The nail turned blue from the impact, what should I do?  What to do if a nail is bruised and how to avoid peeling

The nail turned blue from the impact, what should I do? What to do if a nail is bruised and how to avoid peeling

Bruises occupy a leading place among all injuries, since by nature a person is endowed with activity. Blows to the fingers or toes are no exception, especially since their structure is quite fragile and when injured, it is often observed that the nail turns black. It’s not difficult to get bruised fingers: this can be caused by physical labor, falling a heavy object on the limb, exposure to the force of an impact, and many other circumstances lead to the nail turning black.

When a finger or toe is hit, damage is often observed nail plate. The blow threatens with such a condition that after the bruise the nail turns black, and there is a change in its shape and even detachment. In addition to the fact that the aesthetic appearance of the finger is disrupted, because it has turned black, and symptoms of severe pain appear, there is a threat of complete loss of the nail. In this case, it takes more than one week, and even a month, to return the nail to its original appearance.

Causes of blackening

If the nail feels the force of an impact or pinching, then after this a change in its color occurs. Most often it turns black or takes on a dark blue tint. In practice, a condition often occurs when, after an impact, skin an extensive bruise forms. The same process occurs inside the nail. When there is a traumatic impact on the nail plate, internal bleeding is observed - the presence of a hematoma, and this leads to the nail turning black.

The nail does not always change color at the same time; sometimes it takes about 10 minutes, and sometimes several hours. At first it happens that he turns blue, and as time passes, he turns completely black. It all depends on factors such as the force of impact and pinching, first aid and the physiological characteristics of the human body. due to a blow, this condition is accompanied by severe pain. This is due to the fact that the finger has a developed system of nerve endings and blood vessels.

If the finger is injured, then the hemorrhage process not only changes color when the finger turns black, but also causes symptoms of pain at the site of the injury.

Also, the nail plate itself begins to rise up and peel off. This is due to the fact that blood accumulates under the nail, which puts pressure on it, and if a bruise or blow occurs after exposure to a sharp or thin object, then a defect occurs in the nail plate itself.

Principles of first aid

If you receive an injury in the form of a blow or pinching, there are generally accepted algorithms for providing first aid. If the finger is not fractured and the nail is not peeled off, but has turned black, then you can begin to provide assistance at home.

It has long been known that applying cold is necessary to relieve pain and reduce swelling after an impact. This is especially necessary if the nail immediately turns black. It is worth remembering that in field conditions the finger must be protected from sudden movements, since the possibility of a fracture cannot be ruled out. Moreover, an injured nail, despite its small size, causes severe, intense pain.

If it is possible and there is no open bleeding, then it is necessary to apply pressure to the finger cold water.

This will narrow the blood vessels and stop internal bleeding. It is useful to do this so that the nail does not turn black. Water can be replaced with a cold object or ice. Keeping ice for more than 10-15 minutes is not recommended, as there remains a danger of frostbite, which is even more dangerous than bruising. When intense pain is present and the nail is very black, you can apply the cold again after a ten-minute break.

In situations where there is an open wound, bleeding or abrasion, it is necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment. The finger can be lubricated with iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and then apply a sterile or clean bandage. If the nail begins to peel off after a blow and becomes very black, then it needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

The full plate procedure is performed in a sterile hospital environment. It is not recommended to fix the nail plate with an adhesive plaster, since its subsequent removal can cause traumatic effects and tearing of the plate.

There are several options for treating a damaged nail after a blow and other injuries, but only a doctor can determine the exact algorithm.

Symptoms of pain and blackening may indicate a fracture or dislocation. You may take painkillers before arriving at the hospital. Drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ketorol, Ibuprofen) and analgesics (Analgin, Citramon) are effective for pain relief.


If the nail turns black and the finger is swollen, then diagnostic procedures are required. To do this, the doctor prescribes an X-ray examination, after which treatment is determined. In most cases, when the nail turns black, therapy is carried out at home.

