Material well-being; prosperity.  What does human well-being depend on?

Material well-being; prosperity. What does human well-being depend on?

How to achieve material well-being and be happy?

Material well-being

Probably every person dreams of being happy, and many people call material well-being one of the important factors of happiness. And, indeed, in modern society, money gives a certain freedom: the opportunity to travel, choose a place of residence and quality of housing, purchase beautiful high-quality things, etc. To achieve such material well-being, it is necessary to follow the rules of handling money that have been developed over thousands of years and have proven their effectiveness.

Fulfilling your purpose.

Every person on this earth has his own mission, and it is our duty to follow this mission, realizing the talents given from above. A job we love brings us joy and satisfaction, and then attracts money into our lives. After all, if you do something with your soul, it attracts the attention of others, and they want to use your services or goods. It happens that a person, doing something he doesn’t like, earns a lot of money (sometimes even through deception), but this money does not bring him happiness. Then what's the point of having millions? After all, we consider financial well-being as one of the components of human happiness.

Overcoming envy and greed.

Learn to be happy for those who have beautiful cars, luxurious houses, who can afford to go on vacation anywhere in the world. If at the same time you are sincerely grateful to Fate for the little that you have, your well-being will grow steadily. Envy takes away the energy of creation from a person, blocks the channels of cash flow, thereby worsening the financial situation. Respect wealthy people, because if you are convinced that wealth can only be acquired through dishonest means, then you will never be able to get rich yourself. Greed pushes a person onto the path of deception and betrayal, destroying inner harmony. Those who work in a job they don't like just to earn more money may end up with nothing. After all, such work exhausts one’s energy, and money is spent on somehow restoring one’s health. It is important to realize that your work brings joy to you and benefit to others, only then will you be prosperous, i.e. receive benefits from the Universe.

Learn to accept money with gratitude.

There is no need to be embarrassed to name the price of a product or service, because any work should be rewarded. Knowing that you do your work with soul, you will not be ashamed of it. This means that you should not underestimate its value in monetary terms. Be confident in what you do and always accept money with gratitude. People will appreciate this and will contact you more often.

Set goals.

To get somewhere, you need to know the route. The same applies to achieving financial well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to set goals, both long-term and short-term. Write down on paper what you would like to have in 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, and then make a plan for months, weeks, days to achieve these goals. It is better to write goals expressed in something specific, rather than in money. After all, money is just a means to achieve certain benefits. In addition, money tends to depreciate. So for purposes it is better to indicate your true desire, for example, a villa on the Cote d'Azur. And how much it will cost at the time of its acquisition is not so important, the main thing is that the goal has been achieved. And also, never stop: having achieved one goal, immediately set another, otherwise it will decrease.

Treat money with respect.

Regularly calculate your income and expenses. Spend your money wisely: your expenses should be less than your income, otherwise, even with super profits, you may go broke. Respect for money should also be reflected in how you name it and where you store it. Never use bad words in relation to money. And to store money for current expenses, use a beautiful and convenient wallet in which you carefully place bills. A frivolous attitude towards money: denoting it with disparaging words or the habit of carrying crumpled banknotes right in your pocket discourages the desire for money to settle with you seriously and for a long time. But you shouldn’t make a cult out of money either, otherwise you will become its slave, not its master.


Start donating 10% of your income to those in need every month. Charity breaks down barriers to financial well-being. By helping the poor and sick, participating in the financing of interesting projects, after some time you will notice that the Universe is increasing your

Hello readers of my site, I am with you again, Oksana Manoilo. Today we’ll talk about material well-being and prosperity. Is this point important on the path to yourself? Without a doubt!

Recently, cases of so-called “financial collapses” have become especially common among many people. That is, despite all the efforts, trainings, meditations and other “dancing with tambourines”, the level of well-being and material wealth is offensively low. Life throws up “surprises” over and over again in the form of loss of a source of income, sudden damage to expensive property, debt that has fallen out of nowhere, or even out of the blue people become victims of scammers.

