wish you good health,
Long years, happy days!
And may it always warm you
Caring for your grandchildren and children!

14. Reflection.


Our lesson has come to an end.

  • What new did you learn today? (Children answer)
  • What have you learned?
  • I will ask each of you to continue the phrase: “Today I realized...”

And in conclusion, I want to give you parting words in the words of Yuri Entin:

Ask strict life which way to go,
Where in the world should you go in the morning?
Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown.
Go, my friend, always go along the path of goodness!

Conversation on the Day of the Elderly

Topic: “Respect old age”


    foster respect for older people;

    instill a desire to take care of them, provide assistance in business, and be able to bring them joy through your actions;

    to form moral qualities of the individual: humanity, mercy, compassion, nobility, the ability to come to the rescue.


October 1 - International Day of Older Persons is a relatively new holiday. It arose at the end of the 20th century. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and since the late 80s - all over the world. The International Day of Older Persons was finally proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in Kazakhstan in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those whom we respect and love


Elderly people
Young at heart,
How much have you seen?
You are paths, dear.
Loved dearly
And raised children
And they lived in hope:

Less worries!
Elderly people
Mother Russia
I didn't spoil you
An easy fate.
May God give you peace,
So that over the river
The sun was shining
The dome is blue.
Elderly people
You are like this in everything:
You give your soul
Experience and love
Dear home,
To the young world
And to everything that is heart
Remembers again.
Elderly people
May the years be gone
They will be your support,
Children will understand everything.
And bow to you deeply
From family and friends
And from the entire Fatherland
For priceless work!


Elderly Day is a special holiday for Kazakhstanis. Since childhood, we have been absorbing folk traditions and wisdom, the foundations of culture and native speech from people of the older generation. From grandmother's fairy tales, from grandfather's stories, our first love for our native land and its inhabitants is born. We will never forget what was done by the hands of the older generation. They built factories and factories, fought on the fronts, worked conscientiously in peacetime, raised us, their children and grandchildren.
Time does not stand still. The rhythm of our lives is becoming faster and faster, and as the years go by, there is more and more worry and urgent matters... But caring for our elderly and elderly people is something that we must not forget about even for a minute. To support, improve everyday life, and provide real assistance is one of the most important tasks of today. But this is only a small part of our unpaid debt to the older generation.
Big things come from little things. Give up your seat on the bus, help cross the road, express simple human attention - and the wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out, the look becomes brighter, and the heart of an elderly person becomes warmer. They also help us when we become adults. From their kind and strong hearts we draw support and understanding, patience and love, energy and inspiration. Many thanks to them for this!

Let's try to guess why the Day of the Elderly is celebrated in October. What versions will there be?

Student. Autumn! The leaves rustle quietly outside the windows, nature comes into a state of peace and tranquility. It is probably no coincidence that the holiday fell at such a time - the peak of golden autumn. The age of mature, wise people is often called the autumn of life. After all, there comes a time in people’s lives when the stormy years of spring and youth are left a little behind. She is beautiful and majestic, wise and calm. The explanatory dictionary says: “Elderly – beginning to grow old...” Just a beginner! One wise man said: “Youth is like a lark that has its morning songs. Old age is like a nightingale, it has its own evening songs.” Therefore, every age is good in its own way.


Nature changes color
The weather is changing
And the golden sun,
The rains are coming,
And behind the warmth there is bad weather,
Behind grief there will be happiness,
And youth for old age,
A person changes.
So life goes in circles,
The years are rushing towards each other,
But with joy, hope
The year and century are filled.

Educator: The time of old age is relative. Men and women aged 55-60 to 75 years are considered elderly, from 75 years old - old, from 90 years old - centenarians. It is assumed that the species lifespan of a human is 92-95 years.

Although history knows many facts about longevity: “All the days of Adam’s life were 930 years, and he died. All the days of Noah were 950 years and he died. All the days of Methuselah were 930 years, and he died,” says the Holy Scripture. This is data related to biblical characters. There, old age, like life, was long and not completely understandable to us. You can talk about it for a long time, much less write about it. But the Holy Scriptures were not dropped from heaven, they were written by mere mortals who lived on earth and, undoubtedly, died at the age at which modern people usually die today. People who live much shorter than the biblical heroes! A person of 70–80 years old is already a very old man.

