Why does time go slower?  Time in space

Why does time go slower? Time in space

Sometimes it flies. In other situations, it drags on unbearably slowly and, to the chagrin of many, accelerates with age. Time, the most valuable of non-renewable resources, has the ability to slip away.

Why do we perceive the passage of time differently?

1. Our estimates of time are significantly influenced by psychological factors, including emotions. In one experiment, researchers asked participants to walk around a room and talk to others before telling the scientists who they would take part in the next task with. Each participant was then asked to walk out the door and given one of two options: “I'm sorry, but no one wants to be your partner, would you mind participating in the task yourself?” or “Everyone chose you and now, for the sake of justice, you will have to work alone.” Participants were then asked to estimate how much time they spent on the tasks.

If participants thought that their loneliness was caused by popularity, then time passed very quickly for them. And those who felt rejected felt that time was dragging on for a very long time.

2. Attention and memory also have a strong impact on time perception. For example, new experiences that require more mental processing seem to last longer than familiar situations. This is why the road to a new place seems longer than the road back.

3. We always evaluate both the current time and the past. Time becomes distorted when a discrepancy occurs. For example, time can drag on longer during the flu, in part because a fever distorts perception so that minutes seem to stretch into hours.

But the time you were sick seems surprisingly quick when you perceive it in the past. The thing is that monotony is encoded in the brain as one experience. But the same amount of time spent, for example, on a hike, will remain with many memories.

4. Age also affects one's perception of the past. This is where the proportionality effect comes into play. A year is a fifth of your life when you are 5 years old and that seems like a lot of time. At 50 years of age, a year is a much smaller proportion (one fiftieth) and takes up a corresponding amount of time.

5. But the proportionality effect is only partly to blame. As a person gets older and more experienced, fewer activities are new to him. Because they become lighter and less noticeable, time in the past appears to speed up.

In this case, it is useful to look for new activities, especially on the weekends when time seems to fly by especially quickly.

6. In the minds of most people, the future is a spacious place where there is plenty of time and we have free control over it. Ask a busy person to give you 10 minutes today, and they won't have time. But if you ask him for an hour sometime in a year, he will happily promise to meet with you.

7. Experts warn that you should be careful with the wording when you are planning for some events in the future. For example, if you announce that Wednesday's meeting will be moved forward by two days, people may take it both ways, either from the beginning or the end of the work week.

This happens because people have different ideas about time. Some people think of time as something that moves towards them, while others think of themselves as moving through time. The first type of people will think that the meeting has been postponed to Monday, and the latter type will think that the meeting has been postponed to Friday.

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And one of his thought experiments, born on that very tram, revolutionized modern physics.

Einstein imagined what would happen if a tram traveled at the speed of light. Looking at the clock tower, Einstein realized that if he traveled at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, the hands of the clock, which moved so solemnly, would appear completely frozen.

At the same time, Einstein knew that if he returned to the clock tower, its hands would move in the usual way - time would run its course. However, for Einstein, time slowed down on the tram.

He concluded that the faster you move through space, the slower you will move through time. How is this even possible?

Zytglogge Tower, Bern, Switzerland.
Image: Daniel Schwen/Wikimedia Commons)

Einstein's dilemma

Einstein was greatly influenced by the work of two great physicists. Firstly, there were the laws of motion discovered by his idol, Newton, and secondly, there were the laws of electromagnetism established by Maxwell.

However, the two theories were contradictory. Maxwell postulated that the speed of an electromagnetic wave such as light is fixed at an incredible 300,000 kilometers per second. He argued that this was a fundamental law of the universe.

While Newton's law implied that velocities are always relative. A car traveling at 40 kilometers per hour is 40 kilometers per hour relative to a stationary observer, but only 20 kilometers per hour relative to a car moving next to it at 20 kilometers per hour.

Or, 60 km/h if the same car was traveling in the opposite direction. This concept of relative speed is inconsistent with Maxwell's apparent fundamental fact when applied to the speed of light. This presented a difficult dilemma for Einstein.

The contradiction led Einstein to make a stunning, but at the same time one of the most innovative statements in the history of physics - a collocation of statements, which, of course, is not surprising.

