Interesting birthday greetings to a woman boss. Happy birthday greetings to a female leader

Let me congratulate you on your birthday.
We, as a boss, would like to wish you,
Always be in shape and in a great mood,
No matter what happens, never lose heart.

As a woman, we wish you to be happy,
And believe in miracles, well, at least sometimes.
And miracles will certainly happen,
And we will always support you in everything.

The entire team wishes you a happy birthday!
We are very lucky to have such a boss.
Everyone here not only respects you,
And he loves and treats you warmly.

We wish you success.
May all plans come true soon,
We want to move forward without hindrance
And remain patient with us all.

Good health and all kinds of blessings!
Let there be no disasters in the family.
Good luck, inspiration, kindness!
Don't forget to enjoy life!

Happy birthday to you!
We ask you to remain like this
How we have known you for a long time:
Kind, sincere, with a pure soul!

And from our friendly team
Please accept congratulations.
We wish you to always be happy,
Greet every day with a smile!

And may your dreams all come true,
The soul sings forever with happiness,
And let the income only multiply,
And love always lives in the heart!

Let working moments
They will wait for you a little.
Happy birthday gathered
We congratulate you now.

You lead us
So skillfully for many years.
And the bosses are more beautiful
In the whole world, simply not.

Always be beautiful
And just as young
Fair, brave, strong,
Good-natured, strong-willed.

You are a boss from God:
You are wise and moderately strict,
You are bright, you will understand everything,
You gave your life to work.

On the team's birthday
We wish you positivity
New meetings, new achievements,
Only pleasant achievements.

Start the day with a smile
Keep driving.
Let your favorite job
Will never cease to inspire.

Great personal happiness,
Let there be a lot of joy,
The heart is generous again and again
Let love warm you!

What does a woman need?
Love, attention, care,
Well, it is desirable, of course,
Have a job you love.

And you, our beloved boss,
Real heights have been reached,
We wish you a beautiful life
And women's great happiness.

Beautiful romantic nights,
Sunrises warmed by the bliss.
Verified and excellent friends,
And in the heart of sunny summer!

I wish my boss
Fewer dumb employees
More real pros
So as not to drink coffee for a long time!

To make things happen faster,
All efforts were returned in money.
More female happiness,
Well, the wallet is thicker.

Direct in the right direction,
And solve the problem
Are you on time?
And you cannot be replaced!

Today is an unusual day,
Take a break from worries
Please accept congratulations,
Let peace come!

May your health be strong
Strength to implement plans,
May the best of destinies
You will be favored!

You are the boss
The best helmsman in the world,
The whole team into the world of success
You lead!

May luck always remain
accompanies you on your way,
The door to joy and happiness
We wish you to find!

Only joyful emotions
Laughter, light and warmth,
Love strong and healthy,
Happy birthday to you, hurray!

I wish you on this birthday
As much kindness as possible
So that life gives pleasure
And everyone's dreams came true!

I wish you good health,
So that you smell and bloom,
Let there be no end to joy,
So that you can become happier!

Happy holiday to you, my boss,
So that life is like raspberries,
So that everything is great,
Be the best in person
Let everything come true
This day will not be forgotten.

Try combining:
The woman is the leader.
Be strict, but wise in decisions,
And be feminine without a doubt.
To merge with the team in soul,
And develop intuition
That everyone has their own approach.
And things are moving forward.
We are on your birthday from the heart
We are in a hurry to congratulate you!
There are no more words to be found -
You are our leader woman!

We wish that your husband always loves you,
He didn’t offend me, he always idolized him.
May all your dreams come true
And everything planned is being realized.
Always be as good as you are
Beautiful figure, perfect soul.
May nature always smile at you,
And only joy happens to you.
May your path be smooth
And you always be happy.

Happy birthday to the best and most beloved boss! May you not only be a strong-willed boss and a strong leader, may you also find a courageous shoulder on which you can always lean. Let there be a man next to you with whom you can relax and feel like a real weak and defenseless woman.

