Folk signs of March: watching the beginning of spring.  March

Folk signs of March: watching the beginning of spring. March

Folk ritual



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Folk ritual

Traditional The festive and ritual culture of the Russian people represents its centuries-old concentrated experience, a set of traditions, rituals, customs and superstitions. All these are ideological, moral and aesthetic values ​​that determine the face of the nation, its identity, uniqueness, its social and spiritual peculiarity.
The roots of most folk holidays go back to pagan times. Many of the ancient rites and rituals have survived to this day: the church skillfully adapted some of these rituals to its holidays, and some folk holidays have become part or continuation of church holidays.
The unification of these two traditions occurred so naturally that for centuries the life of the overwhelming majority of the Russian people and other peoples living next to them developed according to a cycle that had been established for generations. The same is observed in the annual repetition of the seasons and the seasonal agricultural work associated with them.

National holidays for 2019

National holidays in the Russian village of the past constituted an important aspect of social and family life. The peasants even said: “We work all year for the holiday.” The holiday was perceived by the religious consciousness of people as something sacred, opposite to everyday life - Everyday life. If weekdays were interpreted as a time during which a person must engage in worldly affairs, earning his daily bread, then the holiday was understood as a time of merging with the divine and becoming familiar with the sacred values ​​of the community, its sacred history.

First of all, the holiday was considered obligatory for all members of the village community who had reached mature age. Children, old people, cripples, old maids, and the sick were not allowed to attend the holiday, since some had not yet reached the age of understanding sacred values, while others were already on the verge between the world of the living and the world of the dead, others had not fulfilled their destiny on earth - they had not entered into marriage.

The holiday also implied complete freedom from all work. On this day it was forbidden to plow, mow, reap, sew, clean the hut, chop wood, spin, weave, that is, perform all everyday peasant work. The holiday obliged people to dress smartly, choose pleasant, joyful topics for conversation, and behave differently: be cheerful, friendly, hospitable.

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On the website you can find wishes, congratulations, toasts in verse, SMS congratulations on your birthday, anniversary, Happy New Year, March 8 and many other holidays. Brief information about religious, public holidays and memorable dates that interest you. You can find out when your name day will be and what to name your unborn child. What will be the horoscope for tomorrow and next year. Everything is sorted into categories for your convenience.

March - thawed, drip, dry, winter grass, rook, whistler, spring, spring barker, winter forest, birch, winter, gardener, firstborn of spring, month of the earth.

It got its name from the Roman god Mars. The peoples of ancient Rus' borrowed the name of the month from Byzantium. According to the Old Roman calendar, March is considered the first month, and the Gregorian and Julian calendar - the third. For Ancient Rome, with a relatively warm climate, March was considered a kind of beginning of the agricultural year. And among the ancient Slavs, until 1492, it was the 1st month, which was characterized by interesting traditions, rituals and games. It was in this month that a symbolic celebration was held to mark the end of winter, at which a spectacular straw effigy was burned - Maslenitsa. Until 1699 he was 7th; and since 1700, after the reforms of Peter the Great, the third.

Berezozol was most often called this in Ancient Rus', noting that it was during this period that birch trees began to experience intense sap flow.

Our ancestors, having observed, noticed that only in Berezozol (March), by burning dry birch wood, it was possible to stock up on very healing ash and collect the most useful sap. Due to the appearance of numerous thawed and dried areas of land - thawed patches - in the old days, March was often called “dry”, “thawed patch”. In the old days, everyone knew about the healing properties of melt water. It was used to wash clothes for a sick person so that his illnesses would disappear. It was used to wash the floors and walls of homes and water indoor flowers.

In the first half of March, the weather is still capricious; along with thaws and drops, there may be frosts. But the main joy in March is that the blanket of snow that has become boring over the winter melts and the first mats of spring emerald green grass appear. And for good reason, March is popularly called the firstborn of spring.

At the beginning of March, winter ends and gives way to the long-awaited spring, which

starts exactly on March 1st. Its duration, together with the seasons, is almost 93 days. It is longer than autumn and winter, but shorter than summer.

Spring is divided into periods:

  • 1st - turning point of winter (March 1 - March 17). They say about it, “what spring wets within 24 hours, will dry in an hour.”
  • 2nd - snowmelt (March 18 - April 15). “Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day”:
  • 3rd - revival (April 16 - May 5). “Spring is red, but still cold”:
  • 4th - mid-spring (May 6 -May 21)
  • 5th - forelife (May 22 - May 31).

Popular beliefs and signs in the month of March.

Watching the March weather folk signs they found out what the coming days in spring and summer would be like.

No matter how angry the winter woman was, she still resigned herself to spring.

The sky is high and the clouds are fast - for clear weather.

Short icicles mean a short and friendly spring, and long ones mean a cold and protracted one.

Repeated and dense fogs mean a rainy summer.

A rainless March means a fruitful summer, a stormy March means a crop failure; it picks up February water and gains strength from the drops.

Many full-flowing streams mean spring floods.

The snow begins to melt from the flat (south-facing) side of the anthill - towards the warm and long summer, from the north - to cold and short.

The snow is rapidly melting, and the streams are flowing together - leading to a rainy and wet summer.

In the spring, crows scream - for snowstorms, splashing in streams - for a warm spring.

The rooks and larks arrived early - hoping for stable warmth.

The windier it is, the less chance of upcoming morning frosts.

March thunder and wind direction were used to judge the coming spring.

The east wind foreshadowed a warm and dry spring, the west - a damp spring,

a strong north wind means upcoming cold weather, a south wind means sudden warming.

The night sky is cloudy and the wind is getting stronger, which means frost is not expected.

