Business books from Robert Kiyosaki - a complete list.  Business books from Robert Kiyosaki - a complete list Retire young and rich

Business books from Robert Kiyosaki - a complete list. Business books from Robert Kiyosaki - a complete list Retire young and rich

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki's Rules of Wealth

Part one. How Robert Kiyosaki became a business coach


Robert Kiyosaki's books were among the first in the segment of literature on business and self-development to appear on the shelves of Russian bookstores and immediately gained well-deserved popularity. On the pages of these publications, those who want to start their own business have found a lot for themselves useful tips. Robert Kiyosaki is a multimillionaire, one of the most famous authors of business books, and the creator of seminars and games that teach financial literacy. His advice is based on personal experience in building a business from scratch, overcoming financial collapse, clearly defining one’s place in life and in the system of distribution of financial benefits. In this book, we have collected for you the most interesting thoughts expressed by Robert Kiyosaki, supplementing them with vivid examples from life and apt quotes.

The Two Fathers of Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is an American of Japanese descent. He was born in Hawaii, where his father worked as the head of the educational system. However, Robert calls his own father Poor Dad, because, having a good income, their family was constantly in need of money. When Robert’s father lost his job forever and even the opportunity to get one, he still insisted that the main thing in life was a good education and career. This is what he tried to teach his son. Contrary to his father's expectations, Robert did poorly at school, which explains his further financial success. Real father he was never able to save even small savings and died, leaving behind unpaid bills.

Robert considers his rich dad to be the father of his childhood friend, who was able to in simple words and use real-life examples to teach him financial literacy. Rich dad not only made a lot of money by constantly expanding his business, he always found time to teach his son and Robert financial literacy. He allowed the boys to be present at negotiations with partners, when hiring people, and then discussed each situation with them in detail. His wealth grew every year, and by the end of his life he became the richest man in Hawaii.

Here's what Robert Kiyosaki writes: "My poor father always said, 'Robert, you must get good grades.' And my rich father said: real life my bankers never checked my diary. Bankers never said, “You're a smart guy, let me lend you $10 million for this.”

“Since I was 9 years old, I heard from my rich father that government officials were a bunch of lazy thieves, and from my poor father I heard that rich people were greedy crooks who should be forced to pay more taxes.”

“One father said: “The reason why I’m not rich is because I have you children.” Another said, “The reason I should be rich is because I have you.”

The hard path to wealth

Robert Kiyosaki's favorite game as a child was Monopoly; he spent many hours playing it, which could not but affect the quality of his studies at school. This game remained his favorite pastime throughout his life; he invited his friends and subordinates to play it.

Robert Kiyosaki: “At school I was punished for mistakes. In school, I was emotionally taught to be afraid of making mistakes, but the thing is that in the real world, successful people are those who make a lot of mistakes and learn from them. My poor dad, a schoolteacher, thought making mistakes was a very, very bad thing. At the same time, my rich dad said, “We make mistakes in order to learn. Look at how a person learns to ride a bicycle: he makes a mistake - he falls, but returns to his starting position and tries again. Every time after a fall he returns to the beginning, but this happens less and less often. It’s a sin to make a mistake and not learn anything from it”... I believe that financially I am more successful than many other people because I did more errors than most of them."

At the end high school Robert attended the New York Merchant Marine Academy and traveled the world working on a merchant ship. Remembering Rich Dad's advice about learning how to manage people, Kiyosaki enlisted in the Army and ended up in Vietnam as a member of the Marine Corps. Robert really wanted to get into a war zone and chose the fastest way to do this - he became a combat helicopter pilot. There was always a shortage of pilots, as it was one of the most dangerous military professions. Robert himself said that the war taught him to always be a winner, because there is no second place. Winning is life. He emerged from these trials as a man who was not afraid of anything at all.

