Why tall guys like small girls.  Why do tall men like short girls?  Tall guys like short girls

Why tall guys like small girls. Why do tall men like short girls? Tall guys like short girls

Everyone probably knows that in ancient times a strong male brought a short but strong female to live in his cave. Nature told him that a short woman was more resilient to the hardships of life and would give him healthy children without any problems. And she chose a large male, also guided by intuition, since survival required a breadwinner and protector.

Literary examples

If you look for other examples to prove the stated topic, then turning to the literature will give you what you are looking for. “...Sometimes a little foot walks here, a golden curl curls,” writes A.S. Pushkin about female charm in one of his poems. A small leg is a small maiden. And then the imagination will recreate the whole image without much difficulty: a short, well-shaped figure with a thin waist, blond hair, perhaps curly, a slightly flirtatious look of gray eyes from under thick eyelashes...

I can’t help but remember the portrait of the young Countess Maria Lopukhina. The famous Russian artist of the 18th century Vladimir Borovikovsky created the image of a small, charming, childishly defenseless girl. She is all like an elegant figurine. However, the young countess is aware of her attractiveness. One can feel the depth and complexity of her nature. One can see yet undisclosed sexual energy, which she is ready to give to her chosen one.

Let us allow ourselves one more literary example. And again about women's legs. The 18th-century French novelist Retief de la Bretonne effusively praised their virtues. To see a gentleman’s leg, and even a tiny one, suddenly flashing from under a lady’s long dress while dancing is a rare happiness! Fantasy will immediately complete the rest of the seductive female figure.

You see: in the 18th and 19th centuries, men also admired miniature women!

But what about in our time? Modernity corrects the idea of ​​beauty and femininity. But if the issue of the love of representatives of the stronger half of humanity for miniature ladies is still being discussed, then this is relevant.

Scientists' opinions

  • A recent study by British scientists has proven that our contemporaries prefer the small and fragile. Representatives of the stronger sex choose women up to 162 cm in height for marriage;
  • In 2000, the UK Center for the Study and Development of Children summed up the results of many years of research (observation began in 1958). Data analysis showed that tall men more often married short women, up to 162 cm;
  • psychologists assure that the well-being of a marriage is determined precisely by the proportions of husband and wife. A marriage will sooner or later fall apart if, according to psychologists, the husband’s height does not exceed the wife’s height. Convincing examples of incompatibility between couples are given. For example, Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Tom Cruise (170 cm), Lolita Milyavskaya (173 cm) and Alexander Tsekalo (167 cm). At the same time, persistent marriages are called: Victoria Beckham (168 cm) and David Beckham (183 cm), Tony Blair (172 cm) and his wife Sherry (156 cm);
  • a man is by definition an owner, a master. He wants his wife to submit in everything. It is easy to control the weak and frail;
  • a short wife for a tall, strong man is a way to demonstrate this same strength against her background. He will be her assistant, protector, “stone wall.” His male pride will increase to unprecedented heights. A man will feel his importance not only in the eyes of his lovely companion, but also wherever they may appear together;
  • The strong half of humanity considers small women to be the most tender and sexy. The last characteristic has a solid foundation. Doctors say that short girls mature sexually faster;
  • short girls attract the attention of tall men, and vice versa. Explanation: opposites are attracted to each other. A kind of compensation;
  • stereotype. A man should be taller than his life partner.

Forced loneliness does not have the best effect on the fair sex. Psychologists note the fact that the longer a girl is single, the lower her self-esteem becomes. Confidence in one’s own attractiveness disappears, and in return many misconceptions and myths appear about what kind of women men like.

In our article we will look at the 10 most common misconceptions. Perhaps readers will see that they are not 100% true, but with them they will be able to meet a good man much faster.

What kind of girls do men like?

1. Men only like thin people.

This phrase often flashes in the minds of not only fat women weighing a hundredweight, but also girls with just a couple of extra pounds. “First I need to lose weight, and then I will actively start looking for my loved one!” - isn't this your idea?

But look around, take a closer look at the women on the street, in transport, in stores. Of course, there are models among them. But you can regularly see plump wives and mothers of charming babies, and next to them are their husbands, who look at them with admiring eyes. Do you see that you can’t equate extra pounds with failures in your personal life?

2. Men like glamorous girls.

This myth is often heard on the TV screen, and glossy magazines write in every issue that without a combat arsenal in the form of false eyelashes, nails, and hair extensions, it is impossible to conquer a man. They also provide a list of one hundred items that every self-respecting girl should have in her makeup bag.

Of course, it is beneficial for cosmetic product manufacturers to support this myth. But girls looking for their man should remember how their boyfriends told them more than once that they love naturalness. Guys won't mind moderate makeup on their loved one when going to a party or birthday party with friends. But at home, they want to see their companion with natural beauty.

