Congratulate mom happy birthday anniversary 60.

Congratulate mom happy birthday anniversary 60.

Present beautiful congratulations happy 60th birthday to mom - this is the sacred duty of every son and every daughter. There is no person in the world more dear and close than your own mother. And if you are already taking her, then in your words and in your gift you must reflect the full range of warm emotions and feelings that you experience in relation to her. On her birthday, the birthday girl should feel loved. She wants to be appreciated and respected. And if anyone can fulfill her wish in the best way, it is the children.

We will not talk about the gift for a long time. In the end, the gift is selected based on the hobbies and hobbies of a particular person. Complement this thing with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and the trick is in the bag. With words, things are a little different. Despite the fact that the birthday is not celebrated by anyone, but by our own mother, and any embarrassment and excitement should be completely absent here, we do not always find correct words. Creative crisis, lack of imagination, inability to improvise - there can be a lot of reasons for this, but none of them will be an excuse.

We offer you our help so that you get out of this situation with your head held high. In this section of our site you will find chic congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years to your mother, which will be a real discovery for her. Please your mommy - give her an emotional holiday!

Happy anniversary
my dear mother,
Be well, dear
I want to wish you

Don't worry needlessly
Never lose heart
Be beautiful, be beautiful
And happy at sixty!

Mommy is sixty today
On this day, solemn and ceremonial,
So bright eyes shine with happiness,
And, of course, there are reasons for this.

Mommy, on your glorious anniversary
May a happy occasion come to you
So that in the circle of relatives, among friends,
You became happy and lucky!

You are sixty years old
But listen mom, my answer.
What a way, quite a bit has passed,
Ahead, happiness road!

Ahead, the world is for you
And I wish you love.
Live for yourself
All joys enticing!

Happy anniversary mother unearthly,
For me, you are the dearest.
I have achieved a lot in my life
And I didn't go astray anywhere!

Mom, we always come to you,
If we encounter difficulties along the way,
And today we turn on the music
To bring your holiday to your house.

At sixty we wish you
Do not occupy yourself with thoughts
We kiss you, hug you!
Hundreds of times to celebrate like this!

Mom's birthday
I'll pour the wine soon.
We will sit with you
And from life, just go crazy.

Sixty, good date
She is full of surprises.
Happiness awaits you ahead
And failure, behind.

Happy birthday my dear mother
For me, you are the dearest.
Forget about all the bad
Let it be magical!

Through the years, through joys, sorrows,
She carried her love to us in our hearts,
You raised us and raised us
I found time for my grandchildren.

You are 60 today, congratulations
We wish you joy, good luck and warmth,
Let the rain wash away all sorrows
May spring always bloom in your soul.

The long-awaited holiday in the house -
Our mom is 60!
Happiness beats let the fountain
Let your eyes burn.

Do not grow old in soul, dear,
Have fun and sing songs
Smile, illumine
A world of magical beauty.

We are at ease with your love
Live in crazy chaos.
Strength to you, goodness, health.
Be always on top!

Mom is sixty today
This date is amazing!
I want to wish happiness
Good luck, inspiration,

I want to wish you health
There is no more important factor in the world,
To be happy, to flourish,
I wish you summer in my heart!

Sixty is a special date
And you look at us with a little sadness.
Do not be sad, mom, that once
You were younger than now.

Youth is a state
The shell has nothing to do with it.
The main thing is to keep desire in the soul,
Younger all the time day after day.

We wish you good health
And good luck to the whole ocean.
And we hug you so tenderly
All ready to bring to your feet!

Dear mom, happy birthday!
Sixty is no reason to be discouraged.
Look at you, you won't believe
Beauty cannot be taken away with age.

The main thing is to have a mood
To live and create.
Let unnecessary worries go away
And happy do not interfere with being!

On your anniversary, my mother,
I want to say a lot...
But I will limit myself to the best
And I will put my love into them!

You are my lighthouse and my harbor
You are the port where I want to land.
I wish you the best,
I won't let you have any problems!

Mommy, on the anniversary evening
We do not light candles on the cake.
You are not sixty, but so much
How many years do you look worthy!

Slim, like a girl's figure,
Royally stately texture...
We wish to continue
Stay so beautiful!

Dear mother, how old
You decorate the white light...
You do not regret your life at all,
And keep us all out of trouble.