One way or another, any manifestation of financial instability and lack of tendencies is perceived by a person following the path of self-improvement as a kind of “punch in the gut”, they say, how can this be?! I see how I myself am changing, how my views on life are changing, but why doesn’t this in any way affect my material well-being and prosperity?! Am I doing something wrong??

Reasons for instability of financial wealth

In fact, financial instability can have many causes. These are deeply written into programs, and a lack of trust in the Universe, and experiences of abuse of wealth in a past life, and simply a rejection of oneself as a treasure that is in fact worthy.

And now more about the above and what to do with all this.

Indeed, often a financial minimum is simply necessary in order to clearly show a person his own worth. Absolute and unconditional value, without distracting garbage in the form of status, prestige, and cash candy wrappers. Thus, our Soul gives us a check, do we really put OURSELVES first, or is all this superficial stuff much more important to us than the jewel that we are?

It often happens that, carried away by the pursuit of “toys and candy wrappers,” a person exhausts himself so much that he forgets that money can buy medicine, but not good health, buy luxury jewelry, but not buy love, buy a bed, but not buy a sweet dream on it, buy expensive food, but not buy a healthy appetite.

The situation of losing money is precisely designed to “drag” a person’s attention from the “external, superficial” into the depths in order to make it clear that everything true comes without money, and money “candy wrappers” are just toys and should remain so.

By the way, among large businessmen there are quite a lot of people who approach their financial wealth precisely according to this principle; they play. They play professionally, skillfully, bewitchingly, but, nevertheless, they do not forget that this is just a game - nothing more, and completely different things are truly significant for them. As a rule, they are distinguished by excellent health, good physical shape, a thirst for life and a sparkle in their eyes.

Sometimes financial poverty is a consequence of one’s own conviction that only everything spiritual is true, and material things are corruptible and generally despicable. Well, faith is rewarded, so what can I say...

The other extreme is the belief that “without money and material well-being, I am a loser, not what I should be.”

But here a question arises. What would happen if a person with such an outlook on life suddenly got what he passionately desires? He would simply begin to feel a sense of superiority over other people, whose level of income, in his opinion, “does not reach” the acceptable level. Now for him they would be “losers and not as they should be.”

So it turns out that the situation was created in order to remove pride and understand that a person is valuable not by external attributes in the eyes of other people, but by who he is in this life.

How to open cash flow?

Therefore, in essence, all the facts of material failures can be generalized according to the principle of their calling to return a person to his own Soul, to his original aspirations.

And only one thing will open the material flow.

You need to forget about everything external and often imposed and concentrate on your inner self, forget about external results and “badges-medals” and accept your Soul.

You need to love yourself as “unprestigious, insignificant”, learn to experience joy from the very fact of life, more often being in a state of “here and now”.

You need to be grateful to God and Space for what you already have. Realizing at the same time that it is actually normal to have minimal income for now, the absence of something, because you are rebuilding your life according to completely different principles. But right now you already value yourself, learn to live in harmony with your real self, live in a qualitatively different way than before.

“Financial roles” of a person

When comfort or life opportunities are measured by the amount of money or material wealth, “role escape” automatically occurs.

Their variety is great and everyone chooses the one they like. For some, this is the role of a worthless person who does not know how to earn money, for others, the role of a sort of “lady in melancholy”, when the rank order is pineapples, partridges, truffles, but in fact there is only borscht and kozinaki for dessert.

Someone plays the role of a person who does not allow himself the best, who saves on himself in everything and cuts himself off in everything. But some people like the role of such an unassuming person, content with little and precisely for this, as he thinks, he is revered by other people.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, however, these are only roles, guises, masks. And yes, they had a significant meaning in the past, when it was necessary to survive, but now they can only pull back, creating torment and difficulties. Therefore, we say loudly and clearly:

“I’ve already played enough! Thanks a lot!"

, and we leave.

And by this departure from the theater stage, you seem to confirm that from now on the source of your nutrition and prosperity is not external active actions based on the strength of will, but internal harmony and agreement, crystal honesty with yourself and a feeling of endless gratitude for what has already there right now.

