Is femininity necessary in the modern world?  What adds femininity?  A feminine woman - what she is like.

Is femininity necessary in the modern world? What adds femininity? A feminine woman - what she is like.

What is femininity?

Of course, this is the basis of a woman’s happiness and value. Only a feminine woman can be happy, and only with a feminine woman can a man be happy. And the value of such a woman is great not only for men, but also for the world as a whole, because it is such a woman who is able to inspire men to great achievements, raise harmonious children and influence life, and sometimes even the course of history.

The image of femininity is like a set of nesting dolls - each of them is equally important, because each is part of a holistic image. If you lose at least one, the integrity will be broken, even if it is not noticeable at first glance.

Our first matryoshka - appearance. A real woman should be able to dress beautifully, master the issues of style and look in a way that pleases the eye. Moreover, you need to look not just beautiful, but FEMININE.

That's why, real woman prefers feminine clothes - I mean dresses and skirts. Yes, it is in a dress that a woman looks most harmonious, because it corresponds to her nature. A man is not interested in seeing his likeness in a woman, and a woman in pants will almost always cause subconscious aggression in a man as a competitor vying for his place. A woman in a dress gives rise to different feelings, because her appearance carries different information - here she does not compete, but complements, does not take away, but brings. And she brings her feminine organicness, which makes a man want to be a man.

But this is the external plane, the physics of femininity. Next comes metaphysics, the energy of femininity, that which cannot be touched, only felt, that without which this whole fetish, even polished to a gloss, cannot be revived.

The inner dimension of femininity is the attitude towards men.
And although feminists are now throwing stones at me, the most important thing in a woman’s life is still a man (the main thing, after herself, of course). Any woman should be aware of this. A woman cannot be happy without revealing her femininity, and the value of femininity as such is determined only by a man, just as the value of masculinity is determined by a woman.

My favorite writer and psychologist Anatoly Nekrasov wrote that to fully reveal your spiritual and creative potential a person can only do it in pairs. This is true. Men and women, in their endless mental rhythm, need counter movement on the other side of the swing, otherwise the rhythm itself simply will not take place.

Only we do not always realize that for balance and harmony in that swing flight, the force of pressure on both sides must be equal - a man responds with masculinity, nobility, dedication only to the radiance of femininity. This is where the law of reflection works 100%: the higher a woman’s level of femininity, the more better man next to her; the deeper her awareness of her feminine destiny, the higher the rise and achievements of her man. And if a woman wants a quality relationship in a couple, then she should react to a man exclusively in a feminine way.

What does this mean, let's figure it out.

A woman's relationship with a man is based on respect.
A feminine woman always treats a man with respect. Moreover, this same respect should be a priori, in advance, only because there is a man in front of her, no matter what type, rank and status he is. A woman's respect for men is her indicator of self-respect.

I often hear from women that they have no reason to respect their husbands - well, they did not live up to expectations, they did not give fabulous happiness. Why, they don’t even want to hang a banal shelf. So, about fairy tales - ultimatums like “first become handsome, then I will begin to respect you” do not work. Here everything is the other way around - if we want to get the best from life, we must first give this best.

Moreover, a woman can only truly respect her husband if she is able to respect members of the opposite sex in general. That is, you need to love and respect men in principle, without dividing - this one is worthy, and that one is not worthy. Only then will the facets of femininity be revealed in you, and only then will you be able to truly love and respect one single man.

And I suggest that disappointed wives look for qualities worthy of respect in their companions, and begin to respect them at least for them, even if there are few of them. Remember, after all, once upon a time you, of your own free will, ended up with your husbands in the registry office, and if you don’t respect them, you don’t respect yourself first of all.

A woman's relationship with a man is based on trust.
A feminine woman always treats a man with trust. She will never tell him how to nail a nail or screw in a light bulb. And even more so, she will not do it for him. Also, she will not indicate where and how to make money, citing as an example her brother, matchmaker, neighbor...

She doesn’t do this because she trusts her man, trusts his ability to do it HIMSELF, according to his own understanding. When a woman's level of femininity is high enough, she never doubts a man's abilities. But she doesn’t doubt it because she is confident in her feminine value. Here the connection is the most direct - it is a woman who knows how to give (and give in advance) trust to her man who is of particular value to him, and a man will always strive to justify such trust.

At the energy level, a woman's trust opens the floodgates of a man's self-confidence - he begins to believe in himself, he begins to feel CAPABLE, he begins to perform better. Moreover, self-confidence can begin with the most insignificant event.

