Affectionate poems for a guy.  Tender words to a beloved man in prose

Affectionate poems for a guy. Tender words to a beloved man in prose

Do you have a desire to touch your loved one with warm words?

  1. How lonely I am without you, my kitten... Being always next to you is such a happiness that cannot be described in words. I will prove to you through actions that you are the best of men...
  2. I will write confessions to my love and ask the rain not to touch them when he wants to go for a walk. My love is something lasting, something eternal... It will never be possible for me to stop loving you, because I don’t want it myself!
  3. You turned into my desire without even knowing it. I thank my fate millions of times for the fact that you have come true and become a wonderful reality in my everyday life.
  4. Your eyes are magical lights. If I drowned in them, I would be the happiest! The reflection of your eyes is my world...
  5. Can you hear the beat of my loving heart? Only your great love helps him live! I appreciate, adore, idolize and love every moment you spend with me. Know that I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. You are everything! I will give my life for the reciprocity of your love, if necessary!
  6. Before we met you, I couldn’t even imagine that there were such ideal – wonderful people…. Yes, you are one of those people, although you will deny it. Loving you to the point of complete madness is the greatest happiness!
  7. Did I deceive you? Never! And I never intend to do this. I promise and swear that you will hear only the real truth from me. You deserve to be treated like this!
  8. The twelfth of July is the most - most excellent - wonderful day of my life! I'm sure yours will too. This summer evening (it was almost night) introduced us and brought our hearts together.
  9. Is it possible to miss as much as I miss?.. I always need your hands, I always want to feel your lips…. Always touch me! I won't get tired of your touch. In return, I will give you so much warmth that you will believe in the thought: “she is a real sunshine...”.
  10. How can I turn into a raindrop to quench the thirst of your expectations? I would do this if I had a magical gift! I would turn into a snowflake in order to melt slowly and lovingly on the tenderness of your lips... I have always loved you, and will continue to love you!
  11. Don't give me stars from the high heavens! Don't give me the sun, the moon... Give only your love, filled with sincerity and passion. Your feelings are more important to me than anything else!
  12. Have you ever seen heavenly confetti? Have you ever been to Sweet Valley? We bet your answer will be positive? Sweet Valley is our very first kiss. Heavenly confetti - the moment of the first meeting. If we combine all this, we will receive a guarantee of mutual and long-lasting love!
  13. Do you want me to sleep with you? I’ll fall asleep so that I can burn with feeling in your arms. You are more precious to me than all the people in life! And you will remain forever dear and best.
  14. You have gotten used to drawing me in your imagination... But I will say without modesty, I am a good artist! When I'm waiting for you from work or school, my thoughts are set on creating your unique portrait! Do you want to admire this portrait? Just dream about me today or tomorrow night! I will wait for you in my dreams...
  15. My hand gently reaches out to yours... Do you feel this "attraction"? Rejoice: “attraction” is completely inevitable! Let's go together towards any inevitability! I’ve long wanted to say that I’m not afraid of anything with you. I love you very much and every fleeting glance of yours.
  16. My only one, I love you very much! I can’t live without you, my unique one…. You are exactly the person for whom I am ready to go to the ends of the earth. I love you, my tender fluffy! I love and will love until I completely lose my pulse!
  17. When you are nearby, the world has no meaning to me. Because you are able to replace the world for me. This is called love, which will live with us and between us always! This feeling came to us for a long time - long years. And fate decided that we could not exist and live without each other. I feel so bad and lonely if you are not with me somewhere. After all, I dream of feeling you all the time. Let me do this. Don't deprive me of this. I adore and love you!

Where can you leave kind words to your loved one?