The paradox is that a person receives the greatest discomfort not from the lack of a certain amount of money or material things, benefits, but precisely from loss of social status, a certain position in society. And the loss of this is sometimes so strong that a person is ready to exchange his entire life for maintaining this status.

This is again a survival position, yes. And when the Soul understands that this torment cannot be endured any longer, the person suddenly, to his own considerable shock, “escapes from prison”, or is “kicked out” of it by circumstances.

For many in such a situation, a panicking mind throws up a new “idea” - which means stop working for someone, you now need to work for yourself, open your own business, and so on. And a new round of self-deception and torment of the mind is now on this topic.

Attracting financial wealth and well-being

But the truth is that without the internal, the external does not work!

There will be no stability outside at this stage of development; there is still a noticeable storm there, be it the nuances of politics, power, or various crises from financial to personal.

But we lose ground under our feet precisely in order to learn to swim. And that same “lifebuoy”, it is inside and its presence does not depend on anything external - only on our desire to concentrate on ourselves.

And here’s another interesting pattern. As soon as you begin to clearly understand that you are an eternal, bright being, you are an adored child of God and you receive all the benefits here simply by JOYING!

I specifically emphasize this point

That is, all benefits are a proportional consequence of your pointless joy in life, your wild mind with its intrigues, written scenarios and much more that can greatly reduce the pleasantness of life, calms down.

And then your ability to love this world expands day by day, you love yourself and this life even more, your Soul is increasingly present in your consciousness and all this gives such a powerful blissful ray-glow, under which all role-playing fears of survival and rejection by society melt away and so on, that programs (including generic ones) associated with money, even the most powerful ones, lose power over you and over your life.

And such a positioning of oneself in relation to life, when the role of an “achiever” is discarded, when the desire to be in slavery for the sake of money disappears, and on the contrary, a desire appears to enjoy every moment of life, whatever it may be, to have less, but to feel more comfortable, to feel your unconditional value, to protect your peace of mind, will soon certainly bear fruit in the form of regaining the same, and possibly better, level of comfort, opening up new opportunities, new horizons that you had not even suspected before.

But as soon as all this is rebuilt by you, it will be on a completely different principle, it will change to a fundamentally new way of interacting with the material manifested world, and this is worth a lot... Literally and figuratively!

In the “Esoterics Online” course, the entire first stage is devoted to how to attract material well-being and prosperity specifically for you, we will work out all your contracts with yourself, and get rid of roles. Let's consider how much money you can hold and increase your cash flow. This is an important step on the path to yourself! Without material wealth and well-being, financial stability, a person cannot be harmoniously developed.

I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

    material well-being- Syn: welfare, prosperity, prosperity Ant: collapse, collapse, ruin, failure... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Prosperity, prosperity, happiness, luck. Wed. . See happiness, luck... not for any well-being... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. well-being, prosperity, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    well-being- I, only units, p. 1) A calm, prosperous life, being in a streak of success, good luck, prosperity. Complete well-being. Material well-being. Synonyms: prosperity, prosperity, prosperity 2) Normal, without any words. unwanted... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    WELL-BEING, I, cf. 1. Calm and happy state. Family b. I wish you all the best. 2. Life in contentment, complete security. Material b. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I; Wed 1. Calm and happy state, existence; life in abundance. Family b. Material b. I wish you all the best (farewell wishes, congratulations, etc.). 2. Normal, without any words. adverse events condition... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    well-being- I; Wed 1) Calm and happy state, existence; life in abundance. Family well-being. Material well-being. I wish you all the best (wishes for farewell, congratulations, etc.) 2) Normal, without any words... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    BARN- Material well-being and success in business. The barn is filled with ripe selected grain and the holiday has come to your street. Cold and hunger gave way to a comfortable life for many years. To consolidate the positive energy of the symbol, in... ... Big family dream book

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    SOCIOLOGY OF YOUTH- a branch of sociology, the object of which is youth as a socio-demographic group of society (16-29 years old), and the subject area covers the features of its socialization and socio-demographic characteristics, value orientations and motivation... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    See property... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. welfare (material) well-being, wealth, prosperity, prosperity, property; material well-being,… … Synonym dictionary


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The level of material well-being is a reflection of our ability to read our own destiny, that is, the plans of the Higher World for our lives. It doesn’t matter to him whether we are rich or poor, he is interested in the extent to which each person realizes the plans of the Creator. If the implementation is successful, then he will willingly support the physical body, financially encouraging its activity. It will enable a person to create conditions around himself that will preserve his physical health and increase the level of creative potential.

