“Little gnome” made of nylon sock.  Master Class

“Little gnome” made of nylon sock. Master Class

Funny gnomes came to us from Europe and are already becoming interesting option decorative design of the room for the New Year and Christmas holidays. In this master class, we invite you to make a Christmas gnome with your own hands from scrap materials.


To work you will need:

  • two terry socks;
  • one regular cotton sock;
  • faux fur, piece 10 x 10 cm;
  • a piece of flesh-colored fabric;
  • rice, 0.5 kg;
  • pillow stuffing;
  • stationery erasers;
  • ribbons;
  • rope 20 cm long;
  • wire 30 cm long;
  • hot glue gun with hot glue sticks;
  • scissors;
  • craft mat;
  • tape measure;
  • marker;
  • sewing needle;
  • pliers.

Step 1. Take a plain white cotton sock and fill it with rice. For convenience, you can use a funnel. Once you have filled the gnome to the size you need, tie the sock with a rope. You can also use regular stationery eraser for this. Do not cut off the top part.

Step 2. Cut a small circle with a diameter of 5 cm from flesh-toned fabric.

Step 3. Pinch off part of the sock filled with rice to make a nose. Wrap the resulting element in flesh-colored fabric. Secure everything with a rubber band.

Step 4. Fill the top of the sock with pillow stuffing. These can be padding polyester balls or just pieces of padding polyester. Give the top a cone shape, stitch the sock, trim off the excess fabric.

Step 5. Use hot glue to attach the top of the sock to the rice-filled part. It shouldn't be loose.

Step 6. Take a terry sock, cut it off just above the heel, and pull it over the bottom of the gnome right under the nose.

Step 7. Cut a wedge-shaped piece from a piece of faux fur. Cut it carefully so that the ends of the fur stick out. Glue the fur beard under the nose of the future gnome using a heat gun.

Step 8. Pull a piece of wire through the top to the bottom of the figure. At the very top, bend the wire into a loop. Put on a second terry sock, contrasting in color to the first, over the wire and cone stuffed with padding polyester.

Step 9. Fold the edge of the sock twice and glue along the contour to the bottom sock.

The funny gnome is ready. You can create a whole family of these and send them under the Christmas tree.

Olga Piskovskaya

We take everything you need for work:

nylon sock, thread and needle, padding polyester for filling our gnome,multi-colored balls of yarn, scissors, beads

And so let's get started:

1. Take a sock, tie the top and turn it inside out. Then we fill it with padding polyester

2. Place a ball of padding polyester for the nose and use a needle and thread to form it

We start from the bridge of the nose, then the nostrils (we thread the needle from bottom to top

tightening tightly)

Also the second nostril

And this is what happens! We must not forget that everyone the gnome will be individual, it all depends on the tension of the thread, and you, like real sculptors, step by step add some of your own features - this is very interesting!

3. Stuff padding polyester balls for cheeks and chin

And we begin to form them

Then the chin


Forming the head: tie the lace under the chin and tighten

4. Let's get to the handles: we also add padding polyester and, using a needle and thread, begin to form handles (I have gnome folded your arms on your stomach, maybe someone will have them down, it all depends on your imagination)

5. Now the legs:

And this is how it happened for me

6. Now we need to dress our gnome: I took yarn and a hook

We knit a hat and scarf (here you can also get creative! You can sew a hat, you can take it from a doll, etc.)

7. Dressing up! This is such an exciting moment!

Add eyes, I decided to make them from beads. We emphasize the mouth with threads.

And everything is ours little gnome is ready!For the first time I tried to work with nylon and I really liked it, I think you will also be interested in this activity, such gnome will not leave you indifferent and will definitely please you! Good luck! Try it and everything will definitely work out! I think I succeeded!

Who are gnomes? These are fairy-tale characters, dwarfs who live underground and are famous for their countless riches. They are also great masters and almost magicians. Previously, it was believed that they all had beards, but now this version has been revised because a gnome cannot be born with a beard.

Previously, people thought that all gnomes were evil, greedy and treacherous, that they sat on their chests of gold and did not give them to anyone. Now this characteristic of them has been revised. Every year we make gnomes to bring us gifts.

