When is Earth Day in the year?  The largest environmental event in Russia – Earth Hour – has ended

When is Earth Day in the year? The largest environmental event in Russia – Earth Hour – has ended

On March 20 and April 22, we celebrate not just a big, but a truly global holiday - International Mother Earth Day, held under the auspices of the UN - the day of our common cozy home.

The holiday was established at the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly on April 22, 2009 (resolution No. A/RES/63/278, co-authored by more than 50 UN member states) and has been celebrated since 2010 annually on April 22.

The President of the 63rd session of the General Assembly, Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, said that the resolution’s declaration of this International Day is a recognition that the Earth and its ecosystems are our home and provide life to humanity, and a reaffirmation of the commitments made at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Therefore, to achieve a fair balance between the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and planet Earth.

The resolution also notes that the term “Mother Earth” is generally accepted in many countries and that it reflects the dependence between the planet, its ecosystems and humans. Inviting all UN member states, international and non-governmental organizations to celebrate “International Mother Earth Day”, the General Assembly draws attention to the fact that this holiday is already celebrated annually in many countries.

The tradition of celebrating Earth Day on April 22 originated in the United States in 1970; in 1990, this day became an international event. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1992. Moreover, every year this Day is dedicated to a specific topic.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Earth Day is celebrated in the spring, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is celebrated in the fall. The main goal of this worldwide action is to attract the attention of society and every person on the planet to the problems of the Earth, to the problems of its environment.

It is estimated that planet Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. If you want to go around the Earth, walking along the equator, you will have to travel a distance of almost 40,010 kilometers. The distance from the surface to the center is 6378 kilometers. Moreover, truly solid rocks (lithosphere) form a layer of only about 70 kilometers, and, moving further inland, we observe semi-liquid and liquid states.

Death Valley in California and a place in Libya called Al Azizia hold the records for the hottest places on Earth. The Al Azizia record is 57.8 degrees Celsius (September 13, 1922), the Death Valley record is 55.8 degrees Celsius (July 10, 1913).

And Antarctica is recognized as the coldest place on Earth - on July 21, 1983, -89 degrees Celsius was recorded at the Vostok research station in Antarctica.

Our Earth is incredibly rich in minerals - scientists have already classified about 4000 types of minerals, about 200 of them are of practical importance. Every year 50-100 types of minerals are discovered.

The Earth has one natural satellite - the Moon visible to the naked eye.

Mother Earth Day is April 22, as is Earth Day, celebrated on spring equinox, gives every resident in every populated corner of the planet the opportunity to express gratitude to our large common home.

Every year, scientists from around the world gather on this day to celebrate round table to discuss global environmental problems. IN different countries A wide variety of events and promotions are organized. These include conferences, exhibitions, closing traffic on the busy streets of large cities, cleaning the area and planting trees.

In Russia, International Earth Day is traditionally considered the day of public organizations that hold various environmental events and campaigns on this day. On this day, everyone can take part in the improvement and landscaping of their yards and streets.

International Mother Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. It was proclaimed at the initiative of Bolivia at the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly on April 22, 2009. More than 50 UN member states co-sponsored the resolution.

The President of the 63rd session of the General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, said that the proclamation of this International Day in the resolution is a recognition that the Earth and its ecosystems provide life to humanity, as well as a reaffirmation of the commitments made at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio -de Janeiro in 1992.

The resolution declaring International Mother Earth Day emphasizes that the Earth and its ecosystems are our home and that in order to achieve a fair balance between the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and planet Earth.

The term "Mother Earth" is the common name for planet Earth in a number of countries and regions and reflects the interdependence that exists between humans, other living beings and the planet.

Trees help communities achieve long-term economic and environmental sustainability, and provide food, energy and income. They help fight climate change and allow people to breathe clean air.

The organizers of the first Earth Day subsequently founded the international non-governmental organization Earth Day Network, which now works with more than 50 thousand partners from 196 countries. The Earth Day Network aims to develop environmental education for its events.

Today, April 22, the world celebrates International Mother Earth Day, a holiday designed to remind us of how important it is to take care of the health of our planet. To mark the occasion, Google has launched a new Doodle.

Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22 in 1970, and almost 40 years later the UN gave it the status of an international holiday.

Last year, in honor of Earth Day, the search engine launched a short quiz that allowed users to find out which animal they most resemble. This time the company made do with a series of cartoon pictures depicting animals and nature.

And although the new doodle will amuse millions of Internet users and allow them to learn a little more about the world holiday, the main event of the day takes place outside of Internet browsers. A solemn ceremony of signing the Paris climate agreement, adopted in December last year, will take place at the UN headquarters. It is expected that representatives of more than 150 countries will attend, including several dozen heads of state.

Representatives of more than 150 countries will gather at UN headquarters to sign environmental agreements

As part of the agreement, 196 countries decided to work together to combat climate change. The main goal is to prevent the global average annual temperature from rising by more than 2 degrees Celsius by the middle of this century. Ideally, get a figure of 1.5 degrees.

The ceremony is rather symbolic, because the agreement will have to be ratified in each country. States have until 2020 to do this. However, a number of countries, including the United States and China, do not plan to wait for the deadline and promise to ratify the agreement this year.

For it to come into force, 55 countries that produce at least 55% of the world's greenhouse gases must pass this procedure. The support of such prominent issuers as China and the United States gives reason to hope that the Paris Agreement will enter into force in 2016-2017, notes the British The Guardian.