However, it is not often that we meet people who are able to connect deep spiritual truths with the prose of everyday life.

But it is here, in our ordinary lives, that the role of spirituality is most important. At any level of material well-being, you can be a highly spiritual person if you remember your divine essence. At the Mental level, a person is a conductor and transformer of thoughts

. Therefore, his material well-being is either limited to the extent that he limits his capabilities, or grows in proportion to the development of creativity. A physical phenomenon is a spiritual force that materially realizes itself in the world. Success and luck are determined by everyday life. Those who study become smarter, those who polish their acquired skills become more capable, those who apply them achieve success.

I. Goethe: “ the depths of our soul lies a creative force capable of creating what should be, and giving us neither sleep nor peace until it is somehow embodied by us outside or within us.” Creative power has many names: Spirit, spark of God, creative potential, Creative Mechanism. The Creative Mechanism built into us by nature acts automatically and completely autonomously, striving, depending on the goal, to success and happiness or to failures and disappointments. By aiming for success, you will make the system function as

Mechanism of Success. Charged with negative attitudes, turn it into a Mechanism of Failure. Like any service mechanism,

The Creative Mechanism must have a clear goal or task to work towards. It works based on a variety of information and various information: our own thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, as well as drawing the necessary data from the universal “memory bank”. In the course of evolution, nature has built into man a mechanism more amazing and magnificent than any electronic machine or automatic guidance system. There is no longer such a unique creature in the Universe as man with his Creative Mechanism. The Success Mechanism not only helps you avoid

Dr. Norbert Wiener, who was one of the first to work on the creation of homing mechanisms, believed that something very similar occurs in the nervous system of a person engaged in goal-directed activity. When you choose a goal and take action, an automatic mechanism takes over. His work is based on the experience of all previous incarnations. He had already learned to solve such problems correctly, to use the information that was sent to the brain through the feedback line. This process is especially noticeable if you watch a baby trying to grab a rattle. He still has little accumulated information, so his hand moves towards the goal in a zigzag, literally feeling his way. As you master the process, the adjustments become more subtle and unnoticeable. The mechanism remembers its successes, forgets failures and repeats successful actions automatically.

Progressive science has long agreed that the information accumulated by a person is not limited to his personal past experiences. The concept of “Earth’s noosphere” was introduced by our compatriot Academician Vernadsky. Emerson compared each individual brain to a bay in the ocean of the Universal Mind. Edison insisted that he got many of his ideas from outside, “ideas are in the air,” and if he had not discovered them, someone else would have. Dr. J.B. Rhine, head of the parapsychology laboratory at Duka University, experimentally proved that a person has access to knowledge, facts, ideas that are not a product of information accumulated by him during life. His conclusions that man has a “supersensible gene,” which he called “psi,” are not questioned by scientists who have seriously studied the results of his experiments.

When we set out to find a new idea or solution to a problem, we must firmly know that the desired solution already exists somewhere, and immediately begin searching for it. If you are serious about what you have planned, sincerely want to implement it, and think hard about various aspects of the task, then your Creative Mechanism is already functioning. The “scanning device” goes through the accumulated information, groping for the correct solution. It selects an idea here, a fact there, picks up the results of previous experience and ties everything together into a meaningful whole, completes the missing part of the situation and finds a solution to the problem.

A solution may enter the consciousness completely unexpectedly, even while one is doing something else, but the person immediately feels that this is the one he was looking for. Opportunity appears, as a rule, in an unexpected form and not at all from the side from which it is expected.

