Happy 50th birthday to a man.  Birthday script

Happy 50th birthday to a man. Birthday script

It's time to prepare for the holiday and accept congratulations on your 50th birthday.

What can I wish for you, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy of once again remembering the best moments in the life of the hero of the day. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years must be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday person. Don't read banal words from a store postcard. It’s better to prepare a short poem, which you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, having previously sent information about the birthday person.

People say that living life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to regret kind words:

  • if you are preparing congratulations for the 50th birthday of a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities as a good housewife and loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional advantages he has;
  • for your beloved mother you need to choose the most tender words, because she expects and deserves them;
  • I have traveled a lot of roads with my girlfriend or boyfriend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem for the occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and contains pleasant compliments, then it will leave a pleasant impression for a long time and will delight the heroes of the day. There are never enough wishes on this day!

What not to say on your anniversary

Etiquette must be followed in everything. If those congratulating you really prepare correctly, then they will not focus on the woman’s age, even when it is congratulations on her 50th birthday. It is more appropriate to talk about the life core and virtues of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our lives. But if on ordinary days they are unnoticeable, then on an anniversary you need to forget about them. There’s no need to say for the hundredth time that the birthday boy’s life is just beginning... It’s better to tell guests about the bright moments that await the birthday boy in the next part of his life’s journey.

You should not give advice to celebrants if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps you in life. But wishes for health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you use your imagination and don’t turn off your logic, it’s easy to create an original congratulation!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I will say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
He will give sensible advice to the children,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care of you
And all my friends respect me.

The birthday girl is beautiful, as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And may you be fifty today,
But his eyes, just like in his youth, glow.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and goodness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, devoted friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

The most tender smile on your lips,
And the look shines with youthful enthusiasm,
Maybe there's some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Our life is such a thing

I was young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
That's how things are!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Never be discouraged
Life is easy, without knowing worries,
And hope for joy!


Half a century has flown by, it seems like a long time...
Everything was on your difficult path,
Life with you was good-natured and strict,
And you were able to find your happiness!
Achieved what we once wanted
We managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if you still didn’t have time to do something -
There are still many opportunities ahead!
Now your grandchildren will be your joy,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of your family will be the best reward,
And let's continue the celebration with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile before,
To be the happiest - no more, no less,
And life will definitely not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity,
So that there is nothing to even dream about!
Let the whole world become cozy for you,
It will be painted in azure colors.
May luck generously greet you everywhere!
But even if something suddenly goes wrong,
Something for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business is, in essence, a trifle!
After all, the date of the anniversary is golden,
Like the sun on an open path.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years - what an anniversary!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Live long, long, don’t get sick!
Everything will be great - we know for sure!
May spring always bloom in your soul,
Age only makes you more beautiful,
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup of this life!


At 50, it’s probably no coincidence
The anniversary is called golden!
Little remains a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years flew by unnoticed
They flashed by like a short dream!
Don't be sad that summer is leaving!
The velvet season is just around the corner!
Everything is now available, everything is clear,
The sun warms, but no longer burns!
May happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

The age of women is said to be
There's no point in discussing it at all!
On the anniversary of fifty
You look younger!

How not to say this
Wonderful birthday girl!
I want to wish you:
Be just as interesting!

Let the worries go away

The road will be easy

Well, we are your friends,

Will always be nearby!

Your magical beauty will easily drive you crazy -
Shine your eyes, smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss and charm,
I will lay the treasures of the whole world at your feet!
Affection and tenderness are growing stronger every day,
Enthusiastic, a little timidly, we always move forward.
Let's find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall...
I am in love with you as in my youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say - fifty,
After all, I look and am surprised again
You are still the same as you were ten years ago.

Be your friend as beautiful as before
Don't be sad, have fun, light up
May you have enough patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

Let your eyes be kind and bright
The light that you carry through the years,
Many songs, flowers and gifts,
Let them always be present in life!