To understand the contradiction and therefore why time slows down, consider another ingenious thought experiment, one of Einstein's best.

He imagined a man on the station platform with two lightning strikes on either side of him. A person, standing right in the middle of these two points, observes the received rays of light from both sides simultaneously.

However, things get weird when at the same time another person on the train views the scene as he passes by her at the speed of light. According to the laws of motion, light from lightning closer to the train will reach a person earlier than light from lightning further from the train.

The measurement of the speed of light produced by both people will differ in magnitude. But how is this possible, if we remember that the speed of light, according to Maxwell, should be constant, regardless of the movement of the observer - the so-called “fundamental” law of the Universe?

To compensate for this discrepancy, Einstein proposed that time itself slowed down, so that the speed of light remained constant!

Time passed slower for the person on the train relative to the time for the person on the platform. Einstein called this the dilation of time.

Gravitational time

Einstein called his theory special relativity. It was something special because it dealt with constant speeds.

To reconcile it with the real world, where objects were speeding up and slowing down all the time, he needed to explore the implications of his theory when it came to acceleration.

This attempt to generalize and explain all phenomena led him to the discovery of the relationship between time and gravity; he called this newly adopted theory of gravity "General Relativity".

Newton believed that the flow of time was like an arrow; he moved unwaveringly in only one direction - forward. Einstein, on that tram, suggested that time varies inversely with speed. In fact, Einstein argued that time complemented space, in a flexible four-dimensional model on which the events of the Cosmos unfolded.

He called this model space-time (space-time continuum). When Einstein published his work, he received the reaction one would expect when such phenomenal work is published: disbelief.

According to general relativity, matter stretches and compresses the fabric of spacetime, so that objects are mysteriously not pulled toward the center of the Earth, but rather are pushed downward by the warped space above them.

By simulating tilt, the curvature of spacetime accelerates objects that move downward, although the rate of this acceleration is not the same at all points. The force of gravity is stronger relative to the Earth's surface, where the curvature is more intense than at its outskirts.

Although not entirely correct, the trampoline analogy is the simplest way to explain the deformation of spacetime due to the presence of large mass.

If the force of gravity increases as you go down, then a free object will fall faster at a point on the surface, say point B, than at a higher altitude, say point A.

For an object in free fall, according to special relativity, time at B should pass relatively slower than it will at A because the object's speed is faster at point B.

What is time?

What time is correct then? Well, none of them. Einstein discovered that there is no absolute time. Time is relative depending on the system of forces it is subject to, formally known as a frame of reference. The time running in your own system is known as correct time.

If the laws of motion are to be the same for all observers, regardless of their movement, then time must slow down, so that the faster you move, the slower your clock runs relative to other clocks.

This is what Anne Hathaway mentioned in the movie Interstellar when she told Matthew McConaughey, after landing on a distant planet near a black hole: “One hour on this planet is equal to seven years on Earth.”

Let us turn once again to Einstein’s thoughts on the tram. Is the advent of slower clocks a limitation of our primitive consciousness, or is time actually slowing down? And what does time dilation mean? The capriciousness of time forces us to ask – what is time itself? This is not a simple question—the concept of time has puzzled philosophers and physicists since antiquity.

The main function of time is to track events chronologically. However, not counting the last 400 years, people have determined time based on the assumption that the stars move around us, and does not revolve around the Sun.

Despite the wrong basis for its conclusion, “time” still worked well. This happened because the days and seasons repeated predictably, and when you have something that repeats predictably, you have a timing mechanism.

Used the recursive nature of such a mechanism to calculate motion. A description of the movement would be impossible without some reference to time. However, this time was never absolute.

Even when Newton formulated the laws of motion, he used the concept of time in which two clocks do not run with absolute, independent time, but rather they are dependent on each other. Synchronization is the reason we have built very complex and accurate atomic clocks.

This concept of time is based on the simultaneity or critical coincidence of two events, such as the arrival of a train and the unique alignment of the hands of a clock when the train arrives at a station.

Einstein's theory states that these coincidences should depend on how the person moves. If two observers on the platform and on the train cannot agree on what is happening at the same time, they cannot agree on how time itself flows!