Folk calendar of traditions and will accept for March

March is rich in all kinds of holidays, rituals and signs associated with them. And it cannot be otherwise, because for a long time it was considered the first month of the year.

Day of Porfiry the Late and Sebastian. Bird's day

In the old days, on Sevastian, young men avoided dazzlingly beautiful and young strangers, into whom Kikimoras turned on March 11th. Having seduced the brave guys, they lured them into the forest and took away their strength. On Bird Day, the arriving birds began to build nests.

Prokop Perezimnik - Road Destroyer

Holiday of Vasily-Kapelnik (Solnechnik).

The ringing drops that appeared were explained as the tears of a crying Winter. They began to stock up on healing pine buds. The beautiful girls sang spring songs and baked rolls. It was considered obligatory to eat kalach on an empty stomach.

Day of Evdokia, moth, whistler

The spring “whistle” winds begin. Spring-Red brought a roast to Evdokia. The spring Eudokei came and brought agricultural ideas to the peasants.

Evdokia is sunny and beautiful throughout the summer season.

The breeze is gentle and warm - for the wet summer season, northern for the cold season.

Chickens drink melt water by early and warm spring, by May with abundant grass

But suddenly frost hits Evdokia, the cold weather will strand you for a long time

Fedot Vetronos

Fedot is evil-evil - I can’t be with the grass.

The icicles hang long - it will be a long spring.

As is March today, so is July.

Basilisk. Eutropium day

The peasants went out to the fields and vegetable gardens and walked across them crosswise, turning to the sun and calling on it to shine, to water the fields with melted moisture from the snow.

Tits clatter cheerfully - for warmth, drawn out and plaintively - for cold weather.

The Wagtails arrived - ice drifted in 7 days.

Wild geese fly: high - to spring floods, low - to shallow water.

Gerasim Grachevnik, Kikimora Day

The rooks are returning - the first harbingers of spring. If they were placed immediately in the nests, then they expected a warm and friendly spring.

On March 17, the kikimors were expelled from their homes by conspiracies. Unmarried girls cast their fortunes and quickly ran out of the yard: when they saw a woman on the road doing fortune telling, they prophesied a quick marriage.

Day of Konon the Grader (Katysh), the Gardener

On Konon the Gradarian, the Gardener, despite the frosts, they began to cultivate and feed the land with manure, noticing that only then the yield would be high.

Constantine's day (Constantine's circles)

On March 19, peasants trampled the snow in circles near the well to prevent dirty melt water from getting into it.

On this day there was a massive arrival of white storks.

Pavel Kapelnik

They anticipated fertility when the roofs dripped heavily.

The arrival of the birds was due to a bountiful harvest of grain.

The water melts, but the ice stands - for a lean year.

Spring solstice, Willow-bearer

On Verbonositsa they tried to break and hang willow branches in the home, which promoted purity, beauty, health and chastity.

If the birds' nests were located on the sunny side, it means that the summer will be cold.

Magpies, Forty Saints, Lark's Day

On Soroka, the 2nd meeting of spring, night is equal to day.

Arrival of the first larks. On March 22, rye or oatmeal forty buns are baked in the shape of larks, and the heads and wings are “gilded” with honey.

Vasilisa - Spring water index.

There could have been the first March thunderstorm since Vasilisa's day. It became thoroughly warm, and nature practically awakened. Daytime has become longer than nighttime.

Euthymius, Antip

There will be frost at night and in the morning on Evfimiya - there will be no precipitation during the day.

If the cold weather ended before Euthymius, then the summer will be warm.

If there is an infestation of mice in the fields of Antipas, there will be a crop failure.

On Feofan's day the horses were watered with spring water silver water to protect them from damage and disease.

We monitored the melting of snow on the anthills: it melted on the north side for a long and warm summer.

There is fog on Feofan for a good harvest of flax and oats.

On March 26 (on Nikifor) the bear wakes up from hibernation and leaves the den, into which spring water has appeared.

Fogs on Nikifor for a stormy summer.

Fedor the cattleman.

During this spring period, all livestock shed, so they were talked into it and taken out to the owner’s yard to be cleaned.

This month is named after the ancient Roman god of war, Mars, who was previously recognized as the protector of peaceful labor. In Ancient Rus', March was called “dry”, noting the poverty of this month with precipitation, as well as “protalnik”, “kapelnik”, “zimobor”, “svistun”, “proletye”.

March is not spring, but the pre-spring.

March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.

March has arrived - put on seven trousers.

Signs of March:

March with water - April with grass, May with flowers.

Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

If there is snow in March, there will be a harvest for a farmer and an egg.

March thunder - to fertility.

If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, the summer will be dry.

The first thunder in spring is a sign of the coming warmth.

If during March snowstorms the snow falls on the fields unevenly, wavy, and in mounds, then vegetables and spring grains will grow well.

Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.

Dry March means fertility, rainy March means crop failure.

This flighty person was not known for her constancy: depending on her mood, she could either help or harm. In different localities she was represented in different ways: either as a black-haired girl with eyes burning like coals, or as an ugly old woman - the wife of a brownie or a goblin. They talked about the weather of that day like this: Yarilo took the winter on his pitchfork.

And in March, sometimes the water freezes into ice.

Sometimes even March boasts of frost.

A gray crow begins to build a nest on Fyodor.

On this day, it is customary to pray for the search for missing people and things, to reprimand barns, seed storage facilities, livestock and all domestic animals from troubles and evil spirits.

March bought a fur coat from Mother Winter, and sold it three days later.

They arranged a bathing day, having previously placed the sign of the cross on the water and read the plot three times:

Just as mother water flows and washes all the stones and roots, so let everything roll off and fall off the servant of God, all fears, fears, commotions, slips, damage, insomnia roll down, fall over the mountains, over the meadows, over the dark forests. Amen.

