Congratulations to grandma.  Congratulations to grandma Congratulations to grandma 70th anniversary

Congratulations to grandma. Congratulations to grandma Congratulations to grandma 70th anniversary

Grandchildren are the most beloved creatures for grandparents. Therefore, when it’s grandma’s anniversary, you should think through everything down to the smallest detail, from the gift to the wish. This will give your loved one pleasant emotions and a great mood. happy 70th birthday can be any length, rhyming or prose. The main thing is that it conveys warmth and gives a holiday to the hero of the occasion.

How to surprise grandma

Grandmothers turning 70 can be different. Some are still active and feel young, others lead a calm and measured lifestyle. Surprises should be prepared taking into account the physical capabilities of the hero of the occasion. Grandmother will be glad if her grandchildren give her gifts in an unconventional way. For example, you can use these ideas.

  • Order a bouquet with delivery to your apartment door. Surely children and grandchildren know what flowers the hero of the occasion likes. Such a gesture will touch and give a feeling of significance to family and friends.
  • You can unexpectedly visit the birthday girl with the whole family. Of course, it’s worth taking various goodies and treats with you so that grandma can simply enjoy the conversation. This best gift for an elderly person.
  • Create a video from archival photos of the hero of the occasion. Such a gift for a person from the last millennium will certainly be appropriate and will cause a whirlpool of emotions. Congratulations to your grandmother on her 70th birthday, accompanied by such a video, will be remembered for a lifetime.

These are some ideas that you can use when preparing a greeting card for your loved one.

What to give your grandmother for her 70th birthday

It is also worth considering a gift for the hero of the occasion. It could be as follows:

  • Warm quality clothes.
  • A drug to maintain health that the hero of the occasion cannot afford to buy on her own.
  • If the birthday girl is full of energy, then you can give her a ticket to her favorite recreation center.
  • Delicacies can also be an excellent gift, because not every grandmother can afford them on a regular basis.

These are just some gift ideas that you can give to your mother or grandmother.

Short poems for grandmother's birthday from grandson

Sincere wishes Grandmothers expect the most from their grandchildren. Congratulations to your grandmother on her 70th birthday must be accompanied by warm and nice words. You can take note of such short poems to express your love.

I rejoice solemnly

Happy anniversary, dear.

Grandmothers like you

In the whole world I don't know.

You are active, good, your soul still sings.

You always greet us with warmth,

You know exactly what to keep your grandchildren interested in.

Let there be good health,

We congratulate you with love.

Happy anniversary, grandma, congratulations to you.

Be healthy, cheerful and strong,

Let your eyes shine with happiness.

Grandmother, dear, dear,

On your anniversary I wish you,

Always be as bright, ringing,

Dance, shine, never know any sorrows in life.

Dear grandmother, happy anniversary to you.

Let the coming years not take away your strength.

Be always radiant, kind, with a pure soul,

Well, we, my love, will always be with you.

I hasten to congratulate my dear granny on the holiday,

I ran to you, dear, and you know what I’ll tell you:

There are no more people like you in the world,

You are a radiant, pure light for me.

May fate please you with good health,

And I will give you a great mood.

Such poems for a grandmother’s birthday from a grandson or granddaughter will evoke pleasant emotions in the hero of the occasion. It's worth taking note of them.

Expanded poems of congratulations to grandmother on her 70th birthday

When children and grandchildren are endowed creative abilities, a few lines are not enough for them to express their emotions to the birthday girl. In this case, congratulations on your 70th birthday to your mother and grandmother could be like this:

The years fly by, and the calendar sheet is torn off again, dictating a new date.

Today, dear mother and grandmother, is your holiday, we are happy and rejoice.

May the years bring only joy, filling your heart with light.

May the path be kind and favorable to you,

Which one you have chosen throughout your life.

Thank you, mom and grandma, for

What are you in this world, dear.

Let the years fly by, and we are always next to you,

You fill our souls and hearts.

May your health be strong and lasting,

And the door to your house is open for guests.

We appreciate and love you, dear,

Happy anniversary, our dearest.

Today we came to you for a reason,

It's a red day on the calendar for us.

On this day, the best mother and grandmother in the world was born,

What a blessing that this once happened.

There is no one closer, more loved and dear to you,

Please accept congratulations on your anniversary.

