Is it possible to wash with liquid laundry soap?  Laundry soap: benefits and harms

Is it possible to wash with liquid laundry soap? Laundry soap: benefits and harms

Laundry soap has long been known for its antimicrobial effect. This is an excellent antiseptic that is great for hand wash and other economic needs. But is laundry soap good for your body and hair?

What is laundry soap made from?

The soap contains fats (no more than 72%) and a large number of alkalis, pH level 11-12 (the maximum alkali level permissible for human skin is 9 pH, normal is no more than 5.5). We all know from school that alkali is an aggressive substance that not only destroys bacteria, but also corrodes the skin, heats up, and reacts with other substances.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap?

This soap does an excellent job of destroying dirt and bacteria, so the effect is quick and “on your face.” However, laundry soap also perfectly deals with the protective barrier of the skin and destroys its natural acid balance, which is then very difficult to restore, especially when the skin is sensitive. With daily use of laundry soap, our skin is deprived of protection and does not have time to restore it, so it wears out very quickly.

If you start washing yourself daily with laundry soap at the age of 20, then at 30 your skin will look 35 or older. At 55 years old, women who constantly use soap look significantly older than their peers who use more gentle products.

Laundry soap is especially harmful for children. The constant destruction of the skin's protective barrier contributes to the penetration of infections, weakening the already weak children's immunity. As a result, the child will often get sick, and various allergies may arise.

Are you afraid of early aging, sagging, dryness, redness and irritation of the skin? You can safely wash yourself with laundry soap! Otherwise, this soap is absolutely harmless to health.

To use it or not? There will be no significant harm to your health, but whether you want to remain beautiful after 45 is up to you to decide!

Is it possible to wash your hair with laundry soap?

Washing not only with laundry soap, but also with any other soap is extremely harmful to the hair and scalp. Regular hair washing disrupts the natural oil balance of the scalp. Alkali makes hair porous and brittle, completely defenseless against the negative influence of an unfavorable external environment. Over time, hair loses its natural shine, becomes dry and hard, and dandruff appears. A young body can still cope with such shock “therapy”, but after 40 years the hair will thin out greatly and it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

To have beautiful hair, take advantage of the secrets.

However, the negative effects of alkali can be avoided. Remember chemistry: acid neutralizes alkali. However, this is a complex process, because you need to choose the right gentle ingredients so as not to damage your hair even more, and also calculate the proportion of acid to water.

No one forbids experimenting with your own hair! But maybe it’s better not to abuse your hair by choosing a more suitable product? If you don’t like shampoos, you can always use natural and completely harmless products, such as homemade ones.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap?

In no case! Washing with laundry soap can seriously disrupt microflora and cause dryness and cracks. intimate places. Alkali destroys beneficial milk bacteria, resulting in female diseases. To wash, use only special cleaning products. intimate hygiene, or plain water, but never use soap.

However, using laundry soap only occasionally will not cause any harm, perhaps in some cases even a temporary improvement, because it perfectly kills bacteria. But maybe it’s time to “come out of the caves” and turn to more effective modern means? Which one? Share in the comments.

Laundry soap is best used for household purposes!
By the way, if you use soap for washing, do not forget to wear gloves so as not to dry out the skin of your hands. Don’t be afraid to wash children’s underwear with laundry soap - it’s absolutely harmless if you rinse the items thoroughly after washing.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Reviews: 18 on Laundry soap - good or bad?

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  11. Katerina
  12. kalinka

Thrush is an acute or chronic disease caused by the growth of yeast fungi. Every fifth woman aged 20 to 30 encounters it. Laundry soap is often used to treat candidiasis, bacterial vaginitis and endometriosis. It has been used in medicine and cosmetology for several decades. It can eliminate skin imperfections and treat dandruff. Its antiseptic and healing effects have long been known. In this article we will discuss in what cases it is advisable to use laundry soap against thrush and how to use it correctly.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap?