But for all times there remains one constant sign by which you can immediately recognize him - this is the cap! If the toy has a cap with a bell, then it is a gnome! Therefore, now we will make dolls with caps.

Bright New Year's gnomes They can not only hang one at a time on your Christmas tree, but also dance in circles on their fluffy green paws. To do this, you just need to sew a few of these funny little men out of fabric. This garland will be as long as you want. It can be placed on the Christmas tree or by the fireplace; this cheerful trinity can be attached to a canvas, placed in a frame and hung on the wall.

Copy the patterns, make paper patterns, and then cut out as many parts from the fabric as shown in the photo. These parts are enough for three gnomes.

Cut out the body from white fabric, leaving seam allowance. If you want to make the body flesh-colored, you can soak the fabric for half an hour in tea leaves.

Sew the cut out pieces along solid lines and turn them right side out, tucking the unstitched hem inside.

The legs and Christmas scarves need to be sewn in the same way.

Fill the sewn parts with padding polyester or other filler, pin the legs to the body with pins, and then sew.

Next you need to make doll clothes. It can be sewn from bright colored or plain fabric. First we sew the shirt along the shoulder seams, then we sew the neckline and sew it down side seams and roll up the sleeves.

We sew the top seams of the pants first, and then the legs. We hem the length, tuck the belt and put the gnomes in their outfits.

You can add pleats to the waistband of your shorts to make them sit tighter at the waist. Tie a scarf to the rag dolls and glue synthetic yarn hair onto their heads.

New Year's gnomes must have caps. Start by cutting out a felt cone. Then try them on, sew them, turn them inside out and dress the little people in them.

We sew bells to felt hats.

Every New Year's gnome must bring Christmas gifts to the house. Therefore, we will give everyone a bag and make a small garland of gnomes.

Pine cone gnome

If you have open seeds that have already dropped, Pine cones, you can make funny gnomes out of them. Take a large bead or any suitable size ball and glue it to the top of the cone.

You don't need a pattern, just cut a cone out of felt and sew the cap. Make a scarf, sew on a bell, draw eyes and dress up the gnome.

Christmas herbal gnomes

Such a holiday gift will not only be pleasant, but also useful. After all, in a bag made of bright cotton fabric there will be the most medicinal herb in the world. Glue a wooden ball to the bag. This will be the head, so draw a funny face on it. And again sew and put a felt cap on the ball so that our little man can rightfully consider himself a gnome.

New Year's gnome made of fabric

This video shows how easy and simple it is to sew a tilde gnome, the funniest gnome of all. To do this you will need:

  • felt in two colors (red and gray);
  • nose bead;
  • two wooden shoes;
  • two stripes knitted fabric for legs;
  • glue;
  • faux fur or synthetic beard yarn;
  • filler;
  • embroidery threads.

This tilde gnome can sit or hang on the Christmas tree.

Another option in the video below and the pattern:

Gnome Scops Owl from nylon

Here is the most detailed and understandable master class on how to make a wonderful toy from nylon. And it’s okay that he’s sleeping and, actually, not really a gnome. But, firstly, gnomes also sleep. And, secondly, we have already decided that the status of a gnome is determined by his headdress. Therefore, if you put on this charming nylon doll not a cap cut from a sock heel, but a cap with a bell, then it will be a real sleeping gnome.

Gnome in just 30 minutes

Gnome from an old jumper

Having watched enough films about fairy-tale elves and gnomes in the company of my eldest daughter, I came up with the idea of ​​​​creating such a stylish gnome for home decor. And the children will certainly be delighted with this delightful toy!

In addition, there are less than 100 days until the New Year and Christmas, so why not start preparing, albeit slowly, but carefully, now.

I thought for a long time about how and what to make Christmas gnome until my handicraft friend gave me a wonderful idea with an old sweater. Like this old sweater, which you don’t want to wear, but it’s a shame to throw it away, every housewife has it in her house.

« So why not make a stylish craft out of it?!” - I said and, thanking my friend for the advice, I got to work. The best part is that it doesn’t take much time to create such decor, and the process and the result will captivate you.

Editorial "So simple!" prepared 12 inspiring examples of fairy gnomes, which you can easily make with your own hands. And the manufacturing process itself can be seen at the bottom of the article under examples of work. Enjoy watching!