On the night of March 4, you have visionary dreams that you need to write down, but not tell anyone.

5th of March - Leo Katansky Day, strong winds. Kharitonov’s wife was walking under the fence, she found seven hundred shirts, the wind blew and blew all the shirts out.

Housewives baked kokurki - cool koloboks made with cow butter. On this day, it is not advisable to look at the stars, “otherwise the spring time will roll away from your life like a shooting star.”

March, 6 - Saint Timothy's Day, spring. The old people, who had whiled away the winter on the stoves, came out to the heap to warm their bones in the spring sun.

Timofey in the spring - it’s already warm at the door.

In the spring it blows warmly - it warms the elderly.

Live until spring, and then winter won’t be scary.

According to Timothy, spring.

It was believed that from this day on it was necessary to walk in the fresh air every day.

March 7— Mauritius Day. On this day you can see the first rooks, starlings and larks. It was also marked by the first solar thaws.

I saw a starling - you know spring is just around the corner.

There are as many thawed patches as there are larks.

The rooks and larks arrived early - for a warm spring.

If a migratory bird moves in flocks, it means a friendly spring.

March loves to play tricks: he is proud of the frost and sits on his nose.

On Polycarp, it’s time for the magpies to go into the forest, and for the grouse to start singing.

If it is clear on this day, then Easter will be the same; snow - for cold Easter. The moon is horned and bright - there will still be severe frosts.

In March, bird sweating means finding nests.

The bird is making its nest, and the migratory bird is flying from warm places.

Signs of this day:

If it snows, then Holy Week (Easter) will be cold, and if it’s dry, then don’t expect rain on Easter either.

If birds begin to build nests on the sunny side, expect a cold summer.

From this day on, it is not customary to sleep during the day, so as not to be attacked by kumoha - fever.

Taras, don’t knock it over on the mattress!

March 12— Day of the Road Destroyer. The celebration of the spring thaw. The ubiquitous children went into the forest and in the first thawed patches they looked for last year’s “moraine” - cranberries and lingonberries.


Show up big

Yes, snowy,

Yes, dead.

We were looking for you

They jumped over the bumps.


Father Vasily the dropper will come, and winter will cry. . On Vasily, the warm sun in circles means the harvest.

March 14th - Evdokia-Plyushchikha Day, named after the Venerable Martyr Evdokia. Evdokia - spring fly, whistler, summer indicator, On this day (March 1, old style) Ancient Rus' celebrated the New Year,

It's nicer with Evdokia - it's nicer all summer

As are Eudokei, so is summer.

Avdotya is red - and spring is red.

On Evdokia, snow with rain and a warm wind mean a wet summer, and frost and a north wind mean a cold summer.

Evdokia - wet the hem, it’s wet under the threshold.

From Evdokia-Plyushchikha - the first thaw.

It’s a clear day for Evdokia – there’s a harvest for cucumbers, cabbage and milk mushrooms.

Puddles on Evdokia at the threshold - beekeepers in honey, will swim.

Long icicles - for early spring.

The image of Saint Eudokia merged in the popular consciousness with the image of the Vesenitsa - the saint who sends spring to the earth. If she gets angry, she can hold back the spring water, and therefore the peasants were afraid of her and did not work on March 1. On this day, they brought a snow bowl - melted water - into the house, washed the children with it, wiped the sick, sprinkled the walls, and gave it to the chickens so that they could lay eggs well.

The Evdokeys came to give the peasant some idea: to sharpen a plow and repair a harrow.

The women took up weaving - they were occupied with this work until the sowing season. The terms of winter hiring were ending, and spring hiring was beginning (from Evdokia to Yegor).

Evdokia-Plyushchikha is the keeper of the keys to spring waters. Whether the rivers will soon begin to melt depends on her mood.

March 15thDay of Fedot the Wind-Bearer, named so in honor of the holy martyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene. On this day, thaw and wind were expected.

Fedot is evil - not to be with the grass.

There's a drift on Fedot - there won't be any grass for a long time. Evdokia Fedot didn’t ask, she prepared the spring. This day makes me angry.

If there was frost that day, they said this: Fedot is not the same.

March 16— The peasants crossed the forest- they brought branches for the fire, they brought manure. This was necessary so that the sun would disperse the evil force and warm the earth. They noted: as mid-March is, so is summer.

March 17 - Gerasim Day, named after St. Gerasim of Jordan. On this day they were waiting for the arrival of the rooks. A rook feather, picked up during plowing, was considered a talisman.

Gerasim the rook-keeper brought the rooks.

I saw a rook - welcome spring.

A rook on the mountain means spring is just around the corner.

The rooks have arrived - the snow will melt in a month, and the cranes - the ice will soon break.

If the rooks fly straight to the nests, there will be a stormy spring.

If the rooks have settled into their nests, then after three weeks you can sow.

On this day you cannot put on new shoes:

Whoever puts on new bast shoes for Grachevnik will have a creaking neck all day long.

18th of March - Day of Konon the gardener ah, gradar. Regardless of the weather, on this day it is customary to start plowing the garden - according to legend, in this case the harvest will definitely be rich. “Even if it were winter on the day of Konon-Gradar, start plowing the garden, and just plow on this day, the garden will certainly be good, and there will be plenty of vegetables,” it was stated in the ancient monthly books. Also, now is the time to soak cabbage and tomato seeds for greenhouses. In order not to jinx the harvest, it was supposed to be done “without prying eyes,” and a copper coin had to be thrown into the well from which water for the seeds was taken. On the same day, greenhouses should have been prepared, and in order to combat garden pests and drought, three holes should have been dug in the garden, saying: “One hole for sushi, another for midges, the third for worms.”