To understand the influence of movement, consider the simplest timing mechanism. Imagine a timekeeping machine consisting of a photon that is reflected back and forth between two distant mirrors.

Let's agree that one second passes every time a photon is reflected. Now hang two such clocks at points A and B above and on the surface of the Earth ( discussed in the previous section), and have them measure the time as a free-falling object flies past them.

A freely falling object measures time as it passes in its own frame of reference with a similar clock. What do they measure?

Observing the reflection of a photon between two moving mirrors is similar to observing a tennis ball bouncing on a moving train.

Although the ball bounces perpendicular to someone on the train, to a stationary observer outside the train, the ball bounces triangularly (in triangles).

When the device moves forward, the photon, after starting to move, like a ball, moves a greater distance after it is reflected. Therefore, our measurement of time has become distorted! Moreover, the faster the vehicle moves, the longer the photon is reflected, thereby stretching the duration of the second!

This is why the passage of time at point B is slower than at point A (remember how gravity causes an object to fall faster at point B than at point A). This graphic shows the triangular motion of the photon and therefore the time delay.

Of course, the difference is infinitesimal. The difference between time measured by clocks on mountain tops and on the surface of the Earth is nanoseconds. However, Einstein's discovery is nothing short of a great event.

It actually interferes with the flow of time, meaning that the more massive an object is, the slower time flows in its vicinity.

Time dilation affects every process, whether it depends on a simple electromagnetic phenomenon or a complex combination of electromagnetism and Newton's laws of motion.

The generality of the universality of relativity ensures this. In fact, even biological processes, and therefore time, change. Yes...and our heads are a little older than our feet!

The different flow of time in inertial systems moving relative to each other can be verified by a visual experiment. Very fast atomic nuclei, mainly hydrogen and helium nuclei, penetrate from outer space into the Earth's atmosphere. The energy of such cosmic particles is very high. When high-energy nuclei collide with atoms of atmospheric gases, showers of new particles are formed, which contain various elementary particles. Among other particles, so-called heavy electrons, or muons, are also formed. These particles are not stable. Soon after formation, each muon decays into an electron (or positron) and a neutrino. The average lifetime of a muon at rest is slightly more than two millionths of a second. If we measure the lifetime of a muon moving at high speed, we obtain a significantly longer lifetime.

In principle, such measurements are simple. Currently, there are various installations that make it possible to count individual elementary particles or to make their traces visible and photograph them.

Here we will not describe in detail the experimental techniques that make it possible to determine the lifetime of muons. We will only talk about the most significant results that are obtained after processing the experiment. It turns out that a muon moving, for example, at a speed of 300 km/sec, travels a distance of 6 to decay mm, and a muon moving, for example, at a speed of 290,000 km/sec, travels an average distance of 2.3 to decay km. Simple calculations show that in the first case the average lifetime of a muon is 2 millionths of a second, in the second case - 8 millionths of a second.

Why does a muon moving at high speed live four times longer? The reason is clear. We measure the lifetime of a moving muon using a clock located on the earth's surface, but the processes occurring with the muon are regulated by an imaginary “clock” moving along with the muon. These “clocks” determine the moment of muon decay. The muon "clock" (moving clock) runs slower than the laboratory (stationary) clock. In order for 2 millionths of a second to elapse according to the muon clock, more time must pass on the laboratory clock: if the speed of the muon is 290,000 km/sec, The muon clock runs four times slower than the laboratory clock. This means that a muon moving at such a speed will be four times more stable than a muon at rest. Numerous experiments carried out with elementary particles confirm that time flows more slowly in a moving system than in a stationary system: moving clocks run slower.

The increase in the lifetime of a muon when it moves at high speed is not associated with the properties of the muon itself, but is only a consequence of the physical properties of time. Consequently, the same phenomenon should take place not only for elementary particles, but also for any bodies, devices and living beings.

Unfortunately, human life expectancy is short. However, thanks to the properties of time discovered by the theory of relativity, he has the opportunity, during his relatively short life, to undertake, at least in principle, very, very long space travel. Let's look at some examples.

