Clean white rabbit fur.  How to clean a rabbit hat?  Rabbit fur cleaning products

Clean white rabbit fur. How to clean a rabbit hat? Rabbit fur cleaning products

Every representative of the fair sex dreams of a beautiful and warm fur coat. But not everyone knows how to properly care for a luxurious piece of clothing. It is not difficult to maintain fur coats made from beaver and rabbit fur at home. By following the care instructions, you can extend the life of your fur product.

Preparation and Precautions

The preparation and precautions are the same regardless of the type of fur. The first thing is to choose a cleaning method and prepare the ingredients for preparing the mixture. Buy a special product or prepare for dry cleaning.

If the procedure is performed at home, it is important to test the product used. Testing is done like this:

  1. Apply a small amount of the substance to an inconspicuous area of ​​the fur coat.
  2. Wait for the time specified in the instructions or 20-30 minutes, if this folk recipe.
  3. Rinse off and evaluate the result.
  4. If there is no change in color, appearance of a defect, discoloration, or loss of lint, you can begin cleaning.

Cleaning a beaver coat

A beaver fur coat can decorate any representative of the fair sex. Such fur is valued for its ability to retain heat. In order not to lose these properties and attractive appearance, you need to perform the procedure correctly. You can use specialized expensive chemicals or give preference to affordable home remedies.

IMPORTANT! A beaver fur coat is considered one of the most wear-resistant. You can use any cleaning products, taking into account the recommendations.

Effective folk methods

The following folk remedies are considered effective:

  • Ammonia.
  • Semolina.
  • Starch.
  • Hot sand.
  • Shampoo without dyes.
  • Glycerol.

Having chosen a product, prepare a comb or stiff brush. With their help, comb the fur and return it to its original shine. Long pile fur is scratched in the direction of hair growth, and short pile fur is scratched against the direction.

Starch acts as a sorbent to remove any contaminants. Pour it onto the contaminated areas and gently rub it over the surface. Shake any residue from the undercoat. If the starch turns gray, repeat the procedure again. Similarly, you can use talc, semolina or hot sand.

Starch is used for minor stains. Semolina is a substance with large particles, used for heavy pollution. Clean sand is the best choice for dry cleaning. Heat it in a clean frying pan.

Usage ammonia rational in two cases:

  1. Presence of dust and light dirt. Stir 100 ml of ammonia in a glass of water. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution, wring it out and wipe the dirty areas. Finally, the fur is wiped with a clean damp sponge and dry rags.
  2. Presence of oil, greasy traces. Mix a teaspoon of salt, 3 ml of ammonia and a glass of water. Use a sponge soaked in the solution to wipe the dirty areas. Remove any remaining residue with a damp towel. Dry the fur at room temperature.

Use pet shampoo when no other products are available. Dilute a small amount of shampoo in a glass of water and wipe the dirty areas. Next, the fur coat is dried and combed.

Wearing a beaver coat for a long time can lead to loss of shine. To fix this, you need to use a sponge soaked in glycerin. You can add glycerin to soap solution. Finally, dry and comb the fur.

ATTENTION! Usage detergent for dishes and washing powder is prohibited. Using household chemicals will ruin appearance fur coats.

Specialty Chemistry

Manufacturers of specialty chemicals offer kits that carry out comprehensive care for the product. It includes: cleaner, foam, fur restorer, brush, comb and gloves.

Wet wipes can be purchased separately. With their help, it is easy to get rid of dirt, for example, while walking. You can also remove dirt from the lining.

How to clean rabbit fur

Rabbit fur is soft and delicate. A rabbit fur coat is visually impressive and keeps you warm winter time. The animal's fur is considered capricious, so it requires special cleaning.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for cleaning rabbit fur will allow you to achieve cleanliness and original shine. You can give preference to the following:

  • Talc.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Bran.
  • Vinegar.
  • Starch.

Application of starch or talc:

  1. Lay the fur coat on a horizontal surface with the fur facing up.
  2. Sprinkle dirty areas with starch.
  3. After a few minutes, shake the fur coat (you cannot rub rabbit fur, this can lead to damage).
  4. Gently comb the fur.
  5. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions is suitable for cleaning. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the solution and wipe away any dirt. Another recipe is a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.