The best places for this are:

  1. Workplace. Where does your loved one work when he comes home? Where does he spend his time? Leave your confession there without hesitation!
  2. Email. It will not be superfluous even when you live in the same room or in the same apartment.
  3. TV remote. You can put a sticker on this item with a confession of fiery feelings.
  4. Paper letter. Write a letter and drop it in the mailbox. Ask your loved one to check the mail on the way home. Say you are expecting some kind of receipt.
  5. Monitor screen. Can you imagine how happy and surprised he will be when he turns on his computer or laptop and sees a “grateful” inscription there, expanded to fill the entire screen... He will appreciate your action and will never forget it.
  6. Mirror in the bathroom. Women often write confessions on mirrors. But don't be afraid to repeat platitudes! Love is never banal.
  7. Radio - greeting. Call the radio, leave a message on the answering machine (if the transmission is not “on” live) and say whatever you want on the topic of love for your loved one.
  8. Message. Send your special someone a beautiful message. He will definitely save it in the memory of his phone or on a SIM card! Don’t be offended by a man if he doesn’t re-read the message a thousand times! Many “characters” are not used to doing this.
  9. The newspaper that your loved one likes to read. You can write a confession on it with your favorite nail polish. The best place for confessions on the pages of newspapers - is at the top of the headlines of newspaper articles.
  10. Plate or cup. You can put an inscription on it using special services. You've probably heard of them. Don’t waste your savings on such a pleasant but significant little thing! The most priceless and important wealth in life is your Love and warm words to each other!

Warm words to your loved one on the asphalt

Sometimes poetry in a few lines can explain more than an hour-long conversation with the man you love. Touching lines about love and tenderness will become an expression of the feelings that reigned in a woman’s heart.

How to choose tender poems about love for a man, and how can such poetic lines change the life of a couple?

Of course, there are a lot of tender poems about love for a man, but choosing from such a variety can be difficult. That is why it is worth determining the criteria by which any girl can choose a verse for her lover.

  • The girl herself should like the poetic lines; they must sound beautiful.
  • Poems should fully reflect the girl’s mood and correspond to the existing level of feelings in the couple.
  • If a girl chooses a poem for a specific date, for example, an anniversary, then it is better to focus on thematic poetry.
  • It is great if the verse is not more than four quatrains, otherwise it will be more difficult to perceive.

It is very important that the verse is not too long, otherwise the man will get tired of reading it without appreciating its true beauty. It’s also great if a girl can choose poetic terms for a specific date. If she just wants to please her man, then tender poems should be rewritten in beautiful postcard and arrange it carefully.

Of course, beautiful poems about love for a man are not only difficult to choose, but also difficult to find. Sometimes, among all the variety, it is so difficult to choose truly sincere and tender words for the dearest person.

That is why our site provides girls with the opportunity to choose poems from among the richest variety of poetic lines. Here a girl can find tender declarations of love, unusual poems with humor, and even poetic lines to smooth out quarrels.

Since there really are a lot of tender poems about love, a girl can use the convenient search to select the ideal poetic work. For example, if a couple recently quarreled, the verse should be touching, not funny. If a girl is going to confess her love through poetry, then it is better to choose short and concise sentences that fully express her feelings.

Thus, by choosing a truly beautiful and unusual verse, a girl will be able to change her life for the better. Perhaps these poetic lines will become the road to eternal love.

You are sure that you love him very much and he is the only one you need, but at the same time it seems to you that simple words will not be enough to convey the sincerity of your love? But it’s true, surprising the man you love with an ordinary confession is not so easy, because it takes the right words it takes so much time and effort that at the most crucial moment everything is completely forgotten.

It is for such an occasion that this collection of poems was created. With their help, you will be able to tell your beloved man about your feelings in the most beautiful form that people have ever been able to come up with in the entire history of mankind. Even if your chosen one is reserved and conservative, you can reach his heart by dedicating to him a romantic verse about selfless love. Poems convey all emotions and experiences: a declaration of love, even in a humorous poem, will definitely impress your beloved man.

I was lucky, I met a man
Who I could trust
With whom I no longer look for reasons,
With whom my soul blossomed!

With whom the world has become more interesting,
With whom it became easier to live,
With whom I smile more often,
With whom I want to be until the end!

I was lucky, I met you, my love,
How long have I been waiting for you?
You are my dear, you are my necessary,
How much I love, love you!

You made it clear that I'm loved
You taught me to love
You gave care, happiness,
You changed my whole life.

You gave me tenderness and support,
You gave me a strong shoulder
You are my long-awaited man,
Thank you my dear for everything!

I won't get tired of loving you,
I will dedicate myself entirely to you,
I will repeat to you today,
How much I love you!

I love you more than life itself
You want to believe it, but you want to - no.
But know one thing: I'm not capricious,
I'm just a man in love.
And you are my beloved man,
And I won't give it to anyone
After all, you are the reason for my love,
You are dear to my heart.