Konon came and called me to the garden.

If there is a bucket on Konon, the summer will be without hail.

March 19— Walked around the wells in circles and so that they are not filled with bitter waste, so that the water is clean.

Day became equal to night:

On Soroka, day and night measure up, winter ends, spring begins.

A sandpiper flew to the forty saints from across the sea, bringing spring from captivity.

Forty matinees (morning frosts) were counted from the Forty Martyrs, and on the day of Zosima the Beekeeper (April 30) they began to sow buckwheat.

This day is the second meeting of spring (the first is on Wednesday, February 15). People rejoiced that half of Lent had passed and Easter was approaching. The goddess Lada, a guardian especially revered by the Slavs, was asked for permission to invoke spring:

Bless me, mother,

Oh, mother Lada, mother,

Call for spring.

The peasants believed that on this day forty different birds would fly from warm regions, and the first of them was the lark. The first person to see him and hear his song was given a bird bun from the entire village. Housewives baked “larks” with outstretched wings from rye flour; the eyes were made from dried berries. Children put cookies on pegs or hung them on strings, took them out into the street, threw them up and shouted chants:

Larks, come,

Take away the cold winter,

Bring warmth to spring:

We're tired of winter

She ate all our bread,

I killed all the cattle.

Spring, red spring,

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with great mercy:

With large flax,

With deep roots,

With great bread.

The children played all day, danced in circles on the melted lawns, and in the evening they attached baked figurines to tree branches, hid them under the roofs of houses and barns, fed them to livestock and ate them themselves. Whichever man came across a “lark” with a baked coin, he was appointed “family sower”, scattering the first handfuls of grain. In Belarus, instead of “larks” they baked “storks”, in the southern regions - “waders”. In some areas, after the adoption of Christianity, they began to prepare cookies in the form of small crosses, which, according to legend, have great life-giving power. Various objects were baked into such cookies, symbolizing wealth or poverty, happiness or failure. Gathered at the table, family members simultaneously broke the figurines they had received and wondered about their fate. Children ran out into the street with cross cookies and shouted chants:

Crosses, crosses, larks,

The cross is handed over and doused with water,

Half the shit will fall over,

The tub of milk will roll over.

If the days were frosty even after the advent of spring, then the peasants threw specially baked koloboks - dough balls - into the street and put a bowl of oatmeal jelly on the porch, saying:

Frost-Red Nose,

Here's bread and oats for you,

Now get out of here!

You could bake forty of these koloboks and throw them away every day, one at a time, reminding the forgetful frost every day that it was time to be honored. They believed that the frost, having eaten its fill of food, would leave before next year and will not interfere with the peasants in their spring sowing work. Thus, the ritual baking of bread was intended to promote a new harvest.

Calling for spring, the peasants began active preparations for spring field work.

March 24 - Euthymius Day. If the cold weather ended by this time, a warm summer was ahead.

Feofan - break the crust.

On Feofan the fog is the harvest for flax and hemp.

If a horse suddenly gets sick on this day, then the whole summer will not be suitable for work.

On Nikephoros, a bear in a den is stretching. The arrival of early geese means a fruitful summer. The fishermen noted: the last ice Roach, perch and ide bite well.

Leave the sleigh for Savvin, move the cart.

If it’s warm on Savvin, then spring will be warm.

If a seagull has arrived, the ice will soon pass.

30th of March - Day of Alekei the Sun-Greater, or Alexei the Warm. The day is named in honor of St. Alexy, a man of God.

Alexey - streams from the mountains.

Turn the shafts out of the sleigh on Alexey.

Alexey is a man of God, he brings the winter to nothing.

Alexey - spill a jug from every snowdrift.

It bakes on top and flows from below.

Alexey is warm - the sleigh is on its way.

As are the streams on Alexei, so is the floodplain (flood).

If large streams appeared on this day, they expected a warm and favorable spring, and with it good harvests. Children launched boats cut out of bark into spring streams and competed to see who could float the fastest.

The ship is sailing

Goods carried:

All are cheap

All for pennies!

Resins and varu -

For a penny of all the goods;

Smoke and wind -

There's nothing in the hold!

The children played the children's spring game "Spring": they stood one after another on one side of the spring stream, wrapped their arms around each other's waists and sang a song. Having sung, they jumped sideways over the stream to the other side, interfering with each other, holding them and trying to push them into the water. Which of the guys touches the water is eliminated from the game.

Kirill - take the runner.

The appearance of mosquitoes on this day foreshadowed the warmth.

Having turned the page on the calendar and seeing March 1, many are glad that winter is left behind, and only warmth, rebirth and life lie ahead. But this border month is not so simple. The month of spring, the month of the equinox, the month of the beginning of a new life, and once upon a time the year. He is two-faced and unpredictable, because one foot is still standing in the winter cold, and the other is trying to get into the spring thawed patches.

In March there is winter behind and in front.

March has arrived - put on three trousers.

No less interesting are the folk signs for the month of March, which have been collected over the centuries.

March received its modern name in honor of Mars, the god of war. The Romans named it that way, so that the fierce god would protect peaceful workers, on whose shoulders a lot of worries fell in the first month of spring. The name came to ancient Rus' from Byzantium, and the Byzantines borrowed the idea from the Romans.

In the folk calendar, March is called thawed and water-flowing, road-breaker and whistler, winter-forest and winter-forest, winter-forest and dry, spring-forest and spring-forest, the morning of the year or the morning of spring, the first-born of spring or the tout of spring, the gardener or the break of winter, the heir of February.

March breaks winter, clears the way for spring.

The winter month of March is February’s younger brother, Evdokeia’s godson.