Robert Kiyosaki : “Twice I have been in battles where I was the only one to survive... Many nights before a battle I sat on the bow of an aircraft carrier and listened to the waves roll... I realized that living in many cases is much harder than dying once. Once I accepted the possibility of living or dying, I could then choose how I wanted to live the next day. In other words, fly with courage or with fear.”

After completing his military service in 1975, Robert worked as a sales agent for the Xerox Corporation, where he achieved a significant increase in sales. He put aside some wages and managed to acquire several assets. Without leaving his job at Xerox, Kiyosaki started his own business.

Soon he begins his first profitable business - the production of leather and nylon wallets with Velcro. This was the very idea that all those who start a business dream of. In three years, at the age of 28, Kiyosaki became a multimillionaire, and a few years later he went bankrupt. Having lost his head from the rapidly acquired wealth, the young businessman became captive of illusions, became carried away by acquisitions and forgot the difference between property and obligations. For this he was severely punished.

Robert Kiyosaki : “Money often exposes our tragic shortcomings. Money shines a spotlight on our ignorance. That is why too often a person who is suddenly blessed with happiness - say, an inheritance, a lottery win - soon returns to the state he was in before receiving the money or falls even lower. A person cannot always manage money wisely. If he wants to spend it all, the money will most likely go down the drain.”

Since the product was not patented, a certain company stole the idea of ​​​​producing wallets with Velcro - and Kiyosaki's company went bankrupt. He lost all his money and property, found himself in huge debt, and even lived in a car for some time with his wife Kim. Despite all the difficulties, Robert categorically refused to find hired work. He was only thinking about a new business idea.

Robert Kiyosaki : “Rule number one for anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur: never take a job for the money.”.

“If there is a fear that they won’t have enough money, instead of immediately rushing to look for a job that will give a couple of dollars to eliminate this fear, you can simply ask yourself the question: “Will there be a job?” the best solution from a long-term perspective? I think not. Especially if you look at a person’s life as a whole. Work is a short-term solution to a long-term problem.”

His new venture began producing youth t-shirts with portraits of rock stars. At the same time, Kiyosaki took up investing and trading on the stock exchange. He became rich again, but challenges awaited him again. The fashion for hard rock passed, and at the same time Robert suffered setbacks on the stock exchange. He found himself in debt again. But this latest bankruptcy only strengthened the businessman in his convictions.

Robert Kiyosaki: “There is a difference between poverty and bankruptcy: the latter is temporary, and the former is for life.”

“This is how a rich person differs from a poor person - his attitude towards this fear. In my entire life, I have never met a single rich person who never lost money. However, I know a large number of poor people who have not lost a cent."

Starting a career as a business coach

Robert Kiyosaki: " A large number of money rarely solves anyone's money problems. Wisdom solves problems."

Robert analyzed his own mistakes and put together his financial knowledge. In 1984, the educational seminar “Money and You” arose from these materials. Robert and his partners traveled all over the world with the seminar. They became convinced that there was a great demand for basic knowledge about the nature of money.

In this article, we will look at 5 simple ideas from Robert Kiyosaki that have given millions of people around the world the key to financial freedom, and look at specific cases of investors who have already put these tips into practice.

A talented businessman and investor, teacher and author... Robert Kiyosaki is a true legend of our time. His job " Rich dad, poor dad", published in 1997, quickly spread across the planet and is popular to this day. The author published in the book the basic rules of investing and the secrets of effective business.

Today his work has been published in nearly 100 countries and translated into 46 languages. The number of copies sold exceeded the 26 million mark, making the author's creation a real bestseller, and Robert Kiyosaki's quotes have become the rules of success for millions of people.

  • Key ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in 10 minutes
  • Idea 1. Never work for money
  • Idea 2: The rich acquire assets. The poor and middle class are liabilities treated as assets
  • Idea 3: The rich operate on the right side of the cash flow quadrant. The poor are on the left
  • Idea 4. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent
  • Idea 5: If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs.

