Fingernails break, what should I do?  Fingernails break: what to do and what are the causes of this condition of the nails

Fingernails break, what should I do? Fingernails break: what to do and what are the causes of this condition of the nails

Brittle fingernails are a nuisance. The reasons depend both on external factors and may indicate the occurrence of health problems. Therefore, you should first understand the reason for the unsatisfactory condition of your nails and only after that begin to take action to solve the problem.

Some external factors can have a negative impact on the nail plate on the hands, which leads to its thinning and damage:

Internal reasons

When fingernails break, the cause is hidden in various internal failures.

Unhealthy nails may indicate one of the following:

Brittle nails in some cases can be hereditary.

Psychological reasons

Some psychological disorders affect the appearance of the nails and lead to their injury:

If your fingernails break, the reason may be an insufficient amount of water consumed, the deficiency of which reduces the elasticity of the nail plate, making it fragile. As a result, nails peel and break off. Experts recommend drinking up to 2 liters of clean water daily.

A lack of microelements and vitamins due to an unbalanced diet immediately affects the health of nails and hair, so it is necessary to include foods in your daily diet that rich in vitamins A, B, C and group B:

  • Liver, paprika, carrots and tomatoes contain vitamin A. Its deficiency leads to a break in the middle of the nail.
  • Cereals and nuts - vitamin B, which protects nails from inflammatory processes.
  • Citrus fruits, bell peppers, and sauerkraut contain vitamin C, which produces collagen and prevents delamination.
  • Fish, meat, seafood, and seeds serve as sources of phosphorus - a participant in all biochemical processes in the body; it is also part of bone tissue and nails.
  • Liver, meat, soybeans, greens, nuts, cauliflower prevent iron deficiency, which causes oxygen starvation of nails.
  • Poultry, seafood, buckwheat, oatmeal, and radishes are sources of sulfur, which is part of protein compounds and B vitamins.
  • Eggs, cottage cheese, beans, and cheese are valuable due to their high calcium content, which stimulates nail growth.

Vitamin therapy

The amount of nutrients supplied with food is small. Specially developed complexes of vitamins and dietary supplements, when used regularly, can increase the supply of essential vitamins and contribute to healthy nails.

Name Characteristics Manufacturer Effect Price
Natures Bounty Vitamin B6, biotin, L-cystine, inositol USA According to some reviews, there is an effect from this product, however, its main purpose is to activate hair growth, therefore, along with hair, hair begins to actively grow, and not only on the head. Some expected the expensive product to be more effective. 1400
Solgar Nitrate Zn, Cu, methylsulfonylmethane USA It strengthens nails and hair well and helps with deterioration of nails associated with pregnancy. 1000
Evalar Vitamin C, Cu Russia Effective vitamins, not cheap, but they provide long-term effects. They tidy up not only their nails, but also their skin and hair. ~ 1000
Doppel herz active Wheat germ oil, biotin, millet extract, zinc, B6. Germany According to reviews, the effect is noticeable within a week after the start of the course. 500
Special dragee MERZ Retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, pyridoxine, B12, iron, cystine Germany Among the disadvantages, the high price is noted, but it is fully justified by the quality of the drug. Skin, hair and skin look well-groomed and healthy after taking the product. 800
Complivit SHINE 8 different minerals, 11 essential vitamins, green tea extract Russia These vitamins have received a lot of negative reviews. They note that the product does not have an effect, although there are those for whom the drug helped cope with brittle nails. 400

When consuming any vitamin complex, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dose and first consult a specialist.

Treatment with cosmetics

Some professional cosmetic methods for strengthening and healing nails are widespread, which are performed by specialists in salons:

Traditional methods

When the cause of the unhealthy condition of the nails has been identified, the necessary consultation with a specialist has been carried out, you can try home treatment with traditional medicine. They give good results in eliminating brittleness and delamination of the nail plate. The duration of baths and hand masks ranges from 15 minutes to half an hour and is recommended to be performed at night.

Wax mask for nails

The procedure is recommended to be performed at night.

Melt a piece of wax in a water bath and cool slightly so as not to get burned. Take turns dipping the tip of each finger into liquid wax and allowing the wax to harden on the nail. Leave it on all night, and in the morning the remaining wax is removed.

From clay

Blue clay powder is diluted in warm olive oil and 3-4 drops of iodine are added to the mixture. The resulting mass is spread on the nail plate and wait 20 minutes. The mask is made daily for one week.

With salt

It is recommended to perform three times a week. Strengthens nails and stimulates blood circulation. It is advisable not to wash your hands for some time after the procedure.

Dilute 1 tbsp to ½ liter of warm water. l. salt (sea or table) and add 2 drops of some medicinal oil: lemon, pine nuts, pine, tea tree, etc. Keep your hands in the bath, lightly massaging, for about 15 minutes.


Brew 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. gelatin powder. Wait until it cools down and the temperature becomes comfortable for immersing your fingers. Duration of immersion in a gelatin bath is up to 30 minutes. Apply every other day.

