The holiday is February 23rd in kindergarten.  Entertainment “February 23” (middle group)

The holiday is February 23rd in kindergarten. Entertainment “February 23” (middle group)

Goal: 1. To give children understandable ideas about the defenders of the Motherland.

2. Promote the development of emotional responsiveness, joy, and passion.

3. Involve children in singing songs and ditties. Instill a desire to actively participate in competitions.

Previous work:

Reading stories and poems about infantrymen, tank crews, sailors, pilots, border guards; learning proverbs. Examination of illustrations, military toys, making gifts for February 23.


Caps, caps, six large hoops, two chef's hats, two buckets of water, two wooden spoons, a tray with models of fruits and vegetables, a rifle, five scarves, ten flat hoops, two baskets with balls, two large bags, rope, ribbon, treat.

Progress of entertainment:

To the applause of the girls and guests, boys in military headdresses march into the group and stop at the central wall.

Educator: Look at our boys, how smart they are today. Tell me, girls, why are boys so beautiful? Yes, today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of men: fathers, grandfathers, brothers. Soldiers protect their homeland, you and me, and provide peace and tranquility to all people. Our boys, future defenders of the Fatherland, will now tell us about themselves.

We are still only preschoolers,

But the day and hour will come,

When will we become soldiers

To save the world for you

We walk confidently

It's like going to a parade

We want to be resilient

But not for fun

We want to grow up quickly

To become a soldier

And wear the title proudly

"Russian Private"

Aty-baty, step wider,

Hey, keep level.

Soon my dear one will join the army

All: There will be a replenishment!

Educator: Our boys are still going to kindergarten, but years will pass and they will choose any military specialty for themselves, the army will teach them to be hardy, brave and dexterous.

Kindergarten Warriors

We are glad to welcome you

Kindergarten Warriors

They will be happy to protect you

Kindergarten boys

Your support, joy

You will need more

Our man's shoulder

You will be like behind a wall,

Behind our men's back

Soldiers are peaceful people

Although there is no war,

They are their profession

Military faithful

All soldiers take care

Earth, sky, peace and work.

So that all children

We lived happily in the world.

We're having a fun holiday

They congratulate us boys.

Educator: Our beautiful girls want to congratulate the boys, future defenders of the Motherland and sing ditties for them:

To serve in the army,

You have to be very strong

Because the whole day is our Sasha

Eats porridge with a bun

They can’t get Vanya out

Mom and dad from the bath

He dives and swims -

He will serve in the navy

Stas flies around the room,

Hands - spreads wings,

Everyone is rammed by a plane,

He will be a pilot in the army.

So that soldiers can be brave,

Health needs to be strengthened

Temper yourself daily

Do physical exercise

Did you like the ditties?

We sang them for you!

We wish everyone good health

In this bright, good hour.

Educator: Thanks to the girls for the ditties, and on this holiday, boy, we invite you to take part in the tournament of future warriors, where you can show your dexterity, strength, dexterity, and ingenuity:

1 competition: “tug of war”;

2nd competition: “who will bring the most shells for minefield"(go from hoop to hoop and collect balls in a bag);

Competition 3: “to the gun” (they march in a circle, whoever is named quickly takes the gun so that it doesn’t fall).

Educator: Our boys showed us how dexterous, brave, and strong they are. We award them with medals, like real soldiers. (Presentation of medals).

Soldiers need strength to defend their homeland, so they must eat well. Now the girls cooks will prepare lunch for the soldiers.

Competition 4: “soldier’s lunch” (we’ll prepare soup and compote).

Educator: It is important for a soldier to be friends and to value soldier’s friendship. Now we will find out what proverbs about friendship and courage you know:

Hero for the Motherland by the mountain.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

The bullet fears the brave, but the bayonet does not kill the brave.

A brave fighter in battle is well done.

The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Educator: In the army, a song helps soldiers serve. Let's sing a soldier's song:

Thank you guys, well done.

(addressing parents):

These are such wonderful children you are growing up. At one time, you were raised by your parents. They made a lot of efforts so that you grew up as worthy people, defenders of your Motherland, your family. Always be an example for your children so that they want to be like you. We could be proud of you, we always loved and took care of you.

We invite you, dear dads, to show your children now how dexterous you are:

1 competition: “with hoops”;

2nd competition: “fastest dad”:

Guys, did your dads carry you in their arms? Now we'll see how they can quickly get you on your feet. Let's stand on our dads' feet and hold hands, and let's go;

3 competition: “Pilot”

Not only men, but also women serve in the army. Now we'll see who can take off and put on the cap faster, the dads' team or the moms' team.