Be strong, healthy, active always,

Don’t let the years you have lived reflect on you.

You have something to remember, because your life is bright,

She always brought you gifts.

May there always be peace in your heart,

And there is a smile on your face, your soul is singing.

Mommy and granny, you are our dear,

May there be more in life

What was once missing.

May all your dreams come true gold fish,

After all, there is nothing more precious to us,

Than your smile.

Happy anniversary!

Such congratulations to your grandmother on her 70th birthday will help you express everything that is in your heart. The hero of the occasion will be happy from such attention.

Brief congratulations in prose on the 70th birthday of your grandmother

Not everyone can remember rhyming lines, even if they composed them themselves. Therefore, it is worth taking note of congratulations to your grandmother on her 70th birthday from her granddaughter or grandson in prose. They can be like this:

Grandma, I have never tasted anything tastier than your pies and cakes! But this is not without reason. Only a person who has golden hands and kind heart, can make such goodies. Therefore, I wish you to remain as open, sincere and joyful. Happy anniversary, dear grandmother!

Grandma, today you are 70 years old. Looking at you, you can’t even tell, well, the maximum you can give is 50. I wish you to always be so young, active and cheerful. I wish that you have the strength to travel around the world in the company of your great-grandchildren, who are not even in the project yet. Happy anniversary, grandma!

The hero of the occasion will like such congratulations. After all, they are filled with meaning and humor.

Expanded congratulations in prose

When you want to say a lot, you can say a long wish in prose. It could be like this:

Today is the anniversary of the best, young and beautiful grandmother in this world. Darling, thanks to you our childhood was bright, special and exciting. After all, you always know what to interest and captivate. The games you taught us will remain in our memory for a lifetime. You are the grandmother that many people dream of. And I have you, thank you for that. May life reward you with good health, activity and financial well-being. Happy anniversary, beloved grandmother!

There are not enough words to express my love for you. You are the best grandmother in the world. I wish that all your dreams come true, every new day begins with a smile. May the warmth and kindness of your soul never dry up. I also wish you travel to the countries you dreamed of visiting. Happy anniversary, dear!

Whatever wishes are chosen to congratulate the grandmother, the main thing is that they are sincere and give a feeling of celebration to the hero of the occasion.

Grandma, I want to hug you
Thank you for everything good!
Very often people say
I'm just like you!

Let tomorrow be a new day,
Bringing happy events!
Be healthy, always happy,
On your birthday, expect a tea party!

Children's poems congratulations to grandmother

You, grandmother, and your kindness are from God,
May you have a lot of health,
Always be cheerful and funny,
The years lived are cast in gold!

Bow to grandma, happy birthday,
Bloom and live for many years,
Always be in the mood,
Like a sunny spring bouquet!

There is so much sun, happiness, strength in him,
On my way to the big life,
Like a guiding star
Shine on me with your smile, -
Be always cheerful and healthy!
You, grandmother, are a gift to me from God:
May he give you many, many years!

I'm on the whole planet
The happiest,
Because my grandmother
The most beautiful!
Kind and knows a lot
Reads books to me
And buys candy
Dress, pants!
I love my grandmother very much.
Never scolds
Although it happens sometimes
What a little naughty I am!
My dear,
Congratulations! I you.
Be healthy and happy,
Cheerful, joyful, beautiful.
And then you and I
We will always be happy!
Your wonderful son, glorious heir,
The most important gift in life!

Congratulations on your 70th birthday to your grandmother

Granny, give us some strong tea
And noble cheesecakes,
I can’t congratulate you right away,
First we want to eat!

Congratulations on your 70th birthday to your grandmother

Grandma, it’s warm and cozy for you and me together.
Then we read a fairy tale, we sing a song.
I want to congratulate you and wish you happiness.
When I grow up, I will read books to you!

Congratulations on your 70th birthday to your grandmother

Touching as well as cute
The word sounds childish;
How much has there been in your life
And, of course, there will be
Happy and not so happy days...
But they're not scary with you.
As long as you can through the night
Carry out when needed
Your hands and patience?
So many things to do!
It is obvious to see a lot of skill -
The destiny of bright wisdom
Helps out. How wonderful!
Happiness to be with you!
We declare loudly,
What to love you with souls
We will all be as much as we can,
While the thread of life weaves.
May the Lord help you
Make all your dreams come true!
For your love and affection,
The depth of beautiful eyes
Let your life be like in a fairy tale
They make you and us happy.