What luck in our stormy life
Work under your supervision.
Team to you on this name day
Wishes you happiness and mutual love.

May it be on your life's path
There will be no troubles or worries,
May our business with you prosper
And let there be no disappointments.
And we will say to the envious people out of spite:
You and I are very lucky.

Congratulations, my beloved boss.
And I wish you many bright moments.
A lot of delicate flowers, a lot of colorful postcards
Many fabulous words, many sweet smiles.
And an alarm clock to boot, so you can wake me up,
When I sleep in the morning, at work from yesterday.
After all, when you, with your sweet voice,
I can't work without a coffee cup.
Happy birthday, today, we congratulate you.
And, as stated above, we give you an alarm clock.

Let there be only joy
In your life,
And let my boss
Lucky in everything
May the world be beautiful
And a miracle will suddenly happen.

The team was lucky:
You are not just a boss for us -
The status of a beautiful woman -
Our pride, glory, honor.

We are pleased on your birthday
To tell you all this,
And hearty congratulations
Put everything into poetry.

And let no one offend
Today, bright dreams.
And champagne fountains
You will be “washed” for your efforts.

The boss, our dear - wise, bright, understanding! The team of our department with all our hearts and sincere hearts congratulates you on this bright day and wishes you new victories, new achievements, only pleasant achievements and only solvable tasks. Let your every day begin with a sincere smile and good mood, and let your favorite work never cease to inspire. We value, love and respect you very much, because you are the support of our team, its light, its rear. May your personal great happiness be eternal - like your love for work, and your health - strong, like your endurance! For long years life and achieving all your goals. ©

I want a good boss
For your birthday, say
What better than women in the world
I just couldn't find it.

You are a wise boss, come to us,
And you are just a classy woman,
For all men to see,
Let at least one be happy.

You choose your chosen one,
Everyone is ready to serve,
Don't forget to work
And you may always live happily!

My boss...
I like her
With my ability to say that I
I am both smart and beautiful.
And such praise makes your head spin.
The work is progressing. Nobody quarrels.
Now it's my turn
Let me say some nice words to you too.
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Love, health, a lot of happiness,
Like a butterfly, always fluttering.
Or like a fairy... You are a fairy!
We will continue to cherish you.
Under your strict guidance
Our work is easy and simple.

Our friendly team
We have come to congratulate you.
In this lovely environment
We want to say now:
“Happy birthday!
And we wish that worries
There was less, but luck
It multiplied from year to year.
So that health and wealth
A river flowed into your house,
So that you are always in it
Peace would be met with calm.
So that with love and comfort
You were surrounded
So that your home is a haven
Kindness and silence.
Let it be in frost and rain and cold
You will always be warm,
Those who are needed will be nearby
Let the sun shine through the window.
Let the birds chirp for you,
Let flowers bloom for you,
Let the pages turn through the days
Dreams come true.

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman, a wonderful boss. I wish you good luck on the path to success, constant self-confidence, brilliant prospects in your work, undoubted respect of subordinates, understanding of colleagues, optimism and the mood for fruitful work, wonderful mood and the brightest emotions that leave only joy and a feeling of happiness in your heart.

What is the most important thing for any woman?
Of course, this is happiness and love!
I want to wish the boss
On your birthday, to gain this,
May your work bring you success,
And life leads you forward to the heights!
I wish you special beauty,
And may your dreams always come true!

The boss is a woman who leads us,
She is responsible and erudite in her work.
Always thought out and does the right thing.
And the team, moreover, knows it very well.
We wish her to be able to solve everything,
Successfully resolve all problems.
And so that there is no reason to worry
And in the leadership she surprised all the men!

Being a boss is not an easy art!
Not everyone can handle it!
And today, happy birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are not only a strict leader for us,
But also a friend, buddy, patron!
I wish you good fortune,
An ocean of happiness and smiles,
I wish you excellent health
And an inexhaustible fountain of love!