Due to the frequent change of sexual partners and decreased immune strength, relapses of the disease occur. During the acute or chronic stage, women try to treat thrush with laundry soap. Some use it constantly, even in the absence of signs of illness. Continuously using laundry soap for thrush is harmful. 72% soap is a concentrated alkaline solution. Its use 2-3 times a week can serve as a preventative measure against relapses of vaginal candidiasis. With regular use, it causes thinning of the mucous membrane and disrupts the natural balance of microorganisms. This can be harmful to intimate health. Therefore, to the question “Is it possible to wash yourself with laundry soap if you have thrush?” - we can answer that the method is used only in rare cases.

If the high parts of the vagina and cervix are affected, it is necessary to administer drugs in suppositories or orally in tablets. The main causes of candidiasis remain unattended. These include:

  • immunodeficiency – hereditary and acquired diseases of the immune system, HIV infection, taking hormonal drugs, cytostatics, radiation and chemotherapy;
  • pathology of the endocrine system - diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands, ovaries;
  • diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract - irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, ulcerative colitis, dolichosigma;
  • the presence of a focus of latent infection in the body - abscess, tonsillitis, otitis media.

Eliminating only the symptoms of thrush leads to frequent relapses of the disease. Without treatment, the underlying disease remains.

“Washing with laundry soap can only eliminate external candidiasis.”

What does laundry soap consist of?

The product contains only natural ingredients. It is produced from natural fats (animal, vegetable) and sodium salt. When they are heated, a soapy glue is formed, which is then poured into molds and cooled. To make soap with a lower concentration of fats (60-69%), a chemical reaction is used.

There are three types of laundry soaps:

  • containing at least 70% fatty acids;
  • with an acid concentration of 69%;
  • containing up to 64% fatty acids.

For the treatment and prevention of thrush in women, laundry soap with a fatty acid content of 70% or higher is used. It has a sufficient amount of antibacterial substances and can slow down the growth of fungal flora. There must be a block Brown. Processed and scented white soaps do not have the same effect.

Is there any benefit to using laundry soap for candidiasis?

You can use this soap for thrush for the following reasons:

  • alkaline pH creates an unfavorable environment for candida development;
  • does not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives;
  • for the period of use protects against pathogenic bacteria;
  • has an effect in chronic thrush, when antifungal drugs do not help;
  • does not lose its properties during storage and in cold water.

Thrush is an unpleasant disease that almost every representative of the fair sex has encountered at least once in her life. It manifests itself as itching, burning and cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor and requires treatment with special antifungal agents. Besides medicines, to quickly eliminate unpleasant manifestations, you can use herbal decoctions, soda solution, as well as laundry soap for thrush.


Treatment of candidiasis should be comprehensive, aimed at destroying pathogenic fungi, eliminating unpleasant symptoms, healing inflamed mucosa and restoring healthy vaginal flora.

Yeast-like fungi that provoke the development of thrush in women live only in an acidic environment. When the mucous membranes become alkalized, they gradually die, but the normal microflora remains intact.

Laundry and tar soap for thrush are characterized by high acidity and contain sodium salts and fatty acids. With regular use, the vaginal environment becomes alkalized.

Treatment of thrush with this method leads to the cessation of vaginal discharge, a decrease in the intensity of itching, burning, and a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process.

However, it is important to understand that soap is used as a complement to traditional methods of treatment, as well as for preventive purposes.

The benefits and harms of soap for candidiasis

Laundry soap against thrush is one of the most effective and affordable home remedies, which has been used since the time of our grandmothers.

The main advantages of using this remedy for candidiasis:

  • Disinfects small erosions and wounds.
  • Helps with candidal inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and skin.
  • Dries inflamed skin and mucous membranes, promotes rapid healing.
  • Prevents relapses of thrush, its transition to a chronic condition.
  • Comprises natural ingredients which is safe for health. Can even be used by pregnant women.
  • Laundry soap for candidiasis is well tolerated and rarely causes allergic reactions.
  • You can buy it in any department household chemicals at an affordable price.

The disadvantages of this product are the pronounced drying effect. With prolonged or improper use, severe dryness and skin irritation may occur.

To treat and prevent thrush, tar soap is often used, which has a specific odor that some people find extremely unpleasant.

Rules of application

“Is it possible to wash yourself with laundry soap if you have thrush?” - a question that concerns many who have just encountered this disease. The product can only be used as an addition to traditional antifungal therapy. Under no circumstances should it replace suppositories and tablets prescribed by a doctor.