I'm not a saint, you can't hide it
And I don’t shine with wondrous beauty,
And maybe you are worth a better life,

I don't cook better than I kiss
Yes, and I kiss “not a fountain” sometimes.
But I admire your smile,
Thank you for existing, my beloved!

I don't want flowers, sweets, gifts,
I just want to be close to you.
So that your love makes me feel hot!
Thank you for existing, my beloved!

There was so much falsehood in life,
The betrayals are countless!
I closed myself off in my problems,
And my pain cannot be conveyed!

But suddenly suddenly in my life
You have appeared, dear friend.
You supported me, you gave me care,
And I suddenly fell in love with you!

You are my beloved, the most tender,
With you I forgot all my wounds.
I will not betray, I will be faithful
You are the best on earth!

Looking into your sweet eyes,
I can't get enough of you.
I can't live without your hands,
Otherwise I will suffocate.

I don't want to know the fate of another,
The one where you are not, my bliss,
I don't want to go down a different path
Where I won’t meet your perfection.

There are no more valuable treasures for me,
Than your hugs, kisses.
I love you endlessly
Adore. I miss you.

It's so good that we are with you
We were able to find each other!
Now I will take care of you,
And please, appreciate me!

I fell head over heels in love with you,
You are the man of my dreams!
I don’t want to part with you,
Only you are needed forever!

I am grateful to heaven for you,
I won't stop loving you
You are my caring, dear,
I always dream only about you.

You warm my soul
You protect me from all adversity,
And I am grateful to fate,
That you understand everything without words.

You are mine, you are more important to me than the world,
You are my special man
You make me stronger
You are the reason for my happiness!

I love you so much,
I miss you.
Only mine for you
I open my soul.

And the heart again and again
Freezes in excitement
In my soul, my love
Your image appears.

Favorite Features
I look greedily at you.
Forever only you!
I don't need anything else!

When you are near, happiness is near.
And you don't need anything.
It's so easy for me to love you
So nice and easy.

You are nearby and there is tenderness in my heart,
And hope and peace.
You are my gift from God,
I feel good with you.

In your arms I forget about everything
I dissolve in the eyes of your loved ones.
With you I don't regret anything
And I do not repent of the caresses of our sinners.

The soul is imbued with tender love
To you, my good, unique one,
I only want to be yours endlessly,
And so that you are only my beloved.

total verses: 170

Beautiful words when communicating with men are no less important than when communicating with girls. But, unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to convey thoughts at a distance in your own words. How to do this and when it is appropriate to say beautiful words to men is described in this article.

When is it appropriate to speak beautiful words to a man in your own words at a distance?

Although pleasant words for men they have a certain meaning; they cannot be used thoughtlessly. After all, it is not appropriate to use in all cases and not with every man. beautiful words, even on distance.

Speaking beautiful words to a man in your own words at a distance is acceptable if:

  • the man has mutual sympathy for the girl;
  • the man is a husband or boyfriend;
  • a man knows that he is worthy of what is said;
  • an important event for a man takes place;
  • a man uses beautiful words in favor of a woman;
  • the guy or man really needs kind words;
  • the young man himself is asking for compliments and praise;
  • the chosen one is ready to hear the girl now (for example, if a man is at an important meeting, he may react negatively to any external stimuli).

It is advisable to say something nice to a man from a distance, at a time when he is alone.. This way the man will have more opportunities to listen and respond to what is said.

What beautiful words do men love?

Psychologists say that due to the fact that male psychology different from women's Long and complicated expressions should be avoided.

In order for the words spoken to a man to have the desired effect, the character of the individual must be taken into account.

Affectionate and beautiful words spoken to a man in his own words at a distance help him to open up to the fullest, to feel more confident and strong.

But despite this, a man can say words such as:

  • kitten, bunny, beloved, dear, dear;
  • diminutive forms of the name, for example, Denisochka, Andryushenka or Dimochka;
  • pleasant traits of his character, for example, strong, gentle, affectionate.

It is impossible to find out in advance what kind words a particular man will like. But it is necessary that what is said corresponds to the character and lifestyle of the chosen one.

Important to remember! Words must be spoken from the heart, sincerely and without irony in the voice. Otherwise, you may get the opposite effect.