Congratulations on your 70th birthday to your grandmother

It's our grandmother's birthday today!
And our grandmother is no more beautiful in the world!
And her cheesecakes and jam are the best,
And her smile shines brightest for her grandchildren!
And these golden hands are the most tender of all,
That they knit mittens, socks and sweaters,
They will always help us place commas,
And they will find treasured lotions for the bruise,
After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!
He knows three hundred songs, two hundred jokes,
And he almost reads a hundred fairy tales by heart,
And she always has work to do around the house, -
We want to finish our poem,
Don't judge us harshly for our rhymes.
Granny! Grandchildren congratulate you on your birthday!
Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

Congratulations to grandmother from grandson

My dear grandmother,
I want to be by your side on this day!
Enjoy the holiday together
And celebrate it with joy!

To be dressed like dolls,
Drink fragrant tea with sweets!
Indulge in buns together.
Become good friends!

Congratulations to grandmother on the birth of her granddaughter

May God's mercy not leave you,
You are famous for your eternal kindness,
From all grandchildren - health, peace,
Let the sun shine above the earth!

Poems of congratulations on the anniversary of grandmother

What can I wish for you, dear?
Wealth or beauty?
Wouldn't it be better if in life
Will you always be happy?
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that no one guesses
Which year suits you?
Take everything you can from life
Everything that is simple and light
After all, life cannot be multiplied by life,
And you are not destined to live twice.

Comic congratulations to grandma

Of course, you have a candlelit dinner,
Or maybe a noisy, joyful banquet,
You, grandma, are so lucky to have friends,
They simply don’t get any more fun and better!

I also tenderly congratulate you,
I want to say that I love you
May an angel guard your soul,
Thank you for your kindness!

Cool congratulations to grandma

Dear grandmother (great-grandmother)!
Don't count the years in vain,
Don't be sad that your temples have turned grey.
This always happens in nature:
This is the trail left by snowstorms.
May your life be difficult
There was still joy and happiness in her.
Stay strong, my dear, hold on.
They will bypass bad weather.
After all, your wealth is WE:
Daughter, son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren even!
You will live for a long, long time,
To babysit my great-great-grandchildren too!!

Happy anniversary, grandma,
We congratulate you,
Good health
AND for long years we wish.

70 - honorary
And a glorious anniversary,
You keep our family
With your love.

Affectionate, kind,
The best in the world
They wish you happiness
Your grandchildren and children.

Anniversary for grandma
I'll bake pancakes.
I will treat them to
I will invite you to visit.
I'll brag about your recipe
I'll tell you all the components
And I’ll add: without love
They won't work!
I wish it was longer
You told me more
About everything you know
From your great destiny.

Grandmother, dear, happy holiday to you,
How many years have flown by!
Only you remained young, young,
Thank you dear, for always being with me!
The whole world knows about your smile -
After all, today you
Seventy years!
You are my dear, my grandmother,
To congratulate you,
The whole family gathered.

Grandmother, our dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Our beloved dear.
We wish you good health.

May you have a carefree life.
So that you have enough strength for everything and always.
We gather every Saturday evening.
Wishing you another year of happiness!

You're 70 today, we'll raise it
Your own glasses in your honor!
And we will hug you with love,
Thank you for having us!
Here are your children and grandchildren at the table...
Having a big family is so wonderful.
We are looking forward to your great-grandchildren,
The title “grandmother” was not given to you in vain.
You will also have to babysit,
But these troubles, we know, are only a joy.
May happiness remain next to you,
Today there is a feast in your honor!

Congratulations on your 70th birthday to your grandmother in verse

On the seventieth anniversary
Smile, grandma, hurry up!
There’s no need to be sad about what you’ve lived,
We wish you a long, long life!
We say “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts,
Your work is for us, believe me? invaluable!
May there be happiness and good luck nearby,
Well, your eyes won’t cry from grief.
Let your eyes glow with inspiration
On a wonderful holiday - your birthday!
Live, granny, without knowing sorrows,
We kiss you and hug you tenderly!

My grandma is the best!
He knows exactly what success means!
She is a strong, wise woman
And she is provided with support!