  • Success story, or what really happened to Robert Kiyosaki

With his book, Robert Kiyosaki changed the business of the 21st century, changed the thinking of many entrepreneurs and investors, helped people achieve success and make real estate investments truly profitable.

Key ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in 10 minutes

You can get acquainted with the ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in more detail by reading books. We will focus only on some interesting thoughts.

Idea 1. Never work for money

The entrepreneur showed that if we work for money, we will fall into a vicious circle from which we will not be able to get out so easily. We will have a certain “threshold”, “ceiling”, above which we will not be able to rise. Robert was convinced of this by his own life and observation of others.

Idea 2: The rich acquire assets. The poor and middle class are liabilities treated as assets

Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take it out of there. A fairly common misconception: the house you live in and the car you drive are assets. In fact, these are the most popular liabilities among poor people. Our course explores this idea in great detail.

Idea 3: The rich operate on the right side of the cash flow quadrant. The poor are on the left

The Cash Flow Quadrant is another fundamental idea of ​​Robert Kiyosaki. According to it, people make money in one of four ways:

1. A hired worker works for little money and risks the most.

2. Works for himself and only. Often he has one source of income.

3. Businesses hire those who work. Transfers risks, receives profit from different sources.

4. The investor invests money.

The first 2 methods belong to the left side of the quadrant. To the right are the second ones.

Idea 4. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent

There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent. If you look at the success stories of rich people, you will almost always find a period in which these people went completely bankrupt and even fell into a large debt hole, but at the same time found the strength to rise up and become successful again. A striking example is the current US President Donald Trump.

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump spoke in detail about how rich and poor people think and make decisions, what are the key differences between them, in their new book "Why do we want you to be rich" It is not necessary to agree with these postulates. But it makes sense to get acquainted.

Idea 5: If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs.

Another key component to the success of the rich is continuous learning. They are true professionals in the subject of investing and creating cash flow. Some make money in stocks, others, like Robert Kiyosaki, in real estate. But they all thoroughly understand the issue of investing. Ignorance, as a rule, deprives you of money even when you are just taking your first steps.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting the right education. Now there are many opportunities for this - for example, training courses. Many materials are publicly available.

10 most famous books by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki wrote many books in which he discussed his ideas in detail. Here are the most famous of them:

  • "Rich dad, poor dad";
  • "Cash Flow Quadrant";
  • Rich Dad's Guide to Investing;
  • “Retire young and rich”;
  • “If you want to be rich and happy, don’t go to school”;
  • "Rich Kid, Smart Kid";
  • "Before you start your business";
  • “Why we want you to be rich”;
  • “Conspiracy of the rich. 8 new rules for handling money";
  • "Business of the XXI century."

Success story, or what really happened to Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki's homeland is the Hawaiian island of Hilo, where he was born in 1947. Robert's parents were popular and well-educated people. His father is a doctor of philosophy and the head of the structure responsible for education in the state. Naturally, he did everything possible to send his son to the best school in Hawaii. It was in this educational institution that Kiyosaki was able to meet the future prototype of his book “Rich Dad” - the father of his school friend.

After successfully graduating from school, Robert went to New York, where he became a student at the Merchant Marine Academy without any problems. Upon completion of his studies (in 1969), he went to work in his specialty and got a job on a merchant ship. After just a few years of travel, the man decides to become a US Marine. His desire was to somehow influence the world, change it for the better, remove tyranny and fight poverty. Later, fate brought Robert to Vietnam, where for his valiant service he earned a US Air Force medal.

In 1974, Kiyosaki abandoned his military career. Before starting his own business, he gets a job as an ordinary sales agent at the Xerox company. Thanks to his extraordinary talent, within three years Robert managed to open his own company producing nylon wallets. The first business was not successful, but it allowed the novice entrepreneur to learn a lot of new things, analyze his mistakes and not repeat them again.

