Summary of the open event “The world is saved by kindness.  Lesson summary “Kindness will save the world Kindness will save the world lesson in the senior group

Summary of the open event “The world is saved by kindness. Lesson summary “Kindness will save the world Kindness will save the world lesson in the senior group

Tasks: To form a desire in children to act in accordance with moral values ​​and rules. Develop the ability to understand another person, to sympathize, to worry, to sympathize. To teach to understand and realize the reasons for the actions of heroes of literary works. Strengthen the ability to reason, analyze, prove your point of view. To cultivate the desire for love, kindness, mercy.

Material for the lesson: Candle, Queen of Good's crown, ring, blue leaves, heart fragments, box with fragments, star pads, seven-flowered flower, illustrations for the story "Why", a picture of a Multi-colored man, attributes for the game "Starry Sky", "Let's Color the World", musical decoration, music for relaxation, gifts,

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational and motivational stage:

Guys, we have a lot of guests today. Let's welcome them. Children become the teacher in a semicircle.

Educator: And now guys, as always, we begin our lesson with a ritual of goodwill.

A candle is lit, the magic words “Whoever is kinder than everyone today, come quickly to me” are said, the child who gets the ring comes out and is appointed Queen of Good. Children wish each other warm regards. The candle is extinguished.

Educator: Just as the fire of this candle gives warmth, so you and I have created an atmosphere of goodness.

Music. The Queen of Evil flies in.

- Ha-ha-ha! They talk about good things here.

- Hello! Who you are?

- I am the Queen of Evil, and I don’t need your “Hello!”

Educator: No matter how necessary it is, all well-mannered people always say hello, you can ask the guys.

- Guys, answer me, why are you saying hello and who needs it? (children's answers)

Queen of Evil: Good again, kind words. You will soon forget what good is, because I stole the heart from the Queen of Good, and broke it into small pieces. Only brave guys who will not be afraid of difficulties and dangers and will be able to collect all these fragments will be able to save the Queen of Good. They must travel to starry planets, where they will encounter trials and difficult tasks. You can't handle this. Ha ha ha! (Leaves)

Educator: Guys, how can you live without goodness? Who is not afraid and agrees with me to go to the star planets, collect the fragments of the Good Queen’s heart? Well, let's go!

Main part

And here is the first planet. Let's read what it's called - “Greed”.

On the table, the teacher takes out blue leaves from an envelope.

Questions for children:

— Guys, what story do these leaves remind you of?

— What happened in the story with friends Lena and Katya?

- What negative quality is mentioned in this story?

- Who is called a greedy person?

— Are there such guys among us?

- Let's remember what " Golden Rule"we taught to this story?

- Look guys, the envelope was empty, but now there’s something in it! (the children themselves take out a heart fragment from the envelope and put it in their purse).

Educator: Guys, look, here is the next planet. It doesn't have a name. We have to figure it out ourselves. What task does the Queen of Evil have in store for us here?

(There is a box on the table containing fragments of a cup and a sheet of paper with the inscription “3 Why”).

Questions for children:

- What is this, from what work? (answers)

- Here's another task. You need to mentally draw a picture for each “Why?” Children's answers.

- What can you say about the boy’s action? What did he do to his friend? What “Golden Rule” did we learn for this story?

- So what name will we give the planet? "Betrayal".

- Well done guys, you completed this task. And here is the second fragment of the heart.

Educator: Guys, you and I have already visited two planets. Their names are sad (we remember). I suggest you play the game “Starry Sky” and give the planets only good names.

Didactic game. "Call me kindly"

There are two portraits on the board. Children name which work the characters are from.

Questions for children:

- Let us remember what the boy Zvezda was like at the beginning of the story?

- What did he do to his mother?

- What did the star boy become at the end of the story?

- What good did he do?

- Do you think it’s possible to be friends with him now?

- Well, he also made friends with you and gives you treats.

The teacher invites the children to attach small hearts to their portraits and explain their choice.

- Do you respect your parents? Taking care of old people? What “Golden Rule” did we learn for this piece?

Educator: And here is another fragment.

We continue our journey.

On the board is a portrait of the “Colored Man.”