The bran should be slightly heated in a clean frying pan and sprinkled onto the rabbit fur. They need to be lightly rubbed in with your hands. After 2-3 minutes, get rid of the bran with a brush.

REMEMBER! Rabbit fur products require careful care and careful cleaning.

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Household chemicals

Household chemicals is presented with special compounds for cleaning rabbit fur. With their help, it is possible to achieve effective care. The set contains a cleaner, a restorer, foam, a brush, a comb and gloves. The restorer ensures high-quality restoration of the axial hair and the structure of the inner layer. The use of foam is rational in the presence of serious stains, including traces of grease. And after cleaning the fur coat you need to treat it with a moth repellent.

Features of cleaning white fur

White fur is beautiful, but marks. He is able to complement any image. However, many representatives of the fair sex are afraid to purchase a white fur coat, as they believe that cleaning them is a difficult task. This is not true if you follow some recommendations.

Use white powder for cleaning. These include: talc, semolina, starch. Their advantage is the absence of coloring substances.

You can use hydrogen peroxide. You need to mix it with water and wipe the fur coat. There is no need to rinse off.

Video tips

Pros and cons of home cleaning

Home cleaning has a number of advantages:

  • Efficiency.
  • Affordability.
  • Easy to do.
  • Speed ​​in getting results.
  • Everything you need is at hand.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • Possibility of fur damage.
  • Wasted personal time.

Useful tips will help extend the life of the product and take care of its attractiveness.

  • Clean your fur coat when dirt is visible. Maintenance is required regularly. Before long-term summer storage, you need to clean the product so that you can immediately put it on in winter.
  • Do not dry your fur coat near heating devices.
  • Do not use solutions containing alcohol.
  • To add aroma to the product, you can store bags of aromatic herbs nearby.
  • Ironing is not allowed even on the lining side. This may cause shrinkage or stretching.
  • You cannot wash it, it will lead to damage.

Cleaning fur products is a complex and responsible task. By following the instructions and recommendations, you will be able to prevent damage and maintain the attractive appearance and warming properties of your wardrobe item.

Rabbit fur clothing has become popular due to its beauty and warm material. But like any thing, a product made from rabbit fur must be properly cared for. Most often, stains appear where the collar or pockets are located. You can perform the cleansing procedure yourself, without using chemical cleaning.

Fur can be washed at home using the following products:

  • acetic acid;
  • semolina;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • talc in powder form;
  • starch;
  • gasoline;
  • soft bristled brushes;
  • ammonia;
  • bran

How to clean rabbit fur at home using these products? Can these funds be used? Let's find out.

How to clean a rabbit fur coat using these products? These products are capable of absorbing dirt and grease. In this case, no chemical effect occurs. Cleaning with these dry substances can be done at home. Let's look at the cleaning process:

  1. First, you need to apply talc to your clothes.
  2. Then, using light and smooth movements, begin to rub the product into the fur.
  3. Wait about half an hour.
  4. Finally, shake out the rabbit fur coat and use a soft bristle brush to remove any remaining product.

You can make a mixture of starch, talc and semolina. Ratio – 1:2. The cleaning technology is the same. Rabbit fur is delicate. Rabbit fur fibers are thin. Therefore, to clean the remaining mixture, you need to use only a brush with soft bristles. Movements must be careful and smooth, otherwise the fur item being washed may be damaged.

These products may change color. Therefore, cleaning must be done as long as they remain white.

Removing stains

If grease gets on a fur coat or hat knitted from rabbit fur, it is not necessary to use a powerful stain remover. A solution consisting of water and acetic acid will help you cope. Ratio – 1:1. There is another recipe that will help get rid of dirt. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 400–450 ml of ordinary water;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  3. 3 tbsp. l. table salt.

30 minutes after you have applied the prepared solution to the problem area, wipe the area wet wipe. It is better to use a cotton napkin.

We clean a fur coat or hat using hot bran. Hot rye bran will help eliminate the most stubborn fatty stains. First, place the rye bran in a frying pan, which must be preheated beforehand. The bran should be heated to 50˚C. They must be stirred while heating. You can determine the temperature like this: put your hand on the bran, and as soon as it becomes hot, it means the desired temperature has been reached. After heating, the product must be rubbed into the affected area until the unpleasant mark disappears.