That's how fast and dexterous your mom and dad guys are, let's give them a round of applause.

Our cooks prepared a treat for everyone.

(to the music, the cooks bring in a pot of food).

Vos.: MBDOU d/c No. 9

Popova Olga Petrovna.


Krasnodar region.

The holiday is coming -
Army is born!
We are for our boys
They added congratulations.
1st girl:
On a February day, a frosty day
Everyone celebrates the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.
2nd girl:
We will not give you flowers:
They are not given to boys.
Girls, a lot of warm words
They will remain in your hearts.
3rd girl:
We wish you forever:
So that you don’t be timid in life,
May it be with you forever
Boyish courage.
4 – I’m a girl:
And all the obstacles on the way
You can overcome it together.
But first, grow up
And you need to grow up.
5 – I’m a girl:
Listen, boys, to us,
We know that on this day you
The second birthday.
6th girl
Be resilient, you
Healthy and strong.
So that your Fatherland,
They could protect.
7 – I'm a girl
Be courageous, be persistent,
Always be brave
Real soldiers
You will then!
There is a song to the tune of “Neighbor” performed by girls.
How can we not have fun?
No jokes this holiday?
Let's try together,
To cheer you up.
We thought and wondered for a long time,
How can we congratulate you?
We're just tired of thinking
We decided to sing this time.
We are from all the girls of the class
Eight congratulations to you.
In this hall on expanse
We will dance and sing.
Listen, boys,
Our song is cheerful.
Not in any textbook
You will never find it.
The lights in the hall go out.
Suddenly a deafening whistle is heard. The company of Babok Yozhek flies in on brooms to the sound of cheerful music.
I'm Grandma:
Well, friends, have you been wandering around, running into each other?
I'm Grandma:
Finally, we got to the house and found ourselves in a dense forest!
I'm Grandma:
After all these Babka Yozhkin presentations and meetings, it’s time to go to the stove
lie down.
1st Grandma:
For me, first you need to refresh yourself, and then collapse on the stove.
2nd Grandma:
Well, where will you find dinner at this time?
3rd Grandma:
Yes, in such darkness you will break your neck.
-I Grandma:
Wait, my sense of smell never fails me...
Little frogs, I smell the human spirit.
Together: Hurray!
2nd Grandma:
There will be someone for us to put on a shovel,
Season with salt, pepper and gravy!
3rd Grandma:
Turn on illumination in the surrounding area!
Let's begin the search operation!
The lights and music turn on.
1st Grandma:
And here they are! Gotcha, darlings!
2nd Grandma:
I'll eat that one with a pickled cucumber.
1st Grandma:
I’ll take this cutie for a roast.
2nd Grandma:
Hey, who's up for the barbecue, quickly, two at a time!
Suddenly one of Babka Yozhek starts crying.
1st Grandma:
Well, why are you crying, little Grandma Yozhka?
3rd Grandmother:
Sisters, I invited them here.
I sent them invitations!
1st and 2nd Grandmas:
How dare you do it without our permission?
3rd Grandmother:
I'm tired of Goblin, Water and other devilry! And here we have real men in the clearing...
1st Grandma:
Eat this and it will be easier.
2nd Grandma:
Why eat? Let's try them out, have fun and play.
1st Grandma
Sometimes human communication is not bad for entertainment.
Let's now recruit a team of brave souls -
Which of you will decide, which of you is ready?
2nd Grandma:
Young and old love games
Who isn't happy to play?!
Some people like games while sitting, while others need to jump,
Frolic, play, have fun with Grandma Yozhka!
1st Grandma:
Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle
He will follow it without fail.
Who will be friendlier?
He will win in battle.

2nd Grandma:
Time for business, time for fun.
Team one - to the right,
Here - become the second!
The competition has begun.
1st competition: Fight of heroes (Arm wrestling)
In ancient times, any decisive battle always began with a battle of heroes. One strongest participant from each team is invited.

2nd competition: Cooks
What specialist can no army do without? Of course, without a cook. And our next competition is a chef competition. 2 people from each team are called.
Each team receives a plate and a set of cards with the names of products: meat, potatoes, cabbage, beans, beets, carrots, onions, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper, vermicelli.
Your task is to cook naval borscht. Choose which of the proposed products you use when preparing borscht.