Healing oils

Before going to bed, rub medicinal oils into the nail plate. Sea buckthorn, jojoba, castor, and avocado oils are good.

If the nails break not only on the hands but also on the feet, then you can use rubbing medicated oils

You should rub it not only into the nail plate, but also into the skin surrounding the nail and cuticle.

Bath with vitamin A

Add vitamin A (1 ampoule) and lemon juice to warm vegetable oil and stir. Keep your hands in the resulting mixture for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the effect, rub the mixture into the skin around the nail and directly into the nail itself, then put gloves on your hands and leave overnight.

With green tea and chamomile

Mix ½ tbsp. brewed green tea leaf and dried chamomile flowers (200 ml of boiling water per 1 tablespoon of chamomile).


Usually this procedure is done in a salon, but it is not difficult to perform a paraffin wrap yourself.

It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands and helps strengthen nails.

300 g of pharmaceutical paraffin must be carefully melted in a water bath and cooled slightly. It is advisable to first prepare your hands for this procedure by removing keratinized scales with a scrub and generously lubricating them with a rich, nourishing cream.

Hands should be immersed in liquid paraffin for 10 seconds, then removed and lowered again. Continue the procedure of immersion and removal up to 7 times, after which they put plastic gloves or bags on their hands and wrap them in a terry towel to retain heat.

After half an hour, take off the gloves and remove the remaining paraffin with a napkin. Finally, moisturize your hands with nourishing cream.


Dipping your fingertips into a lemon cut in half has a very beneficial effect on the nail plate and also helps whiten it.

With the help of special procedures, nutritional correction and a responsible approach to your health, you can get rid of brittle nails and enjoy beautiful, well-groomed hands. You just need to identify the cause and spare no time for procedures, the regularity of which will please you with the achieved result.

Video: why nails break and how to deal with it

Live healthy! 5 reasons for brittle nails:

Why do nails peel and break? Causes and treatment:

Brittle nails look untidy. They flake, fall apart into flakes, and the varnish does not adhere to them. Because of this, a person faces self-doubt and tries to hide his hands from the eyes of others.

Complexes and psychological problems arise. Brittle nails indicate disorders occurring in the body. Dystrophic changes in the structure of the nail plate are caused by various factors.

To cure nails from brittleness and strengthen them, you need to start treatment.

Expert opinion: “Nails often become brittle due to skin diseases: we are talking about eczema, psoriasis, fungus. These pathologies destroy the nail plate and lead to serious damage. If your nails suddenly begin to look unhealthy, dull, and break up into scales, you may have diseases of the digestive system or biliary tract. A medical examination is required.”

The disease occurs for various reasons. They are both external and internal in nature.

The main causes of brittle nails are:

  • Incorrect manicure technique.
  • Using varnishes that contain a lot of formaldehyde.
  • Extension.
  • Removing nail polish using acetone.
  • Prolonged exposure to the cold, refusal to wear gloves in winter.
  • Using alkaline cleaning products without gloves.
  • Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins.
  • Anemia.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Intoxication.
  • Impaired metabolism.

Along the sides

In most cases, nails break on the sides due to improper manicure, when the master moves the nail file incorrectly and touches the plate on the sides, injuring it.

But this is not the only reason. There are known cases when it happened Damage to the nail on the sides due to working with chemical solutions, alkalis

. Housewives and employees of cleaning agencies, who have to work with hazardous substances in the process of cleaning premises, suffer especially often because of this.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you must always work with gloves. REFERENCE

. Damage to the plate on the sides also occurs due to careless trimming of the nail. If you perform this action too quickly and carelessly, you can damage not only it, but also the skin around it.

Along the edges in width
This violation indicates internal pathologies.

To find out the exact cause, you will have to visit a doctor. The plate is destroyed along the edges in width due to a lack of vitamins during pregnancy and lactation.

The body lacks nutrients. It is possible that the problem lies in impaired metabolism.

Good nutrition and consumption of food rich in vitamins and minerals will help save your health.

This will not only fill the body with the necessary elements, but also restore proper metabolism.

In the middle Such destruction occurs most often due to stress, anxiety and worry.

This often happens in spring due to a lack of vitamins. However, there are more serious reasons: we are talking about anemia, liver diseases, and biliary tract diseases. The exact cause is determined by doctors at the hospital. It can turn out to be very serious, so you can’t delay it.

At the base

If destruction occurs at the base, then the problem is much more serious than it seems at first glance. The fact is that this happens with skin diseases, fungal diseases, and intoxications of the body.

Girls who actively use gel polish may encounter this situation with a high degree of probability. Practice shows that allergic reactions to such products occur quite often.

It can lead to this result. A similar situation arises when using low-quality varnishes that contain toxic substances. IMPORTANT

. It is very difficult to cure a nail damaged at the base; you need to eat foods rich in calcium, avoid polishes for a while, and take medications if you have serious illnesses.

The most common cause of brittle nails is a lack of vitamins B5, B3, B1, A, C, E and D. The disease also occurs with a deficiency of iodine, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. These substances can be found in vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat. Healthy foods will help replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals.