Questions for children:

- Guys, this is our friend. Who is this?

- What did the colorful man do?

What would happen to the world if this little man did not exist?

And if you were this little person, how would you decorate the world?

—Who is called a “generous person”?

- Guys, do you consider yourself generous and kind? Who will talk about their kindness and generosity? (children's answers).

Educator: I suggest you help the little man decorate these figures.

For the counting count, children are divided into teams. Didactic game "Let's make the world colorful."

— As a token of gratitude, the little man gives you another piece of his heart.

Guys, there is one more planet left. Let’s read what it’s called – “Good”.

There is a seven-flowered flower on the table.

Questions for children:

What story is this flower from?

Who main character?

We remember all of Zhenya’s wishes, except the last one. For their last wish, children, prepared in advance, perform a skit.

— Which of Zhenya’s wishes did you like best?

— What can you say about Zhenya, what is she like?

- How can you call a kind person in other words?

Guys, there is something under the tablecloth. The last fragment.

Didactic game “Parts of the Whole” Children collect a heart.

The final stage:

Music. Enter the Queen of Good.

- Dear guys! Thank you for saving me and not letting goodness on earth disappear. After all, without good there is no life. I thank you for overcoming all the difficulties and challenges. To each of you, as a sign of gratitude, I want to give a piece of my heart. (distribution of gifts, farewell to the Queen of Good).

- Well, guys, our journey has ended. All the best.

Lesson on the topic “Kindness will save the world.”
Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality.
Objectives: to encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds; develop coherent speech, memory, fine motor skills; consolidate the mathematical concept of the whole and parts; education of generosity, kindness, responsiveness.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, conversations, games-dramatization of situations aimed at developing morality in preschoolers. Learning proverbs about kindness and generosity.
Materials: ball, cereal (peas, beans), rectangles of paper for each child (6/4) “a piggy bank of good deeds”, colored crayons, drawing paper, magic microphone.
Progress of the lesson.
(Mishka comes to visit the children and tells them his sad story).
Bear: The forest where I live was attacked by the old woman Lenya.
She has enchanted everything around her, the grass dries, the flowers wither, all the trees are covered in cobwebs. The birds do not sing their songs, and the animals, the forest dwellers, have fallen into hibernation; they do not even hear their little children crying from the cold and loneliness. I alone managed to escape from the captivity of the evil and lazy old woman. I came so that you could help me free the forest from the old woman Leni.
Educator: children, can we help our guest? Mishutka, please tell me how to help you?
Bear: the forest dwellers and our forest will be saved by the kind deeds of children, hard work, and politeness. Children, do you know how to do good deeds?
Bear: do you know what kindness and good deeds are? How can they be accomplished, in your opinion? (water flowers, help each other in trouble, speak polite words, help kids, mother, grandmother)
Educator: a kind person is someone who helps adults, does not offend younger ones, protects the weak, is polite, attentive to everyone, says only kind, good words.
(a child reads N. Krasilnikov’s poem).
"Good morning".
It was invented by someone simply and wisely to say hello when meeting: “Good morning!” Good morning to the sun and birds! Good morning to smiling faces! And everyone becomes kind, trusting, good morning lasts until evening.”
Bear: do you say hello to each other in the morning? How do you do it?
Children: “Hello, sky (hands up),
Hello, earth (sit down),
Hello my friends (hands forward),
Bear: you see, you have one good deed, but unfortunately, one good deed cannot save the forest, it may die.
Educator: don’t be upset, Mishka! We will now collect for you a complete “piggy bank” of good deeds and we will take this piggy bank to the forest.
(the teacher shows the piggy bank and the children throw the 1st “dobrinka” chip into it).
Educator: guys, today our cook was going to cook pea soup, and in the bag there were beans and peas together. Let's help the cook and sort out the cereal? It is difficult for one chef to cope with such work.

