Congratulations on your sister's graduation. Congratulations on the last call to your sister

Good luck to you, graduate,
Good luck and personal happiness!
The world of knowledge is vast, great,
And you only mastered part of it!
Let the sun's rays please you,
Smiles from family and friends!
Everything is literally burning in my hands,
Let them love you and wait for you at home!


The certificate is very useful:
There's a big life ahead
But at this, as at the start,
Don't stay long.
After all, big fits big
And the keys are in your hands,
We wish you soon
And get a diploma!


Blessings to you guys!
Let life be active and bright,
Impressions of the rich
And it will awaken the best feelings!
Let there be no pleasures
A motive for laziness and idleness!
And let the desire not fade
Strive and achieve your goal!


In the age of computers and robots
People are worth their weight in gold!
Let your physiology
Don't get lost in technology!
Let love, warmth of soul
They give happiness and admiration!
The feeling is magical
Delivers inspiration!


Graduate, today is a holiday at school
And parting speeches sound!
The future awaits, attracts like the sea,
There will be feelings, joys and meetings!
Let independence give
Novelty, opportunity of perspective!
May it be a great success in life
Work in a good, friendly team!


Good luck to you, graduate!
In the age of technology, smart machines
We want you to achieve in life
Absolute tops in everything!
Good luck to you, Graduate,
We wish you to continue learning!
And everything you know from books,
May it be useful to you in life!


Don't let your calling pass you by,
The chosen destiny will be needed!
Let there be time and desire
For useful to people good deeds!
Let the goal be clear and precise,
And luck is right in front of her!
There will be a lot of light and pleasant things,
Graduate, look forward boldly!

The school years have passed -
Golden era
Be cheerful, as always,
We wish you
Don't get lost in the stream of days,
Let the road be easy


We want to leave our mark,
Give people joy and happiness!
Have many personal victories
And smile more often for everyone!
Good luck to you, Graduate,
Good luck, romantics in life!
Let it into your virtual diary
The ratings will be given by the Fatherland.


Remember the exciting moment
After all, lessons are in the past,
Great success, Graduate,
Teachers wish you!
We take you beyond the school threshold
For happiness and joyful travels!
We wish you great roads
In time, in life, in space!


Don't be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,
Live for success and bright successes!
Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare
And learn everything that is useful for life!
Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,
Look for your soul mate on earth!
Dream, be surprised and make your friends happy,
Be light and happiness for your loved ones!


Every year you grow older
Here's the school behind
Be wiser, be braver
You're on your life's journey
Life is harsh, toughen up
And keep up with your studies
Just don't get lost
And don't forget your relatives


We gave you our work and knowledge,
It's time to part, goodbye!
Do not forget school days, their joys,
Teachers, friends and children's pranks!
Graduates, we are glad to welcome you,
Heartily congratulate and warmly honor!
May the future be amazing
Love is beautiful, Happiness is amazing!


School years are gone forever
The last call died down.
A happy tomorrow awaits you soon,
New life, new wise lesson.


My dear brother, I wish you
Achieve your cherished goal.
Let happiness never leave you for a moment,
Gives fate new, true friends!


In the morning you walk around not like yourself,
My brother, you are languishing!
Starched and shaved,
How can you not fall in love!


will ring in last time
Your school bell
Be the best today, brother!
Be the coolest one!


My big brother, a role model!
And today the last call is for you,
It rings as confirmation - for your efforts,
For the stage passed, for knowledge, for years.


I am so proud of you, your “package” of knowledge.
I know only the highest class awaits you!
But on the way to the top - I ask for promises,
That you will never forget us!


Notebooks, books put aside
Last lesson learned.
And soon for you, brother,
The farewell bell will ring.


I wish you to be brave
It's easy to solve problems.
Everything you dream of
I wish you to achieve!


I wish you from myself
Good luck in everything and lots of happiness.
Let your friends be faithful
Your heart will forget about worries!


Brother, how you have grown!
Just recently the first bell rang - already the last!
In all the wonderful world of bustle
May your life path be many years old!


May all illnesses pass you by,
And all the steps are given to you simply in life!
I will be there, because you are my brother!
I'll be there, just whistle!


You will have fun with your friends
And rejoice day after day!
I wish summer to last forever!
May life be like a vivid dream!


Congratulations to you, my dear,
I have a lot to say
And you are my all wishes
Try to remember more often.


There is no one more precious to you in the world!
May God grant you luck in life,
Let only a fair wind blow,
Brings happiness and warmth!


I want my heart not to harden,
I want to be proud of you
Go forward stubbornly, boldly
Follow your blue dream!


The last bell has rung
And childhood goes somewhere.
My brother, there are many things ahead
And a big, big salary!


And also an institute or college,
Maybe Harvard, maybe not.
I know one thing - you can do it all!
So don’t turn off the light of teaching!