DIY gnome

  1. To sew a gnome, you will need: a sleeve from an old sweater, a piece of fur, padding polyester and material for a hat, such as knitwear (can also be made from a sweater).

    The whole process takes me about half an hour. Can be sewn on sewing machine or manually.

  2. What a great idea for a New Year's gift!

  3. To understand how to make such a gnome, check out this small master class.

  4. Not only an old sweater, but also bright, warm socks can be used to make a gnome’s hat.

  5. « The gnome turns out to be small, but remote! Smiles playfully, smart, kind and handsome!” - my youngest daughter Lisa used to say when she and I were making these gnomes together.

  6. Another affordable tutorial on how to make an adorable Christmas gnome.

  7. I'm excited about these ideas!

  8. Did you know that in Scandinavia such gnomes are called nisse. The Nisse live on farmsteads and help farmers with daily activities. In return, the Nisse ask for trust, respect and porridge seasoned big amount butter, every Christmas Eve.

  9. And these will be a wonderful decoration not only on the eve of winter holidays, but also in the fall.

  10. The Norwegians say that it is the Nisse gnomes who are “responsible” for the December holidays, and all because once upon a time, their great-great-grandfather decided to have a little fun and put two coins in the hungry girl’s bowl.

    He liked this prank so much that he next year he decided to repeat it, and then he got involved and away he went. His grateful descendants now also show people which spruce tree should be cut down for Christmas, swinging on its top until dull people finally turn their attention to the beauty.

  11. Some more interesting ideas!

  12. And for such charming gnomes to not only decorate your home, but also bring good luck, you need to make them yourself, and not buy them in a store. You just need to put your soul, your feelings and mood, your New Year’s dreams into them. Otherwise they simply won’t become magical!

To understand how to make such a gnome with your own hands, watch this video.

Our own gnome will turn out beautiful, funny, neat if we make everything from quality materials and with soul.

There are many master classes on creating gnomes, this one is good because there is a minimum of sewing, at least on a machine. Everything can be done using a regular needle and thread.

You will need:

  • material for twisting - the base of the body;
  • fabric for clothing;
  • head fabric;
  • stuffing (sintepon, etc.);
  • wooden bead for nose;
  • cap;
  • decorations.

How to make a gnome body

We make the body of the gnome from dense material. I use this as insulation for clothing - it is light and elastic. But you can take any thick fabric - for example, a coat, from an old bedspread, blanket, etc. You can also use thin fabric, but it will take too much to twist it.

We decide on the height of the gnome. For a gnome 20 cm tall, you need to make the body 10 cm. We cut a strip from the material, try to make it even - the stability of the toy depends on this.

Roll the strip into a roll. It should not be too thin, otherwise the gnome will fall. Secure the roll with thread or hot glue (faster).

We cut off one rectangle and a square from the fabric that we chose for the gnome’s clothing. The length of the rectangle should be such that a cylinder can be “wrapped” in it, and the square should be slightly larger than the bottom.

A very convenient fabric for sewing is grass (pictured). It is light and fluffy, stitches and even seams are not visible at all. But you can use any other fabric that matches the color and texture.

We sew the bottom of the twist - place a square of fabric on the bottom and secure it along the edges.

Wrap a rectangle of fabric around the roll. We not only sew the rectangle, but also sew the clothes to the base.

This is the kind of body we got – very stable.

How to make a gnome's head and beard

From a piece of fabric and padding polyester we form the head of a gnome toy. It should be quite large - 9-10 cm. Almost like a torso, later you will understand why. Please note that the head should be pointed - this is to support the cap.

The easiest way is to put the padding polyester on a piece of fabric and tighten it with a strong thread. The knot should be located at the back.

Cut out a gnome's beard from a piece of fur. 6-7 cm is enough.

DIY gnome - assembly

Sew the gnome's head to the body.

We sew the nose on the upper part of the body (not on the head!). I sew on a large wooden bead, but you can make the nose from a piece of fabric and filler (sintepon, cotton wool, etc.). Simply make a ball by tying the edges of the fabric around the filling with thread.

Sew or glue the beard. The upper part of the beard “hugs” the nose - this way we mask the holes of the bead or thread with which the fabric ball was sewn.