There are five fingers on my hand

Author: Safonova Tatyana Yuryevna. Teacher of the 1st category, MADO kindergarten "Rodnichok" s. Konstantinovka Konstantinovsky district, Amur region.
Description of material: I offer you a summary open class directly educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic “Kindness will save everything.” This material will be useful to teachers of senior, preparatory groups, and methodologists. This is a summary educational activity, aimed at moral education.
Summary of direct educational activities in preparatory group on the topic “Kindness will save everything.”
Target: Give children the idea of ​​what kindness is.
Tasks: To form in children ideas about kindness as an important quality of a person. Develop the ability to distinguish the bad from the good; Encourage children to do good deeds. To cultivate in children love and a friendly attitude towards the world around them and loved ones.
Integration educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Reading Fiction», « Artistic creativity"(applique), "Music", " Physical Culture", "Communication".
Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic.
Materials and equipment: multimedia; details for applique, panel “Good is in our hands”.

I. Org. moment.
There is a tree with balls in the hall. Children and the teacher enter the hall to the music of Shainsky, the words of Tanich M. “The Road of Good.”
- Guys, look, what kind of tree has grown in our garden?
Children's answers.
- These are not simple balls, but balls - “doublins”.
- Let us sit down on the chairs, and you tell me what kindness is?
Children's answers. The teacher complements the children's answers.

II. Main part. There was a presentation.
- Guys, it seems that someone is coming here. (An image of Barmaley appears on the board)
- Guys, who is this?
Children's answers.

- Barmaleyushka, hello. Guys, let's say hello to him.
The children greet Barmaley.
- Guys, who can tell me whether Barmaley is good or evil?
Children's answer.
- How did you determine this?
Children's answer.
- Let’s teach Barmaley to be kind.

Please listen to one story.

True story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters” by L. Tolstoy

Grandfather became very old.
His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table and let him dine at the stove.

They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it.

The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a basin. The old man just sighed and said nothing.

They are sitting, since the husband and wife are at home and watching - their little son is playing on the floor with planks - he is working on something.

The father asked: “What are you doing this, Misha?” And Misha said: “It’s me, father, who’s making the tub. When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub.”
The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry.

They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.

Guys, tell me, what emotions did this story evoke?
Is it the old man's fault? If so, then what?
Who did the right thing? Who doesn't?
What did this story teach us?

That's right, but being kind is also being polite.

III. Game “Say the Word”
Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)
The old stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)
When you are scolded for pranks, you say...(excuse me, please)
If a friend is in trouble,... (help him)
Resolve disputes with words...(not fists)
Wherever we are, in parting we say... (goodbye)
The child is polite and developed, he says when meeting... (hello)

IV. Phys. Minute “What is kindness?”(Movements are performed according to the words of the song “Kindness” by “Barbariki”).

V. Application. Collective work “Good is in our hands.”
- Guys, let's leave something good and kind as a souvenir for Barmaley.
We will give him a painting made by our with kind hands. We will put our hearts and soul into it.
Children cut out hands and glue them onto the panel. Then, having cut out the hearts, they glue them on their hands, saying their wishes.

VI. Reflection.

Every person should have goodness: you, me, and your parents. This is a kind heart, a kind soul, kind words to help those who are in trouble. They talk about such people" a kind person".

Kindness is an amazing thing.
Is it easier to be good or evil?
It's probably easier for the evil ones.
Being kind means giving
Your warmth to others.
To be kind means to understand
Both loved ones and strangers
And sometimes you don’t know joy,
Caring for others.
Of course, it is more difficult for good
And yet look:
How many friends he has!
And there is always only one evil one...

Barmaley is crying on the screen.

- Well, don’t cry, Barmaley. The guys and I are sure that you will improve and become very kind. You will help everyone who needs help.
- Well, it’s time for us to return, good deeds await us.
- Goodbye.
The children say goodbye to Barmaley and leave to the music of “The Road of Good.”

Summary of GCD in senior group on the topic: “Give people kindness”

Author: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Shchukina, teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 174", Voronezh
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Give people kindness.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at developing an idea of ​​human spiritual beauty and mental health.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic: “Give people kindness”

Integration of educational areas: “Social-communicative”, “Artistic-aesthetic”, “Speech”, “Cognitive”.