In addition to changing your diet, including healthy foods, It is recommended to take vitamin complexes:

  • Biotin.
  • Medobiotin.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed.
  • Revalid.
  • Vitasharm.

Thanks to proper nutrition and taking vitamin complexes, the condition of your nails will significantly improve: they will look healthy, stop breaking, peeling and collapsing. To achieve the desired result, take vitamins regularly.

Possible diseases of the nails, in which they peel and break

There are many nail diseases that lead to brittleness and destruction of the plate.

One of the most famous is onycholysis. This is a pathology that leads to peeling of the plate from the nail bed.

If treatment is not started, the nail may die. The disease is characterized by loss of pink color, fragility, formation of a void under the plate, and loss of sensitivity.

The disease develops due to a lack of vitamins, skin diseases, and taking antibiotics.

Onychocryptosis– in common parlance, an ingrown toenail is also accompanied by brittleness of the nails and delamination. Most often this happens due to sloppy nail trimming, tight shoes, and developmental abnormalities. In advanced stages, surgical methods are used to treat the patient.

Onychomycosis, better known as nail fungus, is also accompanied by brittleness and loss of healthy appearance. During the period of illness, harmful microorganisms rapidly multiply at the site of localization.

The fungus takes over more and more space. Not only the nail suffers, but also the skin around it, which is accompanied by severe pain and the appearance of roughness. The plate weakens and loses its integrity.

Paronychia is a cuticle disease that leads to destruction of the plate at the base, as well as at the edges. The tissues become inflamed and hurt. The cause of inflammation is infection, injury, or careless manicure.

Fingernails are breaking - what to do?

The first step is to properly care for your nails. When cleaning around the house, wear gloves, and when using the cream, it is important to lubricate not only the skin of your hands, but also your nails. This is especially important in winter, when it’s cold outside and you have to take off your gloves from time to time: low air temperatures negatively affect the nail plate, thinning and drying it out. The cream will help moisturize it.

Next, we must not forget about caution when performing household chores, which often lead to injury to the nails. The same goes for manicure: if a person is going to do it himself, he must be extremely careful.

If you plan to visit a specialist, it should be an experienced person who knows how to carry out the process correctly. Only high-quality varnishes are used from trusted manufacturers.

Too cheap varnishes should alert you: they often contain harmful, toxic substances. If you need to use a file, you should remember that the edges of the nails are not filed: this will injure them.

ATTENTION. The menu needs to be revised. You need to give up alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks - they wash away calcium. Salted foods, smoked foods and semi-finished products are prohibited. The diet includes liver, butter, eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Decoctions of dandelion, sorrel and burdock are very useful.

It is recommended to rub olive oil into your nails and the skin around them every day. It contains a large number of useful substances that will quickly restore the health of your nails. If there is no olive oil, you can use vegetable oil, but then add lemon juice and liquid vitamin A in equal quantities. The mixture is applied to the nails for ten minutes, then washed off. 2-3 procedures per week are enough.

It is very useful to apply lemon juice to the nail plate. It is applied carefully, without touching the surrounding skin, otherwise a burning sensation will occur. Leave the juice of this fruit on your nails overnight. This daily procedure will bring significant results after just a week.

Lubricate your nails 2-3 times a week with burdock oil. This is a storehouse of vitamins that the nail plate needs. You can leave this oil overnight for better effectiveness.

Folk remedies and recipes for strengthening brittle nails

Experts advise use sea salt baths. To do this, mix 500 ml of warm water and two tablespoons of salt. Dip your hands into the mixture, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse lightly and wipe dry. It is useful to apply cream to your nails and the skin around them after the bath.

A bath in gelatin is no less effective. You need to mix a glass of hot water and a tablespoon of edible gelatin. The mixture should cool slightly, then begin the procedure, which lasts 15 minutes. Optimal frequency of procedure: 2-3 times a week.

To relieve inflammation of the nail plate, strengthen it, and relieve dryness, it is recommended to use herbal decoctions: chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula.

To prepare them, mix 500 ml of boiling water and two tablespoons of dry herbs. The mixture is infused for at least two hours, then it is filtered. Keep your hands in the decoction for 10 minutes; it can also be taken orally, half a glass twice a day. The herbal decoction will fill the body with useful substances, which will speed up the healing process. It is very useful to rub a mixture of castor oil and iodine into the cuticle every day for a month.

. It is recommended to rub the mixture in with massage movements before going to bed. The effectiveness of this method is high, recovery will not take long.

Useful video

Useful tips that will tell you what to do if your nails break

Your hands often indicate your age, and your nails can do this too. If you look at the nails of babies and children, you can see that their color and texture most likely do indicate good health. As we age, the health of our nails may vary, but we can definitely strengthen them and improve their appearance at any point in life.

So, how and with what to strengthen your nails? We are happy to tell you that there are many natural and effective ways to improve the health of dry, brittle nails with or without streaks and bumps. But before we look at treatments, let's first look at the causes, symptoms and risk factors.

What are brittle nails?