Having earned some capital, Robert Kiyosaki, who is not yet very rich, is looking for new ways to invest. And the next stage of his career was obtaining a license to produce T-shirts for rockers. At first, the enterprise brought good profits, but after the decline in the popularity of hard rock, Robert went bankrupt.

The production of T-shirts was not the only activity of the entrepreneur at that time. At the same time, Robert Kiyosaki invested in real estate and played in the stock market. Judging by rumors, his activities were not very successful. At that time, the man had debts to banks in the amount of 850 thousand dollars. But even such a negative investment experience turned out to be invaluable for Robert. He learned a lot and transferred his knowledge to future books.

In 1984, the businessman decides to tie the knot. His chosen one is Kim Kiyosaki, who became not just a life partner, but also a faithful partner in the business sphere. Already at that time she was a rich woman with considerable entrepreneurial experience.

In 1985, Robert decides to open an educational company whose goal is to train novice investors. The master’s seminars are gaining popularity and are held in many parts of the world. People needed a good and experienced teacher, and they got one. With the spread of the global network, knowledge has become available to everyone, and Kiyosaki’s videos can now be watched by anyone.

Today, Robert Kiyosaki is a successful investor who invests in promising business projects and earns a lot of money from real estate. At the same time, he continues to realize himself as a talented and truly experienced teacher.

Projects implemented by the participants of the “Territory of Investment”, based on the advice of Robert Kiyosaki:

  • daily rental of apartments - Andrey's case;
  • secrets of creating capital and passive income in real estate;
  • redevelopment of a one-room apartment - the secrets of investor renovation;
  • Yuri Medushenko’s case “How to create a real estate business in 44 days”;
  • affordable investment in apartments in Moscow;
  • how to turn a one-room apartment into two, with one of them being a two-room apartment;
  • and many others.

All this clearly shows that Kiyosaki's ideas work. We checked.

Robert Kiyosaki is one of the most successful investors and entrepreneurs in the United States of America. In addition, he is engaged in writing and teaching.

Business books from Robert Kiyosaki - excellent textbooks for all beginning businessmen, as well as for more experienced entrepreneurs. In them, the author not only shares his experience, but also gives a lot of advice that can easily be used in practice.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

This is one of the most famous books by this author. It tells the story of his own life. When Kiyosaki was a child, he had two authorities - his father, and the father of his friend. The first one worked for public service and earned good money, but did not want to develop further. And the second was a businessman, and managed to earn a fortune. Robert took an example from his friend's father, rich dad.

“Cash Flow Quadrant”

This work can be called the second part of the previous book. It describes Various types people you meet in business. You will be able to understand who these people are and how to distinguish them based on certain character traits. And also how it can be used to grow your business.

“Rich Dad's Guide to Investing”

This book covers topics such as the socionics of finance. social Psychology and an active life position of a person. Of course, all this is described with reference to business.

“Retire young and rich”

This book will tell you how, starting from scratch, in less than 10 years you will be able to build a good business and earn a living.

“Rich kid, smart kid”

This book is a must-read for all parents who want to raise a successful child who will know how to earn money and how to become independent from a young age.

“Rich Dad's Prophecy”

After reading this work, you will learn about how the pension financing system will affect our lives in the future. Everyone will feel the consequences, regardless of age or place of residence.

“Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens”

A copy of the author's most famous book, written for children. After reading it, you will learn the language of money, and understand how to work with it correctly and how to manage your finances in order to achieve success and financial independence from a very young age.

“Who took my money?”

If you sometimes find that you don't know where your money is going and you feel financially insecure, then this book is just for you! The work will also be useful for average investors who are ready to develop in their business.

“Before you start your business”

This work is a must-read for those who are just planning to open their own business. Here you will find 10 very useful tips on how best to start your own business and make it quickly start bringing you good profits.

“Raise your financial IQ”

This book will help readers improve their level. The author claims that you need to study around the clock, you just need to properly distribute your time.

“How to become rich without giving up loans?”