My friend’s sixteen-year-old son believed in himself after he independently issued a passport. It was the fact that his mother did not lead him by the hand, but TRUSTED his life to him, and he did everything himself, elevated him in his own eyes so much that he felt like a real man.

A man shows a desire to be the master in his home and in his family only when he feels that a woman believes in his ability to do it HIMSELF. If a woman begins to take on a man’s affairs, flavoring it all with dissatisfaction and criticism, since her husband is “useless,” or God forbid, compete with him on the principle of “better, higher, stronger,” she blocks his flow of luck. She herself begins to show masculinity, so the man next to her dies like a man.

Remember, the “worthlessness” of your companion is a reflection of your inadequacy as a woman. The higher your value, the more pronounced your partner’s abilities, the stronger your trust in him, the greater his desire to decorate your life.

A woman’s relationship with a man is based on the ability to inspire.
How can a woman inspire a man? Just admiring him. Admiration is the magic wand that turns even a monster into a prince. Moreover, a man needs admiration in everything, even in small things. And if he receives women’s delight about the purchased loaf of bread, he will definitely have a desire to do this always, and not only with the loaf, but with other products too.

It is the admiration of a woman that motivates a man to show his true masculinity. And the true masculinity of a man is manifested in his service to a woman. Therefore, a man experiences great gratitude when a woman admires him, because it is thanks to her admiration that he feels like a knight, and in the manifestation of his knighthood he realizes his masculine nature.

To be a knight is an inescapable and eternal desire of all men. A man needs very little for himself personally. Everything he does, he does for the woman. Even the external attributes of his coolness are just peacock plumage, which he reveals, again with the aim of impressing the fair sex. And if he receives a woman's delight and approval for his actions, he is inspired to do great things. It is the admiration of a woman that enhances the best qualities in him.

If a woman focuses her attention on the best qualities of a man, then she awakens in him the desire to grow further in order to strengthen his uniqueness in the eyes of a woman. On the contrary, by fixating on negative qualities, a woman destroys masculinity in a man. And at the energy level, a program for its destruction is triggered, and, dying as a man, your companion may even die if he does not leave you.

Here men's fear of strong women absolutely justified. How can they, the poor, not tremble, because if they come closer, these Amazons will walk over them with the caterpillars of their hypertrophied masculinity. Therefore, a courageous man will never tolerate a courageous woman next to him, because, I repeat, he is not interested in a person who is similar to him.

A man values ​​a woman not for her career achievements, not for her professorship, and not for the amount of money she earns. And it’s not that all this is forbidden to a feminine woman, no, but all these qualities are secondary in the eyes of a man. For him, what is much more valuable is a woman’s ability to inspire him, to believe in him, to bring out the best in him, in order to give this best to her.

Carl Jung once very accurately noted:

If a woman begins to cultivate masculine qualities in herself and takes on men's affairs, she causes deep damage to her feminine nature. Of course, at that time the concept of men's and women's affairs was somewhat different. Nowadays, these boundaries have been erased, and a woman can even be seen in the presidential chair.

But no matter what a woman does, she should always put the revelation of her femininity first - this is a higher priority for her than making a career or making money. Moreover, men themselves will bring everything to a feminine woman and give everything themselves.

Money is masculine energy. As they say, God's things are God's, and Caesar's things are Caesar's.

Men should take care of replenishing the treasury, and women should create worlds.

And in conclusion, I want to say: a woman with her energy can create any magic - she can create a wonderful relationship in a couple, she can lead her man to the throne of any achievements, she can fill all the plans of her existence with wealth.

Femininity is the very cup of the Grail that every man looks for in a woman, since it is she who can give the one who takes a sip a sip of everything he wants.

But this is only possible when a woman sees in her man real person, and not a fictitious image, when she accepts him as he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages.

Acceptance is the first facet of femininity, because it is in acceptance that the basis of female respect, trust and the ability to inspire a man lies; it is on acceptance that a woman’s ability to treat a man as a god and creator is based.

If a woman, entering a relationship, hopes to change a man, then she is already destroying his masculinity, because she treats him like a child who needs to be re-educated.

It is impossible to re-educate an adult man; he is not a child who changes all the time, displays new character traits and, under the influence of his parents, can change in the direction they need.

An adult man is already a perfect person. It is impossible to change it - it can only be inspired to new achievements.

— When, with the help of manipulation, you want to show and prove to a man who is in charge. This includes comparing your husband to other men and humiliating a man. Often it is this behavior that drives a man out of the house or makes him raise his hand to you. No one can humiliate a man “better” than a woman. Any woman masters this skill perfectly.