You are very big now,
I'm so happy to watch
And when did you manage to do so
Grow up and mature!


I wish you guys
Strength, courage always,
So as not to lead you astray
Trouble and disaster!



We're big now
And how funny we are
Entered first grade
And the school welcomed us!


You taught us well
And they suffered a lot.
That's why we are with you
The results were top class!


Farewell, our friendly class,
We are graduating now.
We came as little ones,
And now how much they have grown up!



Today you are graduates,
On this memorable day of yours,
So that you don't feel sad,
I will give you my song.


School is over now
And you're almost free
And like cheerful bumblebees,
Dreams burst into your world.


I wish you one thing
Know what you want
Live very well
Also, yes, you love it.


We studied at school for a long time
And they put up with the loads,
We laughed at fat people
And everyone fell in love with the beautiful ones.


We weren't bored in class,
And they wrote notes.
Well, if it was necessary,
They suggested it unanimously.


Farewell to school is an exciting moment.
After all, this simply means that childhood has faded away.
I would rather like to hug you all in a crowd.
And maybe we'll cry. Well. This is the lot.


We wish you to find a job and not make a mistake.
Of course, don’t forget your studies.
More affection and warmth in life.
And so that, in general, fate will be kind to you.


You graduated from school today
I have now entered adulthood,
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
You always remember all your friends, your entire class.
And may you meet a lot of luck along the way,
And joy, light and warmth,
And let failures pass by,
And all your dreams will come true.


You graduated from school today already,
And they paved the way to adulthood,
May happiness smile on you with warmth on your journey,
Do not let sadness and anxiety touch you.
May luck go with you
And luck is in a hurry,
And may your cherished dreams come true,
And happiness awaits all of you ahead.


The lessons are in the past and the bell rings,
The last one, the school one, sees you off on the road,
After all, the path is not close, it is hard, far,
And don’t let anxiety touch you.
We wish you achievements and victories,
And love and strength and inspiration,
May the Lord protect you all from troubles,
And your aspirations will be crowned with success.


You are so grown up and school is behind you,
Gives life to you new roads,
Achievements await you, victories lie ahead,
May there be a lot of joy and happiness.
May the sunrises bring you good luck,
Inspiration, love, flight of souls,
Let failures pass your life,
All bad things will go away forever.


Last call, you graduated from school,
Eleven classes are behind you,
May you find happiness ahead,
Go after your most cherished dream.
The path to adulthood is cleared,
And many victories and losses await you,
May your guardian angel protect you from troubles,
And in new life let the door open.


School left behind
The last time the bell rings.
But I know what's ahead
Happiness awaits you, sister.
I want to wish you
Nice friends to meet
So that there are goals on the shoulder,
Success was everywhere!

Congratulations to my dear sister
Happy beautiful summer day,
I wish you goodness and joy -
May there be a lot of happiness in him.
Let all good things happen
My sister does not know my worries,
Let bad things not happen again,
I wish you to find happiness!

Your “disciple path” is over
The bell rings for the last time.
Now, little sister, I’ll just dream
You ever have a lesson.
But even after school is boring
There is a place for learning in life.
Have fun for now, but you need to
Get back to your books soon!

At the end of May the school is so beautiful!
Every class breathes warmth and sunshine,
Here is the new generation of Russia,
Getting ready for a big life now!
How much is invested here in children’s souls,
So that they can walk through life without fear!
We wish you health, goodness and good luck,
And we will congratulate you on the last bell!

Today you say goodbye to school,
The last bell is ringing for you.
But there will be many more happy days,
And your life will turn out well.
I want to wish you, little sister,
So that success accompanies your life,
So that your ringing laughter can be heard more often,
And the light of happiness shone in your eyes!

Sister, you're leaving the threshold,
I can't keep up with you, I know!
The bell rang today
And this one is called the last.
Today you are entering new world.
And I wish you only happiness!
I also wish you lots and lots of strength!
And let bad weather pass by!

Your last lesson is over,
The last call rang.
And the doors opened to a new world,
Your dream is waiting for you there.
Little sister, I wish you
Always be as smart.
Live happily, without being discouraged,
It's easy to catch luck!

Congratulations on the last call:

Dear graduates! Let me congratulate you on the most long-awaited day of your life - the last call. For so many years you heard this bell for class with fear and dreamed that it would break! And today this call... No, it didn’t break. It just sounds like the last time for you. Hooray!!!

The last bell rings today within the walls of our native school. Long time ahead summer holidays. But for you, parents of our dear graduates, this call means a big leap towards the future. Your children have grown up and are choosing their own path. Help them in adult life, don't let me stumble.

My dear, beloved, dear graduates! As your class teacher, on behalf of the entire school, I congratulate you on the last bell. Wish you Bon Voyage and happy endeavors in whatever you do. Enter your adult life with all the knowledge I have given you.