Brittle fingernails are usually noticed much earlier than brittle toenails, but fingernails and toenails can become brittle for a variety of reasons. Brittle nails, also called onychorrhexis, are estimated to be quite common. In fact, it is estimated to affect around 20% of the population. Women tend to struggle with brittle nails more than men. When you have thin, dry, brittle nails, they are in a weakened state and tend to crack, peel, and break off.

Signs and symptoms of brittle nails

If you've ever wondered, "Why do my nails break so easily?", it may be because they are fragile. When your fingernails are brittle, there are several signs and symptoms to look for:

  • nails tend to crack at the ends
  • peeling at the tips of the nails
  • easy deterioration, cracking or chipping
  • longitudinal grooves (stripes)
  • difficulty growing long nails

Causes and risk factors

What is the cause of brittle nails? Brittle nails may simply be the result of aging, repeated or prolonged exposure to water and chemicals (such as cleaners), using nail polish remover, and/or wearing nail polish for long periods of time. In many cases, all of these reasons can easily be accomplished at the same time.

Very brittle nails can also be caused by:

  • fungal nail infection (onychomycosis)
  • a skin condition that can affect the nails (lichen planus)
  • nail psoriasis
  • reactive arthritis (less common cause)

When a person has a thyroid disorder, they may experience symptoms such as brittle nails and hair loss. Thyroid problems are more common in women, and hypothyroidism is especially known for causing brittle nails. Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the hormones it should, and this can cause your metabolism (metabolism) to slow down. According to an article published Harvard Medical School When metabolism slows down, then the body sweats less. Since sweat is the body's natural moisturizer, less sweat can lead to dry skin and brittle nails.

When it comes to nail health, people often search on internet search engines for “what vitamins are their nails lacking?” Does this mean your brittle nails may be caused by a vitamin deficiency? According to , internal diseases or vitamin deficiencies are indeed often associated with brittle nails. However, if a vitamin deficiency is responsible for your brittle nails, then which vitamins are you missing? In fact, most often the body experiences not a deficiency of vitamins, but a deficiency of one well-known mineral called “iron”. So, this means that people with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia may be more likely to have brittle nails. Another interesting tip American Osteopathic College of Dermatology is that if your fingernails seem weak, but your toenails seem perfectly healthy and strong, then an external cause of brittle nails is more likely.

In addition to iron deficiency, there are other risk factors:

  • frequent hand washing
  • sunburn
  • chapped hands
  • prolonged exposure to cold, dry weather
  • exposure to chemicals such as nail polish remover
  • repeated damage or trauma to the nail

Have you noticed what all these risk factors can lead to? Apart from physical damage, all of these factors can easily lead to moisture deficiency.

Sometimes the nails may be brittle, thin and dry, and may have grooves and bumps. Vertical grooves tend to be more common with age and can also be the result of injury. In other cases, grooves and bumps can also indicate other health problems occurring within the body.

Standard treatment

There are certain similarities between traditional methods and natural treatments for brittle nails. As long as there is no underlying medical cause (such as a thyroid problem), the most common routine prevention and treatment for brittle nails is to reduce exposure to water and irritants, and to moisturize your nails and hands on a regular basis. Additionally, wearing protective gloves when your nails must be exposed to water for long periods of time can help protect them. A great example of using gloves where it can really help is when washing dishes.

8 Natural Treatments for Brittle Nails

If you have brittle fingernails, what should you do and what methods can really help? Here is a selection of effective solutions to this problem.

1. Reduce exposure to water

Regular washing of dishes, wet cleaning and cooking tires your hands and nails. The good news is that you can always invest in a quality pair of protective gloves, which can help prevent and repair brittle nails. Wearing gloves while doing household chores, especially those involving hot water and soap, can really go a long way in keeping your nails from drying out, cracking, and becoming brittle.

2. Stay hydrated

Among the remedies for brittle nails, special attention should be paid to water. While you can avoid exposing your hands to too much water, you definitely shouldn't neglect drinking water internally. Staying hydrated by drinking enough water, as well as moisture-rich, healthy foods like watermelon and cucumbers, is a great way to hydrate your nails, skin, and hair from the inside out.

3. Use natural hand cream

You can also strengthen brittle fingernails by moisturizing them every time you wash and dry your hands. To make this easy to remember, try keeping any natural hand moisturizer by your sink so you can quickly and easily apply it every time you wash your hands.

4. Avoid using caustic nail polish remover

Most nail polish removers contain chemicals that tend to dry out your fingernails and toenails. Nail polish remover often contains highly toxic chemicals, including acetone, formaldehyde, toluene and phthalates. Not only do nail polish removers negatively impact the health of your nails, but they can also harm your reproductive system and cause organ toxicity. They can also irritate the skin, eyes and lungs.

Fortunately, there are now many alternative natural nail polish removers that you can purchase in online stores. It is natural nail polish removers that can quickly cure your weak, brittle nails (if, of course, you paint your nails and use traditional nail polish removers).