Cleaning the lining

A common case is that the top of a rabbit fur item is clean, but all the dirt is concentrated on the lining. To clean it, use the following methods:

Cleaning white fur

After a certain period of time, a tint of yellow may appear on the white fur. How to clean a white rabbit fur coat? You can wash fur using a solution that will consist of the following ingredients:

  • ½ tsp. ammonia;
  • 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 200–250 ml of ordinary water.

First, soak a cloth in this solution. Wipe the white fur with a damp cloth, then allow it time to dry. Do not use a hair dryer or other device for drying. Drying should occur naturally. You can add gasoline to the solution, but it leaves an unpleasant odor that will disappear in 7–8 days.

Using these tips, you can wash a fur coat at home, and clothes made from rabbit fur, namely a hat or fur coat, can be worn for a long time.

Products made from rabbit fur are among the most frequently purchased on the domestic market. It’s not surprising, because not only fur coats are made from it, but also collars and hats. However, many owners of such things are faced with a problem related to cleaning fur. You will learn how to clean a rabbit fur coat at home from this article.

Grandma's secret to getting rid of dust

In a time when there were almost no cars and most of the snow was white and not brown, fur coats were cleaned right on the street. To do this, they laid it with a pile on the snow and carefully beat it out. Eventually, all the dust that accumulated in the item of clothing fell onto the snow. The result is a perfectly clean fur coat. Now this method will be relevant only for residents of environmentally friendly areas.

However, there is another way to clean such a piece of clothing - it will be relevant for residents of big cities. To implement it, snow is replaced with pure cotton material, after which:

  1. Hang the item of clothing on a hanger.
  2. Wrap it in pre-moistened cloth.
  3. Carefully beat out the item of clothing.

Important! If the contamination is severe, you can replace the fabric and repeat the procedure. Once all the dust has been removed, you can begin to get rid of stains and greasy areas.

Fur of any type, including rabbit fur, is, first of all, a delicate material. If measures to remove contaminants are not careful, the material can be completely damaged. Before carrying out this procedure, you need to remember a few points:

  • Washing rabbit fur in a machine is strictly prohibited.
  • It is unacceptable to use strong chemicals when removing stains.
  • Do not comb the pile with a fine-toothed brush.
  • Drying a fur product on a radiator or using a hair dryer is prohibited.
  • To prevent yellowing of a white rabbit fur coat, it should be wrapped in a thick cover of a dark, cool color. It is better to store such a fur coat in a cool place.
  • To clean rabbit collars and hats, it is better to use cleaning products with a gel consistency.

By taking these rules into account, you can significantly extend the life of an expensive item and enjoy its warmth for a long time.

Basic methods of cleaning fur products

Before using the methods described below, you need to test their effectiveness on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. To do this, you need to apply a cleaning agent, wait 15 minutes, then remove it and objectively evaluate the result. If it does not affect the product, feel free to use this method.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

This method is ideal in the fight against yellow spots caused by improper drying or prolonged contact with water. In addition to a fur coat, you can wash a rabbit hat in this way; to do this, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Mix 30 ml of 6% hydrogen peroxide, 300 ml of clean water and 20 ml of ammonia.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray it onto the item of clothing at a distance of 30-40 cm. Each drop should lie evenly over the entire surface of the item.
  4. Gently run the brush through the pile.

Important! In this way, both the entire product and its individual parts (for example, collar and sleeves) can be cleaned.

Using semolina

Necessary materials:

  • Vacuum cleaner (you can use a car vacuum cleaner).
  • Basin or other container.
  • Semolina. It can be replaced with regular potato starch.

Important! If the fur item is heavily soiled, it is recommended to remove the fur part from the lining and wash each part separately.

To clean a rabbit fur coat at home, you must follow the steps described below:

  1. Pour approximately 10 liters of warm water into the prepared container, adding 1.8 kg of cereal or starch to it.
  2. Dip the fur into the liquid, rinse well and shake it thoroughly.
  3. When all manipulations are completed, walk over the treated surface with a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment. Before this, you need to lay out the fur coat on a horizontal surface with a white sheet.
  4. When the procedure is completed, you should sew the lining back.

