Summary of an open lesson on the world around us in the preparatory group

Summary of an open lesson on the surrounding world in the preparatory group “man-made world”. Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Amazing Objects”

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Nowadays, people don’t think about how amazing and unusual objects can be,

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introduce children to unusual objects Develop curiosity and the desire to discover new things

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“Thinner” batteries The well-known designer Mac Funamizu also contributed to the development of batteries. He created a concept called HungryBatteries. This concept involves the creation of batteries that appearance which it will be possible to instantly determine the degree of their charge. “Fat” batteries are full of energy, but it’s time to recharge “thin” ones

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A watch for the smartest!!- Uncle, uncle, tell me what time it is now!- Five minutes to the third root of 1728, boy.- …………………..what was that?

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Organic clock The earth, water, and plants in the clock produce a small charge of electricity, which is sufficient to keep the clock running forever

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A running alarm clock is an ideal device for those who have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. The mechanism of action of this naughty alarm clock is as follows: You place it on the bedside table, setting the required wake-up time. While you are in the kingdom of Morpheus, this miracle alarm clock rolls off the bedside table, travels in any direction and hides from you..

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Dollphone is a Japanese mobile phone that can convey the feelings and emotions of your interlocutor! The design of the phone was developed by robotics engineer Takashi Minato with the assistance of a team of mad scientist-technologists working at Osaka University (Japan). The result of this collaboration was the creation of the world's scariest mobile phone in the shape of a small man, made of material similar to human skin.

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By creating such a device, the Japanese wanted to help people communicating on the phone feel that their interlocutor was next to them. The developers claim that this shape of the phone will create the effect of the complete presence of the interlocutor

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If you forget about the creepy appearance of the dollphone, then in standby mode it is no different from a regular phone, but as soon as you take this “monster” in your hands, it, in the literal sense of the word, begins to come to life: the silicone base begins to heat up to a temperature of 36.6 C and it will feel exactly like the skin of a living person. According to the developers, this unusual function should help the caller fully feel the presence of the person on the other end of the line. In the final version, among other things, this thing will have to squirm, reacting to the tone of voice of your interlocutor.

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Works of art made from toothpicks!! Think about what you can do with a regular toothpick, besides breaking it in half and making two? I'm okay with that, so it's worth giving credit to Steven Backman, who creates real works of art from these personal care items.

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Dog umbrella!! Allows you to take your four-legged pet for a walk in any weather, without fear that he might catch a cold or get sick. When there is bad weather outside, most dogs prefer to hide their noses in warm apartments. But sometimes bad weather can last for a long time, and you need to walk with animals regularly

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Living stand for shoes and umbrellas from JunjieZhang Remember how much water you left in the corridor when you came with winter walk?

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You may not believe it, but this is really a radio! The developers of this device decided to abandon all sorts of knobs and switches. In this device, all radio settings are made using stones. .

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41 meters is the height of the tallest water slide in the world according to the Guinness Book. The attraction is called “Insano” and it is located in Brazil in the city of Fortaleza in the BeachPark water park. This slide was built 25 years ago, in 1989.

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There are very few restrictions on this attraction - you need to be taller than 140 cm. Contraindications are heart disease and obesity. Pregnant women are not recommended to fly with Insano.

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57-year-old resident of Omsk Anatoly Konenko, together with his brother Stanislav, created the smallest aquarium for fish. In the Guinness Book of Records, an entry appeared about a container with a depth of 14 mm, a width of 24 mm and a length of 30 mm. The volume of the smallest aquarium in the world is only 10 ml, which is about two teaspoons of water.

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21st century stroller

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    The three-wheeled steel frame is from a regular stroller, and a motorcycle engine is mounted on it. This is exactly what a stroller that reaches a speed of 80 km/h looks like. Although the creator never decided to ride his newborn child in this wonderful monster, in order to put on a real show and scare the “spectators,” he carries a baby doll.

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    Rubik's Cube

    It is believed that the Rubik's cube is the leader among toys in terms of total sales: about 350 million Rubik's cubes, both original and various analogues, have been sold worldwide. Interesting fact: if you put them in a row, they will stretch almost from pole to pole of the Earth.

    3 Goal: Formation of ideas about the history of the creation of the objective world. Objectives: - to teach children to see objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in their development (past, present, future of the object); - develop the ability to consider surrounding objects in relationships and interdependencies (“person – object”, “child – object”); - expand the child’s horizons; - develop the ability to predict the future of objects; - educate children careful attitude to objects in the surrounding world.