Berezen - this is the name March received from the Slavic peoples. This is attributed to the fact that at the beginning of spring they began to burn birch for coal. In addition, in warm regions they begin to collect birch sap.

Sakavik is the name of the first month of spring in Belarus, which when translated into Russian sounds like a distortion, a development.

Sušec is the name given to March by the Croats. They believe that the month is dry, with virtually no precipitation.

Yarilo took the winter with a pitchfork.

March is not spring, but the pre-spring.

In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging.

Kapluzhnik, capital, dropper, kapeluzhnik - that’s what people call it for the first drop.

Threshold, road destroyer, watercourse - it is in March that the first thawed patches appear and the snow melts quickly.

In March, the chicken will drink from the puddle.

Whistler, whistler, wind blower - for the cold winds that make even chickens freeze.

Katysh - such a wonderful name was given for the opportunity to ride the sleigh one last time.

Winter is coming to an end, hurry up and sled to your heart's content.

March - the beginning of spring, March - the beginning of the year: folk holidays and signs

For the ancient Slavs, the whole year consisted of two halves - winter and summer.

It was in March that the awakening began, the turn of winter to summer.

That’s why spring was called Lyalya, and was depicted as a slender and young goddess, beautiful and bright.

This turning point period of the transition from winter to summer was of great importance for the ancient Slavs. It is on the spring equinox that Kolyada falls, which is always noisy and fun.

This tradition has survived to this day, but slightly modified.

Now they are more connected with Orthodox rituals, which are closely intertwined with ancient rituals and ceremonies.

In Bulgaria, on March 1, folk signs of spring were embodied in the holiday “Baba Marta”. Everyone puts on and gives martenitsa to each other. These are little things made from balls and tassels that are woven from white and red threads. According to signs, such talismans bring happiness and health to their owners.

The fact that March was the beginning of the year is also evidenced by the names of the months of the year. From Latin, September, October, November, December are translated as “seventh”, “eighth”, “ninth”, “tenth”. It is this sequence that confirms that March was first in the calculation.

Moreover, March was considered the beginning of the year not only by the Slavs, but also by the Egyptians, Persians, Jews, ancient Greeks, and Romans.

Even in biblical traditions, the Lord spoke about March:

“This month is the beginning of months for you; the first will be in the months of summer.”

In Rus', the year began in March until 1492. Subsequently, after the decree of Ivan III, the beginning of the year was moved to September.

And only under Peter I the year adopted the usual calculation for us and March became the 3rd month of the year.

Calendar of folk signs and traditions for March

The day in March remains and becomes equal in length to the night. Until March 17th is the turning point of winter.

March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.

March frosts are “hollow”, not real.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.

According to the astronomical calendar, until March 12, the Sun is located in Aquarius, after which it moves into Pisces.

The peasants also have a lot of troubles at this time. Very soon work will begin in the field and in the garden, for which you need to carefully prepare.

In the March heat, use a plow and a harrow.

There was enough trouble around the yard too. After all, it was in March that cattle began to breed. She now needed special care.

In March, the preparation of firewood began. The woodcutter continued until plowing. Afterwards there will be no time for this work. And the autumn firewood simply did not have time to dry out before winter.

The women also tried to collect March water, since melt water was considered healing.

March water is healing.

Short-term weather forecasts for March

In March there are quite a few signs that can help predict upcoming changes in weather conditions. We observed everything, the clouds and the wind, the month and the dawns, natural phenomena.

What the peasants were told about by natural phenomena, which were not so rare in March.

Thunder in early spring - before the cold.

Frequent fogs in March foreshadow good weather.

According to popular belief, a thunderstorm in March foretells a cold snap any day.

The clouds were no less informative, namely the direction of their movement and the height of their location.

The clouds are floating very high and quickly - the weather must be good.

The clouds are moving in one direction and quickly - it will be clear and warm.

Clouds are floating against the wind - expect bad weather.

The moon, as well as the dawn, could also suggest how weather conditions will change in the near future.

The moon faces down - the day will be warm.

The horns of the moon are steep and bright - for frost.

But the crimson dawns promised windy weather. If the cloudiness decreased in the evening, cloudy weather was to be expected, and if the wind died down, frosts were to be expected.

March folk signs about the weather

Many folk signs in March talk about what spring will be like.

Long icicles - spring will be long.

A lot of birch sap means spring will be warm.

If the snow began to melt in early March, it was believed that it would disappear quickly.

If the water doesn’t flow in March, then you shouldn’t expect grass in April either.

There is neither water in March nor grass in April.

But thunder with a north wind promised a cold and protracted spring.

When the east wind thunders, expect a warm and dry spring.

With a west wind, thunder promises a wet spring, and with a south wind, a warm one.

It is also worth dwelling on the signs telling about the weather in summer.

After all, the future harvest depends on the summer weather.

With lightning and no thunder in March, expect a dry summer without rain.

If there is a lot of fog in March, then summer will definitely be rainy.

Watch exactly how the snow melts. A wet summer promises rapid snow melting.

Snow melts quickly - leading to a wet summer.

The snow melts at midnight of ant heaps - for a long and warm summer.

The snow melts in the afternoon of ant heaps - for a short, cold summer.

Warm wind in March leads to a warm but rainy summer. If it is warm and clear in mid-March, the summer will be sunny and hot.

By all indications, early spring promises many bad weather days in the summer.

Rising groundwater and flooding are signs of pest invasion in summer.

Folk signs of March for children and adults about the harvest

Peasants began to worry about the future harvest long before sowing.

It was also a good idea to monitor the weather conditions in March in order to predict what the harvest would be like this year.

Dry and clear March - to grain fertility.