3rd competition: Drivers
It is known that any man would like to drive a car. The army also has a special category - military drivers. Let's see if you have driving ability. Two participants are invited from each team. Two (four) identical toy cars are placed on the floor, to which ropes with sticks at the end are tied. At the sound of a sound signal accompanied by the music of the “Chauffeurs’ Song,” participants begin to wind the rope around a stick. The one whose car reaches the finish line first wins.
4th competition: Pilots
The next competition is a competition for aircraft designers and pilots. Each team calls up 5 people. The competition consists of two parts:
1) all participants of both teams must construct their own airplanes out of paper. The speed of aircraft production is estimated.
2) flight tests for flight range and beauty.
5th competition: Scouts
Any military operation is impossible without intelligence. One of the most observant participants from each team is called. Within one minute, participants need to study and remember the presented set of objects (spoon, scissors, felt-tip pen, notepad, ruler, cube, ball, screwdriver, tape cassette, tablets, battery, comb). And then, within two minutes, list all the objects you saw.

6th competition: Signalmen
And now, guys, I suggest you work as cryptographers who use a key to decipher intelligence reports. Each team is given a card with encryption and a key. Your task is to decipher the proverbs (connect the beginning and ending).

Proverbs for the 1st team:
Stand together for peace -
you won't take the fortress.
Without courage...
there will be no war.
A machine gun and a shovel -
soldier's friends.
Proverbs for the 2nd team:
Hit the enemy with a rifle
he will defeat his enemies.
Who skillfully wields weapons,
fame is friends with that.
Who serves honestly
hit and skill.
7th competition: Shooters

A sharp shooter has always been highly valued in the army. Let's see how accurate you are. All team members participate. Competition in throwing at a target (you need to hit the bucket with lumps of newspaper).
8th competition: Military everyday life
Any soldier must be able to hem a collar, sew up clothes, and sew on a button. Three (four) participants from each team are called. Their task is to sew buttons to a piece of fabric in three minutes. The accuracy and speed of work completion is assessed.
9th competition: Captains competition

1. What sailors serve on.
3. What all soldiers protect.
5. Lies in the ground, if stepped on, it will explode.
6. What does the soldier have on his feet?
7. Alone in the field is not...
8. What they throw and say: “Get down!”

2. Which animal sometimes also serves?
4. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up?
8. Hospital for wounded soldiers.
9. Special pocket for a pistol.
10. Equipment for air border protection.
11. Winter outerwear soldier
12. Vehicle on tracks.




12. Tank
10th competition: Literary competition
Any military man must be a cultured and educated person. Your task is to determine which literary work this passage is from. Who is the author of this work? (Quotations from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tales “Flint” and “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” are read out).
1st passage:
“A soldier was walking along the road: one-two! One-two! A satchel on his back, a saber on his side - he had won his way, and now he was on his way to home. When suddenly an old witch came towards him.
“Good evening, servant,” she said. Your saber is nice, your backpack is big. Well done soldier. And now you will have as much money as you want - you see an old tree, climb into the hollow..."

2nd excerpt: “Once upon a time there were 25 brother soldiers in the world. They were very beautiful: a gun on their shoulder, their chest on a wheel, looking straight ahead, and what a magnificent uniform. It’s a miracle, what kind of soldiers!”... All the soldiers were exactly the same, and only one was a little different from the rest: he had only one leg.
11th competition: At a halt
Teams take turns singing ditties about dads.
Better than dad person
You can’t find it in the whole world!
He can hammer nails
And rinse the laundry.
I love daddy
Like sweet candy,
I won't replace him with anyone,
Even chocolate.
And my dad is just awesome!
Soon he will buy KAMAZ
He will give me a ride
Get straight A's in school!
If dad is sad,
I look sad
Well, if he smiles,
The heart will beat joyfully.
And my dad is smarter than everyone else
And my dad is stronger than everyone.
Knows how much 5 + 5
Can lift the barbell!
And my dad is the kindest of all,
Loves all my friends.
He cooks semolina porridge himself,
It won't force you to wash the dishes.
Dear daddies,
Our beauties,
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you all the best!
Summing up the results of competitions and awarding the winners
Our holiday is coming to an end,
The jury sums up our results,
In order for us not to grieve, we need to sing a song.
Girls and boys take turns singing verses from the song “From what, from what”

Are our boys done?
Of freckles and firecrackers,
From rulers and batteries
Our boys are done.
From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From flowers and bells,
From notebooks and glances
Our girls are done.