5. Broccoli seed oil

Nail treatments can be very simple. To give your nails and cuticles a truly healthy, natural boost, try using broccoli seed oil. Made from young broccoli sprouts, this oil is rich in essential fatty acids that are great for skin, hair and nails. Simply apply a smaller drop of broccoli seed oil directly to each nail and rub it into the nail and cuticle. It's a good habit to do this at night before bed so you can wake up with more hydrated nails and cuticles in the morning. Coconut oil and argan oil are other topical therapeutic oil options that can be used similarly to broccoli seed oil to treat brittle fingernails.

6. Biotin

If your nails are brittle and flaky, try biotin (vitamin B7 or vitamin H). According to research, taking biotin supplements can help treat weak, brittle nails. Biotin's ability to strengthen weak nails was identified after biotin was given to horses to improve the condition of their hooves. In fact, it is not necessary to consider taking biotin supplements. It is very easy to get enough of it from food. Here is a list of foods that contain significant amounts of biotin:

  • almond
  • sweet potato (yam)
  • tomato

7. Vitamin E

Remedies for brittle nails include the nutrient and antioxidant vitamin E. Vitamin E capsules are inexpensive and can be an effective way to help your nails. The thick liquid that comes out of the vitamin E capsule is an ideal remedy for brittle nails. You just need to puncture one of the capsules and apply a little oil directly to each nail. This is a light but very powerful and rejuvenating treatment for brittle nails.

8. Avoid using false nails

According to American Academy of Dermatology: “Do not wear artificial nails to hide nail problems as they can make the problem worse. Artificial nails are not recommended for people who are prone to fungal infections or have brittle nails.”

Precautionary measures

Some changes in your nails do not mean anything serious, but in other cases certain changes may require medical attention. According to Mayo Clinic You should consult your dermatologist or doctor if you see any of the following:

  • Changes in nail color, such as discoloration of the entire nail plate or a dark streak under the nail.
  • Changes in the shape of the nails, such as curling.
  • Thinning or thickening of nails.
  • Swelling or pain around the nails.
  • Separating the nail from the surrounding skin.
  • Bleeding around the nails.

Final Thoughts

More often than not, brittle fingernails are just a nuisance. However, it could also be a sign that something is wrong with your health. Dry, thin, brittle nails can be caused by iron deficiency and thyroid disease, so it's important to consider whether you have any other health problems and, if you do, you should definitely see a doctor.

If your brittle fingernails are simply the result of old habits, such as using chemical nail polish removers and not wearing rubber gloves on your hands when doing household chores, you now know exactly how, starting today, you can improve the condition by strengthening nails using the above methods. As we get older, our nails can be another indicator of how many candles were on our last birthday cake, but with some attention (mainly in the form of moisture), our nails can actually recover and be healthy throughout our life. life.

Update: October 2018

A person’s hands can tell a lot about both the neatness and health of their owner: reading the skin, smooth, pinkish nail plates are aesthetically attractive and endearing to the person.

Brittle, peeling nails give the hands the appearance of untidiness and unkemptness, forming a certain complex and depriving one of self-confidence. Not everyone knows that often this situation is not only a cosmetic problem, but, perhaps, evidence of some abnormalities in the condition of the body.

Layering of nails is a form of dystrophic change in the homogeneity of the structure of the nail plate with thinning and splitting into separate scales. Distinctive features: increased fragility, dullness, brittleness, dryness, roughness of the plate surface, slow growth. In medical terminology, this condition, when nails peel and break, is referred to as onychodystrophy.

Peeling, brittle nails - causes of the symptom

To understand why nails peel, you should know the structure of the nail. The nail plate consists of thin horny plates tightly pressed together, keratin, which is responsible for density, and layers of water, giving the nail elasticity and a healthy shine. The plates contain many microelements - calcium, sulfur, chromium, zinc, etc. The growth of the nail plate occurs when the germ cells divide in the matrix - the light part of the base of the nail in the shape of a crescent. The nail plate grows towards the free edge of the nail, pushing old cells forward.

When exposed to a number of factors, tiny cracks and gaps form between the stratum corneum, which subsequently form a cavity that delaminates the plate.

External reasons

Aggressive effects of chemicals and environmental factors leading to dehydration of the nail plate:

  • When nails peel, the reason may be contact with household and industrial chemicals, alkali, hot water without using gloves (see also.
  • Using formaldehyde-containing nail polishes.
  • The use of acetone-containing solvents for removing varnish and diluting thickened varnish.
  • Nail extension.
  • Violation of the technique of removing artificial nails.
  • Chronic hypothermia and exposure to dry air.

Mechanical damage to the nail plate:

  • Incorrect manicure and pedicure technique.
  • Nail injuries associated with professional activities: musicians, PC operators, guitarists, etc.
  • Bruises, compression of the nail.