I wish you, my good graduates, to have a lot of fun at the graduation party and drink to the health of your beloved, now former, teachers. Take a walk, my beloved, but do not forget that tomorrow will come very soon for you. A time of victories, achievements and future discoveries. Go ahead and sing!

Dear parents! Your children have become adults today and are looking forward to the last call. After leaving the school doors, they will run away in all directions. We hope we were able to raise a worthy generation. And we want to wish you nothing but the best and thank you for your children.

Guys! Just recently you were standing on the school line and impatiently waiting for your first bell to ring. Only later did you realize what a wake-up call this was for you. F grades, absenteeism, tests, exams... Now all this is behind us. Your prom is coming up. Congratulations!!!

I want to address you on this day, my good graduates. Today you enter adulthood with the last call. No one knows what will happen in front of you and who you will become, but now I want to congratulate you on graduating from school and going your own way. Be good people, my dear.

In these last minutes of ours spent together, I want to tell you that you are the best graduates of all who were once under my leadership. Our class has always been the most exemplary and I can proudly say that we raised a good generation. Happy holiday, friends!

Last call for all of us. How much he means to us, graduates, and how much he means to you, our teachers. You keep all of our ridiculous records safe by keeping cool journals and filing them away at the end school year. Summer is coming, and we want to wish you a good holiday!

My graduates! I want to congratulate you on your last call. Today the doors of the school are forever closing behind you and I am very sorry about this. I really want to cry! Come to me, hug your class teacher goodbye. I wish you all the best, my beloved children.

The trill of the last bell sadly echoed through the corridors of our home school. Dear Parents! How many times have you been here during the time your guys studied with us? We helped them, taught them everything, helped them gnaw on the granite of science and gain the right life experience. Now only you and, of course, themselves are responsible for them.

My dear graduates! Your last call has finally rung. There will be no more rushed lunches at big break, no more excuses to skip school and no more thermometers smeared with pepper to raise your body temperature. You are setting off on your big voyage. Good luck to you!

Dear parents! Today you are standing on the school line and watching your children with emotion. No, these are not little kids at all - these guys graduated from school today and received the worthy title of “graduate”. But for you they will always be small. May God bless you all!

Today is the last bell for all of you, dear parents of graduates. Don’t be sad, it’s better to keep these happy moments in your memory. These moments are worth remembering always. For your children, this is the first step towards adulthood. We wish them good luck and all the best to you!

Our good, dear, beloved, sometimes unbearable graduates! How much have you seen within the walls of your own school over the past decade! Now you are standing on the school line, so smart and cheerful, looking forward to the last bell and sympathizing with the first graders! Congratulations on your holiday!

I'm like yours classroom teacher, I want to say a few goodbye words to you, my graduates. Your last call is the beginning of an adult, new life. I give you some parting words. Always strive upward, and only upward. Honor your elders, protect your younger ones. And be happy!

Congratulations to your sister in verse

How much happens in life
And sometimes people change
And connections with friends are lost,
But a sister remains a sister.
Understanding, kind, beloved,
Let's sit and chat together.
I want you to be happy
I wouldn't be sad about anything.

Happy birthday greetings to sister in verse

I respect you very much, dear,
I cherish my little sister!
Happy birthday today
And I will say a lot of wishes!
I wish you a lot of happiness without measure,
So that it is impossible to hug!
Never be without faith
After all, in life you just need to win!
I wish you to be as sweet as me
Do not know despondency and do not get sick!
And see the perspective in every business,
Overcome any obstacles!

Heartfelt congratulations to your sister in verse

For that I thank fate,
That I have you, my sister!
Oh, how I love you!
For your kindness and ringing laughter.
Together with you we grew and matured,
We supported each other.
And after a year they managed to carry it
Our strong friendship.
I know that in happiness and sorrow,
I can rely on you!
There is no better life for me
Why should I be born as your sister?
I wish you, sister,
Live life very brightly!
To be bright, loved and ringing.
All the flowers on Earth, all the gifts!

Beautiful birthday greetings to sister in verse

You and I grew up together day after day,
In the evenings everyone chatted about nothing
And it seemed like it would be an eternal time
Children's pranks. Do you remember, sister,
How we secretly shared secrets
And how did you hide from mom under the table?
How to choose lipstick for graduation
And tried to find out about old love?
How you and I sometimes quarreled,
And then wept together until the morning?
Who can become closer to me in this life?
Who could understand me more clearly?
And today, on your new birthday
I came to convey my love
I wish you health and warmth,
Be the same, my dear sister!

Happy Birthday
My little sister.
And I want to say today,
That I love you very much.
Even if we are with you,
We quarrel over trifles.
But there are two of us in the family,
We never get bored.
I wish you in life
Achieve success in everything.
Let them not be for you,
Difficulties are a hindrance.
Happy birthday
Both family and friends.
More happiness and luck,
More light and warmth.