Dear (name, patronymic)! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and express our gratitude for your professional leadership, high-quality approach to work and the sensitivity you show to your subordinates. We wish you to preserve your beauty and femininity, subtly combined with the firmness of your boss, and make your innermost dreams come true.

You are our boss, you are our pride,
It's easy and pleasant to work with you!
You do everything so cleverly and well -
It's very interesting and entertaining!
The whole team from the heart
Happy birthday to you,
Wishing you good health and happiness!
Achieving new and new heights,
So that there are no obstacles on the roads,
And if anything happens, we will help, we are always there!

What does a woman need to be happy?
Beloved to always be near,
Always have health
Never get better.
Faithful girlfriends and friends,
Everything in life is so gay!
Children so that they are the most brilliant,
The salaries and sex are unreal.
I give you a poem
And “Happy Birthday!” I say!

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, it is changeable.
Still would! Three roles to play:
Wife, boss and mother.
And always be on top
Find joy in your own work.
Perform any action on "five" -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!
We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let the warmth warm your loved ones,
May things be successful.
We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let your dreams come true
And they will bring happiness.

It very rarely happens that the boss turns out to be a truly dear person. You are not just a good boss, you are the person who will always help and understand in any situation. Happy Birthday to you. We wish you patience and wisdom in communicating with us and, for our part, we will do everything that depends on us so as not to upset you and always keep the reputation of our organization at the highest level.

Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you well, a lot of happiness,
Let your dreams come true overnight!
Women's happiness, success in work,
Let problems and worries not touch you!
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
Be as sweet and good as you are!
The boss and I are so wonderful:
She is both loyal and, on occasion, powerful.

I wish you immodest profits
Huge Swiss bank account
A large dacha outside the city
Good health to boot
Big victories in love affairs
Canaries and Cote d'Azur
All kinds of success in life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

Let this not surprise anyone:
The joy on our faces is not without reason -
The boss celebrates her anniversary,
To start tomorrow with a clean slate!
Your character has not changed at all
Fifty winters for so many glorious years -
Fifty springs have shaded your path,
Giving you strength and intelligence to blossom;
You and I will go through everything and we will be able to do everything:
After all, your floor is far from the ceiling
We all congratulate you on your anniversary!
May fate and God be generous to you

Our dear and dear boss! From our entire friendly team, please accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy birthday! We wish you the best health, good spirits, joy in your heart, warmth in your soul! May your mornings be clean and clear, your days successful and fruitful, and your evenings warm and cozy! I wish you immeasurable respect, the brightest love, joy and many different pleasures in life!

Friends and employees, without sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
You are full of light and joy, happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary for us.
Your family loves and appreciates you -
Reliable, faithful friends of yours.
We all wish you health and strength,
So that you always have everything you want,
So that youth, happiness, good luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrance!

Your birthday has come,
Read my creation
This is all personal for you.
By the way, you look great!
I'll give you a dacha in the Canary Islands,
"Gelika" and a physical education teacher to boot,
Always be beautiful, slim,
And, of course, cool.
Stay trendy baby
Be as desirable as candy
So that the envious people would be shocked!
This poem is from me!

The team was lucky:
You are not just a boss for us -
The status of a beautiful woman -
Our pride, glory, honor.
We are pleased on your birthday
To tell you all this,
And hearty congratulations
Put everything into poetry.
And let no one offend
Today, bright dreams.
And champagne fountains
You will be “washed” for your efforts.

Dear woman, our wonderful boss, we congratulate you on your birthday. We wish that your authority, confident life position, high aspirations and hard work will always bring you to the finish line of success and prosperity. We wish you to always believe in miracles with your heart, and strive for your cherished dreams with your soul.

God once created Woman from a rib,
Putting all the best creations into it:
Love the planet, the Dobra cosmodrome,
Galaxy of Care and Patience,
Beauty comet, meteor of Passion,
Nebula affectations and coquetry,
Mysterious rainbow shadow,
And other space assets.
And there is a magical connection with the Cosmos
For your subordinates it is unconditional.
After all, you have been given cosmic power
Solve problems of enormous complexity!
Behind you, like behind a stone wall,
May you always - not only on your birthday -
Avoid failures!
O Woman! Congratulations!