You, friend, don’t be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary,
But in my soul I’m eighteen,
So don't you dare relax.

Sparkles dance in the eyes -
This means there will be some sense in business.
There is enough tenderness in the soul -
This means the heart is not bored.

There is gunpowder in the flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for a women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, it must be targeted and take into account the birthday girl’s tastes, profession and age. The beautiful half of humanity always appreciates attention and sincere attitude, which can be expressed with kind words.

Here are some ideas you can use and prepare original congratulations for 50 years:

  • 1. A shower of wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when guests are given blank stars on which they write their congratulations. To the music, guests throw stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads them aloud. From the compiled congratulations, a star necklace is created for the birthday girl.
  • 2. A comic heartfelt congratulation from male guests can also be prepared directly at the holiday.
  • 3. Congratulations from friends can be in the form of ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of the birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented teamwork on canvas. Anyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this should always be remembered. An anniversary is a special holiday that should not be overshadowed by anything, so you need to try hard on this day.

What congratulations on his 50th birthday will a man definitely like?

The strong half of humanity loves humor and cool congratulations. Such options will amuse not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests. What could be better than fun positive mood, which short poems create.

For some reason everyone thinks
At 50 - half your life away.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
He raised a son and a daughter...

And everything is fine with my career:
You are the boss (and a big one!)
But you will achieve more
Just don’t get old at heart!

You have one road: up,
Go ahead, without further ado!
Without a doubt, be towards achievements,
Ready for new exploits!

And half a century later,
Among loved ones and friends
Celebrate your cheerfulness
Your centenary!

Such a beautiful date
It should be doubly pleasant.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And to always be on horseback!
Good luck, kindness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, just like now, young!
And the best feelings, of course,
Give to all your friends and family!

A wonderful age - fifty!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness,
Just a good mood.
So that there is prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
To be forever young,
We achieved our goals easily and simply.
And may there be fire in your eyes
It won't go out for a minute!
Today is your anniversary
And life is as beautiful as ever!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
The middle of a long journey!
You passed half of it brilliantly!
There is still so much to go through!

Today there is for the celebration
There is a good reason -
You are half a hundred years old
Our chef is wonderful!

May health be every hour
Siberian makes me happy,
Adds to the shoulders
Heroic strength.

There is a flame of love in the heart
It burns brighter
And the fate of your yachts and pitchforks
He's trying to give a gift!

And may your path be simple
Towards new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

Anniversary years
You'll never catch up
They fly by like comets
Touching the wires.

Time, time, how to be here,
Don't forget, don't forget,
Maybe just look back
And quietly continue to swim.

The years lined up
Is fifty a lot or a little?
A lilac bell,
Congratulations are ringing.

Husbands will line up in a row,
Wives, children, sons,
The whole crowd congratulates you,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You were definitely given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock over the glass of intoxication.

May God grant that everything comes true
The haze of plans has grown together,
Abundance from the horn,
So that it pours on you.

And of course, a few words,
Putting it in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A cup full of luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that will highlight the individuality and resourcefulness of his colleagues.
  2. Dad is the main person in life, just like mom, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that the team composed for him.

It should be noted that any person deserves kind words on their anniversary, which you can always choose yourself or compose together with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into fun competition. The mood is guaranteed for everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcomed.

A birthday, and especially an anniversary, is a very important holiday. Almost everyone celebrates it. Sometimes it happens that the older a person gets, the less often he has the desire to have fun.

The fiftieth anniversary is an infrequent holiday in the life of every person. But if it comes, it must be special.

To celebrate a round anniversary, you need to prepare in advance.
A very important part of a beautiful congratulation for the hero of the day is sincere wishes. It is customary to always praise the birthday person on his anniversary and rejoice at his successes and achievements.

It is customary to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary on a grand scale, when all relatives, close friends and colleagues gather at the ceremonial table.