For a speedy recovery, you need to follow these basic recommendations:

  1. Protect the damaged finger from injury and stress.
  2. Apply medicinal ointments and compresses.
  3. Trim the nail in a timely manner.

In order for the finger and nail to recover faster after an impact, it is of great importance folk methods treatment. To do this, you can make baths with saline and soda solutions. To prepare the bath, take one teaspoon of soda or one tablespoon of salt and dissolve one of the ingredients in a liter of warm water. It is necessary to keep the damaged finger in the solution for 10 minutes. This procedure is carried out two or three times on the first and second days after the impact. When the nail becomes very black, there is a risk of infection. To avoid it, antibiotic ointments are applied, for example, take Levomekol. The ointment bandage should be changed twice a day.

Also, if the nail and finger turn black due to a blow, the use of heparin ointment is effective. It has absorbable properties to reduce hematoma. For symptoms of pain, a solution of Novocaine or Lidocaine applied to the wound with a cotton swab helps.

In the absence of open wounds, you can use castor oil, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

If after an impact there is a threat of nail detachment, then it must be removed. It is not recommended to perform the procedure at home. This process is fraught with infection or incomplete removal. In situations where it is not possible to seek medical help, removal is carried out with treated instruments, clean hands and gloves, followed by bandaging with sterile material.

When there is no threat of detachment, but the nail has become very black after a blow, and the hematoma is squeezing the finger, it is necessary to remove the accumulated blood. In such cases, the doctor punctures and removes blood with a special instrument. After the procedure, aseptic dressings using antibiotic ointment and, if necessary, analgesic therapy are prescribed.

In the future, when healing the nail after a blow, you need to trim its edges in a timely manner, creating a correct and beautiful shape. It is important to avoid re-injury.

In our lives, bruises occur quite often. Sometimes people already notice the result of an accidental blow, but are unable to remember the actual moment of injury: a large bruise, a feeling of pain in the injured area. Seeing that the bones and skin are intact, we are in no hurry to call a doctor for help: a minor bruise goes away on its own, without additional treatment. Let's consider the procedure if the bruise occurs on the big toe nail.

Depending on the severity of the injury, pain manifests itself in different ways. If the injury is minor, a bruised toenail causes mild discomfort when walking, manifested by periodic mild pain. If the bruise is severe, the pain will begin to make movement difficult; the bruise is accompanied by extensive swelling.

If there is no severe pain, the bones in the leg are intact, perhaps there is a need to simply turn to traditional medicine: apply lotions - the discomfort will go away. If there is acute pain, the nail plate is unnaturally bluish, there may be rejection of the nail plate and deformation of the finger - you should consult a doctor immediately.

There are 4 degrees of severity of bruises:

  • The first degree is characterized by minor scratches and intact skin. There is no need to see a doctor; symptoms disappear within a few days before complete recovery;
  • the second degree is characterized by bruises (hematomas) and slight swelling of the bruised area;
  • the third degree of bruise is characterized by serious tissue damage, hematomas, severe swelling of the damaged area; dislocation often occurs;
  • fourth degree bruise - severe swelling, cracks, fracture, less often - dislocation; musculoskeletal function in the bruised area is completely disrupted.

A bruised toenail occurs mainly due to:

  1. A heavy object falling from a height.
  2. People who lead an active lifestyle and athletes often suffer from such bruises (during running, active training).
  3. Failure to comply with personal safety rules when, due to negligence, a blow to a hard object falls on the forefoot (a blow to a bed, a door frame, the leg of a chair or table, or other objects). Often the injury occurs in the summer: when you have open shoes on your feet, it is easy to hit a stick or a stone.
  4. Slippery surface - common reason damage to the toe and nail (polished parquet floor, wet floor, slippery tiles, ice).