How does time pass in space? If the spacecraft moves in a straight line at a speed of 100 km/Withek, then in 50 years it will travel a distance equal to a distance of only 0.02 light years. If the speed of the spacecraft is 100,000 km/sec, then in 50 years (in the ship’s reference frame) it will fly a distance of 17.9 light years (on Earth during this flight a little more than 53 years will pass). If the spacecraft has a speed of 290,000 km/sec, then in 50 years (according to the spacecraft’s clock) it will cover a distance of 193.4 light years (198 years will have passed on Earth during this time). If the crew of the spacecraft flies at a speed of 299,780 km/sec, then in 50 years (according to the spacecraft's clock) it will move away from Earth by 6205 light years (during this time the astronauts on the ship will age by 50 years). All the same people will live in the spaceship, and on Earth 6,130 years will pass from the time of their launch, during which time hundreds of generations of people will change on Earth. Thus, a person, in principle, can fly such a huge distance during his life that it takes thousands of years to cover even the fastest phenomenon in nature - light. The closer the speed of a spaceship is to the speed of light, the further into outer space a person will be able to fly during his lifetime - such a possibility fundamentally exists. This possibility does not contain any contradictions.

Those remaining on Earth will say: for a crew flying at high speed, time flows more slowly than on Earth. All natural processes, including human movements, thinking and life processes, will occur in such a spaceship more slowly than on Earth. And a person will age more slowly in such a ship. Thanks to this, he can, in principle, fly vast cosmic distances during his life.

For the crew of a spaceship, the slow flow of time does not exist. The rhythm of their lives will be normal. However, they will notice that the distance from the Earth to the destination space object is shorter than what people living on Earth claimed. The reduction in length will be due to the fact that the Earth and the space object to which the spaceship is heading are moving relative to the ship at high speed (see § 8). It will be absolutely clear to the astronauts how they will be able to reach the space object, which for those on Earth is thousands of light years away. In this they will be helped by shortening the length at high speeds.

There is no doubt that the long-distance space flights described above are entirely feasible in principle. Experiments with muons and other elementary particles are a direct test of the possibility of such space flights.

It is somewhat more complicated if such an ultra-fast spacecraft does not move evenly and rectilinearly, but at the end of its flight returns back to Earth. The astronauts will be contemporaries of their distant descendants. According to the astronauts, they will find themselves in the future of humanity. People on Earth, in turn, will argue that the returning cosmonauts are behind the times and live in the past... The situation seems paradoxical.

The paradox associated with this effect is called the clock paradox. It can be formulated as follows: if two synchronized clocks leave the same point in space and move at different speeds, then they will show different times when they meet. This means, for example, that twins moving through space at different speeds will not be the same age when they meet. These phenomena only seem paradoxical; in fact, they follow quite naturally from the theory of relativity.

Traveling to the future is, in principle, quite possible - so says the theory. True, not a single direct experiment that would simulate the return of a spacecraft and compare the difference between the clocks of the Earth and the ship has yet been carried out even with elementary particles. Fundamentally, there can be no doubt about the manifestation of the clock paradox - this is the opinion of all outstanding specialists in the theory of relativity.

Skeptics usually think like this. Let's assume that the spaceship made a circle in outer space and returned back to Earth. A comparison of the clocks showed that the spacecraft's clock was behind the Earth's clock. But we can describe this same event in the reference frame associated with the spacecraft. Then we get a picture of the movement as space travelers see it: the Earth moves away from the spacecraft, makes a circle in the world space and returns back to the spacecraft. The moving system this time was the Earth. Therefore, we must say that the earth's clock is behind the spacecraft's clock. We have arrived at a contradiction. Therefore, in reality, there cannot be a clock paradox at all. The above reasoning is incorrect. The earth and the spaceship, as reference systems, are not equal. The Earth always remains an inertial system, but a spacecraft, which either accelerates or decelerates, does not. Since inertial systems are in a preferred position relative to other reference systems, reasoning can only be carried out in the reference system associated with the Earth.

In order to accurately answer how much behind the clock on the spaceship that returned to Earth was behind the clock on Earth, it is still necessary to establish how the acceleration and deceleration of the spacecraft affect the rate of the clock. These problems already relate to the general theory of relativity presented in the next chapter. Looking ahead, we will say that some experiments carried out in 1960 show: clocks moving at an accelerated rate go slower than clocks at rest. Thus, the acceleration and deceleration of the ship cannot prevent the slowing down of the aging process of astronauts during the flight.