For example, if a man leads a brutal and sporty lifestyle, you should not tell him an excessive amount of endearments. It is best to note his strong qualities and tell him how strong, courageous, brave, etc. he is.

Note! Don’t be afraid to experiment and use more and more pleasant words. So that a man’s beautiful words in his own words do not become boring at a distance, you should replenish your lexicon"tenderness". And it is important to monitor the reaction in order to know exactly what effect what is said has.

Beautiful words for your beloved guy

When a guy is at a distance, he also needs to know about the girl's feelings.

You can say the following beautiful words to him:

  1. You warm me with your warmth even from a distance.
  2. After your return, I will become the happiest girl on earth!
  3. I look forward to you coming back and warming me with your warmth.
  4. Even being in an empty room, I don’t feel lonely, because I have you.

Beautiful words to a man in his own words at a distance should be spoken thoughtfully.

Also, do not forget about general phrases that are pleasant for any person. These are far from diminutive nicknames combined with declarations of love, but ordinary words about the health, affairs and mood of the chosen one. For example, while at a distance, you can say to a guy: “I know you had a hard day. So you rest now, and when you return, we will devote the whole day to just the two of us.”

Beautiful words for your beloved husband

Most often in everyday family life beautiful phrases and compliments cease to be used, and this is in vain.

A man who is addicted scientific activity, it is best to say pleasant words in favor of his mental abilities.

The husband is a closer and dearer person, so you can use bolder, but no less beautiful phrases about him:

  1. Even memories your touch awakens in me desire proximity.
  2. You can handle it. I believe in you.
  3. Do you remember(intimate details of personal life)? It was amazing. I would like to repeat.

It’s not difficult to come up with beautiful words for the man you love. The main thing is that they are said sincerely.

Beautiful compliments for your beloved man

Relationships with your beloved man need to be maintained with beautiful and gentle words. Psychologists say that the best compliments for a man are simple but meaningful phrases. But just because they are simple doesn’t mean they can’t be presented beautifully.

Beautiful words to men in your own words How not to talk at a distance and more
You are the most the best man. And I believe that you will achieve everything you want.You are better than all the men I've ever had.
You are a strong and reliable man. I am grateful to you that in your presence I can feel like a weak and fragile girl.I am a weak and fragile girl, even in your presence.
You're a big lad. At this rate you will conquer the whole world.Well done. But if it weren’t for me... (You shouldn’t talk about your importance in a man’s activities, so as not to underestimate his importance)
You are doing great (some kind of man’s endeavor). I admire you and your skillIt works out well. But I would correct it (point out the flaw)
You look great! Do you spend a lot of time in the gym?You look good. But if you go to the gym, it will be even better

It is necessary to say beautiful words to a man, but you should not overdo it, as this will lead to him:

  • will get used to it;
  • won't believe it;
  • will consider what was said to be insincere;
  • will consider that he is being flattered;
  • will think that the girl has done something wrong.

In addition to simple and beautiful complements, in some cases, but not very often, you can use compliments in poetry.

Beautiful words that rhyme with a man's name

If your imagination works well, then you can not only say beautiful words to a man, but also rhyme them with his name.

The simplest compliments that rhyme with a name are:

  • Dima - beloved;
  • Lesha – good;
  • Sasha, you are no more beautiful.

In addition to the usual rhyming words, you can find or write yourself beautiful words in poetry.

For example:

Ah, Alexander, Sashechka, Sashulya!

I savor it your name, like a monpensier.

It's like I'm drowning in your eyes,

And I feel wonderful in this depth.

My love for you is pure and unconditional,

I would be afraid to lose her.

But I don’t want to be too verbose,

After all, modesty is still valuable.

However Don’t get too carried away and complicate confessions and compliments, since, according to experts, a man’s brain perceives simple phrases better.

Beautiful words of gratitude for your beloved man

Most easy way To please a man is to thank him. Psychologists say that ordinary words of gratitude carry more meaning than far-fetched and beautiful phrases.

But if you really want to somehow diversify your praise, you can supplement your gratitude with the following words:

  1. I couldn't have done it without you!
  2. You did so well. Will you teach?
  3. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done.

Beautiful words in English for a man

When you want to diversify pleasant words for men, you can use compliments on English language.