The ice lasts a long time, the water does not flow - it is a fine, fertile year.

A dry March is a harvest year, a rainy March is a lean year.

Dry March and wet May make good bread.

To learn about the harvest, they observed snowstorms, frosts, and snow crust.

The snow falls unevenly and undulatingly on the fields - the harvest will be for garden vegetables and spring grain.

Rare frosts at the beginning of spring promise large harvests.

When the surface of the snow is rough in the spring, it means a harvest, and when it is smooth, it means a crop failure.

March will bury, August will bury (the grain is buried in the ground and then put away in the bin).

We also watched how the snow fell and melted.

If during March snowstorms the snow falls on the fields unevenly, wavy, and in mounds, then garden vegetables and spring grains will be born well.

In March there will be a snowfall, then there will be a harvest for the gardener and an egg.

In March, the snow melts from the sun, then the coming summer will be fruitful.

If the snow melts from rain in March, you should expect a drought.

There is an interesting sign associated with icicles, which says that hollow icicles promise a full filling of bread, and a rich harvest. But the March thunderstorm promises a fertile year.

Weather forecast for March according to folk signs about animals and plants

Folk signs for March about the weather associated with animals and birds are quite diverse.

Titmouse songs promise several days of warm and sunny weather.

If bullfinches, cranes and great tits gather north at the same time and early, spring will be very early and very quickly.

The early arrival of rooks to old nests definitely coincides with a warm spring.

But if ducks have arrived, and they are fat and well-fed, expect a cold, long spring.

Geese fly high - there will be a lot of water, low - very little.

If there are a lot of cobwebs in the spring, the summer will be very hot.

And if mice appeared in March, the harvest this year will be poor.

The hares remain white and do not shed, the spring will be long, with frosts.

No less interesting are the signs in March associated with plants.

If the birch tree is pubescent forward, then this year’s summer will be dry, and if the maple tree is wet.

Birch will bloom earlier than alder in March, and the summer will be dry.

The alder will get ahead of the birch - the summer will be wet.

When the bark of trees cracks, and many of them at the same time, the weather will soon be clear and dry.

Early dandelions predict that summer will be very short this year.

Video: signs of March

What was March used to be called? Playing with words

March - zimobor, thawed grass, windblown, watercourse, rookery. That's what March used to be called.

Discuss with your child about where these names come from - what words they came from and what signs of spring in March are reflected in them.

  • What could the word “Zimobor” mean (does it take away the winter, or maybe it fights the winter?). This means that in March winter leaves us.
  • What does the name of the month “Protalnik” mean - what word is it similar to? Yes, from the word “thawed patch”. This means that there are thawed patches in March.
  • What else could you call March? Come up with your own names with your baby.

Examples creative tasks– games with words about March:

A. If there is a lot of water in March, then it can be called - what?(water carrier, water flow, water, water month and any other words that you come up with together). Such word creation teaches the child to analyze words, listen to them, develops the child’s linguistic sense and linguistic abilities, and his thinking.

B. If ice melts in March, what can it be called? Let's come up with our own names (you can come up with funny humorous words - children come up with the most different variants from “ice ice” or “ldotain” to “taelod” or “vodoled”, the main thing is that they compose, play with words and do it with pleasure!).

IN. If birds come to us in March, what can we call it?(bird month, bird flight, bird arrival and any other options).

G. If snow melts in March, what can it be called?

Similar tasks can be offered to children over five years old and, together with the kids, you can come up with your own names for different months, which would reflect the signs of this month.

What signs of the month are called in riddles?


Russian people say this: “In March there is winter both behind and in front.” What does this mean? (which means spring is fighting winter, winter doesn’t want to go away). There is a wonderful poem by Tyutchev on this topic about March - “Winter is angry for a reason” - let’s listen to it together. And with children 6 years old and older, you can learn it by heart. This is one of children's favorite classic poems about spring.

The modern name “March” was given to March by the Romans in honor of the god of war, Mars. The Old Russian name for March, “dry,” could mean that there is little precipitation this month.

Sayings about March

They talked about March and noted this:

  1. Don't worry, it's winter. Spring will come!
  2. In spring it flows from above and freezes from below.
  3. Autumn will give orders, and spring will come and say its own.
  4. In March, you’ll be able to drive in a trough (that means off-road).
  5. Martyushka will spin the turntable (which means there will still be wind).
  6. March is not faithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.
  7. February blows up the winter, and March breaks it.
  8. The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
  9. With a cold spring there is a hailstorm in the summer.
  10. March is not spring, but the pre-spring.
  11. In March there is water, in April there is grass.
  12. In March, day and night are equal and measured.
  13. If the water does not flow in March, the grass does not grow in April.
  14. At the beginning of March, sparrows select pairs for themselves.

Traditions of calling on spring in March

All folk traditions March were closely connected with the call of spring.

March 9 is the Day of the Finding of the Head of John the Baptist, and among the people - the Finding. On the Finding, the bird finds a nest. On this day, in many areas, birds were baked from dough and treated to their children and neighbors. The children went outside with the birds and planted them on trees.

It is about a man with the ancient name Prokop that a complex tongue twister was composed: “And under Prokop the dill boils. Even without Prokop, dill will boil.”

March 13 – Vasily – drip – drips from the roofs. There is always a thaw on this day.

Vasily - the drip gives drops, there will be drops - to good year! Icicles appeared on houses.

Assignment for children: tell your child riddles about icicles:

First riddle.

Ice Fringe
I decorated the houses.

Why are icicles compared to fringe (look at the fringe at home on interior items or in a store - what kind of fringe is there? How is an icicle similar to it?)

Second mystery.