Men are a little afraid of their fiftieth birthday. They understand that old age is just around the corner, but they don’t think at all how much they have already done during this period of life, and after crossing this threshold of fifty years, there is still a lot to do. And this is not at all a reason to be sad and upset. You can use it to celebrate your loved one’s anniversary brightly and colorfully.

At the time of their fiftieth birthday, men have already lived enough interesting life full of great achievements and victories. Over the years, the man has become wiser and more experienced. He already has quite a lot of life experience and knowledge behind him, which will allow him to make the right decisions and give appropriate advice in the future. On this special day, we advise you to show your admiration for the person, to notice all his achievements and ups. All these warm words about the hero of the day should be expressed in a beautiful congratulation during the festive celebration in order to once again emphasize his impeccability.

50th anniversary - holiday card

How to choose the right greetings

You need to choose a congratulation on your fiftieth birthday for a man; women also love them, which will emphasize the festivity and importance of the moment. Believe me, he will be from such nice words excited.

Remember that the hero of the day will be the center of attention during the holiday. On this special day, everything is intended only for him: compliments, warm and beautiful words, festive toasts from family and friends. It has long been a tradition to wish the birthday person good health, Great love and joy. You can undoubtedly break it and wish the hero of the occasion the realization of all his plans and the fulfillment of his dreams. And you can also wish for what he himself wants and what he strives for.

Be sure to include a couple of lines in your congratulations about the positive qualities of the hero of the day. Both and and look original here.

Sometimes many people have a question: how to beautifully congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday? How and with what to surprise him?

Some men simply cannot understand that an anniversary is not old age or the end of life. This is an extension of an already mature life, which has its advantages, as well as many opportunities through which you only need to move forward. During these half of his life, the hero of the day achieved what he wanted: he raised children, stood on his feet. In this short period of time, he was able to demonstrate not only his potential, but also impeccable qualities such as kindness, wisdom, caring and love.

On this solemn day, all relatives and close friends gather together to say all this to the birthday boy directly to his face. There's so much to do on your fiftieth birthday. beautiful words I would like to say to the hero of the day. After all, this is a special date for him. And you, in turn, need to prepare well by choosing the most my sincere congratulations. Say everything in your own words the way you would like to hear it for yourself. It is not at all necessary to learn them by heart, the important thing is that they are appropriate and relevant for the birthday person.

To please a man on his fiftieth birthday with something unusual, beautiful congratulations, we advise you to prepare interesting competitions. They will greatly amuse all the guests and delight the hero of the day.

Original competitions for the 50th anniversary

Competition 1
All invited guests take part in the competition. The task is to say as many good and pleasant words as possible about the birthday person. It is also necessary to emphasize all the achievements and victories, his courage and resourcefulness. We must remember that all the words spoken by loved ones should only please and not upset at all. The competition is won by the one present who says the most good and pleasant words. At the end of the competition, it is imperative to reward this person for his eloquence. This will amuse the hero of the day; he will be pleased to hear so many new and good things about himself.

Many people believe that you can congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday with the help of the birthday boy’s favorite song. You can sing the song live yourself. But if you cannot sing, then the song can be given as a gift on CD.

Competition 2

Those who know almost everything about the hero of the day take part in the competition. Questions are asked that relate only to the life of the birthday person, from birth to the anniversary. For the number of correct answers, guests are given sweets. The one with the most wins. A photograph with the autograph of the hero of the occasion can serve as a valuable prize.

Beautiful congratulations on a man's 50th birthday

Our dear hero of the day!

On that beautiful bright day, we want to congratulate you on your first real anniversary!

Remember that your real life begins only at fifty! During these years, you will be able to purchase something that you would like to share with loved ones. May fate reward you with wise advice that will help your children and grandchildren in the distant future.

We sincerely wish you warmth among your family and great success in realizing your plans! Never lose interest in your loved one! Live and enjoy life! After all, you are only 50!