Often it comes in the form of failure or temporary defeat. That's why many people don't recognize her. But failures always contain the seeds of success. Because there are only two ways to force an ordinary person to turn on his Creative Mechanism - inspiration on a wave of love or a hopeless situation.

To control your own “servomechanism” you do not need to be an electronics engineer or a physicist, but it is absolutely necessary to learn how to enter a state of internal silence at least for a while. Otherwise, you may miss the solution you are looking for. This is exactly what happens most often to people on the astral level. Waves of emotions, passions, experiences do not allow most of the solutions found by the Creative Mechanism to enter the consciousness.

To consciously work with the Mechanism of Success, several conditions must be met:

1. A clear goal is needed. It must be presented as already existing, actually or potentially. The mechanism functions in one of two ways: it either leads to a goal whose location is known, or it identifies a goal that exists somewhere.

2. "Autopilot" has teleological nature, that is, focused on the final result. One should not be embarrassed by the apparent lack of means necessary to achieve the goal. It is his job to provide the necessary funds. You only need to think about the end result, and the means will appear.

3. You cannot be afraid of temporary failures and mistakes. All “servomechanisms” achieve their goals using negative feedback, moving along the intended course and constantly adjusting the direction of movement.

4. “Learning” is done through trial and error, Miscalculations are automatically corrected until the correct movement, rhythm, and quality of performance are developed. Success is ensured by the fact that past mistakes are forgotten, and only successful actions are stored in memory, which are subsequently copied.

5. Creative Mechanism operates on a subconscious level. A person cannot know what is happening there, so he should not be burdened with excessive concern, anxiety, or any astral manifestations. The mechanism cannot be adjusted, i.e., the situation cannot be pushed through. It was created by the Creator in such a way as to function spontaneously in accordance with the needs of Time. If you are familiar with the technique of working in cause-and-effect relationships according to the method of Professor V.P. Goch, then you can shorten the search path by working out negative obstacles in the matrices.

6. Creative Mechanism comes into motion as soon as a person begins to act and, through his actions, set various tasks for him. There is no need to delay action until you receive confirmation that everything is going well. You must act as if it already exists, and it will come. “Get to work, and the strength will appear,” said Emerson.

It is naive to believe that you can get rich without working and without taking knowledge lessons. There is a threshold for the permissibility of wealth, and it is impossible to get something that is not your own. The rule is that the required level of material well-being must correspond to the values ​​that you created in past incarnations and in this life. And if a person officially did not receive what he earned, he will still receive the unpaid difference through winning the lottery, inheritance, or unexpected earnings.

Most Russians do not know that it was the “sharks” of the criminal world who suffered enormous losses by investing in GKO securities. In fact, this was only a manifestation of the law of the Universe, according to which a person’s material well-being is brought in accordance with the true price of his creativity. Having moved to the mental level, a person is freed from the illusions of the astral world for a long time.

A healthy, happy and balanced person grows not from a child who was told about love, but from one who has experienced love to the fullest. Our self-confidence and self-control are the result only of practical experience, and not of familiarity with theory. Whether we realize it or not, each of us carries within us a mental image or portrait of ourselves. All our actions, feelings, and actions are consistent with this image of our own “I”. A person always acts like the person with whom he is identified. Those who imagine themselves as “a typical loser” will always find a way to fail, while the “sufferer” will become a victim of injustice. People believe that they cannot change this reality. Since the Middle Ages, the teachings of “poverty and punishment” have been presented to the masses of people as the only road to salvation. Deprivation was considered a Christian virtue, although this was done only because the feudal system could only provide prosperity to a privileged minority. At that stage of evolution, the creative potential of most people was poorly developed.

The limiting limits due to which the energy of money cannot circulate freely in human fields are mainly distortions of the will, doubts and records of fears.

A distorted record of will in external manifestation is expressed by indecision. Indecision is the seed of fear, which develops into doubt, and together they transform into fear. Fears absorb a huge amount of a person’s energy to fuel and nurture themselves. According to the classification of negative energy formations by V.P. Goch, fears in matrices are seen as “larvae” or “unclean spirits.” The only reason you can scare another person is that fear (“unclean spirit”) has the ability to be transmitted and multiply. The main fears from which people suffer are well known: fear of poverty, fear of being judged by other people, fear of loss of health, fear of loss of love, fear of old age, fear of death. Fear is just a state of consciousness.