Symptoms of a bruised nail

Symptoms of a bruised nail plate are characterized by:

  1. A sharp throbbing pain under the nail occurs immediately after injury.
  2. Gradually, the pain goes away, but as the swelling increases, it appears again, as if the finger is bursting with pain.
  3. Swelling occurs 1-2 hours after injury.
  4. Change in color of the nail plate: blue, even blackening. If the injury is weak, a bruise under the nail plate will appear immediately; if deep areas of tissue are damaged, the hematoma will appear only on the second, even on the third day. The absence of a change in nail color is not a reason to refuse treatment.
  5. The main difference between a bruise and a fracture is the ability to move a finger immediately after the bruise. When swelling appears on the finger, a hematoma forms under the nail, it is difficult to determine, but in the first minutes after injury, mobility will be maintained.

How to provide first aid and relieve pain for a toenail injury

What to do if there is damage to the toenail, but there is no way to quickly get to the emergency room? In case of bruising of the big toe and nail plate, remember: if treatment is started on time, it is possible to relieve swelling, relieve pain and avoid serious complications. When providing first aid, it is important to perform the following steps in sequence:

Subsequent treatment is carried out with medication; in simple cases, it is permissible to resort to the help of traditional medicine. If the bruise is complex, with a tear in the nail plate or detachment, doctors have the right to resort to surgical intervention. Rehabilitation is carried out more often with the help of physical procedures, in particular magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, UHF, which help the damaged tissues to recover and promote the resorption of hematomas.

What to do if your big toe nail is detached

If the nail plate is torn during a bruise, actions are performed according to the rules:

  1. You can't tear off your nail. This additional opportunity infection in the wound, increased pain and bleeding.
  2. Wash the wound with lidocaine spray, it is permissible to use a novocaine solution (at first it will begin to sting strongly, then the pain will subside).
  3. Carefully attach the torn part of the nail to the nail bed, securing it with a bandage or adhesive tape.
  4. In the future, use ointments that promote wound healing (in the absence of a fracture).

How to cure a bruised nail at home

If there is no doctor nearby, there are many ways to help the victim at home. However, it is possible to treat a bruised big toe yourself if there is clear confidence: there are no fractures or other complications. Otherwise, complications will lead to long-term rehabilitation (several months) or lameness.

If you have the symptoms described, you should immediately seek medical help, otherwise you may develop serious complications and even lose a limb:

  • severe swelling of the finger;
  • increased bruising under the nail;
  • the nail plate began to turn black;
  • purulent discharge appeared under the nail plate;
  • there is redness of the skin around the nail;
  • the finger became hot;
  • body temperature rose.

If these symptoms are not present, treatment folk remedies You can start a day after injury to the nail plate of the toe. Folk healers call celandine, plantain, chamomile, calendula and wormwood. These herbs have antiseptic and analgesic properties. Treatment of a bruised nail plate with infusions, lotions, and decoctions based on the indicated herbs are allowed:

  • Lotion: take vegetable oil, water (boiled) and table vinegar in a ratio of 1:1:1, beat everything; apply to the injured finger and nail as a compress, moistening a piece of cotton or flannel, apply to the sore spot, apply plastic on top, bandage, remove as the pain subsides.
  • Herbal compress: take 1 tablespoon each of celandine, wormwood, plantain and calendula, mix, brew the herbal mixture in one glass of water. Drain the water and apply the cake as a compress to the affected area of ​​the finger. Leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the compress.
  • Plantain compress: with inside remove the top layer of the leaf, rub the leaf a little so that more juice comes out, apply to the bruised area as a compress, changing the leaf every 15-20 minutes until the pain subsides.

Timely consultation with a doctor, correct diagnosis and treatment as prescribed by the doctor in combination with folk remedies will quickly help you forget about the injury.

A bruised fingernail or toenail is the most common type of traumatic injury. It is important to know how to help a person with this injury and what treatment will be required. This will speed up the process of recovery and recovery, and prevent the development of unwanted complications.

A nail bruise is accompanied by damage to the nail plate, extensive hematoma and pain. The nail can be injured by impacts, pinching, or sports training. People often injure the nail plate on the foot as a result of falling, hitting their foot on a hard object, or wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes.

The cause of this damage can also be simply a slippery surface. According to statistics, the most common bruise is the nail of the thumb.