A long nail hangs from the roof -
Cold, strong as bone,
But if the sun gets hot,
He'll burst into tears

How are an icicle and a nail similar? (strong, cold, long, thin). What is the difference? (the icicle melts from the sun, but the nail does not). What else does an icicle look like (a stick, carrot, pencil, etc.)

The third mystery.

Silver Carrot
It clung to the roof deftly.
Clinging to the cornice
And it grows downwards in winter.

How are carrots and icicles similar? How are they different?

March 14 - Avdotya - freckle or Evdokia - ivy. They also called it this way: wet the threshold, whistler, freckle, wet the hem.

Plyushchikha - from the word “flashes”. What is she squashing? What can get flattened in the spring? Of course, ice and snow. The snow becomes flattened and not fluffy as it was before in winter. The first thaw is coming.

According to the old calendar, Avdotya was on March 1 - i.e. it was the first day of spring. Therefore, many customs were associated with this day.

On this day we noticed what the weather was like. And they used it to judge the weather in the future.

Signs for this day:

  • The Evdokeys came and gave the peasant some idea: to sharpen the plow, to repair the harrow.
  • Avdotya - the freckle spring equips.
  • From Evdokia - the first thaw.
  • Evdokeya - long drops.
  • From Eudokea there are whirlwinds and blizzards.
  • And frost happens on Evdokeia.
  • As is Eudokea, so is summer.
  • It’s nicer on Evdokeya, and it’s been nicer all summer.
  • The wind breaks off from Evdokea - from there all summer.
  • Look at summer according to Eudokea: on Eudokea, snow with rain and a warm wind mean a wet summer, and frost and a north wind mean a cold summer.
  • On Evdokeia, snow is a harvest.
  • It’s cold on Evdokeia – it takes an extra two weeks to feed the cattle.
  • Evdokeia's day is red - there will be a harvest for cucumbers and milk mushrooms.

On this day, seedlings were planted. According to popular belief, seedlings sown in pots on this day will not suffer from frost. Usually cabbage was sown on Avdotya.

Women began to whitewash canvases, took up weaving and worked on it until sowing time.

On this day they brought branches from the forest and heated the house so that the spring would be warm. They were clearing snow from the roof of the house. And in the evening they noticed whether there were icicles on the roof - if there were, then the flax would grow excellent!

Spring March calls

They called to Evdokey - they called for spring. They said this:

Come, spring,
Spring is red
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy,
Yes with great mercy!
With tall flax,
With deep roots.
With plenty of bread!

What did this call mean? The flax harvest (discuss with your child why ice is needed), the bread harvest and the harvest of vegetables and fruits (the deep roots of the plants nourish them well, they develop well and bear fruit).

Spring is red!
What did you come with?
What did you come with?
On the bipod
On the harrow
On an oatmeal,
On a wheat pie.

Another version of the same nickname:

Come, spring,
Spring is red
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy,
Yes with great mercy!
With millet, with buckwheat,
With viburnum - raspberries,
With black currants
With pears, with apples,
With every garden,
With azure flowers,
With a grass-ant.

Learn one of the nicknames with your baby and call for spring on a walk. Very often nature responds to children and... suddenly the sun comes out. The kids are very happy about this and sincerely believe that it was they who called spring and the sun.

Idea hint: toHow to learn the spring call is interesting, easy and fun. To make it more interesting for children, create a game situation.

  • Draw a yellow circle at the top of the album sheet - this is the sun. The white field is snow.
  • Sketch two figures on a separate sheet of paper – winter and spring.
  • Cut it out. Place them side by side on a leaf - winter stands next to spring and does not want to leave. We need to help spring! \
  • Each repetition of the chant is one ray from the sun that drives winter away (winter “takes” one step away from spring, she is afraid of this ray - the child says the chant, and we draw a ray towards winter, she runs away from the ray). Our task is to drive winter away. And for this you will have to repeat the call more than once.
  • This technique is very convenient when learning chants with a group of children. Then each child makes his contribution to the common cause - to help spring and the sun.
  • First, the adult says the beginning of the phrase, and the baby finishes it. Then the baby repeats individual lines from the chant himself. If you remember it while walking, he will remember it quickly enough.

In March, the first birds arrive home. The first heralds of spring are rooks, starlings and larks.

March 17 – Gerasim – rookery. On this day, rookies baked (a dough head was attached to a dough cake, coals were placed instead of eyes, and feathers were stuck into the sides). The resulting birds were rooks. The rooks arrive and return to their homeland.

  • Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
  • The rook pecked all winter.
  • Gerasim the rookery brought the rooks.
  • I saw a rook - welcome spring!
  • If the rooks have settled on their nests, then after three weeks they can go out to sow.

The rooks are flying towards us at the same speed as the spring front is moving towards us - 50 km per day.

March 18 – Konon is a gardener, Konon is a farmer. They soak seeds for sowing, replace rotten tubs, and prepare greenhouses. They start digging the gardens.

In the ancient monthly books they wrote: “Even if it is winter on the day of Konon Gradar, start plowing the garden. And just remember this day, the garden will certainly be good, and there will be plenty of vegetables.”

March 20 – Magpies, day spring equinox- a day when day and night are equal. And according to the church calendar, these are 40 martyrs of Sebaste. IN folk calendar- Magpies.

40 birds are making their way to Rus'. They made 40 birds from dough and distributed them. Made from dough by the whole family together with the children. You will learn more about spring ritual cookies in this video, and also learn how to make one of these types of cookies.

How children bake birds and where this holiday came from, why they bake larks - you will find a very detailed explanation in the video of one of the Sunday schools

Birds were baked in all regions of Russia, but they were called differently: larks, rooks, waders, cheepers, grouse, birdhouses, rooks, canaries.