Thus, the analysis shows that moving into the future is fundamentally possible with the help of ultra-fast space flights. But is this feasible in practice?

Suppose we board a spaceship whose engines give it an acceleration of 20 m/sTo 2 . Moving in a straight line all the time with such acceleration, the spacecraft will already reach a speed of 270,000 after a year on Earth. km/sec.(During this time, the spacecraft will move away from the Earth to a distance of 0.6 light years, i.e., it will travel a thousand times greater than the distance between the Earth and the planet Pluto). Then we will begin to slow down the ship, which will take another year, during which the ship will move away from Earth by another 0.6 light years. The return journey to Earth under the same conditions will also take two years. The people remaining on Earth will consider that the flight lasted four years, while the calculations of the participants in the flight will show that they were absent for no more than two years and ten months. Having carried out such a space flight, we would be able to “move” our lives forward by a year and two months.

The space flight that must be undertaken even for such a small “shift” in life time is beyond any limits of the real possibilities of today. The amount of fuel that the spacecraft's engines would have consumed over these four years is fantastically large. If the ship’s engines operate for a shorter time, then the speed of the ship will remain so low that, when undertaking a flight, it will not be possible to “advance” the life time in any noticeable way.

A simple calculation shows that the kinetic energy of a 5-ton spacecraft traveling at a speed of 250,000 km/sec, is approximately 100,000,000,000,000 kvT. hour. This is comparable to current global energy production per year. It should also be taken into account that the spacecraft, when setting off on a flight, must take with it the entire supply of fuel, the acceleration of which will also have to expend additional energy. Next, energy is required to decelerate the spacecraft upon arrival at its intended location. All this shows what is recommended by the theory of relativity? the way to travel to the future is practically not so easy to implement. In principle, we are dealing here with a fascinating possibility.

The reader may now have a question: if the theory of relativity indicates the fundamental possibility of getting into the future (for this you “only” need to carry out ultra-fast space flight), does it not also indicate the possibility of moving into the past? No, it doesn't. Such a journey into the past is impossible. Why? Why is the future favored over the past? The reason here is simple. A traveler's watch always runs slower than a stationary watch; it never runs faster. But this can also be understood from the point of view of causality. If we decide to move into the future, then we must take an active part in future events and, to a greater or lesser extent, influence these events. If we influence future events, then there is nothing strange or contrary to the causality existing in nature. It would be a different matter if we could somehow travel into the past. Then we could take part in events that happened in the past. Our participation could even change the results of these events, which, however, is absurd, since the results of events that occurred in the past have long been recorded by history. Let's give one example. If we somehow managed to travel back in time, then we could go with our modern knowledge to, say, 1887 and be present at the Michelson-Morley experiment. We could already explain the results of this experiment from the position of the theory of relativity and thereby change the entire subsequent course of development of physics. But this is absurd, since what has happened cannot be changed in any way. This example clearly illustrates that traveling into the past leads to absurd results. However, it is possible, at least in principle, to travel into the future.

    No one can say for sure, because calculations are just calculations, and man has not been in outer space for a very long time. And the time is basically the same. This probably means that a person in space does not age and this fact is related to the theory of relativity. Constant observations and experiments are being carried out; the first experiment was carried out in the first half of the 20th century.

    Time flows the same throughout the universe, it makes no difference whether you are standing on Earth, Mars, Uranus, or flying in space in any direction and at any speed, you will live your seventy-eighty or one hundred earthly years (as God has given). The whole problem is in connection with the Earth, until the signal reaches your relatives on Earth from you, flying billions of kilometers away, it may take many years and they will see you in the video message while still young, and they will already be old. That's the whole trick with the slow speed of time.

    Time is affected by gravity created by the mass of an object. At speeds close to the speed of light, coming from the formula, the mass tends to infinity, gravity means huge, and time slows down. In short, where there is a large massive object, time passes slowly, in other cases, when space is empty, time moves faster relative to the massive object.