Congratulations in verses to your sister on her birthday

My dear sister,
I congratulate you.
I remember you were in diapers,
And sometimes she screamed!
Well, now you're big,
As I see it.
You are very beautiful
I love you!
I wish you happiness
On this journey of life.
Let love make way in life
Can you find it?
Let you, my sister
Both in a dream and in reality.
You will live like that princess
In a fairy garden.

Short birthday greetings to sister in verse

My dear sister
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I love her the most
And I wish you complete happiness!

Happy birthday greetings to sister in verses from brother

May every day and every moment
It will be joyful and kind!
And let happiness run to you,
And your heart fills with joy!
I wish, sister, from the bottom of my heart
Cherished wishes come true!

Happy Angel Day greetings to a friend, sister, interesting in verse

I'll ask the Lord God
For you health and happiness,
And also, so that it is calm,
So that bad weather is unknown!
Luck will be your eternal companion,
And let things go well!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend, sister in verses from a brother

I want my wishes to come true
You were always cheerful
Every day was filled with luck!
And lots of happiness!

Short birthday greetings to sister in verse

I wish my sister only happiness,
Birthday is the most beautiful day
Let all bad weather pass by,
And joy will come to her house soon!

Happy birthday greetings in verse to sister

Accept congratulations in verse
Happy Birthday, dear sister,
It's good that you are in our ranks,
You are very, very dear to us!
And we wish you from our hearts:
Endless happiness in fate!

Happy birthday greetings to brother in verses from sister

I want to wish my brother
Never lose heart in this life.
Always achieve the desired goal,
And never give in to adversity!

Happy Birthday greetings in verse to your older sister

Congratulations big sister
Happy wonderful day - Happy birthday,
You were an example to us younger ones
Wisdom, patience and skill.
You used to get the better of us
And, at times, she scolded us strongly,
And now not a terrible sister -
Kind and most beloved!

Wedding congratulations in verse from sister

Happy wedding day, congratulations to you,
For you, this is the best day in the world!
You lit a beacon of love,
So let it shine brightly for you!
Let love give you wings,
A dream knows no big barriers,
Let the kids be beautiful
And may you have enough of everything.

Happy Student's Day greetings to sister in verse

Student's Day is an important holiday.
We will celebrate with courage.
Beer, vodka and wine,
Cards, backgammon, dominoes.
Let's have fun
When dancing, you should be a coward.
Congratulations to all students,
We invite you to the party.

Happy New Year of the Cat 2011 greetings to sister in verse

Let the cat give you success,
Experience the tenderness of a cat!
Both in study and in work,
Be happy everywhere!
Always be the most fashionable
And free from complexes!
Always be on top
New Year is coming to my sister!

Congratulations on the 25th anniversary to a friend, sister from a younger brother in verse

Twenty five!
What an age!
You can safely congratulate
And wishing is easy and simple
Happiness, joy, dreams,
May all your wishes come true!

Happy Birthday to brother in verse from younger sister

Brother, happy birthday!
Let the sun's ray stroke you warmly,
And the breeze rubs your head.
Let mom caress and hug,
And the folder will give you advice in trouble!

What can I wish for you? Don't know...
There are many tender words in the world...
I wish you with all my heart
Large strong love!

Let your life flow like a river
Among the flowering shores,
And may they always live with you
Hope, Faith and Love!

I wish you to be loved
In winter they gave you flowers,
So that you can get the stars from the sky
And they kissed you tenderly!

With all my heart, without preamble,
Wish You happiness and health!
Be gentle, beautiful
And the happiest!

Be cheerful, gentle, clear,
Carefree and beautiful,
So that you laugh carelessly,
So that happiness lasts forever,
May all dreams come true
And wishes came true
So that you are like spring,
Full of youthful charm!

My golden sister
You're lovely,
You are an earthly angel!
I miss you very much,
When you're not next to me!
May the sun tirelessly for a hundred years
He kindly sends his light to you!
May life unspeakable to you
Good luck and happiness!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
A piece of blue sky
And in it the desired star -
Your love, your destiny.

Be loved all the time
Both in winter and in spring,
Be beautiful all the time
Both with soul and with yourself
Don't bow down like a rowan
If there's trouble
Be happy all the time
On this day and always!

You are smart, beautiful,
Friendly, kind,
I really, really like it
That you are my sister!
And I won’t hide from you:
I love you most of all!

I wish you to have fun from the bottom of my heart,
And also fall in love with a handsome prince,
To be the happiest and most beautiful,
A little serious, a little playful!
I wish you to laugh when there is no time to laugh!
I wish you great success!

Other congratulations in verse for sister