For the anniversary, we want to wish
Woe to you, dear, not to know ...
Always reflect happiness with your eyes,
We will help you in every way we can!

Mom, the years run without looking back
And the burden of worries comes on the heels ...
But on the anniversary I will not say this,
Just give poems with a kiss!

Be optimistic as always
Let trouble not come close.
Rejoice in every new day
I appreciate you with all my heart!

The freshness of roses will bewitch with a dope,
Congratulations are pouring in your address.
Mom, she will enchant everyone with a smile,
Today is your birthday.

I remember warm and bright moments
How much joy the white light gave us.
Happiness covers us as if
My mom is 60 years old!

I wish you great joy
For you to be the happiest of all
May the Lord keep you healthy
And live for many, many years.

I will save you from sadness
And I will drive away the shadow of worries with warmth.
I want everyone in the world to know
That for the sake of mother the sky shines.

I wish you great love
Let the excitement not disturb the soul.
And stay in love with this life
May God drive away all separation cold.

You take care of yourself, dear mother,
And know that you are more dear to everyone in the world.
You will lead from tears - fog
Happy birthday mom!

Happy Anniversary, dear mother! You are exactly 60 today!
Although the years run stubbornly, you are not afraid to lose time!
You still look at the children with love,
All the same kindness can not be exhausted!

So let your soul know no pain,
We are your children, we will help in this!
We wish you good health, mood,
To please everyone around with smiles!

Forget about all the problems and worries
May wisdom be near, a true friend!
Happy Anniversary Today
Everyone who came here, tell you with all my heart!
And they wish you one thing - you remain only yourself!

Congratulations dear, dear mother
happy birthday and wish her good health
less grief from us her loving children and joys from her grandchildren!
My congratulations are joined by all my best friends and my friends

who know you and your magnificent character.
Congratulations on your anniversary and wish you more happiness and good luck.
My dear mother, be always as young and beautiful as now.
Congratulations on your anniversary, I wish you to celebrate this event more than once

among loving relatives and closest friends.
I want to write a lot, but I lack such words,
to express what i feel...
Happy birthday to my beloved mom!

My dear mother,
Congratulations on your anniversary
Happiness and health and goodness
I wish from my heart and soul.

I wanted to wish a lot
Only to convey in words
The kindness that you could give
As a child, we are without sleep at night.

Happy sixtieth birthday
You are still so young
Please take care of yourself
We need your holy love.

Mommy, you are my dear,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Sixty - today you have,
I send you wishes.

For your kindness - I bow low,
Indebted to you,
And never pay for it, I know
In the world you taught to live and good.

With all my heart I wish you health
Long live happy, do not get sick,
Great-grandchildren to babysit you, I know
You will never grow old with them.

Sixty today dear mother.
Anniversaries worthy and wonderful.
To stay young for a long time,
Less days rainy, more clear,

So that they were still in my mother's fate,
Many years of health and fun
The sun is cheerful, and spring is ringing,
Joy and happiness without a doubt.

With our hearts we wish our dear mother,
Live long for the joy of children, grandchildren,
Sixty is not old age, golden age,
And let there be no separation in your fate.

Low bow to you, dear,
For the good that you gave to the children.
You are very kind, my dear,
For us, you never spared warmth.

Today you are only sixty
And you're still so young
And for a long time in your life to be spring,
We wish you with our hearts, golden.

You are golden in soul, my mother,
And I wish you much happiness.
May your fate be joyful
You will be happy for a long time, I know.

Happiness, joy, kindness
I wish mom.
Let the years not scare you
You are young, our dear.

Let sixty today
But it's not old age.
And don't let them burden you
Illness and fatigue.

I wish mom from the bottom of my heart
Always be healthy.
Do not rush to grow old with your soul,
All the best to you, good!

Mom, dear mom,
Happy sixtieth birthday
You are the only one for me
And giving congratulations

I would like to wish you
Be happy and young
Peace of mind to you
You were so happy

In the world for a very, very long time
May fate give you happiness
Health, so that there is a lot
I wish you love.

Today is my mother's birthday
And my mother is sixty.
Pour glasses to the top,
And in honor of such a day

We wish with all our heart
Health, grace,
Thank you mother dear
What has been given to us

And affection, tenderness, and love,
For all bow to the earth.
Happy for long years, colors,
To be young for a long time.