Internal reasons

  • Unbalanced diet with a deficiency of protein, vitamins A, E, D, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium. A common cause of this condition in a child.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, endocrine system, biliary tract, in which the metabolism of minerals is disrupted, as well as the distribution of micro- and macroelements in the body.
  • : Iron deficiency negatively affects the condition of nails.
  • Skin diseases and pathologies in which the skin is affected, since nails are a derivative of the skin, they are susceptible to pathological changes in these conditions:
    • Congenital epidermolysis;
    • Dermatomycoses – .
  • Hormonal changes during puberty and menopause, when there is an excess or deficiency of certain hormones.
  • Pregnancy – minerals supplied with food are also used by the developing fetus, and in case of mineral nutritional deficiency, the fetus takes them from the reserves of the mother’s body.
  • Heavy metal intoxication, drugs that replace the normal mineral composition of the nail plate.

Psychological causes and psychogenic pathologies

  • The bad habit of biting your nails, tapping your nails on a hard surface, etc.
  • Onychophagia is obsessive, uncontrollable nail biting.
  • Onychotillomania– a pathology consisting in the patient’s desire to destroy his nails with any instrument or his own nails.
  • Stress, depression.

Characteristics of peeling and brittle nails


Characteristic Leaf-shaped symmetrical or median splitting of the nail plate in the transverse direction of only the free edge of the nail without damaging the main part. It can grow without breaking off, but with a thinned free edge.
Leading reasons
Nail color Sometimes there is a change in the color of the nail plate to a grayish or off-white color.
Which nails are affected? It is most often observed on the index, middle and ring fingers.
Treatment Long-term intake of vitamin A, injections of vitamin B12, orally 10% gelatin solution for a long time.


Characteristic A nail disease of a trophic nature, when the nail plate is separated from the nail bed. Complete or partial detachment of the nail plate occurs, starting from the free edge or from the side.
Leading reasons
Nail color The peeled part of the plate becomes whitish-gray in color.
Which nails are affected?
Treatment Depending on the cause and severity of the symptoms, the separated nail is removed from the bed (using scissors), a bandage with syntomycin emulsion is applied for a week, the bed is lubricated with Castellani liquid, a course of vitamin A and gelatin is taken inside.


Characteristic Longitudinal grooves starting from the free edge of the nail with further splitting in the longitudinal direction. Complicated by deep nail cracks.
Leading reasons
Nail color Affected nails have a striped appearance with alternating light and dark stripes.
Which nails are affected? One or more nail beds on any fingers, including toenails.
Treatment Vitamin A course 1 month

Brittle nails

Leading reasons
  • Wrong manicure
  • exposure to chemicals and low temperatures
  • endocrine pathology.
Nail color The color of the nail does not change, with the exception of the free edge, which becomes transparent or white in places with visible chips of the nail plate.
Which nails are affected? Most often all nails are affected.

Treatment of peeling and brittle nails

When nails peel, treatment should begin with a visit to a mycologist and dermatologist, and in some cases, a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. Only in this case will the therapy be targeted, selected in accordance with the cause of the pathology. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a study of the nail plate for trace elements, fungus, as well as a biochemical blood test and blood for hormones.

Drug treatment

Vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements that help eliminate imbalances of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the body. It should be noted that a positive effect is observed with a course of taking the drug for at least 1 month.


A diet full of protein foods, enriched with fruits and vegetables (see), as well as: dairy products, sesame seeds, nuts, spinach.

Salon and physiotherapy treatments

  • Wax and paraffin applications, which improve blood circulation in the tissues and promote the rapid regrowth of a healthy nail. Softened and warm wax or paraffin is applied to the nail and soft tissues near the nail and left for 15-20 minutes. A similar procedure can be carried out at home.
  • Spa manicure combining aromatherapy, various nourishing and strengthening baths and masks, paraffin therapy and hand massage. Professional care allows you to restore your nails to a healthy appearance.
  • Japanese manicure. A manual hand massage is performed, jojoba oil is rubbed into the nails, followed by a water hand massage. The procedure ends with the application of a mineral mask and a special polishing powder with beeswax.
  • Salon nail sealing. Indicated when fingernails are very peeling and a complete renewal of the nail plate is necessary. The procedure includes a salt bath, treating the nail plate with a sanding file, rubbing vitaminized oil and natural wax into the nail. The effect of the procedure lasts about 3 months.
  • Diathermy - heating the distal hands to activate blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Ultraphoresis of vitamins A and E, delivering vitamins directly to the tissues. They carry out course sessions of 10-15 procedures, after 1 month they can be repeated.
  • Hand massage, which is primarily aimed at improving tissue trophism and accelerating metabolic processes that promote the growth of nail plates.

If your nails are peeling, what can you do at home?

By the way, to prevent your nails from peeling and breaking, the usual hand creams that every woman uses are also suitable. The main thing is not to forget to rub the cream into the area of ​​each nail and cuticle. The optimal composition of creams, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural plant extracts, with proper and regular use, improves the appearance and promotes the growth of healthy nails.

  • Instant cream, price 150 rub.
  • Cream balm for nails “Folk healer” price 90 rub.
  • Cream DiaDerm price 75 rub.

Nail waxes

To prevent nails from peeling at home, use nail waxes. All of them are based on natural beeswax and can be used as an alternative to salon sealing. The price of a jar is 100-150 rubles.