Even though she is turning seventy,
But he doesn’t disconnect from life!
Keeps up with the times
And it only becomes more confident!

I admire my granny
And I love her very much!
I sincerely congratulate my dear,
My best, dear!

On my seventieth birthday
I am my beloved grandmother
I wish you longevity,
Be healthy, happy,

More good reasons
For a sincere smile,
Life is interesting, great
And joy in abundance!

Grandma's 70th birthday, in a hurry
Will give her success in everything,
And let it sound in her house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
Let the whole family be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And may he maintain his health,
And there will be peace and happiness!

“There is no dearer in the world,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world!” -
I am for you - grandma - alone
I'm composing these words.
You're always so kind to me
Participation in all matters,
Still young, slim, vigorous...
You are lucky to be a granddaughter!
And on this 70th anniversary
Take two more words:
Dear! Better not be sick
And be always healthy!

Grandma is beautiful,
The grandchildren really like it
To come to your hospitable house,
Where everything is warmed by your warmth.

On your sunny anniversary
Until late midnight
The hum of cheerful voices did not fade away.
Entertaining guests is also an AC!

Nobody believes it
That grandma is seventy.
Be as sweet and lively
We are proud of you, grandma!

A wonderful holiday - an anniversary,
My beloved grandmother,
For kindness, care and patience,
Let's go, Lord, she has many bright days.
Let life flow like a full river,
Be happy in everything, always,
We will surround you, grandma, with love,
And we wish you good health.

My dear grandmother is seventy years old!
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
You deserve the most sincere words!
I'm even blushing with excitement!

May this day add color to you,
Bright and joyful, with pure love,
Only the best will be remembered!
May God give you long life and health!

The most beloved grandmother in the world,
Your grandchildren and children have gathered here today.
After all, today is your anniversary, dear,
70 is quite a long time, you might say, remembering.
Be healthy, don't get sick, smile more,
Stay kind, gentle, sensitive with us.
So that I never know pain and sadness
Let them bypass grief and bad weather!
And there will only be happiness in your destiny!

Our grandmother doesn't believe
That she is now seventy.
After all, the soul does not age,
Around her, things are in full swing.
Believe it or not, dear
It's just an anniversary!
You're as groovy as ever,
You are the center for all guests.
Let the pressure be normal
Don't worry about diabetes
May you be in good shape
We have many years of joy!

Congratulate your grandmother on her 70th birthday with poems

Grandma is kind,
Very soft.
So perky
Young for sure!

She's a year old to us
Now they are definitely not scary.
She's young
Even though he looks older!

Let her be seventy
She's still a "live"!
All the people say
What a lot of life there is in her!

Today we came to you for a reason,
It's a red day on the calendar for us.
On this day, the best mother and grandmother in the world was born,
What a blessing that this once happened.
There is no one closer, more loved and dear to you,
Please accept congratulations on your anniversary.
Be strong, healthy, active always,
Don’t let the years you have lived reflect on you.
You have something to remember, because your life is bright,
She always brought you gifts.
May there always be peace in your heart,
And there is a smile on your face, your soul is singing.
Mommy and granny, you are our dear,
May there be more in life
What was once missing.
Let the goldfish make all your dreams come true,
After all, there is nothing more precious to us,
Than your smile. Happy anniversary!

We love you so much, dear granny,
You are the kindest and dearest!
We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary
And live without adversity, without illness.
May turning 70 be a celebration, an anniversary
He will gather all the grandchildren and children around the table.
We promise you to be reasonable
Your instructions will not be forgotten

Congratulations on your 70th birthday.
Your wise heart beats openly.
And we wish you many years to live.
You, grandma, are the sun for us, no doubt!

Let your sensitive hands be warm,
And comfort surrounds the space.
Well, it will be more fun for you with your loved ones,
May love find permanence!

Granny, dear, how dear
Your kind look, its warmth!
If there were forty of your grandchildren,
You could feed everyone!
From our beloved grandmother
No one left hungry.
Hospitable like you
Try to find more!
You are kind and fair to us
You can tell me a lot
Grandma, always be happy
Have excellent health!
You're seventy today,
And this is a proud anniversary!
Let us celebrate it with dignity,
Worthy of your kindness!

