Master class on making a laptop!  Project

Master class on making a laptop! The "lapbook" project is intended for joint activities between the teacher and children. Lapbook national clothing.

What is a lapbook?

Essentially, a lapbook is a folder or mini-book in which knowledge on a certain topic is systematized. Topics can be both broad (“Mathematics”, “Weather”, “Sports”) and narrow (“Cats”, “Snow”, “Apples”). This book has many pockets and envelopes containing the necessary systematic material (including illustrative ones) for studying and consolidating knowledge on the topic.

Lapbooks help you quickly and effectively learn new information and consolidate what you have learned in an entertaining and playful way. These thematic manuals have a bright design, a clear structure and, ideally, are developed specifically for a specific child with his level of knowledge. “Collective” thematic folders are also common - laptops in kindergartens and schools - made by educators and teachers.

The optimal age for a child to start learning with thematic folders is 5 years old. Ideal option making a thematic folder - together with the child, then he remembers the information in the process of creating a lapbook. While working with thematic material, the child conducts observations, completes tasks, studies and consolidates information. Subsequently, having a ready-made thematic folder at hand, the child can refresh his knowledge on a particular topic.

Lapbook - the final result collaboration with children on one topic or another. Its production must be preceded by thematic classes and games, discussion and negotiation of complex issues, completing assignments. In this case, the child will be ready to make a thematic folder with you, and it will really fulfill its role as a reinforcing, systematizing didactic and gaming aid.

Varieties of thematic folders

Depending on the purpose:

  • educational;
  • gaming;
  • congratulatory, holiday;
  • autobiographical (a folder-report about some important event in the child’s life: travel, going to the circus, vacation leisure, etc.)

Depending on the shape:

  • standard book with two spreads;
  • folder with 3-5 spreads;
  • accordion book;
  • curly folder.

Organization of material:

  • standard pockets;
  • regular and figured envelopes;
  • accordion pockets;
  • book pockets;
  • windows and doors;
  • rotating parts;
  • protruding parts;
  • cards;
  • tags;
  • arrows;
  • puzzles;
  • blank sheets for notes, etc.

How to make a lapbook with your own hands?

The process of making a lapbook is incredibly exciting. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • base cardboard (cardboard folder or sheet of thick A3 paper);
  • paper (white, colored, scrapbooking paper with various colors and textures);
  • printer and/or pens, pencils, markers, paints;
  • regular and curly scissors;
  • glue and/or tape;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements as needed (buttons, sequins, brads, pendants, paper clips, dried leaves, stickers, themed pictures cut out from magazines, etc.)

Ready-made thematic templates for lapbooks and pockets for them, which can be downloaded for free or for a nominal fee on the Internet - best option for beginners. However, you can try to do something of your own, original. Believe me, it’s not that difficult – the main thing is to start and get carried away by the process.

Decide on the theme of your folder. If you are making a lapbook for preschoolers, then the topics and materials for them should be elementary; for schoolchildren, you can choose more complex material. In addition, if you are making a lapbook not for a group, but for one child, do not forget to focus on it: what topics need to be studied or reinforced, how advanced the child is in a particular topic. Consult with your child on what topic he would like to select material and make a folder on.

Create the base of a thematic folder. There are three main options: basic, basic with the addition of 1-2 extensions, and double basic. The production of such bases is shown in detail in the pictures:

Basic version of the basis for a laptop
Basic version of the base with extensions
Double basic version of the laptop base

Plan what information your folder will contain on the chosen topic. Draw some rough layouts on simple sheet or in Word (Paint or design program), select the best option for placement necessary information. Think about what form your pockets (subtopics) will look like and how the information will be organized in them. Now you can start making your laptop. At this stage, the child can join in the activity.

Study according to the thematic folder gradually: one lesson - one task. Find a convenient place to store the materials you make. Interesting ideas for you and fruitful joint activities with children!

Lapbook (lapbook, lap - knees, book - book). If translated literally, then A lapbook is a book on your lap. You can often find other names: thematic folder, interactive folder, project folder. But the essence comes down to the fact that a lapbook is a homemade interactive folder with pockets, mini-books, windows, movable parts, inserts that a child can take out, rearrange, fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic.