Dear our hero of the day!

Today all your close friends and relatives have gathered here for you, to share your joy with you!

Your anniversary is not just a holiday, it is a very memorable event for all of us. On your fiftieth birthday, may life give you good health like granite, a lot of pleasant communication, happiness, good luck and luck!

Always be as beautiful as you are today. May your soul never grow old and be full of kindness. Happy Anniversary to you!

Our dear hero of the day!

You turned fifty today

But you can’t tell

At heart you are only twenty-five!

And on this bright, good day

Live, don't regret the past.

Let another half hundred pass

No grief and no tears!

We congratulate you with all our hearts

And today we wish you well,

A sea of ​​strength, great love,

Joy and happiness! And live up to a hundred years!

After all, years are your wealth!

On your fiftieth birthday, we would like to congratulate you, our dear hero of the day!

At fifty, all paths are open to you.

Even though you have already lived for half a century,

never look back and don't go astray!

We wish that many close friends come to you on your anniversary.

They wish you a lot of joy and happiness, and many more days to live,

May we all celebrate your 100th anniversary together!

Today with this round date

We all came to congratulate you!

The years fly by, fly somewhere,

But believe me, it doesn’t matter!

Your life experience is rich

Gifted to you for all your efforts,

After all, every year something is dear to you,

And the days are flying by quickly.

You don't need to be sad at all,

After all, today you are 50!

Our dear hero of the day!

Congratulations on your fiftieth anniversary! Believe me, you have not lived these years in vain. You are a respected person, a good professional, it’s a pleasure to communicate with you, you always go towards your goal. Let faith and hope become your companions in life, and also help you overcome the obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life.

I wish you good health, happiness, great energy and youth! Let every new day begin with a smile and end with optimism! Happy anniversary!

Dear Friend!

On this wonderful day, we want to congratulate you on the milestone anniversary, your fiftieth birthday!

We are very grateful to God for having you. Let pleasant and sincere words be addressed to you not only today, but always. Know how much we appreciate and love you.

We wish your difficult life to be bright and joyful, like today’s solemn anniversary. May happiness, laughter and love always fill your home, and may your work bring only joy and satisfaction. Happy holiday!

Today we want to congratulate you on your fiftieth birthday!

We wish you, our dear hero of the day, to find what you need. This is love, health, luck and happiness!

Appreciate the moments that fate itself gives you! Always remain so kind, attentive and responsive!
You are 50 today!

Hurray, second youth has arrived!
Fifty is the time of teaching,
This time makes men excited.
Not because of age, no!
Many years have already flown by,
Leaving a good trail behind you.
You are our dear, dear person to my heart,
Happy Anniversary to you!

Our dear birthday boy!

Fifty is the middle of the road.

Fifty is not very much.

How far have you gone?

and how much more you need to go!

There was everything in life: joy and tears,

And happiness and faith, hope, love!

Rejoice, dear, to all the holidays in life.

And to spite everyone, live to be a hundred years old!

Happy anniversary!

Do you remember, friend, just recently

You were only five.

You didn't have time to look back,

How soon the holiday is fifty!

We wish you wisdom

And good health.

Much luck and love!

Happy holiday, our dear hero of the day!

Let this significant date not stop you from enjoying life.

May your anniversary be a celebration of not only memories and experiences, but also new achievements!

Enjoy all the gifts that life gives you. Easily overcome all the challenges that come your way!

Be happy, although it is not easy at all.

Be loved, because love is sacred.

Be healthy, because you will need health for your family, relatives and friends!

Happy holiday!

Anniversary is a memorable event!

Congratulations on your anniversary,

Dear you are our hero of the day!

Today is your holiday,

And here on the road of life

The first fifty showed up!

Live and enjoy life

Why was it given to you?

We wish you good luck, career growth,

Many grandchildren and true friends!

We are sure that you will not forget,

Invite us to your hundredth anniversary!