This book will provide readers with a high-quality and useful foundation of financial education. After reading, you will understand that you don’t have to work all your life for money, and it is better to make sure that, over time, your money works for you.

“If you want to become rich and happy, don’t go to school”

In this work you will find useful information about what we are taught in school that is wrong, and how this unnecessary knowledge can complicate your path to achieving financial independence.

“Why we want you to be rich”

Here you will not find precise instructions on how to build and manage your business. The author will simply tell you about his own experience and try to convey to you the knowledge that helped him achieve success.

“Conspiracy of the rich. 8 rules for handling money”

This work examines the topic of the global economy. The author gives advice on how to confront the crisis and solve financial problems.

“Unfair advantage. The Power of Financial Education”

In this book, the author tries to convey to his readers the idea that people do not have to “survive” all their lives and barely make ends meet. Before you change your financial situation, you need to change something else - yourself and your attitude towards money.

“Business of the 21st century”

Robert Kiyosaki's book “Business of the 21st Century” talks about a new business model, which, according to the author, can bring more profit and help its owners achieve great success in their business.

“Rich Brother, Rich Sister”

This book was co-written by Robert and his sister Amy. Unlike her brother, the woman chose a completely different path in life - Buddhist monasticism. The author’s work talks about how important it is not to lose yourself in the pursuit of material independence.

"Midas' Gift"

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki believe that successful people have the so-called Midas touch. For the first time, two successful businessmen in the world will share secrets that will allow you to learn how to attract wealth. Thanks to practical advice And real stories Through their lives, their successes, failures, perseverance and determination, you'll learn how they succeeded and how you can apply their unique experiences.

"Real Estate Investments"

A lot has been said about real estate and ways to make money with it. And what new can another book tell?

Robert Kiyosaki talks about the reasons that made him write this book. Firstly, about investments in modern world. Secondly, about wise investment of funds. Thirdly, about process control. Fourthly, about the answer to those financial advisors who give out advice from which people and themselves suffer.

The author shares his experience, tells what and how to invest money. He emphasizes that such a business requires appropriate education and analytical skills. Knowledge is shared by experts who have experienced victories and defeats, from which they have drawn their conclusions. This guide is for those who want to learn how to make money using the experience of professionals.

“Business School”

Book “Business School” by Robert Kiyosaki talks about the 8 hidden values ​​of network marketing.

“The Success Story of Rich Dad’s Students”

This work contains stories from people who took advice from Robert Kiyosaki’s book and achieved success thanks to them.

"Save your #1 Asset"

This book is about the time you have as a gift from God, which can be distributed so that the “Asset” column increases. Determining priorities, learning to spend or use time in such a way that you have enough time every day to complete the most important thing for you to complete it on time, will give you the power over life that you can only dream of.

“Rich Investor - Fast Investor”

“Why excellent students work for C students, and good students work for the state”

After reading this work You will understand why children who do well in school rarely succeed in life.

"Second chance"

This book is for all those who realize it's time to do things differently, who understand how crazy it is to accumulate money while bankers are printing trillions of dollars, how crazy it is to invest for the long term when the stock exchanges are unstable and in crisis, how crazy it is to walk to educational institutions because they do not provide financial education. After reading it, you will learn about the dangers of the global financial crisis and the ability to survive in these conditions.

Books for children

"Goodbye rat race!"

In this book, children learn how to handle money through pictures.

Robert Toru Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur, investor, writer and teacher. Born April 8, 1947, in the USA.

Robert Kiyosaki comes from a family of educators. His father was the Secretary of Education in the State of Hawaii (USA). Kiyosaki is a representative of the fourth generation of Japanese to immigrate to America. After high school, Robert was educated in New York. Upon graduation, he joined the US Marine Corps and served in the US Navy in Vietnam as an officer and helicopter gunship pilot.

Returning from the war, Kiyosaki went to work as a salesman for the Xerox Corporation, and in 1977 he began his business career and launched a company that was the first to sell nylon and surfer wallets, which turned into a global product, sold all over the world and brought multi-million dollar income.