— Female egoism (I will devote a separate article to this, subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss it ). When we do not ask and are not interested in a man’s opinion, in our decisions we confront him with a fact. This applies to repairs, recreation, shopping, having children. We neglect his interests and hobbies. And also when we rely on our career, on our own achievements and successes.

- Talk about independence, women's rights, that slavery ended. Understand one thing: if you behave like a woman and convey respect and gratitude to your husband, then the man will also behave with you tenderly, delicately and treat you like a flower and a jewel.

We always have a choice - to continue to behave the way we want, as we are used to, or to master feminine behavior and feminine qualities. But we must always remember how our unfeminine behavior can end.

A man always sabotages un-feminine behavior!

Options to choose from:

  • harshness, rudeness, shouting;
  • orders, rigidity, anger;
  • assault;
  • silence;
  • indifference to wife, children and family life, self-elimination;
  • resistance to any of your initiatives;
  • lying on the sofa, avoiding male responsibilities;
  • reluctance to be at home, friends, garage, work;
  • betrayal, lies;
  • alcohol;
  • computer games;
  • lack of success and earnings.

A man needs a woman and if he doesn’t get this energy at home, he looks for it on the side, not necessarily with his mistress, computer games are also good, there he feels like a winner, and this is how he gets his self-realization. A man needs a prize and appreciation. But if you are BIG and IMPORTANT, then you cannot give it.

And we return again to the feminine and feminine behavior. And also to growing up.

Adult feminine behavior says only one thing: that you are interested in marriage and in a happy relationship.

What if you behave differently?

Tatyana Dzutseva

In contact with

Femininity: what kind of feminine girl is she? It probably seems to many that men most of all give their preference to beautiful, smart, successful women. Perhaps in your social circle there is a girl with a rather modest appearance and mediocre mental abilities, who is always in the center of attention of many men and is a happy marriage. And the whole point is her femininity.

How can you learn to be feminine?

First, you need to decide on the main goals of why you want to become feminine. For some, this is necessary to meet a new man, for others it is important to improve relationships with their spouse, for others it is necessary to receive more care and affection from men. To become feminine, you need to focus your attention on a specific point, developing those aspects of femininity that excite you most.


For any man, first of all, a woman is the personification of care, softness and warmth. Since childhood, these things were provided to him by his mother. The image of a soft, bright person forever leaves its mark in a man’s memory, so he always looks for it in women. Men like femininity, manifested in everything, be it gestures, voice, touch, actions, looks.

Try to listen to yourself, and if you often hear notes of a commander, or notes of resentment, anger and stress in your voice, try to change them to softer ones. You should speak to a man calmly, a little measuredly, moderately quietly. In order for you to be able to, you should try to “smile” in your voice.

Femininity and women's company

For many women, it is extremely important to be included in a female company. In turn, male friends “infect” women with their masculine habits, way of thinking, behavior, taking away feminine energy. As for communication with women who are more tuned to a positive outcome of communication, it can feed you with energy. A feminine girl should go shopping with her friends, go to beauty salons, and do some kind of handicraft.

Quite often, business, successful women make fun of their friends who do decoupage and embroidery. But just this kind painstaking work, which is associated with creativity, very much pacifies a woman, giving her a feeling of goodness and tranquility.

Femininity and appearance

The very idea of ​​femininity is constantly changing over generations. Another 150 years ago, the concept of femininity personified a representative of the fair sex - a young lady of noble manners who always carries an openwork umbrella with her. Over the years, due to war, revolutions, technological progress, femininity began to imply a completely different meaning. Probably one of the main reasons why foreigners prefer to marry Slavic women lies precisely in the fact that for them learn to be feminine not difficult at all.

A woman’s desire to take care of herself is not so much natural as it is obligatory. Beauty rituals and dramatic changes in your image will help you become feminine. Aromatherapy, SPA, massages develop sensuality, enhancing olfactory and tactile sensations. If you want to learn how to be feminine, then you should not only enjoy massage sessions, but also take a short training course that will help increase the sensitivity of your palms and arms. Men just love soft hands.

Of course, to become feminine, try to wear dresses and skirts more often. You should also not ignore makeup, but you must understand that abusing it will not lead to anything good. A feminine girl always knows exactly how to put on makeup, and the right scent that men will associate only with you will help complement the look.

If you are still wondering what is femininity: what a feminine girl she is, you should not forget that you must improve yourself, develop, accept new knowledge and experience.