Fifty is a beautiful date

Gathered family guests

For your important anniversary.

Fifty - which means

You have become more experienced, wiser.

You have a family, work

And full of true friends.

Don't be upset,

Just enjoy life.

Well, friend, don’t be shy,

Have fun with your guests!

Happy fiftieth birthday!

We want to congratulate you with all our hearts

I wish you well and happiness.

After all, today is your holiday

Your cherished fifty!

Fifty is not so much

You still have to live and live.

Don't grieve for no reason.

New plans and discoveries,

Great happiness and good luck

Great achievements for sure,

In your beautiful fifty!

Happy anniversary!

Dear hero of the day!

Please accept our most sincere and warm wishes.

50 years is the age of wisdom and maturity. You have these qualities. You are a worthy example to follow.

50 years is a long time for some. But this is not at all true, because you will have even more years ahead.

Let them go for a long time good days in your life. And the passing years take away everything unnecessary and bad.

We wish you good luck, success and inspiration, as well as health and prosperity in the family. Happy holiday!

Dear hero of the day!

50 years is a very modest holiday; it demonstrates that a person has reached a wonderful time in his life. On this day, our hero of the day hears the best words in the world, the sweetest music in the world, the most beautiful compliments in the entire universe.
Allow us to join in the fantastic action on this day. So we wish you, dear birthday boy, another 150 years of happiness, 150 years of sincere and joyful smiles.

In ancient times, the date of 50 years ago was considered a jubilee. People gathered together, lit a big fire and blew the deer horn in celebration. We continue the traditions of our ancestors and are happy to celebrate such an important date.

It is better to start preparing for your 50th anniversary in advance, especially if we are talking about a man dear to you. This time there is no way to get by with a simple feast. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. You will need beautiful embossed invitation cards, decorated with the ornate initials of the hero of the day, a personal signature, as well as a short text, preferably handwritten;
  2. Celebrating a 50th anniversary usually involves an expensive restaurant with live music, but if a man is more comfortable in his home, he can celebrate widely at home.
  3. Take care of the decor. As you know, a half-century anniversary is a noble golden one, which means that the color scheme of the design has already been predetermined.
  4. Perhaps it was worth starting with this point: delicious favorite food. If we are talking about a man, then his 50th birthday should be based on good wines, hearty snacks and mouth-watering dishes.
  5. Entertainment. It’s worth thinking about how you will maintain a joyful mood during the evening, what kind of music will be played, what kind of music will be anniversary script and who will be the ringleader. After all, your man is 50 years old, everything should be played out brilliantly.

Spend some time on the scenario: what can entertain the birthday boy, what competitions and jokes will create a cozy and fun evening. Prepare toasts for your 50th anniversary in advance, compose a very personal text. You will be able to help out the guests, and the man celebrating the anniversary will be pleased.

Scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary “Radiant Jubilee”

Proposed scenario for celebrating 50 years suitable for a man both for holding a celebration at home and in a restaurant. The room is decorated with gold ribbons, serpentine, sparkling gold foil balls, compositions of yellow and orange fresh flowers would be appropriate.

In the invitation, guests should be warned to decorate their clothes with a bright attribute: a catchy tie, a funny “butterfly”, a large flower in the hair or a colored scarf.

Crystal chime of glasses, happy faces of friends.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered today; the anniversary united us!
So let’s wish the sea happiness, wishes come true soon,
Continue to walk under a lucky star and look ahead of you proudly!
And our joyful evening today
The words that will seal our meeting will be revealed!

For the official anniversary vow, I will ask everyone to fill their glasses to the brim and stand up!

Oath for guests in honor of the anniversary

Today we will rest,
Sing songs all evening.
That we stay all night
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
That we will tell ringing jokes,
That we will praise the hero of the day,
We'll dance all holiday long
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
For every toast, shout “Hurray!”
And if there is a competition or a game,
That we don't give up so easily
We are on that anniversary... We swear!