How does it manifest?

When a nail plate is bruised, victims experience sharp pain, with a tendency to increase. In addition, according to doctors, the following clinical symptoms are characteristic of this damage:

  • Swelling;
  • Redness of the skin of the finger;
  • Hemorrhage in the subungual area with concomitant hematoma formation;
  • Detachment of the nail plate.

A bruised nail often acquires a frightening bluish color and then turns black, and the sensitivity of the nail plate decreases. Such manifestations are caused by impaired circulatory processes.

With severe bruises, if you do not provide the victim with timely, competent assistance, the likelihood of developing very unfavorable consequences increases, including deformation of the nail plate, partial or complete rejection of the nail.

When a toenail is injured, a person experiences discomfort when walking or wearing shoes. As a rule, after two days the bruised nail plate begins to turn yellow as a result of the death of damaged cellular structures. The patient experiences severe pain. Sometimes such injuries are even accompanied by painful shock and fainting, and attacks of headaches.


Some patients are extremely careless about nail bruises, and completely in vain. In case of serious injuries and lack of adequate treatment, the following complications may develop:

  • Development of inflammation;
  • Infectious processes;
  • Suppuration;
  • Rejection and deformation of the nail plate.

Therefore, it is important to provide the victim with first aid correctly and seek advice from a qualified specialist. Indeed, sometimes this kind of bruise is accompanied by a broken finger and other dangerous injuries that are difficult to diagnose independently.

How to help?

What to do if you bruise your fingernail? Cooling the bruised finger will help alleviate the victim’s condition and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. An ice compress and immersing the nail under running cold water are suitable for these purposes. As a rule, cold reduces swelling and relieves pain. If the pain is very severe and the victim is on the verge of shock, you can give him an analgesic.

What to do if you bruise your toenail? In addition to the first aid measures listed above, it is recommended to lay the victim down and raise the leg with the injured toe slightly upward to ensure normal blood flow. Be sure to remove the person’s shoes and socks.

If the bruise is accompanied by damage to the skin, then they must be treated with an antiseptic solution to prevent the further development of infectious processes.

Darkening of the bruised nail and adjacent skin indicates serious damage that threatens subsequent rejection.

In this case, it is necessary to apply iodine solution to the darkened areas, fix them with an adhesive plaster and deliver the victim to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Treatment methods

Treatment for a bruised fingernail begins with eliminating the extensive hematoma, which causes severe pain to the victim. The surgeon carefully makes a small puncture in the damaged nail plate, through which the accumulated blood is removed.

An injured toenail is treated in the same way. The hanging edge is carefully trimmed and then fixed with adhesive tape. This procedure allows you to alleviate the general condition when walking.

In any case, a bruise requires rest and limitation of physical activity. Patients are advised to walk as little as possible and wear comfortable, open-toed shoes if possible.

To eliminate severe pain, painkillers may be recommended to the victim. Further treatment includes the use of ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory and warming effects. Heparin ointment will help get rid of hematoma and edema. It is recommended to apply cotton swabs with this remedy to the injured area 2-3 times throughout the day.

Compresses with Dimexide and Novocaine give a good effect. To prepare them, you need to add 50 ml of Novocaine to 200 ml of Dimexide. A piece of gauze is soaked in the resulting solution, the compress is applied to the damaged nail, covered with polyethylene, fixed with a bandage and left to act overnight.

Folk recipes

As a method of auxiliary therapy for a bruised nail plate, you can also use folk remedies, you just need to coordinate their use with your doctor. The most effective and easily implemented recipes include the following:

  1. Salt baths help relieve swelling and accelerate healing. To prepare the solution, add a spoonful of salt and soda to a glass of warm water and mix. Immerse the injured finger in the bath and hold until the water cools completely.
  2. A compress of wine and vinegar helps eliminate pain and restore the nail plate. To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of table vinegar with a glass of wine, add a spoonful of salt, and mix well. Use the resulting solution for medicinal compresses and lotions, preferably before going to bed.
  3. Bodyaga - excellent remedy in the fight against bruises. Make a stretchy dough from water and bodyaga powder. Make a small cake out of it and apply it to the injured nail. Leave until completely dry.
  4. Onion compress. A small onion should be finely chopped, the resulting pulp should be applied to the damaged area, covered with polyethylene, and secured with a bandage or plaster. The optimal exposure time is about half an hour.