Are our boys done?
From springs and pictures,
From glass and blotters
Our boys are done.
From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From handkerchiefs and balls,
From riddles and marmalades
Our girls are done.
Grandmothers Yozhki perform congratulatory ditties for boys:
Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
Don't look at us like that -
We can be shy!
We sing for you today
And we have the same motive,
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really, really want
Your class is all boys
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Someone's having fun!
Don't yawn in class
Be careful everyone
And good grades
There will definitely be!
Wake up the boys at night
In the very middle,
They will tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!
The third quarter is already in full swing
The clock ticked
And the boys dream:
It would be vacation again!
It's all boys in class
Even very good
And change comes -
Don't look for mercy!
And our boys are very
They love to run and play.
And they promise to study
Four and five!
All the ditties were sung,
Yes, that's how good we are!
Clap more friendly
We tried our best!
2nd Grandma:
Ugh! They jumped and jumped...
And, of course, we got hungry.
3rd Grandma:
So, we select a dozen well-fed
And onto the shovels, we'll brown them for dinner.
1st Grandmother:
Are you on your own again?
The guys and I had a lot of fun
And even, in my opinion, they became friends.
But you don’t communicate with friends like that. (Fly away)
1st girl:
Well done boys!
Let's say in everyday terms we
To all game participants:
Men are growing before our eyes:
Restless and stubborn
Agile, fast and strong.
2nd girl:
Let's be friends with each other
Like birds with the sky,
Like the wind through the meadow,
Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rains,
How friendly the sun is...
All. With all of us.
V. End of the holiday
Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and loud laughter,
For the excitement of competition, which ensured success.
Now the moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be brief:
We say: “Goodbye, happy new meetings!”

February 23. Scenario. Middle group

Preparing for the festive event

Balloons and flags are prepared for each child; a fabric tunnel attached at one end to a large hoop; cap, belt, toy machine - two sets; tables with laid out parts of a large LEGO construction set and sample diagrams.


Presenter (adult).

The progress of the holiday

Children with balloons enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Leading. Today is a big holiday - our day native army, Defender of the Fatherland Day; Our whole country celebrates it on February 23rd.

1st child

So that there is a Fatherland

Hard like granite

Army dear

Standing at his post.

2nd child

Airplanes in the sky

Ships at sea

Guarding the open spaces

Russian land.

3rd child

Army dear

Nice and strong.

Peaceful power

At the end of the dance, children throw balls up and shout “Hurray!”.

Leading. Children, do you know what qualities a soldier should have? What does a soldier need to serve well in the army?

The children answer.

Everything you said is correct. But the most important quality a soldier must have is courage. No wonder they say that the city takes courage. To become brave, you need to be able to overcome your fear. Many of you are probably afraid of the dark. Is it true? Let's try to be brave. Look how long and dark our tunnel is. Try crawling through it.

Children take turns crawling through a fabric tunnel attached on one side to a large hoop..

Well done boys! You have shown your courage.

Let the boy still be a baby,

Small in stature - no problem!

A coward can become an adult

And never to the brave!

I am very glad that we have so many brave guys. The soldier must also be strong. After all, sometimes you have to fight hand-to-hand with enemies. And to become strong, a soldier does exercises every morning.

Exercises to the song “About exercise” by D. Lvov-Kompaneets

Leading. Another soldier must be fast. If the alarm sounds at night, he must jump out of bed and get dressed in a minute. Let's try to dress as quickly as a soldier.

Game "Anxiety"

Two children are participating. On the chairs are a cap, a belt and a toy machine gun. At the sound of musical cymbals, children quickly put a cap on their heads, fasten their belts and throw the machine gun over their shoulders.

Leading. Our guys did a great job! What else should a soldier be like? Of course, smart. After all, he must, if necessary, be able to show ingenuity. Now we are exercising our minds.

Far from your country

They go to sea... (ships).

The sea ice has split

With a sharp nose... (icebreaker).

Who taxied there for takeoff?

Reactive plane).

This bird is flying towards the stars,

Overtakes the sound... (rocket).

A soldier must also be educated. Today the army has a lot of sophisticated equipment. The soldier must be able to control it. This means he needs to study. Listen to what the soldier writes in the letter.

1st child

My brother has gone far away

He is now our soldier.

