Presentation on Teacher's Day for colleges.  Presentations for Teacher's Day for class and extracurricular activities, download for free

Presentation on Teacher's Day for colleges. Presentations for Teacher's Day for class and extracurricular activities, download for free

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Profession "Teacher"
To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. Vasily Klyuchevsky

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General characteristics of the profession
A teacher is a unique profession, beyond time, fashion and geography. Being one of ancient professions, it remains necessary and in demand to this day.

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History of the profession
Once upon a time, when there was no division of labor, all the eldest, most experienced representatives of the tribe/community became teachers.

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History of the profession
Then teachers became people who mastered this or that craft and passed on this or that skill/knowledge.

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The beginning of the development of pedagogy dates back to ancient centuries. Pedagogy arose in the form of rules and instructions for adults on caring for children and monitoring their behavior. Pedagogical traditions that laid the foundation for the development of pedagogy as a science appeared in Ancient Greece in the V-IV centuries BC. The Athenian and Spartan education systems are of particular interest.

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The Athenian system of education assumed the beginning of education at the age of 7, when the teacher (the so-called black slave) took the child to school, where he first went through reading and counting, then it was the turn of literary and aesthetic education. A large role was also given to physical education (running, jumping, swimming, javelin and discus throwing). The Spartan education system focused on developing fortitude, physical endurance, and character building.

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Athenian education system
Spiritual education

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Spartan education system
Physical education

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Education in the Middle Ages was mainly religious in nature

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It was only in the 18th and 19th centuries that teaching as an officially recognized profession became a mass phenomenon in Europe and throughout the world.

On the eve of the approaching professional holiday Teacher's Day, every school is faced with the question of finding a new high-quality and original script. From large selection For holiday scripts posted on the Internet, it is sometimes difficult to find competent, thoughtful material that requires minor correction.

Scenario for the Teacher's Day holiday - goals, objectives and preparation

Goals and objectives :

instilling in all participants in teaching and educational activities a respectful attitude towards the work of a teacher and the profession of a teacher;

improving the quality of mutual understanding and communication between the teacher and students;

Scenario for the Teacher's Day holiday - a brief description of the development

During festive event, the presenters, honor their teachers in poetic form, saying the words of gratitude and appreciation they rightfully deserve. Remembering the Greek meaning of the word "teacher", the guys take those present into the history of the origin of this honorable profession.

Musical numbers alternate with interesting statements from the presenters, among which there was room for the teachers themselves to show their ingenuity. Teachers, distributed according to methodological associations, departments or other criteria, receive entertaining creative tasks. Teachers are offered tasks such as:

1) Guess the proverb if its explanation or meaning is known.

2) Remember works of art in which the numeral appears in the title "three".

3) Based on the dog’s name, remember the title of the work in which it is mentioned.

For each task in the development, there are many questions that can also be supplemented if desired. Another group of teachers, the largest, is invited to participate in the competition "What? How? and Why?, where they also need to show dexterity in finding answers to unusual questions.

Organizing a festive event according to the scenario proposed to you will not leave anyone indifferent and will allow the heroes of the occasion - teachers - to receive a lot of pleasure and well-deserved congratulations addressed to them. Download detailed Teacher's Day holiday script possible at the beginning of the article. You can view the presentation right here below using the player ↓

TEACHER'S DAY October 5th is World Teacher's Day, a holiday that is more often called simply TEACHER'S DAY. This is truly a holiday, because the work of a teacher is not just work, it is an art, difficult and responsible, but very rewarding. Only thanks to teachers, people can do a lot - not only write a letter, but also govern the country. Without teachers there would be no achievements and discoveries; one might say that there would be nothing. Every person, famous and not so famous, began his journey into big life with the first lesson, in which the first teacher told him that he was expecting more children in later life.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 29, 1965, Teachers' Day was celebrated on the first Sunday in October, this was the case until 1994, until the President of the Russian Federation appointed a specific date as Teachers' Day - October 5th, and now every year on October 5th all teachers in the country are congratulated on this wonderful holiday .

Teacher's Day is the most beautiful and kindest professional holiday, in which teachers accept congratulations from current and former students. The whole day is filled with a good mood, flowers and gifts are everywhere, which are given to teachers. Usually on this day there is a mandatory concert in schools, organized by school pupils; there is also a long-standing tradition - self-government day - lessons are taught not by teachers, but by high school students.

A teacher is not only a person who teaches children science, but also an example to follow, in every sense - moral, spiritual. Almost all children follow the example of their mentors, some try to look like their favorite teacher, others want to become as smart and educated, so they try to study as well as possible. Raising the younger generation is a mission that teachers themselves have chosen in their lives; raising a worthy generation is the goal of every teacher’s life.