Dear Beautiful and Successful! We are starting a series of articles on such a difficult topic as. At the moment this topic is not very popular. And you know what – it plays into our hands! Because there is an opportunity to stand out against the background of the general dominance of pseudo-sexuality and pseudo-femininity!

We remember that the hypostasis of the Mistress carries masculine energy. A woman, fixated on her, keeps the house in order, but forgets about herself. A man immediately feels this and treats a woman accordingly: with respect, reverence, but... without love (after all, even a woman becomes “not in the mood for herself”). And femininity without love begins to wither - with all that it entails.

No less dangerous stuck in the role of the Queen- this happens when a woman moves her work environment home and becomes a “general in a skirt” for her household.

“We’re not like that, life is like that,” many of us will sigh. But do we want such a life?
It’s better to make your existence a little easier, because femininity in most cases can be skillfully combined with what you already have!

Why be feminine? The benefits of femininity

  • Feminine woman happy, because he feels like a harmonious creature. She is loved, because she herself exudes love.
  • Men love feminine women and treat them like real men, even if they are not. This is because gentleness and kindness give birth to male soul the best qualities. They give such a woman a seat in transport, help her carry her bags, offer her a hand, open doors... and also make discounts, give bonuses, and so on :)
  • Other women often do not feel a rival in a feminine woman and behave friendly with her, for example, help her with something. While an emphatically sexy and glamorous person, with each of her mistakes, gives rise to a reaction like “serves you right!”
  • A feminine woman attracts a Masculine and A successful man , for they were made for each other. Weak men they just don't stick to it.
  • Relationships with a Feminine woman automatically turn out better than with others, because everything is in its place. Moreover, she does not put as much effort into this as an unfeminine one.

Disadvantages of femininity

Yes, there are some. In our men's world a feminine woman sometimes has a hard time, especially in leadership positions, where power = authority, and a significant person in society necessarily has masculine traits. However, there is a way out in this situation, because no one requires you to be 100% man or 100% feminine. You can skillfully combine everything, playing with what you do best! For example, it’s better to look at great women.

So, how to develop femininity? The following articles on the topic of femininity will be devoted to this!

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When describing the ideal representative of the fair half of humanity, guys often mention such a characteristic as femininity. This quality is glorified by singers and writers, and portrayed by artists and composers.

What does femininity look like? Perhaps it’s all about the right clothes and makeup? Or does a beautiful figure play a special role? Of course, external data plays an important role in the concept of “femininity,” but young people value inner female strength more.

Beautiful girls, who do not understand at all why the opposite sex considers them more like friends, sooner or later begin to ask the right question: what is femininity and is this not what men expect from young ladies?

According to numerous sources, femininity is a combination of characteristics that are usually attributed to the weaker sex or expected from girls, for example, sensitivity, honesty, devotion, tenderness, gentleness.

All this makes representatives of the stronger half of humanity feel like men. Of course, in different cultures and eras, femininity was interpreted in completely different ways. However, the qualities listed above are inherent, perhaps, in every time and people.

But! Modern ladies are becoming more and more confident in their own capabilities, free and desiring independence. To cope with difficulties, women make their own efforts without asking men for help. Femininity is gradually disappearing...

Guys love with their eyes, as you know, which is why for them a feminine lady is one whose figure and appearance evoke desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions in the stronger sex just at one glance at a girl.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is your figure and selectivity in clothing important?

  1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with a thick mane up to their waist are considered more attractive than girls With short haircuts. However, the main thing is well-groomed and natural hair, it is better to do without high and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. Beautiful figure- not just a tribute to fashion. You shouldn't think about beauty standards, it's better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slim figure and optimal body weight are signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity through a man's eyes is the presence of dresses, high heels, and transparent blouses in a girl's wardrobe. In clothing, it is preferable to use materials that are soft to the touch, flow and give the figure lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the feminine essence.
  4. Surveys on men's forums show that, not particularly understanding the intricacies of using cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive “coloring” on the face to be vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in makeup.
  5. The figure, of course, is important, but an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity is a well-groomed and neat appearance. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure are the most feminine signs of a true lady.

It is extremely difficult to explain and talk about what it is inner femininity through the eyes of men. Every representative of the stronger sex realizes what a feminine woman she is, but rarely anyone can express it in words.

This is not a figure, not hair, but something so personal that it can motivate a guy to action, make him want to get a girl.

Let's turn again to men's forums. What do guys mean by the concept of “femininity”?