Healing varnishes

If your nails become brittle, you can use medicinal varnishes: a series of medicinal varnishes from Eveline, Dance Legend, FIONA. They contain vitamins and growth activators and safely seal the damaged plate, protecting it from external influences. Some varnishes can also be used for decorative purposes. Price 100-250 rub.

Healing mud

Silty, hilly, peaty, rich in minerals and biologically active substances. The mud is diluted in hot water to a viscous consistency and dried to 40-37 C, then applied to the nails in a dense layer, left for 15 minutes, then washed off and rinsed with water salted with sea salt. These procedures are performed daily for 7 days; after a 10-day break, you can repeat the course.

Traditional medicine - how to strengthen peeling nails at home

Herbal masks for hands and nails

All masks are prepared by grinding the components in a blender or grater and mixing. Apply masks to the distal phalanges of the fingers and nails for 10-15 minutes, preferably after a warming bath or light massage. Mask options:

  • potato and cabbage made from fresh vegetables with the addition of cream;
  • banana;
  • carrot with the addition of a couple of drops of olive oil and lemon juice;
  • curd and sour cream.

Wax film mask

Melt the wax in a water bath and cool to an acceptable temperature, dip your fingertips and nails into it and remove them, allowing the wax to harden on your fingers. The procedure is performed at night, in the morning the remaining wax is washed off with water. Repeat 2-3 times weekly.

Therapeutic baths

Baths with the addition of sea salt and essential oils, improving tissue trophism by activating blood circulation and strengthening the nail plate.
For 1 liter of warm water, 2 tbsp is enough. sea ​​salt and a couple of drops of oil (myrrh, tea tree, bergamot, patchouli, pine, lemon, ylang-ylang, cedar), which are first dissolved in a small amount of vegetable oil.
Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes, simultaneously massaging each nail. Repeat 3 times a week.

Clay, olive oil, iodine mask

For healthy nails, blue clay is recommended, a small amount of powder of which is diluted with warm olive oil and a couple of drops of iodine tincture, applied to the nails and left for 20 minutes. Course procedures are recommended for 7 days.

Healing oils

Oils that nourish dry and brittle nails: olive, avocado, castor, sheep, lemon, jojoba. Rub a couple of drops of warm oil into each nail and surrounding tissue overnight.

Edible gelatin jelly

Make strong jelly from gelatin and boiled water, take 1 tbsp. during each meal for 1-4 months, until the condition of the nails normalizes.


  • Avoid contact with aggressive media.
  • Follow the rules of manicure using high-quality tools. Nail cutting should be done with special sharp scissors, and filing should only be done with glass or ceramic files in one direction from the edge to the center.
  • Use high-quality nail polishes and care liquids. Before applying decorative varnish, a special protective coating must be used.
  • Enrich your diet with dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not neglect gloves during the winter season.

If your nails peel and break, what should you do? This question is relevant for most representatives of the fairer sex. But before answering it, it is necessary to explain why this problem often arises in people.

Nails peel and break: reasons

There are several factors that influence the normal condition of nails. Finding them out is extremely important. After all, if you continue to ignore this phenomenon, then you will not only never be able to give yourself a beautiful manicure, but also, quite possibly, you will miss a clear sign of a serious abnormality in the body.

So, the first reason that you constantly have flaky skin is a health problem. In this regard, it is recommended to undergo a full medical examination, after which it will be clear in which system of the body the failure occurred.

If your nail breaks lengthwise or crosswise and is very peeling, then perhaps you lack vitamins, proteins or microelements. After all, its main building material is keratin, consisting of amino acids, which, in turn, contains sulfur atoms that make the nail plate hard. In addition, nails also contain microelements such as zinc, selenium, calcium, chromium and phosphorus. Insufficient intake of them into the body quite often leads to the plates becoming fragile and constantly peeling off.

What other factors influence a person’s nails to break? The reason for this phenomenon may be hidden in the fact that there is a clear lack of iron in the blood of a woman or man. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor for treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

Other causes of brittle nails

Severely peeling nails quite often indicate the presence of such serious diseases as diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders, anemia, fungi, etc. But often this phenomenon is observed not because of internal problems in the body, but as a result of external influences.

Thus, a likely cause of peeling and brittle nails may be the regular use of household chemicals without gloves (for example, detergents for floors, dishes, washing clothes, etc.). To understand why this happens, we must return to the structure of the plate. The fact is that the fat molecules that are located between the keratin are quite easily washed out under the influence of surfactants (surfactants). In turn, this process leads to the fact that a person begins to constantly complain that his nails are peeling and breaking. What to do in this situation? To do this, it is recommended to use and also restore the damaged plate by consuming vitamins and minerals.

By the way, this phenomenon is often observed among those representatives of the fair sex who use low-quality cosmetics to care for their nails. In this case, it is advisable to abandon nail polish remover containing acetone, toluene, formaldehyde and their derivatives.

Another cause of this problem is mechanical damage. After all, if you constantly tap your nails on any object (be it typing on a computer, playing a musical instrument, telephone, etc.), then as a result, cracks will certainly appear on the plates, which will subsequently lead to their fragility and delamination.