A laptop is not only a powerful reference tool and a special form of organizing educational material, it is, first of all, the basis of a partnership project activities adult with children (teacher with students, parent with child). The basis of the lapbook is created by the teacher and supplemented and improved together with the children and their parents. The result of this type of work is a well-developed research project.

Lapbooks help you quickly and effectively learn new information and consolidate what you have learned in an entertaining and playful way. These thematic manuals have a bright design, a clear structure and, ideally, are developed specifically for a specific child with his level of knowledge.

Class form

A laptop is the final result of working together with children on a particular topic. Its production should be preceded by thematic activities and games, discussion of complex issues, and completion of assignments. In this case, the child will be ready to make a thematic folder with you, and it will really fulfill its role as a reinforcing, systematizing didactic and gaming aid.

Lapbooks can be made individually or in a group lesson. When working with a group of children, two options are possible: either the teacher distributes tasks among the students, and together they collect and fill out one folder. Or the teacher shows a master class, and with his help the children make each of their own copies of the folder.

The ideal option for making a thematic folder is together with the child, then he remembers the information in the process of creating a lapbook. While working with thematic material, the child conducts observations, completes tasks, studies and consolidates information. Subsequently, having a ready-made thematic folder at hand, the child can refresh his knowledge on a particular topic.

Finished lapbook size the de facto standard around the world is an A4 folder when folded and an A3 folder when open.
This size is ideal for a child to be able to work with a lapbook independently: hold it in their hands, write and complete tasks in it, and after class put the folder on a shelf or put it in a briefcase.

Varieties of thematic folders

Depending on the purpose:
  • educational;
  • gaming;
  • congratulatory,
  • holidays;
  • autobiographical (a folder-report about some important event in the child’s life: travel, going to the circus, vacation leisure, etc.)
Depending on the shape:
  • standard book with two spreads;
  • folder with 3-5 spreads;
  • accordion book;
  • curly folder.

Organization of material:

  • standard pockets;
  • regular and figured envelopes;
  • accordion pockets;
  • book pockets;
  • windows and doors;
  • rotating parts;
  • protruding parts;
  • cards;
  • tags;
  • arrows;
  • puzzles;
  • blank sheets for notes, etc.

Why do you need a laptop?

  1. It helps the child organize information on the topic being studied at will and better understand and remember the material (especially if your child is visual). Adult visual learners will also enjoy this form of learning.
  2. This is a great way to review what you've learned. At any convenient time, the child simply opens the laptop and happily repeats what he has learned, looking at the book he made with his own hands.
  3. The child will learn to independently collect and organize information - good preparation for writing essays and term papers.
  4. A laptop book is well suited for classes in groups where children of different ages study at the same time. You can choose tasks that everyone can do (for kids - pockets with cards or animal figures, for example, and for older children - tasks that require the ability to write, etc.) and make such a collective book.
  5. Creating a lapbook is one of the types of joint activities between adults and children. Or maybe it can also be a form of presenting the results of the project or theme week.

How to make a lapbook with your own hands?

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • base cardboard (cardboard folder or sheet of thick A3 paper);
  • paper (white, colored, scrapbooking paper with various colors and textures);
  • printer and/or pens, pencils, markers, paints;
  • regular and curly scissors;
  • glue and/or tape;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements as needed (buttons, sequins, brads, pendants, paper clips, dried leaves, stickers, themed pictures cut out from magazines, etc.)

Ready-made templates pockets for laptops that can be download for free– the best option for beginners.

However, you can try to do something of your own, original.

1. We start by choosing a topic.

The laptop can have any theme:

  • interesting events happening to the child;
  • children's hobbies;
  • topics of the week;
  • literary works;
  • cartoon characters, etc.

Topics can be both general and specific. For example, you can make a general lapbook on the topic “Insects”. Or you can take a specific insect and write it in a laptop detailed information about him.

If you are making a lapbook for preschoolers, then the topics and materials for them should be elementary; for schoolchildren, you can choose more complex material. In addition, if you are making a lapbook not for a group, but for one child, do not forget to focus on it: what topics need to be studied or reinforced, how advanced the child is in a particular topic. Consult with your child on what topic he would like to select material and make a folder on.