Leading: Happy birthday, (name of the birthday boy)!
We raise a glass in your honor!
The first toast was made today!
You are young today
You are golden today!
Cherish your importance,
Don’t rush to say goodbye to her!
In the East they say:
Wealth is the pleasure of life
You are truly rich
Cheerful, healthy, immaculate!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Presentation of a diploma with a photograph of the hero of the day and a medal “For taking the 50th anniversary”

Leading: In honor of the honorary golden jubilee, we appoint (name and patronymic of the hero of the day) supreme commander in chief celebrations and general of the holiday! (The hero of the day is decorated with a gold ribbon) I ask everyone to stand up, a solemn three-time “Hurray” sounds! (Fanfare)

Presentation of certificates and medals (The certificate, medal and bouquet of flowers are presented beautifully dressed girl, for example, the daughter of the hero of the day).

Leading: The golden certificate is solemnly awarded
To those who are distinguished by excellent health,
Who never despairs in life,
The one who succeeds in every task!

Presentation of a certificate.

The hero of the day is awarded a brilliant medal,
What a glorious way to reach the milestone of the 50th anniversary!
For the medal you have to buy a carpet,
And hang it up for everyone to see!
The birthday boy was awarded a medal,
And henceforth he vows to be steadfast!
Now he is forbidden to get sick, grow old,
But just become prettier and younger!
Wear your medal proudly, like a general,
Who only won in this life!
A medal is placed around the neck of the hero of the day and a bouquet of flowers is presented.
And now let’s fill our glasses for the clear mind, keen eye and strong fist of our hero of the day!

(Guests drink while standing)

Song “About the hero of the day”

Leading: Noble hero of the day
I haven’t lost my taste for life,
And our guests are no problem,
Let's show the anniversary scale!

The minus of the song “About Hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm” is turned on; guests need to be given the previously prepared words of the song.

There is comfort in our hall, together we celebrate,
Everyone wants to say, congratulations are heard.
The evening is clear, and we fill our glass
In your honor, let’s sing a song from the heart!

Chorus: But we don’t care, but we don’t care,
May the calendar not know your years!

We are in awe of such fate,
You are an example for us, for the family you are a king!
On this anniversary day we will tell you frankly,
Let your dreams come true!
The gaze is burning, the heart is beating, young as before,
There is a clear path ahead, full of new victories!

Leading: Dear guests, I ask everyone who honors and appreciates our hero of the day to raise their right hand! And those who love and adore the birthday boy - left hand! And now applause in honor of the holiday!
We turn on all our attention,
Let's complete my tasks!
Thumbs up
And we lower our left hand to our knee
On the knee of my dear one,
To my dear neighbor!
A right hand meanwhile the neighbor's shoulder hugs,
Rocks everyone to the music!
Let a smile sparkle on your face,
And under the table the leg beats out the rhythm!
And now, without sparing the wine,
Let's dare to fill our glasses!
It's not a sin to clink glasses with your neighbor on the left,
And so that our neighbor on the right is not angry
Let’s clink glasses with him and shout: “Congratulations!”
We empty our glasses to the bottom!

Table and dance break

Leading: A kind, congratulatory word,
Positive for the heart and ears
The family wants to say,
Let's applaud, friends!

Congratulations from the family

Fate caressed and sometimes struck.
Relatives were the support of the dear hero of the day
For the duration of the whole journey.
And in honor of the family, I ask you to bring cups!