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the spiritual beauty and mental health of a person.
Educational: to form an idea of ​​the meaning of goodness for harmony and happiness.
Speech: activate the words “thank you”, “please”, “sorry” in children’s speech, develop coherent speech.
Developmental: develop the ability to help and sympathize with people.
Educational: to cultivate the desire to give joy and good mood to loved ones.
Handouts: trays, cards with printed words “sorry”, “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”
Methodological techniques: game, conversation, solving a problem situation, physical education, task, productive activity. Educator:
Invented by someone, simple and wise
When meeting, greet: “Good morning!”
- Good morning! Sun and birds
-Good morning! smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind and trusting
May good morning last until evening!
Educator: Children, I am very glad to see that you are in a good mood. We will start our day today by sending each other good thoughts, good feelings. Let's tell each other ours good wishes. I have in

"Kind heart" in your hands. I want to give it to Veronica and wish her all the best.
Game "Good thoughts, good feelings"
Educator: I want to ask you to tell me about how you felt when you sent each other good thoughts and good feelings?
(It was fun, it became very good, I felt good, I liked it, it’s interesting to play like that...)
Educator: Guys, how do you understand the proverb: “In healthy body- healthy mind"? This proverb says that a person has a body and a soul. When the body is sick, the soul is sick too. And vice versa, if the soul is sick, the body also feels bad. What happens when the body is sick?
(Headache, sore throat, difficulty walking, taking medications...)
Educator: what happens to a person when his soul feels bad, what does he feel?
(Bad mood, melancholy, sad, not happy about anything...)
Educator: How can you cure an unhealthy soul?

(To have pity, to visit, to give something, to cheer, to give an interesting toy...)
Educator: Well done, children! Say magic words to each other. If kindness lives in the world, adults and children rejoice.
Proverbs about kindness
- Good is good everywhere.
“Everyone is busy, he wants what’s good for himself.”
- Life is given for good deeds.
- Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.
- A kind person teaches good things.
- Kind word and the cat is pleased.
- A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.
Educator: Guys, remember and name which good and evil fairy-tale characters you know?
(Leopold the cat and the mice, Cinderella and the stepmother, the Needlewoman and Sloth, etc.)
Educator: In life it happens that people do good and bad deeds. Let's look at life situations with you.
1. The girl is crying. During the walk, a quarrel occurred between the girls.
Educator: What happened? Is it possible to help grief with tears?
Girl: Nastya and I played ball. And the ball rolled into a puddle, I wanted to get the ball and fell into the puddle, Nastya began to laugh loudly, and I cried loudly.
Educator: Did Nastya do the right thing? What would you do in her place? Let's help the girls make peace.
Educator: If you are the culprit of the quarrel, be the first to admit guilt. Magic words will help you with this: excuse me, let me help you, let’s play together...
2. The girl sat in the wrong chair, the boy pushed her and sat down himself. The girl began to cry. Did the boy do the right thing? What would you do in his place?
Children: Ask to get up from the chair, bring her her chair...
Educator: When you hear kind words, your soul becomes warmer. Goodness heals the soul. Good deeds and good thoughts are the best medicine for the soul. In order for your soul not to hurt, you must, first of all, be kind yourself. So we will play with good words and good deeds. I’ll start reading the poems, and you should complete them in unison:
- Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word
Children: Thank you!
- An old tree stump turns green when it hears
Children: Good afternoon!
- If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom
Children: Thank you!
- The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting
Children: Hello!
- When they scold us for our pranks, we say
Children: Sorry, please!
- And in Russia, in Ukraine, in Denmark, at parting, they say
Children: Goodbye!
There are words in the tray. Find among the printed words a word that begins with the letter “I”, “Z”, “S” (“sorry”, “hello”, “thank you”). Find an expression that consists of two words and begins with the letter “D”.
When I was walking to you, a strong wind blew, the “magic word” fell and the letters broke, I need to restore them. (Goodbye).
Educator: Well done, how many magic words do you know! A kind word can cheer up every person in Hard time, dispel bad mood.

Physical education minute.
Hello golden sun,
Hello blue sky,
Hello light breeze,
Hello little oak tree,
We live in the same region
I greet you all!
(Perform movements in accordance with the text).
Group work “Draw a heart of kindness”

Educator: Children, let's draw a big heart of kindness together (paint the heart with your fingers).