They baked them from Lenten dough, dressed them up and decorated them, tied ribbons to them, and smeared them with honey. The birds were tied to poles (so that they seemed to “fly” on a string), planted on bushes and large trees, carried with them outside and called out:
- Larks - larks,
Come and visit us
Bring it to us
Spring is red,
I'm tired of winter.

I ate all the bread!

They also treated the birds to cookies but did not eat them all themselves.

Give the kids cookies - larks, they said:

- The larks flew in and sat on the children’s heads.

The children, having received the larks, ran outside and played with them all day. And in the evening they ate it. They threw them up and caught them, put them on their heads, held them in their hands, stuck them on sticks and ran with them. They tried to raise the birds higher; to do this they climbed onto the roofs of barns, fences, and trees. Sometimes they put larks on a stack and knocked them down with their hats - imitating the arrival.

They tied the cookies to a pole with strings and, swinging the pole so that the larks flew, they said:
Lark - lark,
It's winter for you, but it's summer for us!

You have a sleigh, and we have a cart!

How to Bake Larks with Kids Dough recipe for larks.

Initially, larks were intended to attract real birds and for animals, not for food. And since their baking took place during Lent, the dough was kneaded with lean dough: using water made from rye flour. Sample recipe:

Flour and salt were poured into a bowl. Water (preferably lukewarm) was poured into the depression in the center of the slide and mixed thoroughly. The dough should be cool, pleasant to the touch, soft, have a pleasant color and smell, and mold well. If it sticks to your hands, add vegetable oil. Sometimes they add a little to the dough baking soda for its looseness. Make larks and dry them in the oven. Eyes can be made from raisins.

Another cookie - crosses - was baked from the same dough. Patterns - crosses - were applied to the surface of the cross with a fork; raisins or dried raspberries, blueberries, and currants were pressed into the centers (they were arranged in a cross). Crosses were also decorated with dots - they can be applied with a match or a toothpick (symbol of a sown field).

Now they bake larks with sour cream. And with butter - but the traditional dough is completely different, because... During Lent they did not bake from such products.

Arrival of birds in March. Rhyming game.

The children also called out to other birds: try not to read the entire text to the child, but ask him to come up with the ending of the phrase himself. This develops the child's sense of rhythm and rhyme and verbal creativity. Come up with your own nicknames about other birds, for example, titmouse - titmouse, bring... (mittens).

- LarksOnki - larks, come!
Bring the red spring!
Take away the cold winter!
Jackdaws - jackdaws, bring...? (stick)!
Doves - doves,
Bring each... (ball),
Cuckoos - cuckoos,
Bring me a skein,
Tits, tits,
Bring along.. (knitting needle),
Tap dancers, tap dancers,
Bring each... (brush),
Ducks, ducks,
Play... (pipes)

They also said this: As many thawed patches as there are larks.

Listen to the lark sing. And if you hear this singing in the forest and see a lark, show it to your baby. The lark can often be seen, but we do not recognize him, since the outfit of this famous “singer” is very modest.

Signs about birds and their arrival to their homeland

  • The lark flies to the warmth, and the finch to the cold.
  • The crane flew in and brought warmth.
  • The seagull has arrived - the ice will soon pass.
  • The crane on its tail brought the wagtail - an icebreaker.
  • I saw a starling, you know - spring is on the porch.
  • The rook - to the thawed patch, the starling - to the clearing.

In March, not only the feathered singers fly to us, but the first babies of animals and birds appear. The first nest is with the mother, a crow; she sits on the nest in March; other birds have not yet laid eggs. And the hare also has an addition to her family - little bunnies were born - nastovichkas. Why are they called that? From the word “nast” - they appear when there is still snow and on the snow - crust. These are very strong bunnies that can withstand even March frosts.

  • Alexey - spill a jug from every snowdrift.
  • Equip a cart for Alexey (the sleigh will no longer fit).
  • There is water from the mountains on Alexey. And the fish start leaving the camp from the winter quarters (the fish are mostly found near the coast, especially where springs of melt water flow).

On this day we will play fontanelle and boats with the children.

Folk games with children in March

Spring outdoor game “Spring”

We stand on one side of the stream one after another, clasping the person in front with both hands around the waist. And we say:

The fontanel overflowed, the golden horn - Wow!
The spring water spilled, white, snowy - wow!
Through mosses, through swamps, through rotten logs - wow!

After this, they jump together to the other edge of the stream (you need to jump over the stream). You can draw a stream on the ground (children are not allowed to jump on the asphalt - see article).

Playing with boats

And also - the time has come to launch boats in spring streams and puddles. We lower the boat into the puddle (the boat can be made from a plank, paper, wood chips, cardboard, shell walnut) and we say:

Blow - blow, breeze, from west to east!
Drive the ship to the great river!

In March they held round dances on the hills and mounds. This is also the month of traditional spring outdoor games - for example, playing burners.

Spring traditional game “Burners”

Players join hands to form pairs. Couples stand in a column. A “burner” stands in front, a few steps from the column. In his hands is a bright scarf.

The players say or sing:

Burn - burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out,
Look at the sky, the birds are flying,
The bells are ringing.

As soon as the song ends, the last couple opens their hands and scatters along the stream, running one by one towards the burner, trying to take his handkerchief. The first one who succeeds is left with a scarf in the role of a burner. The other two form a pair and stand in front of the column.

An interesting collection of spring games, fairy tales, logical riddles about spring, activities with children awaits you in the articles:

- educational stories, logic problems about animals in spring for children in pictures and tasks.
Games, poems, educational tasks about spring for children, observations while walking, logic puzzles and experiments, speech exercises, physical education minutes, pictures, riddles.


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