Chant for guests in honor of the birthday boy “Five:Zero”

Leading: You conduct your affairs skillfully,
Try this, who can argue?
Keep your body healthy
And you won with life

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: The fan club is running for your signature,
For them, you are a hero every day!
In the next victorious match, without timidity,
You come out with an advantage

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Your fate lay differently,
And there was sweetness in it, there was a little salt
But the turns of life did not frighten you.
You beat fate at cards

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: You rose to the top nicely
Therefore, if you please, live another hundred years.
A successful game is within your power,
You keep score

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Jubilee General,
We are so happy to congratulate you today
Nice colleagues, comrades and friends,
Please tell me everything without missing a word!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Let's raise a golden glass
For the hero of the day,
He gathered us around himself,
Dear ones, all the lovely faces!
For precious words,
Why do they sound so nice here?
They will fly from heart to heart
And your head will spin.

Dance game "Hello" in all languages"

Leading: I ask everyone to leave their cozy chairs and get out on the dance floor! Please form two rings: inner and outer. Dear guests, perhaps not all of you know each other yet, so let’s welcome everyone! And we will do this with music and in a special way. It is known that people different cultures, greet differently. In Japan they bow when they meet, in Africa they clap their hands and curtsy, in Latin America they hug, in France they kiss on the cheeks. To the accompaniment of national music, you move in a circle, and as soon as the music stops, you need to say hello to the person who is opposite you.

Excursion into history

Showing video greetings or a gallery of photographs of the birthday boy from birth to the present moment, the happiest, perhaps funniest fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

Table and dance break.

Game "Anniversary Decrees"

Each guest is given 2-3 sheets of paper (if there are many guests, then one at a time) and a pen.

Leading: I ask everyone to write on the received paper the continuation of the phrase: “This year I...”, bend the piece of paper in half and throw it into this magic hat. (Everyone writes) And now we pass the hat around the circle, all participants pull out two cards for themselves and read them out, starting with the phrase “This year I ....” I ask you to loudly confirm in chorus after each reading “So be it!”

The notes can say anything: “I’ll buy a goat,” “I’ll run a marathon blindfolded,” etc. The competition is cool because... Often a very accurate prediction comes across.


Leading: What wonderful words you say this evening, may all your wishes come true. To somehow thank you, the hero of the day gives each of you golden keys to good luck. (The hero of the day goes around the tables with a decorated box of toffee candies. Staple a number to each candy.) You can probably guess what these magic numbers mean? The anniversary lottery begins! And I announce the winning numbers!

The presenter raises a poster high above his head with the birthday of the hero of the day written in large numbers. Gifts are awarded to those participants who come across numbers from this date.

Leading: Our holiday is noisy today for good reason,
We honor a man, a strongman, a hero!
Let's raise a glass to a heart of the highest standard,
So that the fire in the soul never goes out!

Table and dance break.

Obstacle course

Leading: In honor of the laureate of the “Golden Jubilee” certificate of honor, the winner of the award medal “For taking the 50-year milestone,” I announce a festive obstacle course! I'll ask the general to announce the participants in the competition. (The microphone is passed to the birthday person, he invites 6-8 volunteers)

First task: Each volunteer is given one fin on one leg, and a balloon is tied to the other. You need to slam your opponent's balloon. The three most persistent ones advance to the next level.

Second task: Plastic buckets of water are placed at a distance in front of the participants. Task: throw apples into a bucket. The one who has the most apples in the bucket wins.

Third task: A chair is placed in front of the participant with a prize on it (a bottle of wine with a photo of the birthday person). The guest turns his back to the chair, takes 6 steps in a straight line, where he is blindfolded and turned around his axis. The participant must return to the chair, taking only 6 steps again, and collect the prize.

After painful attempts to find the prize, the participant removes the blindfold and approaches the chair. Only now, instead of a prize, there is a piece of Whatman paper. The guest reads out loud what is written: “Cake to the studio!” He is given wine to applause.

Taking out the cake

They bring out a congratulatory cake with lit candles (you can light one candle in the form of the number 50). The guests sing “Congratulations, my love, happy birthday to you!”, The hero of the day blows out the candles. Everyone is treated to cake and served tea.