The secret of oat bran

Even with the help of oat bran, you can thoroughly clean a rabbit fur coat at home. To do this you need:

  1. Wash the non-stick frying pan and dry it.
  2. Pour about 100 grams of oat or flax bran into it.
  3. Heat the mixture on the stove, but do not fry.
  4. Lay the fur coat on a clean table, pour heated bran onto it and rub it in thoroughly. If the composition is not enough, make more.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the fur must be combed with a special brush in the direction of the villi, and then hung on a hanger.
  6. When the fur coat dries a little, it should be combed again, being careful not to harm the fur.

Important! Many housewives use a broom as a brush. You should not take this into account, as there is a risk of staining the item of clothing even more.

Using table vinegar

This composition is used not only to wash a rabbit hat at home, but also to give the fur product silkiness and softness. To use this method, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • Dilute 9% vinegar with clean water in a ratio of 1:2.
  • Dip a cotton pad into the solution and walk it over the contaminated area several times.

Important! Do not press too hard on the fur; carry out the procedure with extreme caution.

  • When the manipulations are completed, you need to wipe the product with a soft damp cloth and dry it naturally.
  • Brush your fur coat or hat with a special brush.

Important! Since rabbit fur is very capricious, you should use only mild table vinegar. If essence is used, it must be diluted cold water based on 100 ml of vinegar 1 liter of filtered water.

We use children's talc

This method is classified as dry, since there is no need to treat the product with water before performing the procedure. To wash a rabbit hat at home in this way, you need:

  1. Cover the entire surface of the product with powder.
  2. Rub it well into the pile so that all greasy stains are absorbed into the product.
  3. Leave the product in this position for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the time is up, shake the product and vacuum.
  5. Brush the product with a soft brush with frequent teeth. Its role can be performed by a brush for animal hair.
  6. Remove talc residue using a hair dryer or fan.

Important! Talc can be replaced with wheat flour, and the principle of action will not be different.

Gasoline use

Required materials:

  • Pure gasoline (the kind used for lighters is suitable).
  • Corn starch.
  • Brush designed for fur products.

Important! Before you start processing your fur coat, you need to open all the windows and make sure that there is no open fire nearby. You should also take into account that there should be no children or animals in the room.

So, here is the basic procedure that will help you wash a rabbit hat at home:

  1. Shake the fur coat several times. Ideal option will be if the product has already been knocked out on the street using the “grandmother’s” method.
  2. Mix 100 g of starch with gasoline so that you end up with a mixture similar to sour cream.
  3. Rub the resulting composition against the direction of the villi.
  4. Shake the product and repeat these manipulations several more times.
  5. When all the steps are completed, the fur coat needs to be combed, removing any remaining mixture.

Important! You may be bothered by the smell of gasoline after the procedure. Don't worry, it will disappear in 3-4 days.

The most delicate soft rabbit fur is an excellent choice for sewing. outerwear. It is lightweight and retains heat perfectly. Combined with an affordable price, a fur coat becomes a desired wardrobe item for many fashionistas, and caring parents buy it for their children. The ease of coloring and the range of styles add advantages to such clothes.

At the same time, the frequency of wearing your favorite item presupposes its regular cleaning from dust and dirt of city streets. This article will give detailed answers on how to clean a rabbit fur coat at home and not take it to a professional dry cleaning company.

Warm and beautiful outfit for a charming woman

Dry cleaning methods

Any natural fur Doesn't cope well with being completely wet. During the procedures, it is necessary to control the process so that moisture does not get on the leather base of the fur coat. Wet flesh becomes very hard after drying and can also shrink in size.

Cleaning is carried out on a flat surface or by hanging outerwear on hangers. The method depends on the chosen cleaning method. Before the procedures, the product is thoroughly cleared of dust and possible debris.

Rabbit fur is extremely soft and delicate due to the thinness and length of the hairs. Rough cleaning with hard brushes is not suitable for her. In ideal ways Dry options are considered for cleaning fur.

Among the folk substances that have the properties to effectively absorb moisture and dirt in fur fabric are starch, semolina and talc powder. These powders also cope with grease stains and make the product shiny and fluffy.

The algorithm for cleaning is simple:

  • One of the proposed products is sprinkled on the surface of the item on all sides and rubbed into the pile with smooth movements of the fingers.
  • Leave the item to act for 1 hour.
  • Starch or talc is carefully shaken out of the fur by hand, using soft clothing brushes and wide-toothed combs. The powder can be removed using a vacuum cleaner. But the intensity of air suction should be minimal so as not to damage the pile.