I send letters, I’m not lazy:

What are you doing there, Petrus?

2nd child

Brother Petrus answers:

- I'm learning, learning, learning,

After all, a soldier needs to know

How to protect your land!

Leading. A soldier needs to know and be able to do a lot. After all, sometimes these machines break down, and the soldier has to repair them himself. Our military vehicles also broke down. Fix them, kids.

Children come to the tables on which there are car parts (large LEGO construction sets) and assemble planes, tanks, cars, trains, ships. (You can give the children another task: assemble a cut-out picture on a military theme.)

A soldier also knows how to be obedient. For a soldier, the commander's word is law. He carries out orders from the first word and is never capricious.

Physical education lesson “Be attentive”

Children perform movements according to the text.

They stood up straight and pulled themselves up.

Hands reached out to the sun.

Hands to the sides, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

We squat and stand up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher.

Children, stop! One-two!

So the game is over.

Leading. And the soldier also knows how to make friends. After all, you can defeat the enemy only with your comrades. There is even a proverb: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.” Do you know how to make friends?

Children. Yes!

Leading. I am sure that when you grow up, you will also become defenders of our Motherland.

1st child

We play, we play

We are infantry, sailors.

We launch rockets

We love ringing blades.

2nd child

We dream, we dream

That when we grow up,

We will become infantrymen

And we'll go serve in the navy.

3rd child

To the border and to sappers,

To pilots, to the submarine fleet.

We will grow up very soon,

In the meantime, the game is on.

Song “Festive March” by A. Filippenko

Children take flags and sing.


And now, baby,

Let's shout to the army...


Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Children wave flags.

Based on materials from the book by M. Yu. Kartushina “Feast of the Defender of the Fatherland”

Lesson topic: I would become a pilot...

Program content: Introduce children to the national holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. Form the concepts of military air, land and sea transport. Differentiate professions by branch of the military. Introduce preschoolers to Russian festive culture. To develop children's sense of curiosity, visual and auditory attention. Form moral and aesthetic taste. To instill in preschoolers a good attitude towards their grandfather and father, to instill a feeling of pride and joy that grandfather and father served in the army and defended our Fatherland and us.

Material: newspaper “Our grandfathers defended, our fathers protect. Well, we won’t let you down!” Cut-out pictures for the didactic game “What does a defender need?” Dunno doll. World map. Cards depicting military professions: military pilot, tankman, artilleryman, sailor. Cards depicting modes of transport: military air, land and water.

Progress of the lesson

Dunno comes in, greets the children and asks a question:

Why is it so joyful today, everyone is smiling, the city streets are festively decorated? (children's answers are discussed: today is a special holiday. Today is the holiday of our brothers, our dads, our grandfathers. Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day)

— What is Defender of the Fatherland Day?

The teacher invites the children to explain to Dunno what Defender of the Fatherland Day means.

The children, together with the teacher and Dunno, look at the newspaper that the children designed together with their parents - “Our grandfathers defended this world. Our fathers protect this world. Well, we won’t let them down!”

Guys, first we will tell Dunno how our grandfathers defended this world.

- It was a long time ago when your dads were like you are now.

What were your grandfathers like then? (like our dads)

Your fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers lived well and happily. Our country is large and hospitable. Look at the map, this is what our country is like, Russia.

The teacher shows the children the borders of Russia on a map.

But then the enemy decided to attack our country and seize our lands.

What do you think the Russian people did? (the answers are discussed and lead to the fact that the Russian people stood up to defend Russia, their Motherland)

Look, children, at the map. If the enemy attacks us from the sea, what should we do? (defend our borders from the sea).

What do we need to have for this? (ships, boats)

Who will control the ships and boats? (sailors, captains)

What will the names of ships and boats that participate in hostilities be called? (warships, military boats)

If the enemy attacks us from the air, what should we do? (protect our borders from the air)

What do we need to have for this? (military aircraft and helicopters)

Why did you decide that they would be called military? (because they will participate in hostilities)

Who will fly military aircraft and helicopters? (military pilots)

And if the enemy attacks us from land, what should we do? (protect our borders on land)

What do we need to have for this? (military vehicles, tanks, guns, etc.)

Who will drive military vehicles, tanks, armored personnel carriers, etc.? (military drivers, tank crews, artillerymen, etc.)

Held didactic game“How did our grandfathers defend this world?”