According to experts, girls who say the usual “Thank you, darling” every time a man does this or that act are valued higher in his eyes than girls who make far-fetched and lengthy compliments in poetry.

The most popular are:

  1. You are very beautiful.
  2. You are the strongest.
  3. You are the most intelligent and quick-witted.

When using compliments in a foreign language, do not forget about the man’s linguistic abilities. After all, if he does not understand what was said, there will be no result.

Psychologists are sure men love to hear beautiful and good words addressed to no less women. Therefore, it is necessary to say more kind words to them, especially at a distance.

Options for beautiful words for a man:

Gently and beautifully say in your own words at a distance (options):

How sweet the first kiss is
How timid the first date is.
Parting is inevitable
Either you do magic or you don’t.

How bitter is the first tear
That I was reeling from separation.
Your hands are tired of waiting...
Hug your beloved eyes.

Everything that is for the first time is deep,
Anything for the first time is unusual.
And then everything will be as usual,
And repeatable and easy.

The years erase the outer shine,
But the joy of the first meeting is eternal.
Unforgettable first evening
When were you the happiest?

I feel good when you are near,
When you laugh or sleep,
When with a dear and gentle look
You're talking to me about love.

I feel good when we are together
When there is no pain and melancholy,
When in the white sky
Rose petals are flying towards us.

When from the smells of nature,
My head is very dizzy,
When the stream is draining,
Spring is making noise for us.

When on a soft summer field,
Fluffy cornflower blooms,
We feel good when there are two of us
Then our world is not alone...

I want to call you mine
For the happiness that I breathed,
For never being so dear,
I didn’t call it such a good word.
I want to call you mine...
Also because our meetings are rare,
Because I don’t have the strength to remain silent,
Because the hour of separation is eternal.
Perhaps you will become distant and alien,
Perhaps you will never love me...
Forgive me for calling you mine
At least because
That you will never be him...

I'm writing a letter, the paper is torn
No ink, hand is shaking
Where I need a dot, I put two
I miss you darling!

Loving you is so hard and easy
Loving you often encounters “buts.”
Loving you was my idea
Loving you is a crazy idea.
Loving you is so sweet and pleasant
Loving you, but not always clearly.
Loving you, wanting you and hating you
Loving you and not seeing anyone.
Loving you, accepting the whole situation
To love you without giving in to the burning sensation.
Loving you trying to be like a book
Loving you without rushing for a moment.
Loving you calmly and always
Loving you less and less... sometimes.
Loving you together alone
Loving you without hiding in the depths.

Hearts bound by tenderness

Only you are still dear to me.
I, through the years, go towards.
And with delight I hear your voice,
I await every news with trepidation.

Let only meetings be virtual now,
But they bring so much warmth to my heart,
What, and on a cold evening,
Spring is blooming in my soul!

I know I won't be with you anymore,
Our destinies cannot be changed...
Only in my heart are you with me!
And the thread of love is not broken!

Tender poems for a man

My soul is completely yearning
And the heart cries, aches and hurts
How long do I have to endure this pain?
Who, if not you, will quench my sadness

Come, my dear, please, quickly
Take my pain away from me with your hands
Who, if not you, knows how to calm her down
Come quickly, calm your heart

Come make me happy with this meeting
I haven't known a holiday for a long time
Take your shoulders gently with your hands
And I will freeze with happiness, barely breathing

Say some words to me tenderly
And cover me with kisses
I will answer you the same, of course
We will be happy again with you

I want to swim in love with you
How it was before, remember, dear
I want, my gentle one, to give myself to you
And enjoy you to your heart's content

I want to melt in your arms
And give all my love to you
I want to melt with you all night like this
And I don't want to know anything else

I'm going crazy from love and grief
I have no more strength, it’s hard for me without you
And there is no rest for me either day or night
Come, my love, don’t torment me!
Author Evgeny Kedrov

My dear Lion, what are you doing to me, I don’t know -
It’s like I’m flying into an abyss, then I moan, then I’m silent
I meet the joy of life with you.

I want to smile for you
I want to become a part of the soul
Like a child laughing heartily,

I want the sun to shine
To keep you warm in the winter mornings,
So that fate plays strange tricks on you,
So that you can find me in my tracks
I just want to breathe you

I really want to run away from everyone,
To interfere with their natural plan.