My beloved granny, I would like to congratulate you on your Anniversary! I wish you only the very best, especially good health. Don’t think about your age at all, because you have so much energy that any young woman would be jealous. I always want to see you exactly as you are now. You are so cheerful and active, so positive and energetic that sometimes you even get around us. We all appreciate you very much, we are proud of you, your perseverance and your patience. Thank you for everything you do for us, it’s even impossible to appreciate. Thank you also for putting up with my whims. You also know how to give excellent advice, know how to listen, and always support and help. Be happy and healthy, my beloved granny! You are the coolest among us! Happy holiday! I love you very much, my best grandmother!

I just can’t stay away because I really want to congratulate my beloved grandmother on her holiday! Granny, first of all, I want to say that this age doesn’t mean anything, so don’t even pay attention to it. Secondly, I want to notice how beautiful you look today! I want you to always look like this, no matter what day it is. My granny, you can’t even imagine how much I love you! In fact, it is not always easy for me to express my feelings, but today I will definitely make an exception for my loved one. I want to wish you only good health and happy years of life. You still have time to play with your great-grandchildren, whom you have been waiting for so long. I hope your dream comes true soon. I congratulate you, my beloved grandmother! Just know that I will do everything for you, because you are the most dear person to me.

I love the word “grandmother” so much because I associate it with something warm, dear and magical. This is exactly what my beloved grandmother is, who has an important day today - her anniversary! Granny, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only the brightest and best! Be always healthy, loved and happy. I promise that I will take on all these points, I will take care of you, and visit you more often. You are very good to me, you have dedicated your life to your children and grandchildren, who simply adore you. But at the same time, you never forget about yourself, you are constantly developing, learning, because you want to be aware of everything that is happening in the world. You are even very good at computers, although I didn’t teach you all the tricks. I congratulate you, our dear grandmother! Remember that the most important thing is how a person feels, and everything else is not so important.

Our birthday girl is my beloved grandmother! My life is connected with her, because I spent a lot of time with my grandmother when my parents worked. She taught me a lot of things, talked to me, explained a lot of things that I didn’t understand. She was next to me when I went to school, then to university. Now I have already got a job, but I still live by the principles that my grandmother taught me. I want to thank her for everything she has done for me. And now it’s my turn to take care of you, beloved grandmother. I wish you good health. The main thing is never get sick, and we will do the rest for you. You are our best, most understanding, kind and sympathetic. You know how to listen, so I always wanted to share my secrets with you, and it’s just a pleasure to talk with you.

Today we have such a wonderful event - the anniversary of my incomparable grandmother, who looks so young that few can believe that she is my grandmother. And I even like it, and I don’t even need to say how much my grandmother likes it. Granny, I want to congratulate you on your Anniversary! Remember that age is just little things that you shouldn’t even pay attention to. You are a young and attractive woman who still attracts admiring glances. We are all proud of you, we admire how cheerful and a positive person, who always has a lot of ideas. I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires and the realization of all your ideas and plans. Be sure that you will still achieve a lot, so don’t even doubt your abilities. You are the best grandmother in the world! Happy holiday to you! Be the happiest you can be, and we will help you.

Our dear birthday girl, and also my beloved grandmother, I congratulate you with all my heart! You are so kind and sympathetic, so attentive and loving. It seems to me that your love can be enough for all the people in the world. You are very calm and balanced, you never lose control of the situation. I love you very much, my granny. Know that everything that I was able to achieve by this age is all thanks to you, because no one worked with me as much as you. You inspired me, supported me and were just there when I was sad. You felt when I was not feeling well, and it was at that moment that you called me. I know that you and I have a special connection. I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you good health. Believe that this new stage of your life will be as interesting as previous years.

Today is my beloved grandmother’s anniversary, she turns seventy years old. In my opinion, this is a significant date that must be celebrated, so we decided to organize such a wonderful holiday today. Grandma, I don’t have enough words to describe how much I love you, how much I admire you. I always have very little time spent with you. I will never stop being proud of a grandmother like you, because you dedicated your life only to your children and grandchildren, although you had a good opportunity to get a job, but for you, family is the meaning of life. We all try to be like you, try to follow your recommendations. Personally, I can say that only thanks to you and your advice I was able to achieve impressive results. Happy holiday to my most beloved grandmother! Know that I will never let you down because you should be proud of me.