Children take turns choosing a card on the table depicting a military profession: military pilot, tankman, artilleryman, sailor. They select the appropriate type of transport: air, land or water (plane, helicopter, tank, armored personnel carrier, gun, ship, etc.). Then they occupy a place on the border of our Motherland.

Our grandfathers proudly defended peace in our Motherland because they had military equipment. But what else did they have, the most important thing, without which it would have been impossible to win? What were our grandfathers like? (children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that one must passionately love one’s Motherland. Be brave, courageous, courageous, etc.)

The war is over, peacetime has come. But why do we say that our grandfathers defended this world, and our fathers protect this peace on our land? (the children’s answers are discussed, leading to the conclusion that the enemy may attack again and we need to protect our borders)

Guys, why are all your dads in military uniform in the photos? Is the war over? (the children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that all dads once served in the army.)

What is an army? (children’s answers are discussed: soldiers serve in the army who guard and protect us.)

The army protects the borders of our Motherland. These are the borders that our grandfathers defended in the war.

Who can show these borders on a map? (one of the children shows the boundaries on land, by the sea and in the air. If the children find it difficult, the teacher reminds and shows it himself).

Whose dad was a sailor and defended our borders at sea?

My dad was a sailor. His name is Maxim Vladimirovich. He served in the navy as a captain. He was very brave. I love him and want to be like my dad.

Whose dad was a military pilot and defended our air borders?

My dad defended the air borders of our Motherland. My dad's name is Igor Andreevich. He was an airborne paratrooper and jumped with a parachute. I love him very much and will be like my dad.

Whose dad defended our borders on land?

My dad was a tank driver when he served in the army. We keep my dad’s military uniform and helmet at home. My dad gave me this helmet. When I grow up, I will also serve in the army as a tank driver.

What should tank crews, military paratroopers, and sailors be like in order to defend our Motherland with honor and dignity? (children's answers: strong, brave, brave, etc.)

Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day. How do you understand the word Fatherland? (children’s answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that the Fatherland is our fathers, our Motherland, our country, everything that is most important and important in life)

You will grow up soon. And you will also serve in the army to protect us and our entire country.

Held didactic game “What does a border guard need?”

On the table are cut-out pictures (helmet, rifle, machine gun, pistol, binoculars, bowler hat, mug, etc.). Children must collect them and explain why the soldier needs this item.

It is customary to give gifts to all dads on this holiday. What can you and I give to our dads? (the answers are discussed and lead to the fact that it is necessary to prepare gifts, a concert and invite beloved fathers, brothers and grandfathers)

At the end of the lesson, Dunno thanks the children and promises to come next time.


Author: Natalya Anatolyevna Kichigina, teacher of MADOU No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg region.
Description. I propose a scenario sports festival for children and parents of the middle group “Preschool children are brave guys!” This summary will be of interest to teachers preschool institutions, as well as instructors physical culture who work with children of this age category.
Target: expand children's ideas about public holiday, and defenders of the Fatherland. To cultivate love for the Motherland and the desire to grow up to be like brave and skillful soldiers.
Equipment: 2 cones; projectiles for throwing according to the number of children; 2 baskets; 6 small hoops; 2 tunnels; 2 chairs; jump rope; 6 origami tulips; candies; 4 baskets; 2 sundresses; 4 scarves. Children enter the hall to the sounds of a march. They stop at the central wall in a semicircle, facing the audience.
Today is our army day,
And she is no longer young.
Hello defenders of the people!
Hello Russian army!
Children (in chorus): Hello!
Children read poetry
Our Russian army
And brave and strong,
Without threatening anyone,
She protects us!

Russian Army Holiday
Coming in February
Glory to the Russian army -
The most peaceful on earth!
Children sing the song “The Fighters Are Coming”

Today is the holiday of real men. After all, only real men can be defenders of the Motherland. Look, we have a lot of men in the hall - these are your dads, who, like real men, are always ready to defend their Motherland. And our boys strive to grow up to be real men.
Boys read poetry
Now I can't cry
There is a reason for this -
Yesterday my dad told me
That he and I are men.

Men are not afraid
Stay without mom
Men are being toughened up
And they play sports.

The border guard doesn't whine,
And the rocket scientist doesn’t whine,
Even if it falls
And he will break his knee,
Because bruises
Nothing for a soldier!