The simplest and effective method treatment - washing with soapy water. It must be prepared in advance, before starting hygiene procedures. To do this you need:

  • Cut a small piece, 1 cm thick, from a bar of laundry soap.
  • Grate the cut layer on a fine grater.
  • Pour the resulting slurry with 1 glass of hot boiled water.
  • Thoroughly whisk the soap-water mixture using a fork or whisk. In this case, thick foam should appear, and the water itself should turn whitish.

If you have thrush, you should wash yourself thoroughly, trying to remove as much vaginal discharge as possible using foam. After the procedure, for better effect should not be washed off soap solution from the skin, but simply blot it with a towel. You can wash with clean water 1.5 hours after the procedure. After this, it is recommended to use antifungal drugs prescribed by a gynecologist.

If you wish, you can wash yourself with tar soap, but you should remember that it dries the skin and mucous membranes more, and, compared to household soap, more often causes allergic reactions.

Other uses

You can cure thrush with laundry soap not only by washing. Warm sitz baths and douching are also very popular.

Preparing the bath

To treat thrush with laundry soap, you can use the following procedure:

  1. Prepare a small basin or bowl where you can sit.
  2. Pour a small amount of warm boiled water into the container and add grated soap, beat it into soap foam with a fork.
  3. You should sit in such a bath until the water cools completely.
  4. Take a hygienic shower.
  5. Place antifungal vaginal suppositories.

Baths with laundry soap should be used to treat candidiasis no more than 3 times a week. Excessive use of this product can lead to severe drying, roughening of the skin and mucous membranes, and a feeling of tightness and itching.


Douching with a soapy solution also helps with thrush. To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare a soap solution in the usual way and fill the syringe with it.

This is followed by:

  • Take a hygienic shower.
  • Lie in the bathroom, relax and insert a douche into the vagina.
  • Quickly introduce the soap solution inside.
  • After this, you need to lie in the bathroom for 10-15 minutes for the product to take effect.
  • After the time has passed, you need to thoroughly wash the remaining product from the vagina with clean water.
  • To completely remove any remaining product, it is necessary to repeat rinsing with regular boiled water 6-8 times until the discomfort completely disappears.

For douching, you can use both laundry and tar soap. For the convenience of preparing the solution, you can use not a bar soap, but a few drops of liquid soap. It whips into foam faster and acts softer.

Douching and baths are best used for acute thrush 3-5 times a week. On other days, you should wash with soapy water and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. To ensure that cured candidiasis does not recur, soap can be used for preventive purposes once a week.

Laundry soap is a safe and affordable remedy that helps cope with acute and chronic forms of thrush. Before starting use, it is important to consult a gynecologist to identify possible contraindications.

Beauty and health are two inextricably linked concepts. Female body is such a complex and unique system that any emotional and physical deviations are immediately reflected in appearance, including women's health.

Correct performance of intimate hygiene from the first days of a girl’s life is the key to her women's health on long years. One of the key points of high-quality implementation of the washing procedure is correct selection care products.

The opinions of both gynecologists and women on the question of whether it is possible to wash yourself with laundry soap are divided - from a categorical refusal to the only possible remedy.

Arguments in favor of laundry soap:

  • Consists of natural ingredients - does not cause allergic reactions
  • Action tested by several generations
  • Has an antifungal effect - prevents the development

Opponents of using laundry soap note:

  • Fragrances and additional components are added to modern laundry soap
  • Has an unpleasant odor and is difficult to store
  • The antifungal effect of laundry soap is too insignificant to be preferred to more convenient products.

The above arguments are true; it is necessary to make some additions that will help you decide on the use of laundry soap for personal hygiene.

Properties of laundry soap:

  • It has a highly alkaline environment, which makes it excellent.
  • The only natural detergent, does not cause allergies, but fragrances, plasticizers and dyes added by manufacturers can change the composition.
  • It can cause dry skin - lack of lubrication leads to the formation of abrasions and microcracks, which contributes to infection.

Laundry soap has its own unique and beneficial properties, but cannot be an ideal care product for intimate hygiene.

Learn about the wide range of uses of laundry soap in the video below.