In 1985, Kiyosaki left the business world and founded the international educational company Rich Dad's Organization, which taught tens of thousands of students around the world about business and investing.

After retiring at the age of 47, Kiyosaki did not abandon his love of investing. During this period, he wrote the best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Next came "The Cash Flow Quadrant" and "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing" - all 3 books were in the ranking of the top 10 bestsellers in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Week and The New York Times.

Now Kiyosaki is engaged in real estate transactions and the development of small companies, but his true love and passion are still given to teaching. Here's what the famous writer Anthony Robbins says about Kiyosaki's work: “ Educational work Roberta Kiyosaki brings strength, wisdom and the ability to change human lives. I applaud his efforts and support him with both hands.”

Books (11)

Rich Dad's Prophecy

Rich Dad's Prophecy will show you how the retirement funding system will affect the fate of each of us in the near future, regardless of age and place of residence.

This book will reveal the reasons for the coming collapse, and will tell not only about the most the best ways protecting your wealth, but also how to benefit from upcoming events.

8 Leadership Lessons

What the military can teach business leaders.

According to statistics, nine out of ten entrepreneurs go bankrupt in the first five years of their business.

Of every ten survivors, nine go bankrupt in the next five years. Question: What is the difference between the one who succeeds and the nine who fail? Answer: Success in business requires the same core skills, values ​​and leadership skills, which are formed among military personnel.

In this book, Robert examines the differences between success in the civilian world and in the military. Readers will learn how to use military training to improve their chances of winning in business.

If you want to be rich and happy don't go to school

The focus of this book, as you will see, is money. And this center is fundamental. In our society, knowing that there is money is absolutely necessary. Without this basic knowledge, everything we learn in school cannot be applied in life.

Retire young and rich

This book is about how the author started life from scratch and retired financially independent in less than 10 years. Discover how you can achieve the same. If you don't plan to work hard your whole life, this book is for you. Why not retire young and rich?

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

You can choose to live in a world of scarce money and you can choose to live in a world of abundant money. One of the main themes discussed in this book is that you yourself have the power to create a world of scarcity or abundance of money around you.

Raise your financial IQ

Robert won't tell you exactly what you should do. Its goal is to provide every reader with financial knowledge that will allow you to find your path to achieving material wealth.

In other words, increase your financial IQ. Here are the new rules for handling money that have changed many years ago. But to master them, you need to raise your level of financial preparedness.

The book reveals the five main types of financial intelligence that are needed to become richer, regardless of the state of the stock and real estate markets.

Before you start your business

“This book can serve as a starting point for anyone seeking financial independence.” USA Today

“The wisdom that rich dad imparts to his students is a type of financial literacy that is not taught in schools.” Booklist

“The J.P. Morgan Company has declared Rich Dad Poor Dad a must-read for millionaires.” Wall Street Journal

“Financial freedom is the main and final goal that we all strive for and fight for. Robert Kiyosaki achieved it and retired at the age of forty-seven.” Woman's Day

School of Business

In this book, Robert T. Kiyosaki highlights the eight hidden values ​​of a network marketing business (and they're not just for making money!). There are also three additional hidden values ​​that the authors of the book and Diana Kennedy talk about. Robert explains that the network marketing business is a revolutionary way to achieve wealth, allowing anyone with drive, determination and perseverance to achieve great wealth.

Reader comments

Efim/ 05/30/2019 Both are philosophers, making money only from selling books and games. They don't understand business, because... they didn’t drive it themselves. You need to read people who are truly millionaires. Dan Pena, for example.
Whatever you think, I have all the books and Kiyosaki and Bodo. I just started thinking about business - Robert wrote, MLM is just that. I started going to MLM meetings. These are vile pyramids!
I began to wonder why Kiyosaki was promoting them then... Then I realized that it was his audience that needed to be educated. With the help of this literature.
I'm not saying don't read. Just be wary of the statements “school is garbage,” “losing big,” etc. from people who are NOT businessmen.
On the other hand, there are Buffet, Gates, Pena - who are real businessmen and not self-invented ones.