    15 Most effective methods and heuristic techniques, cognitive conversations; observations; examination of paintings, illustrations, TSO; teacher's story; reading fiction, educational literature; creation of special game problem situations. elementary analysis; modeling and design method; question method; repetition method (direct application of knowledge in a similar situation); solution logical problems; experiments and experiences.



    22 Subject-developmental environment laboratory “Pochemuchka”, where children conduct experiments and experiments with materials to become familiar with their properties; transformation center “Masterilka”, where natural, waste materials, fabric, paper, visual materials are collected: plasticine, wire, glue. Here children can make their own crafts, buildings, compositions, and toys. “Znayki” is educational literature, visual material for gaining experience; “Game library” - didactic games selected according to age in various sections.

    30 Working with parents of a mobile folder: - “My girlfriend is a toy”, - “Teach by playing!”, - “Proverbs about work.” individual consultations: - “What toys do children need”, - “Organization and conduct didactic games with children,” “What makes up hard work?” parent meetings: - “Developing subject world”, - “Development creativity child" - " Round table at the end of the year." participation in project activities: - “creating costumes - sewing Russian sundresses”, - “My dad is a soldier”, - “Day of Genius - Crazy Hands”. creation of mini-museums: - “Dolls of our grandmothers”, - “The past of lighting fixtures”, - “Unusual candles and candlesticks”, - “Planes”, “Cars”.

    31 MBDOU " Kindergarten 46" "Crystal Slipper" Perm region, Krasnokamsk, st. Sadovaya, 6 telephone: 8(34273) email:

    “Characteristics of the art of Ancient Egypt” - art Ancient Egypt. Art of Ancient Egypt. The Sphinx against the backdrop of the Great Pyramid. Temples are the homes of the gods. Lesson plan. All rooms in the temple were decorated. Sculpture. Architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt. Choose the correct answer-. Tutankhamun's tomb. In the center of the hall is the main room.

    “Egyptian architecture” - Architecture of the land of the pharaohs. Architecture of the land of the pharaohs. Auxiliary city. Tutankhamun. The word "pyramid". Internal structure of the pyramids. Modern Egyptologists. Construction of the largest of the three pyramids. Cities of the dead. Teams of workers. Time. Case. Dead body. Building pyramids. The most famous pyramids.

    “Ancient writing of the Egyptians” - Complex writing. Relate. Walls of Egyptian temples. Mysterious letters. It was easy to master literacy in Ancient Egypt. Medical knowledge. Who did the school prepare? Sacred carving. Make up sentences. Which recording method is more convenient? Game "Traffic Light". School and scientific knowledge. Hieroglyphs. Features of ancient Egyptian writing.

    “Features of the culture of Ancient Egypt” - Volga. The name of the Volga river. Migration of peoples. Introduction to Mordovina's poetry. Baskunchak. Fishes and snakes. Lotus in Egypt. Comparison of Mount Bogdo with the pyramids. Lotus fields. Poems by N.A. Mordovina about her native land. Set. Royal lotus. Pharaoh's servants. Resurrection from the dead. Temples. Strong wind. Beluga.

    “Briefly about the art of Ancient Egypt” - The Tomb of Queen Nefertari. Fine features with full lips and huge almond-shaped eyes. Decorative art in the life of Ancient Egypt. The plot of the hunt. Eyebrow lines. A magnificent royal necklace decorated with gems. Colossus - statue. The rite of royal burial was particularly pompous. Tutankhamun.

    “Culture of Ancient Egypt” - Figurine found in the tomb of Ramesses II. Golden mask of the king. Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Egyptian art. Columns of the temple in Luxor. Portrait of Queen Nefertiti. Bust of Tutankhamun. The era of the New Kingdom. Swimming girl. Bracelets. Toilet spoon. Colonnade of the Temple at Karnak. Chariot of Tutankhamun. Relief of the temple in Abu Simbel.

    There are a total of 24 presentations in the topic

    Natalya Milyaeva
    Summary of GCD for familiarization with the outside world in preparatory group"Interesting, surprising objects"



    To form children’s ideas about the man-made and natural world;

    Bring children to the realization that objects of the man-made world are created in the likeness of objects of nature.


    Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity.


    Encourage children to explore and observe the natural world.

    Demonstration material. Presentation for children “Interesting objects”. Pictures of a tree and a hand; letter and parcel from Buratino.