  1. A feminine woman is relaxed and calm. Irritability, nervousness and hysteria do not decorate a lovely lady. She is like a cat who is lying on a soft surface, but at any moment she is ready to gather herself, concentrate and go out to “hunt”.
  2. The ability to trust a man is an important quality for girls. A commanding tone, numerous lectures and a hard look are unlikely to decorate a woman. Guys, looking at a young lady, should want to stand up for her, hide her behind their back and in every possible way protect her from any problems.
  3. True femininity is the ability to listen and communicate. This means both the ability to feel and be “infected” by the emotions of the interlocutor, as well as general erudition, possession of certain knowledge and speech skills. In addition, it is important for a girl to be able to keep secrets.
  4. Emotionality is also a sign of femininity, so you should not succumb to feminist sentiments and forget about your nature. But! Excessive expression of feelings can transfer you to the rank of an unbalanced person and a hysterical person. An important rule is naturalness and, oddly enough, reasonableness in emotional manifestations.
  5. Figure, beautiful face, good taste in clothes? No. Women have long been associated with motherhood. Not a single beauty can compare in femininity with a future mother, with a girl raising a child. This is a natural instinct, if you like, a woman’s destiny.

Men's forums are replete with opinions and comments regarding feminine essence, femininity and ideal image other half. So, what kind of feminine woman is she?

She is charming, distinguished by sophistication, good manners, and the ability to present herself favorably, which produces an incredible effect. What is femininity through the eyes of men?

This image includes criteria such as:

  • internal softness;
  • trust and respect for the partner;
  • ability to avoid conflicts;
  • affectionate character;
  • love for the child;
  • a slim body;
  • long hair in natural shades;
  • love and desire for purity in all aspects;
  • desire for self-development;
  • absence of bad habits.

Of course, some guys are crazy about girls with a strong character, purposeful and able to solve their problems on their own.

However, these men still prefer to cast their lot in with feminine girls who are distinguished by their weakness and softness.

How to become more feminine?

True femininity lies in simple truths that are accessible to every girl. But as is usually the case, simplicity is an extremely complex thing. The men's forum and comments from guys show what they expect from potential life partners.

So, what should a girl change about herself so that a man considers her feminine?

  1. Unavailability. A girl is a goal for the stronger sex, because they still remain warriors and hunters. A man wants to conquer a fortress, conquer the peak. A feminine woman is valued for her inaccessibility and ability to be proud (of course, without unnecessary fanaticism).
  2. Happiness. Joyful carelessness, smiling and easy communication give the girl more femininity. Many men strive for such a young lady. However, today's ladies enjoy little things and little surprises less and less, acquiring detachment and masculine character traits.
  3. Weakness. Modern girls are entering into tough confrontation with men for social dominance, equal rights and more significant social roles. Such a struggle is not conducive to femininity, because by their nature, lovely ladies are weak creatures in need of male shoulder. Men on forums are sure that a woman’s charm lies in her weakness.
  4. Effectiveness. An attractive and charismatic girl stands out from the crowd. A sweet young lady seems more feminine than a beauty whose clothes are dominated by men's style. Figure-flattering dresses and additional accessories always attract guys.
  5. Romance. Who said that sentimentality is not in fashion these days? Admiring the sunset, walking and kissing under the moon, watching a melodrama together - romance, which, unfortunately, is gradually disappearing due to the oversaturation of impressions and emotions in our lives.
  6. The ability to love. The uniqueness of a woman lies in her desire and ability to love, give her feelings and take the emotions of her chosen one. How beautiful is the girl in love! Especially when the love is mutual. However, some modern young ladies prefer short-term relationships that do not involve deep emotions.
  7. Ability to inspire. Inspiration forces representatives of the stronger half of humanity to write poems and poems, perform feats, and improve themselves. However, only a feminine girl is able to inspire with her figure, voice, love - any accessible ways. There is an interesting phrase that says that behind every great man there was a great woman.
  8. Thrift. The ability to create comfort in a home, maintain a home and the desire to raise a child are qualities inherent in a business woman. However, they are also present in feminine girl, since both of these characteristics are taken into account by men when choosing a future wife.
  9. Moderation. Femininity does not imply the desire to fill all the living space of a guy. Don't forget that a real woman is somewhat inaccessible and mysterious. She is a mystery that a man wants to solve. You should not open up completely at the very beginning of dating, simultaneously demanding the same step from your partner.

Femininity through the eyes of men is a combination of multiple factors. Beautiful figure, romance and softness...