And while those in power are checking the presence of ink in their pens, representatives of big business are already celebrating Earth Day 2016.

Thus, Apple, which is famous for its environmental awareness, dressed the employees of its branded stores in green, decorated signs with leaves and even created playlists in Apple Music. They include compositions that in one way or another glorify nature through the mouths of Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Adele, The Beatles, Maroon 5, U2 and other groups and performers.

Apple has selected “green” playlists for users

Earth Day did not leave NASA indifferent, whose eyes are mainly directed to space. The American Aerospace Agency encouraged people to participate in thematic events (for example, tree planting) and share photo and video reports on social networks with the hashtag #24Seven.

Spiderman helps plant plants on Earth Day 2014 in Atlanta (USA)

In short, there are many ways to celebrate Earth Day today. Including a demonstration of how it was done the very first time. It took place on April 22, 1970 in the USA.

Senator Gaylord Nelson, who organized it, specifically chose this date in order to attract as many pupils and students as possible to the action, who had neither exams nor holidays at that time. The senator's initiative was a success.

About 20 million Americans took to the streets to demonstrate concern about the human impact on the environment. At the same time, Nelson himself expected that the event would be more educational in nature.

Be that as it may, since then, Earth Day on April 22 has become an annual tradition in the United States. Over the past years, the holiday has spread throughout the world - after 20 years it was celebrated in 141 countries. In 2009, the UN General Assembly awarded it the status of a world holiday and called it International Mother Earth Day.

On April 22, 1970, American Senator G. Nelson created a group of students who called on the population to protect the environment and preserve a favorable climate on earth. Subsequently, the student march grew into a national movement, first in the United States, and then spread throughout the world. Now the holiday has international significance and is a day of reminder of environmental disasters, that every person can contribute to the preservation of the environment on the planet and be responsible for the state of the environment around them. In 2009, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate April 22 World Day land. On this day, the entire population of the planet must remember that the Earth is ours. common house which must be kept in order.

What is the main meaning of the holiday?
The resolution states that the Earth is the home of humanity and is constantly in need of proper care and careful attitude. In other words, under several pages of pathetic text there is a simple thought conveyed back in his time by Exupery in his immortal work “ Little Prince": "Wake up, put your planet in order." International Earth Day - sounds on this day in hundreds of languages, along with the official languages ​​of the UN - English, Russian, French and German.

Balance and Harmony
The main task of modern society is to put the economic component in order modern world, or rather, level out or reduce to a minimum the difference between developed countries and developing countries. And then, under the created conditions, celebrate Earth Day in order to preserve the world around us for future generations. So that our children and grandchildren see living nature, and not in museums or in fantastic documentaries.

This holiday was first celebrated in the United States back in 1970. It took the world 20 years to adopt this tradition, and in 1990, from a local event, World Earth Day turned into a full-fledged international day. This holiday came to Russia a little later and began to be celebrated only in 1992. Interestingly, in the spring Earth Day is celebrated only in the northern hemisphere, and in the fall only in the southern hemisphere. It is important that on this very day this year, International Earth Day 2018 receives the greatest publicity and attracts the attention of as many inhabitants of the planet as possible. And to get to know the Earth better, you need to get to know it better.

Mother Earth
According to scientists, the Earth was born 4.5 billion years ago, so World Earth Day 2018 would be the oldest holiday in human history. If, of course, it had been celebrated since the birth of our planet. The diameter of the Earth is more than 40 thousand kilometers, and if you want to reach the center of the planet, you will have to drill a well 6 thousand kilometers long. It will be extremely difficult to penetrate to such depth. Firstly, the Earth is tightly bound by the lithosphere, which envelops the planet with a 70-kilometer layer of solid rock, and secondly, even after overcoming this distance, you then find yourself in liquid layers.

Now in the heat, now in the cold
The hottest places on the planet are in North America and Africa. The first hot spot - literally - is located in Libya and is called El Azizia. The record temperature observed in this desert reached 58 degrees Celsius and was recorded in 1922. The American Death Valley is also not a cool place; it was especially hot there in 1913, when the temperature rose to 56 degrees Celsius. For those who like something cooler, it’s worth going to Antarctica. In the cold summer of 1983, the most low temperature in the history of weather observation, about -89 degrees Celsius.

Scientists have currently classified more than 4 thousand types of various minerals, and only two hundred of them have real application in various fields of human activity. And this is not counting the fact that every year up to a hundred new types of useful minerals are added to this number. If you look at the sky, it is obvious that our planet is accompanied by one satellite - the Moon. It is clearly visible to the naked eye, not only at night, but even during the day.

Participate in Earth Day
To truly make this day useful and enjoyable not only for yourself, but also for the planet, it is not enough to just go outside and sing “Happy Day, Earth!” three times. Start cleaning the area, collect papers near the entrance, and finally plant a tree. Famous politicians, show business stars and scientists take part in such events dedicated to the holiday. They do the simplest, practical things, thereby setting an example for all the inhabitants of the planet. Caring for the Earth starts small and it is not at all necessary to immediately take on overwhelming and insoluble tasks. In our country, on this day, a number of environmental events take place, as well as conferences where they talk about why you need to pay attention not only to your own home, but also to the common home for all the inhabitants of the planet.