Important! You should not allow any residues of substances between the fur hairs. Otherwise, they will become an excellent bait for moths, and under the influence of moisture they will become a breeding ground for bacteria and microbes.

Ordinary wheat or rye bran is also effective in the fight for the purity of the rabbit coat. They should be well heated, but not burning and comfortable for the hands. A metal frying pan that is ideally washed to remove foreign substances and odors is suitable for heating.

Warm and elegant fur coat for winter

Hot bran scatters across the fur. Next, you should gently rub the bran with your fingers to enhance the effectiveness of the ingredient. To remove any remaining product, the product is shaken and combed out. You should use a brush with soft bristles or a sparse set of blunt teeth. The direction of movement along the growth of the pile, from the roots to the tips of the hairs.

Wet cleaning methods

Wet cleaning methods using chemicals are very popular among people. It is strictly forbidden to wash a rabbit fur coat. The fur is prone to matting and the base may break or shrink. Therefore, at home, a maximum wet surface treatment is recommended.

The easiest way is to cover the fur coat with a damp sheet and knock out the dust. After this, the pile is wiped with vinegar and dried thoroughly.

In addition, you can always use soap foam or solution:

  • The shampoo foams in warm water.
  • The foam sponge is moistened, wrung out slightly, then the fur is wiped.
  • Instead of shampoo, you can use dishwashing liquids, however, only colorless ones that do not contain dyes.
  • Then the fur coat is dried on hangers.

After any wet procedures, fur requires additional nutrition to restore its softness and shine. Glycerin will be irreplaceable in this case.

Important! It happens that during wet processing lumps of fur are formed. To straighten them, you need to moisten them with alcohol and carefully untangle them with your fingers. After detangling, you can use a comb and carefully comb the fur coat.

Products for cleaning white rabbit fur

Coat models made from light shades of rabbit become unattractively yellow over time. This kind of trouble happens after repeated getting wet in snowy weather and poor drying afterwards. How to clean a white rabbit fur coat from dirt and yellowness? There are several options for this:

A white fur coat requires careful processing
  • First of all, the dry cleaning method with semolina, talcum powder or bran is suitable for white fur. After cleaning, the fur coat is moistened with a spray bottle and carefully combed with a wooden comb for a straightened look at the pile. Next is drying.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can also correct the situation with yellowness. A tablespoon of this product is poured into 200 ml of water, and then a few drops of ammonia are added. You should not get carried away with ammonia, as it can not only clean the fur, but also dry it out. The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed over the surface of the fur coat.
  • Do not neglect the cleansing properties of vinegar. Diluted in half with water, it is applied with stroking movements to the pile using a cotton swab. If the fur coat is heavily soiled, the concentration of vinegar can be increased. If such home measures are not effective, you will need to contact a dry cleaning specialist.

There is also a method of getting rid of the yellow tint, based on optical illusion. It is implemented using a weak blue solution. A couple of drops of blue are added to a small amount of water to obtain a light blue tint. Using a foam sponge moistened in this solution, the fur part of the fur coat is treated with movements in the direction of hair growth. Next is drying the fur coat on hangers.

Features of drying and storage

After wet procedures for cleaning fur or after a snowfall, when the pile is moistened, it must be thoroughly dried. However, electrical appliances and heating devices cannot be used. Their action negatively affects the color of outerwear. This will be best seen on light-colored models. Fur needs to be dried naturally at room temperature. The fur coat is hung on hangers, the crumpled fur is carefully straightened by combing.

A completely cleaned and dried fur coat is stored in a closet during the off-season, after placing it in a linen cover along with moth repellent. Occasionally you should ventilate your fur item.

When trying to clean a rabbit fur coat, you should not forget about its service life. It is approximately 4 years. After which even the most effective methods may not bring the desired result.

If you know how to clean a rabbit fur coat, you can extend its service life by maintaining a presentable appearance. Fur products require special care, which is not entirely easy. Of course, you can use dry cleaning services, but this is quite expensive. Cleaning can be done at home, following the recommendations and choosing the right cleaning product.

What to consider when cleaning yourself?