You will be mine like a light wind,

We hide our love in our hearts.
Turn into your blanket
To hug you at night,
So that the sun shines in the morning
To light the way to me.

Soft, plush and expensive,
I will be your favorite friend
And your love. Native!

That radiant fire at the window,

You will see and say: “She!”
I want to become your destiny
To fill your days with meaning

So that the fires burn in the heart.
I want to wake up with you

Sometimes I'm a cute little kitten
I want to meow that you are mine!

Everything in the world is easy for you,
I want to never say goodbye
I don’t live or sleep without you,
I want to smile for you
After all, I love you madly!

I know a lot of boys
Beautiful and not so beautiful
But I've liked you for a long time
And very very very
When I pass by
And I look at you like that
Your smile is so confusing
Your eyes sparkle during the day
And your voice is so amazing
And I dedicate the verse to you.

I love you when you're around.
I love you when you are far away.
I love you with the evening starfall.
I love you like the warmth of May.

I love you when the morning comes.
I love you when the night comes.
I love you like every minute.
I love you like a mother and like a daughter.

I love you when the sun is in the sky.
I love you when there are a lot of clouds.
I love you like the light in a window.
I love you like a spring of life.

I love you like autumn with falling leaves.
I love you like a breath of air.
I love you like snow, rain and hail.
I love you like the sea and sand.

I love you like an island in the ocean.
I love you like fire and like ice.
I love you like a first date.
I love you like a pool and like a ford.

I love you like the clink of glasses.
I love you like tart wine.
I love you like a field of tulips.
I love you like an old movie.

I love you like a bright moment.
I love you like delicate, soft silk.
I love you like a poetess inspiration.
I love you like a cornucopia.

I love you like time - endlessly.
I love you like the sonorous laughter of a child.
I love you like youth - carelessly.
I love you like joy and success.

I love you my dear, gentle, glorious.
I love you my near and dear.
I love you my kind and funny.
I love you my dearest!!!

Tender poems for a man

I love you more and more every day,
I don't know why
Your smile, laughter like the sun...
I swim and drown in your eyes.

Your words... I remember them all.
Your sleepy look... when I wake you up.
And even the tone, fiercely menacing,
But he’s yours... I love him.

I love it when you teach life...
You make it clear... where everything is and how.
I love it when you express your thoughts...
I’ll think about it... - because it’s so!

I love roses - a paper flower,
I love everything you've done.
I love it, it’s a unique approach,
Actions... everything is correct in your opinion.

You are different...
Lost, brave... I love you
This is how everything about you is important to me
After all, for me there is only you!

Be in love. Want. Dream. Suffer.
And dream quietly under the moon,
And give my soul to the devil
Here's to a night of love with you!

Forget about everything, about duty and honor,
Forget about reason forever,
In a moment, suddenly trust fate,
Let her decide everything.

Such a simple but dark path,
And you are his slave!
Do you want to just drown?
To be carried away by the river?

No! I can change everything!
Raise yourself from the bottom.
Decide what to do and when
After all, this life is mine!

Love yourself and accept
Always support
And create happiness with faith,
And fight to the end!

With a gentle touch you will wake me up
Today you will put off all your affairs until later
You will be by my side all day and night
Today in the Universe there are only the two of us
You will shower me with gifts
Would you like my wishes to come true and my dreams to come true?
Darling, you just know
Undoubtedly, on my birthday, the best gift is you.

I want you! This feeling is like a thunderstorm
A shiver runs through the velvet skin like a wave
Drowning in crazy magical fire
I want you to touch me

The look is stormy, a hurricane of unspoken words
I'm yours! I can’t find more pleasant shackles
You tear off a drunken groan with your lips
The soul is carried away again by an unimaginable dream

Over bare nerves, you slide your fingers
With a broken sigh, you ring like a string
Reality is forgotten and cannot be returned
You make your way through the body with ecstasy

I dive into the flames of you, like into a pool with my head
Burning into thin ashes, I breathe only you
And the breath rushes loudly from the chest like madness
Explosive wave of desire
It's about to... it's about to break...

I will taste the sweetness of your tender lips
And I’ll say: “Good night to you...”.
I'll kiss your hair again:
Fall asleep on my shoulder...