I thought for a long time about how I could congratulate my grandmother and realized that I just had to say how I felt about her. I want to say that every time I think about my grandmother, I smell the cake that she always likes to cook. I also remember my favorite cartoons and books, because she always read me bedtime stories, and we watched cartoons together. She is my friend with whom I can be frank because I know that she will understand everything. But at the same time, of course, I try not to upset her, because I know how worried she is about me. My granny, I wish you peace, because you are very impressionable and emotional. You want to help all the people on the planet, but this is impossible. Just live and enjoy life. We want to see you healthy and happy, but you are very often so thoughtful and serious. Happy holiday to you, my beloved grandmother!

My beloved, kind and modern grandmother, I congratulate you on your Anniversary! I want to wish you the most important thing - good health, and everything else is a matter of gain, which you already have. I just want to always see you happy and healthy, believe that we will do everything for you, because you are a very dear person to all of us. You dedicated your life to us, your grandchildren, and before that, your children. I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires. I know how much you want to see your great-grandchildren as soon as possible, so I really hope that your main dream will come true before everyone else. Thank you for my fabulous childhood, for your help and support in everything, for your gifts and attention. I wish you long and happy years of life. I will do everything to ensure that you are always happy. Happy Anniversary to you, my beloved granny! Remember that seventy years is the age that is indicated only in the passport.

On the day of her anniversary, I want to wish my grandmother only health, because she either has everything else or will have it, but she cannot lose her health. Granny, you are very attached to your family, that is, to all of us, because you devoted your whole life only to household chores, raising children and grandchildren. You have never left time for yourself or for rest, so you have every right now to enjoy peace and relaxation. Be sure that your family will always be there, will never let you down or betray you, because you are a very dear person to us, for whom we are ready to do anything. We wish you good health, which will never let you down, because you still have your whole life ahead of you. Don't be upset about your age because it's just little things. Happy holiday, my beloved granny! You are our best and kindest!

On her seventieth birthday, I would like to wish my grandmother good health. In my opinion, this is the only thing grandmother needs to be completely happy. I know how modest and kind she is, so she gives everything she has to her children or grandchildren, but leaves nothing for herself, doesn’t buy anything for herself. Granny, I want you to pay more attention to yourself, because you are so young and active. Start going to theaters and performances, and we will be happy to keep you company, because it’s always interesting with you. I congratulate you on your Anniversary, on such a significant date! But remember that these are just numbers that don't mean anything. Thank you for everything, my beloved grandmother! I promise that I will do everything to ensure that you are always proud of me, so that you talk about me as you want. Be happy, healthy and loved, our dear birthday girl!

Our birthday girl today is my beloved grandmother, with whom I spent my entire childhood. I remember how I looked forward to weekends and holidays to come to you, because with you I was always interested. You taught me a lot, only you trusted me with the secrets of making your signature cake, although you didn’t even tell your mother. I appreciate every moment spent with you because it is all very precious to me. But rest assured that there will be many more such moments in our lives. I congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish you all the best! You deserve to be the happiest, so for my part I will do everything to ensure that this is the case. Happy holiday, beloved grandmother! Always remain the same as you are now. We all love and admire you very much. You are our best!

Congratulations on your 70th anniversary:

Congratulations to grandma on her 70th birthday

“There is no dearer in the world,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world!” —
I am for you - grandma - alone
I'm composing these words.
You're always so kind to me
Participation in all matters,
Still young, slim, vigorous...
You are lucky to be a granddaughter!
And on this 70th anniversary
Take two more words:
Dear! Better not be sick
And be always healthy!

And a house full of guests.
At our dear grandmother's
Today is the anniversary.
You are 70 today!
And you are young at heart,
And we really like it
Hurry to your home.
You prepare sweets for us,
You give us warmth
Live and laugh joyfully
Bloom in spite of the years!


The most beloved grandmother in the world,
Your grandchildren and children have gathered here today.
After all, today is your anniversary, dear,
70 is quite a long time, you might say, remembering.
Be healthy, don't get sick, smile more,
Stay kind, gentle, sensitive with us.
So that I never know pain and sadness
Let them bypass grief and bad weather!
And there will only be happiness in your destiny!