And every fear has its own symptoms. The fear of poverty is:

lack of ambition (indifference), indecision, doubt, anxiety, over-caution, procrastination; for fear of condemnation

: shyness, lack of self-control, inferiority complex, wastefulness, weak character, lack of initiative, lack of ambition; habit of negative self-hypnosis, hypochondria (imaginary illnesses), general lethargy, habit of begging for sympathy, pretending to be ill to disguise laziness, interest in information about illnesses;

Fear of losing love has symptoms: jealousy, looking for faults in other people, a tendency to be adventurous, gambling, the habit of borrowing, spending and gifts that do not correspond to income in order to impress, the belief that love can be bought, the habit of spending more than you earn, insomnia, nervousness , lack of self-confidence, bad character;

fear of old age a tendency to slow down the pace of life, a guilty tone, a craving for youth style in clothing, terminology, and actions;

Fear of death symptoms: the habit of thinking about death, preparations for it, lack of goals in life, disappointment in life and love, religious fanaticism.

A person whose consciousness is full of fears not only destroys his own capabilities, but also transmits this destructiveness to everyone who comes into contact with him. Negative thinking leads to failure, anxiety, worry, ineffective performance, fear, depression, illness and poverty. By agreeing with this negativity, a person creates limitations for himself, including financial ones. These are false boundaries that do not reflect true potential, but it is necessary to recognize their existence. Let us call them conventionally “the consciousness of the poor.” Records of this nature are generic, made by other people, the media, or the person himself. Negative programming can be neutralized by internal work to create a new reality with repeated statements (affirmations), but most effectively by working in matrices and runic codes with the Power of the Family (methodology of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ph.D., Professor V.P. Goch).

Repeating an order addressed to the subconscious For an unprepared person, this is the only known way of consciously developing faith. All thoughts, brought to the image and merged with faith, immediately begin to be transformed into a physical equivalent, that is, to materialize. If you believe that your desire will come true, the subconscious mind will carry out this mental order in the most direct and practical way. Perfection will come with practice. It doesn't come from reading instructions and attending seminars.

Boundless new reality

After reading this page, you may find that your biggest flaw is a lack of self-confidence. You can get rid of it with the help of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist, but the fastest and most effective way is to work it out in matrices.

They interfere with the free circulation of money energy in human fields:

Negative attitude towards rich people, envy towards anyone. On the subtle plane, an impenetrable energetic mud is formed from energies attracted by the likeness, which does not allow money to pass to a person;

Lack of a channel of communication with the subtle World, if a person does not direct anything to charity and spiritual goals;

Negative attitude towards the activity you are engaged in (“I hate this job”). Work elevated to the rank of coercion is not creativity, that is, it does not add strength and energy to the one who works;

A bias towards spiritual practices with a disdainful attitude towards money and the physical world. The transition to the Spiritual planes is possible only after

Organizing your own life, space and time at the physical level;

Linking your own capabilities to the state of the economy in the country. The energy of money is generated by personal creativity, regardless of ups and downs in the state;

Focus on the poor, the unfortunate, the losers, those suffering from hardship and poverty is contagious. “The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them” (L. Hancock);

Relying only on one's own strength. Distrust of God. People often do not understand that God is always with them, even regardless of whether they believe in his existence;

The absence of at least a small reserve amount that is inviolable. It may not be needed, but it should always be available, like grain for sowing. Even without using reserve capital, a person always feels its supporting Force.

And one more condition for the Mental level: a person must want money first of all for himself, then for others, and clearly know for what purposes he needs it. The absence of egoistic motives in interaction with money is already the Causal and Buddhist levels, but they have their own, different Laws.

Material well-being is more than just having enough money. It is a flow of energy that descends on us from some common life-giving source of the Universe in the form of spiritual and material prosperity. Material well-being is love and wisdom, the presence of talents and other virtues, money and material values ​​- the presence of everything that is necessary to fulfill our life's purpose.