A bruised toenail or hand nail is an injury that is accompanied by severe pain and can lead to the development of unwanted complications. Competent first aid, compliance with medical recommendations, the use of ointments, compresses and traditional medicine recipes in combination with restriction of physical activity will give good results and help the nail plate to recover as quickly and fully as possible.

Anna 01.04.2018 14:53
I read the reviews - I was inspired and went to pierce the nail, but no liquid came out (I made 3 even punctures at the root), the finger continues to pulsate terribly, please help me with advice on what to do? I haven’t slept all night, and on Monday there’s a very important event that I’ve been waiting for for a very long time and have to be there ((((((((((((((
Yesterday and the day before yesterday I walked for 7 hours, as a result, today when I was driving home I felt that I had “snapped myself” thumb right leg (it had already gone away before) and I arrived at 11, lay down and couldn’t sleep from the pain... I don’t know what to do anymore... I’m in another country, I don’t know the doctors here at all, the medicine is also only iodine with If you eat it, I smear it on it and pour it with cold water...

Danil 23.10.2017 16:15
Having placed the motorcycle on the stand, I accidentally ran it over my big toe (there was a hole in this place, and therefore the motorcycle rode back a little more to where the stand joined the hill). There was almost no pain, my face didn’t even show that anything had happened. An hour later the finger was already swollen and painful. Oh, this pain from the pulsation of blood, everyone knows it. The entire nail turned black. Neither cold nor ointments helped at all. Around the fifth day I freaked out. The pain was simply terrible... And by the way, the fingers smelled like rotten meat, a corpse, the blood was already rotting there, it was a terrible smell. I just took it and pressed it on my swollen finger. It was incredibly painful. It broke in two places and black blood began to come out... Lord, I have never felt anything like this. Soon the nail began to peel off, let a new one grow)) Some people pierce it, and some are stupid and squeeze it out!

Margarita 19.10.2017 21:07
Thank you very much for the article and comments! Last night I dropped a heavy glass lid on its edge on my big toe, the pain was so bad that I couldn’t put it into words. I stayed up until five thirty in the morning, found this article, got up and went to pierce my nail. It really didn’t hurt, but it immediately became easier and by six I fell asleep!!! Today, thank God, it is much better, thank you everyone!

Irina 29.08.2017 23:15
I mowed down almost the entire first knuckle of my finger with a lawnmower. Well, I got a good surgeon, cleaned everything out, both the grass and the crushed bone. Maybe it will help someone; For the first 6-7 days, treat with fucorcin and apply Vishnevsky ointment together with Levomikol. Then only fukaruin and Levomikol

Vladimir 06.10.2016 03:18
Thanks for the advice, it helped a lot, it didn’t work out with the hot needle, I tried it several times - as they say, my hand doesn’t rise... But still, I made a hole with a sewing needle at an angle, as if tangentially, pressed and scrolled quietly, as soon as the needle went through the nail, dark blood came out of the hole, it immediately became easier, then in this way I made several holes nearby, and what is typical, from each such hole came out its own portion of dark blood, it became very easy, the wild pain and pulsation receded immediately... .!!!

Vlad 24.12.2015 21:48
I carefully “drilled” the nail with a syringe needle and the pain immediately went away.

Mermaid 19.11.2015 14:18
Yes, I forgot to write: I didn’t get my nail pierced. My nail plate at the root began to move away a little (raised a little) a month after the injury, and just towards the end of my treatment, I began to notice that after a bath (that is, when my legs were steamed), from this “hole” the blood came out on its own. This is probably why the nail stopped being blue.