Everyone wants to celebrate their Birthday joyfully and festively. Your boss is no exception. She is responsible for your team and the work performed by each employee, but sometimes the “iron lady” also wants to relax. You don't honor birthday people for festive table? Happy birthday greetings to the boss will also come in handy. The manager will be pleased that her subordinates remember such a date; women love to be deservedly admired for their beauty, intelligence and talent. But be delicate, do not take liberties. Wish the manager health, new successes, great personal happiness, express your wish to continue working for her. Choose very beautiful and respectful birthday greetings for your boss. If outside of work the boss is yours best friend, in your home circle you can give a cheerful, playful congratulation.

Home » Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings to the boss in verse

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The boss is a woman who leads us,
She is responsible and erudite in her work.
Always thought out and does the right thing.
And the team, moreover, knows it very well.

We wish her to be able to solve everything,
Successfully resolve all problems.
And so that there is no reason to worry
And in the leadership she surprised all the men!

Clarity, logic, style, charm,
Impeccable order in everything!
We are under your close attention,
It's like paradise, we live in a team!

Happy Birthday to you
And we wish: may there be years
Only stages of ascent!
Never come down from the heights!

Our friendly team
We have come to congratulate you.
In this lovely environment
We want to say now:

“Happy birthday!
And we wish that worries
It was less and luck
It multiplied from year to year.

So that health and wealth
A river flowed into your house,
So that you are always in it
Peace would be met with calm.

So that with love and comfort
You were surrounded
So that your home is a haven
Kindness and silence.

Let it be in frost and rain and cold
You will always be warm,
Those who are needed will be nearby
Let the sun shine through the window.

Let the birds chirp for you,
Let flowers bloom for you,
Let the pages turn through the days
Dreams come true.

Today you are not as usual,
They didn’t come in a formal suit.
And very gentle, harmonious
They came in wearing a chic dress.

Congratulations to the whole team
Today is your birthday.
We wish you good luck and happiness
And we give you our gift.

We want more in your life
It was a good change.
So that never family life
You wouldn't have any problems.

Being a boss is not an easy art!
Not everyone can handle it!
And today, happy birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

You are not only a strict leader for us,
But also a friend, buddy, patron!
I wish you good fortune,
An ocean of happiness and smiles,

I wish you excellent health
And an inexhaustible fountain of love!

Everyone starting their journey in life
He wants to achieve a lot.
And he creates, he hopes, he lives,
Waiting for everything to come true any minute now.

But the path of life is not easy, it is difficult,
It is almost always tough and complex.
Go through everything, step over everything
Only one out of many hundreds can.

You have had a lot of difficulties,
But you were firmly moving towards your cherished goal.
Not broken, not wasted,
Everyone could and overcame everything.

They did not tolerate meanness and lies,
Don't waste your energy in vain
You have become one of hundreds!
This is clear to each of us today.

We want to congratulate you on today's day,
You earned every bit of it with your hard work!
Thank you for erecting and saving
Our beloved, strong, friendly home!

You are the best boss, beautiful lady,
To someone you are a friend, to someone you are a mother...
But above all, you are a luxurious diamond,
A wonderful director, a godsend for us!

Today, we heartily congratulate you,
We wish you to continue to live impeccably,
To be happy and healthy of course,
So that your life is not so fleeting.

Let everything that is planned become real,
Your career success is phenomenal,
May luck always be nearby,
And let everyone greet you with a loving look!

It's not easy to be a boss:
It’s not easy to manage everything,
Work hard, waste energy,
At the same time be so beautiful.

And on your birthday
I make up a couple of sentences:
Health, happiness and patience
May it bring you a birthday!