3. Men only like girls with big breasts.

This is what size 1 women tell themselves and decide that their chances of finding a decent man are close to zero. This is nothing more than a complex. Men care about the appearance of their chosen one, but not every one of them will appreciate your desire to undergo breast enlargement surgery.

Some will be worried about your health, while others cannot afford the cost of such intervention. And there are known cases when a girl made up her mind, but the guy just disappeared. In addition, many women with small busts have families, children and even - believe it or not - feel happy.

4. Men like short girls.

Girls with above average height feel that they are losing to their smaller rivals. Is it really? The thing is that in our society it has traditionally developed that a man should be taller than his beloved, at least two centimeters, but taller.

It turns out that with a height of 160 cm, a woman really has more choice than a tall and long-legged model twenty centimeters taller. But growth should not be considered a serious reason for failures on the personal front. After all, there are plenty of tall men too. And among couples where the wife is taller than the husband, harmony in the relationship is quite possible.

5. Men have little interest in women over thirty.

This myth arose probably thirty years ago. In those days, a girl whose age was approaching the ominous figure of “thirty” had little hope of getting married. She either remained alone, or agreed to the most seedy option, just to start a family.

And now many girls get married at twenty. However, another approach to this problem has emerged: first climb the career ladder, provide support for yourself and your future baby, and then look for a worthy companion. But for some reason, men make very high demands, believing that they have benefited the “poor old maid.”

6. Men love weak women.

This point deserves close attention. In modern realities, a “weak woman” is not one who is unable to earn money for food and new lipstick, but for diapers and toys for her child. No, men, on the contrary, have a very positive perception of women who have achieved success in their careers.

At the same time, all representatives of the fair sex, including strong business women, must learn not to emphasize their leading role. Even if their salary is ten times higher than their husband’s, they need to unobtrusively and naturally emphasize that he is the head of the family. If the task seems too difficult, you will have to pay for your superiority in loneliness.

7. Men don't take marriage seriously.

No, to think that only women need a family, and that the stronger sex does not strive for family and children at all, is a wrong position. Of course, until about 25 years old, this opinion may be fair, and a guy finds the idea of ​​going to a nightclub rather than taking his baby out for a walk much more attractive.

But several years pass, men become more mature and responsible and also begin to think about a life partner and keeper of the family hearth. As statistical surveys have shown, 80% of men are looking for a companion not for meetings once or twice, but for a serious relationship and starting a family.

8. Men like bitches, not calm, “homey” girls.

This myth, most likely, was invented by harmful girls, for whom communicating with a guy without displaying bitchiness is a fantastic phenomenon. What can you say about this? Indeed, a relationship with a bitch can evoke a whole range of different emotions in a guy. He may even assume that he has met the love of his life.

But a little time passes, and the guy gets tired of being in constant tension, waiting for a call, fulfilling more and more new demands of such a fatal beauty. And it is possible that he will get tired of such a “roller coaster” and for family life will choose a girl of a completely different type: kind, calm, affectionate.

9. Men like women who are experienced in bed.

And again, similar to the previous point, there are two possible cases here. When a guy is just in the mood for a few meetings, he will choose the option of an experienced girl with whom he can just relax and have fun, enjoying her freedom and passion.

However, when choosing a future wife and mother of their child, men consider the extensive intimate experience of their chosen one to be more of a minus than a plus. Some guys go even further and want to marry an exclusively innocent girl. Perhaps they understand that over time they will begin to ask their significant other about her experience and experience pangs of jealousy: “But it wasn’t me who taught her this pose.”

10. Men don't like girls who argue with them.

But now the arrangement of family life according to Domostroi is no longer in fashion. Husband and wife are equal partners, each of them has the right to express their opinion and express dissatisfaction if something does not suit them. If a woman always says “Yes,” she may even begin to be suspected of insincerity and a very strong desire to keep her companion - to keep her at any cost.

It is possible and even necessary to argue with a guy and express your opinion. Just don’t start doing this from the first meeting. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, it is not recommended to discuss politics, religion and other topics that can easily lead to conflicts.

And in conclusion, we want to say that men like a variety of women: brunettes and blondes, thin and fat ones, confident business women and quiet “gray mice”. We wish you to meet your soulmate in the year of the Horse.

A relationship with a short beauty is a real adventure for which guys should be thoroughly prepared.

Don't call her honey

A girl may perceive such a remark as another hint about her short stature. Every woman wants to feel, first and foremost, sexy.

Never ask if she needs to be picked up

There is no need to ask questions like “should I pick you up?” She sounds like she's a puppy or a small child.

The lack of growth is often compensated by a rich inner world

Short people, as a rule, turn out to be very interesting and versatile personalities. So why not love your girlfriend even more just because she is so special?

Don't embarrass her

Shelves that are too high are not a problem for a tall man, but a huge inconvenience for a petite woman.

Jokes are useless

Even if you call a girl tiny as a joke, it may offend her.

She didn't choose you for nothing

Representatives of the fair sex of short stature usually date tall guys. And it's not a matter of discrimination at all. It's just that deep down they want their children to be a little taller.