    A very interesting question.. In my opinion, time flows for the same astronauts at the same speed as for you and me here on Earth, because they, like us, use the same time measurement system - hours, minutes, seconds .. If we talk about time at relativistic speeds, then as a consequence of the special theory of relativity, time calculated on a moving reference frame flows more slowly than time in a stationary reference frame. In reality, we do not observe such a significant effect, since our speeds are very, very modest in comparison with the speed of light..

    Time moves slower not in space. The speed of time depends on the speed of the moving object. According to the Theory of Relativity, the greater the speed of an object, the slower time flows for it.

    I know of two options in which time can flow more slowly. This is if the body moves at a speed close to the speed of light and if the body is in a gravitational field of enormous strength, for example a black hole. This effect of slowing down the flow of time seems to have been confirmed experimentally, and is described in the theory of relativity and the consequences arising from it. For normal conditions, for example, for astronauts in Earth orbit, time flows exactly the same as for people on the surface of the Earth. The flight speed of spaceships is low, and the force of gravity remains virtually unchanged. However, there are still many dark spots in the theory of time, and perhaps a method of time travel will be found in the next decade.

    In fact, the time in space and on earth is exactly the same. Simply due to the fact that astronauts move in orbit at a speed greater than the speed of light, time itself flows slower for them relative to time on Earth. In general, to understand this in detail, you need to study the theory of relativity, after studying it it will become more clear.

    Time depends on the gravity of our planet, it creates curvature at a point in space-time, but the further an object moves away from it, the time will flow a little faster, but so slightly that it cannot be noticed. This is literally thousandths of a second. Therefore, the theory that people in space age more slowly has not been confirmed.

    Time passes slowly only for those who are waiting for something when there is nothing to do :)

    If you believe the Theory of Relativity, the greater the speed of an object, the slower time flows for it.

    But astronauts use the same clocks as we do, so it’s very difficult to say that for them it flows differently.

    The higher the speed of an object, the slower time flows for this object, says the theory of relativity, which means that on a huge and massive object time will pass slowly, and in the empty space itself it will pass faster than on this object.


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Probably, many have noticed that in recent years, something strange has been happening with the passage of time. Days and months fly by quickly, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less and less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, and lo and behold, it’s already ending!

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The days have become shorter

In a private conversation, one priest, known for his special gift of seeing the invisible, told impressive information; time has begun to shorten! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. In real, not calendar, duration, if we take the old time that has not changed for centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours versus the previous 24.

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On sacred Mount Athos, monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, the Athonite elders long ago developed a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so on every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks managed to completely complete this “program” overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

An equally amazing discovery was made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. Within a year it completely burned out. But now, for the umpteenth time, there is still a lot of oil left before the main Christian holiday. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The shortening of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 30s, his father, having returned from exile to his family, with a minimum of helpers, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in Boris Shiryaev’s memoirs about the Solovetsky camp, there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, almost half of whom were “walkers,” built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. We now, even with modern electric tools, with all our desire, will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

Last times

The last times and the end of the world are only a few years or decades away. No one can speak about this with confidence, but there is a hint in the Gospel: “...For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places... then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:7-22).
Some holy fathers, for example, Saint Nile the Myrrh-Streaming, speak about the shortening of the day before the end of the world: “The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week and the year like a month...”

The problem of the impermanence of time was conceptualized at the intersection of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time according to its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It is... heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional... Since 1914, time has somehow become denser and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the condensation of time..."

Slowing down life

When thinking about the problem of reducing time, you involuntarily turn to the fiction of H.G. Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions came true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes for exploring the ocean depths. Let us remember Wells's story "The Newest Accelerator."

Professor Gibbern has invented a wonderful elixir with which you can change the time for a specific person. The person who drinks the drug speeds up all the processes in the body hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as he would not be able to do in a few minutes in normal life. At the same time, the world around seems frozen, and even the bees move at a snail's speed.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale is a lie, and in it...
In the case of our real time, we have something of the opposite effect. For some mysterious reasons, life processes in the world could have slowed down. We breathe more slowly, our heart beats less often, and our cells take longer to regenerate.