Mermaid 19.11.2015 14:09
I’ll tell you my story about a bruised big toe, or rather even a bruised toenail, in case it comes in handy for someone.
In August of this year, I dropped a bag of... glass bottle. The pain was so sharp and strong that my vision went dark. The next day, the finger began to swell and throb terribly. I went to the emergency room, I thought it was definitely a crack or fracture, because it hurt VERY badly, I could only walk in slippers with open toes, limping as if my whole leg was broken)) There was no damage in the picture, thank God. The traumatologist said that the pain was so intense because the blow fell precisely on the root of the nail. He told me to treat it with chlorhexidine, apply a breathable Cosmopore bandage with ointment (levomekol), and do this procedure morning and evening. The first 3-4 days after the injury were absolute hell; I would never have thought that because of some simple bruised nail I would literally not be able to sleep at night. I took a bag, put ice in it, lay down and put it on my finger, it became a little easier, but falling asleep was impossible (even though I’m a natural groundhog in life, I fall asleep easily and naturally anywhere and anytime). On the 5th day it became really easier - I finally fell asleep at night. I continued the treatment, still walking around in slippers (I couldn’t fit into any shoes, sandals or sneakers). The nail has become halfway from the root of blue color, it got darker every day. About 10 days after the injury I was able to put on normal shoes. The blueness disappeared from my finger within a month, I was even surprised that it happened so quickly. As soon as I brought my finger to mind and all hints of swelling and redness on the skin passed, I stopped treatment (this took about a month). Over time, the nail plate began to recede. And the other day it fell off on its own (it hardly hurt, I’m glad it fell off because the nail kept clinging to something). Under the fallen off nail, a new one grows, though it’s not perfectly straight, but I believe that the crooked one will grow back later, and in its place there will be a straight one. From the beginning of August to the end of November, the new nail grew by almost half. It doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing yet (on half of it there is no nail bed, just skin), but in 3-4 months the remaining part should grow back and there will be a full-fledged nail.
Such a detailed report. So if the same thing happened to anyone, don’t worry, the pain will go away and the nail will grow (and they scared me that it might not grow).

Tatiana 30.07.2015 08:51
Many thanks to the author for the comment. I seriously hurt my finger. The nail immediately turned black and there was a laceration on the finger. There was practically no bleeding at all. I went to the emergency room. The doctor examined him and sent me for an X-ray; there was no fracture. I treated the wound and told him to bandage it at home. Day and there was terrible pain at night. The finger was swollen and the pulsation gave me no rest.. I came to the emergency room again in the morning, but they told me that I didn’t need to apply anything. On the third day, I simply went crazy from the pain. Only the tincture of the beaver jet saved me. for a while, the pain and swelling did not pulsate. Then I began to look for self-medication on the Internet. I read that you need to pierce the nail with a heated needle. Which I did in several places. Dark blood immediately began to come out. Of course, I began to squeeze it out. Then I treated it with a stream of beaver and applied it with it bandage. The finger felt better and the pulsation and pain stopped. I will wait for improvement.

Vladimir 08.07.2015 19:43
I caught my finger in a door, almost the entire nail immediately turned black and began to hurt unbearably. , After 15 minutes of rinsing under cold water, it became a little easier. In the morning I went to the surgeon, who, without thinking twice, decided to pierce the nail. They squeezed out a little blood, bandaged it, took analgesics... But the doctor said that the nail would probably come off anyway... I don’t know what to do, I’m just worried that the finger is on my hand, and since I do active sports, I need to will adapt to increased attention and protection of this finger from injury...

No one is immune from minor household injuries. Most often they manifest themselves in the form of bruises on the fingers or toes, which quickly results in a bruise under the nail. It is usually accompanied by severe pain and unpleasant consequences, including temporary loss of the nail plate.

To alleviate the condition after injury, as well as to avoid serious damage to the nail, it is important to know and be able to provide first aid both to yourself and to another person.