Beautiful, sweet and dear
Today is sixty.
Today everything is for you alone
And we must admit

That, regardless of the years,
You are the best of all
Mommy, my dear
May success await you

In all worries and deeds
Live and prosper
Health happiness, about the years
Don't think, just know.

Let them rustle today
Years of yellow leaf
You are sixty today
The whole family is with you!

May all the flowers today
For you, dear mother,
Like a symbol of beauty
Disperse stubbornly!

Let there be no more frost
Settle on a big house,
May the road be long
In your life is not easy!

Let the yellow-blue tablecloth
The stars will unfold now
Let the brush be insanely beautiful
Life will draw a portrait for us!

And in the center of the portrait is mother,
Beautiful as always
Good, sweet lady
And next to it is a big family!

You are sixty - that means
The holiday is big today
We will come to visit and happiness
We wish you a crowd!

60 wonderful years
You have now reached
We want to live without troubles
Live in love as you used to

Live in harmony with yourself
Enjoy every moment
May your good house be big
It remains important to us!

And let your eyes burn
As if in youth carefree,
You, mother, are sixty!
We wish you a flawless life!

Life can not be turned back -
The years fly so fast
You've come a long way
You are sixty today!
Let happiness not go away
Let them not age, mom, wrinkles,
May luck find a home
And tears do not shine in the eyes!

Let the flowers only for you
Blossoming this evening
Let my mother
Happiness will be endless!

Small beaded teardrops
Let them shine before your eyes
There are gray hairs in your hair
Let them talk about life

There are smiles on your lips
May they always bloom
And all the mistakes, mistakes
Will never return!

Let the mood today
Cool will be with you!
Happy anniversary, happy birthday,
My dear mother!

At sixty, we do not need to be sad,
It's just for fun
We managed to live a wonderful life,
There was no moment for idleness in her,

It was only worries and labors,
There were important and urgent matters in it,
You easily overcame all troubles
And never give up and never!

So let it go, mommy, now
You smile sweetly, clearly
To give us love
And to make everything perfect!

Let's say "Congratulations"!
And today at this hour
We only wish you happiness
And it will come right away

Just say: "Happy anniversary,
Be healthy, mom, always!
It will be warmer here
In a moment the trouble will go away!

And we will say together:
“Let the years fly forward,
You don't need to be sad
You're only sixty!"

You know, there is a fairy tale in life,
You know the sun will come out again in the morning
You know how to live beautifully in the world,
You have achieved a lot at sixty!

You know, it's good when everyone is at home,
When a family gets together
You and unearthly happiness are so familiar,
When to fly hunting directly into the clouds!

So, mom, stay the best,
Be the dearest to us
You will never be boring for us,
You will be the most affectionate, dear!

Today the bird under the window
Sings to you, mommy, a song
About how beautiful your house is,
About your interesting life!

Let that bird sing
About your bright youth
About what was and what is to come
And about your cherished dream!

You, mother, are sixty,
So let the bird glorify
You! And let your eyes burn
And let the heart not fade away!

Sixty is not much at all
This number is small
She's like a big road
Above which clouds float!

Sixty is, mother, a little,
It's just a special frontier
This is the river in which the pirogue
Rushing in the wind that is fresh!

Let, mother, there will still be strength
To make the dream come true!
Stay cute at 60
And don't you dare be sad today!

Life still goes on at 60
She's still bubbling
And the hero of the day enjoys this day
The fact that the heart is still on fire!

And you, my dear mother,
Enjoy your life
It's too early to be despondent and sad
Be, mom, even more fun!

Let you not be judged for anything
You're still sixty
May the children be healthy
And let the grandchildren make noise nearby!

Your fire keeps us warm
And lights the way in life
You seem to be with us every hour,
Your heart protects us!

And let today be the anniversary
Become you, mom, even more beautiful,
We are proud of your wisdom
You are our treasure and happiness!

And may these sixty years
You are not upset by anything,
And tenderness and kindness, still love
You are accompanied today and always!

Drops are ringing for you now
Roses bloom for you today
You're in luck, mommy, believe me
And drive the tears from your cheeks.

After all, 60 is a wonderful anniversary
And only the sun shines for you
You are not shy before a new test,
May Fortune guide you!