Small, but remote

It is easy for short girls to get into even the smallest places in the apartment and the narrowest passages.

Stretch your neck

Yes, yes, it is this part of the body that will constantly become numb. After all, kissing a girl with such a difference in height is difficult.

Don't underestimate her

Well, even if your lady is short, this does not mean that she is somehow worse than others. Perhaps it's even the other way around.

A romantic dinner is better than a walk

Don't forget that girls compensate for their short height with heels. Therefore, a long walk will exhaust the young lady.

Lean towards her face more often

If a lady wants to say something in your ear, don’t be lazy to lean towards her. This will save the girl from having to jump up and try to reach her man.

Don't put your hands above her head

Such a gesture seems to speak of a desire to protect. The girl will be uncomfortable because she will feel as if a weight is hanging over her.

She likes to be small

Most women with short stature are very happy about one advantage. Unlike the rest, they can wear even the biggest heels.

Fool around with her

Just think: you can lift your partner in your arms, spin them around and even place them anywhere you want.

Always hold a girl's hand

When heading somewhere together, hold your companion’s hand tightly and never let go.

Don't ruin your first date

You most likely will not be able to build a relationship with a girl if, when meeting her, a remark is made about the lady’s short stature.

Opposites attract

You may be completely different, but you don’t let each other get bored. Appreciate it. Together you are like yin and yang.

When you see such couples, you always experience slight bewilderment, and sometimes it’s not easy. It seems, well, why do this, can these people really attract each other, well, it’s strange. But there really is such a trend - big men like small women. I don’t even have to look far for examples - this can be clearly seen in my family - grandparents, uncle and his wife. The men are tall and large, and the women are barely over one meter fifty. And in my life I have observed such couples more than once. So why do tall guys like short girls?

Previously, it seemed to me that this was generally such a joke of nature - there are not only a lot of tall guys, but they also prefer miniature girls. Well, is this fair? What should we, the tall ones, do? Again, what is the harmony in this that nature loves so much?

The girl is taller than the guy

Although the opposite situations are not uncommon - couples in which the girl is taller than the guy occur quite regularly. Why does this happen if we are genetically programmed according to which a woman should be smaller than a man? And therefore, every time watching such couples, I want to correct it, as if it were something wrong, some kind of deviation that will not bring happiness to this union.

Only recently, once again watching a couple, this suddenly occurred to me. I don’t remember, maybe that couple had a child, a boy or a girl, maybe they were both tall, but I thought about this: if both parents are so tall, then how tall will their daughter be?

After all, girls, as a rule, grow shorter than their father, but taller than their mother, so if the mother is short, then the daughter also has a chance not to reach ninety meters. If both parents are tall, then there is practically no chance, and it’s good if she is at least the same height as her parents, but what if she’s even taller? And then, it seems, I was completely imbued with the design of nature, according to which big men like small women, and tall girls choose guys shorter than them.

From my experience

I myself am tall, 182 cm, model height, as they say now. My happiness is that I was born at a time when tall height is even considered a certain advantage, but even so, all my life I have to endure certain inconveniences because of it. So when I see girls taller and bigger than me, I can’t help but think that even if I, as a rule, often find myself taller than all the people around me, then how do such girls feel?
This applies to everything - both clothes and shoes, and especially, of course, the sensations next to men, most of whom turn out to be hopelessly inferior to you.

Although the most interesting thing is that tall girls often like guys shorter than them. I myself, for example, have always been attracted to tall men purely hypothetically, as an idea. But when it came down to it, my choice each time fell on fairly compact representatives of the stronger sex, so that they were all slightly shorter than me. But what about the desire inherent in us by nature to choose a mate to match ourselves? Why doesn’t it work and we don’t find compatible partners? I always considered this to be something wrong, and stereotypes, of course, do their job, they put pressure and prevent you from being happy, even if the relationship itself suits everyone...

What causes the big difference in height?

And only recently I suddenly thought that there seemed to be no wrong with this. After all, what would happen if the tall chose the tall and they had even taller children? And at the same time, the short ones would meet with the short ones, and their children would turn out just as small?

Apparently, at some point, some kind of fuse, wisely installed by nature, is triggered, and we begin to strive to average our growth in procreation. And that’s why very tall guys like very short girls, and tall girls are attracted to guys shorter than themselves - after all, it is precisely these couples who will ultimately produce offspring who will feel normal among the people around them.

So don’t be perplexed when looking at couples with a large difference in height, don’t feel sorry for girls who are taller than their boyfriends. There is a high probability that they really find each other very attractive. Big men are delighted with small women, small women are delighted with their big men. And tall girls like the fact that their guys are of normal average height, and guys of average height are proud to have tall girls next to them. In this way, everyone harmoniously complements each other, and you never know, some of them will actually have children together, and these children, with a high degree of probability, will not have to feel disproportionate to the entire world around them.