It is also worth noting that this phenomenon is often observed in those who incorrectly adjust the length of the nail. Thus, in order to prevent the formation of cracks and scratches, experts recommend only sawing off the plate, and not cutting it with scissors, and, of course, not chewing them off.

Nails peel and break: what to do if you have thyroid disease?

If you have such a deviation due to a lack of minerals or as a result of any diseases, you should first consult a doctor. This could be a therapist, an endocrinologist, or a gastroenterologist. After diagnosis, the doctor is obliged to prescribe a course of treatment for you.

To normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, the patient may be recommended the herbal medicine “Alba”, which is based on the extract of white cinquefoil root. It should be especially noted that this plant has been used in alternative medicine for a very long time. But in the form of a pharmaceutical product it appeared in pharmacies relatively recently. After clinical studies, experts found that this drug normalizes the functional state of the thyroid gland, and also contributes to a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being, alleviates the symptoms of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, preventing relapses.

Each capsule of Alba contains about 300 milligrams and half the daily requirement of iodine. In addition, this medication includes iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and other microelements, which are necessary not only for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, but also for restoring the hardness of the nail plates.

Vitamin deficiency

If a medical examination does not reveal any pathologies in you, then most likely the problem presented is associated with a lack of nutrients. In this case, your doctor may prescribe a course of vitamins and microelements. It should be noted that modern pharmacies offer an incredible selection of such products. However, they are all synthetic and are eliminated from the body quite quickly. In this regard, some experts recommend purchasing dietary supplements or including more fruits, vegetables, dried fruits and nuts in your diet.

Other methods to solve the problem

If your nails break badly, what should you do? In order to solve this problem, one should adhere to general principles, namely:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • sleep no less and no more than 7-8 hours a day;
  • eliminate all bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • try to get rid of negative influences from the outside and not be exposed to stress;
  • eliminate exposure to harmful chemicals;
  • Take proper care of your nails using high-quality cosmetics.

What should you eat to prevent your nails from peeling?

Nails peel and break: what to do in this case? If this problem has arisen for you for a long time, and you just can’t get rid of it, then you can try to adjust your diet and add phosphorus to it. Such ingredients include milk, meat, cottage cheese, eggs, hard cheese, nuts, fish, soy, beans, gooseberries, dried fruits, broccoli, cabbage, poppy seeds, celery and almonds. As you can see, the choice of healthy products that have a positive effect on the condition of your nails is huge. In this regard, treating brittle and peeling plates can be a rather pleasant process.

If your nails begin to peel due to a lack of zinc, then you can supplement your usual diet with foods such as shrimp, cheeses, seaweed, beets, soybeans, tomatoes, oranges, raspberries, garlic, ginger, blueberries, etc.

If your body does not have enough chromium, then you can treat yourself to hazelnuts or Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds (not fried), dates, cherries, plums, etc.

External nail treatment

Now you know how to strengthen peeling nails by eating certain foods. But it is advisable to treat diseased plates in a complex manner. In this regard, people with this problem are recommended to use special ones. They will help externally nourish the nail plates, not only making them strong and beautiful, but also significantly increasing their growth rate.

So, let's look together at several proven and effective recipes for medicinal baths.

Salt bath

Salt strengthening baths for nails are considered the most effective. To make them, you will need to dilute a large spoonful of sea salt in one glass of warm water, and then mix thoroughly until the bulk component is completely dissolved. After this, you should soak your nails in the liquid for 10 minutes. At the end, you need to blot the plates with a napkin and apply any fatty cream to them. By the way, if you don’t have sea salt, you can use regular table salt instead.

Oil bath

Strengthening nail baths with oil will not only help restore the nail plates, but will also make the skin of your hands softer, more delicate and silky. To prepare such a liquid, you need to pour ¼ cup of vegetable oil into a bowl, then heat it slightly and gradually add the same amount of apple cider vinegar. After receiving a homogeneous warm mass, you need to release your hands or just your fingertips into it and keep it in this state for about a quarter of an hour. Finally, pat your nails well with a paper towel, and after half an hour, wash your hands with glycerin or baby soap.

Iodine bath

To make such a bath, pour 1/3 cup of warm boiled water into an enamel bowl, add 2 dessert spoons of table salt, 1/3 cup of natural orange juice and 3-5 drops of iodine. After this, you need to dip your fingertips into the bowl so that the nail plates are completely immersed in the resulting mixture. It is advisable to hold your hands in this position for about 10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wipe your fingers dry and lubricate your nails generously with any fatty and nourishing cream.

Combined bath

If your nails are very peeling, it is advisable for you to use the following recipe: you need to combine in one bowl 2 large tablespoons of olive oil (unrefined), a dessert spoon of iodine, 10 g of sea salt and 2 cups of warm boiled water. After thoroughly mixing all the components into the container, you need to dip your fingers, let it sit for a quarter of an hour, and then wipe it dry with napkins and use a nourishing cream.