And let today only for you
The winds sing and the grass rustles,
You, mother, are the best in the world for me,
I wish you wisdom, good!

I wish my mother
Enjoy all the days
Travel always
Forget about everything!

Fly away like a bird
Rest and return
Back on the road big get together
And don't be afraid of the road!

After all, you're only sixty,
At this time, do not be sad
At this age live -
Fly, ride and swim!

You sat by our beds
You sang songs for us
Every day was both bright and sweet,
And every hour was great!

But the years fly by with a fast wind
And you're sixty now
How fast did the kids grow up?
And the grandchildren are already sitting nearby!

Be, mother, you are always happy,
Happiness is a big family
Be wise and always be patient
Always be your ideal!

Let the sun shine
On this anniversary!
Let the heart open
For all your friends!

Call, mommy, visit,
Let everyone come to you
After all, life is easy!
Let the fireworks go off

Let it not be bitter
And let the stars burn
You, mother, only
Sixty today!

When a woman turns sixty, she already has both children and grandchildren. And on this anniversary she is very happy, because her beloved people come to her. And they don’t just come, but say beautiful congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday. From children and grandchildren, one congratulation can be said at once. And we have a collection of such congratulations, and you can choose from them the one that suits you the most.

Congratulations in prose

Our dear mother and grandmother!
We are the happiest people in the world. After all, we have you! We really hope that you are the happiest in the world, because you have children and such wonderful grandchildren!
On this joyful day for everyone, we thank you for being who you are. With you it is fun and interesting for everyone. It is always a pleasure to talk with you, you always give the right advice.
We congratulate you on your anniversary, and we want to wish your future life to be simple and easy. May all difficulties go out of the way, and all good things will not pass by!

When a child is born, the mother becomes the happiest person. When this child has his own child, then the mother, and already the grandmother. Becomes even happier.
Today you can see both your children and your grandchildren. We really hope that we make your life happier and better.
On this day, we tell you to never be upset and look only ahead. You still have a lot to do and a lot of strength. You can always rely on us or on the grandchildren who love you more than anything in the world!

It's time to speak frankly. And I want to start with the fact that my mother and grandmother of my children are the best person in the world. She is always there, always listens and helps. She is just a golden person, a person who can not help but help!
Mother! We are happy to congratulate you on your anniversary. We are proud to be a part of your life. We are happy that you are just like us. Live long and enjoy everything that every new day gives you.

Dad is sixty today
How fast time flies away.
I want to wish you health
Let it not run away.
Let peace come to you
You should never be sad
And only one love
Let the heart always rule.

Beloved dad, dear,
I want health with all my heart
Wish you today
So much to say -
After all, sixty years today
You. And many victories
You have done in your life
I wish you to be happy!

Daddy, our dear and beloved,
Grandfather is glorious, irreplaceable,
Congratulations on your 60th birthday
And we wish you all the best.
So that you never get sick
May you never grow old.
To keep you forever young
Wise, kind and gentle like that!

Father, when you are with us,
And there are no problems,
Evaluate everything with a close look,
The wise always give advice.
With all my heart we wish you
Live long and never grow old
Congratulations on your 60th birthday,
We wish to overcome all obstacles.

Today is a solemn, special day,
Your anniversary, a holiday for the whole family,
May your path be bright
And only all the Good is found on the way.
60 years is the age of wisdom and kindness,
You deserve only admiration
Be healthy, don't get sick
Greet each day with a smile.

Congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday, with warm, sincere wishes in verse from a loving wife.

My mother-in-law dear
There are congratulations from the son-in-law,
So that you live without worries
Life was like jam!
60 years is not a problem
It's only half
May happiness cover you
Head like an avalanche!
May success never
Never leaves
And let the father-in-law protect you
Love, appreciate, understand! Igor Zagoruy

Beautiful congratulations to mother on her 60th birthday

Today is my mother's birthday
And my mother is sixty.
Pour glasses to the top,
And in honor of such a day
We wish with all our heart
Health, grace,
Thank you mother dear
What has been given to us
And affection, tenderness, and love,
For all bow to the earth.
Happy long years, flowers,
To be young for a long time.

For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just a reason for a gift.
Don't think about years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Take a look around - you are so loved!
And even in these 60
You are irresistible as always.
Your gaze shines with vivacity.
So Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary!
You will never get old!