We are still preschoolers
And we walk like soldiers!
Children perform the musical and rhythmic composition “Fun Exercise”

You guys sang together
Like brave soldiers.
To become a real fighter,

Both brave and daring,
We need, friends, effort,
Dexterity, strength, knowledge!
And I'll check on you now
Let's start the competition
And the first task
On accuracy and attention.
Now, let’s check which guys are sharp shooters.
Relay "Sharp Shooter"
The relay race involves two teams of 8 people. Each child holds a throwing projectile in his hands. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the starting line, in front of each team, dads stand with baskets in their hands. The dad's task is to catch all the shells without leaving the spot.

Leading. You have completed the task, but a real soldier must not only be accurate, but also have endurance in order to overcome any obstacles on the way to the goal. Now our goal will be to obtain shells.
Relay "Obstacle Course"
Teams need to overcome an obstacle course: cross a swamp over hummocks, crawl through a tunnel, get shells and run back to the team.
Leading. Look, our guys completed the task and overcame the obstacle course. Probably their dads taught them such dexterity. Now we’ll see how clever the dads are.
Attraction for dads “Pull out the jump rope”
2 dads sit on chairs with their backs to each other. To the music, dads move around the chairs; when the music ends, they quickly sit down and pull the jump rope out from under the chair.
Yes, our dads showed their dexterity and quick reaction. The military training is immediately visible. Every spring and autumn, boys go to serve in the army. They become defenders of our Motherland.
Children read poetry
Once upon a time to serve in the army
And the time will come for us
We will live differently
The game will end.

And someone will drive the tank,
And someone will fly up in a plane.
And someone, maybe like me, wouldn't mind
Serve your country in the navy.

I really, really dream
Hurry up to become a soldier,
To my dear mother
And defend Russia!
Game “Pilots to the airfield!”
All children participate. Children sit at the side wall on their right knee - this is an airfield. Arms bent at elbows, at chest level. To the music, children slowly start their engines, rise to their feet, open their straight arms to the sides, imitating airplane wings, and easily run in one direction around the hall. At the end of the music, the planes return to the airfield and drop to their right knee. The game is repeated 2 times.

There are many military professions - sailors, pilots, tank crews, and there was also such a military profession - cavalrymen. The cavalrymen were carried into battle by fast horses. Well, in childhood, the best horse... is of course... your beloved dad.
I jumped on my horse
And I hold on with my hands
Look at me
I went to my mother.
Relay "Cavalrymen"
Two teams of 6 people with dads are participating. The father sits the child on his shoulders, each child holds a tulip in his hands. Mothers stand from the riders at a distance of 5-6 meters. At a signal, dads take their children to their moms. The first team of riders to give the mothers flowers wins.
And also a responsible military profession - intelligence officer. The scout's goal is to find out all the enemy's secrets, all his weaknesses. And most importantly, everything needs to be done quietly. Sometimes even in complete darkness.
I want to become a scout -
It suits your liking, it's up to you.
I'll prove it to you now.
I am resourceful and brave:
Mom hid the sweets
I scouted out where - and ate it!
Now we’ll see how our guys and dads can get secret information in complete darkness.
Game "Who can collect the most candy"
Father and child participate. All players are blindfolded and given baskets in their hands. Candy is scattered on the floor. At the signal, participants begin to collect candies by touch. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Very often, in order to be unnoticed, real intelligence officers have to disguise themselves.
Game "Disguise"
Dad and child participate. At the signal, they must disguise themselves: put on a sundress and tie a scarf. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Our dads managed the disguise quite cleverly. Yes, and our boys showed skill, agility and endurance today. Now we see that real men are growing up among us. They will grow up as big as dad and will protect mom. Our dear dads, the guys have prepared a surprise for you.
Children perform ditties
You couldn’t find a better person than your dad in the whole world.
He can hammer in nails and rinse clothes

And my dad is kinder than everyone, he loves all my friends.
He’ll cook semolina porridge for us and won’t force us to wash the dishes.

And my dad is smarter than everyone, and my dad is stronger than everyone.
He knows how many 5+5 he can lift the barbell.

I love daddy like sweet candy.
I can’t replace it with anything, not even chocolate.

If dad is sad, I look sad.
Well, if he smiles, his heart will beat joyfully.

Everyone sings together
Dear daddies, our darlings,
We sincerely congratulate you, we wish you happiness and joy!

We congratulate our men on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only during exercises
The soldier went forward to attack.
Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature will be from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today?
And who repaid the debt to the Motherland in full!
To the sounds of the march, the children leave the hall.