Educator: Look, now we have a “Heart of Kindness” in our group. It will send us its warmth, wish us well and help us study. I propose to call this heart of kindness the “Good Deeds Calendar.” In it we will celebrate your good deeds and actions that you have performed during the day. Now fold both hands near your chest, open your palms, imagine that they contain as many good feelings as can fit. You are very pleased to feel the warmth. Place as much goodness in your heart as possible. (Join your hands and place them on your chest.) You felt the warmth of your soul, the warmth of the hearts of everyone who is now next to you.
Educator: I want you to feel good all day today. This heart can bestow kindness on all people, but for this you need to let it go along with your wishes. It is in our hands to make the world a kinder and happier place! (blow on your palms).

Municipal state-financed organization

additional education

"Center children's creativity»

"Kindness will save the world"

event development,

dedicated International Day disabled people

(for students 5-7 years old)

additional education teacher

Mezhdurechensky urban district, 2016

The date of the: Dec A br, 2016

Theme of the event: “Kindness will save the world”

Target : development in children of the need for moral self-improvement


    expand children’s ideas about kindness, good deeds, and their meaning in human life;

    to develop knowledge about who needs good deeds;

    cultivate kind and respectful feelings towards people with disabilities;

Stages of the lesson: 1. Organizational (introductory) - 2 minutes;

2. Main - 20 min.;

3. Final - 3 min.;

Progress of the event :

1 part. Organizational stage.

Teacher: - What is good?(everything positive, good, useful);

What is kindness? (responsiveness, desire to do good to others):

- What kind of person can be said to be kind?(d wantingpeople are kind, sympathetic, good);

- What kind of person can be said to be good-natured?(kind, gentle in character);

- What kind of person can be said to be kind-hearted?(having a kind heart)

Have you met kind people?(children's answers) ;

What good deeds have you guys learned to do? (children's answers);

Part 2. Main stage.

Teacher:- The more kindness in the world,

The happier you and I are.

Guys, there are people who especially need warmth, care, kindness - these are people with disabilities.

Who are disabled people?(children's answers)

Disabled people are people who, due to their health, cannot move independently, do not see or hear, someone is missing an arm or a leg, someone cannot move at all, these are people who cannot take care of themselves.People with disabilities. Some are already born with such disabilities, while others become disabled after illness, injury or accidents.

On December 3, all countries celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This is a reminder to us that there are people who need our help, protection, respect, goodwill.They live among us. Some look the same as everyone else, while others differ from healthy people.

People sometimes don’t notice them or don’t want to notice them. And it is very difficult for them to cope with the daily difficulties of life. Sometimes for some of them, taking one step can be difficult and requires a lot of effort. And we don’t even think about it when we walk or run, take something in our hands, look at pictures, listen to music...

Every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. They don't need your pity, they need your friendship and help.

Here's how we can help them, I want to hear from you(children's statement).

Despite their illness, physical disabilities, many disabled people are very talented andachieved great success in sports, creativity and work.

Physical education minute"Good evil"

The teacher names verbs(good - clap, evil - stomp)

For example:protected, pushed, warmed, tore, helped, offended, stood up, fed, rude , regretted, quarreled, hugged, took away, stroked, hit, destroyed

Children remain in a circle and a game is played for attention:

Clap your hands for those who are always ready to help a friend.
- Jump up, those who always obey their parents.
- Sit down, those who are indifferent and indifferent to others.
- Turn around yourself, who always shares with everyone.

Jump on one leg, those who offend the guys.
- Sit down, those who consider themselves kind.
- Grab yourself by the ear, who likes to be rude.
- Show with your finger, just like that, how good it is to be kind!

Part 3 Final stage.

Teacher: - Guys, how did you understand the meaning of the words “people with disabilities”, “disabled”?Do you believe that kindness will save the world?? I think that after our event today you will become even kinder, more attentive, and more responsive in order to at least somehow help them. During the lesson, from your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts.Giving kindness is very simple, you just need to be more careful.

Disabled people – Angels of the earth

How much undeserved insult

They suffered it themselves.

There is a good Russian proverb: A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.