2. Plan.

After we have chosen a topic, we need to take paper and pen and write an outline. After all, a lapbook is not just a book with pictures. Therefore, you need to think about what it should include in order to fully cover the topic. And for this you need a plan of what you want to tell in this folder.

3. Creating a layout.

Now we need to figure out how each of the points of the plan will be presented in the lapbook. That is, draw a layout. There are no limits to imagination here: presentation can take any form. From the simplest to games and educational tasks. And place all this on different elements: in pockets, notebooks, mini-books, accordion books, rotating circles, envelopes different forms etc.

How to create a folder? 3 options

Exists three main options: basic, basic with the addition of 1-2 extensions and double basic.

The production of such bases is shown in detail in the pictures:

Draw several indicative layouts on a simple sheet or in Word (Paint or a design program), choose the best option for placing the necessary information.

Think about what your pockets (subtopics) will look like and how the information will be organized in them.

Lapbook templates

Now you can start making your laptop. At this stage, the child can join in the activity. Study according to the thematic folder gradually: one lesson - one task.

This form of work helped teachers create conditions to support children's initiative and creativity in the group. In the process of observation, the teacher learns what the child does with great interest. In the process of such creativity, the child becomes not only the creator of his own book, but also a designer, illustrator, and writer of his own stories, riddles, and poems. This exciting form of work creates conditions for the development of the child’s personality, motivation and abilities.

"Lapbook Passport"

The passport as a document determines the composition and meaning of the contents of the lapbook, i.e. “lapbook passport” is a complete description of the tasks, materials and games, rules included in the lapbook. A good addition are drawings of pages or photos of the finished product inserted into the passport.


  • Lapbook as the newest way to systematize knowledge
  • Examples of lapbooks on the website
  • Lapbook store
  • Lepbook “Grey Crow”
  • Lapbook examples
  • Lapbooks
  • TotBooksTotPacksALL


Flap Books


Petal Books

Graduated/Layer Books

Shutterfold, Shutterflap, Shuttertied


Valentina Slutskaya

Master class. "Lapbook. Making a laptop".

Target: introduce the stages making a laptop.

Literally translated from English language laptop means"book on lap", or as it is also called, a thematic folder or a collection of small books with pockets and windows that make it possible to place information in the form of drawings, small texts, in any form and on any topic. This is a book that needs to be assembled, its individual parts glued together into a single whole, and creatively designed using all sorts of colors and shapes.

Lapbook meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a spatial subject-development environment and provides:

The ability to take into account the individual abilities of children (tasks of varying difficulty);

Variety of game tasks;

Integrating different types of children's activities (speech, cognitive, game);

The ability to diversify the most boring topic;

Teach simple way memorization;

Unite a group of children (whole family) for a fun and useful activity;

Compact storage (large number different games and tasks in one folder);

Variability in the use of tasks;

Ability to add new tasks to "pockets".

Working with laptop meets the main directions of organizing partnership activities between an adult and children:

Involvement of the teacher in activities on an equal basis with the children;

Voluntary participation of preschoolers in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion);

Free communication and movement of children during activities (subject to compliance with the organization of the workspace);

Open temporary end of activity (everyone works at their own pace).

To create your own lapbooks I use the following materials:

Printed files on 160 g paper, on photo paper, on drawing paper, in case of total savings on regular "Snow Maiden"(but for a long time "Snow Maiden" won't serve you).

Washable ceiling tiles (for the base).

Colored and double-sided tape, glue "Titanium", stationery knife.

I'm preparing the base.

I glue the base into a folder using colored tape.

I apply glue to the base using a plastic card.

Then I glue the background lapbook, smoothing it out with a card or rubber spatula

The result is such an elegant book.

For manufacturing pockets necessary:

Cut strips of ceiling tiles in width

see Double-sided foam tape.

Blank for a pocket.

I measure the strip according to the size of the workpiece and glue it with double-sided tape on both sides.

I glue the strips to a piece of paper.

I glue the pocket in lapbook.

So I fill it all lapbook.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about water. Objectives: to develop children's powers of observation, the ability to compare, generalize, analyze, and establish.