    Handout. Envelopes with pictures of the natural and man-made world; album sheets with a symbol of the man-made and natural world; colour pencils.

    Progress of the lesson

    The teacher tells the children that the postman came to their garden and brought a parcel.

    To open the package you need to guess the riddle of who it is from.

    Wooden mischief maker

    From a fairy tale he entered our lives.

    A favorite of adults and children,

    A daredevil and an inventor of ideas,

    A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.

    Tell me, what is his name? (children's answer) Slide 2

    The teacher opens the parcel, which contains envelopes and a letter with assignments from Pinocchio.

    Task 1. “Look and answer” (slide 3 appears on the screen).

    What is this? (children's answers). Why is it the natural world? (children's answers)

    And what's that? (slide 4) Why do we call all this a man-made world? (children's answers)

    Task 2. D/i “What does it look like.” The teacher names (shows slide 5) an object of the man-made world.

    What does the train look like? What is there in nature that is similar to this object? (Children's answers) Slide 5

    What does a crane look like? Submarine? (children's answers) Slides 6,7

    What does a cockerel remind you of? bird? dragonfly? (Children's answers) Slides 8,9,10

    Physical exercise "Hamka-hamster hamster" Slide 11

    hamster hamster

    (puff out our cheeks like a hamster)

    Striped barrel

    (we stroke ourselves on the sides)

    Khomka gets up early

    (we stretch)

    Washes cheeks, rubs eyes

    (take appropriate actions)

    The hamster sweeps the hut

    (bend over and pretend to sweep)

    And goes out to charge.

    One two three four five,

    Khomka wants to become strong

    (we show how strong it is).

    Task 3. D/i “What’s extra?” Slide 12,13,14,15

    Task 4. Game exercise “Lay out correctly.” The teacher gives the children envelopes with pictures and asks them to sort the pictures into the natural and man-made world.

    Finger game "Friendship"

    Task 5. Children are given album sheets with a symbol (a tree or a hand). Slide 16. It is necessary to draw a man-made or natural object.

    The children and the teacher write a letter to Buratino, in which they report that they have completed all his interesting tasks.

    Lesson summary for the preparatory group "Amazing Objects"

    Program content. Teach children to compare objects invented by people with objects of nature and find commonality between them (what nature did not give to man, he came up with himself).

    Material. Pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (two pictures for each child). Cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, tractor, vacuum cleaner, parachute, excavator, boat, house, crane, umbrella, plane, car, train, etc.), and the other half the card is empty. “Domino” pictures: on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world; parcel, letter from Dunno.

    Progress of the lesson

    The teacher informs the children about the parcel he received from Dunno. The parcel contains a subject picture and a letter with tasks: Dunno asks the children to complete all the tasks and inform him in a letter about their completion.

    Task 1. The teacher, with the help of the children, divides all the pictures into two groups: pictures with objects of the natural world and pictures with objects of the man-made world. The teacher keeps pictures with objects of the natural world for himself, and divides pictures with objects of the man-made world between the children.

    The teacher names an object of the natural world. A child who has found a paired object from the man-made world, picks up a picture with its image, names the object and compares it with an object from the natural world (for example, a swallow is an airplane, a giraffe is a crane, a rooster is a watch, etc.). The task is considered completed when the children find all pairs of objects.

    Task 2. Domino pictures (on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world) are distributed to children. The first child posts his picture, the next one puts his picture with an image of an object in the natural or man-made world (based on the principle of the Domino game, for example, dragonfly - clock - rooster - crane - giraffe - whale, etc.). The task is considered completed when all the cards are arranged in a chain.

    Task 3. Each child is offered two pictures. For example, one picture shows an airplane, the other a bird. It is proposed to compare the images, find similarities (common elements) and differences (for example, the similarity of a bird and an airplane - wings, nose and beak, tail of an airplane and a bird; differences: a bird is a living bird, an airplane is an inanimate object) and talk about them.

    Task 4. Children are given cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, tractor, vacuum cleaner, parachute, excavator, boat, house, crane, umbrella, plane, car, train, etc. .), and the other half is empty. The child must remember and draw in the empty half of the card that object of nature, in the likeness of which the person created the object depicted on the other half (for example, a train - a centipede, a car - a crocodile).

    The children and the teacher write a letter to Dunno, in which they say that his tasks are very interesting and the children completed them. They thank Dunno and invite him to visit.