I want my granny's beloved
To wish for seventy years
So that there is enough health,
Drive away illnesses from life.
Let happiness cover you like a wave,
And many fabulous years await.
Bypasses the bad
And the whole wide world pleases.


Grandma - grandma,
Happy anniversary, dear,
Happiness! Sveta! Joy
Spring warmth!
Under your wing
My life is happy
Like in a fairy world,
Like a stream flowed
Don't worry, grandma,
Wise, beautiful.
I want it to last for a long time
Your life was.


I would like to become a sorceress
Or catch a miracle fish in a pond.
There would be only one wish,
But to make sure it comes true:
Grandmother's age - days lived -
Divide 70 years in half.
But if the fish jumps off the hook,
And I couldn’t perform a miracle myself,
I will ask you, my dear:
Take care of yourself and don't be sad!
Sunny days and less hassle,
So that your garden always blooms,
Happiness, health, cloudless days
I wish my granny!


It's grandma's birthday!
We wish her warm days,
To have everything you need
Obedient grandchildren and children,
Happiness, joy, good luck,
And have nice days at the dacha.
And so that boredom does not happen
Only new series.


Grandma - grandma
This day is beautiful
I thought about the years.
Don't be sad in vain!
Your anniversary is sunny
We will warmly celebrate
Midnight is approaching
We won't even notice.
Let them pass sweetly
Your days, dear,
Happiness! Sveta! Joy!
We wish you.


It’s my dear grandma’s birthday!
I was getting ready for your anniversary with excitement,
There is so much I need to tell you in confidence,
After all, my childhood was warmed by your love.
You are unparalleledly beautiful even at 70 years old.
There is peace and boundless strength in your gaze.
You always found a moment for me,
I loved your sparkling jokes.
I wish you the best granny in the world,
So that you can live for many years without getting sick,
Your wisdom gives me hope and strength,
Be always young and as beautiful.


And let the years fly grandma
And you're still just as good
Your smile warms
The soul sings and rejoices.
You haven't lost the sparkle in your eyes
What young people can't find
And seventy is not the reason
Don't dance and don't bloom.
You are energetic and sore
You will never be conquered
How can a grandmother be like this?
Tell me, don't you love too much?
And that's why I'm happy anniversary
I’ll congratulate you in verse
I tried so hard, feel it so much
The scope of my love's soul.


Today is your anniversary,
Don’t regret the years, dear,
So what if you're seventy?
There was so much brightness in fate.
We are proud of you, grandma,
You are a great example for us in everything.
Your windows are pure gentle light
He protects us from evil and bitter troubles.
Happy anniversary, grandma!
We wish, lovingly from the heart,
Be healthy, don't be sad in vain,
Your family is behind you.


I want to wish you, dear,
On the seventieth anniversary,
May you live long. Not sick
And meeting dear guests.
The sun is shining for you today,
A rainbow is burning in the blue sky.
The wind brought snowflakes for you.
And your bullfinches rejoice.
Dear grandma, congratulations
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you bright happiness,
Long life, enthusiasm and fire!


My granny is sad
- Why are the years rushing by so quickly?
But a beacon is burning in your life
Real female happiness.
Don't be sad. Your children are strong
Your grandchildren adore you.
And we all, dear, need
Your gentle, kind hands.
A person must live a whole century,
Or perhaps much longer.
Your 70 is the dawn
And don't be sad anymore.


Today I want to shout to the whole world - my grandma is 70 years old! You are the most beautiful, the kindest, the most necessary for us! On your anniversary, we want to wish you, our gray-haired swallow, good health, good mood, a smile on your lips! We wish you many more years of joy with your optimism! Happy holiday!


On my seventieth birthday
I am my beloved grandmother

I wish you longevity,
Be healthy, happy,
More good reasons
For a sincere smile,
Life is interesting, great
And joy in abundance!


To my beloved grandmother
At seventy - hello dear,
Many nice wishes -
Happiness and magical miracles.
May you live a simple life
There will be many happy days
You may still be ninety
Amazingly beautiful!


Grandma, you are a fabulous childhood
Embedded in my memory forever.
Your hands are a remedy for colds.
Your treats are God's food.
I can count seven by ten,
But why should I round up my happiness?
On your anniversary I cherish a dream:
I will embrace you with my soul forever!


Dear, dear grandmother!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
The most excellent hostess,