The result of the thematic week about types of transport was the production of a universal textbook “Transport”. On the Internet.

Master class on making a Lapbook “Let’s live together” There are no children who don’t like being read to. The main thing is how to present it.

Every teacher is now in search of new forms of organizing work. kindergarten. The result of such a search in my case was thematic.

On the Internet there are many proposals and developments by teachers for making Lapbooks for comprehensive development children. So.

We all know that things that are interesting are remembered better. How to make sure that the material covered remains in the child’s memory and helps.

Marina Rudich

When getting acquainted with the lexical topic " Cloth. Shoes"in the middle speech therapy group we used thematic lapbook.

Pictures to create lapbook(games, baby books) were taken from the Internet.

Target lapbook: to form ideas about man-made objects peace: clothes and shoes, their types, purpose; develop thinking, memory, coherent speech.

Game "How Changed cloth"

species collected in pocket clothes from primitive times to our time. Students first looked at each model clothes, then tried on the silhouettes.

The game "We are fashion designers" contains silhouettes in the pocket clothes and pieces of various fabrics

Students choose a silhouette, then apply it to the chosen fabric and become fashion designers.

They also love to compare fabrics by touch and determine which fabric is best to choose for a silhouette.

Lotto "Pick up" clothes for the seasons"

We use lotto in various gaming situations: spread out clothes for the seasons, find the extra one, find only the top one clothes.

The little book "Belarusian National Costume" contains pictures depicting national costume various areas. Pupils examine them, look for similarities and differences in clothes.

Folk costumes of various countries

pupae are excellent at showing differences in clothes peoples of different countries.

Little book "How I changed shoes"

Cutting pictures

Publications on the topic:

Information for parents on the lexical topic “Hats. Cloth. Shoes" Dear parents! This week the educational process in our group is based on the following topic: “Hats. Cloth. Shoes". Lexical.

Final event in preparatory group on the topic: "Clothes. Shoes." Excursion to a shoe workshop (photo report) The topic of our week.

Calendar-themed week “Clothes, shoes, hats” in the middle group CALENDAR THEMED WEEK “Clothes, shoes, hats.” Middle group Monday December 12, 2016. Topic of the week: Goal: Getting to know each other.

Schedule planning “Clothes, shoes, hats” (middle group) Monday MORNING 1. Admission of children to the group. Parent survey. Objectives: monitoring the well-being of children. 2. Consideration of thematic albums:.

Lesson summary “Winter clothes, shoes, hats” Topic: " Winter clothes, shoes, hats" Program objectives: repeat the seasons, winter months, introduce winter clothing,.

Lesson notes for junior group 1 “Clothing and footwear” GOAL: To learn to classify clothes and shoes. OBJECTIVES: 1. Educational: Continue to introduce children to items of clothing and shoes, distinguish them by.

Goal: -to introduce children to different types clothing, parts of clothing, shoes and hats; - consolidate knowledge about the purpose of clothing; - spend.

A laptop is a unique type of teaching aid with which you can introduce your child to new topic, or you can consolidate the material covered or even make a lapbook based on the results of the child’s own observations and research. This unique interactive folder is interesting for both toddlers and older children, because it has so many pockets, mini books, bright pictures and flaps. And behind all this diversity lies not only educational information, but also many tasks that children love so much. The participants made lapbooks about animals for their children. Many ideas for design, variety of tasks and manner of execution will not leave you indifferent and will inspire you to create an equally interesting folder for your baby.

Introducing our lapbook. He is dedicated. When I asked the children (Vanya, 4 years old, 10 years old, and Nastya, 3 years old, 4 years old) to name their favorite animal, Vanya answered me: “And I like them all!” And I thought, but it’s true that every animal has some of its own characteristics, they are all very interesting. That's why I settled on such an unsightly-looking, but very entertaining frog.

I took 2 sheets of A4 colored cardboard and cut one sheet in half along the long side. I used tape to glue the resulting “folds” to a whole sheet of cardboard. This is what we got.