And let your breath flow peacefully
Yours soon with my breath.
And my heart beats calmly -
Each knock is barely perceptible.

The warmth of your soft palm
It's so nice for me to feel
And a bent leg at the knee,
What recently I caressed you.

Body odor, madly loved,
The scent of weightless hair
I breathe in, tired, happy
And truly blessed by you.

Sleep, dear, let him dream
A dream that will be desired by you.
I can feel my eyelashes on my skin...
Fall asleep on my shoulder...

Tender poems for a man

I want to smile for you
I want to become a part of the soul
Like a child laughing heartily,
Hurry up to let it into your heart.

I want the sun to shine
To keep you warm in the winter mornings,
So that fate plays strange tricks on you,
So that you can find me in my tracks.

I just want to breathe you
I will become a fast, bottomless wind,
I really want to run away from everyone,
To interfere with their natural plan.

I want to turn into a snowflake
You will be mine like a light wind,
It's hard not to fall in love with you,
We hide our love in our hearts.

Turn into your blanket
To hug you at night,
So that the sun shines in the morning,
To light the way to me.

I want to be a beautiful toy
Soft, plush and expensive,
I will be your favorite friend
And your love. Native!

I want to be your light of the night
That radiant fire at the window,
I'll stay with you all night, do you want?
You will see and say: “She!”

I want to become your destiny
So that the days are filled with meaning,
To wake up with you in the morning,
So that the fires burn in the heart.

I want to wake up with you
To fall asleep only with you, dear,
Sometimes I'm a cute little kitten
I want to meow that you are mine!

I can turn into whoever I want
Everything in the world is easy for you,
I know that you don't want to
To be far away with you.

I want to never say goodbye
I don’t live or sleep without you,
I want to smile for you
After all, I love you madly!

Beautiful profile with a sharp nose,
a cheeky look and a proud spirit.
My old friend, stubborn, obnoxious,
more expensive than even two new ones.

Selfish walk
beautiful manly abs,
you are my drug, slut and vodka,
and a compress against all diseases!

When would a soul be bought,
I would sell it for you.
I'm not afraid of any given,
If only I were with you.

And even if it’s not for long
I can be your slave
but I consider it my duty
idolize you in poetry!

Hello, beloved and dear!
When will we be with you?
So that I can caress you
Love and kiss sweetly!

I want to always be only with you.
You are sweet, my dear, my gentle!
I do not want to lose you,
I always want to wait for you.

How hard it is now to be alone,
After all, you are not next to me.
And without you I'm just sad
Well, now I’m writing poetry!

Love you! I will love!
I'll never forget
You, smile, sweet look.
And the days returned back.

When we met you
Then you were not mine at all.
But you crept into my soul.

Tender poems for a man

I was born as a snowflake, in a crystal-black sky,
She lived in a fluffy cloud, dreamed of land,
I was like a thorny star, spinning with the snow,
And it turned into a drop of water in your hand.
You can drink me, you can brush me off
You may not notice my love for you.
But let me just touch your lips,
I’m not asking for the lips, it’s enough for the cheek.
I’ll slide a tear over it, I’ll reach a piece of ice in my heart,
And I will melt it, mercilessly and easily.
How could you live with her?
How could you put up?
Don’t even drink milk because it’s harmful.
About how many transformations in a short moment,
I went through everything for them, for, and for you.
All that remains is to dissolve in your blood,
And it will be possible to think that I have lived my life.

Thank you cat, my dear,
I love you my dear.
You taught me life
Now you and I are like family,
It's a pity that kitty doesn't love me,
I would give her a kilogram of toffees,
I would carry her in my arms,
All the stars are just for her!
Alas, my dreams will not come true,
I’ll go to mine and let him eat some toffee.

Poems for your beloved man about tenderness and love

It hurts me when you hurt.
I cry when you cry.
You and I are just two halves
One of our cherished dreams.

When one half feels bad,
Then the other one is in a hurry to help.
If suddenly your other half can’t sleep,
The second one doesn’t sleep either.

If one half cries -
The second one also has tears in her eyes.
You and I are love halves!
And this story is about us.

We will remember her tenderly, tenderly,
Leaving it in the past forever.
You're the best! You are the best!
You…. My favorite person.