When cleaning a rabbit fur coat yourself, you need to take into account some rules. This procedure usually takes from 2-3 hours to 1-2 days. It all depends on how dirty the product is, as well as on its overall condition. A snow-white rabbit fur coat especially needs delicate and careful care.

To clean fur at home, it is recommended to consider and adhere to a few simple rules:

  • never wash your fur coat in water;
  • Do not iron the product under any circumstances, even from the inside;
  • do not dry near heating devices, near an open fire, on a radiator or over a stove;
  • Do not scrub the fur with a hard brush.

How to refresh a fur coat?

It is not difficult to refresh white and colored rabbit fur coats after long-term storage, which can lead to deformation of the item. The main thing is not to wash the product, as this will lead to damage to the fur and flesh.

The algorithm for cleaning a fur coat after long-term storage involves the following steps:

  1. Wrap the fur item in a damp sheet and gently knock out the dirt. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the material.
  2. The top of the fur coat should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in 9% vinegar.
  3. Dry the rabbit fur coat on hangers at room temperature. At the same time, there should be no radiator or heating devices nearby, and it is also not recommended to hang a fur coat in direct sunlight.
  4. When the fur is dry, wipe it with glycerin. This will restore its shine and softness.

This algorithm must be followed annually. You can perform it after winter wear or after summer storage. This simple algorithm will also help you cope with light stains on your fur coat; for example, you can use it to rid your fur of dust.

Methods for cleaning rabbit fur

Methods for cleaning rabbit fur are quite simple. The tools that are suitable for this material and the algorithm for their use are summarized in a table.

What will you need?


Cleansing with starch (you can use talc)

You need to prepare starch (corn or potato), a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner and a comb or a special brush.

Sprinkle starch onto the surface of the fur coat, rubbing it lightly with your hands. Leave for 20 minutes. Then shake off the fur coat and get rid of any remaining product using a brush or low-power equipment (hair dryer or vacuum cleaner).

Gasoline and denatured alcohol

You should prepare technical alcohol (denatured alcohol), water, purified gasoline (can be replaced with vodka) and a cotton pad.

You need to mix the ingredients in equal proportions and treat problem areas (the solution is effective in combating greasy spots). It is best to do this outside, as the resulting liquid has a strong odor. After the work is completed, ventilate the product well. The method is also suitable for cleaning the lining of the product.

Using Vinegar

You need to prepare a cotton pad, water and diluted vinegar essence (it can be replaced with ordinary 9% vinegar).

You need to mix equal amounts of water and vinegar. Using cotton wool, you need to treat the fur product with this solution, moving in the direction of pile growth. Do not rub areas too hard. It is recommended to act quickly as vinegar tends to dry out the fur. If everything is done correctly, the fur coat will acquire a beautiful shine.

Cleansing with bran

You need to take any bran (you can buy it in a store or pharmacy), a frying pan (it must be clean and dry), a brush or comb.

Initially, you need to slightly heat the bran in a frying pan so that it is warm. After this, they are poured onto the dirty areas of the colored fur product and lightly rubbed. Residues need to be shaken off the fur coat. Finally, you need to comb the fur with a brush.

Attention! If necessary, you can combine several methods. For example, the sleeves can be treated with alcohol, and the fur coat itself can be refreshed with talc.

How to restore the beauty of a white fur coat?

They will help restore the beauty of a white fur coat traditional methods. The most effective are the following:

  1. Use of hydrogen peroxide. You need to prepare ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, a spray bottle or spray bottle and water. To 200 ml of water you need to add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide (this is one tablespoon) and 4-5 drops of ammonia. The fur product can be wiped with this solution; there is no need to rub it in. When finished, let the fur coat dry and comb it.
  2. Using semolina. In addition to this product, you need: a fur brush or a soft, wide-toothed comb, a vacuum cleaner or a hair dryer. This method is suitable for cleaning white fur. You need to pour the cereal onto the fur coat, gently rubbing it in. After 20-25 minutes, you can shake off the product from your fur coat or remove it in a convenient way (hair dryer, brush, comb, vacuum cleaner).

These simple methods are enough to return a rabbit fur coat to a presentable appearance. When cleaning, consider the degree of contamination and remember that rabbit fur is very delicate. You need to act carefully and carefully. If everything is done correctly, the fur coat will look impressive and will last for many more seasons.