Alexander/ 07/04/2018 Books in which we can find what a person is looking for all his life. Read and study to find yours.

Alex/ 06.06.2018 At the age of 20, I first read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. At 28 years old, I own 5 properties worth $1 million and am truly financially independent.

Tatiana/ 03/20/2018 yes, Beka helped.
Since 2004, when I read this and then subsequent books by Kiyosaki, thanks to investing and compound interest, I have achieved my financial goals.

Alexander/ 03/12/2018 Kiyosaki and economics are concepts as close as Dontsova and literature. Tabloid crap and brain fog for naive natives.

Dim/ 02/28/2018 Read 1 book: BpBp. in 2009. Went to buy gardens. Made good money in 5 years (about $200,000) Stopped reading. I lost all $ three times before 2016. Read constantly! Invest no more than 10% in the unknown. Don't listen to those who offer magic enrichment pills.

Aslan/ 12/26/2017 Books helped me. At first I worked a lot, but after reading Robert’s books I managed to build a business and become an investor, because my uncle was appointed akim)))

Beka/ 12.12.2017 Who did this book help?
If anyone reading this can become rich, please write

Aigulya/ 09.13.2017 After reading Kiyosaki’s books, I opened my own business. Those. changed my thoughts. I began to think not like an employee, but like a businessman. And thanks to this, I now have my own small business.

Nikita/ 09.12.2017 A Telegram channel about Robert Kiyosaki has appeared. The channel is dedicated to fans of Robert Kiyosaki - a businessman, investor, and author of a number of books on financial literacy. Follow @RobertToruKiyosaki

Max/ 07/23/2017 “Rich Dad is as real as Harry Potter is real” Robert Kiyosaki

Egor/ 03/16/2017 Dear guests. I went all the way from worker to investor, I became rich, . But I walked this path myself, before Robert’s books appeared. In fact, I am an expert on the amount of knowledge that Robert gives to the world. I'll tell you briefly. All books are useful. But not all are applicable to our CIS country. Start with the first book. re-read the rest from time to time. You will all become rich, I guarantee that. But your current poverty is like a disease, so you need to perceive it that way. So, after taking one pill, no one will recover. This is where complex therapy comes in. We need other books. It takes practice. And the most important thing, without which no one will recover, is the need for a mentor who will teach, show and bring your business to its maximum high level. Mentor is the key to success. And Robert Kiyosaki is a theory of where to direct your free time and effort. And one last thing. Everyone is mistaken when they think that bankruptcy is bad. Robert's bankruptcy is artificial! Understand, he kept the money for himself, and the court allowed him not to pay the bills. He received the money, but only lost the company. What is a legal entity? This is a folder with documents that lies in the closet. Would you like to get money if you lost a folder with documents? You can open 500 thousand of these companies. and if in their bankruptcy you only have one dollar left, then you will receive 500 thousand dollars! Robert showed the whole world how to become a rich man, but he won’t write a book about it. Believe in yourself and good luck to everyone!

Nikolay/ 03/07/2017 Some people here say that you shouldn’t read these books because Kiyosaki’s company went bankrupt. That all Robert made money from was the sale of his books. These statements should not be trusted.
Read, re-read, apply in life. One company went bankrupt. Robert didn't go broke. The value of his books is indirectly evidenced by the co-authorship of Donald Trump, not the worst businessman and current President of the United States.
Read and you will be happy.

Sergey/ 02/27/2017 The flow quadrant is a must for anyone who dreams of starting a business. Let me add from myself:
E do it all the time. Do S only when necessary (often even more than in E).
To think constantly.
I think only when necessary.

And further.
E don't trust anyone.
S trust only themselves.
B trust people, with mandatory control.
I absolute trust and minimal control.