On the front of the laptop are riddles about a frog. We open it, and inside is the answer - a frog in a jump with an analysis of body parts. Next is the life cycle. Because I haven’t given a classification by class before, but here I put emphasis on it, on the left side we look for which class the frog belongs to, a little about amphibians, on the right about the species, the game is a puzzle. I scanned the pictures from books and printed them in the required format.
Ekaterina Adnodvortseva, Moscow.

Another exciting week of the expedition has ended. To consolidate the acquired knowledge about animals, I made a lapbook “Wild Animals”. Old coloring books were used to make a laptop. They contain samples - color pictures, so I cut them out (it was a pity to throw everything away, but now they came in handy), there were a lot of them. To my joy, there were sea animals, birds, forest animals, and African animals here.

Thanks to this folder, you can find out who lives where, train your hand in coloring, find out what marks different animals leave... In addition, by looking at the pictures you can tell what the name of the cub is, what fairy tale it appears in. I'm happy with the work done and so are my girls.

Rezida Baybulatova and children Anegina, 5 years old, and Diana, 4 years old, Orenburg.

Daniel and I made a lapbook “Polar Bear”. This is our first experience. We chose the material, pictures, I printed all this and 9 more headings:

  1. Appearance;
  2. Where does he live?
  3. Housing;
  4. Cubs;
  5. Interesting facts;
  6. Nutrition;
  7. Security;
  8. Photos;
  9. Poems, fairy tales, stories.

We made everything into little books, Daniel cut it out and glued it on. Dana really liked this work and so did I.
A very good experience for a child.

Grandmother Lyudmila Shatalova and Daniel 5 years 4 months, Israel.

The idea itself seemed very interesting to me, since it includes several games at once and there is huge scope for imagination. I have a bunch of ideas for activities about animals in my bins, but each one takes time to implement, and here the opportunity arose to combine them in one lapbook. I really liked it. So, our laptop has games:

  • an animal and its cubs (you need to find a cub, or you can also move your finger from the animal to its cub);
  • who lives where (cards with animals and two cards with a forest and a zoo, you need to distribute who lives where);
  • shadow lotto (you need to find the shadow of an animal);
  • halves of animals (you need to pick up the other half);
  • traces (footprints are drawn on the top of the card, opening the cut card you can see who the trace belongs to);
  • riddles about animals (after reading/guessing the riddle, you can open it and see who it is about).

A very interesting form for both home and road (I used to think that a lapbook was something complicated and for an older age. Now my opinion has changed, there are more ideas, I think that I will also implement them and add them to our lapbook.

I would also like to say that my daughter was delighted with this game, she said let’s play again and again.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Golovanova Tatyana and daughter Arina 2.3 years old, Moscow region.

It was decided to make our lapbook about . This animal is unusual and arouses interest not only in the eldest son, but also in the younger one. To begin with, a strong base was chosen - cardboard. We covered it with white paper.

Then we cut out various blanks from paper, a title, pictures and pre-placed them on the base. And then there was a hectic activity of gluing and coloring, drawing up signatures. Thus, we have a mini-book with useful information about giraffes, interesting tasks, riddles. I liked the idea and will be happy to use it in the future.

Maloletkova Lidiya and son Vladik, 6 years old.

I chose the theme “Birds” as the theme for my first Lapbook (probably, it is still very extensive for one folder, but this only became clear during the work process).

I began my work by searching for materials that eventually formed into the following elements:

  1. The structure of a bird: a photograph of a bird’s skeleton also became a pocket where mini-posters with appearance birds, and feathers;
  2. Poultry yard: a mini book with poultry houses in which families of poultry can be housed (bird cards are taken from the game “Not Just a Cat’s House” and are located in the pocket on the last page of the tab);
  3. Tasks: an envelope with printouts of various bird-themed tasks;
  4. By the water: cards with images of birds whose life is connected with water (the child can make small notes on the back);
  5. Bird houses: poster with pictures various types bird homes, there is also space on the back for the child’s notes;
  6. Poems, riddles, tongue twisters: an accordion book of quatrains on a bird theme. Written in large block letters for a child to read independently;
  7. , ostriches and co: 2 mini-books with interesting facts about penguins and large flightless birds. There are also pages with crafts on relevant topics;
  8. Paintings depicting birds (Chinese painting).