Firstly, you need to pull yourself together and not panic, an emotional outburst will definitely not help in this matter, it will be much more effective to quickly stop a possible hemorrhage caused by a blow, and thereby minimize the risk of hematoma formation. Cold is the best way to do this. The injured finger must be immediately placed under running cold water or ice applied to it (other cold objects will also work). You should keep your finger cold for at least a quarter of an hour, during which time the blood vessels will narrow and relieve the acute bursting pain.

Secondly, to prevent infection of the injured area of ​​the finger, and possibly the nail, it is necessary to treat the wound with any antiseptic. This can be a solution of hydrogen peroxide, ordinary iodine, brilliant green, etc.

Third, if the resulting bruise of a fingernail or toenail was severe, in order to avoid swelling of the hand or foot, it is necessary to apply an iodine mesh to the skin and be sure to apply a tight, compressive bandage or adhesive plaster to the bruised nail. This technique will help minimize the risk of nail rejection, which occurs by increasing the volume of the hematoma under the nail plate, raising it.

Fourth, you should definitely make sure that the injured finger is just a bruise and there is no fracture of the phalanges. This can be done by trying to bend and straighten your finger and fist as a whole several times. If similar physical exercise cause severe pain, it is imperative to seek qualified help at the nearest emergency room.

It is important to know

Even if there is no fracture, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor. If a severe hematoma forms, it is necessary to perform a minor surgical intervention and, using a thin, sharp, sterile object, make a small hole in the nail plate and thus release the accumulated blood. Often, such manipulation helps protect the nail from rejection and significantly improves the healing process.

In the event that going to the doctor for some reason is impossible, and the resulting bruise under the nail hurts unbearably, you can carry out a similar procedure yourself, only for this you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene. First, you need to wash your hands and treat the bruised nail with any antiseptic, then heat a regular sewing needle over a fire and carefully make the desired hole with it, release the blood and treat the nail again with iodine or peroxide to avoid infection.


If sterility is not observed, such a procedure may well result in serious complications with the most unpredictable consequences (including blood poisoning and loss of a limb).

If your nail turns black from a blow: how to treat and restore it

After first aid is provided, the injured finger and nail may require further treatment.

  1. First of all, you should provide complete rest to the bruised area, give up any physical activity for a while and try to walk as little as possible if we are talking about a severe bruise of the toenail. In addition, the arm or leg should be kept suspended for some time to ensure proper blood flow and thereby reduce pain.
  2. In addition, in order to avoid re-injury of the diseased area, you should protect it with a bandage or adhesive plaster. When it comes to a toenail, try to wear loose, open-toe shoes.
  3. For quick and painless healing, if you receive a bruise to the nail plate, if possible, treat the nail and finger well with a natural emulsion of castor oil, which has strong antiseptic and healing properties, and continue to do this until complete recovery.
  4. You can also use ordinary badyagu in the treatment and healing of an injured nail, which is sold in any pharmacy in the form of a ready-made ointment or powder. The latter should be diluted with boiled water to obtain a consistency similar to hard dough, form it into a cake and apply it to the place where the black spot under the nail is visible. The badyaga must dry completely, after which it can be easily removed from the surface of the nail plate.
  5. If the nail turns black from a blow, it may be necessary to help the subungual hematoma resolve as quickly as possible. In this case, heparin ointment will help. It has a powerful antithrombotic effect and must be applied to the injured nail 3 times a day until the condition of the nail improves.
  6. With severe swelling and constant pain You can apply a compress of a solution of dimexide (0.25%) and novocaine in a ratio of 1:3 to the site of the injury. It is necessary to thoroughly moisten a gauze pad in the solution and apply it for 30-40 minutes. To prevent the compress from moving, it is better to secure it with a bandage.
  7. Having discovered that the blue nail still comes off after a blow, it is necessary to provide it with proper care, namely, carefully cut off the nail piece by piece after detaching it from the nail fold using nail scissors or tweezers. At the same time, it is important not to rush, so as not to touch soft living tissues and thus not cause additional injuries to yourself.

If the process of treating a bruised nail did not give the desired result, but, on the contrary, aggravated the situation. For example, it is observed