So that there are no problems at work
You gave us all happiness.
Good luck to you in all your endeavors,
Love, shine in the eyes!

Today the director will celebrate his birthday,
She is always located where the most important sector is,
She bravely commands the entire team,
Important matters are always at the forefront of worries...
We wish you joy and easy work,
And so that it brings the delight of worthy fruit,
And so that you strive to the skies in your work,
But so that your competitors don’t go ahead of you.

We wish you happiness and love, family goodness,
In the soul of spring joy and eternal warmth,
Prosperity, wisdom, and life without worries,
And certainly, and may you be very lucky in everything.

For us, the director is an example,
We respect her deeply
And we hug in the same way,
After all, today we are celebrating a holiday -
Wonderful, bright birthday
With a cheerful, bright mood.
The problems of the past are still there,
We give joy to the director,

To see the sparkles in the eyes;
And angels in heaven
Let them send health, happiness,
Love, good luck overnight!

Let the chickens not peck for money,
The account in Sberbank will be solid!
Let the nightingales sing in your soul
Early in the morning - early!
Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And he just freezes with happiness!
Let the holiday feast come to you,
Gathers friends and family!

God once created Woman from a rib,
Putting all the best creations into it:
Love the planet, the Dobra cosmodrome,
Galaxy of Care and Patience,
Beauty comet, meteor of Passion,
Nebula affectations and coquetry,
Mysterious rainbow shadow,
And other space assets.
And there is a magical connection with the Cosmos
For your subordinates it is unconditional.
After all, you have been given cosmic power
Solve problems of enormous complexity!
Behind you, like behind a stone wall,
May you always - not only on your birthday -
Avoid failures!
Boss! Congratulations!

Our boss is serious and strict,
But only at work, and so is the soul.
He will always give advice, the smart one will give advice,
And we, as schoolchildren, must answer to her.
Let me congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you smiles, happiness, good mood.
Let everyone always admire your simplicity,
Good luck, peace, love, kindness to you.

We love and respect our boss,
We respectfully call you by name and patronymic.
She is always attentive, neat and strict,
Conscientious, polite, always right.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you,
I wish everything in life to be excellent.
Great happiness, health and warmth,
Let your cherished dream come true.

As a director, you are very responsible,
With a clear look and a decisive gesture.
On your birthday, you are just a woman,
You are sweet and charming!

Congratulations on this holiday,
All our usual wishes:
Beauty, kindness and prosperity to the house,
Well, happiness to you in your personal life!

Starry sky above your head,
Happiness in the soul and good luck in fate,
A faithful friend next to you,
This is what we wish for you today!

To always be first, to be needed by someone,
Be sincere and wish for victory,
And we want to wish you together,
Be positive and don't be discouraged!

On such a solemn, beautiful day
Please accept congratulations on your anniversary!
Today you are exactly 50,
But you managed to do a lot!
We wish you excellent health,
We wish you joy and family warmth.
May you always succeed in everything,
So that life can make you happy more often.

Happy birthday!
And with all our hearts we wish:
So that work goes well,
Cares went away
So that there is a whole cart of health,
And more stars from the sky!

Today we congratulate the whole team
Happy anniversary
We wish you to remain as sweet
And if necessary - iron...

Thank you for your sensitive guidance,
For wisdom, patience, faith in luck,
To all of us superiority over others
We are obliged to you - our first lady!

Birthday of a beautiful woman
And a cool leader
Let everyone congratulate you today -
Some with a gift, some with a flower, some with a word...

Even though the work of one is just a grain,
Among others - a drop in the ocean,
But every particle is important,
Together we are like an ocean of drops...

And you are like the tip of an iceberg,
The one that is in sight and most important to everyone,
And today you as a whole team
Congratulations on your anniversary!

We wish you success in life,
Less tears, more laughter,
The road of life is more authentic
And there is a lot of joy in it.

Let every ordinary day of yours
It will turn into a wonderful holiday,
And never a shadow of sadness
It will not be reflected in your eyes.