Thanks to the slower functioning of the body, we manage to do about 25 percent less for every minute of time than representatives of previous generations did. Accordingly, the worldview has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated and flies by a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher. It is more likely that time itself, despite its apparent constancy, can “shrink.” What do scientists think about this?

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations for the variability of time were given by the famous physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, the late Viktor Iozefovich Veinik.

Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, as a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a certain substance of time, which he called the “chronal field”. During the scientist's experiments, an electronic wristwatch placed in the experimental setup he created could slow down or speed up its speed. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the “chronosphere”, which controls the transition of the past to the future.

The scientist looked at the speed of certain processes (he called this the term “chronal”) and came to the conclusion that the intensity of these processes in the world is decreasing - for example, the intensity of the radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living beings, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. For them, all processes proceed quickly - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies.

For an older person, the weeks begin to flash by as quickly as the days did in his youth.
But that is not all. It turns out that it’s not just specific people who age. The entire society and civilization as a whole is gradually “decaying”! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, causing the passage of time to accelerate for everything on Earth.

In ancient times, at a high speed of processes, life on the planet was literally in full swing - dinosaurs were as big as a three-story house, grass was like modern trees, and the process of radioactive decay of the atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism, confirmation of this can be found in the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth... these are strong people, glorious people of old” (Genesis 6:4).

Over time, the “violence” of life weakened more and more, representatives of the plant and animal world decreased in size, and the world began to age. Nowadays, the intensity of all processes has decreased thousands of times, and these days we can even feel the slowdown of time happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now there are still places on Earth with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. The burdocks there are like huge umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, short and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, reflected in the course of the clock, is not the same in different places.

Time compression

Representatives of the occult movement in alternative science - eniology, which studies the patterns of energy-information interaction in nature, society and the Universe, also show keen interest in the problem of time compression. Interestingly, in this area their findings echo the End Times prophecies mentioned above.
According to Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lear, real time in the Universe has noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, cannot keep up with it). This process began in the middle of the 20th century, when the solar system entered an incredibly powerful flow coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying a huge amount of energy and information in a wide variety of variations. This affected the psyche of every person and people’s perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about changing the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who experimentally proved that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the flow density. According to Kozyrev’s theory, if the solar system’s rotation speed changes, time automatically changes.

Where there is more energy, time “decreases”, compresses.
- Alas, we do not feel like inhabitants of the planet and treat our common home, the Earth, worse than ever! - Dr. Lear continues. - The consciousness of modern man is artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything he does at a particular time. As sad as it is to admit, catastrophic phenomena like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people’s attitude towards each other, a terrible price to pay for the unreasonableness of human behavior.

Why did the terrible tsunami waves hit Indonesia and Thailand? I believe that the main cesspool of humanity is located there today. Everything that rich perverts can afford is there. On a gigantic scale and cheaply. That is, these are modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the result. And now it’s the turn of the United States to pay for the decline of spirituality, pride, arrogance and the desire to rule the world...

But despite water disasters, the main danger for modern humanity lies not in water, but in fire.
“There is an increasing amount of energy coming to Earth,” Yuri Lear is sure. - Nowadays, the Sun has increased all types of radiation so much that many of them are no longer amenable to conventional instrumental study! The spectrum of solar radiation confidently moves from yellow to white, that is, the star is heating up. This is the same fire that the Savior and the apostles speak about in the New Testament. If we combine this with the prophecies in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, with the calendar of the ancient Egyptians and the secret, sacred calendar to the Mayaquiche Indian book “Popol Vuh” (this is the Bible of the Mayan Indians), then it will become clear: very soon we will face a transition to a new state, to a different time .

For us today, this means one thing: following the calls of the ancient prophets, we need to behave like humans, and not like bestials. There is no place in the future for those who do not fit into the system of moral values! Humanity, which does not want to observe the laws of the One whose creation it is, is doomed...
And yet, under no circumstances should you fall into despair and give up, foreseeing the imminent end of the world! Firstly, the end of everything on Earth is in the hands of God, and “about that day and hour” no one knows except the Creator Himself. And secondly, there is no need to think about the fate of the entire planet - let's think better about ourselves, about our life and our purpose on Earth. After all, only you and no one else will have to be responsible for how you lived your life, whether it is long or short.