Let's think about this and imagine ourselves for a few minutes in the place of an older person.


What's life like for an old man?

Of course it's lousy:

And the pension is small,

And the clothes are lousy,

And the children don't care about him,

And white light - for a pretty penny...

But you have to survive somehow,

At least on the edge, on a bench!

But the old man had it

Once upon a time life was good

The girls loved the Cossack

And black horses;

And from dawn to dawn

The body did not know how tired -

And now (well, at least die!)

All the paths are confused...

Now a scrap is enough -

It's better not to ask! –


An old man's thoughts

Cut down alive:

Where is this world going?

With a computer and player?

And the grandson, the vampire, is fanning

A dream with a bloody fan...

What is life like for an old man?

No matter how you judge it, it’s past!

For the rich man, for the poor man -

There is nothing good!

We live with you in the century of technological progress. People are passionate about their careers, strive to earn more money and become successful in this life. We strive to keep up with the times, follow the development of modern technologies, and in this race we do not always have time to turn our attention to those who are nearby and may need our help.

Take care of old people
For cheerful spring branches
Roots are more than relatives...
Take care of old people
From grievances
Behind them -
The rumble of attacks
Years of hard work
And battles...
But in old age -
The step is broken,
And the breathing rhythm is uneven.
But in old age -
The forces are not the same.
Days unlived
Low stock...
Take care of old people
Without which you wouldn't exist!

Nadezhda Mancheva
Conversation with children “Day of the Elderly”

Conversation with children on the topic: »

Target conversations: education of respectful attitude, attention to To old people.

Progress of the conversation:

October 1 is celebrated as International Older People's Day. The second name of this day is day of kindness and respect. I want to continue with the fables of L. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and grandson".

Grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table and let him dine at the stove.

They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a basin. The old man just sighed and said nothing. They are sitting, since the husband and wife are at home and watching - their little son is playing on the floor with boards - he is working on something. Father and asked: “Why are you doing this, Misha?” And Misha and speaks: “It’s me, father, who’s making the basin. When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub.”

The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt ashamed for having offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.

Questions for children:

How was your grandfather offended in the family?

How did the son respond to his parents’ cruelty?

Why did father and mother cry?

How should we treat the old and weak?

What do you especially need? aged people?

What can you and I do to elderly didn't people feel lonely?

Guys, who has a grandmother? What is her name?

Who has a grandfather? What's his name?

Educator: I know that each of you loves your grandparents very much. Now we'll play a little.

Didactic game "Say it the other way around".

Young grandfather -... (old grandfather, elderly)

Cheerful grandmother - ...

Fast Grandpa -…

Good grandmother -….

Tall grandfather -...

Beloved grandmother -…

Well done guys, you did it all.

Educator: Finish conversation I want poem:

The years fly by, you can’t keep up with them -

The clock is rushing, changing day after day.

But I know I won’t stop being surprised

Meanwhile, we call for autumn.

Everything in him is high, wise and Wonderful:

And the gold of the foliage and the purity of the snow.

It contains the wisdom of mature years

Suddenly he calls out,

Gray hair brightens in crafty mirrors.

October is a rainy month expecting snow

The result of work, love, cheerful summer days

In honor of life person

Gives us a holiday old people.

Publications on the topic:

October 1, Older Person's Day is one of the main holidays for all grandparents. The history of the holiday began in the last century, in.

To your grandmother - the sun, to your grandfather - a verse, Much health for both of you, We wish you happiness for another two centuries, Happy day to the young man at heart! Last year.

Come on, grandmothers, come on, grandfathers! Goal: Strengthening family relationships through organizing joint sports events. Tasks:.

Day of the Elderly in RUSSIA. Who among us does not remember our childhood, our beloved grandmother or grandfather and their care for us and the younger generation?

Purpose of the event. Spiritual and moral education of children through participation in public holidays. Fostering love and respect for the elderly.

Every year in the fall, on the first of October, we celebrate the Day of the Elderly. This day is not just a holiday, it is a day when we can express ourselves.

Leisure "Old Person's Day" Leisure for the middle group “Elderly Person's Day” Presenter: Hello, our dear grandparents, we are very glad to see you at ours.