In the east, the word “teacher” is written with a capital letter, thus expressing deep respect and respect for people of this profession. And indeed, a real teacher is not just a person who gives knowledge - it is a person who completely devotes himself to children, who knows no rest day or night, these people have no breaks or vacations. You have to be born a teacher; you cannot become one. Only when we become adults do we begin to understand that, requiring certain efforts and knowledge, teachers put a lot of work into us and this is not just a whim, but a desire to help us become a worthy person in the future. Everything that teachers do deserves the most sincere recognition and gratitude.

Teachers, teachers... There are no kinder professions! Stand firmly at the helm, opening the door for the child. The teacher is the most faithful friend, He will not betray, he will not betray, And if something happens suddenly, He will give his hand to everyone. How difficult this work is: Understand and teach. Students and doctors always go to the teacher... You walk into a bright classroom when, You can’t help but notice, Always so cute, Tired eyes. Oh, how courageous this work is: Bullies, naughty people... Sometimes they stubbornly lie to your face. You must understand them. Teachers, teachers... There are no kinder professions! Stand firmly at the helm, Opening to the child.

L. Ulanova's comic poem can be used as one of the numbers of the festive school concert for.

The performance of the readers, accompanied by a presentation in which you need to insert photographs of all the teachers of the school, will become a moment of humor in the festive event, will lift your spirits and make the holiday fun.

IN autumn day, when the first frosts are still creeping timidly, the school celebrates Teacher's Day. Teacher is a dear word for each of us; its sounds contain our childhood and youth, the first steps towards knowledge, the first word read, the joy of first victories.

Teacher's Day is the brightest and most wonderful holiday, because for each of us the teacher, like a guiding star, leads us from the first school days through a complex but interesting land of knowledge. Any discovery in the world begins with a teacher; it is difficult to imagine what would happen on earth if there were no such specialty as a teacher.

The presentation can be used as an independent component or as a screensaver before the start of a festive event.

For correct viewing, the folder with the resource and music file must be extracted from the archive (required!)

Target audience: for teachers

The video is dedicated to the holiday, which is celebrated annually on October 5 by all teachers in our country. The video will give you pleasant moments that fill your soul with warmth, joy, love, and kindness. The gift was made by the teacher to congratulate colleagues on the holiday.

Target audience: for teachers

The professional holiday of teachers appeared in the USSR calendar in 1965 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. The first Sunday in October was set as the day of celebration. In 1994, President Russian Federation A resolution was adopted to move Teachers' Day to a fixed date designated by the international community - October 5. is a great reason to thank those who have chosen an important and difficult profession.

Target audience: for teachers

The video clip will give you pleasant moments that fill your soul with warmth, joy, love, and kindness. The gift for teachers was compiled in the PhotoSHOW PRO program. Duration 3 minutes

Goal: formation of civic and moral guidelines, respect for the profession of Teacher.

Target audience: for teachers

This work may well decorate the beginning or ending of a festive event, and will also help ease the hard work of deputy directors for educational work. The presentation contains congratulations to almost all subject teachers, including the director, head teacher and librarian. In addition, the work is decorated with wonderful musical accompaniment “Dedicated to the Teachers of Moscow...” performed by the Domisolka group. Good luck, colleagues! All the best to you!

On the first of September, on the streets of cities and villages in Russia and the CIS countries, you can meet joyful, beautifully dressed children and students: a new beginning begins academic year. This day is especially exciting for first-graders and first-year students: for both, a new stage in life begins.

We often forget that this day is exciting not only for children and their parents, but also for teachers. Among them there are also “new kids”, teachers primary classes And class teachers who took their first class. Teachers ask themselves questions: How will my students greet me? Will I be able to interest them? Will they trust me? What kind of relationship will there be with their parents?

The first impression the teacher makes on students and parents is of great importance, so teachers are very responsible when choosing a topic. What would a class hour be without a presentation? And in PowerPoint presentations“everything should be perfect”: the content, the background, and the template.

What should be the presentation on September 1?

Presentations during the holiday help create an emotional mood, as well as highlight the main points of the speech. During the organizational moment on September 1, in the presentation on the screen you can show: the names of all teachers, the schedule of lessons and bells. But the main thing in the presentation is the creation emotional mood for the coming academic year, creating motivation, forming positive attitude to school, studies, classmates and teachers. Therefore, PowerPoint backgrounds on Knowledge Day are usually bright, light, and festive.

Templates about school traditionally depict the usual school attributes:

  • pens and pencils;
  • satchels and backpacks;
  • school boards;
  • students, first graders with flowers;
  • teachers;
  • notebooks and diaries, textbooks;
  • letters, examples;
  • etc.

Many of the patterns are associated with autumn: they are made in orange-brown tones with the image maple leaves, rowan, fruit. Such templates can be used not only during the holiday, but also when creating any presentation on a school topic.

This section presents templates and backgrounds for presentations on a school theme, including those for Knowledge Day on September 1. Watch, select, download and share with your colleagues. We're sure you'll find plenty of school PowerPoint templates for the entire school year ahead.

We wish you success in your teaching and learning!