The wonderful evening ends
Warming with warmth.
Miracles happen here
The hero of the day is young again!
Do not hesitate to repeat yourself,
We speak from the heart.
We wish the birthday boy -
Stay like this
Cheerful, full of strength, ideas and thoughts
Purposeful, combative,
Active, wise, valuing honor,
And know that we love you!
And finally, a toast to the hero of the day,
His guests, his beloved family!
Let the festive fanfare sound to you!
We fill the glasses with pure love!

Props for the holiday:

  1. Comic diploma “Golden Jubilee”, medal “For reaching the 50th anniversary”, bouquet of flowers;
  2. Lyrics of the anniversary song for guests;
  3. Sheets of paper, pens;
  4. “Golden Key” candies, 8 gifts, “Date of Birth” sign;
  5. Flippers, balloons, 3 buckets of water, apples, a bottle of wine with a photo, a sign “Cake to the studio.”

Video of the 50th anniversary of the hero of the day

It’s not a sin to film a good holiday, especially when we are talking about the first serious anniversary in the life of a 50-year-old man, as the heroes of the next video did.

5:0 in your favor! I congratulate you on your anniversary and express my admiration for what you were able to achieve in your not so old years. At 50, you are holding up well and setting a worthy example for the younger generation. Your cheerful attitude, sincerity and open soul warm us, who love you and appreciate not only your successes, but also the human kindness that God has endowed you with.

Let them say that 50 years is the middle of the road, that it’s time to take stock, but this is not at all for you! Silver at the temples gives you solidity and charm. You are strong and confident on your feet, as befits a man in full bloom. A firm look and a strong hand say that it is too early for you to think about peace! We wish you to live twice as long as 50, so that your life position and principles do not change, so that you have enough strength and means to accomplish your plans. May fortune not turn away from you, may those you trust be faithful!

A respectable man has a significant anniversary today. 50 is not an easy date, a lot has already been achieved and acquired, and there is so much interesting and important ahead. With great respect, I congratulate you, wishing you new achievements. Let only good things bring you every new day!

50 years is the age of maturity, wisdom and justice. Everyone listens to your invaluable advice. For everyone in the family and at work, you are a role model. A man in full bloom - today it’s definitely about you! Health and happiness to you!

Do not look back
And walk without bending your back.
Important milestone - 50,
There is a middle point on your path.

Don't regret what you've lived -
Everything happens in our life.
Have a fun anniversary,
Make life brighter and more beautiful.

You have accumulated a lot of experience -
This means a lot in life.
On your anniversary, rest your soul!
Happiness! Peace! Of good! Good luck!

The age crisis is not a hindrance to you.
50 is not a death sentence.
We wish you for laughter
The auditor didn’t come to see you.

So that gray hair doesn't scare you.
So that everything is always in order.
So that you would be rewarded for your merits
And life spun like a top.

So that you admire women,
So that the men's mood would be checked.
To make everyone around you jealous.
What no one would call old.

Your birthday has arrived
We send our big congratulations!
On such a wonderful anniversary,
Gifts to you from all your friends!

Let your health not let you down,
Luck always finds you
The work will be neat,
More big money!

On the wonderful half-centenary anniversary
We wish you loyal friends,
Good health, love,
So that the days of life may be counted for a long time.

So that ours always win,
And dear conductors to you on the trains,
Socks are always in pairs after washing,
And women without whims and nagging.

And shops without queues,
So that there are only joyful people around,
And let my heart always be in love,
May you be a champion in life!

An anniversary is not just a holiday,
This is a feast where you are king.
And you have not reached Pentecostal age,
You have just blossomed in your soul.

May every day be wonderful
And may your health grow with him.
And so that nothing overshadows
Excellent mind, we cherish you.

With deep respect, allow us to solemnly congratulate you on your happy day, happy birthday, and happy 50th birthday. We wish the hero of the day to live another 300 years. To be healthy and cheerful, not to know sorrows, and so that on your hundredth anniversary, you can call us again. Love, understanding, optimism.