Energy must flow and pass through us unhindered in order to be realized in our lives in the form of any material values. If we do not see the arrival of material well-being, we should ask ourselves why this is happening.

What is going on in ourselves or in our environment that is preventing prosperity from emerging?

What is the barrier to the flow of divine energy to us?

Here you will find answers to these questions and receive the keys necessary to attract into your life the spiritual and material well-being that is so necessary for you.

What is abundance? This is prosperity, prosperity. But abundance cannot only be material. Monetary and material abundance acquires its true meaning only when the INNER SPIRITUAL WORLD of a person corresponds to it.

Just like everything in this world is subject to its own laws, money is no exception.

1. A person has as much money as his soul can bear.

Each of us has our own money channel, which we developed in past lives. One in this life can afford to be rich and this wealth does not destroy him, while the other tries his best, but receives pennies for his work and is considered a loser in life. And the person becomes despondent, drags out his miserable existence and CONDENSES the rich.

At certain moments of evolution, the Hierarchs of the Higher World notice that most people who have money and material wealth FORGET GOD. And if money becomes a person’s God, then the person is removed from it.

Since the goal of religion is to lead us to God, the belief has spread that it is more difficult for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. But because we are all deeply spiritual at our core, we seek God. And to find it you need to distance yourself from the material.

Of course, it is very difficult not to think about money and live detached from it when someone nearby is thriving. But being detached does not mean depriving yourself of them. It is rather the ability, having money, not to live for it and not worry about losing it. Prosperity means the confidence that if you lose something, you can always get it back. Thus, we need to live in material wealth, but at the same time remain detached from it.

And if a person believes that being rich is bad, then what we believe in happens to us, which is why life is very difficult for many in this world.

I found something interesting to think about.

Money and bookmakers are the fulfillers of our desires, but they are different.

Money is a wish fulfiller.

Good Karma also fulfills wishes.

What is the fundamental difference between them?

Money is a cashed bookmaker. A cashed bookmaker fulfills wishes worse.

BC fulfills all wishes, both future and secret ones.

BC can work miracles, save you from a tsunami, in a plane crash, find a beautiful wife,

Fit a UFO and take us on it to better worlds...

But money fulfills only verbalized desires, and not all of them.

Therefore, it is more difficult to turn money back into BC than to cash out from BC.

People, don’t cash out your bookmaker entirely with loans!

People, don’t cash out your bookmakers with “well-deserved high salaries”

Because in some cases this is just a disguised loan, and not a payment for the bookmaker you have accumulated,

Which, in fact, you do not accumulate with your work as “office plankton”!

Ritual with Tarot cards for success and well-being

Moon phase: waxing moon Ritual: Select the following five cards from a deck of tarot cards: Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles and Wheel of Fortune.

Pentacles symbolize money and material well-being. The Ace symbolizes new beginnings and new opportunities, the three is a symbol of your talent, which will help you achieve your desired goal (in this case, financial gain), the nine symbolizes success, it guarantees the successful completion of your financial enterprise. Ten is a symbol of success, fulfillment of desires, and the wheel of fortune is a kind of indicator that you are in the right place at the right time.

Lay the cards out on the floor in a star shape. Close your eyes and imagine how the success, wealth and prosperity symbolized by these five cards fill your life.

It is also good to charge water with the energy of Tarot cards. Prepare a glass of water before going to bed, take the Empress card (for men - the Emperor) or the Three of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles or Ten of Pentacles, because all these cards symbolize financial well-being. Hold the card in your hands, feel it. Transfer this energy to the water. Leave the card next to the glass. Drink charged water in the morning. Do this more than once.

I staged the Empress, a kind of fullness appeared, a feeling that energies were filling me from the inside.

If you store cash in the house (collect for something), then it is best to place it in the eastern or south-eastern sector of the house, and store it in red envelopes or bags (you can make it yourself). They will be preserved and multiplied. As for jewelry, their storage location is northwest. When you get yourself a red envelope, clearly decide what you want to raise money for - for a vacation, for equipment, clothes, etc. But don’t tell yourself that this money will go to funerals, hospitals, treatment, of course it can be spent on these needs, but the initial goal should be positive. Jewelry is best in the northwestern area of ​​the house.

2. It has been verified that documents related to monthly payments (books and various receipts for utility bills, telephone, gas, credit, etc.), both paid and not, are best stored in one red folder. In this case, there will be no problems with timely payment; moreover, money will be attracted to pay off the debt, if any.

3. Growing a “money” tree in the southeastern sector of the home (office) contributes to increased well-being and income growth. 4. In order to attract subtle monetary energy, it is very good to keep a few mint leaves and a pinch of cinnamon in your wallet, as well as wherever you keep your money savings. It has been proven that these plants are good at attracting money.

5. Money comes into your hands if you make it a rule that every new moon (on one of the first three days, ideally if it is Wednesday or Thursday) you carry out the following simple manipulation: the night before going to bed, collect all the money in the house (not counting) brush with a drop of cinnamon or rosemary oil and place under your pillow; and in the morning, immediately after waking up, count them three or seven times without getting out of bed. You can recite your favorite money spell. In this way, you charge the bills with your energy, and the money spent within a month will return multiplied.

Bills, services, etc.) you are forced to pay at this particular time, then immediately before handing over, place them on the floor, and let the person for whom they are intended pick them up. 7. It is categorically unacceptable to count and discuss other people’s money and income - you won’t have your own money! Not many people know that envy of others' success, condemnation and negative attitude towards the rich only brings them closer to poverty. By exploring negative energy in relation to money and material wealth (even other people's), you subconsciously signal to the Universe that wealth is bad and you don't need it.

8. Get rid of the habit of stuffing crumpled bills into your pockets or throwing them anywhere. Money must be kept in a certain place or in a wallet.

9. When paying or accepting debts or paying for purchases, do not pass banknotes from hand to hand: the bad energy of another person can be transferred along with them. Of course, one can consider all this bullshit, but it’s not for nothing that there is a special saucer for money on store shelves? Perhaps sellers, through whose hands many other people’s pieces of paper and coins pass every day, intuitively feel the truth of this statement. 10. If you receive guests at home, then never finish the remaining liquor in your guests’ glasses and pour it back into your bottle; the same applies to finishing food from other people’s plates.

11. They say a nickel on the waxing moon on an even number at noon: “As there is a lot of dirt in the swamp, fish in the water, so there is a lot of wealth for me. The month, grow, grow, and give me wealth to the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen." They put it in the corner of the room for 7 days and spend it. And this is repeated three times.

12. On the new moon, pour a glass of water and leave it behind the curtain on the window until the moon becomes full, then wash with this water, saying: “Just as you, month, were thin and became full, so I have every good thing, so that it's full."

13. Buy a money tree, or better yet, take a money tree seedling and grow your own tree. On the waxing moon, purchase green or black ceramic dishes. Transplant day is Wednesday. When replanting the plant, place 8 coins of the same denomination on the bottom with the coat of arms facing up, reciting any money plot you know on them. When you plant a tree, take pity on it, reading the spell three times: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Such is my will. So be it!” The money tree should be located in the southeast direction of your home. Make sure that the plant is always healthy and well-groomed. Water it on Wednesdays while reading the above plot.

Good luck and prosperity to you my dears!

Everything in the world is energy. Money is also energy. Like everything manifested in the world, it is reflected on the subtle plane, money also has physical, etheric and mental shells.

Look how we keep our money, in beautiful wallets or lying crumpled in our pockets. Here is your physical shell, which immediately emphasizes your either dismissive or respectful attitude. Money loves to be stored correctly.

What emotions do you have when you see money? Are you happy or embarrassed that you have so much money in your hands? You respect them, you know their worth.

What do you think? Money is evil, or money is peace and joy.

Let’s think through these issues together, maybe it’s worth changing our attitudes on this issue. And who knows, suddenly money will begin to respect us and...